Of Fakes, Frauds and Fools - Cowardly Tools

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Of fakes, frauds and fools –

Cowardly Tools
By Randy Gonzalez

Of fakes, frauds and fools – Cowardly Tools

By Randy Gonzalez

In the disingenuous pretenses of social fakery, fraud and foolhardy performances, the
cowardly behaviors of a devolving society hasten dystopic consequences. Contriving with
the scheme of superficial memes, con artistry underscores the shallowness of interpersonal
communication among many people. A glance and subtle view of facial expressions often
returns the unspoken feedback of lingering ignorance as to any significant information
exchange. Yet, in the short run, attention spans lurk back, look away or glaze over to the
two-dimension screen of three-dimensional simulation.
The sham, the hoax, the fake news for instance, as well as the unproved conspiracy theory,
forsake logical rationality for the satiation of the moment in emotion reassurance. Courage
in the confrontation with the bluster and banter of social psychobabble frequently goes
unchallenged for the want of political politeness. Of snake oil ruses and wooden nickel
collective currencies, the double-dealing emanates from every cultural institution. Frauds
and fools enjoy the safe mediocrity in secure conformity, from the cloakrooms of
governing enterprises, to the boardrooms purveying gluttonous consumption.
Cons and schemes in social media and mass marking advertising insult and betray the
few who seek a higher plane of civil enlightenment. Regardless of valiant adventurers,
many choose mundane of paths of conformity. Like a zombie infection or an alien pre-
invasion virus, communal stupidity spreads with pandemic proportions. By comparison,
the fake or acts of fakery suggest the dishonest daily dealings of one person with another.
As one investigator has lectured from a segment in the skeptical realm, humans are adept
at things involving deception. So good at it, people easily deceive themselves.
Toxicity of “anti-thinking” dehumanizes, defrauds and degrades the very essence of
human creativity and the quest for an evolved ascendency. Some have called the intentional
communal schemes as that which “sissifies” the majority of the population. Others describe
the diverse inclinations as a means for “dumbing down” most of the populace. Yet another
unfortunate description has been that of “stupidity” or “idiocracy”. For such, additional
detractors toward the mainstream include a variety of negative ascriptions. Oppressive
conformity in status quo perpetrations are many faceted and insidious.

In the somewhat antagonistic proclamation as to the public, the “sheeple” foment the
degradation of the human species in continues regressive stumbling into extinction. Flocks
of the majority easy believe in the most simplistic hastily drawn conclusions about serious
socio-economic and political issues. By the unvirtuous intentions of purposeful gullibility,
most people flaunt their deceptions in sordid varied manners. Quick to follow the group,
the crowd, the mainstream, or any other collective conception of “magical beliefs”, the
majority recklessly engage in stupid thinking more often than not.
As some see it, the effects of human fakery, fraudulent actions and foolish behaviors
mark an era that eventually culminates in the collapse of global societies. It is reflective of
a time when arrogance smugly values unsubstantiated conjecture over profound intellectual
analysis. Among families and coworkers, most are not honestly engaged in serious efforts
directed toward mature growth and development. Satisfied with their static existence, the
woeful lack of creativity, of stirring enlightenment, the many jeopardize and frustrate the
few who long for change and transformation. Stupidity is rampant.
Deception weaves an intricate framework within the amative purposes of intentional
stupidity. Foolishness in the immaturity of fraudulent perpetrations stems from the
absurdity of using various means to achieve gain at the expense of others. Immediately
someone might object that sometimes deception is necessary as in warfare, espionage or
hostage taking. If common sense, as might be applied here, has degraded to that level for
that person to counter such a claim, then perhaps an intelligent conversation is not possible.
Of that posture, the generality suggested herein refers to social situations.
Noted, exceptions always occur, yet they are few and often remote. Regardless, in this
slant, idiocy, silliness and generally being a nitwit, or a “yawner”, as in not enough oxygen
to the brain, concerns purposeful illicit premeditated actions to deceive and mislead another
person. By trickery and guile, one individual or a group intend to cause others to be harmed,
discredited or misdirected in some way. Whether by information manipulation, or active
inducement, persistent cons and schemes take place many times every day. From
advertising to alleged “news reporting”, cowardly acts of dishonesty instigate all kinds of
fakery. Rather than bold straightforward honest interactions, spineless performances of
pretentious “transparencies” conceal a more sinister reality. In every organization, the
majority will play the games of one-upmanship to selfish advantage.

With few personal examples of exceptional maturity and transforming differentiation,

the majority within any human framework can be counted on to do juvenile and self-
serving actions. Not on every occasions, but periodically stupid things will be committed
for selfish reasons. As such, a framework is the organizational configuration in which
people attempt to function, some successfully and others not so much, from day to day.
Whether boardroom, classroom or playground, foolish behavioral antics will happen. The
“organization” used here is the social matrix of interaction for the groupings people select
in which to associate. Within these realms, a certain amount of collective conformity takes
place. From which, immaturity spans a spectrum that exhibits a variety of behaviors.
From various mindful dimensional aspects of thinking complexity, choices are made
with intentional effort directed toward satisfying personal gain. From a classical
criminology standpoint, everyone freely engages in a deliberate and premeditated effort to
maximize gain and minimize risk. Externalities such as the usual “suspects” used to excuse
anti-social behavior, like poverty, bad parenting, poor environments, socio-economic
disadvantage, too many guns, social media, etc., do not cause people to misbehave. People
decide by self-interest the means and manner of their communal dysfunction. In the
example often cited in the mainstream, many are quick to blame an “entity”.
These inanimate objects, processes or other non-human properties are easily called into
perspective as “causative agents” by which human actors are “forced” to do dastardly
deeds. Instantly, as though demon possessed by an unreal non-corporal entity, the pitiful
human losses control of his or her will and weird things happen. It is as though fantasy and
science fiction, along with every aspect of pseudoscience, becomes part of exaggerated
storytelling. Reality is overwhelmed by stupidity of fakes, frauds and fools.
For instance, the internet in particular is often reviled as a perpetrator. In this unique
realm of telecommunications, people become “radicalized”. Specifically, social media is
labeled as a chief “conspirator”. While explanation as to how this actually happens remain
nebulously questionable, the evidence to support such a claim is woefully deficient.
Nonetheless, it makes people feel good to have some explanation even if false. From the
standpoint of “magical thinking”, reinforced by the myriad fallacies of inference, people
do not suddenly end up “snapping” as a result of exposure to assorted or sordid information
found on the world wide web. Such a notion is foolishly immature.

Not only lacking in wiser spheres of realistic analysis, reinventing history at every
opportunity to fit the feelings of the moment, and faltering in critical thinking, social
interactivity degrades to purposefully shallow interactions. The superficiality of post-
modern “anti-thinking” is an expression of moral cowardice. Spineless weakness is the
fearful mantra of those too timid and unevolved to go what some have termed, the “hero’s
quest”. To go out into the world, and serve others in selfless capacity.
For instance, as in policing or firefighting, the military, public health services, or other
community forms of communal interactivity. For country absent a “public service”
requirement, the post-high school learning process fails to ensure the adventure of growing
up. Less than 3% of the population take advantage of such opportunities. Yet, growing
numbers of successive generations play out their limited perspectives, and diminishing
intellectual capacity, in the safe and secure fabrications of electronic mechanisms.
Why take risks and appreciate the value of pain, pleasure and the trials and tribulations
of dealing with real world experiences? Why be honest, straight forward, bluntly candid
and openly discerning, with a zealousness for wisdom in personal transformation? Instead,
two thirds of the population are overweight and noncreative. Fat, complacent and bloated,
overly consumptive in a burgeoning consumer culture, many default to the fakery of the
unreal and the deceptive. Stupidity is rewarded instead of chastised.
Fiction is more emotionally gratifying than facts, proof and evidence that adhere to the
rigors of scientific validation, based on a thorough investigation, and does not fit the
personal agenda. Meanwhile, the pseudosciences, including the philosophies of the big
three, criminology, sociology and psychology, and toss in the alliances with psychiatry,
perpetrate diverse mythic illusions. With pretenses to being scientific, such philosophical
endeavors have been successful in gaining widespread acceptance over a wide spectrum of
mainstream society. The collusions are illicit and detrimental.
In the perpetration of the fakery, particular schools of thought, or perhaps better stated
as philosophies, have gained what might be called a monopoly over the so-called “mental
health” field. To protect the earning potential for the lucrative prospects in this realm, the
complicity has successfully permeated every social institution throughout the U.S.
Satirically labeled, “PIMP”, the “pharmaceutical industrial medical psychological”
complex encourages easy acquiesce to simplistic notions of personal health.

To say conspiracy might be a stretch. Nonetheless, why not make the reference as an
apt descriptor of the purposeful and intentional collusions to control and dominate an entire
society. Where nearly an entire culture accepts a remedy for everything, a quick and
painless fix, using some type of drug for whatever reasons, a concern is raised as to the
long-term viability of society. Exceptionality always applies in certain narrow and
descriptive applications. Seemingly, endless commercialization of almost every aspect of
life, 24/7 infotainment advertising, and gluttonous consumerism abounds.
Regardless, by plots and schemes, intrigue of memes, social media, pretentious news
organizations and movie making industries, promote myriad fallacies of inferences that
become foundational “theologies” for the greedy to manipulate the stupid. In a devolving
diverse culture, so many options are rampant to blaspheme intellectual advancement and
healthy personal self-discipline, in favor of modern forms of magic and mysticism.
Whether “dis-ease” possession or demonically possessed, the illusions continue, as
mythologies assume respectability by sleight of hand trickery.
By way of research from a major “think tank”, working on behalf of the U.S.
government, a glimpse into the deteriorating aspects of faltering creativity suggests the
gloomy downturn of inventive artistic activities across the social spectrum. In furtherance
of the perspective in the referenced investigative study, diminishing innovation, or critical
thinking in purposed inventiveness, relates to authenticity of social advancement. To this
end, prevailing expert opinion concludes that imaginative self-evolution, based on facts
and reliable data are essential to the survival of the human species.
More so now than ever before, accordingly, “facts and data” devolved to mere
speculation and regurgitation of anecdotal superficiality. With notable exception in small
niches of science, the shallowness of contemporary opinion, notably in the pseudosciences,
perpetrates a pompous social discourse that overwhelms and ignores scientific validation.
Fiction stifles facts as specious conjecture goes unchallenged on many occasions.
Nonetheless, survivability of productive social interaction depends upon the veracity of
factual evidence to ensure reasonable discourse. Decisive action requires the quality of
relevant data to substantiate diverse actions. Critical policymaking decisions, for instance,
rely upon the objective validation of factual representations. Inaccurate, unfounded and
doubtful information does not contribute to efficient and productive processes.

Throughout the spectrum of socio-political and economic intricacy, success or failure

in the real world depends upon complex processes. Of these interactions, reliability in the
trustworthiness of information, and the authenticity of the claimants are to prosocial
endeavors. Irrelevant and incompetent assertions and foolhardy actions do little to enhance
the advancement of the human species. It’s disheartening to say the least that planet earth,
given the current state of human habitation is barely a “type 0” civilization. According to
some physicists, such a notion does not infer a complimentary status.
When there is agreement upon the factuality of evidentiary materials, following
subjective yet mature well-reasoned analysis, even amidst controversy, confident decisions
can be made more effectively. In post-modern American society, it frequently appears that
counterproductive clashes offer more emotional reactivity, less sufficiency of proof, than
well-found evidence driven discussion. Among some educators, there is the belief that a
“dumbing down” has occurred in contemporary educational institutions.
Others would offer an explanation that explores the realm of I.Q. sustainability in the
21st century. Questions arise as to whether or not the majority of population is becoming
increasingly less intelligent. To several researchers there is a growing body of data that
suggests human I.Q. potential is regressing, as well as concerns regarding the devolution
of humankind. As civil discourse degrades to a scheme of “tolerance for intolerance”, or
one person’s feelings are more important than another’s, the human species devolves
toward extinction. Most life forms on this planet have already done that.
Why would human beings be any different? Extinction has a way of rectifying
evolutionary dysfunction. Foolishness in the smug piety of self-importance, with the
arrogance of pleasurable ignorance, steeped in the sheep dip of immature superficiality,
many allow their seduction to the cowardly fallacies of inference nexus. Stupidity relishes
in the façade of disingenuous musings of emotional sensitivity. In one of several British
studies appearing in a major business magazine, the assertion made as to how easy it is to
deceive most people, since many quickly acquiesce to the path of least resistance.
As such, in the absence of self-willed, intentional and reasoned investigative analysis,
the illusion becomes a rush toward the simplistic answer. Such effortless seduction become
that which is the best choice over more complex solutions. Cognitive bias in the persistence
to safeguard subjective validation assures a world of fakes, frauds and fools.







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