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Unemployed because they cannot speak English

In this article, the author talks about “Unemployed because they cannot speak
English” that is happening in Malaysia right now and expressed dissatisfaction towards
group of people who oppose this program. This referred to a new program that being
implement to reduce this unemployment rate that introduced by the government that being
called Dual Language Program (DLP). It’s being introduced by our Prime Datuk Seri Najib
Tun Razak during Budget 2016 as he noted the importance of the language in facing global
competition and announced two initiatives – the DLP, and the Highly Immersive Program
(HIP) which is aimed to strength English by increasing usage hours outside the classroom.
This arguments saying that more than 40,000 graduates are unemployed, most of
them are Malays and mostly because they can’t speak English according to a study by
Pemandu. By using this arguments the author trying to support what have been past
government implemented. It also talks about how this program can really help this country to
overcome students, graduates or citizen that is unable to speak English in future.
This program being implement at school where only 300 schools are being involved.
Student in primary and secondary are being test either the program are really work after all.
This Dual Language Program is being consider as a pilot projects where chances students
to grasp both language. Referring back to the arguments nowadays the job sector is
supported by people who can converse in English with ease. The author’s trying to say that it
is a must to support this program to make Malaysia in becoming progressive and being
globally competitive and his only elaborating on a good side of the program. Due to that it
create a gap within his reasoning.
The author’s is trying to convey that a certain association are really making or
showing that Bahasa Melayu and the culture itself as a fragile heritage just because they
does not support the action taken. He present more claim that highlights the pros of DLP and
give a backhanded statement to anyone who oppose the program. It is true since we are are
not a country that is success or have power in term of economy or even technology
compared to German, Japan and Russia. They really sustained their mother tongue
language despite the whole world using English as lingua franca. But there is a whole
different story compared to us. After all of his said, the author represents an argument
saying his concern and responsibility to support the DLP program for the future of Malaysia.
But the authors opinion are really backhanded when it comes to political party that
oppose this program. The authors trying to say that the opposition are ignoring the
importance of English and not aware about this country future. Also the article stated that,
“they should be prepared for a downfall due to our young’s education level, no progress in
education and be prepared to see more graduates unemployed” which are really
backhanded. Also his tones in the article is pleading and hostile in order to attract the
audience and to show that his averse to anyone who oppose the program.

The article is kind brouhaha where judging every statement that being voiced by the
opposition. The main reason the opposition object this program because this program only
being implement 300 schools at first phase. Even though the number of schools that
participate will increase thought the year it still cause a gap between urban and rural
schools. After 3 years of implement than the government will start to realise that there is a
huge gap in term of language usage.

The authors also stating his claim in this article to back up every arguments that he came out
i. Since the DLP is optional, no one should have any worry or feel threatened by its
ii. Opposition parties are objecting to DLP just for the sake of objecting to any
government initiative, or it is just another one of their political ploys
iii. They should be prepared for a downfall due to our young’s education level, no
progress in education, and be prepared to see more graduates are unemployed.
The claim the being point out buy the authors sounds desperately to says that the people
should be okay with this program and please ignore what the opposition is saying. On his
third claim he predict what is going to happen in the future if this program no being
implement. The author’s opinion may be correct but it lacks of validity as there is no strong
support such as in term of fact that been studied, statistic that showing the author’s point of
view and or even expert opinion. It is merely author’s opinion.

The other reason is that only a certain schools are ready and well prepared for this
program. When a new program or approach are being introduce the government should take
into consideration about the capability and capacity of the schools. In term number of the
teachers that is capable in teaching the subject in English and are those material for learning
are ready for students to use. There is need to state the fact of the Dual Language Program
(DLP) for supporting the arguments on how this program can counter the unemployment due
to not be able to speak English.

In summary, the author’s support the DLP and stand over his reasons because this is
an incentive that going to help Malaysian in shortcoming future. Yet the author’s pick some
sentence that being echoed by the opposition but all of them oppose the idea of DLP and
there is none of their reasoning being stated in this article. His overall arguments against
who disagree DLP is weak due to lack of reason. Therefore, every program have it pros and
cons since it is human idea due to that is a must to study for every action that going to be
implied by the government to the school. Rather than exaggerate this little thing let
contribute the idea in an appropriate way.
(1012 words)

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