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The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems

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Golf Basics For Newbies The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the
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represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly
changing nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
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specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their
individual circumstances to act accordingly.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or
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The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems

Table of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 5

Chapter 1
Why Need a Home Security System? ………………………………… 8
Enforcing Home Security …………………………………………………. 10
Defining the Needs of Home Security …………………………………….. 12
The Importance of Home Security System ……………………………….. 14

Chapter 2
How to Safeguard Your Home & Stay Safe ………………………. 17
Keeping your home safe in Home Security ……………………………….. 17
Saving Face in Home Security ……………………………………………. 19
Saving Money with Home Security ………………………………………. 21
Channeling into Home Security …………………………………………... 23
Securing your Home Computer from Attacks ……………………………. 25

Chapter 3
Finding the Right Home Security System …………………………… 28
Home Security Audit System ……………………………………………….. 30
Home Security Checklist ……………………………………………………. 32
Facts in Home Security …………………………………………………… 34

Chapter 4
Taking Action in Home Security …………………………………….. 37
Making the right choice in Home Security ……………………………….. 39
Creating Sound Home Security …………………………………………… 41

Chapter 5
Innovative Solutions in Home Security ……………………………. 43
How to decide if Mace and/or Pepper Spray are for you? ……………… 45

Chapter 6
Choosing Types of Detectors and Home Security System ……… 48
Annunciators and Chimes …………………………………………………. 48
CO Alarms …………………………………………………………………… 50
Security Cams and Recorders ……………………………………………... 52
Get Dome …………………………………………………………………….. 54
Decals and Warning Alarms ………………………………………………. 56
Door Alarms …………………………………………………………………. 58
Door Chimes …………………………………………………………………. 60
Driveway Alarms …………………………………………………………….. 62
Freeze Temperature Alarms ………………………………………………. 64
Motion Detectors ……………………………………………………………. 66

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Outdoor Sensor Lights ………………………………………………………. 68

Window and Door Sensors ……………………………………………….. 70
Using Smoke and Heat Detectors for Fighting Fire ……………………. 72
Additional Fighting Fire Tips ………………………………………………... 75

Chapter 7
Choosing Other Types of Home Security ……………………………….. 78

Chapter 8
Purifying Your Home by Removing Chemicals for Complete Security ….81

Chapter 9
Tips to Use Your Home Security System ………………………………… 84

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………... 86

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Most peoples fail to see that they could be the next victim of fire, burglary,
violence, etc. The fact is none of us is safe from fire, crime, carbon monoxide
poison, etc. Health is a great example to use, which can help you see that no one
is exceptional to the rules of life. No matter how healthy a person is, one day he
will die, or fall ill.

The facts must hit you in the face before you can see that home security is
important, since you could be the next victim. Nowadays, the world revolves
around surviving. Each day a home is threatened by burglary, fire, carbon
monoxide, terrorism, violence, crimes, etc. At any given moment, reality could
make you the next victim.

In the face of danger, you must learn to follow rules. The rules state that if your
home is in danger, the first thing you must do is dial 911. But, when do you dial
911. Where do you dial 911? We must find answers to those questions before we
can follow the rules.

All day long, you will read information informing you about home security
systems. Each article you read tells you what you get for the price, and how the
system can help save your life. What authors do not tell you is that the world is
filled with many issues, that not one single home security system can provide you
the protection you’ll need to survive.

What I’m going to tell you will help you decide on your home security system that
benefits to, as well as steps you will need to take to protect your home, car,
computer, etc.

In life, issues surround us each day, including racism and ethnic inequality. We
survive in a world based on low morals, standards, etc. The standards nowadays

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have forced people to reflect on what they see on television, or hear on radios. In
society, we still struggle with sex discrimination around the world. Daily our
children fight peer pressure, while we as adults fight peer pressure in other forms.
Sports alone have put us in a competitive world, whereas it seems that everyone
is striving to be better than the other is. We suffer from poverty, wage gaps,
sexual harassment, and gender division in paid sectors, age discrimination,
social inequality, death, health failure, and more.

In addition, we live in a world filled with violence, pornography, and deficiencies

in parental rights, marital rights, Medicare discrimination, victimization, hate
crimes, wars, drugs, alcoholism, etc. Each is issues causing problems, which is
diminishing our survival. Due to the ongoing problems, we have higher crime
rates, wars, etc. Moreover, guess what the roots add up to: money, power, and

We can discuss television alone to see that home security systems, no matter
how advanced technology has come, it rarely is enough. One thing people tend
to do is to ignore reality. Reality will always come back to slap them in the face

Did you know that the average criminal based person would study crime, forensic
science, etc, to choose an alternate that will not get him/her caught? This means
that criminals will also study home security systems to find a way to get past the

One of the largest crimes in the world is property crimes. The crime statistics do
not surpass other types of crimes; however, property crime is one of the leading
problems we face today. Property crime is defined when someone takes property
or money from someone without force, and/or threatens to force/destroy their

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Keep in mind that not all burglars are alike. Some burglars will only break into
homes when they need cash to pay their debts. Other burglars will hack into
computer systems to steal money. Still, other criminals will kill after breaking into
homes and finding someone at the residence.

Property crime also stretches to larceny, vehicle theft, arson, theft, etc. When
someone breaks into your home by force, this is called break and entering.

Moreover, many criminals will act out on impulses. Impulses are an urge we all
share, yet some of us cannot control these urges. Many of the crimes committed
today are done by occupational, white-collar people, corporate, celebrities,
organized crimes, juveniles, etc. Contrary to beliefs, those of the poor minority
are the lowest on the totem pole to commit such crimes. Therefore, you have a
world full of people with different beliefs, influences, acts, etc.

We hope you can see that it takes you to put forth additional efforts to assist your
home security system, smoke detector, and CO alarms. To learn what steps you
can take to protect your home, consider your local library, fire department, or
ultimately the Internet.

Basically, this is just an introduction to let you know about why home security is
important on our daily living and in this ebook, I’ll show you all you need to know
and what type of home security, devices and accessories to make a perfect
home security protection system for your home.

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Chapter 1 - Why Need a Home Security System?

(Return to Contents)

Since the world’s statistics of criminals is increasing, we all strive to feel safe in
our home. Sometimes we would all enjoy vacationing without worrying if our
home is safe. Let’s face it we work too hard to earn our material belongings;
therefore, the majority of us would enjoy uninterrupted security. According to
statistics, homes are broken into each day, and most homes are violated while
the family is on vacation, or away from their home. Most criminals rather get in
and get out, rather than face potential risks, such as human encounters.

Since the statistics are increasing technology, designers are working hard each
day to help us find the level of security we need. For this reason technology
designers has invented home security systems, deadbolts, fire alarms, CO
alarms (Carbon Monoxide Alarms), etc. In fact, today, you can have card
operated door locks installed on your home. In other words, you use something
similar to a credit card. Once you insert the card into your door lock, the system
reads the digits on the card, and authorizes permission to enter the home. We
see this common device at many hotels or related environments today. In fact,
the United States Government uses similar alarms in various sectors.

By installing a home security system, this could significantly reduce the odds of
your home being burglarized. Online you will find a wide selection of home
security devices. The devices mainly offer you feature, such as push button call.
In other words, you merely push a single button, which the system will kick in and
call the police and/or fire department for you. If you have trouble getting around,
the security system is not, a better choice. However, you may look online for
remote controlled home security devices. The push buttons however do offer
advantages, since a live voice will respond to the push of one button. You might
check out Intercom Devices to learn more about such features.

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Home security systems are easy to install nowadays. Since, you merely
purchase the device and a company will send workers out to install, test, and
prepare you to use your system. Ultimately, you can purchase wireless kits,
which you can install on your own. Be sure to read the manual carefully to make
sure the device is installed properly. Don’t forget to test your system regularly,
dust, and replace parts as needed.

The main thing you want to do when searching for home security is to find the
right system for you. A variety of companies online offer systems that fit your
lifestyle. In addition, the companies will help you choose the best system that fits
your needs. The basic home security systems include motion sensors, photocells,
sound detectors, window and door alarms, wireless systems, etc. The lights are
great, since motion lights will typically scare away the average criminal.

Criminals that are more dramatic however may require extensive threats, such as
the interior alarms, which monitor intruders inside the home.

The alarms have panic switches, motion sensors, noise detection, light beams,
etc. Many alarms today include light beams, which if someone triggers the beam,
it will automatically send out a photoelectric beam. You can also add pressure
mats to your doorstep, which if someone steps on the mat, it would instantly alert
you. You have the option of installing Perimeter Alarms as well. The alarms will
send a warning, such as (Siren, or Bell alert) when someone steps on your
doorstep. Burglars of all sorts would definitely take flight. Lastly, if you are
searching for complete home security, check out the products online to help you

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Enforcing Home Security

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People neglect to believe that they could be the next victim of fire, burglary,
violence, etc. Therefore, in this chapter we will briefly discuss crime statistics.
The statistics are designed to help you see that any of us (at any time) could fall

Crime Types include murder, violent crimes, rapes, robberies, aggravated

assault, property crimes, grand auto theft, larceny, theft, etc. In small towns, the
statistics are showing a rise in crimes, which some areas have an indexed crime
rate at more than 345. This is a small town alone and based on 100,000 people

The estimated rapes in smaller towns can reach up to 12, which means more
than 204.2 people are raped out of the 100,000 people count. The count for
smaller towns is sometimes 3982.6. This reduces the count. Robberies are rated
at seven per 119.1 in smaller towns. You will see that larceny and theft is
increasing in many small towns, which the figures soar to 243. Now, imagine
what figures would show in the statistics for larger areas?

Now that we brief small town statistics, let’s consider home security, spy cameras,
criminal attorneys, motion detectors, disaster recovery, self-defense, car alarms,
crime rate comparison, etc.

Spy Cameras:
Spy cameras include security devices, spy cams, bug detectors, night scopes,
and more. Spy cameras are ok, since the equipment will monitor your home and
catch burglars in their action. Still, you will need smoke detectors, CO alarms, etc
to protect your home. Spy cameras are costly, therefore I would inform those
seeking home security to consider alarms that alert the police immediately when
burglars, or prowlers come to your door.

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Bug detectors of course can help keep bugs away, which are a good ideal, since
people have suffered illnesses related to bug bites.

Home Security:
Home security includes the ADT models, Free ADT home security devices,
Brink’s, etc. Wireless home security alarm systems are also available. You can
purchase contracts online, which means you pay monthly for home security
systems. The contracts provide you free labor and parts.

When people enforce home security, it cuts back on crime, including burglary,
rapes, murders, etc. In addition enforcing home security will cut back on home
fires, office fires, etc: you will not hear reports of carbon monoxide deaths and
injury as well when enforcing home security.

The world is moving toward disaster; therefore, you want to get prepared to save
your family. Home security includes disaster recovery. When you set up your
home plans to escape fire, burglary, carbon monoxide, etc, you should also set
up a backup, or disaster recovery plan. The plans will help you get back on your
feet quickly.

Additional home security tips:

Today, the world is revolving around chaos. Everyday a home is threatened by
terrorism, violence, crimes, etc. The first thing you should do if your home is in
jeopardy is call 911. If possible, ask the authorities what you need to do first to
protect your family. (People tend to act out irrationally at times, for this reason
document any conversations you have with the law) Make no exceptions, the law
can be your best friend or worst enemy, therefore record all conversations you
incur with authorities.

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Home security could include pepper spray and/or Mace. However, you should
check your area to make sure the law permits such protection. Sadly, some
states have banished mace and pepper spray, which results in problems. People
should have protection, yet the law is making it virtually impossible to protect.
Therefore, check with the laws first.

Defining the Needs of Home Security

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No one can truly have home security until he/she defines what is needed to
protect his or her home. Home security includes computers, phones, electricity,
alarms, heat, and ventilation. Still, home security stretches further. In this article,
we can discuss a few crimes. In addition, we can discuss how you can protect
you, and your family from such occurrences.

Crimes include burglary, larceny, fire, theft, grand auto theft, identity theft,
computer viruses, hackers, crackers, etc. Fires and carbon monoxide are crimes
committed by negligence around the world, yet many criminals will start house
fires in attempt to gain something. Sometimes the fire is started out of contempt,
or retaliation. In addition, gang people will sometimes start fire to earn brownie

Defining home security will put you in front of crimes, accidents, and incidents. If
you want to keep out burglars, your best bet is to add a home security system.
The alarm will alert you when strange occurrences happen on your doorstep.
You will need to purchase a system, which will give you the most protection. In
addition, you will need to continue maintenance, tests, and cleaning. If alarms
are dusty, it can cause the alarm to go off.

In addition to burglar alarms, you will need to install smoke detectors and CO
alarms in your home. CO alarms will help you ward off carbon monoxide. You

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should use your manual and follow instructions when installing your new alarms.
In addition, you will need to continue maintenance, tests, and cleaning. You can
purchase alarms nowadays that have remote controls, which will make it easy for
you to test the devices weekly.

To augment your CO and smoke alarms, as well as the burglar alarm you want to
make sure your home is ventilated. In addition, make sure all appliances, such as
stoves and furnaces are working properly. To add to your burglar system makes
sure that your door and window locks work properly. Add a deadbolt to your entry
doors, and put up sensor lights outside of your home. The lights will automatically
click on when someone steps on your doorstep. In addition, add outside lighting
to help keep away prowlers.

Next, you want to write a floor plan. The floor plan should be a drawing of every
room in your home. Make sure that you outline two ways to escape all rooms in
your home. You can practice drills to keep the family prepared.

Once you have secured your home you want to secure your computer, especially
if you have Internet access. Securing your computer will help you escape Identity
theft, as well as other crimes. Predators swarm the Internet, searching for prey all
the time. Therefore, teach your children to stay out of areas online that could
open the door to risks. The chartroom, bulletin boards, etc, are some of the areas
predators roam.

You want to install quality virus programs onto your system as well. The viruses
nowadays have cost billions of dollars for recovery.

McAfee, Norton, Pc-cillin, etc, are some of the most recommended virus
programs available. In addition, you want to install programs to help you avoid
hackers, crackers, etc. You should also keep maintenance on your computer to
avoid leaks into your system.

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Finally, you want to make sure that your phone is secure. Your phone should be
working at all times in the event you need to call 911. Tell your children to, never
give out your phone number to anyone that you do not authorize. To learn more
about home security, conduct research to help your family stay safe.

The Importance of Home Security System

(Return to Contents)

Home security is important in the hasty world we live. To adhere to home security
you must consider rules and follow them precisely. To help you learn more about
home security we can discuss helpful tips.

Fire is one of the leading causes of home destruction. Since fires are dangerous,
you can increase home security by learning how fires are started and what you
can do to prevent fires from occurring. It is important that you teach your children
to never, play with fire. Matches, lighters, etc, are grown up tools. The tools are
not toys. You should teach your children to tell adults when they see someone
playing with lighters or matches.

Home security includes dialing 911 when emergencies arise. Everyone in your
household should know that it is ok to ask for help. If an emergency is noted,
your household members should be informed to call emergency hotlines right

Tip: If your home is on fire, get out if possible and call 911 from your
neighbor’s home.

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Some of the best-laid plans can lead to failure, yet each household should have
a floor plan, which directs each member how to escape the home if a fire should
occur. The first thing you should do is draw a plan on paper to illustration the
steps to take. You will need to find a spot outside of the home, which you are to
instruct the family to meet in the event a fire occurs. In addition, the plans should
be placed in your home area where the entire fire will see it. Practice is the
process of doing well. It is recommended that you practice fire drills regularly to
prepare for the worst.

Now that you have your plans laid out, you can make up a checklist.

Let’s begin:
Do you have fire alarms properly installed in your home? Are the alarms installed
in various areas, especially if you have a two-story home? Are the batteries fresh,
or should you replace them? Do your electrical outlets have more than two cords
plugged into the circuit? Are the cords secure, or do the cords present hazards?
Make a point to restore old cords, and renew the cords often when damage is
present. Do you keep your lighters and matches in a safe area away from

Electrical outlets should only supply energy to two cords and no more. In addition,
you should unplug particular appliances when unused, such as irons.

Fireplaces can cause hazard. You should have screens and doors on the
fireplace to avoid hazards.

To avoid fires you want to make sure that space heaters are keep away from
furniture, walls, drapes, or objects that could catch fire.

In addition, you should never burn candles unaccompanied by an adult.

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Always turn pot handles away from areas where a touch could knock it over. As
well, avoid the handles from touching fires.

If fire occurs in your home and your clothes catch fire, stop, remain calm, and do
not run. Instead, drop quickly to the floor, and roll. Cover your facial area and
then roll over, over, and over until the fire ceases.

Fire Alarms:
Each month the fire alarms should be tested. If new batteries are needed,
replace them immediately. If you do not have a fire alarm in your home, visit your
local fire station. Many fire stations will supply free fire alarms.

Carbon Monoxide is as dangerous as fire, therefore considering a Co-Alarm

could provide you extra home security.

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Chapter 2 – How to Safeguard Your Home & Stay Safe

(Return to Contents)

Keeping your home safe in Home Security

We would all like a peace of mind knowing that our homes are safe when leaving
or on vacation. Unfortunately, the greatest number of breaking and entering
occurs when families are on vacation or away for longer periods. By installing a
home security system, this dramatically reduces the chance of your home being
burglarized. In addition, a home security system has other features such as
options for calling your local fire or police department by pushing one button.
Elderly or small children in the household would benefit from this feature, as a
live person would be available in any state of emergency without using the phone.

Home Security Systems may sound like a lot of work, especially when most
families are constantly on the go. The key; is to find the right system for you.
Many Home Security companies offer choices that better fit your lifestyle and can
choose what is most convenient for your household.

Here are the basic choices to choose from...

Simple Security; These options have less bells and whistles. The system may
include motion sensors, sound detectors, and photocells. Individual window
alarms could be set in place, do-it-yourself wireless systems, and timers that
would turn on lights at a programmed time to create an illusion that someone is

Other options with the Simple Security would include; Interior alarms that
monitor intrusions inside the home including, panic switches, noise detection,
motion sensors, photoelectric beams (light beams that trigger when interrupted)
and pressure mats (flat switches that trigger by footsteps). In addition to home
security systems, adding dead bolts, “heavy-duty strike plates,” can help you

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secure your home. Outdoor motion detectors are sensor lights that also offer
assistance in home security.

The last option would be a Perimeter Alarms, where any perimeter being violated
will ring a bell, or siren scaring most burglars away.

When it comes to the security and safety of your property and family, there is
never an exact cost to help consider which system, but always know that there is
a solution for keeping your home safe from violators. Anything new takes a short
time to adjust, and before long, it becomes systematic in your everyday living.

I too have a security system and I never think of it as a burden to punch in my

code when I enter my home with my children, or any thought at all for that matter.
I guess that is what we call that little peace of mind. My home security gives me
the comfort I need just knowing that my family is safer.

Let’s face it, we live in a world moving toward increasing crime. When we think of
people out in the world who have suffered fatality, or injury related to burglar, we
often think, “This could never happen to me.” The fact is it can happen to you. It
just hasn’t happen yet.

The fact is no one is excluded from criminals’ notion to steal, harm, or take a life.
Criminals do not think on the same terms as we do, therefore, we must take extra
precautions to guard our family and home.

In addition to burglary, fires and carbon monoxide claims a life each day.
According to statistics over 1000 person’s die from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Another 10,000 fall injury to carbon monoxide and/or fire. Fires claim more lives
than carbon monoxide, therefore adding a CO, (Carbon Monoxide Alarm) Smoke
alarm, and a home security device to your home is not much to ask for compared
to the lives you will save.

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Saving Face in Home Security

(Return to Contents)

Being protected is important to a family’s home. Burglary is common in the

United States where people are highly victims everyday. Today technology is
creating devices such as ADT brink systems. Additional technology advanced
systems is available, which it pays to install a system in your home. Experiences
in robbery are known around the world, which people get away with this kind of
behavior. It could be you.

Tips and advice: security can save a life, which could be keys for you to a safer
future. If you are leaving your home, always make sure your doors are locked;
windows etc… and get Crime Watch put on your door so neighbors can keep the
eye on your area.

Also, remember if you are in the house and someone breaks in, violence is
always the last resort. Call 911 for your phone set immediately. Don’t forget to
stay calm and if you don’t have a house phone you should get one or otherwise
get family plan cell phone just in case the kids are home alone. NOTE: All laws
state that if someone breaks in your home, has the intent to cause great bodily
harm, and has a weapon, you have the right to protect your self. If you cannot
prove break in, intent, and that the perpetrator has a weapon and you cause
harm and/or death, you may face penalties.

Sometime it’s too late for 911. If a perpetrator breaks in your home, with intent,
and has a weapon, you can protect yourself, however, if you do not kill the
perpetrator, you may face penalty as well. IT is your word against the
perpetrators. Check your state laws, since the laws change rapidly.

You should get ADT brinks system or some other device installed in your home
because when criminal activity occurs, your system could go off and the cops will

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come quicker. In addition, the criminals most likely will run. Eventually they will
be captured if more people adhere to safety rules.

Thieves usually are after jewelry or money, so buy a safe or a vault. It would be
harder to find if your belongings are stashed, and by the time, it is found they
need to break the combination or lock. Carrying the safe or vault out is likely to
be seen which some one will call the police.

Another way to protect your home is to have a silent alarm. While they are busy
taking from your home, the cops will be on their way. While the criminals are
running out, cops are surrounding the house, which means the criminals are
likely to go to jail. In addition, the cops will probably be at your home before you
get out of the house.

Camera vision is great, yet anything is possible. It is wise to have multiple

cameras so when you set them up, set one for the outside and one inside. You
could have an alarm on the camera so it will face you, then it will be loud, and
draw attention to any and everybody around.

Thinking ahead is smart. If you are away from your home, ask neighbors, family,
or friends to keep an eye on your place. Inform the watchers to dial 911 in the
event strange actions occur around your home. Think sensibly and logically.
Criminals tend to think they are slick. If they feel you don’t care, neither will they
care. The ultimate rule of thumb is to think like a criminal. If you want to protect
your home, set up a safeguard that defends against criminal activity and you will
save face.

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Saving Money with Home Security

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You can save money by enforcing home security in many ways. For instance,
installing a fire alarm in your home could save you thousands of dollars in the
future. The first thing you want to do when considering home security is to decide
how much security you need.

Do you live in a rough neighborhood? Is your neighborhood secure with

Neighborhood Watch programs? Do the police respond to 911 immediately? Do
you know how many predators are in your neighborhood?

Sex offenders are increasing. To learn how many predators is in your

neighborhood visit the Sex Offender Register online. You want to protect your
children outside of your home as well.

If you live in a rough neighborhood, you may want to consider home security
systems. You can purchase intercom systems, home security systems, and more
online. Online you will find bargains on a variety of products.

How to decide home security systems:

When you consider home security systems, you want to consider the source.
Does the company offer you competitive pricing and savings? Do the home
security systems have a good reputation and do the systems offer quality? Are
the home security systems updated, and created by state-of-the-art technology
solutions? Will the home security system provide you 24/7 home security through
a monitoring device? Does the system have cast iron locks in the rate of
monitoring? Is there a lifetime warranty that guarantees to replace parts in the
event damage occurs due to faulty manufacturing? Can you get discounts with
the home security system if you have insurance? Will the system give you and
your family the peace of mind they deserve?

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When you consider home security systems, you want to forget generics and think
of complete security. Buying an inexpensive system may not protect your family.
Still, you want to find home security systems that will save you money, as well as
provide you and your family comprehensive protection.

What about CO-Alarms:

Do you know how much carbon monoxide is spreading in your home? Has your
home been tested for carbon monoxide? If you think you are safe, then consider
the following information.

Each year during the winter months, stories go live in the media, news orgs, etc.
The news tell use that consumers give way to CO. (Carbon Monoxide) Carbon
monoxide is a odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas, which leaks out through
thousands of home and is often undetected.

The estimated death count due to carbon monoxide exposure is more than 200
annually, while experts treat ten thousands of patients for carbon monoxide
exposure. The deaths and treated patients did not have CO-Alarms in their home
to detect carbon monoxide.

Now, let me ask you again, do you know how much carbon monoxide is
spreading in your home? Has your home been tested for carbon monoxide?

Recommended Carbon Monoxide Protection:

You should install a CO-Alarm inside your home, which should be installed away
from the areas your family sleeps. The alarms should not be placed near areas
where gas burns, such as stoves. Keep the alarms around ten feet away from all
gas burning appliances? Once you install your CO-Alarm be sure to test the
system regularly, as well replace the batteries annually. DO not put cheap
batteries in the system.

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In the event your alarm sounds off, be sure to press the “Reset and Silence
Button”. Immediately call emergency numbers, such as 911, as well take your
family outside where they can breathe fresh air. Count each head in your home
to make sure everyone is safely out of the home. You should not re-enter the
home until emergency experts test, and decide what is needed to fix the problem.

Channeling into Home Security

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When you consider home security, you probably channel into home devices. The
fact is home security extends further. We can consider a few devices, yet we
must also see that home security steps outside of your door. What about your
vehicle, do you have security? Does your computer have security? What about
your doorstep, is it secure?

You can add door alarms, driveway alarms, chimes, sensor lights, etc, to add
security to your home. The home security solutions are reasonable cost, giving
you cost effective products in saving your home. Still, what area you live in?
Does it snow in your area during winter months? If so, did you take the time to
add salt outside your doorstep? Did you know keeping ice off your doorstep
could prevent falls?

Your vehicle:
What about your vehicle, do you have security? Did you know that grand theft
auto is common? In fact in 2004 statistics showed that a vehicle was taken
unlawfully in each 25 seconds of a day. Did you know that the grand auto theft
costs vehicle owners, as well as insurance companies billions of dollars every
year? For a few hundred dollars, you can install vehicle security, which will lower
your insurance premiums, as well as the risks of loss.

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Your computer:
Do you know how many people suffer loss due to computer viruses? Did you
know that hackers break into computers every day? Did you know that hackers
send viruses to damage your computer? Did you know that child molesters
violate children every day by luring them into their web? To protect your
computer you should install, and use often a quality antivirus program.

In addition, Microsoft offers Patches, which help you to keep away hackers,
crackers, and viruses. The patches are free at Microsoft’s website.

E-mails can be dangerous. It is important that you teach your children to allow
you to monitor their e-mail activities. Let them know that you are not violating
their privacy, rather protecting your interest. In addition, read all e-mails carefully,
especially those with attachments. Predators send attachments in Microsoft’s,
McAfees, or respectable company names to lure you into downloading harmful
viruses. It is important also that you monitor closely any downloads, or

Firewalls are designed to help you keep out unwarranted viruses and hackers.
Install a useful (NON-Third Party Software) onto your hard drive. (HD) You have
a FREE firewall available you with your Windows program. We can show you
how to use this feature in a few minutes. If you are installing hardware onto your
computer, take care to use your firewall.

Backup is a safeguard, which protects your information and home. Always
backup copies of important information you wish to preserve.

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Security: Passwords: Encryptions

As recommended, you should use passwords that include letters and alphabet.
The combination should be lengthy. As well, you should change her passport
every six months, or less depending on your computer usage. Never give out
your password to anyone. Try to remember your password, rather than write it
down. If you can’t remember, write it down and store it in an area where no one
can find it. You should also install, and make good use of encryptions, as well as
Access Controls.

How to use Window’s Home/Office Addition Firewall:

Go to start out at the bottom of your window screen at the left: Search for Control
Panel and click on it. Search for the Windows Firewall Icon in the Window and
click. Open the dialog box and make sure the box (ON) is clicked. There should
be a checkmark in the box.

Securing your Home Computer from Attacks

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Many of us have basic common sense when it comes to safety. For instance, we
don’t open the door for strangers, or allow them to come in the house for that
matter, or even answer a phone call if the number is not recognizable on the
caller ID. So why do many of us have such a trusting nature when it comes to
our computers? Unfortunately, there are many things hidden in the cyber space
world that you are not aware of. One of them is called intruders.

Online, each day intruders are violating users’ right to privacy by preying and
seeking out credit card numbers and bank account information in hopes of
stealing your identity for the purpose of purchasing goods and services. Bottom
line, they want what you have stored on your hard drive. And it just isn’t the
money their after. Hard disk space, a fast processor, and an Internet connection
are what intruders hope to gain in an effort to use your property to escape the

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law. To help you avoid intrusion we will consider nine steps you can take to
protect your property.

Below are nine steps to better, secure your home computer…

1. Users should install anti-virus programs to ward off Worms, Trojans,

Viruses, etc. In addition, users should download free patches from
Microsoft’s website to protect your identity and computer.
2. Users should also use care when opening e-mails, since some have
harmful attachments. Users should also backup important information, and
install firewall programs to ward off hackers, crackers, intruders, etc.
NOTE: Windows has its own integrated firewall, which users should set to
on at all times.

3. Users are advised to employ strong passwords, as well as distinct

passwords. It is recommended that you take caution when installing
and/or downloading any programs to your hard drive.

4. Users should install, and make use of installations, such as file

encryptions, access controls, passwords, etc.

5. It is a fact that the more computers intruder uses, the more difficult it is for
law enforcement to trace activities. Since the law cannot track intruders
and stop them in their trail, they can’t be prosecuted. There is a reason
intruder’s pay attention to home computers.

6. Home computers are more vulnerable, especially when users do not

implement the steps above to be better protected.

7. Anytime your computers are connected to the Internet through dial-in

connections, and/or high-speed modems, you are a direct target.

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8. To avoid becoming the next victim, you must adhere to the rules.
Installation of an anti-virus program is the single most important thing to
do first after setting up a new computer and logging onto the internet.
Virus Scanners will search for particular patterns that match profiles of
virus signatures. A virus signature is a string of bits, or the binary patterns,
invented of a virus.

9. Virus scanners work in the same way as fingerprinting. That is the virus
scanners fingerprint and detect information to identify potential risks. Virus
Scanners, once it detects potential risks will immediately act by
responding, removing, and destroying bad files.

By following the first step above means that you are off to a good start, but make
sure that the following nine steps are taken for added safety. Most of the time we
are trustful people and we never think this would happen to us. We would all like
privacy, but in this day and age, privacy has become almost extinct. If you are
prepared for home security, also consider to secure your home computer to
avoid problems.

Tip: Preparing and practicing can help you avoid problems.

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Chapter 3 - Finding the Right Home Security System

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Finding home security depends on you, where you live, and what you expect. If
you want ultimate home security, you can max out by taking extra precautions,
as well as installing proper security systems. Realize that life does not promise
us total security; therefore, you want to focus on max security that the nature will
allow. To discover your max security we can consider the area you live.

• What type of neighborhood do you live in?

• Do you live in a high crime area?
• Is your area regulated properly by the law?
• Do you feel safe in your neighborhood?

Knowing what type of neighborhood you live in can help you make a good
decision. If you live in a drug trafficking neighborhood, you want to add quality-
home security systems to your home. The world is populated with gangs, drugs,
crime, sex offenders, etc. Therefore, think…It is no such thing as too much
security. Home security systems are available online.

How can I choose the right security system?

First, you must realize there are a variety of home security systems available.
You can research the market to decide which type of system you may prefer. The
types of home security systems include warning signs and decals, remote
monitoring, wireless security, smoke and fire detectors, CO Alarms, video
surveillance, voice dialers, security cameras, security alarm system,
environmental sensors, dummy cameras, driveway alarms, voice intercoms,
sirens and strobe lights, etc. You will find a wide array of products online,
including Pepper Spray and Mace.

Some states have unfortunately outlawed Mace and Pepper Spray.

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How can I learn what the security devices can do to secure my home?
You can go online to learn more about the products available. In addition, I can
give you a bit of details on a few items. Dummy cameras only make prowlers
think that a real camera is watching them. This works in some areas, however if
you are in a high crime based area, dummy cameras will not convince intense
and experienced criminals.

Video surveillance equipment is helpful, since the equipment monitors your home,
office, etc. The video equipment includes Micro Eye systems. The videos capture
prowlers and mechanically records quick actions by photographing the prowler.
You can replay the video in live motion. This is great home security solution,
however it will not provide you max security. You could consider video
surveillance coupled with alarm systems. The alarms tend to scare prowlers
more so than cameras.

Note: Never purchase home security systems where the devices are wired
outside of your home. While many people do this, expert criminals are pros at
disengaging the products, to complete their mission.

Siren and strobe lights are handy security devices. Anytime you shine light down
on criminals or cause loud disturbances, most criminals will take flight. Of course,
you want to complete your home security sound and light system with quality
home security systems. You can purchase Sirens for as low as $17.50, thus this
leads me to believe that you will need compliments to get max home security.

TIP: Sensor lights are ideal home security compliments. You can add sensor
lights to your porch, or areas of entrance. The lights automatically come on when
someone is on your property. Add a sound alarm to supply you and your family
max security.

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Home Security Audit System

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To help you achieve home security the security company you chose will audit
your home to see where you lack security. The first thing they can do is draw an
outline of every room in your home. Take a walk around to familiarize again your
home. Look in each room and decide two escape routes you can use in the event
of danger.

When you begin to investigate your home, ensure that you consider home
security to the level you deserve:

• Do your doors and Windows have security locks?

• Do you have deadbolts on your door?
• Do the deadbolts include heavy-duty strike plates?
• Can you easily unlock for Windows indoors from the inside with our

You want to make sure that this is possible, since in the event a fire occurs you
want to make sure you have a way out quick.

CO Alarm:
Quickly go through your living room, dining room, and family areas. Do you
have a CO alarm (Carbon monoxide alarm) installed properly in each room?

Next, review your electrical outlets to make sure that it is safe. Do have more
than two electrical units plugged into your outlets? If so, you’ll need to purchase
surge detectors, or proper equipment that will handle more than two electrical
units. You should never plug in more than two units into one wall outlet. In
addition, if you are not using your wall outlets do have safety plugs inserted into
the outlets? If not, purchase them cheap now and act. In addition, make sure that
your wall outlets do not have potential risks, which can cause fire.

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TIP: Purchase surge detectors to handle computer equipment, audio, and

video equipment:

• Do you have small children in your home? If so, are they safe from
dangling cords, especially near Windows?
• You will also need to keep climbing objects, such as furniture. Small
children tend to climb. If your window is open, or your child is curious and
unlocks the window, your child may be in danger.
• Are your electrical cords out of the way so that no one trips or fall?
• What about your area lamps: Are the lamps programmable?
• Do the lamps have timers set to turnoff in on when you’re not in the area?

• Moving onto the kitchen, do you have an updated smoke alarm installed
• Does the alarm have a silence button?
• What about a fire extinguisher, do you have one? If so, have you checked
the fire extinguisher to make sure it is pressured?
• Review the area where you store cleaning agents. Do you have locks on
them to keep your children and pets out?
• Do you have “ground-fault circuit interrupters” fitted into your electrical
• Do your gas appliances, if applicable have shutoff valves?
• Do you have short electric cords attached to your appliances?
• Do you have a vent and/or hood to cover your gas range? If not you will
need one, since the stove will build up grease, which could put your home
at risk. Is your sink areas free of electrical cords, which could lead to
• What about your floors, Are there nails, tacks, etc, sticking up in the area?

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• Do you have fitted rugs that will not cause your family member to fall, or

Review your refrigerator:

• What is attached to the door of your refrigerator?
• Do you have a list of emergency numbers?
• Do you have your emergency escape plan posted? If not, then you are
lacking home security.

In summary, you will need to check every room in your house and consider each
detail of safety to have the home security you deserve.

Home Security Checklist

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If you have smoke alarms, CO alarms (Carbon Monoxide alarms), and home
security installed in your home, you are off to a great start. Still, once you have
your equipment installed properly you must adhere to maintenance and cleaning
regularly. If you do not have home security equipment installed in your home, go
online to learn more about systems, smoke alarms, CO alarms, etc.

Now that we covered the basics, we want to help your children. Ask your children
to walk around the home and point out at least one smoke detector on every floor.
Make sure your children understand that the alarms are to protect your home,
and are not toys. Help them to familiarize themselves with the sound. Now ask
yourself if you have replaced the batteries to make sure, the alarm is working

Familiarize your children with alarms and letting them know the intentions of the
alarms can help save your family.

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Now continue your own checklist. You have a fireplace. Does your fireplace have
screens and proper ventilation? If not, you will need to consider alternatives to
increase your home security. Alarms will only protect you if you take the steps to
support the alarms.

Check your electrical outlets:

Do you have more than two cords plugged into the circuit? If so, you are putting
your family at risk. IF the outlets are unused, do you use safety plugs to protect
your children? What about sink areas…do you have ground-fault circuit, whereas
it will cut off automatically when unused? Did you take care to avoid plugging
cords in around the sink area? What about your electrical cords, do they work

Do your children know that matches and lighters our fire hazards? Do they know
that matches and lighters are only designed for adults? Finally, are your matches
and lighters placed in a safe area out of children’s reach?

Do you own guns? If so, are the guns locked in a container where your children
cannot touch them? Are knives carefully placed out of reach from your children,
or burglars entering your home?

Do you use space heaters to warm your home in the winter days? If so, did you
take care to store them away from objects that could cause fire? (Drapes,
bedding, walls, furnisher, etc) Do you unplug your iron when you are not using it?

Do you burn candles, incense, etc? If so, do you make sure an adult is always
present. Do you avoid smoking in bed?

Does your gas range have a cover over it when unused to avoid grease build up?
Do you have shutoff valves on your gas range?

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NOTE: A woman allowing her 6-month old child roam around the house in his
stroller was unaware that the child had turned the knob on her gas oven. Later
that evening the woman prepared to cook dinner turned on the gas range, and
BAM! She was caught fire, her hair burning; eyebrows scorched, hands burnt, etc,
and if another adult had not been in the home to put out the fire…the family
would have died! This is a true story, which does not need repeating. Stay safe!

Each month you should check your smoke alarms to make sure they are working
properly. In addition, you should also keep the alarms clean. Upgrading your
smoke alarms is recommended each decade. You should also check your CO
alarms to make sure they are working properly. Again, perform maintenance and
cleaning regularly.

Finally, do your children know how to avoid panicky in dangerous situations?

Facts in Home Security

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Somewhere around the world, each day families are escaping home fires. Out of
the thousands of people most are killed or injured, which many are children. The
reason that these people endure such tragedies is because they lack informative
information to prepare them for such situations. Many homes do not have fire
alarms. Yet, many homes have fire alarms but fail to upkeep the alarms, making
sure they are working properly. In fact, statistics show that millions of smoke
alarms installed in homes and offices are outdated.

Tip: It is important to make sure that your smoke alarms are working properly.
You should test the alarms each week, and replace the batteries when needed. If
the smoke alarm is outdated, purchase a new one. Smoke alarms are cheap. In
fact, you can visit your local Fire Station, since many firefighters offer free smoke
alarms to the public.

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Each year hundreds of children die from fire-related injuries. The reason these
children die is because they were not informed, or else the alarms did not
operate properly. Sadly each week around 17 children die, and the statistics are
rising. In fact, every 30 seconds the figure of home fires double.

Tip: If your home catches fire, it is important that you use your plans. If you did
not create plans, do so now. The plans will instruct your family to group in one
area and escape the home in less than five minutes.

Hint: Replacing your batteries and smoke alarm regularly can prevent fire.

According to statistics, the average fire starts during sleep hours. This puts the
family at higher risk, therefore plan, prepare, and maintain your smoke alarms.
According to fire expects if you maintain your smoke detectors your chance of
survival doubles. If you are not sure how old your smoke detector is buy a new
one immediately. Don’t take chances!

Where to install your smoke alarm:

If you have a two-story home, you should install smoke alarms in upstairs and
downstairs bedrooms, hallway, kitchen, living room, and finished basement.
Single floor alarms should be installed in bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and
dining room. You want to purchase smoke alarms that meet NFPA
recommendations. In addition, purchase the high quality protection devices with
silent features. Apartment alarms should be installed in bedrooms, kitchen, dining
room, and living rooms. In fact, NPFA suggests that families install fire alarms on
each floor level.

How to choose power source alarms:

In all, there are three types of fire alarms. Some alarms are powered by batteries
and are most recommended. The battery alarms are easiest to install. The 120V

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AC batteries are hardwired, which wires to other electrical units. This smoke
detector must meet qualified electrician standards. If you plan to purchase this
type of alarm, pay a professional to install. The combination alarms are also
hardwired, which require batter backup. The alarm is designed to work when
power is out.

How to choose features:

Smoke alarms all have test buttons. The button enables you to test the alarm for
proper functioning. You should use these buttons weekly. You can also purchase
alarms that work with your standard remote controls. The smoke alarms do not
require remote programming, which makes it easy to test your alarm. Additional
alarms include the combos. The alarms are programmable, which uses voice to
alert you when CO or smoke is detected. (CO-Carbon Monoxide) This particular
features protects you in two ways, therefore it is one of the highly recommended

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Chapter 4 - Taking Action in Home Security

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When you take action to protect your home, your family will have the security
they need to survive such harsh worldly conditions. Taking action means to set
up alarms, as well as securing your doors, windows, etc. The more security you
supply to your home, the better chance you will have. Currently every 30
seconds someone dies in fires. In addition, someone’s home is robbed at the
same time a fire claims a life. While there is no such thing as complete home
security, there are measures you can take to protect your home.

Alarms include smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, commonly
referred to as CO-alarms. The CO-alarms and smoke detectors combined could
bring you security. You can also purchase combined smoke and carbon alarms
to save money. The units alert you when smoke and/or carbon monoxide is
putting you at risk.

If you home catches on fire you should have prepared ahead of time to get your
family to safety. Do your kids know what to do if their clothing catches fire? Do
they know to cover their face, drop, and roll until the fire is out? You can prevent
fires however by adding updated fire alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon
monoxide alarms to your home. Check the devices weekly and restore the
batteries when necessary. If you install updated fire, smoke, or CO-alarms it is
important that you repeatedly remind your family what to do in the event the
systems sound.

The children should be taught to avoid hiding from the fire. Rather the children
should have a safety plan, which instructs them to safety. Practicing safety plans
weekly can help you children prepare. Since heat rises, the children should be

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instructed to drop to the floor and stay low to the ground while working their way
out of the home.

The children should be informed to avoid stopping for pickups, such as favorite
items. Safety first means forget materials and get out of the home. Once the
family is outside of the home on safe grounds, it is important that you inform your
family to meet in the same place. Do a head count to make sure everyone is out
of the home safely?

Carbon Monoxide:
If you have a CO-alarm setup in your home, teach your children what to do just
as you would instruct them to do with smoke alarms. Setup the same plan that
you would set for home fires. If carbon monoxide leaks into your home, it is
important to call 911 now, and get out of the house. Stay in the air until the
emergency team arrives, and do not go back into the home until you have been
properly instructed by the emergency team.

Burglary is common. More common than most people realize. Burglars tend to
focus on robbing homes, yet some will kill if provoked. You should set up a home
security system, such as Brinks or other products.

The alarms will alert the police in the event someone breaks in your home. DO
NOT fight burglars if confronted. You should submissively follow the burglar(s)
instruction to avoid injury and/or death. Disobeying this rule is one of the leading
reasons people die during robbery. If you install a burglary system, you will have
security. You should put sensor lights outside your home to ward off prowlers.
The sensor lights kick on when someone enters your property. The lights are low
cost and worth the effort of installing.

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Making the right choice in Home Security

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Making the right choice in home security is important in these days and ages.
Today, the world is filled with crimes. Few of the crimes we face today, include
burglary. Burglary is often acted out on by people around us, such as teenagers,
or people we know. In today’s crime-based world, there is no such thing as
complete security, yet technology is working hard to deliver the high-quality
security we all deserve.

The devices that technology has advanced today include the DIY systems, which
are burglar alarms and kits. The kits provide panel control units, which gives you
the option to select modes. The control panel, units are powered on hardwire
zones, which can give you more than 30 complete options over wireless or
hardwire. Units today supply user codes, which add security over an initiated
phone/paging device. LCD Keypads make room for programmable chimes, on a
plug-n transforming device. Backup batteries, superb wattage, and easy
installation just add to the luxury of the latest home security devices.

The ready kits make it virtually easy to install the units. In addition, you have
easy access to adding home security accessories to your unit. The manuals will
let you know which units integrate with your kit. Since you have easy installation,
and accessory capabilities, you also gain reliability and performance. Few units
available enable you to add additional hardwire zones, or you can add wireless
receivers to the kit.

Currently power kits are on sale. You can find alarm kits for as low as $139. Of
course, other deals are available, yet it depends on what you want.

Vista kits are available as well. The hardwire zones work from an 8-board unit,
which provides you the ability to expand to more than 45 zones. You can mix the
kit with wireless module expansions, or hardwire. Vista works from control panels,

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which include metal inclusions, including locks. The units provide you thousands
of alpha mega keypad accessibility on a thousand-capability touch screen
keypad. Infrared technology motion detectors will help you to guard your home.
In addition, you receive Wave Tone Sirens, which work from battery and
performs from transformers.

Wireless kits include alarm panels, which provide six zones on a 32 wireless
platform. The units enable you to type in more than 35 user codes while using
initiated pagers. The security units include LCD-based keypads, which include
wireless receivers. You can program door chimes to any tone you choose. In
addition, you receive digital immune capabilities to protect your pet. Furthermore,
you receive transformer, backup battery, jack, cord, mounting kit, and so on.
Sirens are included with some kits.

For less than $100 you can own the Rokonet system, which provides you an orbit
control panel, six LED Zone keypad, Motion detectors, siren, transformer, battery,
full 6 programmable zone control, etc.

Various units online include panic input zones, emergency zones, which is
handled on keypads, etc. The zones key into fire, panic, and set emergencies.
You may receive LED and LCD combined keypads, which work with event logs,
user codes, duress codes, etc. The units may supply digital communicators,
alongside voice messages, and phone number programmable capabilities.

If you are not bothered by voices, online you will find Voice Talking kits. The kits
include hardwire expander capabilities. Graphic keypads are supported on dual
wire smoke alarms, which enable you to schedule user options. User codes,
control panel, talking keypad, sensors, transformer, cam lock, battery, motion
detector, etc, are all included in few kits. You will also receive the wireless
receiver or have the capability to adding it to your kit.

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Creating Sound Home Security

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Creating sound home security is never easy in this fast-paced world. Considering
home security is important. When you consider home security the first thing you
must consider is how much living area you have to deal with. In addition, you
must consider what you are doing currently to keep your living quarters safe. In
addition, to maintain home security one must consider the home security system
installed, etc.

Homeowners should always use common sense when considering security. For
instance, most people are aware that locking their doors and windows each time
they leave can protect their home. In addition, those leaving their home are
responsible to, not give their keys to anyone, especially someone they do not
know. Additional, when a person goes on vacation, common sense tells them to
alert neighbors, friends, or family and ask them to watch your home. You should
also have home security systems installed in your home, since vacationers are
the highest potentials of loosing their belongings to theft. You should also alert
the police when you are out of town.

If you have installed burglar alarms, sensors outside your door, smoke and CO
alarms, etc, you are off to a good start in home security, yet you still must
consider what measures you can take to ensure that your home is safe. For
instance, computers are the number one leaking hole, which intruders enjoy
robbing people of all walks of life.

Did you know that computers must also be protected to have complete home
security? If not, pay attention. Computers are the number one method that
intruders use to steal identities, credit cards, personal information, social security
numbers, etc. In fact, nearly all identity theft cases start over the Internet.
Computers are one of the easiest areas to break into, which is causing crime to

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increase. Never trust anyone. Locally, a woman that worked at our local college
was recently arrested for three accounts of identity theft.

TIP: Never store credit card, banking information, or social security

numbers on your computer. Companies will often do this, and the
companies are partially responsible for causing identity theft. In fact, more
than 5000 cases reported in identity theft came from stolen information
gained from reputable companies.

Computers sum up the Internet, E-mails, Chartrooms, Bulletin Boards, etc. When
you think of home security, you must also realize that E-mail and Instant
Messaging is one of the most popular ways that intruders gain access to
personal information. Anytime a person types in information online, it puts them
at risk. This is why lengthy passwords are recommended.

To secure your home computer one should consider firewalls, antivirus programs,
encryptions, patches, etc. Few of the latest home security tools for your
computer are the Windows Defender. Beta Defender is a free tool that assists
you in staying productive whilst protecting your PC. Popup, security threats, such
as Spyware intrusions, viruses, and slow performance can now say good-bye.

Computer users can also gain by downloading Microsoft’s Window Malicious

Program, which is a removal tool. The tool is designed to check your system. The
removal tool will search for Blasters, MyDoom Worm, Sasser, etc. If any viruses
are spotted, the program will instantly remove them from your system.

NOTE: I was a victim of both SASSER and the MyDoom Worm, which first
hand I can tell you if you do not seek security; you will loose your hard
drive. I lost valuable information, and learned a good lesson. Periodically,
you can also test your computer at the Housecall website. The virus scan is
sufficient and recommended by Microsoft.

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Chapter 5 - Innovative Solutions in Home Security

(Return to Contents)

The innovative solutions today are making it possible to have tight home security.
While many systems are available however, you must put forth action to assist
your home security systems in protecting your home.

Some of the most familiar devices online in the home security area are the
Photoelectric Dual Beam Detectors. The detectors supply innovative solutions
with a very exciting price tag. The system is compact, and designed to handle
weather. The Dual Beams offer Pulse Infrared solutions, which provide you
preserved optics.

In addition, you have various beam interrupters, which time your indoor and
outdoor activities. Using meters on a high-band voltage output, the system
provides you trouble free viewfinders, which include straightforward alignment.
Innovative solutions, such as the photoelectric series supply homes year round
security, since the devices will work in weathers as low as 13 degrees.

Heat is not a problem, since it will not affect your system if properly installed. The
compact system will mount on walls, poles, etc and provide you detection at a
range of 240 feet indoors, and 120 feet outdoors. If you are searching for home
security, check out the $65 outfit.

Additional home security devices online include the ALEPH series. This series is
a bit more, yet you get more for your money. That is, indoors you get a 400-
range protection, while outdoors you receive 200 feet detection.

Ok then, now that we have discussed a few home security systems, let’s check
out the fingerprint Delete systems. Innovative solutions, such as the Fingerprint
Door Locks, are designed to handle your security needs on an automatic locking

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system. The system provides you security, by alerting you when your door is

You won’t have to worry about corrosion, or moisture damage, since this device
too is weatherized. The Fingerprint solutions offer you verification that your doors
are locked, and combine single units to deliver trouble free installation.

Adding security with intercoms:

Intercoms are another way to add security to your home. Intercoms today are
equipped to connect to your home or office and allowing you to install up to six
units. The Sound Starter Packs is ideal for beginners, since you receive
monitoring solutions that enable you to communicate before opening your door.
In addition, you can install intercoms on your telephone system to add to your
security. Furthermore, intercoms are a sure way to guarantee that people will
leave you alone when you are busy.

Surveillance Equipment:
If you want additional security, you may checkout the dummy/dome cameras,
CCTV monitors, security cams, security cam kits, spy cams, video recorders, and
wireless cameras online. You will find a wide assortment of products starting at

Additional home security systems include the door and window sensors, door
alarms, chimes, etc. You will also find dialer voice and cellular security devices,
as well as driveway alarms. Glass break detectors, hardwire alarm kits, hardware
alarms, motion detectors, smoke/heat detectors, etc are available online. Some
of the favorites include the wireless alarms, signs and decals, and the siren
speakers combined with strobe lights. You can purchase products online for as
low as $15.50.

Additional home security includes Mace and Pepper Spray.

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NOTE: In some states, it is illegal to use pepper spray and/or mace. Please
check your area before making purchases.

Popular security kits:

Some of the popular security equipment sold today is the, hardwire alarming kits
and alarms. The security cameras and wireless alarm kits are also popular.

Tip: Did you know that shading your windows, or putting up curtains will
keep out predators, and send nosy people down the road.

How to decide if Mace and/or Pepper Spray are for you?

(Return to Contents)

Mace and pepper spray is illegal in some areas of the United States.
Unfortunately, the law is constantly taking away our rights to defend our home.
Their mission is to have us to entirely rely on them, yet many times the law let’s
us down. IF you have legal rights to purchase pepper spray and/or mace in your
area, I recommend you purchase the product. Pepper Spray, more so than Mace
will back down the most violent criminals.

In fact, violent criminals will think twice before attacking the next victim. Most
violent criminals when arrested are released back to the street in a short time,
and when we as the people defend our life, home, and rights, we are taking
actions to stop criminals in their tracks.

Most law enforcement do, not want you to know your rights to defend. Few
honest officers will let you know the steps you can take to defend your life. Yet,
the few is nothing compared to the many that will not tell you. The fact is you
should always call 911 when in danger. Yet, reality says that this is not always

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Therefore, you need something to defend your home. Sadly, law works on a
double-standard rule system, just as most of the normal society. The law has the
right to wear pistols, pack pepper spray, etc, yet we as the people do not have
the same rights. Of course, to a degree it is logical, especially if you are
considering guns. However, pepper spray and/or mace has never killed anyone.

You can find mace and pepper spray online for less than $15. The security will
boost your confidence higher than any device you will ever install. I know from
experience that violent predators will think twice before assaulting you again. In
fact, if an intruder is holding a knife, and you have pepper spray and/or mace,
(Distant range) you can fire the device into the intruder’s eye, and BAM, you
have time to get away and call for help.

TIP: IF someone is holding you at gunpoint, staring them in the eye firmly and
smoothly talking them through their emotions can help save your life. NOTE: This
tactic does not always work on all criminals; therefore use good judgment to
decide what type of criminal you are facing. (Serial killers, rapists, etc, tend to
care less if you talk them down, yet they will respond to eye contact)

Pepper Spray and Mace work by temporarily blinding the intruder, which gives
you time to act. In one incident a man attempted to hit a female in her face, which
she used pepper spray to back him down. The woman left the scene safe, yet the
intruder left with his tail between his legs.

You want to remember that Pepper Spray and Mace are serious self-defense
weapons and should never be used when you are not in danger.

You can wear Pepper Spray and Mace on your belt clips, or place it in your purse.
In addition, you can add Pepper Spray and Mace to your keychain.

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Again, you want to check with your state laws to make sure that Pepper Spray
and Mace are not illegal. Do not risk fines, court, jail, etc, all in the name of
security. Sometimes we must adhere to the laws, even when they are not always
right; yet adhering to the laws can protect you.

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Chapter 6 - Choosing Types of Detectors and Home

Security System
(Return to Contents)

Annunciators and Chimes

Online you will find wireless chimes, which include counters. The chimes provide
infrared dual beams, which transmit data to remote counters. The beam when
interrupted will instantly chime. The chimes will supply exit and entry counts, on a
digital platform. You can adjust the sounds of the chimes. If you are searching for
trouble free installation, quality announcing, and cost-efficiency, check out the
chimes now.

The wireless receivers offer you built-in counters, which provide you selective
tones. Push button transmitters provide you a deep range. Few chime online
offer beam sensors, which provide exclusive RF and infrared technology. Alert
modes offer local alarms, which relay and trigger video recordings at closure.
Few chimes offer steep security Identification codes, as well as audible warnings.
When your system is blocked, the alert will sound. Built-in exits, entry, and
exclusive volume control make the chimes worth your while. Systems today
include non-volatile counter memory, alongside two chiming hookups and low
powered consumption.

Online you will find units that offer you normal installation modes, or else you can
switch to reverse modes. In addition, you will find kits, which include single-end
detection, alongside 35 feet detections when installed at your doorway.

Additions to chimes are the Garage Door Openers. If you have a problem,
closing your garage when you leave home, the door openers will automatically
handle the job for you. The door openers today offer secure automatic and
adjustable features, which enable you to tap into security.

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Complementing garage door openers are the alert systems. The systems are
installed inside of your home or garage. The monitor works to notify you when
your door is opened. You can find wireless receivers online.

Motion Alert devices work both indoor and outdoors. The motion alerts will detect
any intruders around your home or office area. Few motion alerts come with
supervised sensors, which are battery operated. You can purchase additional
motion sensors separate. Motion alerts also provide you visual and audio
indicator, which detect up to 40 feet. The in service ranges various, yet you can
find devices that range up to 300 feet. In addition, you have easy installation,
combined with wireless platform receivers.

For less than $30, you can own a combination of Homeguard and chimes. The
units are cost-effective and offer you security for home and office. If you are
searching for the system that alerts you when your door opens, the Homeguard
and chimes is your option. The units work great in homes, condominiums,
apartments, offices, basement, garage, etc. You can also install the unit in
campers, RVs, trailers, etc. In fact, you can install the unit anywhere you choose.
You will have panic buttons, which you can push anytime you want to sound off
your alarm.

Wireless announcers are ideal to provide quality-transmitting ranges over a

versatile platform. You can find remote controlled devices online, which will work
indoors or outdoors. In addition, you can install the units anywhere you choose.

Today, home security devices have advanced that now you can choose from a
wide selection of devices. Keep in mind however that home security systems
connect with outsourcers, which offer services. When you purchase home
security systems make sure you understand what you are receiving with the

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If you are searching for home security devices, we urge you to go online and
check out the Hardwire Alarms, Security Cams, Motion Detectors, Glass Break
Detectors, Signs, and Decals. The top sellers include the Hardwire systems,
Security Cameras, Wireless Alarm kits, etc. You will also find clearance centers
online to help you save cash.

CO Alarms
(Return to Contents)

CO Alarms are carbon monoxide alarms, which protect homes from colorless,
gas, odorless poisons. CO alarms prevent poisons from seeping into your home.
Recent studies shows that each day families are at risk of carbon monoxide
poisons, and most they die or fall ill to the poisons do not have CO alarms in their
home. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) recommend that every home have proper
installed CO alarms in their home to prevent fatality and/or illness. The home
security systems should be installed properly.

According to reports, each winter month, news hit the media. The stories covered
tell us that consumers give way to CO or carbon monoxide. The poisonous gases
seep through the air in homes and are often undetected, simply because there
was not a CO alarm installed in the home. Since CO alarms are not installed,
more than 200 individuals die, while thousands seek medical attention due to
exposure of Carbon Monoxide. CO does not provide signs. The only way you can
tell if Carbon Monoxide is present is to install CO alarms. According to UL, 80%
of the homes in America do not have CO alarms installed.

How does CO get in homes?

Carbon monoxide seeps in when ventilation is pour and furnaces, stoves, water
heaters, etc are not properly functioning.

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How can the alarms protect me?

CO alarms can protect you, since the equipment detects the level of carbon
monoxide, and if the levels are high, the system will send a sound warning.

How can I prevent Carbon Monoxide?

Again, you will need to install a CO Alarm in your home. The system should be
properly installed. You will have instructions with the purchase of your CO alarm,
which will instruct you how to install. You should avoid installing the device near
areas where you family rest. In addition, you should avoid installing the alarm
near heated areas, such as gas stoves. Moreover, the device should be tested
regularly, and the batteries must be replaced annually. Avoid installing cheap

What do I do is the alarm alerts me?

You should immediately press the Reset and Silence Button. Once you press the
button immediately, call 911. Once you make your call, immediately get your
family outside so they can recover with fresh air. Make sure that your family is
directed to group when the sound alarm warns you. In other words, prepare you
family. Once outside you do not want to re-enter the home until emergency
experts test your home and recommend the proper repairs.

How can I tell if I am exposed to carbon monoxide?

Some people live unaware that they are affected by carbon monoxide. However,
those who feel the affects may feel dizzy; have difficulty breathing, experience
headaches, etc. You may feel nausea, confused, fatigue, as well.

What other measures can I take to prevent carbon monoxide exposure?

You can protect your home by heeding warnings, and complying with
recommendations outlined by NFPA. (National Fire Protection Association) You
will find helpful resources online. In summary, you should avoid using secondary

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heating devices to heat your home. Ultimately, if you must use secondary
heaters make sure that you adhere to NFPA rules.

Keep the heaters away from areas, which may cause potential risks. Space
heaters are one of the leading reasons that people die or survive home fires. The
space heaters give you a hint…SPACE...>this means the heaters need their
space to function properly. Common sense tells us that using space heaters
unwisely can lead to danger. In conclusion, to avoid carbon monoxide be sure to
ventilate your home properly and supply proper heating.

Security Cams and Recorders

(Return to Contents)

Security cameras include the handheld devices. The cameras work to protect
your home and office by enabling you to view your child in a separate room. Your
home will have around the clock monitoring, which includes each room. Few of
the devices offer you audio and visual surveillance capabilities.

The GX series is a portable unit, which makes it possible to watch activities in all
areas of your home on a 2.4 Gigahertz system. The high-resolution cam has an
integrated microphone that enables you to listen over a rotating small color LCD
screen. The screen will rotate providing you optimal views at various angles. The
security cams are usable in home, office, daycares, stores, etc. The ideal of this
security cam however, is to provide safety for your child and security for you. GX
will work during day hours, and night hours. The cam will offer you viewing and
hearing capabilities up to 5 feet during night hours.

Cam Features:
The cameras today feature small screens on a crisp imaging device. Security
cams may offer you a range over 250 feet on a clear screen. Cams today feature
rotating screens, which support other cameras. You have integrated

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microphones, which enable you to hear up to 100 feet or more. Few cameras
operate from a number of infrared LED, which allows you to see and hear in the
night hours. The cameras will connect to DVR’s, VCR, and TVs. In addition, you
have automatic and manual switching capabilities between cameras, as well as
color adjusting abilities. You can also adjust contrast, audio and alarm volume.
Few cameras operate on battery.

What you can use the cameras for:

Particular GX series enable you to use the cameras in contract monitoring,
patient, child/baby, business, store, pet, home entrances, guest monitoring, etc.
You can also use security cams to record parties and/or home videos.

Wireless cams, such as the DVR series will provide you pro surveillance. In
addition, you can record information for references, or use the device to monitor
your child. The handheld units provide you the ability to hear and see what your
child is doing, even if he/she is in another room. You will have audio and video
capabilities over a high-resolution cam with integrated microphone. In addition,
few cams have integrated DVR’s, which function by allowing you to set motion,
recordings, etc. You can set the cam manually or mechanically. Motion detection
can be recorded or scheduled at selected time, which gives you tighter security.
The cams may use Memory Cards, which make it easy to record and store
information on your portable unit. The 128 Megabytes of Memory can store one
hour of information on your cam. In addition, you may receive overlay on video
recording, which includes time and dates. Features will facilitate you the ability to
playback, or search recorded videos. Most cameras today have integrated
speakers as well.

My favorite security cam is the Teddy Bear. This handsome feller will sit
anywhere you choose, and will hide a camera beneath his fur. You can cuddy
with him when the cam is not in use. Inside Mr. Teddy Bear is a small wireless
camera that produces color. The bear will store up to 2.4 Gigahertz of footage,

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while spying with his eye. The bear will help you monitor your child in separate
rooms, without the child aware of your action. Teddy has an eight infrared LED,
which enables you to see in the dark without turning on the lights. You will have
receivers, which connect to your DVR, TV, or VCR. The cam works from battery,
and can easily be placed in areas out of sight.

Get Dome
(Return to Contents)

Dome security systems are available online. The cameras are designed to
provide you security. The cost-effective surveillance cams can be installed
discretely indoors, since its compact unit makes it easy to install completely out
of sight. The Dome cams include power supply, which permits you to install
CCTV Monitors.

The fixed cams are handy, since the cam includes a lens (3.5mm) that produces
more than 350 Television lines. Monochrome resolution makes it possible to
monitor and view footage at a variety of angles. Few cams have backlights,
which compensate as it works along balance, crisp viewing providing you clear
imaging. The Domes can work in most lighting conditions, and will offer you
surveillance at a superb distance.

Vision Tech is the smaller Dome cam Visions, which operate from battery. The
unit is designed to surveillance your area without being spotted. You can mount
the cam to any surface you choose. The Vision Tech series resembles the older
Camcorders Internet users once used to communicate online. The cams are
higher priced however than ordinary Internet (EYEBALL) cams.

If you are in the mood for total security, you could check out the Clearvu Pro’s.
The cams produce high-quality resolution and offer you TV Line connection up to

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400 or more. The cams produce color, which its casing is attractively made to
resist all types of weather.

The rustproof devices can connect to your DVR, TV, VCR, etc. The RCA adapter
makes it possible to hook-up to your device. Few cams have more than 20
infrared LED lights, which its object is to reach more than 40 feet during night
hours. Integrated sensors will light up when the system is turned on. The energy
reserving devices is ideal for anyone searching for monitoring devices to protect
their home. Motion range is great with most cams made today.

Cameras today are easy to setup. Few cams offer anti-glare aluminum shields,
which assist in blocking the sun. With many security cams, you receive mount
brackets, which provides you distance motion over an easy to connect unit. You
can operate the cams through electric, which the cables reach higher than 60
feet, depending on the model. The particular cam named is handy to use at
home, in retail departments, convenience stores, restaurants, daycare, parking
lots, schools, hospitals, etc. You can even use the cam in warehouses.

The DOME (IP) Speed cams combine Tilting, Panning, and Zooming options to
allow you to monitor an area in remote locations. You could work in your office
while monitoring your home online. SPEED cams do not require installation of
software, since the programs are integrated through advanced technology

You will have integrated servers along with 1-Megabyte of Flash Memory, and an
additional 8 Megabytes of dynamic Memory. Cams use motion over a streaming
JPEG video, which means you can set resolution to your liking. IP LCD Address
Displays offer you a frame rate higher than you can image. Cams today connect
to your home computer from a USB connector.

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You can use cam applications to monitor your home, office, property, etc.
Doctors can advantage from the cam, since it enables them to monitor their
patients. In addition, you can install the unit in daycare, or anywhere you like.

What you get:

Few cams come with Window Stickers that provide Warnings, Powered Adapters,
Toll-Free Support Lines, Ethernet cable, guarantees, and Utility disks. The disks
will supply you backup drivers along with instructions and utilities for your

Decals and Warning Alarms

(Return to Contents)

Decals and warning signs are when you come right down to it, the same as
Dummy Cameras. What happens is you post signs on your doors and windows
alerting unwelcome visitors that you have an alarm system installed in your home.
Even if you do not have a home security system installed, the intention is to
deceive criminals. The deal is, criminals are often two-steps ahead and have
probably read similar articles as the one I am writing. Therefore, will all criminals
believe decals and warning sign alarms? No. It is as simple as that, yet the less
advanced criminals will probably fall for the bluff.

Still, if you want to spend less and save time, you can purchase decals and
warning signs to alert burglars. The signs may help to reduce odds of your home
or office becoming the target of the next burglar. Warning signs and decals only
cost around $1.50, or $12 at most. If you want to invest in the products, you
might also consider outdoor sensor lights. You can purchase the security devices
for a fraction of the cost.

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Decals include the “Emergency Exit” sings. The signs stick to any surface, and
stops anyone unauthorized to exit or enter areas where emergency exits rest.
You can purchase signs that will stand out and stop anyone in their tracks.

Decals and signs such as the home security, makes announcements that your
office or home is protected. The signs will stop particular criminals who are
searching for easy fixes.

You can combine decals and signs with hardwired or wireless home security
systems and get the most for your peace of mind. Hardwired security systems
are sometimes hybrid, which offers automatic control. The systems may integrate
with audio, which powers your security system, thus allowing you to add onto the
system. Hardwire systems often work on keypads, which you can program as
you wish. You can find a selection of home security systems online, such as
hardwire devices. The alarms may offer you straightforward touch screens, which
work from graphic interfaces. The menus will help guide you through the steps of
building on your message system. Hardwire may also have integrated phone
lines which include cut monitors. This means you have support for several end-
users. In addition, you have pager usability, alongside chime capabilities.

Online are the wireless systems, which are popular. Consumers enjoy the
wireless systems since it provides an easy solution. Rather than trying to figure
out how to wire home security systems, consumers can install the system with
ease and halt intruders promptly. You can install wireless systems in your home,
office, apartment, etc.

Simons is one of the wireless kits available. With the kit, you receive Simons
Control Panel, Transformer, Transmitter, Instructions, Cord, Jack, Pet Resistant
Motion Detector, Video capabilities, etc. Simon devices give you the option of
setting up monitoring systems, or combining the monitoring system with pagers

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and phones. In other words, when an intruder steps over his boundaries, your
phone, or pager will instantly alert you.

Coupled with Simon security systems you will find accessories, such as the
wireless touchpad.

For more information related to decals, signs, home security, wireless devices,
hardwire, etc, check out the products online. You will find decals that alert
unwanted guests that you have hidden cameras installed on your property. You
can add Dummy Cameras with your purchase to truly, set off the signs. The
burglars may see the signs, cams, etc, and take off running. Yard signs are also
available and you will not need sticks to install the decals.

Door Alarms
(Return to Contents)

To choose door alarms, you must also consider emergency exit alarms. The two
combine to provide you suffice security. Door alarms are basic units alongside
emergency exit alarms that provide you security at prices you can afford. Door
alarms can help ward burglars away, yet you may want to add window alarms as
well, since burglars will use windows to enter your home.

Your best bet is to lock your windows and doors when you are not able to watch
what goes on. Still, you can add door alarms, as well as emergency exit alarms
to ward away burglars.

TIP: Down through the centuries people have told you to put nightlights in
your bedroom area. The notion is great to prevent tripping or falling during
the night, but from experience, I can tell you, darkness is your best friend.
Burglars do not know your home area, and will trip or fall, giving you time
to call for help.

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If you have a lighted home, burglars will often leave and go somewhere else, yet
if there is no motion in the home, some burglars will attempt to break in anyway.
Unless a burglar has studied your home prior to his attempt, likely the prowler will
not have a chance in the darkness. You should keep a phone at every bedside
and add locks on your bedroom door to enhance security. The phone should
have a silent keypad. If you have door locks on your bedroom, the burglar will
waste a few minutes trying to break in, which gives you adequate time to call 911.
DO not panic!

Door alarms; include the Homeguard, which combine chimes. The door alarms
are great security solutions, which provide you a measure of protection at a price
you can afford. You can install the alarms anywhere you choose, such as office,
home, etc. The alarms will alert you when you door opens. The chimes will sound
when someone opens the door, which can offer you the chance to click the Panic

Emergency exit alarms stop exits and entries from unauthorized persons. You
can add the signs to your emergency exits, which can give you high effective of
protecting your area. The exit alarms may help to ward off burglars. Emergency
exit alarms work by signaling you when someone has stepped over their
boundaries. If someone opens your exit door, the device will emit an electronic
stopper, which will pierce the ears of those entering. You can preset the alarm to
sound 3-minutes, or 30 seconds. The alarm has a key function, which allows you
to silence the alarm if you want the unauthorized to enter.

Door alarms include the decals as well. You can purchase signs, or decals online
to complement your emergency exit alarm. The sign will alert anyone nearing the
area that you have installed alarms. The signs are usually 5 by 5 and are nothing
more than a deterrent, yet it could help. For a few bucks, why not give it a whirl.

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Door Chimes
(Return to Contents)

Some of the top crimes of the year are burglar, which many are committed by
teenagers. Unfortunately, media has put forth a world of chaos, which is backed
by low moral, standard, and values. We are faced with an ever-increasing crime
world, which someone has to pay. Guess who that someone is. Someone is you
and I, as we pay higher taxes, deal with inflation, and loose our belongings
respectively. What can we do? We have choices, which include home security,
yet we must also consider our influences, and the influences of our children.

We can install door chimes, which announce intruders through transmitting

devices, which store data on remote counters. The devices use beams, which
are claimed to be uninterrupted, and provide us exit and entry digital counts on
an adjustable chiming sound. Ultimately, we can pay a fortune to install home
security devices to help battle the ongoing crime in our world. Still, if we do not
take the effort to change our own behaviors, what good will home security alarms

For instance, millions of people worldwide install smoke detectors. Once the
smoke alarms are installed, millions of people forget about it. What happens is
the number of deaths and injury increase, simply because these people failed to
maintain, clean, replace batteries, and replace parts when recommended. Dust
clogged in the alarms, and after a while people started believing that the alarms
just sound randomly. During the night when an actual fire starts, the people may
roll over in bed, disbelieving the alarm. Ultimately, the alarm makes no sound
when a fire starts, simply because someone forgot to change the batteries, or
replace the unit as recommended. WE have a problem.

You can purchase door chimes online, which include wireless receivers with
integrated dual counters. In addition, you will have selective tones on a push
button transmitter that gives you a range up to 200 feet. The chimes are operated

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by battery, and works from beam sensors, which are structured on infrared
technology platforms. Volume control, counter memory, digital counters, audio
warnings, etc, are all the features you will receive, yet what good will it do you if
you do not change the batteries.

TIP: Did you know it only takes a couple of seconds to change your batteries in
smoke alarms, CO alarms (Carbon Monoxide), security alarms, etc. Did you
know that the few minutes you take to change your batteries could save your life?

Online you will find indoor and outdoor motion detectors, which alert you at the
time someone enters your area.

The sound alarms detect interruptions in your surrounding areas, which

supervised sensors combined with monitors send sensors, which work from
batteries. You will have video/audio indicators, as well as a motion range up to
40 feet. The receiver operates at a range around 300 feet, which gives you the
sensor motion alert device you deserve for home security. Yet, again, what good
will the chimes do you if you do not change your batteries.

Since many people disregard warnings that cost life, I guess technology has to
come up with the solution that does not include batteries. Until then, do, not be
the next person that ignores the warnings.

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Driveway Alarms
(Return to Contents)

Driveway alarms are available on wireless platforms, which the monitor sensors
will offer you a measure of protection. You can install the wireless alarms in your
yard or driveway, which installation is relatively easy. The quick installation
systems provide you indoor and outdoor security at your home or office. When
you know when someone is approaching your sanctuary, you will have the
security you need, since you can act fast.

Driveway alarms include the Reporters. The systems enable you to take notice of
important visitors. The system detects incomers and reports all incoming vehicles
and people from its receiver. You can install the system anywhere you choose,
which helps you to notify, detect, and protect your home. The unit can be
installed at your driveway, office, home, garage, etc. The alarm will send a tone,
which alerts you when oncoming traffic has arrived at your doorstep. Reporter
alarms offer you four transmitters, which include distinctive rings. As well, you
have temporary mute buttons and a range on line sight ratings at 1200 feet. The
transmitters operate off batteries.

The Next Generation home security includes the wireless OPEX 1000 model.
The system is a monitoring device, which provides you security around the clock.
You can install a unit indoors, outdoors, in your office, or home. Complementing
the system, you will have remote-controlled solutions. Chimes are integrated to
add to your security.

OPEX has designed the Next Generation applications that complement the home
security systems. You will find driveway Annunciators, entry alarms, walkway
chimes, and wireless doorbells. Many services are offering delivery, and site
guard solutions. The monitoring devices will prevent shoplifting, vandalism, loss,
etc. The Next Generation systems are designed on versatile platforms, which
provide you the ability to install the unit anywhere you choose. You can install the

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units at your desk, on your ceiling, fence posts, walls, etc. The units are
weatherproof, and give you a range up to 50 feet on a fan patter 17 feet

You have a detection pattern, which enables you to adjust the unit and aim it
anywhere you choose. The handheld portable transmitter offers added
convenience, since you can clip the unit to your belt, etc. The groundbreaking
home security devices will alert you when the batteries are low, as well as offer
you easy installation. The new devices have millions of base codes, which assist
you in transmitting. In addition, you can preset the device.

The voice alert systems are wireless Annunciators, which provide you cost-
effective solutions in handling your home security needs. Voice alerts
incorporates digital voice recording capabilities on a PIR wireless platform.

The six zone monitor capabilities assist you with voice alerts, which are recorded
to an all weatherized wireless transmitter. This gives you the option of recording
up to six voices on a supported unlimited numbered sensor transmitter. You can
adjust speaker volume, etc, as well as program voice recordings. The relays
trigger the device when intruders come to your property.

In addition, you have indicator lights, which flash when you’ve missed a message.
The lights will include signals for playbacks. At the push of a button, you have the
option to playback your messages on a 433.92 MHz frequency receiver. The unit
records all messages on a digital platform, user recordable, and a tight state.
Few devices are installed on tabletops, or walls, which include speaker
dimensions and receivers at different widths, Heights, dimensions, etc.

Common home security systems, including the wireless use transmitters, and
beam patterns to detect intruders. Few systems include optimal detections, which
include beam sensitivity, adjustable amounts, and delay timers.

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Freeze Temperature Alarms

(Return to Contents)

Freeze…you have been targeted by the freeze alarms, which alert residence
owners when freezes can start water damage and burst your pipes. Freeze
alarms are ideal for cabins, homes, office etc. The alarms mechanically
(PRESET) will call your phone number, or the number you designated. When the
temperature falls below 7 degrees, the alarm will kick in, call a number, and use
English pre-recorded voices to let you know it is time to take action. If you do not
answer the call, the alarm will continue alerting you every few minutes and up to
two hours.

Freeze alarms enable you to cancel callbacks around the world. The unit’s works
with answer machines to monitor your home, office, etc. The answering machine
has a pre-recorded voice, which alerts you when potential hazards exist. Freeze
units function off batteries, which you should replace as recommended.

Technology has advanced so that now you can install home security units’ hassle
free. You simply plug the freeze alarms into your telephone line. The units do not
interfere with your daily phone activities.

Freeze alarms are great, since unlike most home security systems you will not
have to pay fees on monitoring, setup, etc. You can also purchase units, which
alert you when the temperature rises. If the heat rises above 85 degrees, the
alarm will alert you.

Few freeze alarms will allow you to call up to three numbers. The answering
machines will dial designated numbers you assign and alert you through voice
messaging when the temperature falls below a stable level. The alarm will also
alert you when your backup battery is up for replacement, as well as alert you
when the power outages occur for longer than an hour. In addition, you have the
option of phoning your alarm from any destination, to verify temperature readings.

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If the power is off in your home, the alarm will alert you. In summary, you can set
or change telephone numbers from remote areas, as well as check backup
batteries, temperature, and power supply.

The SensaPhone Dialers is another type of temperature monitors. The device

incorporates sensors, which will report the status of power failure, cool/hot
temperatures, leaks, etc. If you have a head start on such conditions, you can
stop damages before it starts. The systems can allow you to call up to four phone
numbers. Units online are available, which offer you hours of backup battery
capabilities, which means the unit will work even if the power is out. Units today
integrate built-in microphones, which are synthesized to deliver you quality voice
alerts. You can find the home security units for less than $400.

The SensaPhone 2000 series will monitor your home, and report to you up to
eight remote areas. The unit incorporates digital input with analogs to deliver
visual reports up to 32 destinations.

The dialer devices deliver you synthesized voice messages, which alert you via
phone when the something is wrong. The devices can save you a fortune, since
if you can deal with the situation quickly, you can prevent weather damage. The
device will monitor both high and low weather conditions, power failures,
seepage, water leakage, and even monitor humidity. The device alerts you by
first introducing itself, followed by informing you the status of weather conditions,
power supply, etc. If the battery is low, you will receive a warning also. Sound
level is also controlled.

Dialer systems and software are outstanding devices, which technology has
advanced to the point you can have the complete home security you deserve all
at a price you can afford.

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Motion Detectors
(Return to Contents)

Choosing motion detectors are easy when you know what is available. In addition,
if you know what you want, it is easy to purchase your choice of motion detectors.
First, you must decide what the detectors can do for you.

Infrared detectors are available, which work as temperature gauges. The units
are engineered to deliver home security in zones. Some units offer more than
others do, in that the units provide full coverage. In addition, the units today are
designed to guard against false alarms. Security devices, such as the motion
detectors provide easy mount, easy installation, and a selection of pulse counts.
You receive white light security, sleeves, distance lens range, and interior cable
ducts, which provide amble space for wiring.

The ZoDIAC models are available, which are designed to deliver comprehensive
performance against false alarm. The compact units are easy to maintain, and
offer versatile swivels on an optimal mounting platform, such as walls or ceilings.

Additional home security devices include the CoMET models. The units work on
reliable technology-based platforms. The home security devices work by
detecting environmental changes that could affect your home. The coverage for
few units reaches up to 40 feet, which provides you compensation against
temperature. In addition, you get the best with the pet immune options. Pulse
counts, protection against white light, LED prism, etc, are just a few additions
added to today’s home security-motion detectors.

The Sharp Shooters designed on infrared technology, supply detectors that are
sensitive to motion. The alarms will not sound when static, vibration, changes in
temperatures occur, or when light is stray. The signals work from a digital
processor, including ASIC which reduces false alerts. The advantage of these
devices is that you do not have sensitivity that other devices do. In other words,

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the alarm will not sound when dust, bugs, dirt, or changes in the temperature

Many alarm systems today will detect motion at various ranges on a db alarm
system. In addition, you have the option of programming security codes, or
adjusting sensor heads. When the battery is low, the units will send you a signal
on indicator lights.

The digital encores are controlled by various technology solutions, which

announce motion when detected. Few units have integrated channels that help to
eliminate wiring faults. Most units today are easy to install, and you have the
advantage of adjusting the units to fit your needs.

Few of the units available today, offer 15m x 15m of pattern coverage. The
temperature is compensated by pulse counts, which you have the option of
selecting. Most units are easy to mount, and the features provide you trouble free,
and quick installation capabilities. You can also disable or enable LED with few

In addition, you can choose vertical and horizontal patterns, which you can adjust.
The pulse counts may include polarity on a SMD structure, which filters white

Motion detectors are affordable. In addition, you can combine motion detectors
with hardwire alarm kits; hardwire alarms, wireless alarm kits, security cameras,
etc. Online you will find clearance on home security, which can provide you a
savings on motion detectors combined with the home security solution of choice.

Online you will also find contact door and window systems, door and window
alarms, chimes, outdoor sensor lights, driveway alarms, and more. In addition,
you will find garage alarms, dummy cameras, siren speakers and strobe lights,

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smoke/heat detectors, and more. Do not forget to add smoke detectors and CO
(Carbon Monoxide) alarms to your home security package, to achieve the prized
protection you deserve.

Outdoor Sensor Lights

(Return to Contents)

Outdoor sensor lights are available online. You will find a wide selection to
choose from, which will provide you information you will need to make a decision.
Few of the lights available include the motion sensor floodlights. The lights are
designed to protect your home against criminals.

Floodlights can augment family security, since the units will instantly click on
when someone steps on your property. Many criminals will flee when they step
into lighted areas. The lights include the brilliant outdoor lights, which are
recommended by Law Enforcement.

The lights combine Fresnel lens, which works from an electronic platform. Few
lights are operated by in-home light switches. You merely turn the switch on, and
when someone steps on your doorstep, the sensors react by shining light down
on the intruder.

In fact, outdoor sensor lights can help you decide to open the door on the days
you are not sure that you want home guests. The lights sensor day and night,
which alerts you when someone is at your door. You can peer out your window to
see who is outside, and if you choose to open your door to known people, you
can do so. On the other hand, if you elect to ignore your guest, merely sit down,
relax, and wait until he/she leaves.

Outdoor sensor lights will add security to your home environment. The light
fixtures are built on sections of invisible electromagnetic spectrums, which

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consist of radiation alongside wavelengths. The radio waves, light, etc issue
sensors that when trigger will alert you. The sensors respond to movement. Few
units offer superb structures on high-density systems. You can choose from
plastic casings, or metal.

The units today are precision creations, which include molded lens that curve.
You will find superior mounting devices, which mount on circuit boards. The
option will provide you superb reliability alongside longer life span. In addition,
few units have integrated surge protectors, which include automatic reset options.
Again, you can find unlimited mounting devices, coupled with flexible coverage.

You can find motion sensors online, including the advanced globes. The lights
are designer solutions, which combine reliable sensors. The light fixtures are
elegant, which adds to your security. Few units have three Fresnel side lenses,
which makes distortion difficult. In other words, it will not be easy to sway this
light in another direction. The watertight solution will help to stop false alarms,
failure, etc while saving your home.

The clear globes are motion sensors, which combine lasting motion sensors on
an elegant fixture. The units produce light from three Fresnel side lenses. Sensor
lights will shut off and on. In other words, if someone is standing on your
doorstep, the light will shine. When the intruder leaves the area, the lights will
shut off.

Complementing motion sensors, you will find Dummy Cameras online. The
cameras will make intruders think that you are monitoring their every move. The
lights will likely scare the intruder away, yet the dummy camera will make him
become intimidated, especially if the intruder has harmful intents.

You can also find CCTV Monitors, wireless cams, video recorders, spy cams,
dome cams, intercom and sound systems, wireless/hardwire alarms, and more

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online. If you want full security, add a home security system, smoke alarm, CO
(Carbon Monoxide) alarm, Freeze and Temp alarm, water and flood sensors, etc
to your home.

In the world we live, there is no such thing as too much security. The more you
add security to your home, the less likely intruders will visit your home. To learn
more, visit online sources.

Window and Door Sensors

(Return to Contents)

Home security includes window and door sensors. The sensors enable
homeowners to protect areas of their home, which may pose vulnerability. The
sensors incorporate magnetic seals, which assist in detecting movement around
your window or doors. You can find a wide assortment of sensor devices online.

Sensors start at $2.95. The miniature sensors are surface magnetic, which
mount to your wires, etc. You merely stick them with the adhesive backing to any
area around your home.

The Overhead contacts for doors are operated on two batteries. The switch is
protected by a die-cast casing. The Overheads comfortably mount to any surface
magnetic inclined. You will receive brackets as well, along with the stainless steel

Sensors include the Adjustable Magnets, which include brackets. The units are
quick to install and come with cable. The units are sealed to protect your device
against water, and are designed from a rugged impact shock absorber.

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Additional contacts include the Miniature Fitted Press Magnetic devices, which
provide you a case window solution. You can also add the device to sliding doors,
windows, etc.

Rollerball Contacts is another of the sensor devices offered. The devices include
activation points, which make the Rollerball device versatile. This device is handy
for windows or doors, and provides fast magnetic installation on a complete
space mount.

Surface Magnetic Mounts are contact devices that fit comfortably inside offices or
homes. The device is handy. You can mount the device to your walls with the
device terminal screws, which are conveniently concealed.

TIP: Never install a door lock outside of your home area, where screws are

In addition to Contacts or sensors, you will find Dummy Cams online. The
security cams will provide you a cost-effective solution in preventing criminals
from entering your property. The cams include indicator-flashing lights, which
make unwelcome company believe they are being watched. The cam fits well at
loading docks, entryways, driveways, garage, offices, etc. You can also install
the cam indoors or outdoors.

Sensor lights are great outdoor home security necessities. The sensor lights will
automatically click on when someone steps on your doorstep. The lights can
scare away any prowler, making him/her think you are at home. If you wanted to
double up, you could put bug lights outside as well. Get rid of bugs and prowlers
at the same time.

External sounders will augment your home security system. The sirens will
connect to any control panel. You can also install the device to home security

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system if applicable. You will need to check your home security system to make
sure installation is possible. Sirens offer a combination of sound, strobes, anti-
drills, approach, etc. You will receive a weatherized impact system, which
supplies easy installation, as well as maintenance. If the sirens will integrate with
your home security system, you will also have remote control.

Strobe lights make up a great additive in home security. Strobes are regulated,
which the output produces illuminating lights, while flashing consistently. You can
find strobe lights online, which do not interfere with radios.

Some of the most popular home security systems available are the Hardwire
Security devices. The devices can work well with additives. Hardwire security
provides you protection, which ensures your privacy. In addition, you will have
flexibility, which allows you access to any form of home security you choose.

Using Smoke and Heat Detectors for Fighting Fire

(Return to Contents)

Fighting fire starts with adding smoke and heating detectors to your home, office,
etc. Somewhere in the universe, everyday families are escaping home fires. Out
of the thousands of people fighting fires, many are killed or injured. The common
reason that such tragedies occurs, is that people fail to heed warnings, or lack
information to prepare them for such dangers. Few homes do not have fire
alarms, yet, many homes have fire alarms installed, yet these people fail to
maintain the units.

In fact, statistics show that millions of smoke alarms installed in homes and
offices are outdated. Most of the fires start and spread, simply because someone
did not replace batteries, or clean the system. It only takes a few minutes to
clean, yet most people today are too busy, or plain lazy.

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In addition, annually scores of children die from fire-related tragedies. Most

children die because they were not informed, or else the alarms did not operate
properly. Wretchedly each week more than 17 children fall to death due to fire.
Children are taught in school how to escape fires, but most fail to pay attention.
Due to this fact, the death charts are rising. According to firefighters, every 30
seconds the figure of home fires double.

Online you will find a wide assortment of smoke and heat alarms. If you do not
have an alarm installed in your home, it is time to think security. Firefighters and
police hate nothing more than people ignoring warnings, and rules. Follow the
rules to avoid becoming the next victim. Many smoke alarms offer wakeup
commands, which you can record from your own voice.

You can find smoke alarms online are designed to assist children out of the
home when the alarm sounds. The alarms combine amplifiers, recording ability,
etc to a home security unit. The unit is way past due, yet it is available now. If this
device were invented thousands of years earlier, we would see perhaps one
death recorded yearly.

You can use the units today, record instructions on how to escape, and when the
alarm sounds; your children will hear your voice instructing them out of the home.
What an amazing twist technology has invented. Yet, it is sad it took them this
long to think.

What’s nice about the voice alarms is that you can purchase the alarms for
around $39.95. This is a great price, and reasonable. I believe those charging a
fortune for home security systems need a swift kick, yet those charging
reasonable prices need a nice pat on the back. WE all deserve security without
paying a fortune.

Hint: Replacing your batteries can help save your life.

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Tip: Did you know that most home fires start at nighttime when the family
is sleeping?

Many people go through life unaware that they maybe subjected by carbon
monoxide. The fact is we are all victims of carbon monoxide, yet too much can
kill. Learning the systems and installing CO alarms in your home, can save your

Carbon Monoxide Symptoms

Dizzy; difficulty breathing, experience headaches, and so on. You may feel
nausea, confused, fatigue, as well.

If you have installed a CO alarm, and it sounds, you should quickly press the
Reset and Silence Button. Once you press the button, call 911. Next,
immediately get your family outside of the home and wait for the emergency
team to arrive. You should inform your family to, always meet in groups to make
sure everyone is out of the home. In other words, prepare you family. Once
outside you do not want to re-enter the home until emergency team tests your
home and recommends the proper repair if applicable.

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Additional Fighting Fire Tips

(Return to Contents)

Home security is a leading demand, since every day someone dies or falls
injured to fire, carbon monoxide, burglary, etc. One of the main reasons that
people die or fall injury to fire and/or carbon monoxide is because they fail to
maintain or install CO alarms or smoke detectors. The smoke detectors and CO
alarms can save your life. Still, once you install the alarms you must keep the
systems free of dust particles.

Dust particles can make the alarms sound. In addition, the batteries must be
replaced as needed. You should also test your alarms at least once each week.
Don’t be like those people who install fire and CO alarms and leave it at that. The
majority of deaths and/or injuries related to fire and/or carbon monoxide is for this
reason alone.

After 1998, new carbon and smoke alarms were designed by technology, which
the alarms sound like horns. It is important that your children, you, and your
family members become familiar with the sound.

The new smoke alarms today make horn sounds, which work in patterns. The
sounds may repeat loudly, beep, pause, and send three additional beeps before
pausing again. Learn the patterns. CO alarms are similar, in that the alarms
produce a loud sound, repeat the horn sound, and sends out four beeps before it
pauses. The alarm will then send another four beeps before it pauses again. CO
alarms are similar to smoke detectors, in that the alarms sound off when carbon
levels put you at risk. Fire alarms sound off when smoke accumulates in the air.

Even if you experience a small fire that you feel you can handle, call 911. Once
you extinguish the fire get out of the home. The firefighters will help remove

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smoke from the home, as well as search for hidden fire. Fire will hide itself.
Therefore, never assume that you have completely removed fire from your home.

The one thing you should teach everyone in your family is that help is only a
telephone call away. Children should learn that lighters and matches are for
adults only. Inform you children what could happen if they fail to heed warning.

In addition, your children should be educated about fire extinguishers, smoke

alarms, fire hydrants, water buckets, and garden hose. The hose and water
buckets can be used to put out smaller fires, yet it is important that children call
911 instead. The firefighters are minutes away from your door and can handle
even small fires better than your children can. Firefighters train in fire and these
men are aware that even small fires can become deadly. Fires tend to hide.

Tip: Not every area has 911 emergencies. Therefore, check your area to
learn what your emergency contact is. Post the information on your

In addition, teach your children to leave the home immediately if a fire starts. Tell
them to call the emergency phone number at your neighbor’s home.

Plans are important. Planning helps you to avoid dangers. With this in mind, we
can layout a floor plan to help you teach your children what to do in the event of
fire. Remember to practice regularly.

How to lay a Floor Plan:

You want to draw an outline of your home. Include windows, kitchen, dining room,
bathroom, bedrooms, living room, dens, etc. All hallways near bedrooms should
have smoke alarms installed and checked regularly. While you write the plan,
allow your children to help you choose two ways out of the home in the event a
fire occurs. Make sure you choose two ways out of each area.

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In addition, make sure that your family chooses a meeting place outside of the
home in the event a fire starts. Once you finish the floor plan be sure to post it
somewhere where everyone can view it. Once you finish your plans, be sure to
plan weekly or monthly fire drills.

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Chapter 7 - Choosing Other Types of Home Security

(Return to Contents)

Biometric readers, door locks, gate controls, safes, keypads, and readers are
types of home security devices to consider. Particular if you are not prepared to
spend a fortune on home security monitoring devices, you may want to select
tight security that will offer you similar protection. To help you make good choices,
we can consider a few security devices.

Biometric Readers:
Biometric readers are a Door Lock that Fingerprints incoming and outgoing traffic.
The unit automatically locks, which stops you from leaving your door open each
time you leave your home or office. PCB seals combine with epoxy, which help to
prevent weather damage, including corrosion. The device fingerprints your door
and verifies when the door is locked. Most units are easy to install. You can find
biometric readers that work for left-hand or right-hand users. The units are made
of stainless steel, and are easy to use. You can register or erase fingerprints at
your leisure.

Biometric units are designed specifically for those who forget to lock their doors.
The 3-way unit unlocks, fingerprints, and provides you automatic keys, which you
use PIN numbers to operate. LCD Adopted solutions embed infrared detectors,
which fingerprint detected locks mechanically. The fingerprint capacity varies, yet
you can find max security online. Fingerprints are numerical and reach up to 99,
which master fingerprints authorize you to erase or include sole fingerprints. The
Modules are structured with wires that connect to security, and offers you trouble
free installation, over a low voltage warning system. Sensor lights work alongside
buzzers, which give you indication when your door is unlocked.

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Door Locks:
Door locks, including the Swing Locks enable you to use mechanical features to
close and open doorways. The locks are designed to provide ease for those who
find it difficult to use their hands. The openers are easily installed on any door
type. The features include safety options, such as the “Hit and Stop.” In addition,
you have fail-safe use, which means that when your power is out, you can still
open and close your doors. Door Openers incorporate automatic features, which
clutch proofs blocks damage. Users will enjoy audio alerts, automatic travel
limitation, selective modes, toggle use, etc. Timers can be set to close your door
at a specific time you choose. Users have programmable abilities, which enable
you to use remote control.

Gate Control:
Home security gate controls use wireless action combined with intercom. Oracle
is a brand name, which the wireless solution is designed to open gates
automatically. Units today give you superb battery life, which means you have
the top gate opener accessibility for two years. Gate openers are similar to
garage openers, since you can operate the unit inside your vehicle, or home.

The Oracle-3000 Gate System is designed to be the wire-free solution to

enhance the operation of accessory-ready Automatic Gate Openers. With up to
two years of battery life, the Gate Access Unit can be used with compatible key-
fob remotes and Intercoms to, remotely operate the gate opener from inside your
car or home. Oracle provides you gate controlled units, control panel access,
remote control, portable intercoms, and panel keys.

Keypads and Readers:

Keypads and readers are door openers that allow you to open doors while using

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Safes are useful to store expensive belongings. You can purchase fire-safes
online, which the vaults will protect, your property even if your home catches fire.
The vaults have heavy-duty locks, which enable you to store a large volume of
assets without worry. In addition, you can store valued documents to protect

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Chapter 8 - Purifying Your Home by Removing

Chemicals for Complete Security
(Return to Contents)

Home security extends to your environment. You can install smoke detectors,
CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarms, home security systems, etc, in your home, yet if
your air and water is toxic, you are still at risk.

Home security extends to air and water supply. If you want complete home
security, you must also add humidifiers, water purifiers, air purifiers, etc. You will
find various systems online, which includes the Hepa systems. Hepa is one of
the better units, since it was designed to reduce radioactive chemicals within the
arenas of high-volume plants. Homeland Security has tested and approved the
water filters, air filters, etc. Environmental protection agencies that approve
security systems, such as the air and water purifiers are ideal.

Online you will find biological CAP sanitizers, which are purifying systems. The
units work to cleanse the air, which increases your health conditions. In other
words, mold, mildew, dust, dust mites, microns, pollen, etc, in the air will cause
health problems. Health problems include asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, allergies,

Units today will supply you biozone ironic solutions. The units will clean the air,
while working to purify your environment.

Most people are not aware that shower and bath water contains toxins. The
toxins absorb in your body, and gradually affect your health. In addition, drinking
water has its own degree of toxins, including Chlorine, etc. The chemicals all join
to submit toxin in you system. Furthermore, the body builds up waste and toxins.
The toxins and waste are removed, yet a large volume will accumulate and stay
in your system. The problem leads to health problems, such as Colon Cancer.

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Now, you can install smoke alarms, CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarms, and home
security systems, yet if you want tighter security, you must consider your water
and air. In fact, adding smoke alarms, CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarms, and home
security systems, combined with water and air purifiers can save your health.

Harmful particles in air and water can affect your health. Even the slightest scale
of hair dander from pets can cause allergies, asthma, etc. In addition, mold can
send you to the hospital. Therefore, if you want home security, purify your air and

Now we can learn some helpful facts to assist you in securing your home. Smoke
alarms are designed to help you escape enclosed areas. The alarms should be
installed in all bedrooms, hallways, and at the top of your stairs. In addition, it is
up to you to maintain the units, keep them clean, and replace the batteries as

You should also replace the smoke alarm at least every ten years. CO alarms
protect you against carbon monoxide poisons. The systems should be installed in
your hallway, and on all levels of your home. You should also maintain the units,
keep them clean, and replace the batteries as needed.

Fire Extinguishers should be installed in your garage, kitchen, and 15 feet away
from fireplaces. You should test the units regularly, making sure the
extinguishers are pressured.

One thing you want to teach all members in your home is that help is only three
pushes of your button. Dial 911 if your home catches fire, or any alarms sound.

You can purchase alarms online, which include silence buttons. Alarms with
silence buttons are recommended. You should also teach your children that
alarms are intended to save lives, and not designed as toys.

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TIP: IF you do not have a water purifier, you can run your tap water at least
5 minutes before drinking to remove a level of toxins.

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Chapter 9 – Tips to Use Your Home Security System

(Return to Contents)

Now that you have bought your home security systems, including CO alarms and
smoke alarms it is time to learn how to use them properly. Let’s get started:

• Before you activated your alarm, did you take care to lock all doors and
• Your home security systems have sensors. Do you take the time to keep
objects, children, pets, etc, away from the devices?
• Do your family and you understand how to deactivate your alarm in the
event it should accidentally sound?

If your alarm accidentally sounds, it is important that you do not panic. Panic is
the number one reason people fall to trouble. Rather, keep your code on hand, or
embedded in your head so that you can quickly deactivate your system. You will
also need to decide if someone has violated your home, or if a fire, carbon
monoxide, etc, is potentially threatening your home. Many devices sold today
have monitoring systems, which you will need patiently to wait for the company to
call you to verify your safety.

NOTE: Fire alarms, CO alarms and home security systems are designed to
protect you in real-life situations. It is important to teach her children to
leave alarms alone. False alarms can put you in your family at risk. You
should perform routine maintenance and proper cleaning to prevent your
alarm from sounding when no harm is present at your home.

In addition, you will need to contact proper authorities, such as your company
installers when you start home repair projects. Many repairs can cause your
alarm to sound, or else could cause damage to your alarm. For instance, if you
are hanging drywall, the dust particles could enter your system and cause failure.

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To help your family become familiar with shutting off alarms, conduct practice.
Practice will your family and you, remain in control.

Did you know that some companies offer backup along with home security
packages. The packages may include environmental monitoring, fire systems,
regulated reporting, guard response, panic alarms, mechanical testing, and
backup. Backup is endorsement that your family will have a plan when disaster

The tips offered are designed to help you continue home security without
interruptions. In addition to tips to help you avoid problems, we can also discuss

Maintenance is better known as safeguarding your home. When you take time to
perform maintenance, you take the time to secure your home. Maintenance
includes cleaning. If your home security system, fire alarm, or CO alarm (carbon
monoxide alarm) is subjected to dust, it could cause your alarms to sound.

Did you know that becoming familiar with the sound of your alarms in your home
could save your life? It’s true, when you recognize the sounds you will instantly
react when alarms sound.

Did you know that practicing drills could help your family prepare for disaster?

Floor Plans:
Did you know that writing a floor plan, practicing, and posting it in areas where
your family can see a daily, could also save your life?

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Life is too short to take risks. In life, we have warnings that we must all adhere to,
to avoid danger. The warnings are obvious in some instances when signs are not
posted. For instance, we know that fire and water are dangerous. Children must
be taught to, never play with fire, and to avoid dipping in water that could claim
their life. Even bathtubs pose risks of drowning. In addition, we should never plug
outlet cords in wall sockets where water is near.

Not so long ago Washington D.C officials recalled several brand name Fire
Extinguishers. We can discuss fire extinguishers to learn more about the brands
recalled to help you avoid danger. Home security is a deep subject, which
requires careful attention in providing safety to your home. This means you must
stay alert to recalls as well. According to D.C. Officials few fire extinguishers has
failed when consumes discharged the triggers. We don’t want this to happen to

If you have fire extinguishers in your home, make sure the extinguishers are not
recalls. Model FE1A1OG is one of the fire extinguishers you may need to send
back, especially if the fire extinguisher was purchased in 1999, after September.
Your sticker should have “100% Quality Tested,” on the label. Few of the fire
extinguishers that have not been recalled are the Kitchen KFE2S5 series. The
Auto FESA5 model has not been recalled either. In addition, the Marine FE5G-M,
Recreational FE5G model, Garage and Home FE10G model, Marine 10, Heavy-
Duty/Plus, and the Commercial Extinguishers have not been recalled as well.
You can go online to learn more about fire extinguishers and recalls.

Now that you have a basic idea of recalled fire extinguishers and have made
sure your extinguishers are not in the recall list we can conduct a test to see if
you have your extinguishers set up properly.

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Do you have a fire extinguisher is each level of your home? Do you have an
extinguisher in your kitchen? What about in your work area, does it have a fire
extinguisher handy for use? Do you have an extinguisher near your fireplace, or
in your garage? Does your van, car, or RV have a fire extinguisher? What about
your basement area: If you answered yes to each question, then you have a
secure home. However, you will need to answer this last question to have
complete security. Do you test your fire extinguisher weekly to make sure it is
pressured? If you said yes, great job and keep up the good work.

Now that we’ve discussed fire extinguishers, we need to check your home for fire
alarms and CO alarms. Does your home have fire alarms and CO (Carbon
Monoxide) alarms? If so are the alarms tested weekly, and are the batteries
replaced when needed? Do you have the alarms installed in each bedroom,
hallway, or at the top of your stairway? Do you dust the alarms regularly? Are the
alarms installed at least fifteen feet away from your gas stove or furnace?

Do you have a fire alarm installed in your bedrooms, living room, hallway, every
level of your home, family and playrooms, kitchen, basement, and at the top of
the stairway?

Next, we can discuss burglar alarms. Do you have a home security system
installed in your home? If you are ready to purchase a home security system,
consider the source. You want to make sure that you purchase quality alarms.
Does the company offer competitive prices? Does the company have a history of
good results?

Does the company sell updated home security devices? Will the home security
system supply you 24/7 home security via use of a monitoring component? Will
you have a guaranteed monitoring system? Does your system have a lifetime
warranty? Are the parts covered in the warranty? What about replacements:

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In addition, few companies who sell home security systems will offer discounts if
you have insurance coverage. The most important question, is will the home
system give you and your family the peace of mind they deserve?

Finally, by reading this complete guide, you should now have an idea and full
guidelines on how to choose and protecting your home security for you and your

I hope this was a pleasant read ☺

The Unselfish Marketer

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