Exhibit 170-Governor's Office DB Email To Lance Lefluer With Track Changes To Letter To EPA

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Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-80 Filed 07/21/18 Page 1 of 29

From: Chesnutt, Pam <Pam.Chesnutt@governor.alabama.gov>

sent Wednesday, January Z 2015 8:23 AM
To: LeFleur, Lance R
Ce Seth Hammetl Barnett, Vernon; Mccollum, Carrie
Subjecc 35th Avenue Superfund Site, Birmingham AL
Attachment$ ADEM Comments to Proposed NPL Listing - CMC Redline.doo<; Letter to invoke Fields
memo issue resolution - 35th Avenuq Birmingham, Alabama,docx

Dictated by David Byrne:


Thank you for sending us a copy of your comments to the propoBed NPI listing of the 35th Avenue Superfund Site in
Birmingham, Alabama, and requesting our input or suggestions. Carrie Mccollum and I have carefully reviewed your
letter received on December 23, 2014 (znd draft), and respectfully suggest that you send the attached letter which makes
very minor changes to your original thoughts with the exception that it places the Regional Administrator for Region 4
on notice that we intend to preserve our rights to invoke the EPA'S proc€ss under the Fields Memorandum. Carrie and I
have also drafted a proposed letter foryour signature apart from the comment letter invoking those rights.

that it will "not do any good", but if we do not trigger the right of appeal under the
Lance, you are probably correct
Fields Memorandum, EPA will assert a waiver against the State. ln short, our purpose of going through that exercise is
to ensure that we have "a complete administrative record" for app€al of the ultimate issue.

By undertakinE this action, we ensure that EPA Headquarters in Washington has to not only follow the process set forth
in the Fields Memorandum, but also to lay out more fully the rustification for the listing. ln the draft of the letter for
your si6nature invoking the appellate process, the actual findings of these studies support your conclusion that "science"
does not support the listing.

We look fomrard to meeting with you and Vernon Barnett with the Chief of Staff on Thursday, January 8, 2015. Thank
you for your patience and indulgence.

David Byrne

O{fice of the Governor

Alabama Stato Capitol
600 Dexter A\renue, Suite N&05
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
Otfice: 334-242-7120
Fax: 334-242-2335

Thls electronic transmission contains information of a legal nature that may be protected as confidential and privileged in accord
with the attornev-cllent privilege. The information is Intended strictly forthe use ofthe indMduals or endties shown asaddressees
above. lf you are not the intended recipient, be aware thatany disclosure, copying, or distribution of the contents is
prohibited. Please notifo the sender immediately upon receipt by telephone or electronic mail if you have received this transmission
in error. Thank you.

'"':11:.:::l'::T I
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