Accomplishment Report Natong 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

May 14, 2018

May 7, 2018 – Monday

During this day, we were asked to attend the orientation for the teachers who will serve during the
elections. I was assigned as the Chairman of Cluster 305 which consists of Precinct 82D and 82E. During
the orientation, we were given the guidelines and reminders as well as our responsibilities and duties.
We were also given the forms to fill in for our cash cards.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday

The distribution of election paraphernalia was given this day. We arrived at Comelec around 7:00 am and
we waited for our turn. We were tasked to fill in forms, retrieve the election materials, check and
recheck if the items we received matched the list that was given to us. We also turned over the ballots
back to the treasury and we will be claiming it during the Election Day.
Right after finishing the procedures, we proceed to our polling precinct. Upon arrival, we located our
assigned classroom and began cleaning and preparing it for the election. We finished our task around
afternoon of the same day.

May 14, 2018 – Monday (Election Day)

The day started early. Being the chairman of my assigned precinct, I arrived at around 4:00 am to claim
my ballots and election return forms. Afterwards, I went to my assigned classroom together with my poll
clerk and third member. We prepared the remaining things to be prepared. At exactly 7:00 am, we
started the election. We finished at around 3:10 pm. We made the necessary preparations for counting
and we began counting at around 4:00 pm and ended at around 9:00 pm. After the counting, we
continued filling out the needed forms to be accomplished. Afterwards, we went to Comelec to submit
the materials. We were done at around 12 midnight.

Overall, it was exciting but tiring. For a first timer, it was really overwhelming. Although I’m glad I took
the opportunity to serve.

Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

Shanna A. Oracion
Chairman – Cluster 305 (Barangay San Isidro)
May 14, 2018

May 7, 2018 – Monday

Orientation Schedule for election officers assigned in barangay San Isidro, Talisay City, Cebu. The
orientation was held at Talisay City College Conference room. During the orientation, the Comelec officer
discussed about our duties as electoral board tellers. Since it was my first time, I listened intently. I was
assigned as the Poll clerk of Cluster 305 which consists of precinct 82D and 82E.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday

Schedule for distribution of Election Paraphernalia. In our Cluster (cluster 305), I arrived first, so I was the
one who waited in line for us to be entertained by Comelec and to be given our materials. After a while,
my chairman arrived and I helped her in claiming the needed election materials. After getting the forms
from Comelec, we went directly to the city treasurer’s office to claim our ballot box and other materials.
Before we went to our polling station, we rechecked first the items that were given to us. Afterwards, we
proceed to our polling place and started cleaning. After ensuring that everything is in order, we went
home to rest.

May 14, 2018 – Monday (Election Day)

The day started early. Being the poll clerk of my assigned precinct, I arrived at around 4:00 am together
with my chairman to claim the ballots and election return forms. Afterwards, I went to my assigned
classroom together with my chairman and third member. We prepared the remaining things to be
prepared. At exactly 7:00 am, we started the election. We finished at around 3:10 pm. We made the
necessary preparations for counting and we began counting at around 4:00 pm and ended at around
9:00 pm. After the counting, we continued filling out the needed forms to be accomplished. Afterwards,
we went to Comelec to submit the materials. We were done at around 12 midnight.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

Prepared by:

Marie Ybonne B. Pantuan

Poll Clerk – Cluster 305 (Barangay San Isidro)
May 14, 2018

May 7, 2018 – Monday

I arrived at Talisay City College Conference room for the orientation. During this time, I listened to the
guidelines that were given. We were also reminded of our rights, duties, and responsibilities. Also, we
were given the scheduled date for the releasing of our election materials. I was assigned as the third
member of Cluster 305 which consists of precinct 82D and 82E.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday

This day was the distribution of our election materials. Together with my colleagues, we claimed,
checked, and rechecked our materials before proceeding to our polling precinct. Once we were in our
assigned area, we began cleaning and made sure that the place was prepared and ready for the election
the next day.

May 14, 2018 – Monday (Election Day)

I woke up early to prepare food for me and my colleagues. When I arrived at the school, I immediately
helped the chairman and poll clerk. Being the third member, I helped in preparing for the remaining
things to be prepared. At exactly 7:00 am, we started the election. We finished at around 3:10 pm. We
made the necessary preparations for counting and we began counting at around 4:00 pm and ended at
around 9:00 pm. After the counting, we continued filling out the needed forms to be accomplished.
Afterwards, we went to Comelec to submit the materials. We were done at around 12 midnight.

Prepared by:

Perlita C. Quito
Third Member – Cluster 305 (Barangay San Isidro)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

May 14, 2018

May 7, 2018 – Monday

Schedule for orientation at Talisay City College for teachers who would be serving at San Isidro and
Manipis. I was assigned at San Isidro Cluster 307 which consists of Precincts 87H and 87I. during the
orientation, we were given the details of the work assigned to us as well as our responsibilities and our

May 13, 2018 – Sunday

We went to Talisay City Hall to claim our election materials. First, we went to Comelec to get our ID,
PCVL, EDCVL list. Then we went to the treasurer’s office to claim our ballot box and other election
materials. Afterwards we proceed to our assigned classroom. We arranged the chairs, cleaned the room
and prepared the place for the election the next day.

May 14, 2018 – Monday (Election Day)

We arrived at the polling precinct at 4:00 am. The chairman claimed the ballots while I opened the
classroom and rechecked the place if it is in order and is ready for the election. We started at 7:00 am.
Being the poll clerk, I was assigned to write the minutes and other forms. We finished the election at
exactly 3:00 pm. We started counting around 4 pm and ended at around 9 pm. afterwards, we
accomplished the statistical report and signed the envelopes that will be submitted. We went to Comelec
to submit our materials and ballot box at around 11:30 pm. We finished at around 12 midnight, then
home sweet home.

Prepared by:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

Ingrid S. Sala
Poll Clerk – Cluster 307 (Barangay San Isidro)

May 14, 2018

May 7, 2018 – Monday

Our schedule for orientation at Talisay City College was this day. I would be serving at San Isidro. I was
assigned at San Isidro Cluster 307 which consists of Precincts 87H and 87I. During the orientation, we
were given the details of the work assigned to us as well as our responsibilities and our rights.

May 13, 2018 – Sunday

First, we went to Comelec to get our ID, PCVL, EDCVL list. Then we went to the treasurer’s office to claim
our ballot box and other election materials. Then, together with my poll clerk and third member, we
checked if the materials we received are the same with the materials listed in the checklist. Afterwards
we proceed to our assigned classroom. We arranged the chairs, cleaned the room and prepared the
place for the election the next day.

May 14, 2018 – Monday (Election Day)

We arrived at the polling precinct at 4:00 am. As the chairman, I was tasked to claim the ballots while my
colleagues opened the classroom and rechecked the place if it is in order and is ready for the election.
We started at 7:00 am. Being the chairman, I was tasked to see to it that the election process is done
peacefully and in an orderly manner. We finished the election at exactly 3:00 pm. We started counting
around 4 pm and ended at around 9 pm. afterwards, we accomplished the statistical report and signed
the envelopes that will be submitted. We went to Comelec to submit our materials and ballot box at
around 11:30 pm. We finished at around 12 midnight.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Talisay City Division
Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu

Prepared by:

Vanessa H. Rojas
Chairman – Cluster 307 (Barangay San Isidro)

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