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Karma is defined as work, actions or deeds and also refers to the spiritual principle
of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that
individual . Good deed and good intent will contribute to future happiness and good karma while
bad deed will contribute to future suffering. Different schools of Indologist have different
definitions for the karma concept which is some combination of causality that may be ethical or
non-ethical, good or bad actions have consequences and rebirth. Other Indologists include in the
definition of karma theory that which explains the present circumstances of an individual with
reference to his or her actions in past.

Endless knots symbolize interlinking of cause

and effect, a Karmic cycle that continues
eternally. The endless knot is visible in the
center of the prayer wheel.

Law of Karma

Law of karma determine a person’s higher or lower existence. This law determined that
an individual thoughts, words and deeds have ethical consequence that establish the quality of
their future existence. For Hindus, the law of Karma is necessary law of nature. It decides the
quality of a Hindu’s further life. According to the law of karma, the good that a person does in
thi life eventually comes back to him or her in the form of good fortune either in one present life
or in one’s future existence. Likewise, a person pays a ‘karmic price’ for the evil deeds he or she
might have performed. The evil deeds will come back to haunt in present life or future existence.

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