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Pediatr Nephrol

DOI 10.1007/s00467-016-3555-6


Anemia in nephrotic syndrome: approach

to evaluation and treatment
Franca Iorember 1 & Diego Aviles 1

Received: 5 October 2016 / Revised: 22 November 2016 / Accepted: 29 November 2016

# IPNA 2016

Abstract Nephrotic syndrome is one of the most common Introduction

glomerular diseases that affect in children. Complications
may occur in nephrotic syndrome as a result of the disease Children with nephrotic syndrome are prone to a number of
itself as well as its treatment. Most of these complications complications, including infections, thromboembolism, endo-
result from excessive urinary protein losses, and control crine, mineral and bone disorders, anemia, intravascular vol-
of proteinuria is the most effective treatment strategy. ume depletion, acute kidney injury and complications associ-
Anemia is one of the many complications seen in patients ated with immunosuppression therapy. Much of the morbidity
with persistent nephrotic syndrome and may occur as a in nephrotic syndrome is due to the significant loss of plasma
result of excessive urinary losses of iron, transferrin, proteins of various molecular weights in the urine, including
erythropoietin, transcobalamin and/or metals. This leads albumin, coagulation factors, immunoglobulins, transferrin,
to a deficiency of substrates necessary for effective eryth- erythropoietin and hormone-binding proteins (Table 1).
ropoiesis, requiring supplementation in order to correct Trace minerals and micronutrients are also lost in this process.
the anemia. Supplementation of iron and erythropoietin Taken together, these losses lead to significant alterations in
alone often does not lead to correction of the anemia, the plasma concentrations of these proteins and minerals [1,
suggesting other possible mechanisms which need further 2]. Although data on the prevalence of anemia in patients with
investigation. A clear understanding of the pathophysio- nephrotic syndrome is limited, available information suggest
logic mechanisms of anemia in nephrotic syndrome is that anemia may be a frequent complication in these patients.
necessary to guide appropriate therapy, but only limited Feinstein and his group showed a prevalence of 59% in their
evidence is currently available on the precise etiologic study population [3], with most of the patients with anemia
mechanisms of anemia in nephrotic syndrome. In this re- having steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. This result is
view we focus on the current state of knowledge on the consistent with the experience at our center where approxi-
pathogenesis of anemia in nephrotic syndrome. mately 28% of our population of patients with nephrotic syn-
drome have had anemia during the course of their disease
(unpublished data). A common denominator in these anemic
Keywords Anemia in nephrotic syndrome . Erythropoiesis . patients is the persistent or therapy-resistant nature of their
Erythropoietin deficiency . Iron hemostasis . Proteinuria nephrotic syndrome. Although the pathophysiologic mecha-
nisms of anemia of chronic kidney disease are well established
[4, 5], the mechanisms of anemia in nephrotic syndrome in the
setting of normal renal function are complex and incompletely
understood [6]. Experience in our center has shown that the
* Diego Aviles
correction of anemia in patients with persistent or therapy-
resistant nephrotic syndrome and normal kidney function
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics,
can be challenging, despite adequate iron and erythropoietin
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 200 Henry Clay supplementation, suggesting the involvement of multiple eti-
Avenue, Rm 4241, Now Orleans, LA 70118, USA ologic mechanisms in these patients. While some mechanisms
Pediatr Nephrol

Table 1 Molecular weight of

some of the proteins and Proteins/micronutrients Molecular weight Comment
substances excreted in the urine of (Da)
patients with nephrotic syndrome
Albumin 69,000 The most abundant protein in plasma
Transferrin 80,000 Transports iron in plasma
Soluble transferrin 74,000 Plasma levels elevated in iron deficiency
Ceruloplasmin 132, 000 Transports copper in plasma
Transcobalamin I 120,000 Binds vitamin B12 in plasma
Transcobalamin II 36,000 Transports vitamin B12 in plasma
Vitamin B12 1,355 A non-protein micronutrient
Erythropoietin 30,400 Necessary for erythropoiesis
Immunoglobulin G 150,000 The smallest immunoglobulin
Retinol-binding protein 21,000 Transports vitamin A alcohol from liver to peripheral
Beta-2 microglobulin 11,000 Low molecular weight protein
Alpha-1 microglobulin 26,000 Low molecular weight protein

have been defined and available evidence is compelling, other transferrin [8, 9]. Iron is transported to the bone marrow bound
proposed etiologic factors have yet to be clearly elucidated. to transferrin and is then taken up by erythrocyte precursors
Currently, only limited data on the pathophysiologic mecha- for erythropoiesis, a process facilitated by erythropoietin.
nisms of anemia in nephrotic syndrome are available, and Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein produced mainly by
clearly more research needs to be done to better define these peritubular fibroblasts in the kidney, although hepatocytes
mechanisms. are the major sites of production in the fetus and neonate
[12]. Erythropoietin circulates in plasma with a plasma half-
life of 7–8 h and binds to high-affinity receptors present on the
surface of erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. This
Normal iron homeostasis and erythropoiesis binding allows the maturation of these precursor cells into
erythrocytes [12, 13].
Iron plays a crucial role in erythropoiesis, and its deficiency
leads to anemia. In the normal healthy adult, recycled iron
from aged erythrocytes, a process driven by macrophages, is
the major source of iron for erythropoiesis (approximately 15– Mechanisms of anemia in nephrotic syndrome
25 mg/day), with a minimal contribution from intestinal ab-
sorption [7, 8] (Fig. 1). Whole body iron is primarily regulated Altered iron and transferrin homeostasis
at the level of absorption by enterocytes, and the major iron
storage organs in the body are the liver and spleen, where iron Iron deficiency anemia has been reported in both adult and
is stored in macrophages and hepatocytes in the form of ferri- pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome. This type of ane-
tin [7–9]. Iron is released from storage cells into plasma mia has been attributed to increased urinary losses of iron and
through an exporter called ferroportin, a transmembrane pro- transferrin in nephrotic syndrome, as demonstrated by several
tein located on the surface of these cells [10]. The major reg- studies [14–17]. Iron is lost into the urine bound to transferrin,
ulator of iron transport in the body is hepcidin, a 2.7-kDa and it remains bound to transferrin in alkaline urine, eventu-
peptide containing 25 amino acids. Hepcidin is synthesized ally to be excreted in this state. In an adult case series by
by hepatocytes and secreted into the plasma where it circulates Brown et al. [15], six of nine patients with nephrotic syndrome
freely, eventually being excreted by the kidneys [7]. Hepcidin demonstrated increased urinary losses of iron as measured by
regulates systemic iron homeostasis by causing internalization the Ferene-S assay. Ferene-S is a chromogenic substrate
and degradation of ferroportin (Fig. 2), thus inhibiting dietary which reacts with iron in serum or urine (in its ferrous form)
iron absorption in the small intestine, recycling of iron from to produce a stable colored complex which gives an absor-
aged erythrocytes by macrophages and iron mobilization from bance at 593 nm. This assay has been shown to be sensitive for
hepatic stores [9–11]. Of the 3–4 g of iron present in the the determination of iron [18]. Of these six patients with in-
average adult body, only 2–4 mg is present in the plasma at creased urinary iron losses, only two developed iron deficien-
any given time, mostly bound to the iron transport protein cy anemia, and iron supplementation resulted in resolution of
Pediatr Nephrol

Fig. 1 Major iron (Fe) flows and

their regulation by hepcidin and
ferroportin (Fpn). Blue Iron
bound to the iron transport protein
transferrin (Tf), red iron taken up
by erythrocytes. Hepcidin
controls the iron flow into plasma
by inducing endocytosis and
proteolysis of the iron exporter
Fpn (brown). Reproduced from
Ganz [7], with permission of the
American Physiological Society

the anemia. Of note, these latter two patients had long- replace urinary losses in patients with active nephrotic syn-
standing membranous nephropathy of about 4–5 years dura- drome [21]. Consequently, normalization of serum transferrin
tion while the others had been nephrotic for only a few months levels is only achieved with control of the proteinuria. In chil-
[15]. This result suggests that duration of disease might be an dren with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome and increased
important factor in the development of iron deficiency anemia urinary transferrin loss, soluble transferrin receptor levels have
in nephrotic syndrome. Urinary transferrin loss by itself is a been shown to be elevated, similar to what occurs in iron
possible mechanism for the development of anemia in patients deficiency anemia [23]. This upregulation of the soluble trans-
with nephrotic syndrome, and these losses have been shown to ferrin receptor has been proposed as a mechanism to prevent
correlate with total urinary protein loss in both pediatric and the development of iron deficiency anemia [24]. The role of
adult studies [14, 19–22]. This loss is often accompanied by the soluble transferrin receptor in the prevention of iron defi-
low serum transferrin levels. The body’s response to low se- ciency anemia in nephrotic syndrome is not clear and needs
rum transferrin levels is to increase the hepatic synthesis of further investigation. Increased knowledge may provide an
transferrin and to upregulate the soluble transferrin receptor. additional tool in aiding the diagnosis of iron deficiency ane-
Unfortunately, this response by the liver is inadequate to mia and monitoring erythropoietic activity [25].

Fig. 2 Hepcidin downregulates

ferroportin expression on the cell
surface. Ferroportin (FPN) is
expressed on the surface of
enterocytes, hepatocytes and
tissue macrophages. The binding
of hepcidin to FPN leads to its
phosphorylation, internalization
and degradation. Low levels of
FPN expression reduce iron
absorption in the gut, lower iron
release from the liver and prevent
iron recycling by tissue
macrophages. Reproduced from
Cui et al. [10], with permission of
Pediatr Nephrol

Urinary losses of erythropoietin to correction of the anemia [22, 36]. Copper deficiency
should be considered in patients with therapy-resistant
The role of erythropoietin in the development of anemia anemia, and measurement of serum copper levels should
in children with nephrotic syndrome and normal kidney be performed to exclude this possibility.
function was investigated by Feinstein et al. [3] who mea- The association between the use of angiotensin
sured serum erythropoietin levels, iron status and vitamin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and anemia in pa-
B12 concentrations in 32 children with nephrotic syn- tients with renal disease is well established. The use of
drome and compared the obtained values between ne- ACEIs in renal transplant recipients is known to be asso-
phrotic children with anemia (n = 19) and nephrotic chil- ciated with the development of anemia, which makes
dren without anemia (n = 13). These patients were also these drugs useful for the treatment of erythrocytosis in
compared against two sets of controls comprising normal these patients [37, 38]. Close monitoring of hematologic
healthy children and children with iron deficiency anemia parameters in patients treated with ACEIs is advised [39].
without kidney disease. Interestingly, nephrotic patients ACEIs have an inhibitory effect on erythropoiesis by
with anemia were resistant to immunosuppressive therapy, lowering circulating erythropoietin levels, which can
while those without anemia were steroid sensitive. In gen- cause or exacerbate anemia. The role of ACEIs as a po-
eral, nephrotic children demonstrated low erythropoietin tential cause of anemia in patients with nephrotic syn-
levels compared to children without kidney disease. In drome with normal kidney function is unknown and
those with nephrotic syndrome, erythropoietin levels were needs to be investigated. The immunosuppressant drug
more elevated in children who had anemia than in those mycophenolate mofetil has broad antiproliferative effects,
who did not have anemia. The erythropoietin levels in and its use has been linked to severe anemia as a result of
nephrotic children with anemia were, however, inappro- bone marrow suppression [40]. Discontinuation of this
priately low compared to controls who had iron deficien- drug in patients with nephrotic syndrome who develop
cy anemia without kidney disease [3]. The administration anemia should be considered if no clear etiology for the
of erythropoietin to nephrotic patients with anemia (with anemia is identified.
concomitant iron supplementation) led to significant im-
provement in hemoglobin levels, with no adverse effects Vitamin B12 deficiency
experienced by the patients. The blunted response seen in
those patients with nephrotic syndrome could partly be Vitamin B12 (also called cobalamin) is a non-protein or-
attributable to the increased urinary losses of erythropoi- ganic compound that serves as a cofactor in the formation
etin, as has been demonstrated in both animal and human of methionine from homocysteine and the interconversion
studies [22, 26–28]. Erythropoietin has a molecular of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA in the body. It is
weight of 30.4 kDa, less than half the weight of albumin absorbed from the gut in the form of vitamin B12–intrinsic
[29], and urinary losses of erythropoietin are expected to factor complex and is transported in plasma bound to the
be significant in nephrotic syndrome. Thus, erythropoietin protein transcobalamin [41]. Cubulin, a peripheral mem-
deficiency should always be considered to be a contribut- brane protein, is a vitamin B12–intrinsic factor complex
ing factor to the development of anemia in nephrotic receptor that is necessary for the gastrointestinal absorp-
patients. tion of vitamin B12 and reabsorption of filtered proteins in
the proximal tubule of the kidney through a process driven
The role of metals and drugs by endocytosis. Mutation of the cubulin gene (CUBN) has
been shown to be associated with megaloblastic anemia
Copper plays a significant role in erythropoiesis, and its and increased urinary protein excretion [42, 43]. The role
deficiency is known to be associated with anemia and of vitamin B12 in erythropoiesis is well established, and
other hematological abnormalities [30, 31]. Copper serves its deficiency is known to cause impaired DNA synthesis
as a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions in the body. In and premature death of hematopoietic cells prior to their
the mitochondria, it acts as a cofactor to cytochrome c maturation, leading to acquired megaloblastic anemia [31,
oxidase, a terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial respira- 44]. Significant losses of transcobalamin and vitamin B12
tory chain [32]. Copper deficiency leads to the appearance in the urine of children with nephrotic syndrome concom-
of enlarged mitochondria in erythropoietic cells, ineffec- itant with corresponding decreased serum levels of vita-
tive erythroid differentiation and hypochromic microcytic min B12 have been described [3, 22, 45]. How much im-
anemia [33–35]. Urinary losses of ceruloplasmin, a cop- pact these urinary losses have on the development of ane-
per carrier protein in plasma, can lead to copper deficien- mia in these children is not clear and needs further clari-
cy and consequent anemia in children with nephrotic syn- fication. It is also currently not known if mutation of
drome. Supplementation of copper in these patients leads CUBN plays any role to play in this process.
Pediatr Nephrol

Diagnostic considerations B12 deficiency, followed by measurement of plasma

methylmalonic acid in undetermined cases [47]. It is reasonable
Any investigation of the cause of anemia in patients with ne- to consider measuring vitamin B12 and folate levels at the initial
phrotic syndrome should follow existing guidelines. The initial evaluation even in patients with normal MCV, since coexistent
evaluation should include a complete blood count, reticulocyte iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies have been reported [48].
count, peripheral smear, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, Although erythropoietin levels are not routinely measured in
transferrin saturation, transferrin and ferritin levels. The reticulo- clinical practice, it is reasonable to measure serum and urinary
cyte count is the best laboratory marker of effective erythropoi- erythropoietin concentrations in patients with nephrotic syn-
esis, and levels are expected to be low in anemia due to deficien- drome who are anemic and who do not show improvement of
cies in erythropoietin, iron, vitamin B12, folate and copper. A anemia with iron supplementation. Serum and urine erythropoi-
low mean corpuscular volume (MCV) would suggest iron defi- etin concentrations can be measured by radioimmunoassay or
ciency anemia, in which case serum iron, ferritin and transferrin enzyme-linked assay [49]. Ceruloplasmin and copper deficiency
saturation would be expected to be low. A macrocytic anemia, should also be suspected in therapy-resistant cases, and copper
suggested by an elevated MCV, warrants laboratory testing for levels should be measured is such patients. An algorithm is pre-
vitamin B12 and folate deficiency [46]. Measurement of plasma sented in Fig. 3 to assist clinicians with evaluation of anemia in
cobalamins is suggested as the primary analysis test for vitamin nephrotic syndrome.

Fig. 3 Algorithm for anemia Obtain serum iron, ferrin, TIBC,

management in nephrotic Transferrin, reculocyte count
syndrome. TIBC Total iron
binding capacity

Normal iron studies, low

Iron deficiency anemia reculocyte count

Iron supplementaon Obtain serum erythropoien


Improvement of anemia
aer two weeks No Low serum Erythropoien

Yes No

Connue management, Obtain serum

monitor reculocyte count Start Erythropoien.Assess
copper, folate and
vitamin B12 levels

Serum copper,
folate or vitamin
B12 levels low

Start copper
Yes Reculocytosis aer gluconate, folate
two weeks of therapy and/or vitamin B 12
Pediatr Nephrol

Treatment strategies b) Iron stored in the liver and spleen

c) Iron released from aged red blood cells
Successful correction of anemia in nephrotic syndrome de- d) Bone marrow
pends on the evaluation for the underlying causes being ap- e) Newly formed erythrocytes
propriate. We recommend close monitoring of the reticulocyte
count as a marker of erythropoiesis and response to therapy. 2. Hepcidin regulates systemic iron homeostasis by which of
Iron deficiency anemia should be treated with iron supplemen- the following processes?
tation. Improvement in hemoglobin levels after 2 weeks of a) Binding of iron in plasma and excretion through the
iron supplementation is a good predictor of long-term treat- kidneys
ment response to oral iron therapy [50]. A trial of erythropoi- b) Inhibition of ferritin formation
etin therapy should be considered in patients with anemia who c) Inhibition of iron entry into the bone marrow
demonstrate low or normal serum erythropoietin levels since d) Internalization and degradation of ferroportin
massive urinary losses are expected in persistent nephrotic e) Prevention of iron storage in macrophages
syndrome. The efficacy and safety of recombinant human
erythropoietin in the treatment of anemia in nephrotic syn- 3. Which of the following is a pathophysiologic mechanism
drome is well established in both children and adults [3, 6]. of anemia in nephrotic syndrome include:
An interval of 4 weeks is reasonable for assessment of re- a) Increased urinary losses of transferrin and iron
sponse after initiation of therapy. Persistent anemia despite b) Decreased production of transferrin
iron and erythropoietin therapy requires further evaluation c) Downregulation of the soluble transferrin receptor
for other possible contributing factors, such as copper or vita- d) Increased urinary losses of free hemoglobin
min B12 deficiency. Copper deficiency should be treated by e) Erythropoietin resistance
supplementation with copper gluconate. Vitamin B12 defi-
ciency can be treated with oral multivitamins containing vita- 4. Which of the following is true of the role of drugs and
min B12. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections of vitamin metals in the etiology of anemia in nephrotic syndrome?
B12 can be considered in severe cases or in patients with poor a) Copper deficiency is not associated with any morpho-
response to oral therapy. Reticulocytosis after 1–2 weeks of logical changes in erythropoietic cells
administration is an indication of response to copper or vita- b) Copper deficiency is difficult to treat in patients with
min B12 therapy [51, 52]. nephrotic syndrome
c) The use of ACEIs is not associated with anemia in
patients with kidney disease
Summary d) The effect of ACEIs on erythropoiesis is unknown
e) ACEIs may cause anemia by lowering circulating
Severe anemia can occur in children with nephrotic syndrome. levels of erythropoietin and inhibiting erythropoiesis
Although the pathogenesis of anemia in nephrotic syndrome in the process
is complex and incompletely understood, the mechanisms are
likely to be similar to known causes of anemia, such as iron, 5. Of anemia in nephrotic syndrome, which of the following
erythropoietin, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. Other statements is correct?
mechanisms are likely to play a role. The correction of anemia a) Anemia is always corrected by iron and erythropoie-
in these patients can be challenging, and knowledge of all tin supplementation
possible underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms is neces- b) Patients with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome
sary to allow for adequate evaluation and successful treatment. are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia
The role of soluble transferrin receptor upregulation as a c) Anemia does not occur in patients with nephrotic
mechanism of anemia prevention in nephrotics with transfer- syndrome and normal kidney function
rin deficiency also deserves further attention. d) The use of erythropoietin should be considered only
when plasma erythropoietin levels are low
e) The pathophysiologic mechanisms are likely multi-
factorial and incompletely understood
Multiple-choice questions (answers can be found
in the backmatter following the references):
Compliance with ethical standards
1. Which of the following is the major source of iron for
erythropoiesis? Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
a) Iron absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract interest.
Pediatr Nephrol

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BMJ 349:g5226

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