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Jorge Alberto Arciniegas Badillo Code:15201103

For years, particularly netwrks, the points at which periodic sampling to ensure that they
comply with minimum water quality stards. Althogh tday these cmpanies have excellent
computer tools to model the tifically choose these points. In particular, the decay
coefficients of chlorine, th body and wall, are not available. Despite this limitation,
methodologies have been developed and implemented with the aim of designing sensor
networks that guarantee monitoring of water quality in distribution systems, but these
involve a high degree of uncertainty. In the research object of this article, a methodology
was developed that would allow in this environment of few data, to choose water quality
monitoring points (PMC) that responded simultaneously to two typical problems of
distribution networks. On the one hand, the aim was to guarantee the quality of the water,
as measured by a chlorine residual, using software developed for this study, and on the
other hand to detect problems of water coloring (a phenomenon in which water reaches a
set of water). users have a different color than transparent, affecting the perception of
quality by said users) due to the detachment of biofilms, making use of the TEVA-SPOT
program (Berry et al., 2008). This last approach can be developed under the optimization of
multiple objective functions according to the type of protection that one wishes to
guarantee, against the coloration events. The new methodology was applied successfully in
the 37 hydraulic sectors in which the drinking water network of the city of Bogotá,
Colombia (approximately 8,000,000 inhabitants) is divided. Finally, although the study was
carried out for the 37 sectors, one of these sectors was taken, as an example for this
document, as a type network. The results show that both methodologies are reliable and that
the design of the sensor network depends on the objective to be optimized. Published in
technology and water sciences: ISSN 2007-2422

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