Soil Consistence

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Soil consistence is the ability of soil to resist deformation against external forces.

It’s a qualitative
physical factor that is described in relation to the soil moisture regime. I.e. when the soil is wet. It leads
to wet consistence which is explained in terms of plasticity or stickiness. The two description of wet
consistence depend on the soil clay content, plasticity refers to molding capability of a soil.

When the soil contains intermediate moisture, moist soils- is described using three terms; loose, friable
or firm. Loose indicates large amount of sand content, friable- loam and organic matter, while firm
confirms high clay content.

While dry soil can be described as, loose, soft and hard. Soft refers to soil consistence where by soil
aggregates pulverizes under forces of push and pull.

Applications in agriculture land use, whereby friable, soft soil consistence are desired.

Quiz- difference between soil consistence and soil structure.

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