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‘Schedule 5. Personal Banking and Other Financial Transactions Purpose “Toprovide Statsts Canada wth dete informs on rst to pertnel bank an Meanci transact wsns2in trative povients data The wfoemtion provided willbe usd to sapplrat products sucha the Survey of Hous*hol Spendnw ond ‘Tourem Survey, prove neomemessus, and develop an admin ste zayments ets Statutory Sttses At Reve Stats of Canada 1965, 518 ‘Application ‘Te reportapples tol faunal nsttutonsreordg nareel trasaons t Publication ‘Thi eprt wl cemsinntal or adnate dats ses on Frequency Survey Felds110.11 Folds 121024 General Instructions “The purpre ofthe schedule sto obraninfrmation onthe banking ae ran rasacons of vale houschols chalets bersnal tank scour Thsineraton wlbe wed‘ rupBemantxstingsuney and adesnszstve daa aecdby Satis Canada ‘iy transaction reared n personal accurate to bereportedin hs tum. ALalater dtewe may wih to eploreostonstor ‘alectng banking ond francal onsen or malt bulnss accours. Field 1: Individual Statistical Number “Aumique umber provided vy Staite Canada todentfy nda, Th enter wi ink anographc infomation wih the inci nation tnraetoe. This provides further anonyty of 2: cour hol infomation. Field 2: Transaction Date ‘ho tme when the wansacton fest oceured and was ayreed upon (Le posted date). This not tobe mitalen fr the stement at the time when the transaction exchanges mores forthe asred upon gods and sree. nthe case fee cards, they ‘ypialy hve two dates posted ad sete. Adina, electronic bl payments and anslers done dung non busines hore have eg tine In such cases, pert he date the wanradion was agreed use, ypc the eater dt. amples sty company bl payments that ae mide ona Saturday the sccunt statement a pa on Monday. Report the saturday date + Whang from an nvestment account (RSP) on Friday after 4COPM ater market dosing] proceed and deposed Int he ceguing account on Tues at 209M, Report the Fda dat A peer-to-peer electronic money transfer issent on Monday and sna accepted by the ecient un Fay. Repor the Monday date. Field 3: Payee Name The commonly wed description af the busines. This coud be she the sal mame or operating name. nay lancvag, brevated of others. In eases of personal anaes, wil be he est andlot name ofthe india who eng he ‘Tanslred monies. Incite: Business names thre are several then he mastcommenly use) + Fllname ofthe recvingparty whe hes he account Pacts where appicable (sucha lawyer fms and heath pacitones) ~ _Forcash withdrawals indate IN CASH asthe payee name, wth he desrpon fed ndcatng which nant ston ‘une the ATM Fer traafersindeate the ame the receiving party asthe payee nme For eturs report the payee name asthe party that's reing othe dul who owns the account amples: = BUSINESS NAME cy #1234 2 AEGALNAME COUNTRY RL EXAMPLES PRACTISE LP Field 4 Payee Address “This isthe adress where the transaction tok pace, Fora physel tre, report cation Foran online purchase fom abuses, report the website addres i phys eeton canbe dered, che sade as wet For personal transfer, report the leation ofthe nd ranstertgthe menlest the ecelvnindvidt's acount when vate. For annterationl personal ansfr report the location with the retest precson pose country, nd aval, hy pt ‘ode, stretcvenumbe, cuss Domes phyla eres = termationa/oregn pysaloation adresses oot wabaeaddesee Domestic pteonal creses ech = Po.bowes however, neue postal codes and ety names where avaible) Field 5: Description ‘Wis isthe deseptlon of the wansction as cptured by the ancl sttuton. Report the fullunchanead il Field 6: Debi Value ‘The smount hits removed rom the india acount for agen rauacton denoted ts abscite number hee debitthat woul Rave boen neve ar conaceeda cred tothe account). Tvl imtoo of Cardin dolsuessatere ‘pecs (08 Fld 3). exes + Negative values, which wl appear a2 Cre Vale, lt 7 Feld 7: Creat Value suddettot sn stcbe nae fchere debts fete count appear in fald 6), Tis alu isin Canad dls uns there specie Ge Fl 13. exces + Nestve ales which wil appear a ie Vale, Fe Feld 8: Transaction Code Astandaread he pt code used to dently the paymentsinratrucure oe tansacion.Thesecodesarepublly avl:ble from te Paymens Canada webste. Note that thee codes ae nl used ncaes af setlemer: between ferent pares the transaction has no Wansation code etal assed report the doves ecialentansition ale fom the ue Canoe ‘stance sicaton andar 7 (earend octet psf. ses fel es 2Ape8 anda O07 pe whenever peste, Field 9: Account Type ‘he sccountsintended use and main eerpton. Standard acronyms of acount ae step or reporang Incas: = crete = Uneofereae toc) = Home equty be feed (48100) Loans (dant ans carlos, ete) + Montages Savingsandchequing accounts + Tact savings cous TFS) Ivestman's ASP, ESPs, rectinvesing, et) Fleld 10: Spending and Other Withdrawal Category, Debit ‘Thisrees tothe spending catagories sed by naaiarttans toca prune expenses, Theseareoton unis each bank hou be smiar oss imstauton. Tabs providdwheneverawiabe Catered, but are not md ATM and cach wiherawals + iningout 2 Emertinment + Shopping

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