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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474

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Research articles

AC magnetic and magnetoimpedance properties of CoFe(NbMnNi)BSi

amorphous ribbons
Subhendu Kumar Manna, V. Srinivas ⇑
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We report magnetic and magnetoimpedance (MI) properties of cobalt-rich amorphous alloys to investi-
Received 26 August 2017 gate the role of small quantities of 3d or 4d transition-metal elements in Co-rich alloys. The microstruc-
Received in revised form 17 October 2017 ture, thermal stability, AC soft magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance of the ribbons are
Accepted 18 October 2017
investigated by substituting Nb in place of Ni and Mn. Present study shows an improvement in glass
Available online 23 October 2017
forming ability and reduction in electrical conductivity of the ribbon with Nb substitution. Higher Nb
containing alloy shows minimum core loss compared to other compositions over a range of frequencies.
Ribbon with higher core loss exhibited higher MI ratio (100% at 3 MHz), but decreased rapidly at higher
Magnetic permeability
Core loss
frequencies due to its larger electrical conductivity. The ribbon with lower electrical conductivity showed
AC hysteresis loop a steady MI ratio and field sensitivity with frequency. These results indicate that MI and core losses at
Magnetic anisotropy medium range of frequencies can be tuned by adding Nb that provides most favourable electrical conduc-
Coercivity tivity and magnetic permeability values, which result in optimum skin depth and MI. The effect of elec-
Magnetoimpedance trical conductivity on MI is also validated through numerical simulations using standard electrodynamics
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Pt ¼ P hys þ P e ð1Þ

The hysteresis power loss was quantified by Steinmetz [5] in
Soft magnetic materials are the backbone of medium and high
hysteresis loss model, which is given by-
frequency devices, like – transformer, motor, generator and mag-
netic sensors, due to their high magnetic permeability (l), low Phys ¼ kh Bnm f ð2Þ
coercivity (HC) and high saturation flux density (Bs). Fe- and Co-
based soft magnetic alloys have been extensively studied [1] for where, f is frequency, kh is hysteresis loss co-efficient, Bm is maxi-
high frequency magnetic applications. These studies have shown mum flux density and ‘n’ is the exponent of Bm, varies from 1.7 to
that Fe-based materials possess higher l, saturation magnetostric- 2.0 depending on the material in question. The major contributor
tion (kS) and lower HC, Curie temperature (TC), whereas Co-based to the total core loss is eddy current loss (Pe) [6,7] which is
materials exhibit lager BS, strong uniaxial anisotropy and lower expressed as-
electrical conductivity and kS values. Although Fe-based materials
show better magnetic softness at high frequency, Co-based amor- p2 d2 B2m f 2 r
Pe ¼ ð3Þ
phous ribbons/films show superior magnetoimpedance (MI) char- b
acteristics due to their nearly zero kS value [2]. On the other hand,
for energy device applications (motor, generator, inductors etc.) where, d is effective dimension (for dense material, d is thickness of
magnetic core loss is also an important factor [3,4]. When a mag- the sample, for laminated material thickness of the sheet), f is fre-
netic material is subjected to an alternating magnetic field the quency, r is electrical conductivity and b is geometrical coefficient.
power is dissipated and is termed as core loss of the material. Pri- From this expression it is clear that r controls the core loss [8]. Ear-
marily, the total power loss (Pt) can be separated into hysteresis lier reports on amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys suggested
loss (Phys) and eddy current loss (Pe), i.e. addition of small quantities of early 3d or 4d transition metal
(TM) elements improve the soft magnetic character due to changes
in local distribution of moments and magnetic exchange [1]. Yoshi-
⇑ Corresponding author. zawa et al. [9] have synthesized nanocrystalline alloy with compo-
E-mail address: (V. Srinivas). sition, Fe73.5Si13.5Nb3B9Cu1 (FINEMET), with low coercivity, high
0304-8853/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
468 S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474

saturation magnetization and lower electrical conductivity. It was Alfa Aesar. Subsequently, long amorphous ribbons having 1–2 mm
suggested that Cu increases the nucleation rate of Fe–Si crystallites width and 40–45 lm thickness were obtained by single roller
and favors homogeneous nanocrystallization, whereas Nb inhibits quenching technique. As-quenched ribbons with compositions
the grain growth [10]. Herzer [11] suggested that if grain sizes are Co73Fe4.5(Ni0.5Mn0.5Nb0.5)Si4.2B16.8, Co73Fe4.5(Mn0.5Nb1.0)Si4.2B16.8
below the ferromagnetic exchange length, then as per random ani- and Co73Fe4.5(Nb1.5)Si4.2B16.8 are referred as Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-
sotropy model, one can achieve soft magnetic character. In addition, III respectively in the following text. The amorphous state of as-
this composite structure leads to the compensation of the kS value quenched ribbons was confirmed by X-ray diffraction study. Ther-
between the amorphous and nanocrystalline phases with opposite mal stability of all the ribbons was investigated by differential
signs of kS values, thus decreasing the magnetoelastic energy [12]. scanning calorimeter (DSC) with a scanning rate of 20 °C/min.
The DC and low frequency AC magnetic measurements on Molybde- Surface and bulk microstructure has been investigated by scan-
num doped (Mo) FINEMET didn’t show significant changes though ning and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A Philips
the heat treatment resulted in improvement of magnetic parame- CM20 TEM was used for the study of bulk structure of amor-
ters. This is attributed to variations in Fe-Fe inter atomic distances phous/nanocrystalline ribbons. The ribbons were initially polished
due to the change in Mo and Nb atomic diameters [13]. On the other and then a dimple was made at the center of the ribbons by using
hand, it is suggested that amorphous alloys are good candidates for the GATAN Ion milling source. These samples were then loaded
low field magnetic sensor applications, i.e. giant magne- on to a Copper grid to investigate the microstructure. The AC
toimpedance (GMI) effect [14]. These properties are closely related magnetic measurements were performed on ring shaped samples
to specific magnetic domain structure of amorphous ribbon, i.e. under magnetic field (1000 A/m or 12.6 Oe) and frequencies
with single axial domain typical for Fe-rich or high transverse mag- (20 kHz) with a commercial B-H loop tracer setup (Model:
netic domain for Co-rich amorphous ribbons. The GMI effect is a AMH-20 K-S). Impedance measurements on 5 cm long ribbons
classical electromagnetic phenomenon observed when impedance were carried out with an impedance analyser (Model: HP
(Z) of a magnetic element changes on application of magnetic field. 4192A) in the frequency range 500 kHz–13 MHz by passing 10
This change in Z occurs mainly due to the change in transverse per- mA alternating current. A magnetic field up to ±100 Oe was
meability (mt) or skin depth (dm), on application of external mag- applied along the length of the ribbons, using a Helmhotlz coil.
netic field [15]. The dm is related to the transverse magnetic The MI ratio and magnetic field sensitivity (g) were evaluated
permeability, mt, electrical conductivity, r and given by [14]: using an expression – MI(%) = (DZ/Z)% = [(Z(H)  Z(Hmax))/Z
 1=2 (Hmax)]  100 and g = (d/dH)(DZ/Z), where Z(H) and Z(Hmax) are
2 impedance under applied field H and maximum field Hmax (100
dm ¼ ð4Þ
lt rf Oe) respectively.

where, f is frequency of exciting current.

Magnetoimpedance also can be enhanced by optimizing the
3. Results and discussion
microstructure, anisotropy and kS of the materials [16,17]. From
Eqs. (3) and (4) it is clear that lower conductivity material is suit-
3.1. Structural properties
able for low core loss behavior, while conductive metallic material
is preferred for the observation of GMI effect, though in both cases
The amorphous nature of the as-quenched (AQ) ribbons has
the material should have ultra–soft magnetic properties. From the
been confirmed through powder XRD method and corresponding
literature it may be noted that the slightly negative ks is preferable
profiles are shown in Fig. 1(a). The diffraction profile shows a broad
over the material with zero ks for exhibiting large MI effect [18].
maxima at 2h = 40°–50° range for Rib-I. On the other hand Rib-II
This is because the domain structure of rapidly solidified materials
and Rib-III exhibit featureless XRD pattern with decreasing inten-
is often determined by coupling between ks and internal stresses
sity compared to that observed in case of Rib-I. These observations
frozen in during the fabrication process [14]. Co-rich amorphous
suggest the glass forming ability enhanced when Ni & Mn were
Co-Fe-B-Si system has received a great attention due to its soft
replaced by Nb. Similar behavior was also reported in Fe-B-Si,
magnetic properties as well as GMI response [1,19]. It has been
Co-Fe-Si-B alloy systems [23,24]. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the DSC
observed that replacement of B by Nb and Cu in Co-Fe-Si-B alloys
thermographs of all ribbons exhibited two distinct exothermic
the MI effect [20] and glass forming ability [21] gets enhanced.
peaks and the crystallization temperatures (Tx) are listed in Table 1.
Nickel addition helps in reducing surface roughness, which in turn
The first and second exothermic peaks correspond to primary and
enhances the GMI response at higher frequencies [22].
secondary crystallization of a-FeCo phase and other Co compound
Few studies on AC magnetic properties and their relation to GMI
phases (e.g. Co3(Si,B)) respectively [25].
have been reported in the literature. Therefore, a pertinent ques-
On close observation of DSC curves it may be noted that the
tion is whether hysteresis loss is someway related to magne-
crystallization temperatures (Tx1 and Tx2) shift to higher tempera-
toimpedance? Whether addition of 3d-, 4d-TM elements help in
ture with increasing Nb content. This indicates the stability of
tuning the electromagnetic properties of the Co-based ribbons?
amorphous state enhanced with replacement of Ni & Mn by Nb,
In order to throw light on these questions we have carried out
which is consistent with XRD results. Further the separation
AC magnetic and MI measurements over a frequency range. The
between Tx1 and Tx2 (DTx = Tx2  Tx1) increased with Nb, which
magnetic and MI properties of three multicomponent amorphous
enables us to investigate the primary crystallization process with-
alloys with composition Co73Fe4.5(Ni0.5Mn0.5Nb0.5)Si4.2B16.8, Co73-
out effecting the secondary crystallization. The two crystallization
Fe4.5(Mn0.5Nb1.0)Si4.2B16.8 and Co73Fe4.5(Nb1.5)Si4.2B16.8 have been
temperatures for Co78xFexSi8B14 (x = 5–40) ribbons have been
carried out in the present investigation.
reported to lie in the range of 477–557 °C [26].
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show smooth
2. Experimental details surface in high resolution micrographs. Further TEM micrographs
and corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pat-
Alloy ingots with nominal compositions Co73Fe4.5(Ni0.5Mn0.5- terns were recorded and shown in Fig. 1(d) and (e) respectively
Nb0.5)Si4.2B16.8, Co73Fe4.5(Mn0.5Nb1.0)Si4.2B16.8 and Co73Fe4.5(Nb1.5) for Rib-1. The electron diffraction patterns of all samples show dif-
Si4.2B16.8 were prepared by arc melting under Argon atmosphere fused ring patterns, indicating amorphous state of the samples,
using high purity (99.99%) elemental constituents obtained from which supports the XRD result.
S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474 469

Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns and (b) DSC thermographs of as-quenched (AQ) ribbons (c) ribbon wound in ring shape for AC magnetic measurements (d) TEM image and (e)
corresponding SAED pattern of Rib-I.

Table 1
Experimentally obtained thermal, electrical and magnetic parameters.

Sample Tx1 (°C) Tx2 (°C) DT = (Tx1  Tx2) (°C) r (/ohm-m) Hc at DC (Oe) l (DC) DC hyst. losss (erg/g-s) P (at 50 Hz) (erg/g-s) P (at 500 Hz) (erg/g-s)
Rib-I 470 578 108 6.3  105 0.036 13,530 3.7 1.33  104 83  104
Rib-II 473 583 110 4.8  105 0.114 7126 4.9 0.21  104 19  104
Rib-III 480 608 128 4.5  105 0.064 18,177 6.6 0.04  104 5  104

3.2. Static magnetization bons. The coercivity of the ribbons was also measured precisely
using coercimeter [Model: CR-02] and the values are recorded as
The saturation magnetization values of Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-III 0.06, 0.34 and 0.15 (±0.01) Oe for Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-III respec-
are observed to be 128, 127 and 114 emu/g respectively (Fig. 2). tively. The differential susceptibility, vdiff (dM/dH) increases to a
Significant decrease in MS of Rib-III could be due to variations in maximum value at low applied fields and then sharply decreases
elemental moment and exchange coupling strengths between as the field increased (see inset (b) of Fig. 2). The maximum value
matrix and transition elements Ni, Mn and Nb. Nevertheless, the of vdiff was observed for Rib-III, whereas it is almost equal for Rib-I
MS values of presently studied alloys are higher than the values and Rib-II.
reported in the literature on Co-Fe-B-Si alloy system [27,28]. From
Fig. 2 it can be seen that the coercivity of all samples is fraction of
an Oersted, which indicates ultra-soft magnetic nature of the rib- 3.3. AC magnetic properties and core loss

Although the DC magnetization studies suggest that the present

(a) compositions posses good soft magnetic characteristics it is impor-
M (emu/g)

0.5 tant to study their AC magnetic response to understand the power

0.0 loss behavior. Further, increase in loss with core fabrication in
amorphous metal-based core is a key factor in designing and pro-
50 -0.5
ducing amorphous alloy based transformer cores. A stress relieved
dM/dH (emu/g-Oe)

12 grain-oriented silicon steel-based core shows nearly the same core

M (emu/g)

-0.2 0.0 0.2

10 (b)
H (Oe) loss as that of a straight strip. Since the skin depth and core loss
0 8
6 depend not only on soft magnetic properties but also the electrical
Rib-I 4 conductivity r, the DC electrical conductivity of the ribbons was
-50 Rib-II 2
evaluated and listed in Table 1, from which one can see r
Rib-III 0 10 20 30 40 decreases with increasing Nb content in the ribbons. The effect of
H (Oe) Nb element on eddy-current loss is examined for toroidal cores
-100 of Co-based amorphous ribbons. The long ribbons are wound into
ring shape with inner and outer diameters of 21.6 and 24.1 mm
-10 -5 0 5 10 respectively (shown in Fig. 1c). The shape of the hysteresis loop
2 is mainly influenced by the magnetic anisotropy of the materials
10 H (Oe)
(ribbons), whereas the total loss of the materials is estimated by
Fig. 2. Isothermal MH loops of AQ ribbons. Insets: (a) MH loops at low field evaluating the area under the hysteresis loop at different
region and (b) differential susceptibility (dM/dH) as a function of H. frequencies.
470 S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474

The hysteresis loops were recorded in the frequency range DC in the core loss with frequency could be attributed to eddy current
to 20 kHz with a maximum magnetic field (Hmax) of 12.6 Oe loss at higher frequencies.
(1000 A/m) and depicted in Fig. 3(a–c) at some selective frequen- A remarkable improvement in core loss of Rib-III can be seen at
cies. The magnetic parameters, such as, Bm, Coercivity (BHC), core higher frequencies compared to that of Rib-I and Rib-II. Further the
loss (P) were obtained from the room temperature hysteresis data maximum magnetic induction value (Bm) and lower BHC value
measured at different frequencies. As the frequency of the excita- remain essentially constant with frequency for Rib-III up to 20 kHz.
tion field is raised, the area under the loop increased due to Fig. 4(a) describes the total core loss (Pt) variation with fre-
increase of eddy current loss with frequency [29]. A contrasting quency at constant flux density, Bm = 1 kG. This figure shows Pt
frequency response of hysteresis loops is observed in three cases. varies very rapidly in Rib-I compared to Rib-II and Rib-III and sug-
For Rib-I the loop area changed rapidly with sharp increase in coer- gests that Rib-I suffers maximum loss, due to its large eddy current
civity, core loss and decrease in Bm with increasing frequency of the loss associated with higher electrical conductivity. Fig. 4(b) shows
AC magnetic field. However, increased Nb content in sample Rib-II the corresponding trend in the variation of coercivity (BHC) with
restricts the rapid changes in hysteresis parameters with frequency frequency. The BHC values for all ribbons initially increased linearly
and interestingly these parameters are least affected in the case of with frequency and then decreased slightly above a characteristic
Rib-III as listed in Table 1. It can be seen that the hysteresis loss frequency. This occurs when the magnetization due to the driving
increases with increasing Nb content in the sample. The increase field is low enough, and the value of H(t) needed to make M(t)
equal to zero is reduced [30]. It is interesting to note from the fig-
ure that maximum Nb containing ribbon (Rib-III) shows lowest
coercivity as compared to other two compositions in the whole fre-
DC (a) Rib-I quency range (DC to 20 kHz).
0.2 KHz Variation of lr with field for different frequencies is shown in
0.5 KHz the inset of Fig. 4(c) for Rib-I. It can be observed from the figure
2 0.7 KHz that lr goes through a maximum at certain H for a particular fre-
quency. The initial increase in lr is due to domain wall motion in
magnetization process and the decrease at higher fields is because

of only magnetization rotation. The maximum lr at each frequency

0 was obtained for all ribbons and the frequency dependence of Max.
lr is plotted in main panel of Fig. 4(c). The DC Max. lr values are
13,500, 7000 and 18,500 for Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-III respectively.
These results indicate improvement in permeability value for max-
-2 2.0 KHz
imum amount of Nb contain ribbon. Similar behavior was observed
5.0 KHz
10.0 KHz
when Si is replaced by Nb in Co69Fe7Si14–xNbxB10 alloy [27]. At
20.0 KHz higher frequency the decreases due to domain wall damp-
ing by eddy current [31]. The magnitude of maximum flux density,
4 (b) Rib-II Bm for Rib-I remained constant up to 600 Hz and decreases to
DC nearly zero with increasing frequency (Fig. 4(d)). This decrease in
0.1 KHz Bm is proportional to f0.9 beyond 600 Hz. A monotonous decrease
2 0.5 KHz
of Bm (Bm / f0.24) has been observed for Rib-II beyond 1 kHz. How-
1.0 KHz
ever, in case of Rib-III the Bm remained almost constant (Bm / f0.02)

in the whole frequency range (DC to 20 kHz). The decrease in Bm

0 with f can be attributed to domain wall pinning at higher frequen-
cies due to larger eddy current. However, in Rib-III the decrease in
electrical conductivity lowers the eddy current pinning in this rib-
-2 bon. All the above results suggest a viewpoint that AC magnetic
5.0 KHz
response of Rib-III is best among the presently studied samples.
10.0 KHz
15.0 KHz Several theoretical models have been proposed to identify the
20.0 KHz losses in the dynamic hysteresis curves. Jiles [32] and Kaminski
et al. [33] have derived the hysteresis equation from an energy-
(c) Rib-III balance equation. This model assumes that the external magnetic
4 energy supplied will help in magnetizing the materials or dissi-
DC pated in the form of heat due to irreversible magnetization. If dis-
0.1 KHz sipation is minimum then MH curve should exhibit anhysteretic
2 1.0 KHz magnetization curve. The energy balance equation for static mag-
10.0 KHz
netization is given [32]

20.0 KHz
0 Z Z Z  
dM irr
l0 M an dHe ¼ l0 MdH þ l0 kdð1  cÞ dHe ð5Þ
where, the first term on the right-hand side represents the magne-
tostatic energy, and the second term is dissipation loss due to pin-
-4 ning of magnetization vector. In this equation He = H + aM, the
coefficients k and d are the pinning parameter and directional
-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 parameter respectively. dH/dt is positive for d = +1 and negative
H (Oe) for d = 1. The amount of reversible change in magnetization is
given by constant c. When hysteresis is recorded under time vary-
Fig. 3. B–H loops of (a) Rib-I, (b) Rib-II and (c) Rib-III at different frequencies. ing fields the energy losses appear due to changes in the irreversible
S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474 471

Fig. 4. Variation of (a) total core loss, Pt (Bm = 1 kG), (b) coercivity, BHC (Hm = 12.6 Oe), (c) maximum relative permeability (max. lr) and (d) maximum flux density (BS) with
frequency for all ribbons. Inset of (c): lr variation with H for Rib-I.

magnetization Mirr. In addition the eddy current losses arise in elec- ability. When Hext exceeds HK, the transverse permeability is
trically conducting media, which has to be added to the right-hand decreased due to the longitudinal field Hext which tries to rotate
side of Eq. (5) and gives the expression for hysteresis loops with AC magnetization in the direction of external field. As a consequence
magnetic field. When both excess and classical losses are added in with increasing Hext, skin depth increases and result in decrease
the energy equation features like increase in coercivity, energy loss of MI(%). The double peak behavior of all AQ ribbons in the fre-
per cycle, the invariance of remanence with frequency were repro- quency range of present study (0.5 MHz to 13 MHz) indicates the
duced [32]. presence of transverse magnetic anisotropy [15]. On close observa-
tion of MI curves, one can see the HK value for a particular sample
3.4. Magnetoimpedance properties increased with increasing frequency. For example, HK of Rib-I
increased from 3 Oe to 7 Oe when frequency changed from 0.5
The impedance, Z of the ribbons was measured as a function of MHz to 13 MHz. The shift in HK with increasing frequency of all
external DC magnetic field, H at various frequencies up to 13 MHz. ribbons is depicted in Fig. 6(a).
Fig. 5(a–c) shows the variation of MI(%) as a function of external DC The shift of HK towards a higher value of Hext is probably due to
magnetic field, H for Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-III at some representative large eddy current effect with increasing frequency (f  5 MHz). At
frequencies – 0.5, 3, 7 and 13 MHz. For all ribbons at a particular higher frequency the domain wall displacements were strongly
frequency, the MI(%) is seen to increase up to a certain switching damped by eddy current pinning and give larger HK value. Another
field, known as the anisotropy field, HK and thereafter it gradually interesting aspect of MI% vs H curves is that the dip between the
decreases with the field. two peaks at origin is largest for Rib-II, and lowest for Rib-III. This
This type of MI profile is termed as double peak MI profile, and depth profile suggests large number of transverse domains present
the origin of double peak behavior can be explained by the facts: in Rib-I and Rib-II, compare to Rib-III. The maximum MI ratios for
There are two kinds of magnetic anisotropy acting on the ribbons, Rib-I, II and III are 100%, 86% and 92% respectively have been
one corresponds to transverse anisotropy and other is DC axial observed at 3 MHz. As the skin depth depends on frequency of
magnetic field. In the low field region, close to origin, the external AC field, these above observations can be interpreted by the com-
magnetic field (Hext) tries to overcome the transverse anisotropy bination of inductive and resistive parameters such as, permeabil-
and permeability increases. On further increase in Hext, the magne- ity (lr) and electrical conductivity (r) of the ribbons. Rib-I has
tization vector overcomes the existing transverse anisotropy, when larger r (6.3  105/ohm-m) and moderate lr value (13,500)
it reaches HK. At this point the magnetization responds quickly to and exhibits highest MI(%). This is consistent with most magneti-
external magnetic field and gives rise to a large transverse perme- cally lossy character (see Table 1). Rib-III higher lr (18,500) and
472 S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 important factors that should be satisfied by material [20]. A com-
petition between lr and r to results in optimum skin depth, dm
100 0.5 MHz
(a) Rib-I according to Eq. (4). It may be speculated that magnetically lossy
3.0 MHz materials with reasonable lr can generate higher MI values as
80 7.0 MHz shown in the case of Rib-I. Chaturvedi et al. [22] reported surface
13.0 MHz smoothness of Co69Fe4.5X1.5Si10B15 ribbon improved when X was
60 replaced by Ni, which indeed enhanced the MI(%). This might be
also a reason behind the largest MI(%) in Rib-I. Fig. 6(b) shows
40 the magnetic field dependence of sensitivity, g at different fre-
quencies for Rib-I. The maximum g value (gmax) was observed at
20 very low field (H < HK) due to sharp change in MI(%). The variation
tendency of g in low fields is consistent with that in MI variation
0 as shown in Fig. 5. Same trend in g variation with H was also
observed for other two ribbons. Fig. 7 displays the frequency
80 dependent maximum MI ratio (MI(%)max) and its maximum field
(b) Rib-II sensitivity (gmax) respectively for all ribbons. It can be observed
that at lower frequency (f  1 MHz) (i.e. dm > a, ribbon thickness)
60 the value of MI(%)max was relatively low due to the contribution
of magneto inductive part to the magnetoimpedance. At moderate

40 frequency (1 MHz  f  4 MHz) (a  dm) the skin effect becomes

dominant and a higher value of MI(%) was observed. For f  4
MHz, the MI(%)max decreased with increasing frequency. In this fre-
20 quency region (f  4 MHz), the domain wall displacements were
strongly damped by eddy current, thus contributing less to the
0 transverse permeability, i.e. small MI(%)max. It can be noticed that
100 for Rib-I the rate of decrease of MI(%) with f is faster at higher fre-
quencies and MI(%)max reached lower value than Rib-III at 13 MHz.
(c) Rib-III This could be due to large eddy current damping of domain wall
80 motion in Rib-I due to its higher electrical conductivity. This is con-
sistent with the frequency dependent field sensitivity (g) varia-
60 tions as shown in Fig. 7(b). The maximum field sensitivity, gmax
has been picked up at very low field region (<HK) as it has very
40 large value at this region. As can be seen from the figure, the max-
imum field sensitivities, gmax are 12.5 (at 4 MHz), 13.75 (at 4 MHz)
and 4.5 (at 2 MHz) for Rib-I, Rib-II and Rib-III respectively. The
value of gmax for Rib-II continued to maintain highest among them
for the whole frequency range as the depth of the double peak in
0 this ribbon increased with increasing frequency.
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 The lower value of gmax for Rib-III is due to weaker double peak
nature (anisotropy), but most interestingly this gmax value remains
H (Oe) almost constant over the whole frequency range. This behavior of
Fig. 5. MI% as a function of magnetic field (H) for (a) Rib-I, (b) Rib-II, (c) Rib-III at
gmax is quite similar to AC magnetic behavior (variations of HC,
some representative frequencies. lr and Bmax with frequency) as observed earlier. These results sug-
gest damping of domain wall motion by eddy current is minimum
lower r (4.5  105/ohm-m) due to which lower magnetic loss has in Rib-III due to it’s lower electrical conductivity (r). Although
been observed and exhibits moderate MI(%). Here it must be Rib-III obtained lower MI(%) and field sensitivity (g), they are
pointed out that tuning of electrical conductivity is one of the stable up to comparatively higher frequencies. This will have very

Fig. 6. Variation of (a) anisotropy field (HK) with frequency for all ribbons and (b) field sensitivity (g) with H at different frequencies for Rib-I.
S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474 473

Fig. 7. MI(%)max and gmax variations with frequency for all ribbons.

good practical importance to develop a magnetic field sensor at and

higher frequencies with same sensitivity.
The starting point of the models proposed to understand the Heq ¼ Hext sinðh þ h0 Þ þ HK cos2 h  NMS ð8Þ
GMI phenomenon is Maxwell equations and the Landau-Lifshitz-
Gilbert (LLG) equation [34,35]. By using these models numerical  
2 2
simulations have been carried out for Co-based amorphous ribbons A ¼ 1 þ ctgðh þ h0 Þ lnðctgðh þ h0 ÞÞ sin ðh þ h0 Þ ð9Þ
[36]. Since for the present series of ribbons, noticeable differences
in electrical conductivity (r) were found experimentally, we have where N is the demagnetization factor of the ribbon. The impedance
investigated the influence of conductivity on MI, through numeri- could be obtained by bringing l ¼ lr l0 and l0 ¼ 4p  107 H/m into
cal simulations. The impedance of the material can be expressed
the calculation of impedance in Eq. (6).
[36] as
The r value was varied from 2  105 to 15  105/ohm-m by
Z ¼ 0:5Zdc kd cothð0:5kdÞ ð6Þ retaining other material parameters as is, and the MI was evalu-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ated numerically as shown in Fig. 8. The angle between easy axis
where Zdc is the DC resistance and Zdc ¼ rx
, k ¼ x2rlð1 þ iÞ of magnetization and transverse to the length of the ribbon (h0)
It can be seen from the above expressions that the calculation of assumed to be 5°, angle between easy axis of magnetization and
the impedance boils down to the calculation of the permeability. the saturation magnetization (h) was taken as 45°. Other
The permeability at an equilibrium condition could be represented parameters- gyromagnetic ratio (c) and damping constant (a)
by solving LLG equation and Maxwell equations as- were taken as 2.2  105 m/As, 0.3 respectively for the simulations.
For the present series of ribbons, experimentally observed MS
ðcHeq þ cMS þ ixaÞðcHeq þ cMS A þ ixa  cHK sin hÞ  x2 value is 9.67  105 A/m and the anisotropy field, Hk  3 Oe and
lr ¼ 2
ðcHeq þ cMS þ ixaÞðcHeq þ ixa  cHK sin hÞ  x2 thickness of the ribbons, d = 40 lm. Here it is assumed that the
ð7Þ demagnetization factor, N is negligible as we have used very long
ribbon (5 cm) for MI measurement. The main panel of the Fig. 8

Fig. 8. Calculated GMI curve with different electrical conductivity (ranging from 2  105 to 15  105/ohm-m) of the FeCo(NiMnSb)SiB ribbons. Side panel: Calculated
variation of MI(%)max with frequency for different electrical conductivity values.
474 S.K. Manna, V. Srinivas / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 467–474

shows the simulated MI curves for different r values, at 5 MHz fre- Acknowledgements
quency. With increasing r, the MI(%) enhanced sharply.
All the simulated curves show double peak nature, indicating The authors acknowledge Prof. K. Balasubramanian, Dept. of
that the parameters used here are suitable for Co based ribbons Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
(Transverse alignment of magnetic anisotropy). The calculated MI Chennai for allowing us to use some experimental facilities.
(%) value is an order magnitude larger than the experimentally
obtained value. This discrepancy is due to the over simplification Appendix A. Supplementary data
of domain dynamics with the usage ideal parameters in theoretical
modelling. Although the magnitude of MI differs, the trend of MI Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
variation with magnetic field and frequency are similar in simu- the online version, at
lated data and experiments.
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