Government System of Japan

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The Government of Japan

The legislative branch is made of two
houses, the House of Representatives
Background and the House of Councilor’s. These
make up something called, the
Japan has a history of being an empirical country, where the empires
National Diet. The House of
were seen as near gods. The line of emperors stretches all the way to
Representatives consists of 465
660 BCE, where the first emperor was Jimmu. The last real emperor
members, elected based on 11
with any power was that of Hirohito, who was emperor during World
electoral blocs. The House of
War 2. Once the Allied powers took back control of Japan, the
Councilor’s consists of 242 members
empirical rule that had dominated Japan was ended. They then installed
elected by a nationwide list, then
a democratic republic system similar to that of the United States. This
divided proportionally by district. The
system involves 3 branches. One being the Prime Minister and his
Diet’s job is to make laws, approve
cabinet, the diet, or the two houses the House of Representatives and
budgets, approve appointments, and
House of Chancellors, and the judiciary, or Supreme Court.
ratify amendments to the constitution.

The current emperor of Japan, Akihito has been serving since 1989. The
The judicial branch is spearheaded by
emperor holds no real power anymore. The position is now used as a
the Supreme Court, which is followed
figurehead in certain ceremonies and to unite the Japanese people.
by 4 lower courts, and the smaller
courts for the districts. The Supreme
Court takes cases that are disputed by
members of disputing parties, not if
laws of constitutional. There are 14
justices total, with the chief justice
being, Naoto Ōtani.

The executive branch contains the Prime Minister and his/her cabinet.
The current Prime Minister of Japan is Shinzō Abe. He is chosen by the
Diet, normally of the ruling party. In this case, Shinzō Abe, belongs to
the liberal democrat party. This cabinet contains no more than 17
members. This branch, administers laws set forth by the Diet, manages
foreign affairs, manages civil programs, and prepares a budget.

Government System of Japan

Works Cited:

Britannica, T. E. (2012, January 04). Emperors and Empresses Regnant of Japan. Retrieved from

Prime Minister Cabinet. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Government System of Japan

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