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1- Martin ………………… skate very well.

should practice a lot.
7-- He ………………… comb his hair by himself. His
a) can’t mother combs it for him.
b) could
a) could
c) can
b) can
d) couldn’t
c) couldn’t
d) can’t
2-…………… he ride a bicycle at the age of 3?
No, he ……………. But he ……………. ride a tricycle. 8- My little brother ……………………… walk when he
was six months old.
a) Can / can’t / can
b) Could / can’t / couldn’t a) can
c) Could / couldn’t / could b) can’t
d) Can’t / can’t / could c) could
d) couldn’t
3-Martha could draw pictures when she ………
5. 9- Tom is really athletic. He …….... run very
a) is
b) were a) could
c) are b) can
d) was c) can’t
d) couldn’t
4- Jessica .............…. wear that dress as she
………… too fat. 10- Could Jennifer eat her soup ………………….?
a) can’t / is No, she couldn’t. It …………….. too chili.
b) can / wasn’t
a) last night / was
c) could / were
b) now / were
d) couldn’t / isn’t
c) yesterday / wasn’t
d) tomorrow / isn’t
5- He was very sad because he ……………. eat
his ice cream.
11- …………………. Adam ski? - No, he ………………….
a) could
a) Can/can
b) can
b) Could / could
c) couldn’t
c) Could / can’t
d) can’t
d) Can / can’t

6- My dog is looking for its bone but it

………………….. find it. 12- David couldn’t sleep well ……………………..
because he was alone at home.
a) couldn’t
b) can a) now
c) could b) last night
d) can’t c) today
d) next week b) could / can
c) can / can’t
d) can’t / can’t

13- Tom is blind. He …………………….. see.

a) couldn’t
b) can 20-Albert Einstein …………………. speak until the
c) can’t age of 4.
d) could a) can’t
b) couldn’t
14- ………………………. an ostrich fly? c) could
- No, it ……………………… d) can
a) Could / can’t
b) Can / can’t 21- We didn’t have enough money last year so
c) Couldn’t / couldn’t we …………. go on a holiday. But this year we
d) Could / couldn’t ………….
a) could / can’t
15- Our English teacher fell asleep in class b) couldn’t / can
today. I think he………… sleep well last night. c) can’t / can
a) can’t d) can / couldn’t
b) could
c) couldn’t 22- I ……….. buy this car as it …….….... too
d) can expensive.
a) can / was
16- Little Carol ………… sleep without her b) could / weren’t
bunny. c) can’t / is
a) can’t d) can’t / isn’t
b) couldn’t
c) could 23- We …………… win the match yesterday,
d) can because Albert ……………… catch any of the
17-…………….. Maria cook? a) could / could
- Yes , she ……………cook very delicious meals. b) can / can’t
a) Can / could c) couldn’t / couldn’t
b) Could / can’t d) can’t / can
c) Can / can
d) Could / can
24- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ………………
compose his first music at the age of five.
18- Jack was very strong when he was young.
a) could
He ………………. even lift a car.
b) couldn’t
a) can’t
c) can’t
b) could
d) can
c) can
d) couldn’t
25- No, no, no… I am afraid, you ………………….
smoke, sir. It is dangerous for your health.
19- Her friends ……………..jump into the water
but Clara ………….,because she is afraid. a) can’t
a) can’t / can b) can
c) could
d) couldn’t

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