Amsterdam Rainproof Vouwfolder Engels Infographic

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It’s raining harder

and harder, and our

city can’t handle it
Make Amsterdam Rainproof. Together, we can catch those raindrops
Visit to see what you can do. and make Amsterdam Rainproof

What’s wrong? What you can do

We increasingly have to deal with extreme rainstorms. They make our city
vulnerable. As the city fills up with buildings and paved surfaces, there’s
mm. Everyone can contribute by introducing smart solutions, big and small, to prevent
damage, and by using rainwater, for example to water your garden. And it makes
nowhere left for the rainwater to go. The result: increasing flooding and your neighbourhood more beautiful. Join in! Every drop counts. Increase our city’s
damage, also near you. sponge capacity and make Amsterdam Rainproof.

Copenhagen Roof
2 July 2011 A green roof helps hold onto rainwater. It suits lots of
140 different roof structures and helps keep the building
Extreme downpour cooler. It benefits biodiversity, and if you add an extra
150 mm of rain fell in just 2 hours that day. water storage layer, a blue roof is even better for
The result: 1 billion euros in damage. storing rainwater.


Rainwater capture systems, a green or blue roof,
higher thresholds by the front door, and no wooden
110 floors in the basement: all these measures help
prevent damage and make your house
more rainproof.


90 Less pavement and more green, ditches, little
Amsterdam gardens along the building fronts, and waterside
plants near your home make your neighbourhood
28 July 2014 more beautiful. Greenery holds a lot of water and
creates a better microclimate.
Major downpour 80
90 mm fell from the sky within a few hours. Streets
overflowed, houses flooded, and traffic came to a
standstill as tunnels filled with floodwater.

If you have a garden, balcony or roof terrace, set up
a rain barrel with a tap on the side so you can water
your plants for free. Remove some pavement from
60 your garden and replace it with a plant or pond, or
Rainwater seeps into houses across town, lay permeable paving.
and basements and cellars turn into cisterns.

Rainproofing a street is as easy as laying a hollow
road and higher kerbs. Urban infiltration strips,
40 swales and open gutters bring rainwater drainage
Such heavy rainfall causes major traffic disruptions. out into the open and make the city more beautiful.
Streets are submerged and many tunnels become
impassable as water levels rise.

Heavy rainfall
20 Rainwater-fed fountains, open gutters and more
greenery transform a city square into a place to play
20 mm an hour is the volume of rainwater that our with water – and make it easier to accommodate
sewers can process. When it rains harder, the water heavy rainfall.
finds a different route.

1 Park
1 mm is a whole day of drizzle, but even that Green parks, swales and ponds make key contributions to
represents 219 million litres of water falling in temporary water storage and slow down rainwater drainage
from the surrounding area. They are good for plants and
Amsterdam – enough to fill 232 swimming pools! animals and contribute to a cooler neighbourhood.

Make Amsterdam Rainproof. Visit to see what you can do.
Make your Amsterdam Rainproof
Amsterdam Rainproof: that’s you, us and all
the people of Amsterdam working together.
We share a common goal: to help Amsterdam
Introducing Rainproof initiatives together...
If you add improvements to your house or
garden, make them Rainproof. If you’d like to
make an even bigger difference, work with others

handle the increasingly frequent downpours. on joint initiatives. Rainproof wants to link citizens,
Even better, we want to make better use of entrepreneurs, knowledge workers and public
the free rainwater that currently flows directly servants in ongoing projects and new initiatives.
into the drains. The extreme rainstorms When we work together, we can transform

cause damage, primarily because the city is Amsterdam into a city that uses smart solutions
increasingly paved in buildings, asphalt and to make the best of heavy rainfall.
paved gardens – no raindrops can seep through!
…that make the difference.

How? Use these tips!

The following suggestions offer tangible tips
for what you can do – as a local resident
or a professional. Visit for a
comprehensive overview. If you have an idea,
story or other contribution for Rainproofing
your city, let us know! We’d be happy to link
you to other Rainproof locals.

Together, we are Amsterdam Rainproof

1 Green / blue roof 2 Small front

A green roof serves several purposes, One beautiful, handy rainproofing improve-
including water storage and temperature ment: remove some pavement along the
control. A blue roof can store some of the front of your house and plant a garden
precipitation that falls on the roof but does strip. This allows rainwater falling along the
not have a layer of green vegetation. So a façade to filter directly into the ground.
blue roof costs less to install and maintain. A small front garden can also be combined
Rainwater is buffered, since the drain flows with a closed-off drainpipe, although you
much slower and the spillway is higher. would then also need a spillway towards a
Considering rainproofing your house or nearby pond or gutter. Win-win: small front
building by adding a green roof or blue gardens contribute to greener streets.
roof? Ask a professional supplier for advice.

3 Open gutter 4 Urban 5 Infiltration zones 6 Green between 7 Water-permeable 8 Speed bumps
infiltration strips the tram rails paving
An open gutter is a simple above-ground Urban infiltration strips temporarily store In infiltration zones, the rainwater that The space between the tram rails is perfect Paving stones with open grouting allow The impact of flooding right after heavy
drainage solution that can be used in a rainwater from the surrounding area and falls on buildings or streets infiltrates into for a grass strip if it’s not being used by rainwater to seep into the ground. This cuts rainfall can be diminished by strategic
garden, along the street, in parks and on help it seep into the soil. How it works: rain- the soil via an adjacent green strip, like a other traffic. Rainwater can easily seep into down on sewer volumes and supplements placement of speed bumps, helping direct
city squares. Rainwater can flow through water from buildings and streets is directed grass-covered field. In times of drought, the soil through this grass strip. Grass is groundwater automatically. There are also the water towards open water or green
open gutters to nearby retention or infil- to these infiltration strips through open the rainwater keeps the groundwater at an easy to maintain and keeps the soil from paving stones with notched edges that zones. The water can also be stored
tration zones. An open gutter needs to be gutters. These bottomless containers filled acceptable level. Introducing slight varia- eroding away. Other traffic surfaces, like allow rainwater to drain partly. Water- temporarily between two speed bumps and
on a slope. An additional advantage of an with gravel, soil and plants detain the rain- tions in level facilitates temporary (limited) streets, should only be paved when permeable paving is a great option for a kerbed pavement. Speed bumps can also
open gutter is that you can see the impact water, allowing it to seep into the soil more rainwater storage. Extended infiltration is absolutely necessary, and paving should paved gardens and other areas. be placed so lower-lying vulnerable areas
of a rainstorm and enjoy a lovely glimpse slowly. The plants even help filter the water possible if enough room is available and be water-permeable where possible. do not fill up with rainwater flowing along
of the course that the water follows. It also somewhat before it infiltrates into the soil. the soil is suitable. the road from the surrounding area.
shows how vital it is to rainproof the city.

9 Grass concrete 10 Water square 11 Infiltration 12 Rainwater 13 Rainproof 14 Detached

blocks crates pond utilities downpipe
Less frequently travelled parking A water square is a sunken section of public Infiltration crates are a solution for Rainwater ponds have capacity to accom- In high flood-risk areas, public utilities like By removing the connection between the
places, roads, access lanes to garages space that visibly collects rainwater from temporary underground rainwater storage, modate higher water levels, allowing them sewers, data, drinking water, energy and downpipes on your building or house and
and gardens can be made water-perme- the surrounding area and stores it. In a allowing delayed drainage into the soil. to store rainwater on a temporary basis and communications facilities need to be the public sewers, you cut down on rainwa-
able by using grass concrete blocks. This water square, water storage is combined They can be used in gardens, sports fields, drain it away slowly. The vegetation in the structured so they are operational 24/7– ter flowing into the sewers. To avoid water
allows rainwater to seep into the soil and with other functions, like playing and sports. roads and car parks. The advantage: they pond and the green banks help clean the even during extreme rainstorms. Public damage, it is crucial to direct rainwater
supplement groundwater. Depending on only take up space underground, so they water. The water can also infiltrate into the utilities situated above the ground, like away from your building or house. Make
the soil beneath, the infiltration percentage facilitate even more efficient land use. soil, if it’s clean enough and the soil is the transformer boxes and network junctions, sure you arrange sufficient retention and
for grass concrete blocks can go as high as right type and has enough capacity. There can be placed higher off the ground at infiltration capacity, for example by
100%. A great rainproofing solution to use are also rainwater ponds for buffering and locations that have higher flood risks. providing rainwater ponds or infiltration
in your garden. purifying contaminated water from busy zones. Rainwater can also be reused.
roads and parking lots.

Make your neighbourhood rainproof. Visit to see what you can do.

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