Dual Sports G7 Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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Date: September 25, 2018 (TUESDAY)

Duration: 50 Minutes

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Content Standards:
 Demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve
personal fitness
Performance Standards:
 Modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness
Learning Competency:
 Describe the nature and background of Badminton
 Explain the difference between Team Sports and Dual Sports.

Dual Sports- Badminton
Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, page 66-69 and https://www.quora.com
Materials: Manila paper and chalk
A. Daily routine
1) Greetings
2) Checking of attendance
3) Recall of the previous lesson (Festivals in Visayas)
B. Break the Code!
The students will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will have 5 representatives to decode the
following symbols:
a) ≤ , ô, ã, =, ±, õ, *, +, õ (badminton)
b) *, ô, ≤, Ð, ä, *, ä, õ, õ, ±, > (table tennis)
c) ≤, ô, >, «, ä, *, ≤, ô, Ð, Ð (basketball)
d) *, ä, õ, õ, ±, > (tennis)
e) >, +, ©, ©, ä, ! (soccer)

A- ô E- ä I- ± M- = Q- ^ U- &
B- ≤ F- þ J- » N- õ R- ! V- }
C- © G- ÷ K- « O- + S- > W- {
D- ã H- ƒ L- Ð P- )) T- * X- %
Y- £ Z- @


The students will try to classify the words if it is under Team Sports or Dual Sports.


Badminton Basketball
Table Tennis Soccer


The students need to answer the following questions based on the activity.
1) Kindly describe the following sports.
2) What is the difference of Dual Sports from Team Sports?
3) Can you play the following Dual Sports?

- Badminton has its origins in ancient civilizations in Europe and Asia.
- Closely related to an ancient game battledore (bat or paddle) and shuttlecock.
- Battledore and shuttlecock were an upper class pastime in England and European countries.
- A net game played on a rectangular court where opponents volley shuttlecock over a net using a
- The aim of the game is to land the shuttlecock in the opponent’s court.
- Matches for badminton include singles, doubles and mixed doubles.
- Badminton is being governed by BWF (Badminton World Federation).

Kinds of Grip:
a) Forehand Grip- also called as handshake grip; positions the thumb and pointing fingers
wrapped around the handle forming a letter V while the rest of the fingers are spread
supporting the bottom part of the handle
b) Backhand Grip- From forehand grip position, the fingers are moved slightly to place the
thumb pressing flat on the flat side of the handle while the rest of the fingers are positioned
Basic Strokes or Hits:
a) Clear d) Net drop/ shot
b) Lob e) Drive
c) Drop f) Smash

Based on what we have discussed, can you give any idea now about Badminton?

Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.
False1. Team Sports and Dual sports are both played by two players.
False2. Badminton is played on a circular court.
True 3. BWF means Badminton World Federation.
False4. There are 3 kinds of grip in badminton
True5. The matches in badminton includes singles, doubles and mixed doubles
Dual Sports 6. Sports involves two players
Team Sports 7. Sports involves multiple players
Badminton World Federation 8. Meaning of BWF
9-10. Give at least two examples of dual sports.

Please read the basic rules of Badminton on your book, page 69.

Prepared by:
Ms. Ethel Marie Casido
MAPEH Teacher
Checked by:

Mrs. Maria Cecilia C. Portugal

MAPEH Department Chariman

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