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Unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar

(topic vocab)
1 Who Am I? right, wrong, doesn’t say, numbers, dates, months, nationalities, present simple, adverbs of
p 5–16 reading for main ideas family, word completion, frequency, question words, present
identifying a set of words continuous
2 Look At Me! multiple-choice, appearance & personality, past simple, used to, past
p 17–28 finding the information you need prepositions continuous

REVIEW 1: Vocabulary & Grammar p 29–30

3 L
 et’s Get multiple-choice & matching, party & technology, phrasal verbs, present continuous for future plans
understanding the context multiple-choice sentences, & arrangements, prepositions
Together identifying collocations of time, place, direction &
p 31–42 prepositional phrases, open cloze,
choosing the correct preposition
4 A
 Day in multiple-choice, everyday jobs, shopping, money & be going to & will, countable &
finding the right part of the text food uncountable nouns, quantifiers
the Life quickly
p 43–54

REVIEW 2: Vocabulary & Grammar p 55–56

5 H
 ome Sweet multiple-choice, home & room, phrasal verbs, open present perfect simple, for & since,
justifying your answers cloze, possessives, multiple-choice cloze,
Home focusing on words before & after the identifying the kind of word you
p 57–68 gap need
6 T
 he Place multiple-matching, town & country, phrasal verbs, demonstratives, articles
using context to understand signs buildings, giving directions
to Be
p 69–80

REVIEW 3: Vocabulary & Grammar p 81–82

7 Time Out! multiple-choice & matching, hobbies, multiple-choice cloze, conditionals: zero & first, gerunds &
p 83–94 looking for connections (pronouns) using prepositions infinitives, open cloze,
looking at the whole text

8 Personal Best matching, sport, collocations, phrasal verbs modals for advice, permission,
p 95–106 looking for words with similar ability, intention, necessity &
meanings obligation

REVIEW 4: Vocabulary & Grammar p 107–108

9 Take a Break right, wrong, doesn’t say, holidays, word completion, relative pronouns, adverbs, open
p 109–120 checking for enough information looking for clues cloze,
choosing the correct word type

10 Road Trip! matching, travel & transport, phrasal verbs, the passive voice: present simple &
p 121–132 looking for words with similar collocations past simple

REVIEW 5: Vocabulary & Grammar p 133–134

11 It’s Raining multiple-choice & matching, weather, open cloze, comparative adjectives & adverbs,
understanding questions deciding what kind of word is missing superlative adjectives & adverbs,
Cats & Dogs open cloze,
p 135–146 writing the correct word
12 T
 he World mulitple-choice, environment & animals, phrasal verbs, ordering adjectives, adjectives
looking for specific information prepositions ending in -ing and -ed
Around Us
p 147–158

REVIEW 6: Vocabulary & Grammar p 159–160

Grammar Reference:  p 161–169 Speaking Reference: p 176–177

Writing Reference: p 170–175

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Listening Speaking Writing Video

gap-fill (dialogue), asking & answering questions, completing a form, focusing on accuracy, Animal Families
listening to instructions giving details about yourself, understanding & completing forms
talking about yourself
multiple-choice, asking & answering questions, an email, writing about personality, Happy Elephants
identifying the wrong answers giving a description of a friend, answering all the questions,
describing a person giving examples, describing personality
& appearance

multiple-choice (pictures), asking & answering questions, a poster, writing important information, Fat Tuesday
choosing the correct picture talking to a partner, finding the correct information,
asking for details about events, checking expressing time, giving contact details

multiple-choice, prompt cards, an informal email, using adjectives in A Grizzly

understanding what to listen for asking questions correctly, emails, Encounter
eating out, taking an order, ordering using short forms, punctuation &
food & drink greetings,
talking about plans, giving opinions,

multiple-matching, asking & answering questions, a note, explaining why, The Horse
identifying the two incorrect options making your descriptions interesting, checking your spelling, Nomads of
describing different rooms, describing making excuses Mongolia
my bedroom
gap-fill monologue, asking & answering questions, a formal email, One of a Kind
listening for days, times & numbers understanding what people say, using formal language,
asking for & giving directions, checking sequencing, describing a route

matching, prompt card activity, an advert, making suggestions & Mechanical

listening for clues answering in complete sentences, persuading, Lizard Car
giving detailed information understanding who & what,
suggesting & persuading
gap-fill (monologue), asking about likes, a blog, using the correct tense A Muni
listening for numbers & dates making & responding to suggestions, using appropriate vocabulary, Adventure
asking about likes, giving advice, positive emotions & negative emotions
responding to advice

multiple-choice (pictures), asking & answering questions, a social media post, making your writing The Travelling
getting ready to listen getting information about places, flow, Photographer
asking about a holiday, describing a using correct punctuation,
holiday greetings, saying where you are, arriving,
talking about activities
gap-fill (dialogue), prompt card activity, an invitation, using modals, Travelling in India
predicting the answers before asking for & giving travel information responding correctly to questions,
listening inviting, accepting & declining an
invitation, explaining why, responding to
a request

gap-fill (monologue), asking & answering questions, a postcard, using a variety of tenses, Snow on Tigers
listening for numbers, adjectives & expressing differences & similarities, planning your answer,
common words asking questions talking about present, past & future
multiple-choice, asking & answering questions, a report, structuring a report, Mega Green
preparing to choose the right option formulating questions, reading both texts, Museum
wh- questions, other questions giving background information,

Speaking Information for Student A:  p 178 Irregular Verbs:  p 180–181

Speaking Information for Student B:  p 179

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