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25 June – 2 July 2017
Conference Venue
All sessions will be held at the Grand Hotel Tritone, Via Campo, 5, 84010 Praiano SA, Italy

Sunday 25 June 2017

19.00 WELCOME DRINKS: Grand Hotel Tritone
20.00 WELCOME DINNER: Grand Hotel Tritone

Monday 26 June 2017

15.45 – 17.15 DR PATRICIA BLAZEY, University Lecturer, Macquarie University, NSW, ASSOC. PROF HOPE ASHIABOR,
Lecturer, Macquarie University, NSW & DR ZAMAN KHORSEDUZZAMAN, University Lecturer, Macquarie
University, NSW
‘Is the reincarnation of the Trans Pacific Partnership on multilateral trade really necessary?’
17.15 - 17.30 Break
17.30 - 18.30 MR LORENZO BOCCABELLA, Barrister-at-Law, QLD
‘The Boxer & The Doctor: the role and liability of the ringside doctor and other medical practitioners when the
boxer dies of concussion suffered mid bout – an examination of the NSW coroner’s report dated 22 June 2017
into the death of David Browne’
18.30 – 20.00 DR MEILEEN TAN, The Melbourne Clinic, Psychiatrist, VIC
‘Practical management of the anxious client’

Tuesday 27 June 2017

16.15 – 18.15 MS KELLIE EDWARDS, Barrister-at-Law, Denman Chambers, NSW
‘18C of the Racial Discrimination Act - Need for Reform?’
18.15 – 20.15 MR JACK BLACKIER, Solicitor, Cox & Palmer, New Brunswick, CANADA
‘A cross-country review of the April 2015 decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in White Burgess Langille Inman
(“WBLI”) - how lower Courts and Tribunals are implementing the SCC decision – a case study in the admissibility of
expert evidence’

Wednesday 28 June 2017


Thursday 29 June 2017

15.25 – 17.25 MR LORENZO BOCCABELLA, Barrister-at-Law, QLD
‘Some aspects of medical law, 11. The psychologists who designed the advanced interrogation techniques at
Guantanamo Bay are being sued for damages to inmates, includes an analysis of the medical practitioners who
supervised and monitored the interrogation techniques and the lawyers who approved the techniques. 2.
Consultant fails to read clinical hospital notes, the consequences in terms of medical liability – an analysis of the
WA Court of Appeal decision of East Metropolitan Health Service v Martin [2017] WASCA 7’
17.25 – 17.30 Break
17.30 – 19.00 HIS HONOUR PAUL SMITH, Legal member, The Land Court of Queensland, QLD
‘Some practical aspects of mediation’
19.00 – 20.30 THE HONOURABLE IAN CALLINAN AC, Mediator and former Justice of the High Court of Australia, QLD
‘Law and Psychiatry & some aspects of advocacy from both sides of the bar table’
Friday 30 July 2017

Saturday 1 July 2017

12.20 – 14.20 Dr VICKY COMINO, Lecturer, TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland, QLD
‘In the Aftermath of the GFC - How Do We Deal with Corporate Misconduct?’

14.20 – 15.20 DR DOMENICO DE MARTINO, Italian Lawyer and Mediator, Florence, ITALY
‘International Commercial Mediation: Is Enforceability the Ultimate Goal for an Integrated System. The nature of
mediated agreements, what kind of mediation are we talking about? The issues connected with enforcement in
cross-border agreements. Trends and practices which are homologating the concept of mediation (UNCITRAL, ICC).
What is happening in Italy. Prospects of mediated agreements in international commercial law’
15.20 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 MS ELISABETTA FALCO, Notaio, Salerno, ITALY
‘The role of the notaio in Italian law, in contrast to the common law system, and some issues on acquiring property
in Italy’

Sunday 2 July 2017



Lorenzo Boccabella: +39 3394629007
Trudy Andrews: +39 3334973152

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