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Feedback - 5
Reinforcement - 5
Intrinsic Motivation - 6
TOPIC: Feedback, Reinforcement, and Intrinsic Motivation

Title Authors Source Methods Results Conclusion Recomm Limitatio

endations ns

Purpose Participants, Instrument Tools for

and locale s Analysis

Reinforce- Judy Review of The Since the Two Meta- -Coding Results show that Verbal N/A The
ment, Cameron Education researcher approach used is Analyses was also reward does not praise and study is
and W. al s of this meta-analy- applied decrease intrinsic positive limited to
Reward, and
David Research study ses, participants to motivation. When feedback the
Intrinsic Pierce , volume aimed to have come from analyze taking into increase studies
Motivation: 64, issue make a various samples the consideration the people’s upon
A Meta- 3, pages causal of different literature interaction effects, intrinsic which
Analysis 363-423. statement studies. The gathered it was shown that interest. the two
Published about the researchers have verbal praise Verbal meta-
on effects of utilized “intrinsic -The produces an praise is an analyses
February extrinsic motivation” as program increase in extrinsic were
7, 1994. rewards their search term Meta for intrinsic motivator conduct
and in a computer applying motivation. that ed.
Link: reinforcem search of the the Negative effects positively These
http://jour ent on psychology- weighted only appear when alters studies
nals.sage intrinsic cal literature integra- tangible rewards behavior were motivation (PSYCH LIT). tion are given to and publishe
doi/abs/1 through the Most of the method. individuals for attitudes. d from
0.3102/00 use of studies were simply Moreover, 1971 to
34654306 meta- based in the accomplishing a rewards 1991. It
4003363 analyses. United States. In task. Results from may have a is also
total, 96 the second negative limited
experimental analysis effect on by the
studies that conducted also intrinsic compute
utilized between- show that motivation r
groups designs to reinforcement when they databas
compare does not harm an are given to es on
rewarded subjects individual’s individuals which
to nonrewarded intrinsic for studies
controls were motivation. engaging in were
used in the study. a task searche
A second analysis without d on.
was conducted on considering
five studies that the quality
used within- of their
subject designs to perfor-
delve into the mance.
effects of
reinforcement on

The Effect of Robert J. Journal of To assess 50 male hockey Task to One-way Results showed It was N/A N/A
Differential Vallerand Sports the players test analysis that positive concluded
Amounts of Psycholo relationship decision- of performance that low,
Positive gy, 1983, between making variance feedback moderate,
Verbal 5, 100- the amount abilities and increased or high
Feedback on 107, of positive and correla- athletes' intrinsic amounts of
the Intrinsic Human verbal intrinsic tional motivation and positive
Motivation Kinetics, feedback motiva- analysis feelings of verbal
of Male Inc. presented tion competence feedback
Hockey and the question- regardless of the attain the
Players ensuing naires amount of positive same
intrinsic feedback increases in
motivation presented. relation to
of male feelings of
hockey compe-
players tence and
toward a intrinsic
hockey-re- motivation.
lated task.

Psychologic Galic Gymnasiu To 36 young tennis -Croatian - The results show The Both the This
al Bozidar, m, ascertain players (ages 10 Youth STATIST important importance physical study is
Characteristi Protic Ivana, Volume the extent to 17), specifically Version of ICA differences in the of coaches’ and greatly
cs of Young Zvan Milan, 15, Issue of 16 boys and 20 the (version psychological role in mental limited
Tennis Kondric 2, psychologi girls. Specifically, Psychologi 7) the attributes of athletes’ wellness by its
Players; Miran Published cal skills of 18 tennis athletes cal Skills software athletes based on performanc and sample,
Correlation on August young came from clubs Inventory was their gender age, e has been abilities of consistin
with 2, 2017. tennis in the city of for Sports used to and the town validated. an athlete g of only
Feedback athletes Mostar area and (with 44 analyze wherein they train. They are should be young
and Link: and their 18 came from the Likert-type descrip- Moreover, there greatly taken into tennis
Coaching https://se association Medjugorje tennis of tive was a significant influenced considera players,
Leadership arch.proq s with club) questions) statistics, correlation by their tion; this ages 10
Style leaders’ Pearson’ between particular feedback, may be to 17. It
docview/1 behavior -Coaching s correla- psychological behavior, done by is also
65124302 and Feedback tion attributes of and providing limited
6/114DA coaching Questionn coeffi- athletes and the leadership athletes by the
DFA3625 feedback. aire or cient, feedback they style. an very
48CCPQ/ CFQ and the receive from their Moreover, adequate quantitat
5?accoun (comprised T-test for coaches and their in the environm ive
tid=47253 of 16 indepen- leadership style. developme ent in approac
items) dent For instance, nt of an which to h it has
samples. shouting was athlete’s play. used in
-The found to affect psychologic Constant analyzin
Leadership athletes’ al motivatio g data.
Scale for performance attributes, n may
Sports negatively. situational help
(LSS) factors towards
were found this end.
to be more
l factors.

Perceptions Melchor The This study 2189 Spanish -Spanish -Structu- The most The The The
of Gutiérrez, Spanish has aimed adolescents, ages version of ral significant methods results study is
Motivation- Luis-Mi- Journal of to delve 13 to 17 the EPCM, Equation indicators of that obtained greatly
nal Climate guel Ruiz, Psycholo into the SSDS, and Model- students’ intrinsic teachers may be limited
and Esther gy, relation- IMI ling was motivation were use to used to by the
López Volume ship used to the perceived maintain delve into age
13, Issue among - analyze mastery discipline the self- group of
Strategies to 1, pages students’ Confirmato the atmosphere and within the determina the
Sustain 597-608, perception ry factor relations perceived class have tion partici-
Discipline as published s of the analyses hips teacher’s a great theory, pants
Predictors of in 2010. motiva- were also among emphasis on impact on particularl (13 to
Intrinsic tional done to the intrinsic reasons students’ y, they 17) and
Motivation in Link: environ- ascertain variables to uphold perfor- may be different
Physical https://se ment, the being discipline. mance. A used to results
Education arch.proq pupils’ factorial studied. Perceived conducive amelio- may be insights on validity of performance environ- rate gathered
docview/8 teachers’ the scales atmosphere and ment to adolesce if a
14845991 methods to teachers’ methods good nts’moti- different
/114DAD preserve to keep discipline perfor- vation in age
FA36254 discipline on the basis of mance and group
8CCPQ/8 and introjected must be perfor- were to
?accounti students’ reasons and maintained mance in be used.
d=47253 intrinsic indifference to gain physical It is also
motivation predicted optimal education limited
in physical students’ tension- results. by
education. pressure. culture,
as the
were all

Effective Downing, Proquest, This article Excellent Operant There The final For the
Reinforceme John; volume will teachers were Conditionin are two N/A considerati student to N/A
nt Keating, 62, issue introduce asked to handle a g/ strategie on says improve
Techniques Tedd; 3, pages a behavior variety of social, Behavioris s that his/her
in Bennett, 114-122. administrati activity and m presente reinforcing performa
Carl Published on plan concrete forms of d for the both nce, the
on Fall designed reinforcement in teacher improveme teacher
Physical 2005. intended to combination with to follow. nt and must
Education: decrease one or two basic The success. modify
The Key to Link: misbehavio management situation Reinforcem the
Behavior https://se rs in strategies to al ent from the managem
Management arch.proq elementary maneuver and reinforce teacher and ent physical influence their ment and positive program
docview/2 education teaching-learning the interactions to receive
33005071 classes, environments structure with reinforce
/114DAD while, d him/her ment. If
FA36254 increasing reinforce should be the
8CCPQ/1 available ment given to teaching
4?accoun instructiona system. each environm
tid=47253 l time. individual in ent has a
the class. predomin
Balance ant
reinforceme misbehav
nt and iors, this
feedback only
should be means
equally that the
given to the students
students need
regardless more
whether attention
they have from the
minimal teacher.
skills or Therefore
who is , more
unlikely to misbehav
act ior, the
inappropriat greater
ely the need
for the
give his

Beliefs in Robert W. Perceptu The 3 groups of Questionn The There was a The The N/A
Internal- Lynn, al and purpose of students aire Rotter I- significant students question
Joseph G. Motor the study is composing 30 E Scale difference in the who are of the
Phelan, Skill, to members each was direction of prepared to effect of
Control of Vernon L. Volume distinguish group with ages used to internal control for participate this
Reinforceme Kiker 29 issue: the relation 12-15 years old. administ group sports as perceptio
nt and 2, of er all the participants. members of n of a
Participation page(s): expressed Basketball for the Ss. Individual sports team sports causal
551-553, preference group team, participants and appeared to relationsh
in Group October of group gymnasts for non-participants see better ip
and 1, 1969. versus the individual sport were alike in direct between
Individual individual and 27 being significantly association effort and
Sports athletic experimental higher in external between reward
Link: activity and individuals. control than group their efforts, should be
http://jour degree of players. In the rewards investigat
nals.sage alienation previous study of and ed as reported. Rotter (1996), the reinforceme related to
doi/abs/1 middle-class white nt of the the self-
0.2466/p college students community. esteem of
ms.1969. had a mean of According the
29.2.551 8.26. While in this to the individual.
study, the groups Rotter I-E
who scored lower Scale, the
mean are the junior high
junior high Ss have
adolescent with "higher
7.73. Active controlled"
participants in scores as
team sports in the compared
junior high to college
adolescents were students in
significantly more the
"inner controlled" standardize
than the other d group.
groups. The The group
scores of Ss in who has
individual the higher
participation "inner
sports controlled"
approached the scores than
score of non- the rest of
participants in Ss was the
terms of high team
alienation or outer members
controlled group and
scores. their
variability is
less than
that for Ss
in individual
sports. The
Ss in
sports do
not have
from the
group in
terms of
as shown
on the
Internal- Raymond A. Perceptu The main 167 high school Questionn The The result does There’s N/A N/A
External Di Giuseppe al and purpose of freshmen aire. participa not support of the possibility
Motor this study nts were previous research that athletic
Control of
Skill, is to Locus of given the (no.7) which participatio
Reinforceme Volume generalize Control I-E shows team-sport n is related
nt and 36 issue the study Scale. participants to one of
Participation 1, of Lynn, et dominated on the
in Team, page(s): al. (1969). internal control. subscales.
33-34, And show
Individual, February the
and 1, 1973. demonstrat
Intramural ion that
Sports Link: better
http://jour facilitates
nals.sage internal control.

The Athanasios Journal of The Middle school Self- In study The effect N/A There
Motivating Mouratidis Sport & objective is students determinati 1,feedback of feedback will be
1* , Maarten Exercise to know on theory positively on no firm
Role of
Positive Vansteenkis Psycholo role does 117 and 111 predicted autonomou casual
Feedback in te 2* , Willy gy,Volum the female Greek competence s relations
Sport and Lens 1* , e 30 physical middle school satisfactory. The motivation, that can
Physical Georgios Issue 2, education students (7th- to prediction of in study 1 be
Education: Sideridis 3* pages task and a 9th-grade) from higher levels of results, that inferred
Evidence for 240-268 correlation five different vitality and greater includes because
a April 2008 al study schools intentions to intrinsic of the
Motivational with highly voluntarily participate is due motivation parallelis
Model talented participated in the to contorollation of as one of m of
sport study. pre task perceived its most
students competence and subcompon data.
Link: investigate competence ents is not
https://jou d the valuation the only There is
rnals.hum motivating one that still a
ankinetics role of The study 2 shows possibilit
.com/doi/ positive showed the competenc y that
abs/10.11 competenc relation between e well-
23/jsep.3 e feedback satisfaction and satisfaction being
0.2.240 on well being is ue to but also the aspect
participants autonomous negative of a
’ well- motivation effect of person
being, mediated. While positive highly
performanc amotivation feedback influence
e, and mediated the on autonou
intention to negative relativity amotivation s
participate of competence , where we motivatio
satisfaction and can see in n
ill-being and rated study 2. instead
performance. Also, a of the
more other
unforced way
and around.
independen Also, the
t motivation reciproc
was found al effect
in study 1 might
to produce yield the
various autonom
beneficial ous
effects, like motivato
a stronger n well-
sense of being in
experience the
d vitality circukar
and energy process.
finishing a
task. They
also have
intention to
partake in
activities in
the future.
are not
e for effect
of feedback
Understandi Jessica The Sport To acquire 22 adolescent Qualitative Content Athletes The current N/A N/A
ng Fraser- Psycholo understand competitive interview analysis suggested their findings
Adolescents Thomas and gist, ing of swimmers sport involvement suggest
’ Positive Jean Côté 2009, 23, adolescent facilitated many that the
and 3-23 2009 s’ positive positive socio-
Negative Human and developmental environmen
Developmen Kinetics, negative experiences such tal
tal Inc. developme as being influences
Experiences ntal challenge, having experience
in Sport experience meaningful adult d by elite
s in sport. and peer athletes
relationships, appear
having a sense of qualitatively
community, and different
other life from those
experiences and a of younger
few negative or
developmental recreational
experiences such performers
as having poor
negative peer
influences, parent
pressure, and the
environment of
competitive sport.

James R. Research To test the 105 seventh and Intrinsic Principal Results show that The results Future N/A
Whitehead Quarterly applicabilit eighth grade Motivation compone positive feedback support research
and Charles for y of school children Inventory nts enhanced all cognitive should
B. Corbin Exercise cognitive (72 males, 33 (IMI) was analysis aspects of evaluation investigat
and evaluation females) used in this with intrinsic theory and e the
Youth Sport, theory to a study varimax motivation, also may motivatio
62:2, 225- youth rotation, whereas negative have nal
231. fitness alpha feedback important outcomes
Testing: The Published testing reliability, decreased them. implications of those
Effect of on the situation. item-to regarding fitness
Percentile- 26th of scale motivation education
Based February, correlatio for those and
2013. ns, and who testing
Evaluative the administer programs
Feedback on descripti youth that are
Intrinsic ve fitness based on
statistics tests. the
Motivation and exercise
MANOV mastery
A process
(e.g., Fit

Richard Psycholo To 28 national, Qualitative Content Results show that There is no N/A N/A
A Qualitative Keegan, gy of examine international and interview analysis elite athletes clear one-
Investigation Christopher Sport and the world-class perceived a to-one
of the Spray, Exercise constructio athletes collection of correspond
Motivational Chris 15 (2014) n of the motivationally- ence
Climate in Harwood 97-107 motivationa relevant social between
Elite Sport and David l climate cues. Coaches specific
Lavallee surroundin and peers were behaviors
g elite reported to be and its
sports focal influences, impact on
performers whilst the role of motivation.
by parents appeared
investigatin to be limited to
g the emotional and
behaviours moral support.
of coaches, Themes of
peers and feedback/evaluati
parents on, and pre-
that were performance
perceived motivating
to be behaviors are
motivationa usual to all social
lly relevant agents. Moreover,
by elite the coach–athlete
athletes. and peer–athlete
indicates to be
essential in
moderating and
towards sport.
The influences of
social agents
related to the
specific roles they
performed in the
athlete's life:
instruction and
leadership for
and/or competitive
behaviors for
peers, and for
parents, a
diminished role
relative to when
the athletes were

Hilary P. Behavior This study Chosen were -Multiple - The findings Extending N/A It is
Differential Buzas, Modificati has aimed three female baseline Measure showed that that the results possible
Reinforceme Teodoro on, to extend students (ages across of central differential on that
Ayllon Volume 5, the findings 13-14) from a behaviors tendency reinforcement can differential positive
nt in
Issue 3, on physical and partici- (i.e. increase reinforceme verbal
Coaching pages differential education tennis pants mean) performance nt, the com-
Tennis Skills 372-385, reinforcem class (high school double to findings ments
Published ent to level). They were -Baseline -Percen- quadruple that of suggest this are most
on July 1, obtaining selected as observa- tage the baseline. method as effective
1981. tennis beginner players. tions of computa- an effective only to
abilities backhand, tion way of the age
Link: (backhand, forehand, honing group of
http://jour forehand, and serve sports the
nals.sage serve). skills. partici- They have -The pants.
doi/abs/1 aimed to comments More-
0.1177/01 compare made by over, it
45445581 the impact the coach may be
53006 of the were also best
coach recorded suited
correcting for
errors to indivi-
selectively duals
disregard- like the
ing errors partici-
and pants
attending who are
to correct begin-
perfor- ners in a
mance. sport.

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