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Figure 24. Typical Hybrid Charging Arrangement

9.4.5 Overhead Catenary Systems or Trolley Assist • Normal operation

Trollies have been used in underground mining for • Fault
many years (especially coal mining). They are typically rail • Charging in progress
mounted and use AC or DC power fed through cables from • Remaining charging time
overhead catenary systems to move ore and people around • Charging complete
the mines. In open pit mining, AC operated haul trucks fed
from overhead catenary systems have also been exten- 9.5.2 Emergency Shutdown Terminals
sively used. The challenge of using a 100% electric truck is An E-Stop button should be provided outside the
the inability of the truck to leave the tracks covered by the charger. The E-Stop button should be sequenced so the
trolley system. power electronics shut down the charge first, followed by
A recent iteration, which is not a true hybrid system, opening the contactors. If power electronics are not
uses a pantograph for ramp assist to reduce diesel fuel con- responding, then the contactors will dump. If the charger
sumption during the ramp climb. The truck operator aligns power interface is far from the charger unit, then an E-
the truck with the overhead lines, manually deploys the Stop is required at both locations.
pantograph, and switches off the diesel; the sequence is
reversed toward the end of the climb. The trolley system 9.6 Communications and Monitoring
can be used on the downhill trajectory as well, to inject The open charge point protocol (OCPP) enables BEVs to
regenerative energy back into the grid. The technology is communicate (i.e., request and confirm) with a central sys-
moving toward a hybrid system, replacing diesel with bat- tem over the internet in extensible markup language (XML)
tery power, and automating the alignment and the deploy- format (Open Charge Alliance, 2018). We suggest implemen-
ment of the pantograph. tation of an open communication protocol such as OCPP 2.0.

9.5 Operation and Controls 10. OPERATIONS

9.5.1 Operator Control Visibility and Lighting 10.1 Battery Safety

When the charger is connected to the BEV, the BEV Relative to the number of rechargeable batteries in
gives the charger instructions and minimum and maximum active use, LIBs have caused little harm in terms of damage
current limits. The charger complies and provides the and personal injury. Battery OEMs achieve this high level of
requested current. Status indicators to the operator are: safety by adding three layers of protection:

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1. Limiting the amount of active material to achieve a battery chemistry can exacerbate damage to the BEV and
workable equilibrium of energy density and safety potentially put personnel at risk.
2. Including numerous safety mechanisms within the Below are key issues that should be considered before
cell any BEV is introduced into the mine:
3. Adding an electronic protection circuit in the battery pack 1. Are the battery chemistry and fire suppression tech-
Safety challenges include risks associated with static niques understood for this BEV?
discharge, faulty chargers, over-discharge, contamination a. Is the BEV equipped with an appropriate fire extin-
from metal particulates, cold temperature charging, and guisher?
inappropriate testing. Heat-related battery failures are b. Is the operator trained in the appropriate response
taken very seriously by OEMs, who typically choose a con- to a fire on board?
servative approach. c. Are emergency services aware of the proper fire
The hazards presented by lithium batteries are gener- suppression techniques?
ally associated with either electrical potential or chemistry. d. Do emergency services have the appropriate train-
The detailed hazards are discussed in Section 8.3.1. It is the ing to fight a fire on this BEV?
responsibility of OEMs to adequately address the various e. Do emergency services have the appropriate fire
hazards associated with batteries and to ensure the cus- suppression equipment?
tomer is fully informed of the risks and requirements for 2. In mixed fleets, emergency personnel may have to
handling and operating batteries and battery equipment quickly identify the battery chemistry on board a
safely. given BEV and choose the appropriate suppression
Appropriate measures are needed to achieve the man- technique.
dated safety standard set forth by UL 1642 (see Table 5 and a. Can emergency personnel quickly identify the bat-
Section 8.2). A nail penetration test that could be tolerated tery chemistry from a distance during an emer-
by an older 18650 cell with a capacity of 1.35 Ah would gency?
cause an explosion in modern high-density 2.4 Ah cells. As b. Have operators been trained to identify the battery
a side note, UL 1642 does not require nail penetration. LIBs chemistry and any unique responses they should
are nearing their theoretical energy density limit and bat- take based on that chemistry?
tery OEMs are beginning to focus on improving manufac- 3. Fires and structural damage will likely lead to a clean-
turing methods and increasing safety. For example, a up operation later.
one-in-200,000 failure rate triggered a recall of almost six a. Are mine maintenance personnel aware of the bat-
million lithium-ion packs used in Dell laptops. tery chemistry on board the BEV?
b. Do maintenance personnel have access to the
10.1.1 Emergency Response and Battery Chemistry appropriate equipment to clean up after a chemical
BEVs present a unique risk to owners, operators, work- spill from the BEV.
ers, maintenance personnel, and safety personnel. Unlike c. Do mine maintenance personnel have the proper
their fossil-fuel counterparts, BEVs can present several bat- training to safely effect a cleanup after a battery
tery chemistries, which require special consideration when chemical spill?
a BEV is involved in an incident that structurally damages In the United States, the National Fire Protection
batteries or causes fire on the BEV. LIBs differ from lithium Association has published recommendations for
metal batteries and each battery type can have variances in response to BEV fires from LIBs (Long & Blum, 2016), and
chemistries that prohibit the use of standard fire suppres- offers an online course (National Fire Protection Associa-
sion techniques. Employing the incorrect techniques on a tion, 2018).

Table 9. Training requirements for workers associated with BEVs

Role Electric
Operators Minimal training for battery user interface and charging
Mechanics Required for non-electric components (e.g., hydraulic packs)
Electricians Possibly with aptitude for instrumentation; likely require additional personnel specifically trained for battery electric
equipment (similar to instrumentation technologists)
Remote service / support Additional skillsets may be required when troubleshooting̶perhaps direct toward OEMs and / or engineers
Fuel / charging All workers need to be trained to conduct the chosen charging method

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10.2 Operator Training be queried about the documentation / training available

Operation of a BEV differs from a similar machine with for their platforms. Table 10 lists standards that could be
a diesel powertrain. Thus, all personnel working with or used to design an appropriate training program.
around a BEV need to be properly trained to fully under-
stand the operational differences, ensure safe practices are 11. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
used, and identify and avoid potential hazards (Table 9).
11.1 Introduction
Operator manuals should be provided by the OEM; addi-
tional training options may be available. Typical opera- Once the electric mine is operating, data should be col-
tional practices that will differ from a diesel equivalent are: lected and analyzed to assess mine performance. This sec-
• Daily inspections tion describes the type of data and information required to
• Unit start up assess the capabilities of battery-powered equipment for
• Brake test procedures underground mines. The goal is to define the typical perfor-
• Performance differences mance parameters used in the mining industry for under-
‒ Lower noise levels ground mobile equipment, and to lay out example
‒ Higher torque output performance specifications and data sheets for the equip-
‒ Higher maximum speed ment, batteries, and chargers. The intent is to describe the
‒ Regenerative braking performance requirements and capabilities to establish
Operational differences will exist among OEMs and among standard approaches for:
BEV models manufactured by a given OEM. • Mine operators to specify the performance require-
Duty cycle planning is critical for maximizing BEV avail- ments to achieve their operational goals
ability and utilization, because the energy density differs • OEMs to describe the performance within the respec-
between typical battery chemistries and diesel fuel. Rela- tive machine specification / data sheets, and commu-
tive to refueling with diesel, BEVs have a shorter tramming nicate the information required from mining
range or working time between recharges and take longer companies to ensure machines meet the operational
to charge or swap the battery. Operators should have an goals
understanding of the energy required to complete a spe- The mine operators will then be able to identify the avail-
cific task to ensure the charge level is sufficient or make the ability of BEVs as potential alternatives to diesel equipment
decision to charge the unit before proceeding. Range esti- for their operations, and the OEMs will be able to ascertain
mates from the OEM and training can assist the operator the industry requirements.
with determining how to proceed.
11.2 Definitions
10.3 Maintenance Personnel Training It is essential to ensure clarity on terminology used to
When selecting BEVs, the change management for ser- describe the performance of the BEV in comparison to
vice and repair should be a key consideration. OEMs should diesel equipment.

Table 10. Names, topics, and jurisdictions of standards related to BEV operator training. Full standard citations are listed in Section 12.
Recommended Topic Jurisdiction Citation
Industry Standard
ISO 14990-1:2016 See Section 15.7 for maintenance manual and service International International Organization
literature, including reduction of electrical hazards while for Standardization,
servicing a BEV 2016a
ISO 20474-1:2017 Specifies appropriate technical measures for International International Organization
eliminating or reducing risks from relevant hazards, for Standardization,
hazardous situations, or events during commissioning, 2017d
operation, and maintenance
ISO 8152-1984 Training of mechanics appropriate for earth-moving International International Organization
machinery for Standardization,
ISO 6750-2005 Specifies the content and gives guidance on the format of International International Organization
operator s manuals for earth-moving machinery for Standardization,
ISO 7130-2013 Basis for content and methods used for operator training for
earth-moving machinery International International Organization
for Standardization,

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11.2.1 Duty Cycle haulage duty cycle of haul-discharge, an average energy

The overall performance of electric equipment should consumption and time can be estimated.
not be described in terms of the total time from the begin- For equipment such as drills, bolters, and personnel
ning to the end of a process as defined by the operator carriers, a repetitive duty cycle may not be appropriate.
and the OEM, but should include both process time (i.e., Instead, the duty cycle would be defined by the time
when a unit is acted upon to bring it closer to an output) elapsed while travelling from one point to another under
and delay time (i.e., when a unit of work is expended wait- various empty and loaded conditions. Usually, once it has
ing to take the next action). For BEV equipment, parame- arrived in the work area, this equipment is parked and shut
ters and variables related to the duty cycle could vary. It is off or plugged in to the grid.
essential to capture the impact of delays and performance
variables that are altered by external factors. Therefore, 11.2.2 Idle / Queued Periods
the duty cycle should be divided into actions that consti- Hypothetically, one duty cycle operates at 100% utiliza-
tute equipment performance. Once the action perfor- tion. In reality, there are times when the BEV is idle and / or
mance has been evaluated without the influence of waiting in line while consuming time and energy in a cycle
another machine, then permutations, combinations, and and / or between sequences of cycles. These idle periods
loops can be used to characterize the operation of a spe- must be accounted for when estimating the actual perfor-
cific duty cycle. mance in a fixed time period (e.g., 1 hour, 1 shift) as avail-
The duty cycle can be defined by primary actions for ability and utilization (Section 11.2.3).
each class of equipment. Each primary action consists of
at least one segment that defines energy consumed and 11.2.3 Availability and Utilization
grade, distance, and time travelled. These actions can be Equipment availability is defined as the fraction of
defined at fixed distance and / or tailored to specific min- scheduled (calendar) hours without downtime for mainte-
ing applications. The cycle for a LHD is shown in Fig- nance or repair (Figure 28). In the case of battery electric
ure 25. equipment, battery charging or swapping hours are con-
For primary haulage equipment (LHDs and haulage sidered unavailable hours where the equipment is not
trucks) the duty cycle is illustrated in Figures 26 and 27. For available for operation. Equipment utilization is defined as
the LHD machine duty cycle of load-haul-dump or the truck the percentage of time the available equipment worked.

Figure 25. Primary Haulage Cycle: A Load (Muck); B Tram (Haul); C Dump; D Return Tram; E. Repeat

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Figure 26. Short Distance Traveled Duty Cycle Scenario for LHD Machines and Trucks

Figure 27. Long Distance Traveled Duty Cycle Scenario for LHD Machines and Trucks

Common definitions and formulas for the parameters are Available hours = Hours available to operate (includes time
as follows: between operating shifts)
Scheduled hours = Calendar hours in a day, month, etc. Unavailable (down) hours = Time unavailable due to break-
(168 h/wk) down, repair, battery charging, etc.

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Operating hours = Hours operated (measured by hour unavailable to do useful work (Figure 28). BEVs could have
meters on engine and / or BEV system enabled) lower availability than diesel equipment; the mine operator
should take this into consideration when considering the
Available hours = Scheduled hours ‒ Down hours (1) application and reviewing OEM performance specifications.
Since operating hours are determined based on hour
meter data from the BEV drive systems (e.g., traction,
Available hours
Availability (%) = ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ ×100 (2) hydraulic power pack, and auxiliary systems) and the sys-
Scheduled hours
tems would be off during charging, these hours would not
be recorded as operating hours. However, it will be impor-
Operating hours tant for the mine operator to measure charging hours and
Utilization (%) = ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ ×100 (3)
Available hours add them to the recorded down hours to accurately
assess the impact on availability. Therefore, technology to
record charging time̶either on board the machine or
battery̶should be considered in equipment specifica-
tions for BEVs.
Figure 28. Breakdown of Scheduled Hours
11.3 Equipment Performance
11.2.4 Battery Charge Time
11.3.1 General Requirements
The time required for on-board battery charging or
swapping (off-board charging) can be significantly greater It is recommended that OEMs openly communicate
than for comparable diesel equipment. If this time period is BEV machine, battery, and charger performance metrics
long, it should be considered down time because the BEV is based on accurate field testing with standardized meth-
ods and environmental parame-
ters. This will permit mining
Table 11. Examples of environmental variables
operators to assess and compare
Parameter Example descriptors or values
the operational feasibility of the
Road conditions Firm, muddy, flexing slightly under load or undulating,
maintained fairly regularly, watered, gravel various equipment. This process
Rolling resistance 3% will reduce uncertainty and dis-
Ambient temperature Maximum 28° C wet bulb globe temperature in summer
crepancies in performance
Underground temperature throughout the season varies
on average between ‒5 and 45° C; exception will need to expectations. It is also recom-
be addressed accordingly mended that OEMs provide the
Other considerations Humidity
guidelines for the procedures
Corrosion ratings
Ingress protection ratings and practices used to obtain per-
Salt resistance formance measurements. The
Rock falls most significant performance
requirements that need to be
understood are:
Table 12. Examples of operational parameters 1. The ability to achieve the same
Parameter Example descriptors or values output for a given duty cycle as a
Operator skills At least 5 y experience
comparable diesel unit
Idle periods Any duration over 10 min. should be considered
Distance In metres for each cycle
2. The energy requirements to
Payload OEM would specify a payload and standard bucket volume, perform the duty cycle, and num-
based on a specified rock (ore and / or waste) density ber of such cycles capable by the
Charging station Estimated time to reach charging station
battery energy stored on-board
Estimated time to charge or swap
Grade Uphill haul at 0‒18% grade and specify distance before recharge is required
Flat haul at 0‒2% grade and specify distance 3. The time required to recharge
Downhill haul at 0‒18% grade and specify distance or swap the battery
Speed limit Speed limit according to class of equipment
To standardize and implement
Specific remark Tire type
Inflation pressure in-field performance protocols for
BEVs, operational environmental

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variables and operational parameters should be considered ing). Therefore the actions that drive continuous vs.
and defined for the particular mining applications (Tables 11 peak and the frequency of such actions for peak
and 12). Also, OEMs should list all operating criteria / assump- should be clearly stated.
tions for the performance data communicated, including:
• Road conditions (e.g., rolling resistance [RR] assump- 11.3.3 Regenerative Braking Systems
tions) BEVs provide an opportunity to use regenerative brak-
• Ambient temperature ing (Sections 6.2.2 and 7.3). When the speed pedal is
• Auxiliary systems operation (e.g., air conditioning / released, the electric motor can become a generator and
heating, lighting) provide a braking force to the wheels while generating
• Other battery loads (e.g., electric drives, controls, radios) electricity to charge the battery. The amount of available
• Tire type and inflation pressure regenerative braking can greatly influence the range and
must be clearly defined in the duty cycle (Section 11.2.1).
11.3.2 Equipment Performance Assessment If the battery is fully charged, regenerative braking may
Standardized methods for describing performance for not take place unless there is an alternative dissipative
the traction, pump, and auxiliary motors are required to component such as a brake resistor. Alternatively, the stan-
compare battery equipment to diesel equipment. As an dard service brake could be used when regeneration is not
example, there is an arbitrary definition of peak vs. contin- available. The OEM should provide details on the regenera-
uous ratings: tive braking method, as well as the limiting factor for charg-
1. Peak rating in terms of diesel equipment is the maxi- ing of batteries (e.g., 80%) to ensure regenerative braking
mum torque that could be generated at zero speed could always be used.
(i.e., stall condition while mucking) and that a torque
converter at this operating point would survive for 11.3.4 Specifications
approximately 5‒15 s before overheating. The same The OEM should provide comprehensive specifications
drive train would be capable of running continuously for the BEV that include performance information in a per-
loaded uphill at full power. formance data sheet similar to Figure 29. These data should
2. Continuous rating should characterize the average be for typical power required at ideal conditions and at
energy use for an action; the peak rating often overes- ambient temperatures as stated in the data sheets, in order
timates the value. However, the continuous rating to assist in understanding the efficiency of the OEMs bat-
may be a continuous uphill haul (same as diesel rat- tery electric drive system.

Figure 29. Typical Performance Data Sheet

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For basic grade performance data, the units should be ferred for haulage equipment. Moreover, radial tires have
kW (power) at the maximum speed (km/h) attainable at tougher overall construction than bias-ply tires, providing
that grade. In addition, typical duty cycle(s) should be a longer life and smoother ride. Overall, radial tires used
described in as much detail as possible, and the OEM on hard surfaces consume less energy and have a lower
should use accurate simulation models to determine total life cycle cost than bias tires. However, bias tires are gen-
energy required for each duty. The OEM should state if the erally a better choice for loading applications (loaders,
data are measured or estimated and if estimated, specify scoop trams) because they have stronger and tougher
the basis of the estimation and what verification testing sidewalls, providing more stability when loads are carried
would be undertaken prior to delivery. up high.
Methods to measure the RR provided by a tire type
11.3.5 Impact of Tires on BEV Performance include:
When comparing the performance of BEVs, the type of • Measurement on drums in laboratory
tires on the BEV and the road surface over which the BEV is • Specially equipped trailers for measurement on road
moving are key factors to consider. In an underground • Coastdown measurement on road
mine, battery energy is used for driving, running auxiliary • Pulling test on a surface road during which the pull
systems (e.g., cooling/ heating, lights) and to power various force to move a vehicle at slow speed is measured
processes (mucking, dumping, spraying, drilling, etc.). In RR is usually expressed in terms of percent road grade
particular, the trackless rubber-tired truck-loader haulage or in terms of resistance force as a percentage of the gross
systems used to transport fragmented material from the vehicle weight. For example, a vehicle travelling with 10%
production area to the desired location draw significant RR on a horizontal surface must overcome equivalent resis-
energy from the battery during driving to overcome resis- tance to a truck travelling up a 10% grade with no RR. A RR
tive forces such as RR and climbing force. The RR is defined of 2.5‒3.0% is often considered for modelling the energy
as the force acting on a vehicle caused by the interaction consumption of a rubber tired haulage system used under-
between the tires and the road surface impeding its free ground, assuming that haulage drift / decline is generally
rolling. It can significantly impact BEV performance (speed, unpaved (compacted crushed rock as surface layer).
autonomy, productivity) and should be considered during
standard performance measurement tests. 11.3.6 Heat Generation
The RR depends on the road surface type (paved or Diesel units produce significantly more heat, but more
unpaved) and roughness conditions (the presence of importantly, produce harmful emissions that must be
irregularities, bumps, mud, snow, etc.) and tire type (bias diluted to safe levels for human occupancy underground
ply, radial) and condition (inflation pressure, treads, mate- through high fresh air ventilation flow rates (see Sections 5
rial composition, temperature). These parameters will and 6.6). The ventilation requirements in a diesel mine are
influence the energy required from the battery to perform relatively easy to calculate by summing known engine
a specific duty cycle. For softer surfaces, both bias ply and emissions, and are often legislated based on total diesel
radial tires yield a similar RR (e.g., surfaces C‒H in power (m3/s per kW) in the fleet. The total required fresh air
Table 13). However, when the road surface is harder, radial ventilation flow to dilute diesel exhaust gasses is usually
tires̶though more expensive̶yield a lower RR than sufficient to control the heat generated as well, and the
bias-ply tires (surfaces A and B in Table 13) and are pre- mine engineer does not usually need to consider this heat

Table 13. Expected rolling resistance (RR) factors for various road conditions and two tire types (adapted from Caterpillar, 2018)
Roadway condition RR (%)
Bias tires Radial tires
Surface A: Hard and smooth; concrete, cold asphalt or dirt surface; no tire penetration or flexing 1.5 1.2
Surface B: Firm, smooth and rolling; dirt or light surfacing; flexes slightly under load; watered; maintained 3.0 2.5
Surface C: Dirt, rutted; flexes under load; 25 mm tire penetration or flexing; no water; little maintenance 4.0 4.0
Surface D: Dirt, rutted; flexes under load; 50 mm tire penetration or flexing; no water; little maintenance 5.0 5.0
Surface E: Dirt, rutted, soft under travel; 100 mm tire penetration or flexing; no stabilization; no maintenance 8.0 8.0
Surface F: Loose sand or gravel; 150 mm tire penetration or flexing 10 10
Surface G: Dirt, rutted, soft under travel; 200 mm tire penetration or flexing; no stabilization; no maintenance 14 14
Surface H: Very soft mud, rutted; 300 mm tire penetration; no flexing 20 20

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source when sizing ventilation and refrigeration system 3. Zero net work is done if a vehicle returns to its start-
requirements. ing point, and the net energy consumed to move the
In an electric mine, these emissions do not exist, and machine is lost as heat. Energy used to move material
although less heat is generated, heat is the only contami- to a higher elevation is put into the potential energy
nant that must be assessed to determine ventilation and of that material.
refrigeration requirements for the electric mobile equip- 4. Zero net work is done if a vehicle moves a load on
ment fleet. The quantity of heat produced depends on con- level ground, and all energy consumed is lost as heat.
tinually varying duties of each unit, and the efficiency of 5. Vehicles require energy to overcome drivetrain, RR
each machine s drivetrain and charging system. Some key and auxiliary loads. This energy is ultimately con-
concepts to understand are: verted to heat.
1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it changes The concepts above indicate that a solid understanding is
from one form to another (The (Law of Conservation required of the duty of each unit. In addition, the efficiency
of Energy). of each unit must be known or estimated to determine
2. If a vehicle does not raise a load, no potential energy average heat generated during a typical operation. These
is stored and all energy transmitted from the battery heat values can then be summed for the fleet during a typ-
(kWh) is lost as heat. ical operating shift to determine the ventilation flow rates
and / or refrigeration requirements for the mine.

Figure 30. Comparison of Heat Generation and Efficiency between Diesel And Battery Electric Vehicles

Figure 31. Energy Flow for a Battery Electric (left) and Diesel Truck (right)

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A benefit of BEVs over diesel vehicles is the significant each unit to determine the electrical energy consumed (or
improvement in efficiency and reduction in heat genera- power required) on various load conditions and ramp
tion (Section 5.1). Figure 30 compares the efficiencies of grades. By subtracting mechanical work done for each of
each component of the respective drives and the resulting these cases, the overall losses and heat generation can be
heat losses. Heat generation from a BEV can be as little as determined.
20% of similar diesel equipment. It is suggested that OEMs develop performance data
An additional advantage of BEVs is that during braking sheets (e.g., Figure 29) that present the overall efficiency of
and down ramp operation, most systems are able to chan- the BEV in terms of losses. These losses equate to the aver-
nel kinetic energy to charge the battery. This regenerative age heat generation (measured in kW or kWh/km) and can
braking (Sections 6.2.2, 7.3, and 11.3.3) allows the machine be used to determine ventilation and refrigeration require-
to recoup some portion the energy put into the potential ments.
energy of the BEV mass at a higher elevation. The total heat
generation can be significantly affected, since not only are 11.4 Battery Performance
the kinetic and potential energy not lost as heat, but they
11.4.1 Performance
are re-used to continue operation. Since a diesel vehicle
does not have a large energy storage reservoir (battery), A key performance criterion of interest to mine opera-
this energy is lost as heat and cannot be re-used. tors is the run-time of the battery (i.e., if the battery will last
Consider the energy flow when a BEV or diesel truck is for an entire shift). Separating the overall BEV performance
hauling a load up a ramp (Figure 31). When driving up- from the battery performance provides an understanding
ramp with a load, battery energy is flowing to the losses as of the extent the latter improves with technology evolu-
heat. It is also used to accelerate the mass of the vehicle tion.
and load: Since the temperature of the underground working
area where the BEV will operate could affect battery per-
Kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass × velocity2 (4) formance, OEMs should provide the performance specifi-
cations based on a hot underground environment.
Battery energy is also used to move the combined However, this may not be practical. The OEM should indi-
mass higher in elevation, which is stored as potential cate̶at a minimum̶if the proposed battery has been
energy: used in such environments and what measures need to be
taken to alleviate the impact of heat (Section 8.3). This is
Potential energy = (5) particularly important if there is no significant real mine
mass × acceleration due to gravity × height experience.
By combining the consumed energy to perform spe-
During deceleration, the kinetic energy can be cific tasks during worked hours in a shift and the battery
returned to the battery to be re-used for the next accelera- capacity, the mine operator could estimate the run-time in
tion. When travelling down-ramp empty, some portion of terms of hours per shift. This information will assist in iden-
the potential energy of the vehicle can be captured and put tifying the number of battery replacements or charges
back into the battery pack. The only heat generated is thus required per shift per equipment, the dimensions and loca-
the net energy consumed by the battery pack, minus the tion of charging stations, the range of operations, and the
potential energy of any material left at a higher elevation. mine infrastructure design and logistics. Parameters that
The potential energy of a 30 tonne mass that is 2 km up a define the battery performance should include those indi-
17% ramp is approximately 27.4 kWh. cated in Table 14.
If you consider hauling down-ramp loaded with
waste rock for backfill, materials, or other payload, the 11.4.2 Specifications
potential energy of that load can act as an additional Battery specifications are important to understand
energy source (other than energy from the charger). This BEV efficiency. The mine operator together with the OEM
can effectively provide fuel for the truck while performing should define a set of useful parameters relevant to the
a needed service. operation. The OEM should then provide a battery perfor-
The current challenge facing the mine engineer is to mance data sheet similar to Table 15 and performance
obtain a reliable source of information related to heat gen- charts similar to examples shown in Table 16 and Fig-
eration for specific machines. It is important that OEMs test ure 32.

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11.5 Charger Performance

Table 14. Battery performance parameters
Parameter Consideration 11.5.1 Performance
Voltage and current Are there practical / safety limits that should be enforced?
From a vehicle performance stand-
Controllable charger One fits all?
point, it is essential to specify the
Leverage bus standards?
charging requirement so that it assists
Battery cycles How to represent lifetime battery cycles?
End-of-life definitions
the mine operator or system integrator
(70%? 80%? Secondary use) in the design of a suitable charging lay-
Rebuild? Replace? Repair? out and vehicle operating schedule. It
Capacity kWh nameplate̶does not represent useable energy is important to understand the timing
Beginning vs. end of life of charging, the location of charging
Warrantied kWh delivered?
stations, and potential opportunity for
Number of cycles?
Ah throughput? charging considerations based on mine
Electric brake reserve ̶how much battery energy needs to power availability. The OEM should
be reserved for downhill navigation? (Section 11.4.2)
state the charging infrastructure
requirements, indicating the number
and location of charging stations and
Table 15. Example of battery performance data sheet ventilation and electrical infrastructure
Description Details (to be completed by OEM) requirements. If battery change-outs
Cell Chemistry are required to meet normal operation
Specific energy (kWh/kg)
requirements, then OEM should pro-
Energy density (KWh/m3)
Nominal voltage (V)
vide details of the excavation size and
Amperage (A) layout, as well as charging station
Operating voltage (min‒max V) infrastructure including lifting equip-
Cell monitoring system
ment and capacity requirements and
Battery Nameplate capacity (Ah) total / useable
Nameplate power (kWh) total / useable
fire suppression requirements.
Number of cells
Optimal discharge rate (e.g., 0.5C) 11.5.2 Specifications
Optimal charging rate (e.g., 0.5C) An example of the basic charging
Maximum charge current (80% SOC)
system specification is given in
Operating temperature range (° C)
Lifespan cycles at % DOD Table 17.
Self-discharge rate (% per month)
Memory effect (Y/N) 11.6 Machine Performance
Cooling time (h)
Cooling method, if applicable
Battery monitoring system The above specifications and data
Battery swapping (Y/N, time) sheets will provide a useful summary
Opportunity charging (Y/N, time) of the features of the BEVs, but the var-
Battery pack weight (kg)
ious parameters on their own may
Battery pack dimensions (mm)
Charging time (lowest SOC 100%) make it difficult for the mine operator
kW of heat output per kWh of charging to conclude if a potential BEV solution
Gassing (if applicable) would meet the overall production or
service requirements at a specific mine
location and application. Since these
Table 16. Battery performance charts (example list) overall performance requirements are
Voltage (V) function of discharge capacity (%) at ‒45, ‒25, 0, 25, and 55° C most important, the OEM should be
Voltage (V) function of discharge capacity (%) at normal temperature (21° C): 0.5, 1, and 2CA able to clearly indicate if a particular
Voltage (V) function of charge capacity (%) at normal temperature (21° C): 0.5, 1, and 2CA equipment design can ultimately meet
Discharge capacity (%) function of time (days) storage under normal temperature (21° C)
the requirements. An example of how
Lifespan (cycles) function of DOD (%) at normal temperature (21° C): 0.5, 1, and 2CA
Lifespan (cycles) function of DOD (%) at: ‒45, ‒25, 0, 25, and 55°C this can be summarized is given in
Table 18.

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Figure 32. Examples of Battery Performance Charts

Table 17. Battery charger requirements

Description Details (to be completed by OEM)
Dimensions (L × W × H)
Weight (kg)
Operating temperature (° C) and humidity
Input range (maximum rated input voltage, current,
power, frequency, VA ranges)
Output range (i.e., voltage, current rating) as well
reference to fast / slow / regular charging rate
Power factor
Charger efficiency
Enclosure specifications
Charge time (based on minimum SOC)
Derating of charger capacity (if applicable)
Heat rejection of battery charger over voltage
and charging current range

Table 18. Machine performance data (example)

Description Details from mining company
Equipment type 40 tonne haul truck
Heading size 5 m × 5 m (helps define box capacity limitations)
Ore density 2.1 t/m3 broken density (for calculation of actual load)
Profile description 2 km haul, up-hill carry, 15% average grade, peak of 17%
Seat time 8 h/shift, 2 shifts/day
Objective Haul 800 t/day
Description Examples of outputs by OEM
Loads per charge 4
Loads per shift 14
Swaps per shift 3 (8 min each, for 24 min total per shift)
Capacity per load 40 t
Speed (km/h) 10 loaded (up), 12 unloaded (down)
Cycle time (minutes) 32 min (22 min tram with 10 min for load, dump and traffic)
Production capability 560 t/shift
1,120 t/day
Production objective met with one truck ‒ 320 t/day margin

Global Mining Guidelines (GMG) Group


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