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lil P - 7cs/4' oh 23
Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-50 Filed 07/21/18 Page 1 of 2
5 p. 1

E PA-HQ-S FUN D-201 4-062s-01 52

LeFleur, lance R

From: LeFleur, Lance R RECEIVED

Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 4:27 PM
raN 3 0 2015
' McTee rToney, H eather'

SubJect RE:35th Ave. NPL Listing


Thank you for your follow up on ourconversation earlier today. I want to make it clear that EPA misconstrued our letter
of June 11, 2014. As I previously stated, a careful reading of the letterwlll conflrm ADEM did not and does not
conditionally, or othenruise, @ncur in the proposed listing of the 35th Avenue site on the NPL.

Ftom I M cTeerTo ney, H ethe r I ma llto : M cTeerToney, H eather@epa.g ov]

Sen$ Wedresday, Ocbber 01, 2014 11:45 AM
To: LeFleur, Lance R
Sublectr FW: 35th Ave. NPL Usthg .

Please see below. The previous emailwas incorrect.

Allthe best,

From: McTeerToney, Heather

Sent Wednesday, October 01, 2014 12:43 PM
Ge Stanislaus, Mathy; Heard, Anne; Jenkins, Brandi; Feldt, Lisa; HicksWhitg Javoyne; KeyesFleming Gwendolyn; Hill,
Franklin; Chaffins, Randall
Subject:35th Ave. NPL Llstlng

Dear Lance,

It was a pleasure speaking with you today. On behalf of Administator McCarthy, I am responding to your
September 16,2014, email rcgarding EPA's action to propose the 356 Avenue Site to the National Priorities
List (htPL). EPA highly values the relationships we maintain with our state partrers and recognizes that without
these pannerships, su@e$s in the work we accomplish to proteot tnrman health and the environment is
imposiible. To that point, I want to olarify that ou actions on the 35ft Avsrue Site are to protect and improve
the quality of life for Alabama residents. Moving fonryard, I would like to reaffirm that we must improve the
qruntity and quality of our communications to ensurc that our words and actions are well coordinated.

In this spcoific case, EPA strongly believes the 35e Averue Site wrrants inclusion on the NPL based on a large
qnantity of environmental darra sanrpled and analyzed by EPA contractors which shows widespread
contamination of residential yatds \ilith hazardous subsknces. We have conducted a rigorous evaluation of the
risks to hr:man health posed by this corfiamination and have determined that cleanup is waranted for several
hundred residential properties. These decisions are consistent with decisions EPA has made on other sites in
Region 4 and throughout the nation. EPA is committed to ou Enforcemer$ First pinciple where Potentially
Resporuible Parties (PRPs) condrct clean-ups. Listing the site on the NPL puts us in the best possible position
to achieve a PRP-led investigation ard oleanup of the site.

2 z L7 - cr- 0 04 1 9 -AKK-TMP
JAN 0 I ?015
5 / 25 / LB ,Jury TriaI
GO\/T EXHIBIT NO. L37 EPA-0002136
Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-50 Filed 07/21/18 Page 2 of 2

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