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OBJECTIVE TEST MODULE ONE TEST 4 Choose the BEST answer to the question provided. You are advised not to spend more than 30 minutes on Tost One. 10. Which of the following is NOT a component of Heinrich Theory? a. Social Environment b. Unsafe Condition ©. Occupational Safety d. Accident Which statement regarding the accident iceberg is TRUE? a. It shows that uninsured cost is 8-36 time less than insured cost b. It shows the rate of iceberg accidents in the North Pole. Cc. It'shows that insured cost is 36 times less than hidden uninsured cost. d. It shows the methodology of conducting accident investigation. Which of the following is NOT a hidden cost? a. Overtime payments b. Insurance premiums ©. Fines Legal costs The duties of the employer are @ requirement. Where is this mentioned? a. Sec. 15, F&MAct 1967 b. Sec. 16, OSH Act 1994 c. Sec, 16, F&M Act 1967. Sec. 15, OSH Act 1994 Section 16, OSH Act 1994 requires the employer to. a. report accidents b. have a written safety policy ©. provide SOCSO d. be competent The law requires the employer to have a written safety policy when he has a. 4employees b. Semployees © S employees 4. more than 4 employees When did OSH ( Employer's Safety and Health General Policy Statement ) (Exception ) Regulations 1996 come into force? a 252.1995 b. 252.1996 252.1994 4. 252.1997 ‘What is the penalty for non-compliance of Sec, 15, OSH Act 1994? a. Fine more than RM 50,000 or two years jail or both b. Fine not exceeding RM 50,000 and two years jail . Fine not exceeding RM 60,000 or not exceeding two years jail or both d. Fine not exceeding RM 50,000. Who is accountable for Safely and Health at workplace? General Manager b. Safety Officer ©, Managing Director d. Safety Manager Quality principles in Management emphasizes. a, ‘inspecting defects out b. ‘accident investigation’ ©. ‘effective supervisory control” , ‘managing quality in’ 1 of 76 11 12. 8 14. 16, 16. "7. 18. 19, 20, 24 Money spent on prevention increases. a. Job opportunities b, Operation cost Profits d. Insurance The British report on Occupational Safety and Health was prepared by @ Committee headed by. a Lord Robins b. Lord Jennings ©. Lord Exchequer Lord Robins In what year was the report on Occupational Safety and Health prepared? a 1872 b, 1967 1994 4. 1972 ‘The role of the Safety and Health Officer is stated in a Sec. 29, OSH Act 1994 b. Sec. 25, F&M Act 1967 ©. Sec. 29, OSH (Safety Officers) Regulation 1997 d. Sec. 29, F&M Act 1967 Which of the following were NOT the British report’ findings? a. There was deteiled regulatory approach by external agencies. b. The detalled law was difficult to comprehend, amend or update Human and Organization factors were given sufficient regard 4. That it covered all workers and major hazarcs Occupational Safety and Health isa... function a. administrative b. management ©. quality control d. financial What does ‘ Multicast’ mean? a, Many principles of incident prevention b. Multiple accident victims. © Multiple cause to any accident 4. Principles of hazard identification The main cause of an accident is known as. a. Risk factor b. Contributory factors b. Primary cause d. Primary risk Management's commitment to Safety and Health DOES NOT include controlling hazards treating safety as a dynamic condition giving direct instructions to employees responsibilty of preventing unsafe work practices Control by engineering design would NOT include a. installing light beam safely divide b. supervision c. interlocking limitation During accident investigation, the following should be done, except gathering information| b, formulating theories on why and how the accident might have occurred . witnesses should be interviewed in a relaxed atmosphere d. carry out investigation immediately » 20f76 22, 28. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, tn analysing the causal factors of an accident, one should. ‘a. Identity only one causal factor. b. Identify only the main causal factor. c. Identify events before the accident. 4. Alfof the above. Which of the following is NOT a component of Emergency Preparedness? a. conducting drills accident investigation ©. public education program. d._ reviewing hazard. The objective of an Emergency Response Plan should include a, localizing the emergency. b. finding causal factors of an emergency. ¢. analysis of weakness during an emergency. d. review standard operating procedures. The degree and effectiveness of emergency preparedness determines the different between. a. hezard and risk bb, response and recovery ©. emergency and disaster. d._ training and supervision Emergency preparedness ensure the following expect, a. correct response b, recovery ¢. investigation d. prevention Emergency Response Pian should include | plan risk evaluation Il accident investigation procedures security IV _ statement of potential accident situation a |.Hand IV only b. land IV only c. Vand lit only d. i Ill and IV only The right sequences to accident investigation is | making definite recommendations 1 gathering facts and analysing causel factors, IIL compliance to legistation IV public commitment to safety a MLV bo AMV cM IV a QV A safely pley should emphasize management commitment to safety? i public safety being of paramount importance Il compliance to legisiation IV public commitment to safety a. Ill, and IV only b. Ill, and IV only c. Vand Itonly d. land ill only ‘Which of the following are elements needed to establish negligence? | duty of care owned by one party to another | that there hes been a breach of the duty Ill failure to promote awareness of Safety and Health IV that the breach of duty has resulted in damage a |anditonly b. Ill, and IV only cc. Liland IV only d. Allof the above 3 0f 76

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