Exhibit 76-Joel Gilbert and Trey Glenn Edits To or Letter To LeFleur Asking For Communications With Various Parties About NPL.

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Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-27 Filed 07/21/18 Page 1 of 3


From: Trey Glenn [tglenn@secllc.net]

Sent: 2/26l2OtS 8:50:11 PM
To: Gilbert, Joel ftgilbert@balch.com]
Subject: Re: Robinson ADEM Follow-up Letter (Attorney Work Product / Privileged & Confidential)
Amachments: TG Edits - Robinson ADEM Followup Letter.doo<


M inor ed it/suggestion...

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 atL2:27 PM, Gilbert, Joel <igilbsfL@bahh.com> wrote:

Attorney Work Product / Privileged & Confidential

See attached. Thoughts? Too rnuch? Does it need to be sirnplified?

& ii
i& i td i;i ,.\. Pd ,.. r i,

Joel L Gilbert, Partner, Balch & Bingham LLP

1901Sixth Avenue North o Suite 150O o Birrningham, AL 35203-4il2
t.: (2OSl 226-8737 f:(205) 488-5824 *: iei lbert@ balch. com

CONFIDENTI,ALITY: This email and any attachmenb nray be confidenlial end/or prMleged and are thereture pmiect6d against
copylng, use, dbclosure or dlslributlon. lf you are not the lntended reclplent pl€aEs notify us imnEdhtely by replying to lhe sender and
doubls delsting this copy and the roply trom your slrstcm.

'.:l'llHlll';:' I
Confidential. Do Not Disclose BB-FED_00000160
Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-27 Filed 07/21/18 Page 2 of 3
Case 2:17-cr-00419-AKK-TMP Document 253-27 Filed 07/21/18 Page 3 of 3

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