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It is useless to cry over spilt milk. Blood is thicker than water. Lend and lose your friend. Self done is well done. Every cock fights best on his own dunghill. Self priase is no recommendation. Example is better than precept. OR Physician heal thyself Tit for tat. Allis well that ends well. Union is strength. Might is right. Penny wise pound foolish. Charity begins at home. Haste makes waste. A man is known bythe company he keeps. Great boast littlewoast. Out of the frying pan into the fire. A blind\man is no judge of colours. His bread is buttered on both sides. It takes two to make a quarrel. A figure among the ciphers. First do then deserve. First sow then reap. To kill two birds with one stone. wed PSone 08 C6 Wet -e me Aft EFL we FU se Ls ul (sie Ls! Wye ol Ao Be Ange - ue TN as —toFAUBA ea BA i REET Kee (6 ue we ththe eA LI bT wolf Geo63E eit Lint A Gerd best thou ALi Shute Are ~ Bai gi JH ALE Obst God helps those who help themselves. Rome was not built in a day. Coming events cast their shadows before. A single sinner sinks the boat. OR A black sheep infects the whole flock. Small wit great boast. There is something wrong at the bottom. Too many cooks spoil the broth. A rolling stone gathers no mass. Rod is the logic of the fools. Money begets money. Death keeps no calendar. Expect no good in return. All that glitters is not gold. Good mind good find. A stitch in time Sayes nine. There is many a slip between the cup and the lips. Honey is not for the ass's mouth. Much cry little wool. A self evident truth needs no proof. Hit the iron while it is hot. A closed mouth catches no files. Birds of a feather flock together. lesa pet Str HEEL vehi we I RL i Sire 7-0) PGi ees Sch ELA Oe AL 2A ud Mu seer -ButtwhE Fr wl Gl Lwenl A ebayer bi detieg GET -<) fe trLce COL tL ee KAA SoCal, LA Salut hes oth Pa enkbe Or Lossy SIE sach ng EWS To rob Peter to pay Paul. The face is the index of the mind. A bad name is worse than bad deeds. Better alone than in a bad company. A wolf in sheep's clothing, Saving is gaining. The butcher looked out for the knife when he held it in his mouth. Man proposes God disposes. Make hay while the sun shines. Something is better than nothing. Prevention is better than cure. Come what may. Casting pearls before swine. Think before you speak. OR Look before you leap. To cry before one is hurt. Health is Wealth. See which way the wind blows. An empty vessel makes much noise. Sweep before your own door. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Barking dogs seldom bite. Two of a trade seldom agree. ~ pe, fai begpethtibe ete REIT ~otnet Viptalg NTA =p lend, Pa! ae oP Mes Us UE babe tees As EG! “ BAL ~o ebay nthe PLE on SBE Ue tot

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