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75 Cumberland County Records : April 17, 1801

In the name of God Amen.

I, Archibald McNeill of Cumberland County and state of North Carolina now consi-
dering myself frail in body though perfect mind and memory and well knowing that
it is appointed for all men once to die do make this my last Will and Testament.
I resign my soul to it's Creator in all humble hope of it's future happiness as
in the disposal of and being infinitely good. As to my body my will is that it
be buried decently beside my spouse in our old burying place. I hereby make and
appoint my son-in-law John McNeill and my son Neill McNeill, or which ever of the
two survives the other as 'Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. As to my
wordly Estate I dispose thereof as follows:

I give and bequeath to my son John and his wife during their lifetime the Planta-
tion now.occupied by them and after their decease if no lawful heirs of John's
own body survive him or his wife, I order said plantation to be the property of
my son Donald and his heirs. I also bequeath to said John and his wife during
their life time ,two negro winches named Tilla and Nell and after their deaths if
said negros survive them I order and devise saidnegros with their issue to be
given to my daughter Margaret McNeill and her heirs.

I give and devise to my son Donald, three hundred and twenty-three acres
of land more or less, lying in Chatham County near the mouth of New Hope also a
tract of land or parcel of land lying on McKay's Creek in this County and in case
my son Donald nor any of his heirs in Nova Scotia should never come to claim the
~aid plantation I order the said Plantation to be equally divided betwixt my son
ffector's son Donald and my grandson, John McNeill's son, also named Donald.

give and devise to my daughter Margaret McNeill a negro wench named Jeanie
with. her children and another negro wench named Beth and also two negro
ellows named Virgil and Angus. I likewise give and devise to her during her
ifetime two hundred acres of land on the north east side of Cape Fear River be-
ow the Ferry and after her decease I order said two hundred acres of land to be
~he property of my son Neill and his lawful heirs.

I. give and devise to her son Donald the plantation of Jones Creek and the
adjoining it now my property.

tem: I bequeath to her son Archibald a plantation in Moore County known by the
arne of Hurd's Old Fields and in Cumberland County one hundred acres survey known
y the name of Lofton's Island. Also a parcel of land in the fork of Anderson's
reek known by the name of Hodge's survey.

tem: I give and devise to my son Neill the Ferry Lands containing four hundred
d forty acres and lands bought from James Patterson and all the lands belonging
o me on the waters of Lower Little River; also two negro fellows named Charles
d Cupid and four negro wenches named JUdith', Nan, Fanny and Flora.

give and devise unto his daughter Jennet the little negro wench named

I give and devise to my grand-daughter Janet Shaw the negro girl named Jud-
h and after the said Janet's death I order the negro girl Judith and her issue
o be equally divided among the lawful heirs of said Janet's own body.
I give and bequeath to my grandson John McNeill, John Skerivly's son, one
dred acres of land more or less lying on the Bear Branch commonly known by the

name of Peggy Black's Old Field and like wise another piece of land close to it
known by the name of Things School House.
Item: I give and devise to my two' grandchildren, Donald, Hector's son andLau:'"
chlin, Neill's son to be equally divided betwixt them ---a lot in the town of
Item: I bequeath to my son Hector two hundred and fifty acres on the flat
lands from the meadow to the old place; also two hundred and fifty acres join-
ing the old survey that was the property of Roger MacNeill; also one hundred
and fifty acres on the Blue Branch of Tranthum's Creek---likewise fifty acres
lying between the old lands of the McKays and the McNairs.
Item: I giVe and devise to my grandson ColI McNeill two hundred acres on Stewart'
Item: I give and devise to my son John two hundred acres on Anderson's Creek
joining the old place, fifty acres on the Rooty Forde Corver's Creek I bequeath
to my son John.
Item: I give and devise to my son Neill the plantation I bought from Robert
MacKay and the lands adjoining it.
Item: I give and devise to my granddaughters, Malcolm's children, Janet, Flora
and Isabella five shilling sterling each.
Item: I bequeath to my son Donald twenty milch cows out of my cattle to be sold
and the money put to interest for the benefit of Donald and his heirs.
Item: I bequeath to my son Neill's daughter, Janet, my flock of sheep.
Item: I give and devise to my son Neill the remainder of my stock of cattle and
wild horses on condition he will not interfere with my son Hector's stock of hogs
also a still to be equally divided between my son Neill and my grandson Archibald,
John Skirebly's son. The rest of my household furniture and worldly goods I give
and devise to my son Neill in hopes he will make good use of it. If my daughter,
Margaret should in a short time be taken away by death, I order that her children
while they keep together be allowed by my son Neill to live at Sprowls' Cowpen on
Thorton's Creek. I also order that she during her lifetime remain on the place
where she and her family now live.
This is my last Will and Testament written this 17th day of April A.D. 1801 and
signed in the presence of the Reverand Angus MacDiarmid and Hector McNeill both
living on Little River,
Archibald McNeill
Angus MacDiarmid, Witness
Hector MacNeill, Witness

Archibald McNeill was the husband of Jennie "Bahn" Smith already deceased.
Archibald father of Malcolm McNeill.
Archibald grandfather of Flora McNeill.
Flora McNeill married Neill McKay----parents of:
Archibald Alexander McKay who married Catherine McMillan.
Archibald Alexander and Catherine parents of Fanny McKay.
Fanny McKay 'married Henry Thomas McKay.
Fanny and Henry T. parents of Henry Murph McKay who married Eva Irene Hazen.
You will notice that Malcolm was not mentioned in the Will, undoubtedly he had
already received his share when he married or came of age as was the custom. Mal-
colm became a very we~lthy lawyer.


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