Stilts (April 22,2018) DT Small and Extra Large Tent Revised GCV

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Date: April 02,2018

Client's Name: Yasmin Rasuman
Company: Please advise details
Tel. No.: Please advise details
Fax. No.: Please advise details
Mobile No. : 09183626271
Email Add:

Name of Guest/s: Yasmin Rasuman

No.& Age/s of Adults: 12 adults
No.& Age/s of Children: N/A
Check In Date: April 08, 2018 (2:00 PM)
Check Out Date: April 09, 2018 (12:00 NN)
Purpose of Visit: Camping
Cottage Name: Small Tent and Extra Large Tent
Approximate Computation of Charges:

Small Tent 1,500.00

Extra Large Tent 4,500.00
Entrance Fee: 12 pax @770/head 9,240.00

Total Amount payable: 15,240.00

Less Downpayment:BPI (April 5,2018) (7,000.00)
Balance 8,240.00

Corkage Fees (if applicable)

Php200/person for cooked food or heavy meals
Php500/case of alcoholic beverages
Php300/case of soft drinks
Php500/bottle of imported hard drinks
Php200/bottle of local hard drinks

Applicable Inclusions:
*Welcome refreshments at the Resort.
*Use of the resort areas such as the beach area.
*Use of swimming pool.
*Use of Camping Tents

Booking Status CONFIRMED

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you to Stilts!

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