Entry 1 - Facilitating Whole Group Discussion

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Observational Form

Focus Practice: Facilitating Whole Group Discussion Look Fors

Choose 1-3 Look Fors Facilitating Whole Group Discussion Look Fors:
for selected focus
Candidate establishes a discussion topic by articulating a clear learning objective
 Teacher tells students they will be writing a letter to the local park rangers as to why they
should have bat houses at the parks.
Candidate sets expectations and establishes norms for participation (e.g., students expected to explain,
clarify thinking, ask questions, interact respectfully)

Candidate provides a variety of opportunities and strategies for students to share ideas and engage in
discussions using content-specific language (e.g., asks SS to explain, turn and talk, etc.)
 Students have the opportunity to read their letter to the class.
Candidate encourages students to make connections and builds on to other students’ contributions
 Teacher has students make connections to the book Stellauna.
Candidate asks students to further clarify or explain their thinking to probe for understanding
 Before students, start their final draft the teacher makes assure they added detail and they
clarify any misconceptions.
Candidate concludes whole group discussion by distilling key points for take away (e.g., restates,
summarizes, notates on the board)

Observational Notes: (Describe the lesson; write specific quotes from teachers/students)
 Teacher walks student through ways to write a letter such as introduction, detail paragraphs, and
 Teacher connects her read-aloud “Stellaluna” in her example letter.
 Students struggled with adding details.
 Teacher reads everyone’s letter and confers before they move on to their final draft.
 Teacher says she will send the letters to the nearby parks hoping to receive emails back. The
students were excited to know that their letters would be sent out.
 Students were excited to share their letters to their peers.
 Many students could have benefitted from adding detail about what they know about bats to show
 Students did use opinions to persuade the park rangers.
 Students show knowledge they learned about bats, but they could have applied that information

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