Hot Spot Conference PDF

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The Hotspot I wish to investigate is Syria, with a focus on the Syrian civil war. The civil war in
Syria began in March of 2011, when the Syrian government (who was ruled by the
president/dictator Bashar al-Assad) fired shot into a peaceful protest. However in July of 2011,
those peaceful protests start becoming violent, with protestors finally shooting back. Members of
the military begin to defect and support the protestors. This is when it escalates into a full scale
civil war. Soon enough, each side has numerous allies. The government of Syria is supported
by Russia, while the rebels are supported by the United States. There are also extremist groups
that are being created in this conflict, the most well known of which is ISIS.

The key ideas, events and people are as follows:

Key ideas: The key ideas in Syria are the way the government has been fighting the rebels
(chemical warfare) and the influence that the animosity between America and Russia has had
on the civil war.

Key people: Bashar al-Assad, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin

Key events:
-The first shots fired by the government at peaceful protestors in March 2011
- The CIA begins training Syrian rebels
-Some of those rebels start an extremist group, ISIS
- Russia begins supplying the government forces, while America supplies the rebels

My probable focus/ rough thesis will be.....

The influence of super powers such as the United States and Russia has transformed the
conflict in Syria. What was once a civil war where citizens were fighting for their rights has
transformed into a chaotic war that is both ongoing between rebels, government forces, and
extremists, and a proxy war between America and Russia.

Quote: "I salute all the nations of the Arab Spring and I salute the heroic people of Syria who are
striving for freedom, democracy and reform." Ismail Haniyeh, a supporter of the rebels in Syria

Historical events/periods:
- The Vietnam war, which started out as a proxy war between America and Russia (like the
current civil war in Syria)
- The start of the Arab Spring, which ultimately began the revolution in Syria
Discussion Questions:
- was it Americas duty to support the Syrian rebels, and therefore "save" democracy, or is this
some convoluted idea thought of by the citizens of America to explain the constant wars,
allowing themselves to always be thought of as the heroes?

- Was the use of chemical weapons by the government forces justified? Can it be considered
just another advancement in military technology, as the gun was an advance bet from the

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