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1. As we grow up the way we perceive our surroundings change.

Ask three children

(under 10) of different ages the following questions.

1 Where does the sun go at night?

2 Could you become a girl (boy) if you want to?

3 What are clouds made of?

4How old do you think I am?

5Where do dreams come from?

5Does your brother (sister) have any brothers (sisters)?

6Does your mother have a mother?

7Were your parents ever little?

8What makes the leaves fall off the trees?

1-Of the sky ,of the sky, of the sky

2-no,it can’t not be done,no because if child is a child is what god says.

3-of the dust,of many lights, of the sun.


5-of god, of god, of mind



8-the thunder ,the sun, the wind

2. Adolescence is a time for experimentation and getting to know you. As a parent:

1What limits would you place on this experimentation?

1-not allow under any circumstances do things that could endanger his life

2What conflicts do you foresee?

2-in the future I think the teenager will be worse than now3-I would not let her use his cell
3How much of a penalty would you impose on your child for breaking the rules?

3-I would not let her use his cell

4 How much of a penalty would you allow your child to pay for their experimenting?

4-would cease to pay for every act that may affect then and damage to the point of being a troubled adult

4. What is the “Awkward Age”?

Some teenagers may feel they look

awkward, but they actually tend to

be well coordinated during adolescence.

5. State the difference between “cliques” and “crowds”.

Cliques are peer groups of 5 to 10 people who spend a great deal of time


• Larger groups of people who do not spend as much time together but share

attitudes and group identity are called crowds.

6. Describe the Identity Status categories

Identity Moratorium • Adolescents experiencing the identity status known as delay making commitments
about important questions. Identity Diffusion • Adolescents in identity diffusion seem to be constantly
searching for meaning in life because they have not committed themselves to a set of personal beliefs or an
occupational path. Identity Foreclosure • To avoid an identity crisis, adolescents in the identity foreclosure
category make a commitment that forecloses, or shuts out, other possibilities. Identity Achievement •
Adolescents in the identity achievement category have coped with crises, explored options, committed
themselves to occupational directions, and made decisions about key life questions.

7.What is a rite of passage? Which rites of passage have you experienced?

A rite of passage marks a person’s entrance into a new stage of life. These

ceremonies include baptisms, graduations, and marriages. For many people

around the world, various rites such as school graduations and weddings signify

the end of one period of life and the beginning of another.

8.What is an eating disorder and describe the different kinds.

Eating disorder are life –threatening ailments characterized by self-starvation and distorted body image
recurrent cycles of binges eating, and dramatic measures to eliminate food

Anorexia nervosa: Eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and a distorted body image • In the
United States, typically affects young white women of higher socioeconomic status Origins of Anorexia and
Bulimia • Influenced by cultural and social aspects, such as the need to conform to a feminine ideal and a
family history of eating disorders Bulimia Nervosa • Bulimia nervosa: Recurrent cycles of binge eating
followed by dramatic measures to eliminate food • Great majority of sufferers are female

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