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Version A


Instructor: Manoj Kaplinghat
Final exam
Date: 3/14/2016



Clear your desk except for pen, pencil, eraser, calculator and
student ID.

You will only get full credit if we can follow all of your work,
so write neatly and include all steps in your calculation.

Partial credit will only be given in the absence of wrong

statements and irrelevant formula.

Version A

1) A 5.00-kg ball is hanging from a long but very light flexible wire when it is struck by a
1.50-kg stone traveling horizontally to the right at 12.0 m/s. The stone rebounds to
the left with a speed of 8.50 m/s, and the ball swings to a maximum height h above
its original level. Find the value of h. [6]

Version A

2) In the figure, two blocks, of masses

2.00 kg and 3.00 kg, are connected by
a light string that passes over a
frictionless pulley of moment of inertia
0.00256 kg m2 and radius 4.00 cm. The
coefficient of friction for the tabletop is
0.300. The blocks are released from
rest. Using the work-energy theorem,
find the speed of the upper block just
as it has moved 0.600 m. [6]

Version A

3) In the figure, a very light rope is wrapped around a

wheel of radius R = 2.0 meters and does not slip. The
wheel is mounted with frictionless bearings on an
axle through its center. A block of mass 14.0 kg is
suspended from the end of the rope. When the
system is released from rest it is observed that the
block descends 12.1 meters in 2.2 seconds.
a. Find the acceleration of the block. [2]
b. Find the tension in the rope. [4]
c. Find the angular acceleration of the wheel? [2]
d. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel? [4]

Version A

Version A

4) A record is dropped vertically onto a freely rotating turntable. Frictional forces act to
bring the record and turntable to a common angular speed. The moment of inertia of
the record is 0.52 times that of the turntable. What is the ratio of the final kinetic
energy of the turntable and record (after they are moving as one) to the initial kinetic
energy of the turntable? [You won’t need the value of the turntable’s moment of
inertia because it will cancel out in the ratio. So the only unknown you need to find in
this problem is the initial angular speed of the rotating turntable.] [6]

Version A

5) A uniform solid sphere of radius 10 cm and mass 3 kg is rolling without slipping

along a horizontal surface with a speed of 5.50 m/s when it starts up a ramp that
makes an angle of 30.0° with the horizontal. You won’t need the value of the
sphere’s mass to do this problem.
a. What is the speed of the sphere after it has rolled 3.00 m up the ramp,
measured along the surface of the ramp? Use energy conservation. [6]
b. How would your answer change if the radius or mass of the sphere were
doubled? Explain. [2]

Version A

6) In the figure, a 10.0-m long bar is attached by a

frictionless hinge to a wall and held horizontal by a
rope that makes an angle θ of 60° with the bar. The
bar is uniform and weighs 117.23 N. The tension T in
the rope is 122 N.
a. Find x. [4]
b. If the cross sectional area of the rope is 1.0
cm2 and the Young’s modulus is 1.22 × 109
N/m2, by how much does the rope extend? [4]

Version A

7) Sputnik I was launched into orbit around Earth in 1957. It had a perigee (the closest
approach to Earth, measured from Earth's center) of 6.81 × 106 m and an apogee
(the furthest point from Earth's center) of 7.53 × 106 m. The mass of Earth is 5.97 ×
1024 kg and G = 6.67 × 10-11 N · m2/kg2.
a. What was the semi-major axis (a) of the orbit? [2]
b. What was its speed when it was at its apogee? [4]
c. Assuming a mass of 86 kg for Sputnik I, find its angular momentum about the
Earth’s center. [4]
d. Find the maximum acceleration experienced by Sputnik I in its orbit. [4]

Version A

Equations and constants
~ and magnitude ⌧ = rF sin( )
~⌧ = ~r ⇥ F
sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b = sin(C)/c, and ⌧z = I↵z
a2 = b2 + c 2 2bc cos(A), for a triangle with sides 2
K = (1/2)M vcm ~ext = M acm and
+ (1/2)Icm ! 2 , F
a, b and c opposite to angles A, B and C respectively X
⌧z = Icm ↵z and
~ ~
A · B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz = AB cos(✓)
vcm = R! for rolling without slipping
x = x0 + v0x t + ax t2 , vx = v0x + ax t and W = ⌧z ✓ and P = ⌧z !z
~ = ~r ⇥ m~v (particle)
vx2 = v0x
+ 2ax (x x0 ) for constant acceleration
dvx dvy dvz ~ = I~
L ! (rigid body rotating about symmetry axis)
ax = , ay = , az =
dt dt dt dL~
g = 9.8m/s2 ~⌧ =
Newton0 s second law : F~ = m~a l 1 F?
l0 Y A
f s  µs n Gm1 m2
f k = µk n
Fg =
Kepler’s laws and pla
arad =
ZR x2
1.  Each planet moves in an elliptical o
G = 6.67 ⇥ 10 11
kg s2

with the sun at one focus.

W = Fx dx GmE
g= 2
x1 RE
Z P2
Gm1 m2
W =
F cos( )dl Ug =
2.  A line from the sun to a given plane
Gms T 2 = 4⇡ 2 a3 and
~ · ~s = F s cos( )
W =F
K = mv 2 /2
for constant force
sweeps out equal areas in equal tim
Gms m
for an elliptical orbit
Wtot = K See figure to the right.

dW ~ · ~v
P = =F
Wgrav =
Ugrav , Wel =
Ugrav,1 = mg(y2 y1 )
Uel 3.  4π2a3=GmST2. See figure belo
✓ ◆
1 2 1 2
Uel,2 Uel,1 = kx2 kx1
2 2
K1 + U1 + Wother = K2 + U2
@U @U @U
Fx = , Fy = , Fz =
@x @y @z
~ = m~v
F~ = d~
J~ = F~ t= p ~
m i x i m i yi m i zi
xcm = Pi , ycm = Pi , zcm = Pi
i mi i mi i mi

Total momentum P ~ = M~vcm , M = total mass

X ~ X
~ext = dP ,
F ~ext = M acm if M is constant
dv dm
Rocket propulsion, m = vex
dt dt
✓ = ✓0 + !0z t + ↵z t2 , !z = !0z + ↵z t and
!z2 = !0z
+ 2↵z (✓ ✓0 ) for constant ↵z
v = r! , atan = r↵ , arad = ! 2 r for circular motion © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
I= mi ri2 and K = (1/2)I! 2

IP = ICM + M d2

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