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<<Presenter>> <<Date>>

<<Pres_St>> Registered Return Receipt: <<Return_Receipt>>
<<Pres_City>>, <<Pres_State>> <<Pres_Zip>>


Dear <<Presenter>>:

Due to your failure/refusal to provide me with a copy of the fiduciary tax estimate and tax
return requested by me on ________________ for adjustment of your action(s) in <<Incident>>,
being your personal conduct in the events you are accountable for and accepted by me, the
holder, prior to this failure/refusal; I hereby make my “Second request”. The same is a
charge back to my account charging you with the dishonor for value.

Please adjust this account immediately.

Income is corporate income, and the Fiduciary of that corporate entity is in possession of
taxable income (a criminal charge) by virtue of the corporations promise to pay (a promissory
note) held by the attorney in that business organization having the fiduciary obligation to make
the Fiduciary tax Return to the principle for the adjustment of the account. That attorney is
eligible for a criminal charge against his/her person if the requested adjustment has not been
returned to the principle. The account is exempt only after adjustment.

Since you repudiate your obligation to provide me with adjustment of my account as first
requested, and you continue to leave your claim to remain against me after I gave you notice, the
account is Exempt From Levy and I accepted the same for value; you leave me the option to
place this information with the Internal Revenue Service (and the Local State Tax Department of
Revenue, and or Securities and Exchange, OPTIONAL) with my request to them for the
fiduciary tax estimate and fiduciary tax return to determine who has failed to adjust my account
that is pre-paid and priority exempt. This request is made in accord with public policy - - the
Three (3) day Truth-in-Lending for settlement of this commercial agreement.

Until then, I am ...

Very truly yours,

<<My_First>> <<My_Middle>> <<My_Last>>

<<My_City>>, <<My_State>> <<My_Zip>>
My Employer I.D. #: <<My_Employer_ID>>

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