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Dua Sahifa

Also known as Dua ‘Sad Subhan’

To be recited on the Ayyame Bayz – 13th, 14th and 15th

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

ِ‫تِسِىِ اهللِ انزَّحًٍِِٰ انزَّحِيِى‬
Glory be to Allah, the Supreme! Praise be to He!
Glory be to He in (His) Divinity! How omnipotent
ٍِِ‫سُ ِثحَاٌَ اهللِ انْؼَظِيىِ َٔ ِتحَ ًِذِِِ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬
He is!
َُِ‫ِانُّٰ يَّا َا ْلذَر‬
Glory be to He in (His) omnipotence! How powerful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) power! How mighty
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َلذِيزٍ يَّا اَػِظ‬
He is! Glory be to He in (His) might! How eminent
He is
‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ جَهِيمٍ يَّا‬،َُّّ‫يٍِِ ػَظِيىٍ يَّا اَجَه‬
َ ‫اَ ِي‬
Glory be to He in (His) eminence! How
compassionate He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫جذٍ يَّا اَ َر َءف‬
ِ ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يَّا‬
compassion! How powerful He is
َُِّ‫يٍِِ َرءُِٔفٍ يَّا اَػَش‬
Glory be to He in (His) power! How majestic He is!
Glory be to He in (his) majesty! How eternal He is
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َػشِيشٍ يَّا اَکْ َثز‬
َُّ‫يٍِِ کَثِيزٍ يَّا َا ْلذَي‬
Glory be to He in (His) eternity! How high He is!
Glory be to He in (His) highness! How sublime He is
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َلذِيىٍ يَّا اَػِهَا‬
ُِ‫يٍِِ ػَهِيٍّ يَّا اَسَُِا‬
Glory be to He in (His) sublimity! How beautiful! He
is! Glory be to He in (His) beauty! How resplendent
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ سَُِیٍّ يَّا اَتِٓا‬
He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ تَُٓیٍّ يَّا إَََر‬
Glory be to He in (His) splendour! How manifest He
is! Glory be to He in (His) manifestation! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُُِّيزٍ يَّا َاظَْٓز‬
secret He is!
ُِ‫يٍِِ ظَاُْزٍ يَّا اَخْفَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) secrecy! How intelligent He
is! Glory be to He in (his intelligence! How aware
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ خَفِیٍّ يَّا اَػِه‬
He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ ػَهِيىٍ يَّا اَخْ َثز‬
Glory be to He in (His) awareness! How generous
He is! Glory be to He in (His) generosity! How kind
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ خَثِيزٍ يَّا اَ ْکزَي‬
He is
َُّ‫يٍِِ َکزِيىٍ يَّا َانْطَف‬
Glory be to He in (His) kindness! How sagacious He
is! Glory be to He in (His) sagaciousness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ نَطِيفٍ يَّا َاِتصَز‬
attentive He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ َتصِيزٍ يَّا اَسًَِؼ‬
Glory be to be in (His) attendancy! How watchful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) watchfulness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ سًَِيِغٍ يَّا اَحِفَظ‬
persuasive He is
َُِ‫يٍِِ حَفِيِظٍ يَّا اَيِهَاء‬
Glory be to He in (His) pervasion! How complete
He is! Glory be to He in (His) completeness! How
ٍِِ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يَّهِيِّ يَّا اَ ِٔفَا‬
sufficient He is!
ُِ‫َٔفِیٍّ يَّا اَغَُْا‬
Glory be to He in (His) sufficiency! How liberal He
is! Glory be to He in (His) liberality! How bountiful
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ غَُِیٍّ يَّا اَػِطَا‬
He is
َُّ‫يٍِِ يُؼِطٍ يَّا أَِسَؼ‬
Glory be to He in (His) bountifulness! How
plenteous He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاََّ يٍِِ َٔاسِغٍ يَّا اَجِ َٕد‬
plenteousness! How superb He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ جََٕادٍ يَّا َا ْفضَه‬
Glory be to He in (His) superbness! How charitable
He is! Glory be to He in (His) charitableness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫ضمٍ يَّا َاَْؼ‬
ِ ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُ ْف‬
masterful He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ يُُْؼِىٍ يَّا اَسِيَذ‬
Glory be to He in (His) masterdom! How Merciful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) mercifulness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ سَيِّذٍ يَّا اَرِح‬
resoulute He is
َُِّ‫يٍِِ رَحِيىٍ يَّا اَشَذ‬
Glory be to He in (His) resoluteness! How strong
He is! Glory be to He in (His) strength! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫شذِيذٍ يَّا َالَْٕا‬
َ ٍِِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬
praiseworthy He is!
،َُِ‫يٍِِ لَِٕیٍّ يَّا اَحِ ًَذ‬
Glory be to He in (His) praiseworthiness, How wise
He is! Glory be to He in (His) wisdom! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫حك‬
ِ َ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ حًَِ ِيذٍ يَّا ا‬
confident He is!
َُّ‫حکِيىٍ يَّا اَتطَش‬
َ ٍِِ‫ي‬
Glory be to He in (His) confidence! How durable He
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ تَاطِشٍ يَّا َالَْٕي‬

Glory be to He in (His) durability! How everlasting

َُّ‫يٍِِ لَیُِّٕوٍ يَّا َادَِٔي‬
He is!
Glory be to He in (His) everlastingness! How
perpetual He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ دَآئِىٍ يَّا َاتِمَا‬
perpetuality! How unique He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ تَاقٍ يَّا َا ْف َزد‬
Glory be to He in (His) uniqueness! How singular
He is! Glory be to He in (His) singularity! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫حذ‬
َ َِٔ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َف ِزدٍ يَّا ا‬
independent He is!
َُِ‫حذٍ يَّا َاصْ ًَذ‬
ِ ‫يٍِِ َٔا‬
Glory be to He in (His) independence! How
sovereign He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ صَ ًَذٍ يَّا اَيِ َهك‬
sovereignty! How authoritative He is
ُِ‫يٍِِ يَّانِکٍ يَّا اَ ِٔنَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) authority! How great He is!
Glory be to He in (His) greatness! How perfect He
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َٔنِیٍّ يَّا اَػِظ‬
َُّ‫يٍِِ ػَظِيىٍ يَّا اَکًَْه‬
Glory be to He in (His) perfectness! How thorough
He is! Glory be to He in (his) thoroughness! How
ٍِِ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬،ًََُّّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ کَا ِيمٍ يَّا اَت‬
marvellous He is!
َُّ‫تَاوٍّ يَّا اَ ِػجَث‬
Glory be to He in (His) marvelousness! How proud
He is! Glory be to hew in (His) pride! How remote
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫خز‬
َ ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َػجِيةٍ يَّا َا ْف‬
He is
َُِ‫خزٍ يَّا َاتِ َؼذ‬
ِ ‫يٍِِ فَا‬
Glory be to He is remoteness! How near He is!
Glory be to He in (His) nearness! How inaccessible
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ تَؼِيذٍ يَّا َا ْل َزت‬
He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ َلزِيةٍ يَّا اَيَُِؼ‬
Glory be to He in (His) inaccessibility! How
victorious He is! Glory be to (His) victoriousness!
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يَّاَغٍ يَّا اَغْهَث‬
How tolerant He is
ُِ‫يٍِِ غَانِةٍ يَّا اَػِفَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) toleration! How indulgent
He is! Glory be to He in (His) indulgence! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ََُُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ ػَفٍُّٕ يَّا اَحِس‬
adorable He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ ُيحِسٍٍِ يَّا اَجًَِه‬
Glory be to He in (His) adorableness! How obliging
He is! Glory be to He in (His) obligingness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ جًَِيمٍ يَّا َالْثَه‬
thankworthy He is!
َ‫ش‬ْ َ‫يٍِِ لَاِتمٍ يَّا ا‬
Glory be to He in His thank worthiness! How Oft-
forgiving He is! Glory be to He in (His) oft-
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫شکُِٕرٍ يَّا اَغْ َفز‬
َ ٍِِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬
forgiveness! How patient He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ غَا ِفزٍ يَّا َاصْ َثز‬
Glory be to He in (His) patience! How effective He
is! Glory be to He in (His) effectiveness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ صَثُِٕرٍ يَّا اَجِ َثز‬
judicious He is!
ََُُّ‫يٍِِ جَثَّارٍ يَّا َادِي‬
Glory be to He in (His) judiciousness! How decisive
He is! Glory be to He in (His) decisiveness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ دَيَاٌٍ يَّا َا ْلضَا‬
alert He is!
ُِ‫يٍِِ لَاضٍ يَّا اَ ِيضَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) alertness! How executive He
is! Glory be to He in (His) execution! How gentle He
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يَّاضٍ يَّا اََْ َفذ‬
ًََُّ‫يٍِِ ََا ِفذٍ يَّا اَحِه‬
Glory be to He in (His) gentleness! How refined He
is! Glory be to He in (His) refinement! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ حَهِيىٍ يَّا اَخْهَم‬
sustaining He is!
‫يٍِِ خَاِنكٍ يَّا اَرِسَقَہ‬
Glory be to He in (His) sustainment! How forceful
He is! Glory be to He in (His) forcibleness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ رَاسِقٍ يَّا َالُْٓز‬
creative He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ لَاُْزٍ يَّا َاَْشَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) creativeness! How kingly He
is! Glory be to He in (His) kingdom! How lordly He
َُّ‫يءٍ يَّا اَيِ َهكَُّ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬
ِ ِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُُْش‬
ُِ‫يٍِِ يَانِکٍ يَّا اَ ِٔنَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) lordliness! How lofty He is!
Glory be to He in (His) loftiness! How dominant He
ٍِِ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ َّٔالٍ يَّا اَرِفَؼ‬
َُّ‫ش َزف‬
ْ َ‫َّرفِيغٍ يَّا ا‬
Glory be to He in (His) dominancy! How extensive
He is! Glory be to He in (His) extensiveness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫شزِيفٍ يَّا َاتِسَط‬
َ ٍِِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬
appropriative He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ تَاسِطٍ يَّا َالْ َثض‬
Glory be to He in (His) appropriativenes! How
originative He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ لَاتِطٍ يَّا َاِتذَا‬
origination! How holy He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ تَادٍ يَّا َا ْلذَس‬
Glory be to He in (His) holiness! How pure He is!
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ لُذُِّٔصٍ يَّا َاطُْٓز‬
Glory be to He in (His) purity! How pious He is
ُِ‫يٍِِ طَاُْزٍ يَّا اَسْكَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) piety! How guiding He is!
Glory be to He in (His) guidance! How truthful He
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ سَكِيٍّ يَّا اَْذَا‬
َ‫ص‬ْ ‫يٍِِ َْادٍ يَّا َا‬
Glory be to He in (His) truthfulness! How timeless
He is! Glory be to He in (His) timelessness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ صَادِقٍ يَّا اَػِ َٕد‬
intentive He is!
َ ْ‫يٍِِ ػََّٕادٍ يَّا َاف‬
Glory be to He in (His) inventiveness! How
protecting He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ فَا ِطزٍ يَّا اَرِػَا‬
protectorship! How supporting He!
ََُّٕ ِ‫يٍِِ رَّاعٍ يَّا اَػ‬
Glory be to He in (His) supportment! How
benevolent He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُؼِيٍٍ يَّا أََِْث‬
benevolence! How accommodative He is
َُّ‫يٍِِ ََّْٔابٍ يَّا اَتْ َٕت‬
Glory be to He in (His) accommodativeness! How
munificent He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ُِ‫سخَا‬
ِ َ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ تََّٕابٍ يَّا ا‬
munificence! How helpful He is!
َ َْ‫سخِیٍّ يَّا َا‬
َ ٍِِ‫ي‬
Glory be to He in (His) helpfulness! How peaceable
He is! Glory be to He in (His) peaceableness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ ََّصِيزٍ يَّا اَسِه‬
able He as a healer!
ُِ‫يٍِِ سَهَاوٍ يَّا اَشْفَا‬
Glory be to He in (His) ability to heal! How able He
is as a deliver! Glory be to He in (His) ability to
َُّ‫ َٔ سُثِحَا‬،ُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ شَافٍ يَّا َاَْجَا‬
deliver! How innocent He is!
َُِّ‫يٍِِ يُّ ُْجٍ يَّا َاتَز‬
Glory be to He in (His) innocence! How
deamandant He is! Glory be to He in (His) demand!
ٍِِ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ ي‬،َُّ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ تَارٍّ يَّا َاطْهَث‬
How perceptive He is!
َُّ‫طَانِةٍ يَّا َادِرَک‬
Glory be to He in (His) perceptiveness! How
reasonable He is! Glory be to He in (His)
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫شذ‬
َ ِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ ُّيذِ ِرکٍ يَّا اَر‬
reasonableness! How affectionate He is!
َُّ‫يٍِِ رَّشِيذٍ يَّا اَػِطَف‬
Glory be to He in (His) affectionateness! How
prudent He is!
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُّ‫ذن‬
َ ‫َطفٍ يَّا اَ ِػ‬
ِّ ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُّتَؼ‬

Glory be to He in (His) prudence! How perfect He

ََُُّ‫يٍِِ َػذِلٍ يَّا اَتْم‬
Glory be to He in (His) perfection! How wise He is!
Glory be to He in (His) wisdom! How able He is to
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،ًََُّ‫حک‬
ِ َ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ يُتَّمٍٍِ يَّا ا‬
stand security!
َُّ‫حکِيىٍ يَّا اَکْفَه‬
َ ٍِِ‫ي‬
Glory be to He in (His) ability to stand security!
How able He is! Glory be to He to give witness! How
َُّ‫ َٔ سُ ِثحَا‬،َُِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ يٍِِ کَفِيمٍ يَّا اَشُْٓذ‬
most praiseworthy He is!
َُِ‫يٍِِ شَُٓيذٍ يَّا اَحِ ًَذ‬
Glory be to He! He is Allah the Supreme and (all)
praise be to Him.And (all) praise be to Allah. There
َٔ ِِ‫َٔ سُ ِثحَاَُّ َُْٕ اهللُ انْؼَظِيىُ َٔ ِتحَ ًِذ‬
is no god except Allah, and Allah is Great and for
Allah is Praise.
ُ‫اْنحَ ًِذُ نِهِّٰ َٔ نَا ِانَّٰ اِنَّا اهللُ َٔ اهللُ اَکْثَز‬
There is no power, and no might, except (with)
Allah, the Highest High.
ِ‫َٔ نَا حَِٕلَ َٔ نَا لَُّٕجَ اِنَّا تِاهللِ انْؼَهِّی انْؼَظِيى‬
Disperser of all calamities. Sufficient is He, and the
Best Supporter.
ُ‫دَافِغُ کُمِّ تَهِيَّحٍ َٔ َُْٕ حَسِثِي َٔ َِؼِىَ انَْٕکِيم‬

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