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THE DIVINE SCIENCE – Experiences and Testimonials 2012

Experiences and Testimonials

A Brief Introduction and Explanation of Some Experiences and Terminology

This document is a collection of experiences which were posted on the previous forums
before switching everything over to the new classroom system. Keeping all of the
experiences would have simply been too laborious an endeavor, and many of the
experiences were other people’s views of the same events. As such we have chosen a
handful of testimonies and experiences which we feel will give the reader a good
understanding of what the school is like, its hierophants, and what spiritual experiences
are common to the school. Most of the experiences shared here are from personal
visits with the hierophants during monthly retreats held at the Temple/Student House,
which students are allowed to attend after completing the probationer class. There are
also testimonies of healings and experiences from askesis (spiritual practice) as well.

One of the most universal experiences which you will see all over this document is
“catharsis”. In our tradition this refers to an automated process of spiritual cleansing.
Catharsis can be induced just from an individual’s askesis, but it is most commonly
induced by personal contact with the Hierophants. As a result of simply osmosis, the
higher density energy of the hierophants will enter int the lower density auras of the
students. This transferred energy will cause a purifying action within the energy
channels of the body that breaks blockages and alleviates stagnation. This catharsis
will often manifest itself in one of two ways; 1)emotional outbursts, usually in tears or
laughter, and/or 2) uncontrolled bodily motions such as jerks, bouncing or swaying,
each action indicating a different energy process. The emotional outbursts are the
relieving of suppressed emotions and powerfully suppressed energies in the organs.
The bodily jerks are from energy blockages being removed, bouncing is caused from
energy surges in the spine, and swaying is done when stagnant energy is being

On a final note, the school is essentially non-sectarian in a religious sense. There is no

single religion promulgated or preached. However, within the confines of traditional
theurgy the Greek God/Incarnation of Dionysus is revered as the giver of the theurgic

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mysteries, and it is not uncommon for one of the hierophants or teachers to sing a
quick praise to Dionysus during a spiritual experience. It is near impossible to teach a
Greek tradition without some occasional reference to the Greek deities who inspired the
masters of the lineage throughout history.

Testimonies from Mentors of The Divine Science

Epandros Daskalos Shares Some Experiences

I encourage everyone to share some of their non-personal experiences with Ramose
and Veos, and with the spiritual training you have done under them. The experiences
they give are not necessarily meant to be hermetically sealed in silence; often times,
they hope those will be shared with other aspiring seekers. If the experience is not of a
very personal nature, it can be safely shared with your peers.

I will begin with a rather lengthy description of 12 experiences that were most
convincing to my lower mind. I tried to include experiences that most people will
experience in some form or another, from witnessing the magical faculties of the
teachers, to experiencing energy transmissions, to the awakening of the Epinoia. I hope
they will inspire some of you.

The following list of experiences is in chronological order, just to give some frame of
reference. I will not describe the rather plentiful experiences we had at our first annual
retreat, like when Ramose and Veos split the clouds, this January because so many
other people were there, and I’m sure they would love the opportunity to share those
with you.

1. Telepathy practice with Ramose

Ramose’s earlier classes were taught on Veritas, and one evening everyone got
together to practice telepathy. The process was simple: one person mentally
broadcasted a colored shape, and the others, in turn, attempted to receive the
broadcast. Upon feeling that they had acquired a shape, the receivers submitted their
proposed shape to the chatroom. Those people receiving the image remained with eyes
closed until an image was received, so as not to be biased by the responses of others.

Ramose eventually came in and participated. After a few rounds, I told everyone that I
was experiencing strange heat in my chest. After a few moments, Ramose asked me if
the heat had changed to my back. Indeed, it had; my back felt like it was on fire, and
the heat at my chest subsided. He did this a few more times with other body parts,
revealing that, apparently by accident, a strong mental connection had formed between
us, allowing him to simply focus on a part of my body and cause it to greatly heat up.
He then changed the location of the heat a few times without telling me, so that it was
clear that my mind wasn’t responsible for it.

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2. Tarot card reading with Ramose

Feeling extremely curious about Ramose one day, a fellow student and I decided to
perform a tarot card reading on him. By the time I had recovered my tarot deck,
Ramose signed on MSN. For the first time in the several years I had known him, and
indeed, one of the only times he has ever done so since, Ramose actually initiated a
conversation on MSN Messenger. His first message was: “So you want to know about
my past, eh?”

He guided me through a tarot card reading on his life. I did a standard Golden Dawn
spread. One Court card, representing a woman with dark hair in his life, particularly
stood out to me back then. Ramose made no comment about the Court card, and I had
not yet met him in person, and therefore didn’t know whether he had a significant
other. Of course, those who have visited will know this card likely represented Brigitte.

3. First live transmissions with Ramose and Veos

Ramose and Veos occasionally give energy transmissions (Opening of the Mouth) and
consciousness transmissions (Opening of the Eye), generally when a large group of
students come and visit them. These experiences are often powerful, and their intensity
increases with each transmission you receive.

Ramose and Veos were performing transmissions in person to students that lived near
them, and they allowed their online students to participate over Skype (an online voice
and video chatting service).

The students each experienced the transmission differently, but most commonly they
felt the powerful movement of the pnuema. I felt little besides peace.

About 20 minutes into the transmission, my relatively clear mind received an image of
a figure with 4 arms and light blue skin. I could not make out a face or any other
features. Before this point, I had never studied the Hindu pantheon, and so was not
familiar with the image. I had never met Ramose in-person or seen his altar, and did
not know that his deity-of-choice was the Shiva/Amun-Ra/Dionysius archetype. I asked
everyone in the chat about this afterwards, and Ramose confirmed that during the
transmission he had performed a meditation on Shiva, who traditionally has 4 arms and
light blue skin. In these transmissions, the minds of all the students become unified to
some degree (for share their state of consciousness with each person), so it’s not too
strange that my mind happened to pick this up.

4. Om
Ramose and Veos decided to do the transmissions the first time I visited them in
person. Shortly before the transmission, Veos vibrated “Om,” and I immediately felt a
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shockwave pulse through the air and push on me, as if energy had exploded towards

5. Awakening of the Epinoia

I was thankfully initiated into a few new practices, including an exercise for the
purification of the internal energy channels and awakening of the Epinoia, similar to the
Vision of the Angel, in another visit. The Vision of Visions meditation had not been
developed at this point, unfortunately.

The weekend after returning home from my visit, I went on a Christian fellowship
retreat that focused on worshipping God through music. Jesus was my deity-of-choice
back then, and I attended a Roman Catholic university, so most of my friends were
Catholic. As such, I often participated in worship events like these with friends, simply
as a way to exalt my mind and devote myself to God.

We slept in cabins during the retreat, but I made it a point to wake up earlier and do
my askesis outside, including the new technique I had learned. I noticed deeper peace
than usual, compared with previous askesis.

On the second day of the retreat, while singing, I began desiring God very powerfully. I
felt a very animalistic, lower desire for God; it began as an overwhelming urge to be
with Him, and in fact, it briefly turned into anger at one point; that is, anger for being
consumed in Oblivion, and out of His bliss. My passion caused me to occasionally begin
crying as I began to silently pray to God amidst the worship, though I controlled it so as
to not attract attention. My body began to sweat heavily even though it had not in the
preceding few hours. Interestingly enough, I noticed sweat on only the right or left (I
forget which) side of my body. Within about half an hour these effects faded. After
having completed my evening meditations, I went to bed. Almost immediately, I felt
the distinct sensation of the Epinoia moving at my perineum.

Two evenings later, I had a lucid dream wherein I felt the movement of the Epinoia,
and other distinctive feelings, including the successive drilling in the lower three
samats. This drilling sensation is apparently common, since Eric indicated so in the post
containing a page from his autobiography. After emailing Ramose about the experience,
he confirmed that the Epinoia had awoken.

6. Artificial Elemental Equilibrium

Veos decided that, instead of giving a transmission before a lecture, which is quite
exhausting for him and Ramose, he would prepare us for the lecture in a different way:
by granting us temporary equilibrium in the astral body.

He projected himself into each of our bodies and began adjusting the elements. He
accumulated Fire into our heads, then exhaled any excesses in our heads, leaving the
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fiery portion of the body (i.e. the head) in a state of elemental equilibrium. He
continued to do this for the other 3 regions of the body – the chest, stomach, and
groin/legs. By the end of the experience, I felt absolutely wonderful; in fact, I would
dare say that this was more exalting than many of the transmissions I had previously
experienced. My tiredness went away, and my mind became very sharp.

When I went to the airport the following day, I noticed the effects still hadn’t affected
me. I had the distinct feeling that external things didn’t influence me as much. Despite
running a little late for a flight, I felt no anxiety whatsoever. It was if my meditative
state carried an entire 24 hours without dropping in intensity. Of course, the high
degree of elemental equilibrium went away within the next day or two, as my body
adjusted to its natural state again.

7. Visit from Ramose

Ramose and Veos frequently visit us in our dreams. One evening I had a particularly
intense dream, perhaps reminiscent of a past life, where I was hiding in the basement
of a Church, doing askesis.

The dream became interrupted as a figure appeared before me. I became lucid, though
it seemed my eyes were ‘closed’ now, and I had the mental impression that Shiva was
coming to visit me. An image of Shiva partially formed in my mind, but the image
quickly changed into Franz Bardon.

It then felt like I “awoke” on another plane – more precisely, I had the distinct feeling
of eyes opening. I perceived Franz Bardon sitting before me in Padmasana, with
scintillating electric blue eyes and a subtle smile. Excitement overwhelmed me; I
thought the great Franz Bardon had blessed me with a visit. The image was so vivid
that I noticed individual curves of his face.

I later learned that this was not actually Franz Bardon, but my mind’s interpretation of
Ramose (as he mutually recalled the event and my dream), who, admitting himself that
he was not Franz Bardon, is of the same lineage and therefore shares special
connections to him. Many students perceive him as Franz Bardon in dreams for that
reason. Visits from Franz Bardon are so rare that it is safe to assume if you see Bardon
in your dreams, it was probably Ramose.

8. Visit from an Angel

I practiced more than usual one evening, including the Vision of the Angel exercise, and
went to bed immediately after. In the ensuing dream, I became lucid beside my bed,
standing in the center of my meditation area. I seemed to be performing a ritual, and
the first thing I remembered was calling out to Michael.

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A figure about 10 feet tall, with long golden hair, appeared in a predominantly red robe
intertwined with black, near the Southwest part of my room. The dream suddenly
became vivid; that is, it seemed quite real. My heart lit with excitement and joy. I
remember thinking, “Oh my God, it is Michael!” I instinctively would not look at his
face; I looked down towards his feet, indicating his superiority.

I asked him a few questions about my askesis, and some more general questions, and
received some answers that were helpful. In fact, one question I asked was identical to
one I had asked my higher self during the Vision of the Angel (as everyone else is
presently doing), and I received the same answer, indicating that I had actually heard
something right. I found it very exciting.

Anyway, I was not certain if it was actually Michael, but I was confident of its
beneficence at least. It may have been just a form my higher self took on to come visit
me -- a "vision of the angel," as it were.

9. Invocation of Bacchus
One evening, Ramose spontaneously decided to perform an invocation of Bacchus as
several students meditated around him.

We chanted a Greek formula to Bacchus, and everyone naturally fell into blissful
silence. I began to hear a choir of voices chant the mantra back to us. The voices
sounded far off in the distance, and thinking it was just my imagination, I attempted to
suppress the sound. This caused it to fade shortly, but as my mind calmed again, the
sound returned.

Everyone opened their eyes after several minutes of meditation, and the five students
who were present all commented on hearing the chanting. We were each certain it was
not the voice of anyone present, and that the chanting sounded far off in the distance.

Ramose then informed us that he had performed an invocation of Bacchus. Apparently

whenever you invoke Bacchus, Pan and his attendants come. The latter were
responsible for the audible mantra. We were all very pleased, including Ramose,
because he was not sure if we would be able to hear the chanting or not.

10. Predicting cards

On yet another visit to Florida, the students and I played around influencing dice and
predicting the color of playing cards. Ramose didn’t participate much. However, later
one evening I watched Ramose perform this from afar, when the students weren’t
around, as he sat next to Brigitte. He picked a card off the deck, and immediately put it
down either to the left if he intuitively thought it was one color, or to the right if he
intuitively thought it was another color. The card remained face down, away from him,
the entire time. At the end flipped both stacks over to see his success. I did not notice a
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single misplaced card, a feat that has a 2.22*10^-14% chance of happening by

random guesses. This is not even a display of clairvoyance necessarily, because in this
exercise, only intuition is utilized.

11. Opening the Heart

The most recent transmissions were given in the January retreat. They were especially
powerful, and in fact, the energy of the room in which the transmissions were occurring
became so concentrated that Veos had to banish it early.

While many students notice powerful effects from the transmissions, a few students are
less sensitive. Both benefit about the same from the experience, nevertheless. I am one
of the students who is less sensitive to transmissions in general.

During the transmission, I felt increased peace, bliss, and stillness of mind, as usual. I
didn’t notice much energy movement – maybe a few twitches, similar to those that
occasionally occur during the Vision of the Angel. I began feeling defensive, as if
affronted by something, and a subtle tension formed in my chest. I did not want to talk
much or laugh much as I had in the previous days; I felt stoic, quiet, and vaguely sad.
Ramose told me that it was probably due to the heart being stimulated. In addition,
Ramose and Veos initiated everyone into a higher level of the Vision of the Angel
exercise that greatly stimulates the energy centers.

The combination of the transmission and the new exercise turned out to be much more
powerful than expected. After only a few days, I found myself having another lucid
dream about the samats. This time, I felt a large tension build up at the heart. It
subsided as I felt and heard the drilling into the Ib Samat at the Solar Plexus, indicating
that the center had partially awoke (this is not the same thing as the Epinoia raising to
the Ib Samat).

This experience assured me again that, despite feeling little energy movement during
the transmissions, real work was being done. Also, I hope this is further evidence to the
new members that the exercises of our school are tremendously powerful.

12. Knowledge of Students

We all wonder how well the teachers are aware of our practice and progress. Having
been around them for some time, I’ve come to realize that their knowledge of my own
askesis and life in general is profound.

I once asked Ramose about my askesis in-person. He responded by telling me exactly

how my mind functioned in each exercise, which exercises I had the most difficulty
with, how well I was able to maintain my meditative state throughout the day, and the
condition of my mind after school. He hadn’t seen my journals in several months, and
of course, he was correct on all accounts.
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Demophon Daskalos Shares Some Experiences

Hello, so I'll start with the very first experience I had. It is how I became a student of
Theurgy. Without me mentioning my desire to learn from Ramose, he simply suggested
I learn from him. I did not know how he knew but I was drawn in as if I was a scrap of
metal and he was a large rare earth magnet of enormous proportions. If it wasn't so I
wouldn't have driven 4 hours every weekend while in college to visit and learn from him
and Veos.

The first humble abode they lived in was a wooden house in the middle of a large
property with open grassy spaces framed by thick forests with ancient twisting oaks. I
have to be somewhat poetic to describe it, because it was really a beautiful and
mysterious place. For the time I lived there, as well as the subsequent houses they
moved into, I had many experiences large and small. I can't describe them all but I will
do my best to describe the ones I think you would like to hear about. The significance
of the experiences vary. Some were evolutionary, some opened the mind and heart,
and others were simply intriguing.

1. Blessing
One time I was finishing up my practices and saw James humbly bowing to Ramose,
and while James was bowing Ramose extended his hand as a gesture of blessing. At
this point of time I was very new to all of this and had not had many experiences yet,
so I remember being very surprised at what I saw next. A beam of white light quickly
extended from his hand to the base of James' spine and remained for a few seconds
before James got up. What was particularly interesting, and what proved to me it was
not my mind (besides the clarity of it), is that normally I would think Ramose would
send light to his head or heart but it went straight to the bottom of his spine like I said.
A little skeptical, before telling him what I saw I asked Ramose where he sent energy
when he blessed James and he told me the base of the spine, proving what I had seen.

2. Pitiful Projection
Another experience which is worth telling was an astral experience gone wrong. It
wasn't due to my practices, but it is a good story to tell to keep some of you curious
about it from trying it prematurely and it is also inspiring because it demonstrates the
amazing array of ways a magician can help others. I went to sleep one night expecting
nothing out of the ordinary, but before I knew it I found myself unable to move my
body. Then I started to feel the monroe vibrations and finally exited the body and was
standing in my room which looked very different from what it actually should have
looked like. This is a problem many neophytes have who try to astral project without
proper preliminary training. Even if they do succeed in projecting, most things seen are
subjected to the mind's ability to alter, making it impossible to have a fruitful
experience. I remembered reading about leaving through the windows, so I jumped

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out and was amazed that I was now flying. I looked down and saw a dark ground, with
dark trees, and dark ghost like humans walking slowly as if in a stupor. Once I let it get
to me and started to get worried I began descending without control. Before long I was
at street level. Then what happened next was a blur but I remember the ghost like
beings running after me and then jumping on me. The next thing I remember seemed
to be after some time had passed but I don't know for sure. I felt something massive
hit me which knocked everything off me, and blasting me so hard it transported me
completely out of the dark negative place where I was trapped. Before long I found out
it was Ramose, who was now sitting beside me in a bright place out of danger, and we
continued to talk for some time.

3. Transmissions
Sometimes Ramose and Veos give the opening of the eye and opening of the mouth.
These are energy and consciousness transmissions to give the epinoia (kundalini in
sanskrit) a boost and give us a taste of higher states of consciousness. These are
powerful experiences and I hold them close to my heart. They always end in peace and
help break through any blockages experienced in practice. I don't want to spoil your
own experiences, so I will let you look forward to your own when the time comes and
leave this one untold.

4. 4 AM?!
I would love to describe all of the experiences I have had with you, but I am fast
realizing I cannot if I want to sleep tonight. Instead I will list some possible titles for
some untold experiences; Elves, Singing Bastet, Past Lives, Changing Faces, Attack!,
Astral Martial Arts and Eric's Face, Venus Trip, Dream Gatherings, Earthquakes
(hopping due to nerve purification in several students at once), Meditation in a
Hurricane aka The Attack of Fire Ants aka The Case of the Screaming Sylph,
Epannoying! etc etc...

Finally, I would like to close with an overall experience which has spanned the time I
have been a student. I am mentioning this because it is the most important to me and
also a testimony to the effectiveness of the practices taught in this school. I am
somewhat hesitant to share this however because it can sound like I am boasting, but I
hope instead it gives encouragement to the new students.

So to quickly fill you in, I had a normal life growing up, filled with everything a kid could
want. Looking over my life this is a fact that is particularly important since the changes
I am about to explain could not have happened simply from a change in external
circumstances in my life. So in spite of having a great childhood, good parents etc, I
can confidently say I was nearly always suffering, anxious, discontent, and a nervous
wreck overall. Everyone I knew ironically thought I was the happiest person alive and a

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calm kid because I was great at hiding it, but I was anything but within. I practiced
many, many different meditations and prayed and concentrated and did all sorts of
things trying to bring some peace to my inner life and soothe the mind. Most of all I
yearned to be closer to God, and this caused a lot of stress in and of itself without
knowing how to fulfill that wish.

A lot has changed. Changes I thought could possibly never happen. Now, I feel peace
and joy, the mind is calm, emotions do not have the control they once did over me, my
life is prioritized and organized and I find myself not only being more productive but
also much more capable of handling the various surprises life throws at me. Not only
this but I feel closer to God than ever, experiencing the Divine through the (even if a
small amount) of peace, light, love, liberty and truth that the practices have allowed me
to experience. I am extremely grateful for it. It is my wish that all who endeavor to
walk this path experience these positive changes in abundance. I will leave it at that.

So that's all for now. I hope these stories serve to inspire you on your own journey and
may you have many more experiences than I have had. Peace

Teleson Daskalos Shares Some Experiences

Earlier today, I sat down and thought to myself that this forum section is entirely too
empty for a science dedicated to bringing forth experiential results. And verily, it has
brought forth such results, and it continues to do so! So why the silence? I suppose
many hold such things close to their heart; but for the encouragement and veritable
proof to younger probationers and aspirants on the path who walk with wary step, I
encourage all of my brothers and sisters on the path to follow me and give claim to
their stories (for I know many of you have seen things wondrous and mysterious).
Normally when I decide to put words on a page, it comes from a somewhat
spontaneous splurge of inspiration, and consequently, it is easy and enjoyable to write.
However, this post is the fruit of cold logic, so I must apologize if it is not well put
together. If any of you have questions, I would love answer them, giving a personal
account of what it has been like to live with the masters of this venerated science.

The first experience I will mention is in reference to what is said of a master: they take
you and shake you. It’s said that if you visit a master, he changes your life. I’ve seen
students with good practice schedules come to visit and practice less when they
returned, and I’ve seen students with an almost nonexistent askesis (spiritual practice)
come to visit and return with dynamite effort and consistency. Coming to see Ramose
and Veos will bring out the true intentions in a person. It may be blissful or it may be
painful, but in the end it is beneficial. They will awaken you; they’ll take you, shake you
up, turn you upside down, and change your life for the better.

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When I first met Ramose and Veos, my life changed completely. I took after Jesus’
instruction: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man
found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that
field.” But this isn’t something I did so much as it’s something that happened to me. I
was rapt by their presence and promise of peace. True liberation isn’t just liberation
from the cycle of reincarnation; true liberation is true Liberty, one the Skopoi (Goals) of
Theurgy. It is the ability to chose whether or not you incarnate, and if you do, how and
under what circumstances. It is liberty from external forces. And it is this centeredness
of being (and the promise of it for myself also) that drew me to them. They have
delivered far more on every promise that they have made to me to such an extent that
I now trust their instruction wholly, just as you would trust a man for directions who
has traveled the world and has given proper instruction countless times in the past.

But it isn’t so much Ramose and Veos that are the cause of all this, they are but hollow
tubes, vehicles and symbols of Theurgy Itself. It is Theurgy that made them, and
Theurgy that will destroy and recreate us. The math teacher is respected, but the
science of math itself is the foundation for our achievements. It is merely the teacher
who was the first to show you the simple and sound method that one minus one will
always reduce to zero. And so the passion in my heart that is so clearly displayed in
this writing is not an empty passion, nay, it could not survive if it was. It’s a passion
fueled by experience.

I have seen our teachers work many external miracles. I remember distinctly when a
meditation session of mine was disturbed by Veos barging into the house shouting,
“Everyone, get away from the windows! Now!” as a tornado formed in our front yard.
We all hurriedly rushed inside, knowing full well that a tornado of that size could easily
toss our humble mobile home asunder. Ramose and Veos then proceeded to run
outside with their fingers to their lips, silencing the invisible sylphs. They then sat down
in front of the tornado that began twisting towards the ground. Moments later it
suddenly began to reverse, slowly unwinding back up into the sky. And then the air was

I’ve seen all kinds of strange things like this, such as when Ramose ran home in a hurry
and began to draw a sigil on a piece of paper. He had promised us a fire ritual that
night, knowing it would release a karmic blockage in one of the students. He did not
want to fail his word, but we could see a large rain storm coming quickly towards us. So
he got a little fire started and threw the paper with the sigil on it into the fire. The
paper, sitting there on the hot embers amongst the flames, refused to burn, yet rising
from it grew a perfectly black flame. It was an eerie sight indeed, and it was explained
to us that it was an indicator of success. Eventually the paper finally relinquished itself
to the fire, and the black flame subsided with it. When the rain storm finally came a few
minutes later, it cut around us so that one half of our yard was covered in pouring rain
while the half we were using was untouched.
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But these things are honestly quickly forgotten by me, or rather, they aren’t forgotten
but overshadowed. While it is all well and good that a number of students have
watched parts of Ramose’s body turn completely invisible, and we even have a picture
of Ramose wherein his body is entirely transparent, such things are merely testaments
to a greater truth. Many of the students here have done and can do things considered
miraculous by the vulgar. Some have levitated by virtue of their own askesis. But these
are only shadows of the greater internal miracles that we have wielded within ourselves
through the science of Theurgy. And in the same way, the things I have seen our
teachers do, while inspiring, are overshadowed by the miracles they perform within me.

My soul is transfixed. They have stilled my mind, expanded my consciousness, and

worked on every level of my being. How can I explain this? With a clap they can call
back past life memories, invoke the maturity of your soul within the personality, soothe
and open the heart to divine love, still the waves of the mind, exalt and expand the
consciousness, unify our minds as one, purify the energy within us, and perform
spiritual surgery on our internal energy systems and samats (or chakras). Indeed,
students have woken up to the very real sound of drilling in their spines, climaxing in a
soothing pop in the Ib Samat (Anahata Chakra) that overflowed divine love. Any time
our teachers reach a new level in their own evolution, I invariably get letters from
students telling me that, for some unknown reason, their own askesis has improved
dramatically. This is merely the overflow of light into those in harmony with their
teachers. When they are lifted up, those in harmony are lifted up with them. We are
constantly showered with this and that, external and internal, experiences and
revelations. But what my heart holds dearest is the feeling it has now. The very real
evolution that has changed my life.

I look back and feel that, by the grace of my teachers, the masters, and the science
itself, I have somehow crossed a great bridge without realizing it. The boy that came to
study is dead, replaced by something much older. It is as if the person who was here
before was just maintaining the body for me, like a lower thing began doing some
practices to open the way for me to step in. My mind, once a place of noise and
distraction, now always seems to be still. I can direct my thoughts with ease. Though
easily maintaining perfect grades in school, I always had to re-read sentences before
they really sank in or try time and time again to memorize certain things. This is just
the broken nature of people’s minds. But you could say that Theurgy is the Science of
Holistic Rectification. So now my mind feels more crystal: I can easily read and
instantly retain information. I’m not tossed about by the waves of emotion that ensnare
those around me. I often times sit back and smile for no other reason that to feel the
inner contentedness. That older thing in me, having lived through countless lifetimes of
hardship, now innately appreciates the simple things in life. I constantly feel genuinely
blessed if only because I have food in my stomach and an air conditioned roof over my
head. And yet, I have so much more!:
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I’ve experienced death by having left and returned to my body, and now know from
direct experience what so many in the world spend their lives fearing. My life is an
ever-constant blessing. I wake up feeling happy, with no troubles or worries; pursue
spiritual evolution with scientific success; see things daily that people would think only
exist in a scripture, fairy tale, or science fiction novel (the miracle of water into wine
that most people only read about is but a memory from last week for me); and find a
constant simple peace and happiness in everything around me. My mind is generally
always present in what I am doing, never tossed about by fears or worries or
excitements of the past or future; my heart is generally still; my character is somewhat
balanced and centered; I’m no longer bound and chained by such haunts as anger, lust,
greed, and gluttony; and finally: I can go to sleep every night content in my meditation

I tell you the truth, the simple benefits that an aspirant enjoys after but a few years of
practice are worth a lifetime of pursuit. It’s like a man who invested ten pieces of gold
and was given a hundred in return. A few years of work for an Everlasting Liberty. If
that is our goal, and if we have those by our side who have achieved this goal and
readily lend assistance by not only giving instruction but by lifting us up on their backs,
what is there to question? What is there to cry about? What else is there to ask, what
else is there to do?

Experiences of Senior Students

Paul Gruetzmacher
Reading back on this, this was very much written in a charged emotional state about a
week after I had visited. These experiences were written from the heart and I
remember them being probably the best four days of my life and really have only be
comparable to the other times I have gone down to visit.

These are the events that occurred between 8/24/2010 and 8/31/2010 while everyone
visited Ramose and Veos. Ramose stated due to the number of people, we would do
better to just post our experiences directly this time rather than having him edit so
many peoples works for the Experiences subforum.

I will be posting my experiences in parts split up in days. It will take a while to write it
all out and I wanted to get the ball rolling.

1. The River House

Of course I suspected that the trip to visit Ramose and Veos was going to be eventful.
But never in my wildest dreams...that I can remember, that's one thing of many that
will come up in this tale of spectacular splendor of magic, theurgy, and experiences).

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For the sake of brevity I will leave out the details that happened before the river house,
other than to thank Danny for his efforts on getting us there. This will be a long post
and for your sake you should read it all. I right these words to make the time concrete
in my mind and to inspire others to visit and spend time with Ramose and Veos and
your fellow aspirants. You will thank yourself for coming.

The participants in this story for these days are Danny, Brigitte, Ness, Brandon, Eric,
Ben, Danny Lee, Rachel, Bryan G., Bryan N., Marie, Anthony, David, Chris Short,
Anthony, Sean, Paul(me), Ramose and Veos.

Quite a number to be sure, yet I hold them all to be the very best companions one
could hope to ever find. I miss them terribly. Even as I write that tears come to my
eyes, though I don't know why. I know why. Its pure emotion without thought. A
feeling straight from the heart. Let me share with you the experiences I had, each one
of which I would not trade for all the gold in all the world.

2. Friday Arrival
Marie, Bryan and I arrived at the river house after a brief stay at the condo with
Harper, who had driven us there. I had not met Ramose before, as he was in California
at the time the last time I had visited.

Anxious to meet him? Definitely.

Nervous? No doubt.
Scared he wouldn't be what I hoped? Irrationally so.

We walked in to a lecture in progress. Ramose, in a sturdy, comfortable armchair, sat

giving a lecture. My ethereal vision was set on high and, as room was made for us to sit
and we settled in to listen, I couldn't help to stare so very intently at him. As I
performed tartaka on Ramose I saw so many things. His face and appearance always
seemed to change, one had a great big beard, some were thinner and with thicker
goatees. He even disappeared completely at a few points, leaving empty clothing sitting
in a chair, words of wisdom and knowledge spilling out of nowhere where a mouth
should be. Yet it wasn't unsettling, it was truth.

We dispersed for a bit, I talked to Ramose briefly and didn’t really associate with
anyone very well. I was very nervous, and tried to consciously to calm myself down so I
wouldn't start leaching everyone's energy. But I managed to overcome the introversion.

3. Invocation of Bast
This first experience I almost completely missed, because, I didn't take a clue from
everyone else as everyone else when they closed their eyes and went receptive and
continued to watch Ramose as he began a beautiful chant in Egyptian.. Only half way
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through did I realize what I was supposed to be doing, and by then most of it had
passed through me without any luck. Still, it was a peaceful experience and I thought at
one point I heard a woman's voice chanting. Others however had even more amazing
experiences that I will leave for them to tell.

4. Clairvoyance for Everyone

The gist of this “experiment” was that Ramose was going to suspend the optic nerve in
each of us, freezing the physical eyes, then pulling the astral eyes out somewhat in
order for them to see better. If I described it wrong somebody please correct me. A
connection of some sort was also made so that we may be able to see Ramose as we
had seen him in past lives. I was very excited, but Ramose had warned that once he
clapped we must under no circumstances close our eyes. The harder it was to look at
him, the more karma was acting up. So it was no surprise, but very disappointing that
when Dan clapped my eyelids continually began to vibrate trying to close and tears
were coming to my eyes. By the end of the experiment I had seen nothing! I was so
disappointed. But at the end of each experience session, each person could share their
experiences. Disappointment soon turned into surprise and happiness. Those of our
group began to describe exactly what I had been seeing earlier, when I had been
performing tartaka on Ramose!

5. Consciousness Transmission
To end the night, Ramose gave us an experience we may call Consciousness
Transmission. What Ramose does in this situation is he expands his consciousness into
the universal consciousness and then awares himself into each of ours. From there he
calms the mind, balancing elemental imbalances and when he claps his hands your
mind and self go soaring upward into silence and bliss. This experience was the first
one to kick my ass. I was staring at a wall so blankly and so content if someone were to
come through the door, they would think I was blazed out of mind. They would be
wrong because of how much better it was. I felt so comfortably in the moment, yet I
did not lack any motivation at all to take a walk afterward. Actually walking and talking
through the night afterward, was a slightly more difficult matter. Like when you've
gotten out of a great Sukha Purvaka session and words tumble rather than slip out of
your mouth.

That night felt like a week. Ramose took us to Venus while we slept.

6. Saturday
I woke up and practiced for three hours. Everybody did. You wanted to, you needed to,
you craved to practice. We fell asleep at 4am, I woke up at 8am and practiced without
even trying to. After all the distractions and bad sadhana of the summer it all melted
away. It stayed that way even when I left. Fifteen practicing together, striving toward
what we will become.

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Veos arrived. Ramose had work Saturday and Sunday night and it was Veos's turn with
us. A fire ritual was conceived.

7. The House on the River

This house was actually a different one. Brigitte's parent's house to be exact. They were
gone for the weekend and had given us permission to make use of their home that
night. I doubt they would have if they had known what was going to occur there.

We arrived there in the early evening. We brought our swim suits and swung on the
rope swing, flying over the river before plummeting into the water below. We sat and
talked. We had a great time. But a string of events seeming to be coincidences
occurred throughout the general revelry. Something did not want us to have our fire

The first thing that occurred was that it started to rain. Not hard, but the sky looked
foreboding, promising to get heavier and it was still enough to threaten our intentions,
as the wood was getting more moist by the minute. I sat on the patio, having had
enough of the rope swing for now and watched as Veos stopped writing. He sat there
for a little while then he closed the three ring binder he was writing in. He went into the
house then reappeared. He stood and stared at the sky, totally motionless, one hand
held in front of his navel, the other held behind. I watched as he stayed like that for
around three minutes, staring down the sky. It would be amazing if the clouds suddenly
disappeared and the sun shone out. That is not what occurred, it only continued to
drizzle for about twenty more minutes, then petered out.

Veos wanted thirty five to forty minutes relatively alone in the house. Some sat
underneath for the house was on strong stilts to protect from when the river flooded,
while others sat on the patio that overlooked the dock and the river, where I had sat
watching Veos. We discussed things, shared and talked, laughed.

A wave of disapproval and ill will was picked up on some of the more sensitive
students. The water had stopped working. Chris Short and Brigitte checked the set up.
Everything was physically fine, the pump was working, the pipes did not leak, water
simply failed to flow. Such a thing had never occurred before. The neighbors started to
sing. They were drunk and felt it was the perfect time to share their voices with the
surrounding houses. Terrible “pop” music blasted in the air accompanied by their

The fire was so much trouble to start, the wood was damp and despite having plenty of
it and a lighter, it took at least thirty minutes despite plenty of preparation beforehand.
But finally it started to burn, the neighbors stopped and things were ready to begin.

So what you may say. It was all just coincidence. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't.
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What occurred before might not have much proof other than suspiciously good timing.
The proof we have for what occurred during the fire ritual is entirely another matter.

8. The Fire Ritual

We all sat around the fire, to large logs laid across a tee-pee made of progressively
larger branches. We watched as it burned, a circle of chairs gathered from elsewhere
around the property. We had made ghee and brought sugar for the event. Veos
explained what we were to do. Then he started turning a normal fire into a sacred one.
Whispered chanting and pentagrams drawn in the air captivated my attention. The fire
flared hot as offerings of ghee and sugar were given. The fire danced and as Veos
humbled himself to the fire, ending the invocation, the logs fell downward and apart.
From my angle it looked as if something had pushed the logs down and away from its
center, making the fire flair. Others at different angle, saw the fire bow back, humbling
itself before Veos in turn.

Ghee was passed from person to person. Each pausing for a moment then throwing it
to the flames. The ghee served as a carrier of all our negative emotions, offered to the
sacred fire to be burned away for ever. As the ghee passed from person to person I felt
them bubble to the surface. I wanted to cry and my eyes stung with forced back tears.
I wanted to scream and my face was contorting with rage. I wanted to destroy and my
muscles clenched in readiness. It was my turn. I stood up and stood before the fire my
face a turmoil of emotional pain. I dumped them in the fire with my eyes closed,
watching the fire flair red behind my eyelids, felt the heat flow offer me, washing the
emotions away.

Sugar was passed from person to person. Each pausing for a moment then throwing it
to the flames. The sugar was a conduit for all the negative thoughts that plagued us
with their presence, sapping our energy, pulling us downward away from God. I sat and
watched them all. I was nobody, I would get nowhere on this path. It was all a ruse and
I was a sucker for believing it. I watched as they fought with my other thoughts. I was
somebody, I had made it this far and could go farther, what of all the experiences I had
had along the path, what of my etheric vision screaming at me that all of this was real,
magic was real every second of everyday. Its a lie, you're not seeing ether, you're just
crazy, seeing things, schizophrenic, your mind is just slowly rotting away. They went in
the fire to be burned, I heard them scream before they died.

The fire changed, oh how it changed. I sat as the waves continued to wash over me,
roll through me, melting ego, my face and body reflected that, slack jawed, drained of
all tension there was little I could do but sit slightly slumped in my chair as the radiance
of the fire cleansed my being. The dogs began to howl. One came to visit. It just darted
in, not looking around, distracted by nothing, it darted in and grabbed the lid for the
ghee and trotted off. It knew exactly where it was. “Selfish little nature spirit” Veos
would say later. The dog had been possessed.
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There were hundreds of spirits that came, and we were able to pick a lot of interesting
lighting effects and other things through the pictures we took.

River water was fetched and the fire was quenched. The ritual was over and though we
would have liked to enjoy it longer, the nature spirits posed a real threat to the
animals, the surroundings and us.

The night was over. Marie, Harper, Brigitte and I stayed while the rest went back to the
River House. We pored over the pictures on a laptop, scrolling over every inch finding
anomaly after anomaly before falling asleep. The water worked in the morning.

This part is written in retrospect. There was a final day, but during the time the
experience was very personal to me and as such I did not write about it. Its not
because its so amazingly awesome but it was still so fresh in my mind. Writing about it
now will not have the same style as before and retrospect I wish I had written it at
least in order to preserve the feelings of that time rather than letting the impact fade a
little in my memory.

Others however have written about that last day, in which Ramose shared his aura with
everyone and then a past life meditation experience. They are present in the old
forums so if anybody remembers writing about it please post it.

Once again this was written in a charged emotional state. Ramose and Veos had given
us so many experiences not just because they love us but because they wanted us in
turn to write about our experiences and inspire people to come and see them.

Everyone should look into ways to come down to see our teachers, so the experiences
will be your experiences rather than some second hand scraps of nothing more than
information. Remember they didn’t give those present that wonderful week flowery
words and prose to share with you. They gave us extremely eye opening, brain melting
experiences, only a fraction of which can be said in words. The large bulk, the essence
and soul of these experiences, could never be expressed into words no matter how
much we describe how we felt. These experiences happened to us on every part of our
being and took us higher than we ever thought possible. The words we type out onto
these forums about our time there are forced, they don’t flow correctly because they

This is precisely why the wise will speak in analogy and symbolism. There is no way I
can accurately describe the spirit and soul of those experiences, the time I spent there
with everyone. We are now wrenching them right out of the center of our hearts and
minds because that’s where such things settle, dissecting them, pulling out their
innards, and hoping the blood spatter makes any bit of sense to you. It’s a hard thing
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to do because myself wants to protect them so much. Only by the grace of God do
these experiences still remain unchanged after treating them so poorly.
The reason why we do so is for you, all of you who share the path of us. If it was up to
me, miserable lower self me, I’d climb the highest mountain and kick anyone back
down who tried to take these experiences from me. They are that precious.

So when you read about them on here from me or anyone else, it is this way because
we wish so much that you all had been there with us. That all of you will make
whatever sacrifices are necessary to come see Ramose and Veos. Anything that lies
between you and your teachers should be treated with extreme prejudice. Like you
were a mother bear and the obstacle was a hunter between you and your cubs. Nothing
should stand in the way of yourself when it comes to your spiritual path and well being.
If it does, it should be defenestrated out of the highest tower.

I type these words out of love for all of you, as fellow students on the path of theurgy,
the holy science toward God, to plead with you on my knees to go down to see Ramose
and Veos. I want you to see what I’ve seen, heard what I’ve heard, felt what I’ve felt. If
you've gone before, go. If you've never gone before, go. By Divine Providence’s holiest
graces, if you go, you will not leave wanting.

I am well aware how strong this piece will seem to many. I know as I post this, many
of you will read it first when you are probationers starting their journey into this sacred
science. Know this, this was written only a year and three months since I began this
path. It is often said that a students progress is based off of 1/3 his own effort, 1/3 the
grace of God, and 1/3 the Grace of his Heirophant or spiritual instructor. This is very
true in this tradition. There will be times where every day feels like you lived a week
because of how fast you are growing. Do your practices, and when the opportunity
comes go visit your teachers.

Marie Bair’s Experiences

Hi everyone, I'm sharing a few experiences with you for now, but I will post more
experiences and possibly some dreams later. Again, I can never thank Ramose and
Veos enough for sharing these experiences, teaching and spending time with us.

These events took place in the fall of 2010.

1. Invocation of Bast
During the invocation of Bast, Ramose (sitting in front of our group) was chanting in
Egyptian while Veos sat in back of the room to cycle and contain the incoming energy.
While Ramose continued to chant, my mind became clearer and clearer. By the time he

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finished chanting, my mind was empty and my body had become very numb and warm.
At first my body was starting to panic because I wasn't used to this feeling, but decided
to let go and be entirely open to what was going on. As soon as I did so, the experience
became much better; I could not feel my body at all, the only feeling I had was an
intense pressure in the center of my forehead. For those few moments, it was the
feeling of total detachment from the body and I was in a very peaceful and blissful
state. Afterwards, I found opening my eyes was extremely difficult, I also felt as if I
were “high” as well. My mind remained clear, clearer than it had ever been before in
my life. I was kind of shocked when Ramose and Veos told us what he had done and
what we actually felt was the presence of a goddess.

2. Fire Ritual
The fire ritual was an amazing experience. Ghee and sugar were brought for the fire to
be used as carriers for our negative thoughts and emotions to be burned as a sacrifice.
Veos performed rituals to “cleanse” the fire so it may be used to transmit energy to us.
While Veos was performing the rituals, the fire became much brighter and taller than it
had previously. As Veos bowed to the fire, the wood in the fire sort of separated at the
exact moment as he did so, looking as if it was bowing to him in turn. As we took turns
tossing the sugar and ghee into the fire, we concentrated on the fire itself; focusing on
the energy that was being given back for our sacrifice. I soon started to feel pressure of
the energy on my body. Over a brief period of time, my body became numb, so numb
that I could barely even move and started to feel ecstatic. Noises in back of me caught
my attention and what I heard what sounded like something pacing back and forth
behind me though it looked as if there was nothing there. This continued on for
sometime, with me not really knowing what exactly could be making that noise so
closely. Then all of a sudden I felt something similar to someone whispering in my left
ear. Of course, I felt a little unnerved but I eventually got over being a little shaken
and continued to concentrate on the fire. After the ritual, I felt really energized and
happy. I also had a very difficult time expressing thoughts and words to others.

*A little note: it just so happens that nature spirits attended this fire ritual because
they evolve from it just as we do.

Jonathan Cogan
I wanted to share a few brief experiences. The first two occurred a little less than a
year ago, so they aren't as lucid in my mind as I would like, but I still feel it would be
good to share them all.

1. Battling Over a Coin with Ramose

In the first one, Ramose was flipping a coin and having it land on a certain side every
time he flipped it. He then challenged us (me and two or three other students who were

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present) to battle with his will and see if we could concentrate and cause the coin to
land on a certain side while he tried to make it land on the other side. Needless to say,
although we got the coin to land on our side a few times, the coin landed on Ramose's
side many more times.

2. Noisy Night Creatures

In this second one that occurred, a group of students and I went with Ramose to the
springs at night. After we got to the springs, the noises of many animals could be
heard. Ramose commented that the animals were communicating that we had arrived
at the springs, and that in a few moments the animals would quiet down. Sure enough,
not too soon after, the animals stopped making noises. I think it was on this same night
that we were forced to leave due to the elves needing to use the springs for a ritual
which could only be done at a certain time.

3. Splitting the Clouds

This one occurred this past January. It was after dinner one night. A large group of
students, Ramose, Veos, and I went down to the beach. Either Ramose or Veos began
drawing on the sand and the other was doing something else (making gestures or
something, I can't quite remember). While this was occurring, the clouds in the sky
split and revealed the moon. Some parts of the clouds near where the split occurred
appeared a bit differently. A comment was made that this was due to the splitting of
the clouds.

May 2011 Retreat Experiences

**Note: Most of the experiences from here onwards, starting with this series, took place at the new temple/student
house that had just been acquired**

Mollie Isaacson
First I want to say that Memorial Day weekend was my first visit to Ramose and
Veos. I had some trepidation because, even though I had been pleased by my previous
experiences since being accepted by Divine Science: the free offer of the Book of the
Probationer, the lack of asking for donations, their balanced and reasonable approach
to teaching and to students in general, I was worried that they might not be what they
appeared to be.
I want to assure you that they are the real deal. If you are doubting, please be
relieved. They have a great gift to offer us if we are willing to work for it. The
weekend was phenomonal. They are organized, funny, firm and patient, answer all
questions, everything you are looking for in a teacher. We are lucky to have let Fate
find them for us. We have a great opportunity before us.
During the cleansing ritual on Saturday night, I experienced a karmic release. I wept
from the depths of my self and what I felt were former and older selves. To Ramose
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and Veos and to everyone who was at the May retreat I want to say- Thank you!

Paul, Regarding what I saw- While Veos was chanting, you started to move and almost
hop while you were sitting crossed legged. Just after he finished, you seemed to fall
down on your back and begin bouncing, full body, towards the altar while
roaring. Then you got on all fours and seemed to roar and snarl like an animal. After a
few seconds you calmed down and lowered you head and seemed to go into a state of
asking for forgiveness. You seemed to stay in this state for about one minute or
two. When you lifted back up, your face looked serene and happy. Regards, Mollie

**This reaction in Paul was an intense cleansing that can happen in cases of
suppressed traumatic events and emotions associated with them during a cleansing

Matthew Goolsby
This weekend was phenomenal! There were quite a few students I met this weekend
for the first time and it immediately felt like we were life-long friends, close ones at
that. I really hope that anybody who reads this thread finds the means and inspiration
to come visit the Hierophants of this school, it is a life-altering experience. Even if the
person only meets them once they will feel forever touched.
Now before I go on to talk about the weekend I just wanted to add that our Teachers
have a new place of residency and it is beautiful, spacious, clean, and very spiritually
charged. There is a specific room for lectures and transmissions and the house is out in
the peaceful countryside.

The first experience I'd like to share is about the Transmission Veos gave us. It was a
very beautiful experience. We all sat in two rows and faced him while he began. He
began to recite a mantra and then finally at the end clapped his hands. When he did
this I could feel the energy hit everyone one at a time like a domino effect until it
passed through me and carried on to the ones behind me. This continued for about 10
min. Then he told us to let the enrgy ground into our stomachs and I could feel a ball
of energy condense into my abdomen. Later on most of us, if not all of us were in a
very blissful state of mind. One of the students even jumped up and started running
around jumping over everybody's luggage in a playful mood. It was fun times, then
Veos said, "Yeah people do weird things after transmissions." LOL! Some of the
students even started shaking a bit due to purification of their energy centers and lower

The next experience was a spiritual practice we were taught to cleanse even more
energy channels, or meridians, to promote good health and longevity. During this
practice it is natural for the practitioners to shake, laugh, roar, hop, grunt, etc. There

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was a good number of us all doing this at the same time. One of the students, before
anybody else, started shaking and hopping and then laughing hysterically. The
laughing and shaking became contagious and before anybody realized, almost all of us
were doing it. It finally escalated to point where all of us were laughing, ho ho hoing,
ha ha haing, he he heing, and roaring. Then Ramose and Veos came around the room
and started to slap people on their heads and backs. Once they did this, the person
would start jumping. This experience may seem a little odd, but it was one of the most
enjoyable moments I’ve ever had. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so liberated from any
insecurities I have had in the past.

Epandros Daskalos
Veos also displayed the use of the internal energy in martial arts. Eric served as the
test subject in this experiment, and he fully extended his right arm such that it was
roughly parallel to the floor. Veos put both hands on Eric's forearm and said, "This is
without energy," and put all of his strength into trying to bend Eric's arm so as to push
it downwards; he leaned such that his entire body weight was put into the movement.
Eric's arm, bending at the elbow slightly, was brought down about 40 degrees. He then
said, "This is with energy," and placed both hands on Eric's forearm. He gently tapped
Eric's forearm about two times, and on the third time, Eric was violently knocked over
and thrown to the floor. He repeated it several times, thereby revealing how powerful
energy control is in martial arts.

Harper Wall
I was the guy hopping and laughing hysterically when we learned the spiritual practice.
I still can't do it longer than a minute without shaking and bellowing with laughter. It
was incredible. When Ramse and Veos were walking around working on people I
opened my eyes for a moment and saw Veos tapping on another student's chest in a
rhythmic fashion and thought to myself "Oh they are probably doing important stuff, I
should close my eyes." As soon as I did this I felt Ramose come up behind me, and pat
me on the head. Now I had already been shaking, hopping, roaring, laughing, giggling,
vibrating, and gyrating, but this was like opening the champagne bottle, I started
shaking so hard I couldn't stand up and thankfully Veos grabbed by the arm before I
fell to the floor and helped me get an arm on the wall as my body did it's own thing and
I began screaming and cackling with laughter. After a while I got control of myself and
got back into doing the exercise, but a little later I was back to laughing, and after a
while the experience actually became orgasmic, I could feel the are around my stomach
and solar plexus flush with a warmth and orgasm so hard that I couldn't think of
anything else. Afterwards I kinda just laid there completely worn out, haha.

Best thing about this? it is just one of the little "neat things" Ramose and Veos know.
that is how they described it, not very necessary to the path, not something they will

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be teaching to every one. Just a neat little extra they felt like sharing.

The orgasmic feeling lasted for the next few days if I thought about it at all. It will come
back int he area of my stomach still if I think about it. And just today I did the exercise
and began screaming with laughter and shaking out of control, so it works wherever I

June 2011 Retreat Experiences

Jesse Hawk
As promised I suppose that I will now write up my experience/testimonial of visiting the
Masters for the first time.

Luckily for me, I didn't have any problems with flight delays like many people do, so I
arrived right on time. When I got there there was only a few people there and so I just
kinda chilled. One thing I noticed with every person I met there was that I became
completely comfortable, as if we'd all been life long friends (because we've been more
than life long friends lol) within a matter of minutes.

The first of the Hierophants I met was Ramose, and when he came out of the room I
was a bit taken back, but I quickly got comfortable around him. We were sitting
around and just by being near Ramose I could feel this energy pumping through my
body, and Matt was twitching from Catharsis and mentioned the same thing about the
energy from just being in Ramose's presence. Veos didn't arrive until later at night,
and likewise I quickly felt at home around him as well.

The lectures were almost as profound as the experiences, but I'm not going to go into
them. Saturday night they were demonstrating the martial use of pneuma. Basically
what was done is your wrist is grabbed with one hand as a ground, and then Ramose
slapped that forearm (not a push, or a hard hit, but a medium smack, not enough to
sting even) and it felt like there was a rope with a 300lb weight attached to my arm
that suddenly fell and I was jerked to the ground. Also they did the Taiji push hands
that was demonstrated in the video

After the sun went down that night we were given a transmission. Before Ramose
came out for the transmission, Veos had us all come up to do specific work on us so
that the transmission would benefit us the best individually. In my the vein in my left
arm I have phlebitis from being a retard, so it feels like there is a thick wire under my
skin where a soft vein should be. I also have this in my ankle from 2 months ago, and
it is still rock hard, but the arm only happened about 3 weeks ago. As Veos was doing
his thing with projecting energy (or whatever he was doing) into my body, he grabbed
my left arm at the points where the hardened vein begins and ends. 2 days later that

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vein is about 60% softer and more flexible than it was, and I can tell you that phlebitis
takes MONTHS to heal, but I am almost completely healed in a matter of only 2 days. I
don't know if he was intentionally healing it, or if it was a matter of him opening up a
channel in that area that the transmission healed it, either way I am grateful.

Onto the actual transmission, many people were laughing and screaming and jerking
like a bunch of epileptics lol, I however did not experience these exact effects. Near
the beginning he clapped, and what I felt was a wave of energy rush through me, and I
heard most of the students jerk in a domino effect as it passed through us. After this,
what I felt was an immense energy, mostly in my chest in the heart area and the
arms. I felt completely detached from what was going on outside of me, and my mind
was completely clear. I actually sort of tried to think a few times, but my mind was
quickly silenced back into the profound stillness. There was more to it than just that,
but I really have no idea how to put it into words.

Immediately after the transmission, Ramose said that the God wished for us to be
given "The Breathe of Pan". We were told to inhale as much as we could, and then
when Ramose clapped, we tried to inhale even more. After the clap, I was able to take
in a bit more air, and then proceeded to hold my breathe (not really holding, but trying
to inhale with nothing entering my lungs) for about 40-50 seconds. It felt as if there
was a 3rd lung in the middle of my lungs, and as I exhaled it felt like I was actually
breathing in more air. You would think after holding the breathe for so long that you
would feel at least somewhat winded, but it felt like I had been breathing regularly the
entire time, other than that my lungs felt a weird pressure in them (which was

The 3rd night during a lecture by Veos, he slipped into Gnosis and the entire room went
into a deep meditative state, and one of the women began audibly crying/sobbing. I
felt the most profound state of inner peace and bliss I had ever felt in my life, more so
than the actual transmission. There was a few times that I felt as if I was sitting to the
right of my physical body, but as soon as I became aware of this after about 3 seconds
I went back into my body. Veos then told us that he had slipped into Gnosis and what
we experienced was not a transmission, but simply a result of his mind expanding. It is
a wonderful thing to know that as our teachers re-awaken to their previously attained
level of evolution, we too are evolved by their own evolution.

While at the house, anytime that I did my askesis it went 300% better than it does at
home just from being around the Masters, and even at home last night my askesis went
incredible. Monday morning before leaving I did askesis, and 10 malas of a mantra I
learned while there which is very effective. Although my flight in went smooth, my first
flight leaving was running late, so when I got to the NC airport, I had about 15 minutes
to make it like a half mile the whole way at the opposite end of the airport. Anyone
who had read my previous posts before visiting will know that I was nervous about
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things going wrong, but even with such a short amount of time to get to my plane, I
was still in a state of extreme calmness. That flight was an hour late anyway, so there
was no reason to even rush. I did another 10 malas sitting on the airplane since there
was major delays.

I would highly advise any of you to go and visit, it is nearly mandatory in my opinion if
you want to progress at a very fast rate, and your life will be changed forever, your
askesis will be changed for the better.

William Giger
It's difficult to know where to start because I know that no matter what my words are
they won't catch up to the experience that I had. The visit was truly beyond all words,
and if by some uncontrollable twist of fate I was never to make it back again, I'd spend
the rest of my life grateful for and deeply affected by this one trip.

To be a part of this school really is an honor in the highest sense of the word, and to
visit makes being a part of it much more complete. I urge everyone to take the trip by
any means necessary - though this forum truly is an oasis it's hard to realize what a
great thing we're all a part of until one spends time in the presence of the hierophants,
who are fountains of wisdom, and meets their fellow students face to face.

Almost everyone has mentioned that the house is charged with spirituality, but it can't
be emphasized enough. Time really does, quite literally, become slower while there.
The time I spent there felt like the longest two and a half days of my life, which I can
assure you is a very, very good thing.

Everyone that I met there seemed to be someone that I'd known for a long time; no
introduction felt awkward and it often seemed as if we were just picking up where we'd
left off. We're all united in so many ways and have a whole lot to be grateful for. There
is a very real sense of family in this school and it becomes more tangible upon visiting.
Everyone there laughed a whole lot; the spiritual path is one full of joy. We were also
taught the "laughing gas" technique which is surprisingly simple and surprisingly

Ramose and Veos radiate even while giving a lecture or answering questions. I was
overcome with spiritual feelings just listening to them and everything that they said is
exactly what we needed to hear on multiple levels. There is much more going on when
they speak than meets the eye; it is an experience in and of itself that resonates at
deeper and higher levels than just "listening to someone talk". As Jesse and Jesse
already described, at one point while Veos was sitting on the Thronos speaking about
the Gods he went into Gnosis. It was very powerful just to be in the room - everyone

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went effortlessly into meditation and there were probably fewer thoughts in the
combined minds of everyone there than there were in my own at any given moment
before I began down this path.

Saturday night we were given a transmission, and given is the proper word because to
be there for one feels like a great honor. Before the transmission Veos did some work
on us individually to make sure that the energy moved in whatever way it would benefit
each of us the most. This isn't a cookie cutter school in any way: the Hierophants of
this school really are dedicated to making sure that everyone's experience is tailored to
them specifically. When Ramose clapped his hands to send out the energy during the
Charismos I heard the walls of the house shake or a fluttering in the air with my
physical ears. After the energy hit me, although I was feeling a profound sense of calm
and peace, my body began to jerk sporadically as the energy flowed through it.

Sunday night we were given a technique that causes energy to course through the body
and work out whatever physical illnesses there may be, since physical ailments are
based on deficiencies within the energy system. This energy is not an evolutionary one
- it works more on physical health than spiritual health, but as we all know it is hard to
have a healthy askesis with an unhealthy body. It is very fun to do and causes the body
to move and jerk around in different ways, many of them like certain animals, for
instance my body was writhing around like a snake. Again, Ramose and Veos worked
on us all individually to move the energy in whatever way it would benefit each of us
the most. I would be moving in a certain way and then Veos would come up to me and
fine tune the movement of the energy, and then my body would start moving in a
different way. I did this technique again last night and will again tonight - it's a blast to
do. They told us that it helps one achieve a long life, but is light compared to some of
the later Egyptian practices that advanced students will learn, which are both
evolutionary as well as longevity producing.

I had more experiences there than I can count. The most valuable experiences to me
were definitely some of the more subtle things like the minutia of conversations and
personal interactions, and certain inner phenomena and new understandings that
escape my current level of expression. The visit definitely caused a change in the way
that I see the world, and has brought me much closer to God than I've ever felt. Not
only is my askesis a spiritual practice, but now I find that the whole day is a spiritual
practice, one with a reservoir of peace that can be accessed at any second and that
seems to grow more beautiful every moment. Everyone owes it to themselves to make
the trip someway, somehow - it really will change your life in a way that I'm having a
hard time describing. Thanks to everyone that was there for greatest experience of my
life, and thank you to everyone in this school for being a part of this family, it really is
love that holds us together.

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Evan Barton
Looking back on the weekend, it seems like it was one nonstop spiritual experience. So
much took place, so much was discussed, that you could really sense the consciousness
of the school bringing us all closer together. By Sunday it felt as though we were all old

Ramose began lecturing late Friday afternoon, and Veos came over that evening with
Vanessa. I was excited about meeting them, though in the back of my mind I was at
least a little worried that being in their presence would be akin to staring at the true
face of Zeus. Fortunately it was nothing like that; if anything, being around them had a
calming effect. They were actually very relatable, while commanding a very natural air
of authority. They had answers for all our questions, and had detailed knowledge of
virtually every occult topic you could think of. Almost every lecture or answer to a
question ended with, "You'll learn more about this in future classes." Honestly you
guys, we have a lot to learn.

Sometimes while Ramose was lecturing I would see a bright shifting light around and
above his crown. I read a lot of techniques for seeing auras a few years ago, although it
has always seemed a lot like when you stare at an object for a while, then see it's light
impression when you close your eyes (or when you sneeze and see stars. The technical
term for it is "phosphene"). Also, it seemed a little rude to stare past Ramose while he
was lecturing, so I tried not to pay too much attention to this. When I asked him
whether I was imagining things he suggested that I saw something and implied that
there was no need to over-analyze it.

There were so many lectures, combined with all of our questions and the various
magical demonstrations and experiences, that I thought for sure that we were wearing
out the teachers. Neither Ramose nor Veos showed any visible signs of fatigue,
however, and seemed happy to explain the metaphysical nature of the universe to us.
Although I was fortunate not to have to travel very far to see them, listening to them
speak alone was a treat worth traveling great distances to partake of.

Both the master instructors insist that true mystical teachers should go beyond just
speaking with their students, however, and we received several purifying experiences
and practices. One of the first demonstrations was in internal martial arts. They showed
us the "push hands" technique from the video posted here a few weeks ago, and this
other technique where you use a person's energy to create a polarity and take them to
the ground with nothing but your middle and index fingers. I was finishing something
on my computer and was actually one of the last people to go. I didn't quite understand
exactly how they were doing it at the time, but was pretty much determined not to let
it happen to myself. I walked over to Ramose, looked him in the eye, and said to
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myself, "I am NOT going down." I even tried to concentrate on rooting myself in the
Earth below, although it was all for naught. Ramose hit my forearm and I shouted "Oh!"
and it was like a huge weight had knocked me off my feet, pulling me instantly to the
ground. At the time I thought, "Woah, Ramose is strong. . . ." He barely even touched
my arm, however, and a force that strong really should have left a mark. Instead, it felt
light I'd just gone for a light jog. They told us that the technique was like lightning, so if
you see someone doing it to you then the best defense is to keep them from finishing
it, or at least keep them from touching you.

Later that night we received transmissions. Ramose told us the purpose was to evolve
us and that it would help with our practices. Both Matt (in the May thread) and Jesse
Hawk (in this one) described very well how the whole thing took place. We were lined
up into rows of two and before Ramose did the transmission, Veos prepared us with
personalized purifications. With me I think he focused on opening up the heart. When I
was a kid I used to feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions sometimes, so I think
I started to close it off (to some extent) in order to maintain some level of control over
my own emotions. While I was there, however, one of my goals was to open my heart
up to the teachers. After Veos finished Ramose came out and we did another technique
to open the heart and lighten the mood. Then we did the transmission. Ramose said
that different people would experience it in different ways. He began by reciting a
mantra, then clapped his hands, sending a wave of energy down the room. Although
my eyes were tearing as I focused on his form, the experience was primarily non-
physical for me. We were all in a light trance, and it felt like energy was surrounding
me, though not yet causing a reaction in my physical body. While meditating after the
transmission, however, my body was overcome by a pleasant buzzing sensation that I
just enjoyed until it was time to move on. Ramose later said that this was evolutionary
energy working on us at a cellular level.

Another one of the experiences was completely unexpected. Veos was lecturing on the
mystical aspects of God, and I was having a little trouble with some of the concepts and
asked some questions about it. As he was talking, however, it seemed like I was
suddenly hit with the knowledge he was trying to impart on us, and overwhelmed by a
sense of the limitless light of God. Although I felt a little rude doing it, I closed my eyes
and imagined the astral light descending into me and filling my body. I then started
doing the VOA, and expanded the orb of golden light from the solar plexus. I meditated
on the body of light for a while, and after I was finished I opened my eyes and realized
that not only had Veos stopped lecturing and closed his eyes, everyone in the room was
meditating. We had all simultaneously felt the same thing and entered into a meditative
state. Afterwards, Veos told us he had entered into Gnosis.

I may go into some of the other experiences in another post but it was truly an
amazing weekend. While at the house the teachers do your askesis for you, although a
lot of us continued our morning practices and noticed that it was much more effective.
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The house is filled with spiritual energy, and I still have this light, cleansed feeling after
leaving. You also start burning through karma literally the moment you leave (as many
people have already noticed). If you have the time and the resources then you should
definitely make the effort to come.

Alex Dues
My First Visit with Ramose and Veos
When I first walked in, Ramose was in the middle of a lecture. Everyone listening
turned around and looked at me while I smiled and nervously grabbed a seat. Then
Ramose said something to the effect of “ Now remember, what ever you do don’t tell
Alex the secret I just told you .“ Everyone laughed and the mood relaxed in the room
while Ramose continued his lecture (they have a great sense of humor that was
revealed more and more throughout our stay).

I went outside for a little “fresh air” and talked with some of the students that were
outside. I hadn’t worked up the courage to introduce myself to Ramose yet. Later on,
Veos and Vanessa pulled up and went into the house. I was a little shocked because
they walked by and didn’t say anything, only nodded hello. When I went back inside,
Veos was sitting down talking to some students. By then, I had worked up enough
courage to introduce myself, so I told Veos my name and a few details about myself.
He just smiled and I think it was then that he said (paraphrasing) “there is no need to
introduce yourself because we already know you. We’ve met you many times, you just
don‘t remember.” I was kind of blown away because I felt like I had missed something
all this time in the probationer class.

I later asked Veos about his book collection and a wealth of knowledge started pouring
forth from him. By the time he was finished talking, my mind was thoroughly blown.
There were many lectures and Q&A’s that were like this.

One of the many reasons to visit is that many thing can’t be written down and can only
be told orally. So many questions that you may have asked online can only briefly be
answered if at all. But when you are there with them, there is almost no question that
they won’t answer and in great detail. Also, there is no delay. He answers you right
then and there. We stayed up the rest of the day and night talking with Veos, Ramose
and each other into the wee hours of the morning. At one time while Ramose was
talking, as Veos was meditating next to him his features looked very different. He
looked like you would expect King Arthur to look. By this time, almost everybody was
relaxed and I felt like many of the other student had been my friends for years. It was
an incredible first day.

The next morning I got up and saw someone outside doing some extreme stretching. I
went outside and introduced myself. He told me his name was Eric Hechavarria. I don’t
know why, but though he was one of the other Eric‘s, because I had never heard his
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last name pronounced before (plus, I‘m generally bad with names). So I started asking
him some stupid questions not realizing it was ERIC, one of the mentors. I felt silly, but
it soon passed. Eric has a deep penetrating stare (Brandon too, although less intense).
He looked at me intensely and ask very seriously “Do you remember last night?.” I was
dumbfounded. “Last night?”, I asked. He told me that Ramose had taken all of the
students out, but I couldn’t remember a thing. I went back inside to eat breakfast. It
was very good. (Those who come can look forward to some great food. Danny is an
excellent cook, and the food is healthy at that!)

Later in the day we had more great discussions with Veos and Ramose. That evening,
Ramose did a pneuma martial art demonstration. Everyone that tried it fell to the
ground, including myself. It didn’t hurt, and Ramose didn’t slap my arm that hard. As I
watched others try it, I noticed that when Ramose slapped their arm, the foot on the
same side of the body came of the ground and they fell. This was the main foot that
you would brace yourself with from the slap. I still laugh to myself when I think about
me and JesseH’s discussion about it. He said, “ Man, I braced myself and got in a good
firm stance and I said to myself ‘I am not going down!’” Of course he did as everyone

Everyone settled down as we prepared for the Charismos transmission. Veos called
everyone up one at a time do some individual prep work so that we would all benefit
the most from it. Veos called me up and started working on me. He tapped me on the
heart center and my body reacted as if my chest caved in or something. It is difficult to
explain but it didn‘t hurt at all, my body just reacted. As he continued to work on me,
my arms began to move as if I was gently flapping my wings. I went back to my seat
in something of a daze. My head began to slowly rock back and forth. As my head
reached its maximum “roll” my eye would close and I felt like I almost past out several
times. It was similar to when you are up late at night watching TV or something and
you begin to doze off. When your head falls goes far enough, you wake back up. After
my head stopped rolling, my eyes began looking up and down about 45 degrees from
my line of sight. Ramose had come in by then, and I just barely noticed them change
positions. I think it was then that he began chanting and he let us know he was about
to clap. I closed my eyes and when he clapped, I felt wave hit my body that
seemed hit my heart center and quickly spread throughout my body. I heard sounds
from other peoples reactions at the same time.

After the clap, Ramose told us to imagine a closed flower in our heart center gradually
open. I imagined a red flower, and as it began to open, a thin beam of light emerged
from the center up to my head. The more it opened, the wider the beam became.

While basking in the effects of the transmission, Ramose said that the God wanted us to
experience the breath of Pan. He told us to inhale a deeply as we could, and when he
clapped we may feel that we have an extra set of lungs. I breathed as deeply as I
could, and when he clapped I was able to inhale about 50% more air. I was pretty

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amazing. Try to inhale as much air as you can, now imagine trying to inhale 50% more.
I kept holding my breath so long, that Ramose started talking again before I felt
anywhere near out of breath. That night, I had a dream. I was laying in my sleeping
bag when a girl walked out from the back room. My eyes were closed, but I felt her
walk by. As she walked up to me she tried to give me a kiss which I sternly rejected. I
opened my eyes and said “Oh, it you” as I recognized her in the dream. “Ok, just one” I
said and gave her a kiss. There was transfer of energy (or something) from me to her
and then she we back to the back room. A few moments later, she emerged from the
back on her hands and knees moving sideways towards me, and a beam of light was
coming from my head to her body. Her head and back were gyrating like a snake and
as she moved closer to me she seemed to be having an orgasm that was getting
stronger and stronger. She was very close to me and at the height of her orgasm when
she suddenly turned into a old woman in a wheelchair. It startled me and I got up (
because it is disturbing to see an old woman having an orgasm.) and there were two
other old women in wheelchairs. I ran out side breathing hard. Later in the dream, me
and the other students were laughing and talking about it. It was strange because I
knew who they were, but they looked different. I then saw the girl that kissed me. She
was sitting and pointed to a mark on her pants leg. I smoke cigars (which is when I get
my “fresh air”) and the mark looked like a lit cigar had bumped into her leg. Even in the
dream, I knew she was trying to tell me the dream was real. When I woke up, I went
outside for some “fresh air“, then went inside to take a shower. While I was in there I
felt a little pain on my knee and it was a fresh rug burn that I hadn’t noticed. I then
remember the girl pointing to the burn mark on her leg.

I told Ramose about the dream and he informed me that it wasn’t a dream, that I was
actually in my mental body. If I had looked down when I got up and ran out of the
house, I would have seen my physical body. The girl was an attendant of Dionysius, a
maenad. He told me this was a rare experience.

August 2011 Fire Ritual

**Note: There are many types of Fire Ritual. The particular one performed this evening was done to invoke
Dionysus, who is respected as the giver of the Mysteries to mankind. Though this school of theurgy has no
“religion” that is promulgated by it, since it is a Greco-Egyptian school those deities are often used as a reference
point of symbolism and meaning.**

Ramose and Veos carried their ritual offerings outside and made themselves
comfortable for the long hot fire. They started making the offerings and saying the
prayers as everyone made their way down to the fire-pit and found a nice spot to sit.
First we all listened and felt the energy as they invoked Dionysus into the fire.
Eventually they started chanting Caire Dionysos and we all joined in. It went on for
quite a while with the rhythm and sound of the chant becoming more and more

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passionate as we sang. Some of us cried and some screamed with ecstasy as is

common in Bacchic rites. Once the chanting settled into silence our Hierophants
continued to offer, sugar, rice, incense and purified butter with their songs of praise.
After a short while it again became quiet as Veos began a solo. He started slow and soft
and quickly gained momentum as his passion poured into the fire and our hearts.
Words of course are poor... very poor, substitutes for the actual experience but I've
done my best.

Julian Rodriguez
During and after the ritual I felt an intense pain in the back of my head and around my
upper back. Probably a cleansing in my body. During the ritual I felt extremely peaceful
and happy during the chanting of Caire Dionysos. The ritual itself was very beautiful.
Afterward I felt like a burden had been lifted off of me. I felt more of an inner peace
within myself. Of course too I still had the pain but that disappeared the next day.
Physically I felt lighter and more clear headed. The feeling of happiness too lasted even
after the ritual for myself. It is hard to put into words but it was an amazing

Bryan Nguyen
The singing was beautiful beyond words as Danny attested. I had never heard anything
like it in my life until that moment. Veos's singing touched my soul. From start to end, I
could feel the energy rushing through me as their words gained intensity. I am not a
"shaker" as some of the others are, but even I twitched involuntarily to some degree
during the whole ritual. I could feel a ball of heat in the pit of my belly, and a fire in my
spine from the base to the middle of my back. Around me I could hear and see a few of
the others being taken by the energy of Bacchus, induced into ecstatic movements and
singing. When my turn came to say the words and throw the offerings into the fire, I
did not see the flames react perceptibly to my offerings, to my slight chagrin. However,
I watched the flames grow high and crackle and pop when some of the others did the
same. It was explained later on that the difference in the behavior of the fire was due
to the varying karma of some that was being cleansed by Dionysus and his servants.”

William Giger
The fire ritual was truly an amazing experience. One thing that is wonderful about it is
that it is an actual magical ritual that you get to play a role in, which is pretty mind
blowing. Even the setting of it was surreal: the fact that the fire pit is on the border of
the lawn and the woods, the chanting, the roaring, the shaking, all had a way of
transporting me back to ancient Greece. I never thought that I'd legitimately be able to

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say that I knew what it was like to be at an ancient Bacchic rite - I'm very thankful for
this experience.

During much of the ritual and Veos' chanting, I closed my eyes and tried to be as
empty and receptive as possible, just letting the experience soak in and feeling the bliss
that was in the atmosphere. At some point during Veos' chanting, I opened my eyes
and saw him clap, just as is done at the beginning of a transmission, and felt a heavy
wave of peace/bliss come over me then closed my eyes again and went deeper. It felt
like the entire experience had been amplified significantly or that I was receiving
another transmission. Afterwards I was left in some kind of blissful state that is hard to
really describe, it was a little unlike anything that I'd felt before. If anyone else
remembers their experience after the clap, I'd be interested in hearing it. It was by far
the highlight of the ritual for me.

Since I've been home, every time I've done askesis has been much deeper and more
enjoyable than it was before this weekend. I haven't looked forward to meditating this
much in a long time and it's easier to carry the feeling afterwards with me throughout
the day than it has been before. The charismos and the fire ritual do a lot of cleaning in
us and it's easy to feel the difference afterwards. Thank you Ramose, Veos, and
everyone for making this weekend what it was!”

Justin Rodriguez
During the ritual the pain in my feet became extremely powerful. I had surgery in it and
my legs in general are fine enough to walk, but walking those few steps to the fire pit
was extremely difficult, I even had to lean on some of the students for support, the
pain became that intense. After I gave the offerings, I walked very slowly back. I felt a
huge weight lifted off of me. I have always carried it for so long, that when I went to sit
down I could not stop crying, my tears kept running for a long time, I am so thankful to
God. Ever since, I feel like a new person! So happy and light for lack of a better word.

September 2011 Retreat Experiences

Samuel Putnam
First, I'm a fairly skeptical person - I've never disbelieved in magic, but after spending
so long with the crazies of the internet magical community, I have a pretty fierce
resistance to being duped. So before I left for Florida and during a good deal of my
flights, I cleared my mind of all expectations and steeled myself against passive
hypnotic suggestion... just in case. All the while - and I think this was important - I
opened my heart. I arrived a day early and spent the night with Justin and Julian

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Rodriguez (again, thank you guys so much... it means a lot) and then arrived at the
temple at about 3 PM Friday.

Before I even arrived, I started feeling completely blissed out. I found a building
inclination in myself to simply stare out the window and muse at how wonderful my life
was. This feeling DID NOT STOP for more than 24 hours. I could not look people in the
eyes without being overcome by the positive, melting feeling and then looking down,
grinning. I'm pretty sure that I looked high as a kite or drunk - welcome to the wine of

If you have not visited yet, know this - Ramose and Veos are more amazing than you
think. You can read their brilliant teachings, laugh at their humor, feel some of their
energies and share some dreams from a distance, but being in their presence is a whole
'nother story. About an hour into my visit, my arm started to jerk of its own accord. A
little late, the other went, and then my head would tilt quickly to the right. Someone
mentioned that it was catharsis, but it was subtle. Then, Ramose performed pore-
breathing through us, and my body sort of lost it. He would slice a finger through the
air and exhale sharply and my whole body would convulse with catharsis breaking
blockages. Throughout the rest of the visit, depending on my mental state, my body
showed impressive skill at being totally unpredictable - but it felt GOOD, and oddly
enough I never hurt myself this way, or even spilled a drink when the arm holding it
spasmed. Tons of people were doing this - everyone at one point or another, usually
when energy was being thrown around... and this started for me simply by being close
to our Hierophants. Even walking down the street to the lake would make my catharsis
slow down dramatically until it was unnoticeable.

The transmission that was performed was also an amazing experience... I'd been told
that it was very common to not experience much of anything at first, but that definitely
was not the case for me. Ramose sat at the front of the meditation room and Veos sat
opposite him - I did not see him but had the impression that he was reflecting and
refining the energies of the transmission (correct me if I'm wrong). Ramose called out a
short praise to Dionysus, and then began chanting in ancient Egyptian... He then made
an intricate, very purposeful hand gesture and clapped his hands and a MASSIVE
amount of energy rushed into me and I was forced to inhale. The energy felt like fire
without the pain and, to me, was like red television static. I blinked too quickly out of
sheer shock and started hyperventilating in between long moments of holding breath.
Even though I could not help blinking many times, I saw multiple faces of blue light
looking out from Ramose's face at the same time, and at one point he appeared to be a
black man with more angular features - revealed to me later to be Ramose's previous
incarnation in Egypt - named Ramose. I wasn't as stunned after the transmission as
some others, but as you can see it was an incredibly powerful experience for me.

The next day there was more play with internal energy. We all performed an exercise
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that induced chi flow throughout the body and then sort of allowed us to possess our
bodies and work out our blockages manually. This result in total chaos, with people
dancing and pounding things, acting like animals, and occasionally making very specific
mudras and taking up asanas, or tracing gestures over their bodies. I personally was
compelled to sing out long notes, for whatever reason. Later, Ramose coaxed out a
confession from me (I didn't bring it up myself) that I wanted to see what being hit with
internal energy was like, and got a quick lesson at push-hands (at which I was terrible)
and the experience of being thrown back with internal energy and basically flipped head
over heels with a tap and a tug... I believe that might be on video.

Even just meditating with Ramose and Veos was incredible. My mind has never been so
still, and the meditations often transitioned into fascinating discussions - I won't call
them lectures because they're way more interactive, friendly, and often humorous than
that - which alone prove the legitimacy of our Hierophants. Their knowledge seems
limitless. They never hesitate before responding crisply... Every teaching they say is
from their truly knowledge... nobody has the storytelling consistency that would be
necessary for what we learn from them. Take your doubts and throw them away.

A word must be said about all of the students: everyone truly does feel like family.
Everyone seems to get along, everyone is always laughing... reincarnating together
now seems less like a cool idea to me and more like a best possible explanation for that
kind of bond... and our spirituality accentuates our experience, too. I noticed near the
end of my visit that if I got too close - within 5 inches or so - to some of the longer-
term students, I'd feel a bubbling warmth (which I saw as gold) and usually have some
catharsis. I was able to feel people standing behind me without having heard them like
this... and when we meditate together, our energies seem to synchronize. While Jesse
Hawk and I did the Vision of the Angel at the same time, he started vibrating aloud,
and his vibrations were in time with my visualization, and seemed to add light and
reality to them. He would intone AHIH and my anthos nou would flare, or intone ALHIM
and any flaw in my hexagram would correct itself and shine brilliantly. And lastly, if you
don't know what it's like to be able to lightheartedly talk about things like evocation,
planetary energies, and what we all did together outside of our bodies last night, I
assure you that the experience is liberating and awesome.

Epandros Daskalos
No one here mentioned Ramose's internal energy demonstration. I don't remember the
exact name of the demonstration. Basically, Ramose took several young men (myself
included), many who were quite taller or heavier than himself, and threw them to the
ground with a light tap to their forearm. Brandon and I both took videos, and I think
they may be posted soon.

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When it was my turn, I tensed my body as much as possible and tried to root myself to
the utmost degree. Ramose tapped my chest at first, which caused me to feel a little
high and warm inside. He held my right hand in his right hand, and lightly tapped my
forearm near the elbow, with his left hand. I couldn't believe the force with which I was
hit; it felt like, as Ramose mentioned, that I had been hit by a car. The hit caused me
to rotate a little bit about my center of gravity, such that my feet were off the ground,
and I landed on my knees. It was by no means a gentle fall (the cut on my knee is
witness!). I looked at my forearm afterwards and noticed that it was lightly red, but
that quickly faded. My arm did not in any way bruise, which would be expected if I was
physically hit that hard normally.

Veos also led us through a past life meditation, as the others mentioned. He
accumulated the Akasha into us and led each person to a particular set of memories, all
simultaneously. Many people assumed that the thoughts they had were imagination,
simply because the memories they had were trivial. At first, this is often the case -
people tend to recall meaningless memories at first, nothing particularly exciting.
Nevertheless, after the experience Veos asked us to share what we saw. Many of us
saw very similar things. I received a total of 4 memories. Both Vanessa and I received
a memory of walking through the desert and another memory of being near to a
waterfall. Many others also had memories of deserts. Veos knew that many of us had
memories from China, and so he said, "Some of you should have had memories from
China." The first memory I had, actually, was of being on what I perceived to be the
Great Wall of China. He said the same thing about Persian memories, explaining the
common theme of deserts. Two of the memories I received were related to past-life
memories I had previously had in dreams, and when they came to me this time, I
instantly became intuitively aware of how they influenced this life, and why I had
certain interests.

For me, this was definitely the most powerful visit ever - chiefly because my heart was
much more open than usual. It's imperative to drop your expectations and open your
heart to the teachers and the teachings, if you want to make the most of your visit.
That doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't be skeptical; rather, it means you should
come with an open mind, and learn to sit intuitively, not analytically, like a small child

The sheer energy of this particularly retreat was very impressive. Everyone was high
from the natural energy of Ramose and Veos, and we were constantly laughing at
ridiculous jokes, which, in retrospect, were not worth laughing about. In fact, many
pictures of this retreat were discarded because many people looked totally high for the
majority of the retreat.

October 2011 Retreat Experiences

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Carly Granger
I will try to keep this as short as possible, though there is so much more I could say.

I had never been to a gathering before this past weekend and to say I was nervous
would be an understatement. Although I wanted to go, and I would have been
massively disappointed if for some reason I couldn’t go, at the same time I was
dreading it for at least a few days leading up to it. During my askesis sessions
especially I’d go into a panic and during the drive up I was near tears and had to talk
myself out of turing around.

Surprisingly I actually made myself get out of the car and go to the door, something I
wasn’t sure if I’d be able to to. I could feel the energy difference in the Temple
immediately. The first day was nice, but I was still overwhelmed. Although everyone is
incredibly kind and friendly, but I’m pretty sure I was acting standoffish the first day
because I was still fairly terrified.

By the second day I felt a lot better. Thankfully all the fear had left me and I was able
to feel more comfortable around everyone. I was still nervous to talk to the
Hierophants, but was grateful to receive a powerful technique from Ramose that I have
begun using since I’ve been back.

Later that night we received the transmission. I had no idea what to expect, so I
decided I wouldn’t expect anything. Veos told us that if we wanted to we could keep
our eyes open and then we might possibly see some interesting things. I really tried to
do this, but my eyes started burning and watering so much I found it impossible. Soon
enough my eyes were burning and watering even with my eyes closed, and even for a
few minutes after the transmission (I was told this was negativity burning off).

Typically during askesis I tend to have what I consider to be intense catharsis. But
although I don’t control the catharsis, I know that if I really wanted to I could stop it for
the most part. But during the transmission the energy was so powerful it was definitely
outside of my control. I remember but my hands in a prayer pose and put them in
front of my heart, in front of the third eye position, and straight overhead. During the
lats position I felt so much energy; it was somewhat scary but it also felt
amazing. Veos told me later that these were mudras I was used to doing in a past life
and it helped me channel the energy.

I heard people start laughing and thought to myself something like “why are these
people laughing? How stupid, they must be faking it.” But within a second or two I
was laughing too; it felt like I was overcome with laughter, it too was
uncontrollable. Then everyone just stopped at exactly the same time. At the very end
it felt like I was exploding or shattering and my whole body seized up; right afterwards

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I felt sadness and fear for about a minute which then disappeared. You could hear
everyone react to this last burst of energy at the same time.

Sometime either during or right after the transmission I said to myself “so now my life
has changed.” Before this moment I always had some degree of resistance, of
uncertainty, of hesitation regarding TDS. Much more so when I first started the
Probationer class, and almost nonexistent in the few weeks before the gathering. Yet
up until that second it was still there, and I think it was a good thing for a time because
discernment is always important. It was also difficult for me, because I felt my mind
was filled with tension and conflict about it, which used a lot of my mental energy. But
at that moment, all doubt was gone. It was as if my entire life had been leading up to
that moment. There was no turning back after that.

After the transmission I felt a strong desire to go sit up by Veos. I sat by him for 2 or 3
hours and asked him many questions and felt totally comfortable, which was strange
because before the transmission I was terrified at the prospect of talking with Ramose
or Veos. He was very patient and more than willing to talk to me and answer
everyone’s questions. I was in a state of bliss during those hours.

I had to leave early on Sunday to pick up my mother from the airport. Though I was
sad to go back home, I left Gainesville feeling like a changed person. Soon after I
picked my mom up, she told me that I seemed very different, and that she could tell I
had a new calmness and a ‘knowing.‘ She’s now considering applying for the
Probationer class next year.

Evan Barton
Looking back on the weekend, I would describe it as an "Experience" rather than a
group of experiences.

Fall has descended onto northern Florida and the weather was sunny and cool the
whole time we were at the temple. I arrived Friday evening with a list of questions. Past
retreats have seemed more "lecture" oriented although this one was a little more
meditative, with the Hierophants devoting a significant amount of time for Q&A. It's
really amazing to witness how much energy they put into answering our questions.
Recently I have been wondering where to "draw the line," so to speak, between what is
real and what is purely folklore. As it turns out, shapeshifting is real! (for instance). It is
tied to the anima-mahima siddhi, where the mystic is able to grow infinitely big or
infinitely small. This power is connected to teleportation as well, since teleporting
involves disassembling your cells and reassembling them elsewhere. Veos said that you
wouldn't technically need the body of light for this type of thing, but beings capable of
these feats basically have the body of light.

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Their were also many inquiries about past-lives. For Ramose and Veos, past-lives are
simply "the past" so hearing them speak casually about their own past lives made me
and some of the other students naturally think about our own past lives and how we
may have been connected to the teachers. Having just come from the Middle East, I
have been thinking a lot about the Ancient Egyptians, their temples, and their magical
and mystical practices. Of course, everyone wants to know whether or not they were
once great princes of Egypt, or handmaidens of Cleopatra (if not Cleopatra herself),
although I tried to resist the temptation to ask too many questions about my past
incarnations and why it is that I'm interested in meditation and spiritual progress in this
life. One thing that came through, however, was that spiritual progress is a multiple
lifetime endeavor.

The evening hours passed into early morning unnoticed, and after many captivating
conversations it was time for bed. The next morning several of the visiting students and
templites went into the main alter room and did an hour or two of askesis before
breakfast. Danny had made eggs and pancakes, along with a tasty mushroom dish.
Several of the students at this retreat have studied divination, and we spent much of
the morning and early afternoon going over inquiries about the future. I received a
reading about my job prospects from Mollie. I haven't had many tarot readings, but
Mollie's was certainly the most intuitive and detailed I have received.

That evening Veos gave the transmission. I tend to be too "in my head," so I tried to
focus on stilling the mind and opening the heart. After he clapped his hands I noticed
the candle near the throne started flickering rapidly. As he sent his purified pneuma
around the room, I thought I saw flashes of gold in his aura, and waves of energy
seemed to come off of his arm like disturbances in the air -- I didn't really see a color
associated with it. The transmission makes your eyes really sting, although apparently
the sting is symptomatic of negative energy being burned to a crisp.

After the transmission several students stayed in the alter room and Veos discussed a
variety of occult topics, giving examples from his past incarnations.

Sunday was a more meditative day. After the morning askesis Veos spoke about proper
diet and fasting over breakfast. We also took a brief detour into LOTR trivia, and Veos
actually made a reference to the Silmarillion, which was awesome. Veos also lead a Chi
Gung exercise in the front yard, and later we sat with Ramose in meditation.

One of the best things about the gatherings is that you spend the whole time focused
on spirituality and spiritual topics. Even our brief forays into contemporary politics had
a strong spiritual dimension to them. I am still processing all the the conversations and
events that took place, although the fact that we received so much spiritual information
helped raise ours spirits throughout the weekend.
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February 2012 Retreat Experiences

Samuel Putnam
Even though I'd been to the temple once before, I was nervous before I flew down to
Florida for this second time. In the end though, my strange worry was completely
unfounded and I had another amazing and deep experience at this gathering with my
fellow students, instructors, and Hierophants. It's always difficult to remember
everything that happened at the temple, but I'll do my best to recount my visit.

1. Back at Last
My travel plans went smoothly, and everything was as usual until I walked into the
waiting area of the airport. I hadn't gotten a text from Demophon so I'd figured that I
may as well wait outside in the warm Florida weather, but I got the sensation of being
watched and turned around to find Demophon, Maion, and Jesse Hawk. From that point
forward, the atmosphere was never quite "mundane." There is something pleasantly
surreal about being near your classmates and teachers - not to mention the temple. For
me at least, it's like I was previously dreaming, but then blossomed into lucidity.

After I got to the student house (which is looking wonderful with its bamboo and newly-
planted garden) and put my bags in the sleeping room, I went outside and watched
Maion and Aischias practicing Aikido as Ramose observed them and gave occasional
corrections to their technique. It is a beautiful martial art. If you haven't visited, you
might not know that both Ramose and Veos are very skilled martial artists - even if you
are not martially inclined, their skills and those of some of the locals and templites are
fantastic to watch for their intricate, deadly grace. Afterwards, we sat outside awhile
and asked Ramose questions about the nothingness and oneness of reality, and how
the consciousness behaves within dreams. I did my askesis within the beautiful
meditation room, met the other students as they arrived, and presumably fell asleep at
some point.

2. Purification by Breath and the Transmission

The next day after a brief group meditation we learned about how the breath is used to
purify the body, the blood and the organs starting at 12 seconds in and 12 seconds out
and gaining more magnitude until the full meditative breath of 22 in, 22 out. We
learned a quick albeit uncomfortable method of quickly clearing breathing blockages to
allow for better meditation.

That night we all received a transmission. Like the September gathering that I
attended, Ramose played the projective role. This time, he said, he would be doing
something a little different; he would transmit the usual blast of spiritual energy, and

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simultaneously would walk to us one by one and perform more specialized individual
work upon us which would continue to act upon us for 72 hours. He asked us to remain
passive and focus on our connectedness to him, and then opened with a devotion to
Dionysos and began the transmission with the famous, mind-breaking clap. Everyone
experiences it differently, but for me it's like being hit by lightning... but in a good way.
I had one intense moment of shaking, and then was incredibly calm, strangely enough.
When Ramose got to me, he did something to my heart center on both sides, and my
head. I started laughing, and then on the second touch my body contorted and I bent
down to cry, except there were no tears. I alternated between these two for awhile
after Ramose moved on, and then my spine began sinuously weaving back and forth
like a snake very slowly for the rest of the transmission.

Whatever emotions and thoughts came to me were either completely beyond me or

were too intense to remember for very long after I "came down" from the transmission.
I had no will whatsoever to move for quite a while due to a profound sense of detached
peace. I noticed that my senses were gravitating effortlessly, almost disconcertingly,
towards constant and detailed awareness of my surroundings in the NOW - the reverse
of how it usually is, where it requires effort to remain in the present. I'm sure I looked
strange to everyone involved. Other students reported this being one of the best
transmission that they'd ever received.

3. Medicine and Palmistry

After the transmission I was reeling too much to move around, and since Veos had just
sat down in the transmission room, I just stayed there and listened to the conversation.
He talked with some of the students about various elements of holistic healing,
including some very intense-sounding techniques for complete purification. If you want
to know about the healing arts, these are your Teachers. Shortly after, Mollie had asked
Veos for some pointers in learning palmistry. As usually happens when palmistry is
brought up, everyone quickly took note and crowded into the no-longer-so-private
corner to observe the lesson, and everyone got some general pointers about
chiromancy. I was feeling some emotional kickback from the transmission and decided
to sit on a nearby couch and just listen, so I don't remember many details. It suffices to
say that the palms are truly fascinating, but that if you publicly ask for your palm to be
read you risk being flooded by attention, whether wanted or not.

4. Global Changes, Qigong, and Gnosis

On Sunday, Ramose lectured about the ways in which our world is changing in a more
spiritual direction, and the conflicts that must necessarily arise in order to make that
transition. He encouraged us to be a positive force for this transition, and told us that
as we spiritualize ourselves, we make it easier for higher discarnate souls to incarnate
into the bodies of our children. Led by Teleson, we performed Qigong outside in a light
rain (very peaceful!) and let our internal energies work out blockages and effect healing
- which manifested in some very strange and entertaining cathartic behavior, singing
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involuntarily, acting like animals, etc. Feeling totally energized, we went in to dry off
and have lunch.

After lunch, I was helping Aischias to build the new site by copying some revised
Probationer and Aspirant material into the site's pages, while Carly was making
pancakes across from me. A singing bowl rang in several long, pure tones from the
meditation room, but we both stayed even as the other students filed into the room, so
as to finish our tasks. A little after everyone quieted down, I noticed a kind of wave
spread out from the meditation room like a wind. I was struck by the feeling, thinking it
to be just what was produced by so many people meditating at once. It wasn't energy,
exactly, or even peace, but something subtler. The best way that I can describe it is as
a clear wave of pure consciousness.

As it turns out, Veos had assembled everyone and then gone into gnosis, and I'm
certain that that expanding consciousness is what I felt. When I finished my work and
ventured in to join everyone, I saw Veos. Again, I got a very subtle yet very powerful
impression, like within the space surrounding Veos, time had simply stopped. A few
students had apparently lost consciousness as their minds couldn't match Veos'
meditation while still awake. This persisted for about an hour, and was a blessing to

That is most of what I can remember. May God grant you all the blessing of visiting
sometime soon.

Miscellaneous Experiences with the Hierophants

“Trapped in a Triangle”-by Teleson Daskalos

Most recently, the Templites and a few locals headed to St. Augustine for a relaxing day
by the beach and in the historic district. The day was quite wonderful from my point of
view, and Ramose and Veos were sure to give us a number of cool experiences. I'll
admit what were probably their three primary reasons for doing this: (1) to perform in
front of their Divine Mother, intimidated into awe at the majesty of the ocean, (2) to
instill faith in those present, and (3) to instill faith in all of you reading this. To mention
one rather cool experience which was personal to me, I'll tell of the tale which begins
with Veos' offer for a nightly walk along the beach after a dinner.

As we walked under the sky of the setting sun to the sound of the ocean surf, I was
reminded of when Veos took Anthony and me to the beach to teach us of the
Rosicrucian Qabalah while drawing the Otz Chiim in the sand. Feeling nostalgic, I myself
began to draw something in the sand: A magic circle and triangle. The students and I
were having fun playing childish games, reminiscing of magicians past, pretending to be
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demons trapped in the triangle aiming to attack the divine sage who evoked us forth.
While I stood in the triangle, Veos came by and exhaled forcefully while redrawing the
triangle around me.

Suddenly feeling confused and unsure, I asked Veos if I could leave the Triangle. In
hindsight, this is a rather strange question, but I realize now that I truly did become
the spirit asking the Magician for permission to leave. He did not give me that
permission, but instead said, "You can try." I will be honest that I did not have much of
a belief that I would be trapped. I could mentally see a beam of light coming up around
me, and so I understood that he had made some form of Magic Triangle, but leaving
felt so easy to me. I didn't feel suddenly imprisoned, incapable of movement.

Not wanting to prove Veos wrong by marching out of the Triangle so easily, I decided to
just take a firm step outside of it. Needless to say, the Master's Will was stronger than
the student's. I instantly burst out laughing as soon as my foot touched the edge,
feeling completely uncomfortable and unable to go further. It reminds me of when I
stand at the edge of frigid water, frightful to step in: every time that I would work up
the will and decide to take the plunge, something in me would rise up and prevent it at
the last minute. With every attempt to leave, I was met with the fierce and frightening
stare of that fiery Will.

Finally recovering from my hysterical and uncomfortable laughter, I collected my wits

about myself and concluded to march out of the Triangle. No matter what happened, I
would simply step out of it. This was my chance to prove my willpower to my Teacher,
and I was determined to pass the test with shining colors. What better opportunity?! So
I stood in one corner while looking at the corner farthest away. I firmly marched the
step or two that it took to cross the distance between to the corners and thought that I
was to be on my merry way when once again I nearly collapsed from uncomfortable
and edgy laughter; all ability to leave suddenly drained out of me once again.

With a couple more attempts, I finally made it out of the Triangle. Veos continued to
stare at me. I felt horribly out of place. It was as if I was in a foreign world, and the
Triangle became my only salvation. Veos then commented to that end, teaching me
that the reason a spirit doesn't leave a Triangle is because it actually feels as if it isn't
proper to do so. I asked if I could go back in; he laughed and said, "Sure." Immediately
upon re-entering the Triangle, I felt a mild relief come over me, as if I was back home
safe and sound. These emotions may be exaggerated slightly in order to convey the
experience properly. I certainly wasn't afraid for myself by any means, but there was a
distinct feeling of being out of place unless I was inside of my teacher's Triangle.

However, I do not by any means exaggerate the difficulty in leaving that

aforementioned space. I was surprised time and time again as I tried to leave and
simply couldn't. The experience has been indelibly impressed upon my memory. I was
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immediately humbled, bowing and thanking Veos for showing me something so

incredibly sacred. This was just one of the cool experiences I had that day.

“Trapped in a Larger Triangle”-by Prodakos

I was with Teleson and the others when he was stuck in his triangle. As a bystander to
all of this I was highly amused.

My experience picks up right after Teleson’s ends. After Teleson left the triangle, we still
stayed there gathered around the triangle examining it and playing with it. When
everyone was gathered around the triangle Teleson was in, I instinctively turned and
noticed Ramose off to the side about 10 yards away from everyone, holding a Mudra
that seemed to resemble a triangle.

He called me over to him and he told me to watch. I noticed he was saying a mantra
underneath his breath quite quickly simultaneously holding the Mudra, and no one
seemed to notice which I thought was a little odd. He told me that he was creating a
larger, more subtle magic triangle that he was putting everyone in but us. "You'll see
that everyone is going to get closer to each other." As Ramose spoke these words, I kid
you not, everyone started getting closer to everyone. It was as if there was a wall
pushing on their subconscious, that would push them all together. I laughed in
amazement as I saw this happen, but still it wasn't as great as what happened next.

He then summoned (hah) Harper, who was in the triangle at this point, over to us.
Harper came over to witness the remaining parts of the operation. I was too focused on
what was going on with everyone else, so I do not clearly remember the conversation
Ramose had with Harper.

After the quick conversation with Harper, I noticed that everyone wasn't getting as
close anymore, in fact they appeared to be spread out. But what I didn't realize is that
everyone in Ramose's triangle was actually forming a triangle. I couldn't believe this,
this was such an amazing thing to see. This whole operation lasted for just about 10
minutes, perhaps more. My words can't really describe in detail the true enigma that I
was witnessing. To see everyone move closer together, and then once compacted,
spread out slowly and form a triangle. I was shocked, especially before each movement
Ramose would tell me seconds before they all rearranged themselves.

Finally, Ramose told Harper and I that he lowered it and that people were about to all
leave and come over. And I kid you not, literally 4 seconds later (I counted... Not
really. ) everyone all breaks apart from each other and leaves the triangle and finally
start coming over to where we had been standing. It was so surreal to watch, you could
actually see the triangle break by the reaction everyone had. This was truly a

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magnificent day and an amazing display of an impromptu magical operation. So

thankful I was able to observe this.

Unity of the Masters, August 2011

On Saturday night of the August gathering Veos and Ramose gave a transmission of
their purified pneuma. It was one of the more powerful transmissions and everyone felt
the energy being projected and circulated through the room. By infusing our bodies
with their more purified pneuma, or vital force, we were able to get the benefit and
cleansing from what would have taken us months of our own practice in only about an

This is not the main topic of my writing however, as great as it was. During the
transmission we had a special visitor. Ramose told us afterwards that the Master who
incarnated as Franz Bardon dropped in during the event and told them that Ramose
should give the transmission of consciousness in one hour, 1AM, and he would give
everyone a chance to see him through Ramose. There are two transmissions that a true
Hierophant can give. One is the Opening of the Mouth, which is the transmission of the
energy of the Master to his disciples, and the other is the Opening of the Eye, which is
the transmission of the consciousness of the Hierophant. Since the Hierophant is
opening up to such a degree to the students, it is possible to see the Hierophant's face
change to his previous incarnations during the transference of consciousness. During
the Opening of the Eye at 1AM, Franz Bardon was to show himself through Ramose by
the same means.

Everyone just hung out until 1AM, waiting for the time to pass, and not quite certain
what would be experienced in less than an hour. When the time finally came, everyone
sat in the living room area in front of Ramose and he proceeded to tell us what was to
happen. He said that the Masters are all unified on the level of consciousness, so they
are all the same Being operating through different bodies. This is what is realized when
Gnosis is achieved. Therefore, Ramose said it is simply a matter of unifying his
consciousness with Franz Bardon's, and allowing Franz Bardon to give the transmission-
then hopefully we would be able to see Bardon through Ramose.

It started as all other transmissions started, with Ramose reminding everyone to keep
their eyes open the whole time- even if they burned. The main way impurities are burnt
off during the transmissions is through the tear ducts, especially with past life karmas.
Therefore they will start to burn sometimes during a transmission for apparently no

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reason, even if you could hold them open for minutes at a time beforehand without a
problem. If there is no pain or tears during a transmission then there are no opposing
karmas between the Master and student and the student is open to the Master's

Now I will talk more personally for what happened next- as I can only really speak for
my own experiences and I will let others voice their own. As always, the transmission
started with a powerful clap, and I kept my eyes open and receptive. I didn't mention
this yet, but even before the transmission I began to see his face transform. I have
seen their faces change before, but it never ceases to surprise me with the shear
objectivity of the experience. Truly it is not a trick of the imagination- it is as if the
physical face morphs all at once, as if there are multiple layers of their face you are
seeing all at once- or like a broken signal on a tv which makes clear pictures arise out
of the static spontaneously one after another without seeing how the pictures
transitioned between. Now, the only face of Franz Bardon I was expecting to see was
when he was younger. Lo and behold though, clear as day, Bardon appeared- but with
his older more worn appearance after he endured his many trials and tribulations. This
face lasted for a few moments, before I had to blink because of my contacts. With my
eyes closed I saw a blue and yellowish afterimage of his face on my eyelids as if I were
staring at only Bardon's physical face for the last few minutes. When I opened my eyes
I saw his face transform yet again, but now to the young face I was originally
expecting. It was just how I've seen him pictures, but it was from a different angle than
I have seen before. His young bright face, with the upper mustache and fair complexion
lasted for a few moments like a hologram then disappeared. Once again Ramose's face
was replaced, but this time with an older looking man's, who had flowing white hair and
a very large beard. He looked like a stereotypical wise sage, living in the remotest of
mountain ranges at the highest of peaks. After this experience Ramose told everyone to
recollect themselves, as the transmission was ending. I should also add that though my
contacts were slipping down the whole time, and everything else was blurry, the faces
of Bardon shone clear and vivid as if completely immune to my physical eye's flaws.

Ramose asked all those who experienced his face change to Bardon's to raise their
hands, and nearly everyone did. Even those who didn't at least agreed that they felt his
energy, which was very strong, and contained- as Ramose described it very accurately-
a disciplined but compassionate feeling to it. Everyone became excited in agreement.
Veos then asked who saw the young face, and nearly everyone raised their hand. He
asked, who saw his older face? Again many had that experience. Finally, he asked who
saw an older man with a long hair and beard? I was very surprised at this because I
wasn't sure who I had seen yet and did not expect him to bring it up. I was the only
one to raise my hand. Veos told us that was how he currently looked. I am grateful to
have seen it. Overall, it was a spectacular happening, and we are not only blessed to
have been able to spend some time in Master Bardon's presence, but also are blessed
at having Hierophants who are able and caring enough to give us such opportunities.
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Alex Dues
This was a very special experience for me because Bardon’s system was the one I spent
the most time on before joining the school (off and on for about 5 years). I can’t say it
any simpler than I SAW FRANZ BARDON! I too saw Ramose face begin to change before
he asked us to close our eyes. When he asked us to open our eyes, my eyes began to
burn much quicker then I expected and teared up heavily within the first 10 seconds or
so. I saw the young Franz Bardon with the mustache, but from a different angle then a
picture I’ve seen when he was at a similar age.

Richard Batchelor
As others said, before Ramose even began the transfer and asked us to close our eyes,
there were small, but perceptible, changes to his face and overall demeanor. I could
feel the descent of Bardon into the room like a highly charged fog, and when I opened
my eyes, they burned intensely after only 10 seconds or so - I had a very difficult time
keeping myself from blinking throughout the whole experience. I felt more than I saw,
but what I saw was glimpses of Bardon's face interspersed with one or two faces I did
not recognize. One was of dark skin, with African features: Ramose informed us today
that this was a life of his from long ago connected to Bardon. I could see a second set
of brilliantly black eyes operating alongside and almost in front of Ramose's, looking at
me even though his eyes were turned away. I closed my eyes as a result of the pain
from keeping them open and focused more on the feeling of the energy. It almost felt
as if Bardon's body were my own; like I was "wearing" him. I felt a pulsing, turning
energy - very powerful - that I could only describe as concurrently dense and ecstatic:
powerful and heavy, yet light and enlightened at the same time. I had never felt a
particularly strong connection to Bardon, yet, undeniably, a connection that evening
was made.”

Experiences in Askesis

Joao Ferreira
Every once in a while I’ve been feeling an inner peace wave. Better than money, wine,
fast car or anything else :-).
From last Saturday to Sunday I felt such an amazing inner peace that lasted about 24
hours and I wouldn't trade for anything. I even cried feeling so great. Then, yesterday I
returned back to my hell (with bad emotions and thoughts).
Today, again, I woke up feeling an amazing inner peace and it has been lasting until

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I have no doubt that this comes from my askesis and TDS.

I can't wait until I get this peace continuous. I crave for it more than any power.
I just wanted to share this treasure with you all.

Hugo Ramirez
One night, many months ago, I was feeling odd. I asked God to show me what love
really is. What the virtue of Love really is. I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. I
was not sleepy or anything, I just wanted so deeply to know what true Love is.

And it came to happen. I began feeling this feeling coming from my heart... this... it's
hard to describe. It was as if it expanded outwards in all directions and all ways. And I
thought of everyone I knew and I loved them. I loved them. That was the truth of it. I
wanted to show them how I really felt about it. And it was not only that I loved
everyone. I loved everything. I loved my bed and the air I was breathing and our
School and you.

And I thought to myself, "I don't want to astral travel; I don't want to master the
physical elements or to know the power words. I just want to love like this forever. I
want God, I want His Love. And I know it will come to be. Today, tomorrow, 1,000
years from now, it doesn't matter. It will come to be." And I thought of myself and I
saw myself as a broken broadcasting antenna of God's love. I am - and everyone is, I
think - supposed to love as God loves, to love everyone and everything of itself. But
we're damaged. Our signal is jammed, all buzzes and distorted waves. Our goal, as
theurgist, is to repair ourselves, repair our broadcasting system, so we can act as God's
love's beacons.

And then, it ended. I was still elated and feeling good and happy, though. It was so...
impressive and powerful, I felt deeply thankful.

Samuel Putnam
I've been especially hard on myself during my askesis recently... I figure that since I
seem to have trouble getting my act together as often as I would prefer, I should make
every second of it count when I do chance to get my priorities straight.

The Vision of the Angel is the most powerful meditation that we probationers are
taught, more powerful even than some techniques awarded to the supposed magi of
higher rank in some other modern magical societies. I'd heard of this concept before -
and so have all of you - but it really struck home in me yesterday.

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Every Vision is a struggle for me. My lungs constrict, I shake and I sweat, and my spine
twists whenever I'm not paying attention, forcing me to right myself every other
breath. In my mind's eye, the Light of God turns into smoke, my hexagram seed grows
points and tarnishes and my anthos nou has occasionally appeared to me as a kind of
chalky dead flesh. My lower self is pretty insidious, if I might say so myself, and the
better I do on my askesis for a certain period of time, the more likely all of the above
seems to happen. But like Jesse Hawk has said a few times now, this is not just
practice, but an internal war.

Funny how those words rang true as, in my thought observation during the day and
hour of the moon, I observed a vivid image of a once-fallen knight raising himself up
from the ground and drawing his sword to stand before me, facing away from me with
his blade turned against the darkness of a midnight wilderness and the moonlight
making his silver armor shine... and again - an image of my own hand, drawing a twin
sword from a silver sheath etched with ornate whorls and burned in excruciating detail
against my mind's eye. I detached from these like all the rest of my thoughts.

While my Vision the day before had been filled with all the monstrous qualities that I
described earlier, I knew what I was fighting and felt it being destroyed with every
exhale, and last night I determined that I would do the same thing as much as was
required to strike the final blow. I set to work and rendered myself dissatisfied with
even the best of my visualization. I yearned for my Angel to dissolve my body with
God's Light, if need be. I tried to feel the shine of my hexagram seed like fire of a sun,
and when I reached a new height of clarity, I reached higher. For all this at the tenth
breath, something changed; something snapped. My entire body shook in small but
intense tremors and convulsed during the exhales, and my lungs would seize for
breath. Suddenly my body was like translucent smoke, and was like nothing in
comparison to the Light with which I worked. As it descended into me and expanded
from my heart I knew, and the echthros within me knew that my body and all the
world's forms are as nothing but shells for the Divine, and without its providence live
not. Even I, the observer, knew my place in comparison, and wondered for a moment if
all this might be too much for my body.

I then pressed on, realizing that for that moment I was truly alive, and on my tongue
was a small taste of Victory.

Bonnie Weaver
Yesterday afternoon I developed a rip-roaring headache and I rarely get headaches. I
had hit the back of my head fairly hard a day or two ago and was fairly sure that my
top vertibrae (C1/2) was messed up. This a.m. my headache was not near as bad,
however, my neck was still very stiff and I could feel quite a bit of tension that later

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into the day could have developed into a headache.

I was on about round 10 of breathwork in VOA when my upper neck SNAPPED! It

snapped so hard my head literally dropped! Thank God!!! It was pretty cool!!!

Last night I was thinking I wanted to meet the chiropracter in town as he uses Chinese
principles of healing and other interesting things, but, shoot, I did not want to meet him
this way! Last I heard he was $40 for 10 minutes. It was the adjustment I needed! I
love how the body, mind and spirit work together!

Sean Denton
On Halloween, I was doing my askesis right before bed as usual. Now, I admit that I do
not do every single exercise given to me, and until about a month ago, my askesis
routine was haphazard at best(getting better, though). Well, during my Body
control(which I do first) I felt something happen. I don't quite know how to describe it.
It almost felt like a shift in one or more of my energetic bodies, and an exhale at the
same time(but not a physical one). After that, my entire askesis routine became much
easier, and much more fun. After I was done with the VOA of the aforementioned
askesis routine, I immediately said out loud "holy S*** that was intense!". During VOA,
it felt like my lower spine was being sqeezed by a Boa Constrictor, but at the same time
it also felt like it was being stretched, and that feeling stayed for a good while after.
This typically happens with me, but this time it was much, much more intense.
However, when I was done I felt so good I Felt like I was on a high, but better!

My body temperature usually rises when I do Vision of the Angel, but this time it was
really hot. I don't normally do it this way, but somehow I just ended up doing it a little
different, but I guess this is what God's light (fire) also do since this is part cleaning
practice. I must say that after I finished up I really really felt good. I started with my
VOA, but felt that I had to let the Light of God I was taking in burn clean and do away
with that which is not God before I breathe it out. So I started taking in the light, then
where I would normally hold my breath I pictured this light being very bright all over
inside of me and that it is busy cleaning (burning) away at the impurities. Now this
made me really hot, but I just felt I had to continue with it.

David Jaime
Before the experience: To summarize I go lucidity in a dream, next thing I know I am
hovering in my room, felt a drilling in my upper back and then woke up at about
2:30ish AM.

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Once I went back to sleep I went out of my body and was just hovering there again
contemplating on the energies, vibrations, among other things. Then all of a sudden a
wave of energy "hit" me and all my body started to vibrate intensly having a perfect
notice of were my spine was located, it was appearantly "vibrating" differently from the
rest of my body. As I felt this surge of energy, energy shot up the spine blasting open
everything in its way in and unstoppable manner. Then I was hit with a second wave
and this time and felt the intense vibrations once again, reassuring the purification.
(When I was hit by the first wave I imidiatlely related it to Ramose and Veos, but a
don't know if it was them.) Then I just chilled there feeling the weightlessness of the
subtle body I was in, grateful of the experience.

Yesterday in my askesis I didn't feel much different but what I did feel is this intense
heat in my corona as I was expanding my golden sphere during VOA, and by heat I
mean a heat I had never experienced before, blazing hot.

Jesse Hawk
I am just going to post my actual journal entry with a few slight modifications, this
happened during VoA.

‘Focus was good but visualization was lacking at first. Starting at white silhouette my
body started to go very upright/rigid and lift up. I started to get lighter and the foam
padding under my shins began to make the noise of decompressing. Instead of being
firmly planted into the thin foam padding, my legs occasionally moved slightly left/right
with almost zero friction or effort and I felt almost no pressure pushing against my
shins, like they were just barely touching the foam. Likewise my butt didn't feel heavily
planted on the bench like usual, but it felt like I was barely sitting on it. It felt like I was
on the verge of levitating completely but the lightness peaked, and then I began to
become heavier again at around 45 minutes in and heard my shins and butt sinking
back into the padding and felt the normal pressure on my butt again. I wonder if my
Epinoia has awakened? I felt physically clean, like I just took a shower, despite having
not showered tonight, and generally lighter feeling.

Veos answer was that no, this was not my Epinoia awakening, but that energy is
moving up the spine which is an important precursor to that occurring. This was
certainly an interesting occurrence, since my askesis usually isn't too experience
oriented, I typically only feel very slight things and on rare occasion feel something
more intense, but I'd say this was the most interesting experience I've had thus far.

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