Bates V Post Office: Opening Submissions - Bates and Others

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Claim No. HQ16X01238, HQ17X02637 & HQ17X04248



Before The Hon. Mr Justice Fraser
B E T W E E N:-


– and –





Abbreviations & terminology

The following abbreviations are used:-

Lead Claimants, where abbreviated, are “LCs” and are individually referred to by surname

Generic pleadings: Particulars of Claim “GPOC”; Defence “GDef”; Reply “GReply”

Individual pleadings: Particulars of Claim “IPOC”; Defences “IDef”; Replies “IReply”

References to Subpostmasters include all operators

References to Subpostmaster contracts are to the SPMC and NTC


References are generally as follows:-

Electronic trial bundle: in square brackets, in the format [Bundle/Tab/Page]

Witness statements: Surname, §para, e.g. Bates, §5

Individual pleadings: Surname/Pleading/ Paragraph number e.g. Bates/IPOC at §14

Suggested Pre-Reading and a table of Contents are set out below.

Internal references within this document are generally provided with an embedded hyperlink;
and headings and sub-headings are all viewable in the navigation pane.

Annexes amplify certain issues; their internal page numbers are prefaced with an ‘A’.


Suggested Pre-Reading

The Claimants respectfully invite the Court to read the following (time estimate 2 days):

(1) Claimants’ Written Opening (and Annexes, as the Court may wish) [A/1]

(2) Defendant’s Written Opening [A/2]

(3) Generic Pleadings:

Amended Generic Particulars of Claim [B3/1]

Generic Defence [B3/2]

Generic Reply [B3/3]

(4) Individual Pleadings (for some or all six Lead Claimants):

Individual Particulars of Claim [B5.1/2] [B5.2/2] etc

Individual Defences [B5.1/3] [B5.2/3] etc

Individual Replies [B5.1/4] [B5.2/4] etc

(5) Claimant’s witness statements (in chronological order):

Alan Bates [C1/1]

Pamela Stubbs [C1/2]

Mohammad Sabir [C1/3]

Naushad Abdulla [C1/4]

Elizabeth Stockdale [C1/6]

Louise Dar [C1/5]

(6) Defendant’s witness statements: [C2/1] - [C2/14]

(7) Contract Documents:

Standard SPMC 1994 and 2006 versions [D2.1/3] and [D2.1/6]

NTC (Preface and Conditions) [D1.6/4/3-34] and [D1.6/3/1]



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................1

Preliminary Observations ............................................................................................................. 1

Relational Contract & Implied Terms ......................................................................................... 2
Utility of the Common Issues Trial.............................................................................................. 3
Sequencing of Issues ...................................................................................................................... 4
Interdependence of Issues............................................................................................................. 7
Statements of Case ......................................................................................................................... 8
Contracts ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Witness Evidence ......................................................................................................................... 17

SECTION A: FACTS..........................................................................................................................19

Experience Prior to Contracting ................................................................................................. 19

Appointment Process Overview ................................................................................................ 21
Commitment to and Investment in the Relationship .............................................................. 27
Security of the Position ................................................................................................................ 29
Features of the Relationship ....................................................................................................... 31
Assistants ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Training Subpostmasters ............................................................................................................ 33
Support and the Helpline............................................................................................................ 36
Apparent Shortfalls and Horizon .............................................................................................. 37

SECTION B: COMMON ISSUES .....................................................................................................39

Issue 1: Relational Contract ....................................................................................................... 39

Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms ................................................................................................... 55
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ..................................................................... 83
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms .......................................................................... 89
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms.................................................................................................. 97
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses ........................................................................... 107
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent.................................................................................... 123
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents ......................................................................... 131
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc ....................................................................... 141
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants ..................................................................................................... 161

SECTION C: CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................165


Annex I: Contractual Construction ...................................................................................................1

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract ............................................................................................7

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms .....................................................................................23

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act ...............................................................33

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms .............................................................37

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms ....................................................................................45

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent......................................................................55

Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents ..........................................................63

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement .................................................................................67

Annex X: Issues 22 and 23 – Assistants ..........................................................................................71

– ii –
Preliminary Observations


Preliminary Observations

1. The Common Issues Trial will determine important aspects of the legal relationship

between Post Office and Subpostmasters, which are central to these proceedings.

2. The Claimant regards Liability for Shortfalls and the Relational Contract issues as central

to the resolution of this Group Litigation (amplified briefly below). That said, the

Claimants would respectfully make the following preliminary observations:

(1) Express Terms: It remains difficult to identify the universe of express terms

in the various documents governing the relationship between the parties as at

any particular date, or to do so with confidence and precision.

(2) Subpostmaster Contracts: Nonetheless, the SPMC and the NTC are the

primary sources of the parties’ respective contractual obligations. Their

provisions fall to be construed in the context of the contract as a whole,

including all contractually binding obligations incorporated therein.

(3) Construction of Express Terms: Issues as to the proper construction of the

express terms of the contracts broadly fall into two categories: (a) Liability for

Alleged Losses; and (b) Suspension, Termination, Compensation for Loss of

Office and Subsequent Appointments.

(4) Need for Implied Terms Agreed: Despite the volume of documents actually

or potentially having contractual effect (see: Contracts, on p.10), both parties

agree that the express terms did not fully describe the agreement between the

parties, such that it was necessary to imply additional terms into the contracts.

The usual battle over whether any term(s) are to be implied at all is not in play

in this case. The parties agree that it is necessary to imply terms. However,

they disagree as to the terms to be implied.

(5) Real Target: For the Claimants, the real target of their case on the Common
Issues is the Defendant’s extreme and/or opaque case as to the legal
relationship between the parties – which gives rise to the Common Issues.

Relational Contract & Implied Terms

Relational Contract & Implied Terms

3. As noted above, one of the most important aspects of the legal relationship is whether or

not Post Office was subject to certain duties by reason of the Subpostmaster contracts

being relational contracts (as understood in Yam Seng, below): namely, duties of good

faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence. The Relational

Contract issue is dealt with below under Issue 1: Relational Contract, on p.39; and

amplified in Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract.

4. Not only will this issue have an important, if not central, bearing on the outcome of these

proceedings, but its determination may overlap with (or obviate any distinct need for) a

number of the free-standing implied terms (or incidents of those terms) contended for by

the Claimants (Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms, on p.55).

5. To be clear, the Claimants do not contend for the implication of terms which seek to exact

a higher degree of cooperation than that which could be defined by reference to the

necessities of the contract. On the contrary, they contend for the implication of terms

which reflect standards of conduct (e.g. the degree of cooperation) inherent in and

necessary to the parties’ respective obligations, and/or necessary to the commercial or

practical coherence of the contracts (Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms). But it is salient

background to note that the implication of the terms in Yam Seng v International Trade

Corp [2013] EWHC 111 (QB) [2013] 1 All ER (Comm) 1321 (“Yam Seng”) imported, by way

of the terms implied, shared values and norms of behaviour, in the light of a considered

analysis of the nature of the agreement itself – findings as to which are matters of mixed

fact and law for this Court to determine.

6. The evidential picture which emerges from the witness statements of the Lead Claimants

(as to their expectations) at least subjectively supports the implication of duties of good

faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence. It remains to be

seen how far the Defendant’s evidence will go to establish that the Defendant did not

share such expectations, including as to honesty and fair dealing.

7. For reasons developed below, the Claimants will submit that these are obviously

relational contracts, into which the duties are, in any event, to be implied in this case.

Utility of the Common Issues Trial

Utility of the Common Issues Trial

8. There is an important difference of approach between the parties, of which the Court

should be aware from the outset, as to the clarity of the outcome to be achieved by the

Common Issues Trial. Put shortly, the Claimants seek greater clarity; the Defendant

disputes that that can be achieved. In particular, the Defendant has refused, thus far, to

be drawn as to the import and effect of the two implied terms which it admits.

9. It ought to be uncontroversial that the purpose of the Common Issues Trial is to determine

important aspects of the legal relationship between Post Office and Subpostmasters, and

thereby to clarify those issues for the purposes of resolving this Group Litigation. The

Court has emphasised to the parties the need to make progress in resolving the litigation.

The Defendant can be in no doubt about that.

10. Despite this, and being pressed upon the issue for over a year, the Defendant has

staunchly refused to be drawn into providing any clarity as to the incidents of the implied

terms which it admits and to what extent the Defendant’s admissions resolve, or at least

narrow, disputes under Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms. The Defendant takes this position

notwithstanding the agreed words in brackets, having been included in Issue 2 “or

incidents of such implied terms”.

11. As explained in more detail below (under Uncertainty as to implied terms (or incidents)

admitted, on p.65), the Defendant has stated that this is a matter to address in submissions

and has declined to explain the impact of its admitted terms.

12. In short therefore, the Claimants do not yet know the case which the Defendant will

advance, even as to the incidents of the admitted implied terms. The Defendant’s

approach would have the effect, even if not the aim, of undermining the utility of the

Common Issues Trial, by seeking to inhibit the Court from clarifying the legal relationship

between the parties which is the very object of the Common Issues Trial.

13. It would certainly assist the resolution of the Common Issues if the Defendant were to

clarify its position as to the effect of its admitted implied terms and which of the Claimants

implied terms conflict with which express provisions of the contracts.

Sequencing of Issues

Sequencing of Issues

14. Although the Relational Contract issue plainly looms large, it is not the first issue for

ultimate resolution. The order in which the Court seeks to resolve the issues is important,

as the well-known authorities make clear: although the proper construction of a contract

involves an iterative process, it is clear that express terms must be identified and

construed before the Court considers the characterisation of the contract and the

implication of any terms and the existence (see: Annex I: Contractual Construction, on


15. The existence, nature, scope and effect of any agency relationship fall to be determined in

the light of any contractual provisions and the conduct of the parties.

16. So, although contractual construction is plainly an iterative process, the Claimants

respectfully submit that the correct order in which the Court should ultimately determine

the issues, at least broadly, is as follows:-

(1) Identification of Express Terms: Identify express terms which may form

part of the contract (as varied over time), including:

(a) terms contained in documents signed by the Subpostmasters;

(b) terms contained in other documents to which those signed documents

expressly refer by name (e.g. “the Operations Manual”);

(c) terms contained in documents falling within categories of documents in

(a) or (b);

(d) individual variations with particular Subpostmasters (e.g. requiring

Subpostmasters to agree not to dispute, and to pay immediately, any

subsequent apparent shortfalls, as a condition of not immediately paying

an existing disputed alleged shortfall).

(2) Construction of Express Terms: Identify the true construction, scope and

effect of the express terms, relevant to the Common Issues (possibly in the

following order):

Sequencing of Issues

(a) the terms providing for liability for alleged losses i.e. Section 12 Clause

12 for the SPMC and paragraph 4.1 of the NTC (Issues 8 and 9:

Liability for Alleged Losses);

(b) the terms identified in Issue 5 (rules, instructions and standards; classes

of business – see p.89); accounts and liability for loss; assistants;

suspension (Issue 14 – see p.142); termination (see also Issues 15 to 18 –

see p.142 to 148); no compensation for loss of office (see also Issues 19

and 20 – see p.153);

(c) the terms relating to appointing prospective purchasers of a

Subpostmaster’s business, in order to discern what if any restrictions

there were on the Defendant’s discretion in that regard (Issue 21 – see


(d) the terms in Issue 22 (p.161), to determine whether they purport to

confer a benefit on Assistants for the purposes of section 1 of the

Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act;

(e) the terms relating to the responsibility of Subpostmasters to train

Assistants (Issue 23 – see p.161)

(3) Implied Terms:

(a) Relational Contract (Issue 1: Relational Contract);

(b) Implied Terms as to the following (Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms – the

terms being enumerated below at paragraph 150, on p. 56):

(i) Training and Support1 (1)

(ii) Horizon and recording transactions2 (2)

(iii) Investigations and shortfalls3 (3) to (12)

(iv) Exercising of powers and discretions4 (13) to (17)

1 GPOC at §64.1 [B3/1/35]

2 GPOC at §64.1A to 64.2 [B3/1/35]
3 GPOC at §64.3 to 64.11 [B3/1/36]
4 GPOC at §64.12 to 64.18 [B3/1/37]

Sequencing of Issues

(v) Reasonable care5 (18)

(c) Whether the Defendant supplied Horizon, the Helpline and / or

training / materials as services in the course of its business, such that there

was an implied term requiring the Defendant to carry out any such

services with reasonable care and skill, pursuant to section 13 of the

Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (Common Issue 4).

(4) Onerous or Unusual Terms: Whether any such terms were onerous or

unusual; and if so what steps would be required to draw them to the attention

of Subpostmasters (Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms, on p.89).

(5) UCTA: Whether any or all of the terms identified in Issue 5 are unenforceable

under the 1977 Act (Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms).

(6) Agency: The agency of the Defendant and Subpostmasters respectively:

(a) The Defendant as agent: Whether the Defendant was the agent of

Subpostmasters as alleged and if so, what obligations followed (Issues

10 and 11: Post office as Agent)?

(b) Subpostmasters as agents: What was the extent and effect of the agency

of Subpostmasters to the Defendant and did Subpostmasters bear the

burden of proving accounts to be incorrect (Issues 12 and 13:

Subpostmasters as Agents)?

5 GPOC at §64.19 [B3/1/38]

Interdependence of Issues

Interdependence of Issues

17. As noted in the Preliminary Observations above, the real target of the Claimants case on

the Common Issues is the extreme construction of the legal relationship between the

parties, for which the Defendant contends, one thread of which is highlighted at

paragraph 52 of the GReply (as to liability for alleged shortfalls).

18. Success on one issue may diminish the significance or soften the arguments on another.

The construction of express terms may well inform the need for and content of implied


19. For example, the burden of proof in establishing liability for shortfalls (Issues 8 and 9:

Liability for Alleged Losses) is likely to inform the implication of related terms or their


20. Equally, the construction of express terms (such as those governing liability for shortfalls)

together with any implied terms, will be essential to the Court’s assessment of whether

those express terms were onerous (Issues 5 and 6) or unfair under the Unfair Contract

Terms Act 1977 (Issue 7).

21. Therefore, the scope and effect of any implied terms must be determined with clarity,

before the Court considers Issues 5 to 7. That is one of the reasons why the Claimants

have, as mentioned above, sought to clarify the reality of the Defendant’s concessions in

admitting the implication of the Stirling v Maitland Term6 and the Necessary Cooperation

Term.7 Unfortunately, the clarity sought has not been forthcoming and the Defendant has

refused to explain the content of its admitted terms (see below, at p.63).

22. It is for this reason that the Claimants have characterised many of the Common Issues as

interdependent and have commended to the Court the sequencing of determining the

issues above.

6 GDef at §105(1) [B3/2/47]

7 GDef at §105(2) [B3/2/47]

Statements of Case

Statements of Case

23. The Court is very familiar with the generic pleadings in this case. The Claimants confine

their observations to the following particular points, as to how they broadly relate to the

individual pleadings.

Generic Statements of Case

24. The Generic statements of case were prepared on all issues (i.e. not specific to the

Common Issues Trial). The GPOC encompass allegations common to each of the

Claimants (or groups of them) and provide the foundation for core parts of the IPOCs

subsequently served by the LCs for the Common Issues Trial, in particular: Section B

Contract Terms – Subpostmasters; and Section E – Agency.

Individual Statements of Case

25. Individual statements of case for each party, in turn, are pleaded in the light of those

generic pleadings and indeed refer back to and highlight particular aspects of the

respective generic cases. The IPOCs have adopted a common structure in so far as could

be accommodated by the facts of each particular case:-

25.1. Section A primarily contains the individual facts (grouped, where possible,

under headings common to other Lead Claimants); and

25.2. Section B, which addresses the common issues (these are to a large extent set

out under headings common to the Lead Claimants, albeit following the

course of the individual facts pleaded in Section A).

26. This division between Section A (Facts) and Section B (Common Issues) is therefore

reflected in this Written Opening (see: SECTION A: FACT, on p.19; and SECTION B:

COMMON ISSUES, on p.39, below). The Lead Claimants have provided more detail in

relation to the Common Issues in the Annexes, in case this is of assistance.

Statements of Case

27. Significant features of the Defendant’s case include:

27.1. a lack of clarity and definition to the express terms applicable between the

parties from time to time, or even a reasonably complete overview of how

these changed over time;

27.2. the Defendant not nailing its colours to the mast as to the contractual

significance of documents provided (or said to have been provided) to

Subpostmasters generally or even the Lead Claimants individually;

27.3. a high level of generality, in terms of what events took place or more usually

“would have” taken place, when, why and how;

27.4. opacity as to the import of the implied terms which the Defendant has

admitted and, in particular, the extent to which any of the terms contended

for by the Claimants are incidents of those terms (despite the wording of Issue

2, as agreed between the parties and ordered by the Court); and

27.5. assertions in the IDefs which are expressly stated to be confined to issues of

liability or breach.8

8 See, for example, Bates/IDef at §44 to 49 [B5.1/3/22-26]




28. The Defendant contracted with the LCs on two main types of standard form contracts: the

SPMC (Bates, Stubbs, Sabir, Abdulla) and the NTC (Stockdale, Dar).

28.1. The SPMC is a set of standard contract terms, of which there are a number of

different versions, including the Standard SPMC and the Modified SPMC (the

Defendant describes the main difference between these versions as being in

respect of remuneration structure).9 The Defendant amended these contracts

in such a way that later versions were produced with a list of variations at the

front of the 1994 version (i.e. the variations were not actually made in the body

of the 1994 contract itself). The versions of the SPMC relevant to Bates and

Stubbs are the 1994 Standard SPMC [D2.1/3] (which was Appendix A to the

GPOC); for Sabir the 2006 Standard SPMC [D2.1/6] and for Abdulla the

2006 Modified SPMC [D2.1/4].

28.2. The Defendant’s NTC standard terms also had minor variations (for offsite or

onsite variants). Stockdale and Dar contracted on these terms, by an

Agreement which was in the form of a Preface with Appendices, incorporating

standard NTC terms. For Stockdale see [D1.6/4/1] and [D1.6/3/3-34] and Dar

at [D1.5/2].

29. Those are the two types of contract to be construed at the Common Issues Trial.

30. By way of background, there are other forms of contract before the Court, including the

Temporary SPMC and a Franchise Agreement (Appendices B and D to the GPOC); but

none of the LCs contracted on that basis, and the Court is not being invited to make

findings on the Common Issues in respect of any Claimants who contracted on that basis.

9 Beal , §22 [C2/2/4]

– 10 –

Other Contractual Documents

31. As foreshadowed above, the Claimants have found it difficult to identify the universe of

express terms in the various documents said to govern the legal relationship between the

parties, or how that changed over time – or at least to do so with confidence and precision.

32. There are a wide range of documents which the Defendant sought to incorporate by

reference or otherwise require LCs to agree or abide by. These differ by LC, but certainly


32.1. Conditions of Appointment, required by the Defendant at or following

interview (Sabir and Abdulla).10

32.2. Acknowledgement of Appointment, signed on branch transfer / opening day

(all LCs except Stubbs, and for Sabir, not the Crossflatts branch ).11

32.3. Manuals, instructions and other documents, which Post Office sought to

incorporate by reference, by the SPMC,12 NTC,13 and/or Acknowledgement of


10 Sabir [D1.3/1/1] and [D1.3/3/1], Abdulla [D1.4/1/1]

11 Bates [D1.1/2/1]; Sabir [D1.3/4/1]; Abdulla[D1.3/3/1]; Dar [D1.5/3/1]; Stockdale [D1.6/5/1]
12 See GPOC at §51.1 for all relevant SPMC terms, which include Section 1, paragraph 18: "Changes
in conditions of service and operational instructions, including those which are agreed with the National
Federation of Sub-Postmasters, will appear from time to time in Counter News or by amendment to the
Contract. Such changes and instructions are deemed to form part of the Subpostmaster's contract." And
Section 1, paragraph 19: "All instructions received from the Regional General Manager should be carried
out as promptly as possible."
13 See GPOC at §51.1 for all relevant NTC terms which include Part 1, paragraph 1.1 "The Operator
agrees to operate the Branch on behalf of [the Defendant] in accordance with the express terms of
the Agreement (including for the avoidance of doubt the Manual)", and the definition of Manual
at Part 5 paragraph 1.1 as follows: “The following list includes the manuals, guidelines and instructions
which currently come under the definition of "Manual": - Local Post Office Operations Manual - Horizon
online administration and equipment operations manual - National lottery operations manual (where branch
offers this product) - Ordering stock and operations manual (where branch offers this product) - Post Office
outreach services operations manual (where applicable) - Post Office paystation operations manual - Security
operations manual - Horizon system user guide (online) - Horizon online help (online) - Branch Focus - Post
Office branch standards - Post Office Ltd's Accessibility Guide - Branch Conformance Standards - Post
Office cash and secure stock remittance services manual (online) - FOS project operations manual - FOS
project training workbook (x2) - Mailwork specification (where applicable) - Any other instructions to
operators or updates to such instructions issued by [the Defendant] from time to time".

– 11 –

32.4. Variations (below) including, for example, requiring agreement to pay all

alleged shortfalls immediately, going forward, as a condition of paying an

existing alleged shortfall back by instalments (para. 36.2, below).

Date of Contractual Construction – Variations


33. The contracts for each of the LCs fall to be construed on the date each of them accepted

their appointment, usually by signing contractual documents prior to branch transfer

and/or on the date of branch transfer (or, as may be relevant, at the date of any variation).

For each of the LCs the dates on which they appear to have contracted are:

33.1. Bates: 31 March 1998 (signed three page Conditions of Appointment

document;15 and 8 May 1998 (signed Acknowledgement of Appointment, day

after branch transfer);16

33.2. Stubbs: 4 August 1999 (the date she agreed to take on the role of


33.3. Sabir: Cottingley branch: 19 July 2006 (signed Conditions of

Appointment);18 and 8 September 2006 (signed Acknowledgement of


Crossflatts branch: 19 August 2006 (signed Conditions of


14 E.g. for Abdulla [D1.4/3/1], “I accept The Appointment as Subpostmaster at CHARLTON and agree to
be bound by the terms of my contract, and by the rules contained in the book of rules and the instructions
contained in those postal instructions issued to me.” D’s case is expressed without limitation, that these
phrases “were obviously intended to mean (and must have been understood by the Claimant to mean) the
rules and instructions issued by Post Office to the Claimant from time to time, including those contained in
the Operations Manual” (Abdulla/IDef at §25(1) [B5.4/3/10]).
15 Bates/IPOC at §15 [B5.1/2/5]
16 Bates/IPOC at §17 [B5.1/2/5]
17 Stubbs/IPOC at §5, 88 [B5.2/2/2] and [B5.2/2/19]
18 Sabir/IPOC at §12, [B5.3/2/4]
19 Sabir/IPOC at §16, [B5.3/2/5]
20 Sabir/IPOC at §12, [B5.3/2/4]

– 12 –

33.4. Abdulla: 11 December 2006 (signed Conditions of Appointment);21

and 24 January 2007 (signed Acknowledgement of Appointment);22

33.5. Stockdale: 17 February 2014 (signed Agreement);23 and 8 May 2014 (signed

Acknowledgement of Appointment);24

33.6. Dar: 2 July 2014 (signed Agreement);25 and 19 November 2014 (signed

Acknowledgement of Appointment).26

Variation - Introduction of Horizon

34. For Bates and Stubbs, their contracts also fall to be construed on the date Horizon was

introduced during their appointment, as this marked a fundamental change to how they

were required to work, away from the situation that prevailed at the date they had

originally contracted with the Defendant.27 It was therefore a material variation. The

relevant dates are:

34.1. Bates: in or around October 2000;28

34.2. Stubbs: mid 2000.29

Variation – Assistants

35. It is the Defendant’s evidence that variations were applied to the Subpostmaster Contract,

including in July 2006, in respect of training assistants.30 Stubbs (appointment 1999 – 2010)

was unaware of this alleged variation, but on the Defendant’s case, her contract would

again fall to be construed as at July 2006 when the Defendant contends the variation was


21 Abdulla/IPOC at §12, [B5.4/2/4]

22 Abdulla/IPOC at §15, [B5.4/2/5]
23 Stockdale/IPOC at §13 [B5.6/2/4]
24 Stockdale/IPOC at §17 [B5.6/2/5]
25 Dar/IPOC at §16 [B5.5/2/5]
26 Dar/IPOC at §20 [B5.5/2/6]
27 GPOC at §14 [B3/1/5], Bates/IPOC at §85 [B5.1/2/24] and Stubbs/IPOC at §88 [B5.2/2/19]
28 Bates/IPOC at §40 [B5.1/2/12], Bates §102 [C1/1/23]
29 Stubbs/IPOC at §16[B5.2/2/5], Stubbs §38-42 [C1/2/9-10]
30 Beal, §38.9 [C2/2/8]

– 13 –

Variation - New Conditions

36. For Dar and Stockdale, their contracts also fall to be construed on the date that the

Defendant imposed new / further conditions upon them, as follows:

36.1. Dar: letter dated 28 August 2015 following a period of suspension;31

36.2. Stockdale: email dated 5 November 2015, after deductions taken from her


Liability for Loss

37. An important issue before the Court is the interpretation of the clauses in the contracts

which govern liability for loss, particularly as to the burden of proof and the scope and

basis of such liability.

38. In the SPMC the relevant term is Section 12 Clause 12:

"The Subpostmaster is responsible for all losses caused through his own negligence, carelessness

or error, and also for losses of all kinds caused by his Assistants. Deficiencies due to such losses

must be made good without delay."

39. The short point is that the literal words of this provision confine the Defendant’s ability

to hold a Subpostmaster responsible for losses to those which were “caused through his own

negligence, carelessness or error”. That is plainly a matter for the Defendant to establish, if

and when it is queried or disputed by the Subpostmaster. Furthermore, as to liability for

Assistants, on a true construction of this provision, a Subpostmaster is liable “also for

[such] losses of all kinds caused by his Assistants” that is to say, any such

losses caused by Assistants, regardless of whether it is due to the negligence, carelessness

or error by the Assistant or by the Subpostmaster, since the Subpostmaster is effectively

vicariously responsible for what his or her Assistants do.

40. Any interpretation imposing wider liability for Assistants would defy commercial

common sense.

31 Dar/IPOC at §60.2 [B5.5/2/15]

32 Stockdale/IPOC at §49 [B5.6/2/11]

– 14 –

41. This is easy to demonstrate by the following example: If the Defendant accepts, as it

appears to, that Subpostmasters would not be liable if, for example, they were

personally at the terminal when it was afflicted by the (known) Payments Mismatch bug,

any wider liability for Assistants falls into sharp focus. Does the Defendant really contend

that if, perchance, it was an Assistant at the terminal when it was so afflicted, the

Subpostmaster would then be liable? Apparently so; this appears to be precisely the

case advanced by the Defendant, at paragraphs 94(2) of the Generic Defence,33 repeated in

the Individual Defences.34 It is demonstrably absurd and such a construction ought to be

rejected, if persisted in by the Defendant at trial.

42. In the NTC it is Part 2, paragraph 4.1:

"The Operator shall be fully liable for any loss of or damage to, any Post Office Cash and

Stock (however this occurs and whether it occurs as a result of any negligence by the

Operator, its Personnel or otherwise, or as a result of any breach of the Agreement by the

Operator) except for losses arising from the criminal act of a third party (other than

Personnel) which the Operator could not have prevented or mitigated by following [the

Defendant's] security procedures or by taking reasonable care. Any deficiencies in stocks

of Products and/or any resulting shortfall in the money payable to [the Defendant] must

be made good by the Operator without delay, so that, in the case of any shortfall, [the

Defendant] is paid the full amount when due in accordance with the Manual".

43. The Claimants contend that a natural reading of this provision really imposes liability in

similar terms to Section 12 Clause 12 of the SPMC and any ambiguity resolved against the

Defendant. Certainly, the phrase in the first parentheses appears to contemplate fault as

an ingredient of liability, when it is read as a whole.35

44. However, the Court is already aware that there is a central dispute between the parties as

to the burden of proof when a Subpostmaster queried or disputed an alleged shortfall

33 [B3/2/43]
34 e.g. Bates/IDef at §93(1) [B5.1/3/52]
35 Interpreted "ejusdem generis". For example, the words "or other inevitable accident" in a clause
making reference to "fire, flood, storm, tempest" means other accidents of a similar kind: see e.g.
Saner -v- Bilton (1878) 7 Ch D 815; Manchester Bonded Warehouse Co. -v- Carr (1880) 5 CPD.

– 15 –

- both as to establishing whether there is a real loss to the Defendant, and if so the cause

of the loss.36

45. It is said to be an important part of the Defendant’s positive case that “losses do not arise in

the ordinary course of things without fault or error on the part of Subpostmasters or their

Assistants”, and that “the truth of the matter lies peculiarly within the knowledge of

Subpostmasters” as the persons with responsibility for branch operations and the conduct

of transactions in branches.37

46. As the Court is now well aware, following the Defendant’s unsuccessful application to

strike out the Lead Claimants’ evidence to the contrary, those propositions are highly

controversial, to say the least.

47. The Defendant’s case is in direct opposition to the central premise of this litigation:

namely that was excessively difficult, if not impossible, for Subpostmasters to identify the

cause of alleged shortfalls, or even whether they represented a real loss at all.

48. The experience of the Lead Claimants does not support the Defendant’s case.

49. Furthermore, the Defendant’s own knowledge of such difficulties and its acceptance that

Horizon is not a perfect system (taken together with clear evidence of errors affecting

branch accounts and the agreed statement filed by the experts, for the Horizon trial) will

be important in considering those assertions upon which the Defendant’s pleaded case

relies and the proper construction of the contracts.

36 GPOC at §55 [B3/1/24]; GDef at §94 [B3/2/43]; GReply at §95 [B3/3/43] and Bates/IPOC at §98;
Stubbs/IPOC at §101.1; Sabir/IPOC at §77.1; Abdulla/IPOC at §75.1; Stockdale/IPOC at §89.1;
Dar/IPOC §90.1.
37 GDef at §93(1)(a) and (b), incorporated by GDef at §94(1) [B3/2/42-43]

– 16 –
Witness Evidence

Witness Evidence

Claimant’s Evidence – the six Lead Claimants

50. The Claimants’ witness evidence is provided by six Lead Claimants, who have each given

an account of how they came to be appointed by Post Office and evidence in respect of

the Common Issues, including as to the burden of proof, and in response to the

Defendant’s case.

51. The table below identifies the period of appointment and branch for each of the Lead

Claimants. The Claimants will call this evidence chronologically in order of start date.

Lead Claimant Period of Appointment Branch

1. Alan Bates 31 March 1998 to 5 November 2003 Craig y-Don

2. Pamela Stubbs 4 August 1999 to 8 June 2010 Barkham

3. Mohammad Sabir 9 September 2006 to 2 October 2009 Cottingley

12 October 2006 to 2 October 2009 Crossflatts

4. Naushad Abdulla 24 January 2008 to 8 May 2009 Charlton

5. Elizabeth Stockdale 8 May 2014 to 16 September 2016 Sandsacre

6. Louise Dar 19 November 2014 to 27 March 2017 Lenzie

Defendant’s Evidence – fourteen Witnesses

52. The Defendant has served witness statements for fourteen witnesses, many of which are

wholly or partly generic and unbounded in time. Angela Van Den Bogerd is the

Defendant’s main witness, who speaks to an overview of many of the matters in issue,

referring to colleagues who deal with particular points in more detail.

53. Some of the witnesses give evidence directed to the appointment of individual LCs, on

particular dates.

54. The Defendant intends to call those witnesses in the order identified in the table (below),

which identifies each witnesses’ role and the period covered by their evidence, as well as

whether the evidence is generic or relates to an individual Lead Claimant, or both.

– 17 –
Witness Evidence

PO witness Position Period covered Generic/LC

1. Nicholas Beal Head of Agents Unbounded Generic
Development and

2. Paul Williams Restrictions Advisor 1994 to 1999 Generic

for Post Office

3. Sarah Rimmer Agent Remuneration Unbounded Generic

& Expenses Manager

4. John Breeden Head of Agency Unbounded Generic


5. Angela Van Den People Services Unbounded Generic

Bogerd Director

6. Timothy Dance Retail Transformation Unbounded Generic

Integration Manager

7. Helen Dickinson Security Team Leader Unbounded Generic

8. Michael Shields Temporary Unbounded Generic


9. Elaine Ridge Network Contract November 2006 Abdulla


10. David Longbottom Training and Audit Unbounded Generic

Advisor Stockdale

11. Michael Webb Training and Audit September 2006 Sabir


12. Michael Haworth Network Engagement July 2006 Sabir


13. Andrew Carpenter Agents Contract February 2014 Stockdale


14. Brian Trotter Network Contract December 2013 Dar


– 18 –
Experience Prior to Contracting


Experience Prior to Contracting

55. The LCs had varied backgrounds prior to their appointment by the Defendant, covering

project management (Bates), medical sales (Abdulla) accountancy (Sabir), IT support

helpdesk (Dar), and retail admin work (Stockdale). With the exception of Stubbs (who

had been an assistant in the branch when it was operated by her former husband as

Subpostmaster), none of the LCs had worked in a Post Office branch prior to their first

day of opening following branch transfer.38

56. Most of the LCs also had very limited or no relevant IT experience (Bates and Dar are

notable exceptions).39

57. In making the switch from other careers, and/or or taking on the role of Subpostmaster, a

theme in the LC evidence is the extent to which the LCs had trust in the Defendant as an

established brand and a national institution:

“A key attraction to working with Post Office was that it would provide secure employment,

based on the fact that it provides a community service and has an established brand in the

community.” (Bates, §9)

“I believed that Post Office would support me during this difficult time of my husband’s death

and I placed a large amount of trust in them.” (Stubbs, §14)

“Post Office was a well-respected name in the community and I trusted that they would be a good

company to work with.” (Sabir, §9)

“I perceived Post Office to be a reliable, trustworthy, national institution – a contrast to the

pharmaceutical industry in terms of stability and the way it dealt with people.” (Abdulla, §9)

38 For completeness, Sabir was appointed in relation to two branches. He had technically been
working in the first branch (Cottingley) for a month prior to the branch transfer of the second
branch (Crossflatts).
39 Bates had experience commissioning and using Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems (Bates,
§7), and Dar had experience as an IT support helpdesk analyst, involved in testing and
programming the Hilton Hotels reservation system (Dar, §5).

– 19 –
Experience Prior to Contracting

“Running a Post Office, together with a retail business, sounded like a safe and secure option as

I would be backed by the help of a large, trusted institution.” (Stockdale, §13) “I was looking

forward to working with Post Office and I trusted Post Office as an organisation and that what

I was signing were standard terms that would be fair and reasonable.” (Stockdale,


“I thought Post Office was a big company with old fashioned values, which was at the centre of

the community. I expected Post Office to be a good company to work with, and that I would be

able to build a food future for my family. Post Office had a respectable reputation, and throughout

the appointment process, Post Office came across as approachable and supportive. I remember

they provided me with glossy brochures about how they would support and help me and that I

could build my future with them.” (Dar, §8) “In the interview preparation guide there was a

reference to a sense of pride, and a requirement to “Share with us why you want to be part of our

Post Office community, operating a Post Office branch” … which fitted with my expectations

about how it would be working with Post Office.” (Dar, §22)

58. This evidence is presumably uncontentious, the Defendant itself placing reliance on its

“trusted” brand and reputation as being “deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of many

local communities”.40

59. The Defendant’s pleaded description of its having contacted with individual

Subpostmasters on a “business to business basis” 41 is not a good fit for the evidence, and is

apt to minimise the extent to which Subpostmasters were reliant upon and trusted the

Defendant during this period and, as addressed further below, beyond.

60. One final point as to the differing prior experience of the Lead Claimants emerges from

considering their evidence as a whole. With their different backgrounds, skills and

experience, all six of them struggled with alleged shortfalls shown on Horizon. Although

their difficulties with Horizon and coping strategies differed, their evidence, considered

together, speaks with an eloquence beyond any one individual account.

40 Van Den Bogerd, §38 [C2/1/9]

41 GDef at §6(2): “Subpostmasters contracted with Post Office on a business to business basis”,
relied on by the Defendant as an “important aspect of the factual matrix”

– 20 –
Appointment Process Overview

Appointment Process Overview

Appointment of Lead Claimants

61. In broad overview, the appointment process for each of the LCs was as follows:

61.1. Bates:42 after initial enquiry, received 6 January 1998 letter, completed

application form and business plan and provided documents on 15 January

1998; attended interview; received 30 March 1998 letter confirming application

successful, enclosing two short conditions of appointment documents; signed

three page conditions of appointment on 31 March 1998; classroom training in

April 1998; branch transfer on 7 May 1998 and 5 days initial training/support,

signed Acknowledgement of Appointment and other documents on 8 May


61.2. Stubbs:43 Husband who was Subpostmaster died on 3 August 1999; Area

Manager visited on 4 August 1999; Stubbs (who had been assistant) agreed to

take over the branch, recalls signing a document relating to her appointment

around this date;

61.3. Sabir:44 For the Cottingley branch: registered interest, received 18 May 2006

letter, completed application form and business plan and provided documents

in May/June 2006; received 30 June 2006 invitation to interview enclosing

“brief summary” of Subpostmaster Contract terms, attended interview on 10

July 2006 when conditions of appointment re: branch improvements and

opening hours discussed, received letter dated 13 July 2006; signed Appendix

1 “conditions of appointment” document on 19 July 2006; classroom training

in August 2006; branch transfer on 8 September 1998 when signed

Acknowledgement of Appointment and other documents, followed by onsite

training/support. For the Crossflatts branch: registered interest, received 3

July 2006 letter, completed application and business plan

42 Bates/IPOC at §8-23, and Bates, §34-86 [C1/1/8-19]

43 Stubbs/IPOC at §8-23, and Stubbs, §12-37
44 Sabir/IPOC at §3-32, 35, and Sabir, §21-101

– 21 –
Appointment Process Overview

in July 2006; interview on 15 August 2006; received letter dated 16 August

2006; signed Appendix 1 “conditions of appointment” document on 19 August

2006; branch transfer on 11 October 2006 when signed Acknowledgement of

Appointment and other documents.

61.4. Abdulla:45 registered interest, received 6 September 2006 letter, completed

application form and business plan and provided documents in

September/October 2006; received 9 November 2006 invitation to interview

enclosing “brief summary” of Subpostmaster Contract terms, attended

interview on 22 November 2006 when conditions of appointment re: branch

improvements and lottery discussed, signed Appendix 1 “conditions of

appointment” document on 11 December 2006; classroom training in January

2007; branch transfer on 24 January 2007 when signed Acknowledgement of

Appointment and other documents, followed by onsite training/support.

61.5. Stockdale:46 registered interest, received 8 November 2013 email from

Defendant with guidance, information and forms; completed application form

and business plan and provided documents in November 2013, Defendant’s

scoping visit 27 November 2014 to determine required works; interview on 5

February 2014; received letter dated 14 February 2014, enclosing subject to

contract Agreement including works required prior to opening, signed

Agreement 17 February 2014; 25 March 2014 letter identifying works required;

fit out works arranged and completed; 3 days classroom training in April/May

2014; branch transfer 8 May 2014 8 when signed Acknowledgement of

Appointment and other documents, followed by one week onsite


61.6. Dar:47 visited by Defendant in retail premises in September 2012 and April

2013, registered interest (multiple times); received 9 August 2013 email from

Defendant with guidance, information and forms; completed application form

and business plan and provided documents in October/November

45 Abdulla/IPOC at §3-19, and Abdulla, §13-74 [B5.4/2/2-7] and [C1/3/4-14]

46 Stockdale/IPOC at §3-20, and Stockdale, §20-83 [B5.6/2/2-6] and [C1/6/4-17]
47 Dar/IPOC at §5-25, and Dar, §9-101 [B5.5/2/2-7] and [C1/5/3-19]

– 22 –
Appointment Process Overview

2013; interview on 9 December 2013; told unsuccessful and should reapply to

operate from existing premises; Defendant’s scoping visit 6 January 2014 to

determine required works; submitted revised business plans and applications,

attended meeting on 4 June 2014; received subject to contract Agreement

including works required prior to opening 18/19 June 2014, signed Agreement

2 July 2014; fit out works arranged and completed; 3 days classroom training

in November 2014; branch set up 17-18 and opening 19 November 2014 when

signed Acknowledgement of Appointment and other documents, followed by

6/7 days onsite training/support.

Appointment Themes

62. There are significant themes in the LC evidence about the appointment process.

62.1. Early commitment: Compliance with the Defendant’s requirements prior to

interview (including the completion of business plans, projections and

provision of documents e.g. loan offers) itself represented a commitment of

time, energy and money by LCs.

62.2. Increasing commitment: The LCs became increasingly committed to the

appointment – by paying deposits, taking out loans, purchasing freehold or

leasehold premises, goodwill and stock, and arranging and paying for works

prior to opening. (See further Investment by the Claimants, below).

62.3. Business Plans – long-term: The standard form business plans which the

Defendant required the LCs to complete reflected the long-term nature of the

commitment, by requiring LCs to give an account of their long-term plans /

projections for the branch.48

48 E.g. versions sent to Sabir and Abdulla required 1, 3 and 5 year objectives to be provided: Sabir,
§28 [C1/3/5-6]; Abdulla, §24 [C1/4/5]; Stockdale a 1 and 5 year forecast Stockdale, §31 [C1/6/6-7].
For business plans of Bates see [E1/2] and Dar see [E5/56] and [E5/84]

– 23 –
Appointment Process Overview

62.4. Business Plans – no provision for losses: None of the LCs made any

provision for losses in their projections49 - albeit it appears the Defendant in

its own calculations did.50

62.5. Interview: The main focus of the interview was generally a discussion about

the LCs’ business plan, employment history and any conditions of contract

required by the Defendant e.g. about works to be done and opening hours (in

contrast to a discussion of the terms of the SPMC).51

62.6. Personal Service: Some LCs were told, or records indicate, that personal

service was a requirement of the appointment.52

62.7. Missing documentation: Contractual documents were either not sent at all,

or not available to LCs until on or after branch transfer. E.g. Bates did not

receive a full copy of the 114 page SPMC until over a year after his

appointment; Stubbs didn’t receive a copy of the SPMC (she later received an

extract from the CAB), nor did she have a copy of the Operations Manual; and

Sabir didn’t see the Operations Manual until after branch transfer day.53

62.8. Unclear documentation: Contractual documents provided were not

explained or understood, or were understood differently to how the

Defendant contends they were intended. E.g. Bates understood the reference

to “my contract” in his Acknowledgement of Appointment to refer to the 2

and 3 page documents he had been sent, not the 114 page SPMC he had not

seen; Sabir understood the document headed “conditions of appointment”

which he was required to sign related to the Post Office requirements to

repaint the exterior of the branch and opening hours (which had been

advertised and referred to using that phrase), and LCs did not

49 Bates §42-43 [C1/1/10]; Sabir §29-30,79 [C1/3/6] [C1/3/14]; Abdulla, §30 [C1/4/6]; Stockdale, §33
50 Sabir, §38 [C1/3/7]; Abdulla, §30 [C1/4/6-7]
51 Bates, §48-51; Sabir, §42-45; Abdulla, §37-45; Stockdale, §45; (for Dar the position was slightly
different as she was not successful at interview, and did not attend a formal second interview: Dar,
§38-42, 55-58
52 Bates, §57 [C1/1/13]; Sabir, §44 [C1/3/8]; Abdulla, §44-45 [C1/4/10]
53 Bates, §52-62,105-110; Stubbs, §26-33; and Sabir, §64

– 24 –
Appointment Process Overview

know what “Book of Rules” and “postal instructions” referred to in the

Acknowledgement of Appointment meant.54

62.9. Branch Transfer: The LC experience of branch transfer was that documents

were presented as a formality with little or no explanation, and the day itself

was busy, rushed and hectic;55

62.10. No legal advice: None of the LCs took legal advice in relation to their

appointment with the Defendant.56 This possibility either wasn’t mentioned

by the Defendant at all (Bates, Stubbs, Sabir, Abdulla), or wasn’t raised until

a late stage in the process (Stockdale and Dar), in the latter case negated by

the Defendant having previously conveyed to the LC that this wasn’t really


62.11. Non-negotiable terms: The Defendant’s standard contractual terms were in

any event non-negotiable. The LCs (correctly) understood the terms to be

imposed by the Defendant, and not open for negotiation – they had no choice

but to contract on the Defendant’s terms.58 (And on this matter, the

Defendant’s evidence is also clear.)59

63. The Defendant’s evidence about the appointment process in many respects paints an

unrealistic picture of consistent good practice, persisting over a long period of time, often

based on evidence outside the individuals’ direct knowledge, and either not referenced to

documents or sources at all at all, or so imprecisely referenced as to be meaningless. For

example Mr Williams states: “As far as I was aware, for both my Region and other Regions

(based on my management meetings with other Team Leaders) the same

54 Bates, §76 [C1/1/18]; Sabir, §47 [C1/3/9]; Abdulla, §57 [C1/2/12]; and Bates, §77 [C1/1/18];
Stockdale, §81 [C1/6/16]; Dar, §95 [C1/5/18]
55 Bates, §73-77 [C1/1/17] ; Sabir, §95-97 [C1/3/16-17]; Abdulla, §55-61 [C1/4/11-12]; Stockdale, §81
[C1/6/16]; Dar, §94-97 [C1/5/18]
56 Bates, §59; Stubbs §23; Sabir §68,98; Abdulla, §47; Stockdale, §64,87; Dar, §58,68-69,95.
57 Stockdale, §64,87 [C1/6/13] [C1/6/17]; Dar, §58,68-69,95 [C1/5/11] [C1/5/14] [C1/5/18]
58 Bates, §49; Stubbs, §23; Sabir, §44; Abdulla, §43; Stockdale, § 65; Dar, § 70 and Bates/IPOC at
§120.3; Stubbs/IPOC at §123.3; Sabir/IPOC at § 99.3; Abdulla/IPOC at § 97.3; Dar/IPOC at § 112.3;
Stockdale/IPOC at §111.3.
59 Beal, §16 “If a Subpostmaster requested a change to the standard contract offered, the request would not be
acceptable to Post Office” [C2/2/3]

– 25 –
Appointment Process Overview

Transfer Pack was utilized for transfers carried out when there was a Death in Service

appointment. …60”, and the account then given of the Defendant’s process in relation to

Death in Service is provided without reference to a single document or any defined period

of time. Where evidence is given by the Defendant’s witnesses involved with the

appointment of LCs, it is almost exclusively in the format of what the Defendant says

“would have” happened, e.g. what “would have” been said at interview, and will in many

respects be the subject of challenge by the Claimants.

60 Williams, §39

– 26 –
Commitment to and Investment in the Relationship

Commitment to and Investment in the Relationship

64. The LCs made significant investments in their relationship with Post Office. In many

cases, prior to branch opening, but also continuing thereafter.

65. The nature of the investments included purchasing or leasing premises and goodwill,

fixtures, fittings and stock: Bates paid £175k for the freehold, goodwill and fixtures and

fittings, Sabir paid a total of £9,150 in deposits for the two branches as well as a total

purchase price of £55,000 plus stock for the Cottingley branch, and £36,000 for the

goodwill of the Crossflatts branch. Abdulla paid £80k plus stock, and entered a 12 year

term lease at £14.5k per annum, Stockdale paid £1,309.77 to the former Subpostmaster for

newspaper round balances and £900 in relation to the lease assignment. These financial

commitments were financed by either savings (e.g. Bates), family loans (e.g. Abdulla),

and/or in most cases, by long-term bank loans on commercial terms (e.g. Bates had a 15

year loan with RBS, Sabir had 10 and 8 year loans with Lloyds, Abdulla had a ten year

loan with Barclays Bank).

66. All of the LCs operated the branch together with connected retail business – consistent

with the Defendant’s evidence across the network to this effect.61 Two of the LCs (Bates

and Stubbs) resided in residential accommodation connected to the branch, a relatively

common arrangement as reflected in s13 clause 8 of the SPMC, and e.g. the Defendant’s

application forms62, but not mentioned at all in the Defendant’s evidence.

67. The LCs were in many cases required by Post Office to carry out updating or more

substantial renovation works to the premises before or soon after branch opening. For the

SPMC LCs Sabir and Abdulla, these requirements were imposed as “Conditions of

Appointment”, and consisted of cleaning and clearing the interior and repainting the

exterior of the branch and refurbishing lighting, ceiling and carpets. 63 For the NTC LCs,

Stockdale and Dar, the Defendant required substantial refit works to be carried out,

61 Van Den Bogerd, §27 “The majority are owned by independent small business owners, who
usually locate the branch within a larger retail offering like a newsagent or convenience store”
62 See e.g. [E3/31.1/1] and [E3/96/1]
63 Sabir, §74 [D1.3/1/1], [D1.3/3/1], Abdulla, §72 [D1.4/2/1]

– 27 –
Commitment to and Investment in the Relationship

which were largely paid for by the Defendant, but nonetheless with obligations on the

LCs to arrange, undertake and/or pay for parts of those works.64

68. The investments made by the Claimants continued during their appointment, including

for Bates, a 25% deduction from his remuneration made by Post Office during the first 12

months’ of his appointment, for all LCs, by the employment of assistants, and substantial

refurbishment works to the premises carried out by Bates (in mid-2000)65 and Stubbs (in


69. The Defendant’s pleaded position is defensive on the issue of investment by Claimants,67

but there can be no serious challenge to the fact that each of the LCs did invest in the

relationship, and that the nature of their investments and commitment to the relationship

was substantial and long-term.

70. The Claimants also rely on the Defendant’s positive assertion in the Generic Defence:

“Post Office incurred long-term and expensive commitments in respect of the Subpostmaster

relationship, including by providing valuable cash, stock and equipment to Subpostmasters on an

unsecured basis”,68 admissions in individual LC defences,69 and the generic evidence as to

the investments made by the Defendant.70

64 Stockdale, §77 [C1/6/15]; Dar, §73-79 [C1/5/14-15]

65 Bates, §92.4-92.5 [C1/1/21]
66 Stubbs, §49-50 [C1/2/11]
67 GDef at §79(1), and each of the individual defences: Bates/IDef at §37-38; Stubbs/IDef at §21-22;
Sabir/IDef at §40; Abdulla/IDef at §29; Stockdale/IDef at §23-24; Dar/IDef at §/29
68 GDef at §79(2)
69 E.g Stockdale/IDef at §24 “Post Office paid £15,089.59 for Post Office equipment and installation costs
at the Branch.”
70 E.g. Van Den Bogerd §65.5 statement: “Post Office provides the equipment, including IT equipment,
needed to conduct customer transactions and maintain the branch accounts, including safes, mail scales,
Horizon, printers, barcode scanners and chip and pin machines. It also provides the back-end IT
infrastructure that connects each branch with Post Office’s clients.”; Van Den Bogerd §100, identifying
the “relatively high cost” to Post Office of providing training which “can be very labour intensive”,
and subsequent paragraphs referring to initial classroom and in branch training; and Dance §31-
38 in respect of investment in NT branches by enabling costs and equipment costs [C2/1/18]

– 28 –
Security of the Position

Security of the Position

71. The LCs were generally attracted to the position of Subpostmaster because of the security

of the role: LCs variously describe perceiving the role as “a safe option”; being led to

believe they could “build a good future” and that it was a “very secure position and long-term

commitment” and that the role was “secure and stable”.71

72. They made their investments into the relationship on this basis, and in the expectation of

return: e.g. “It was a large amount of money, but we were willing to invest it in this way because

we were sure there was a large measure of security in running a Post Office branch, which was, to

our mind, a relatively safe investment upon which we would likely receive a return”;72

73. The LCs did not expect the Defendant to terminate their appointments, at least absent

serious wrongdoing on their part, and the Defendant did not prior to contracting inform

the Claimants otherwise.73

74. The Defendant in reality recognises the investment of Subpostmasters and their

expectation of return by its practice of compensating Subpostmasters when closing

branches, and the existence of a long-term arrangement for compensation to this effect –

as pleaded and evidenced for the Claimants by Bates,74 a principle now further supported

by evidence as to compensation given by the Defendant’s witness, Beal. 75 The Claimants

further note the evidence of the Defendant’s witness Breeden that the Defendant would

typically not terminate on notice unless there was a capability or performance issue and

even then only after discussions aimed at improving performance,76 and further that the

3 month notice period in the written SPMC terms

71 Bates, §11 [C1/1/3]; Dar, §150 [C1/5/28-29]; Abdulla, §10 [C1/4/2]; Sabir, §9 [C1/3/2]; Stockdale, §13
72 Bates, §27 [C1/1/6]
73 E.g. Dar, §150; Stubbs, §129; Sabir, §123;
74 Bates/IPOC at §27 and Bates, §94-97
75 Beal, §32
76 Breeden, §60

– 29 –
Security of the Position

was in reality insufficient for an Subpostmaster to sell the business and premises and

find an incoming Subpostmaster.77

77 Breeden, §62

– 30 –
Features of the Relationship

Features of the Relationship

75. Whilst the Claimants do not contend that their relationship with Post Office was that of

an employee and employer, the relationship was in many respects akin to employment,

noting e.g. the imbalance of power between the Defendant and Subpostmasters; 78 the

degree of the Defendant’s discretion and control in the relationship; the Defendant’s

requirements for personal service (paragraph 62.6 above); payments made by PAYE and

payment of holiday pay;79and, the verbal warning issued by the Defendant to Sabir.80

76. It is a theme of the LC evidence that they considered themselves to be working as partners

or in partnership with Post Office.81 The Defendant’s evidence is indeed consistent with

that view, Trotter conceding that in his interview with Dar “I may have used the colloquial

term of “partnership” in relation to the fact that Ms Dar and Post Office would be working together

to make the most of the Local branch.”82

78 GPOC at §47 et seq

79 Rimmer, §59
80 Sabir, §73
81 Bates, §47, 84, 98 ; Sabir, §103; Abdulla, §9; Stubbs, §20; Dar, §42
82 Trotter, §10

– 31 –


77. All of the LCs employed assistants, who generally transferred to their employment by

TUPE transfer at the outset of their appointment,83 and the LCs relied on the experience

of those assistants when taking up appointment as Subpostmaster - in some cases they

were expressly encouraged to do so.84

78. The Defendant had control over assistants by vetting them prior to permitting the

Subpostmasters to appoint them, the decision as to the training to offer to them, and

effective control as to whether they should continue to be employed by the


79. It is part of the Claimants’ case that Subpostmasters were not in a position to provide

training to Assistants that went beyond the training provided by the Defendant to them.

83 E.g. Bates, §92.1 [C1/1/21]

84 E.g. Dar, §125 [C1/5/24]
85 E.g. Dar, §126 [C1/5/25]

– 32 –
Training Subpostmasters

Training Subpostmasters

80. With the exception of Stubbs, prior to or immediately following their appointment as

Subpostmaster, all LCs were provided with a combination of classroom and in branch


81. In respect of the classroom training prior to appointment:

81.1. Bates: received 2 days classroom training in April 1998.86

81.2. Sabir: received 5 days classroom training in August 2006.87

81.3. Abdulla: received 10 days classroom training in January 2007.88

81.4. Stockdale: received 3 days classroom training in April 2014.89

81.5. Dar: received 3 days classroom training in November 2014.

82. The themes in the LC evidence about the pre-appointment classroom training include, the

generality of training and its focus on sales, and the inadequacy of the training as

preparation for the reality of opening and running a branch: e.g. “When we worked on the

dummy Horizon terminal, we would simulate someone coming in to buy a stamp. The terminal

was not live and I don’t think we covered balancing or how to deal with a transaction correction.

If we did then this was not covered in any detail.” (Abdulla, January 2007);90 “The training

focused mainly on sales and processing day-to-day transactions, and I do not feel that it adequately

prepared me for running a branch on my own. The training environment was completely different

from the real branch environment and the reality of operating the Horizon system day to day.”

(Sabir, August 2006);91 and “I did not find the classroom training to be adequate at all. Given

my background as an IT analyst at Hilton Hotels, I was very aware of the amount of training

required to equip users with the necessary knowledge to enable them to use a

86 Bates, §68-70 [C1/1/16]

87 Sabir, §51 [C1/3/9]
88 Abdulla, §51-54 [C1/4/11]
89 Stockdale, §71-76 [C1/6/15]
90 Abdulla, §53 [C1/4/11]
91 Sabir, §53 [C1/3/10]

– 33 –
Training Subpostmasters

complex IT system such as Horizon and the many complex tasks which a user may need to carry

out. In my opinion the training should have been far more thorough.” (Dar, November 2014)92

83. Where the classroom training did cover balancing or resolving apparent shortfalls, it was

very limited, e.g.: “Balancing and the signing off on trading statements was covered only briefly.

As I recall when we did a dummy balance using Post Office paperwork all of the Subpostmasters

on the course had problems. We weren’t given any guidance about signing off on trading

statements other than that we had to do it. The training didn’t involve any information on how to

investigate or resolve discrepancies. We were simply told that if a shortfall arose we would be

required to make it good.” (Sabir, August 2006);93 “One of the sessions of the classroom training

covered the basic process for balancing, which was essentially explained as counting all of the cash,

checking stock and inputting the figures into Horizon. I recall being told that if there is problem

you just need to re-count the cash. It was suggested that any problems with balancing would be a

result of mistakes such as giving the wrong change or inputting a figure wrong, such as adding an

extra zero. It was made to seem like mistakes such as these would be easy to fix. There was no

mention of how to investigate and deal with settling shortfalls or disputing them.” (Stockdale,

April 2014);94 and “During the training I asked the trainer what should we do if we had problems

with balancing and the trainer said we should check over the figures and if in doubt, call the

helpline. I asked about troubleshooting and was told that this would be covered during the onsite

training (Dar, November 2014).95

84. The LCs’ experience of Branch training provided immediately on or following branch

opening was that it was also very limited and did not make up for the limitations in the

classroom training e.g. “[The trainer] was not present for the full working day, and she mainly

just shadowed me and stepped in if I had specific questions” (Sabir);96 “Having the trainers on site

was helpful, but it didn’t greatly increase my understanding about how to use Horizon as they

mainly observed me rather than actively training me;” (Stockdale)97 and “Ms

92 Dar, §86
93 Sabir, §55
94 Stockdale, §75
95 Dar, §85
96 Sabir, §69
97 Stockdale, §82

– 34 –
Training Subpostmasters

Guthrie was shadowing me, and intervening in customer transactions. I often didn’t find her

interventions helpful, …” (Dar).98

85. If problems with balancing and resolving discrepancies was covered at all during this

time, the advice was essentially to call the Helpline e.g. “I wasn’t told in any detail how to

investigate or resolve discrepancies or apparent shortfalls showing on Horizon, or how I could use

any of the Horizon functionality to do this, I was just told to contact the Helpline. I think this was

the main area where the Post Office training provided was lacking.” (Abdulla),99 “I … specifically

asked Ms Guthrie what to do if the system wasn’t balancing, but she just said to call the Helpline

and that they would resolve any problems I told Ms Guthrie that I wasn’t comfortable opening the

branch without any troubleshooting training and I asked if any could be provided, but she didn’t

offer anything more ,she told me that I would just have to get on with it and call the Helpline if I

had problems.”(Dar)100

86. Bates and Stubbs, who were each appointed prior to the introduction of Horizon, each

had training when Horizon was introduced. The limitations in this training are plain from

their evidence - Bates received 1.5 days in a hotel with 150 others;101 Stubbs received 1

day of training with 12-15 others, on terminals set up in a pub.102

87. The Defendant’s evidence in relation to training is provided by Van Den Bogerd, and is

in conflict with that of the LCs in key respects.103 However, on her own evidence, the

quality or otherwise of training is relevant to the prevalence of apparent shortfalls. 104

98 Dar, §98
99 Abdulla, §62-71, at 66
100 Dar, §93
101 Bates, §132-140
102 Stubbs, §61-65
103 Van Den Bogerd, §99.
104 Van Den Bogerd, §99.1,99.6 “There are strong incentives for Post Office to deliver effective
training: It reduces the chance of an accounting or cash / stock handling error in branch, thereby
reducing shortfalls; ...It may reduce other costs at Post Office (e.g. back office processing of
transaction corrections; …).

– 35 –
Support and the Helpline

Support and the Helpline

88. The Claimants do not accept the Defendant’s evidence to the effect that the Helpline was

an effective means of obtaining information and support or that further training would

readily be made available to them during their appointment if only they would ask.105 The

universal experience of the LCs was that whereas they were reliant on the Helpline, and

expected it to provide a high level of support, the Helpline support was in fact very poor,

and not an effective way to resolve their problems in relation to apparent shortfalls. 106

Further, a number of the LCs specifically asked for additional training which was refused:

Bates specifically asked for more training prior to the installation of Horizon, and Dar

asked for training on a number of occasions with her area manager. 107

89. The Claimants do rely on what is implicit in Van Den Bogerd’s evidence, namely that to

the extent training was deficient to prevent errors occurring, the obligation was on Post

Office to provide further training and additional support.108

105 Van Den Bogerd, §114-115 [C2/1/32-33]

106 Bates, §142-143; Stubbs, §69-73; Sabir, §110-113; Abdulla, §83-87; Stockdale, §95-98; Dar, §116-122.
107 Bates, §143.3; Dar, §115
108 Van Den Bogerd, §99.4, 99.5 “It may reduce the amount, and therefore cost, of other support
needed by Subpostmasters (e.g. calls to the NBSC helpline); It avoids the cost of having to repeat
training” [C2/1/29]

– 36 –
Apparent Shortfalls and Horizon

Apparent Shortfalls and Horizon

90. The experience of the LCs was that:

90.1. they encountered apparent shortfalls for which they were unable to ascertain

the cause using information to which they had access, and the Helpline was

not an effective way to resolve their problems (paragraph 88 above);

90.2. the apparent shortfalls which they experienced far exceeded the small

discrepancies that, in many cases, they had been led to believe during training

might arise;109

90.3. the Defendant’s auditors with access to the same information as the LCs in

branch were also unable to ascertain cause;110

90.4. LCs were reliant on the Defendant to find the cause of apparent shortfalls, and

the Defendant had greater knowledge than they did in relation to transactions

and transaction data;111

90.5. LCs received transaction corrections which they were told they had to accept,

even when they did not agree with it or the basis for it;

90.6. LCs were treated as liable for lost cheques or where any other documentation

was missing;

90.7. when apparent shortfalls were recorded by the Defendant during audits

which led to LCs being suspended, they were then excluded from their

branches and records, and unable to investigate;

90.8. apparent shortfalls were pursued by the Defendant post termination of

contract when the LCs were again unable to investigate.

91. There is no acknowledgment in the Defendant’s evidence of any of these problems, or

that that Horizon might be the cause of apparent shortfalls. The evidence of Van Den

109 Bates, §187; Dar, §43

110 Bates, §155, 179; Dar, §125, 157
111 Bates, §176; Stubbs, §131; Sabir, §130; Abdulla, §126; Dar, §153; Stockdale, §134

– 37 –
Apparent Shortfalls and Horizon

Bogerd in relation to shortfalls and transaction corrections will be subject to challenge

by the Claimants.

92. The Claimants will also rely on the experts’ joint report for the Horizon trial, which

records at point 1, areas of agreement:

“Evidence exists that that bugs/errors/defects have caused actual discrepancies or

shortfalls relating to Subpostmasters’ branch accounts/transactions.

Each time any IT system (including Horizon) is changed there is the potential to
introduce new bugs/errors/defects.

Once bugs/errors/defects are discovered, they take time to resolve and therefore systems
such as Horizon often continue to operate with bugs/errors/defects with or without
workarounds in place.

Theoretically, bugs/errors/defects that existed within Horizon have the potential to cause
apparent or alleged discrepancies or shortfalls in relating to Subpostmasters’ branch

In the event that any specific bug/error/defect had such an effect, the experts have
differing views as to the ‘extent’ of the impact that such bugs/errors/defects may have had
on branch accounts.”

93. The LCs were not aware of any of the matters at paragraph 90 above prior to their

appointments, did not prepare their business plans on this basis (paragraph 62.4 above),

and did not expect the Defendant to operate the contract in this way. For example:

“I certainly did not think that I would be taking on open-ended responsibility for any and all
losses including those for which I was not responsible, still less significant sums … It did not
occur to me that I would ever be held liable for losses that were not my fault, as this concept
seems so unjust that I did not consider it a possibility” (Bates, §37 [C1/1/8]); E.g. “I had
understood (despite not being provided with a contract) that I would only be liable for losses
in the event that I was negligent or had done something wrong that gave rise to the
losses”(Stubbs, §28 [C1/2/6]); “Prior to contracting I expected that if Post Office could prove
there is a loss which is a Subpostmaster’s fault then yes the Subpostmaster is responsible. If
the Subpostmaster is doing something wrong on purpose or is careless then he will have to
pay. I thought that Post Office had to show that was the case, not that the Subpostmaster had
to prove the opposite” (Sabir, §132 [C1/3/24]); “If I had been told at interview that…I would
be held liable for hundreds and thousands of pounds of alleged shortfalls, I would have never
accepted the appointment (Abdulla, §42 [C1/4/9]).

– 38 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract


Issue 1: Relational Contract

Issue 1: Was the contractual relationship between Post Office and Subpostmasters a
relational contract such that Post Office was subject to duties of good faith, fair
dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence (in this regard, the
Claimants rely on the judgment of Leggatt J in Yam Seng Pte v International Trade
Corp [2013] EWHC 111)?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 43 to 44, 63 103 55 to 56
Bates 82 to 84 51 to 53 57 to 61
Stubbs 85 to 87 36 to 38 49 to 53
Sabir 61 to 63 50 to 52 54 to 58
Abdulla 59 to 61 38 to 40 48 to 51
Dar 74 to 76 38 to 40 47 to 51
Stockdale 74 to 76 33 to 35 42 to 45

94. As the Court is well aware, it is in important part of the Claimants’ case that the contracts

between Subpostmasters and the Defendant are properly to be characterised as ‘relational

contracts’, as described by Leggatt J in Yam Seng v International Trade Corp [2013] EWHC

111 (QB) (“Yam Seng”), such that duties of good faith, fair dealing, transparency,

cooperation and/or trust and confidence are to be implied.

95. As foreshowed in the Introduction (above, on p.2), the Claimants contend that these are,

even as a matter of preliminary impression, obviously relational contracts.

96. On analysis, the Claimants will respectfully submit that this is beyond doubt.

97. The Claimants recognise that this question overlaps to some extent with those questions

arising under Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms (below); but the Claimants have sought to

treat them distinctly as far as possible.

98. For the reasons explained below, the basis upon which the Defendant denies the

implication of the above duties and that these were relational contracts is both threadbare

and flawed.

– 39 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

Example: the Defendant’s case on good faith

99. The Defendant’s overall case on this issue is considered below at p.49. However, it is

useful, by way of specific example, to consider the ingredients of the Defendant’s pleaded

case in relation to the duty of good faith:–

99.1. The Defendant flatly denies all the duties contended for, including that of

good faith, in the context of relational contracts at GDef §103.112

99.2. As to the implied terms pleaded at GPOC §64, and specifically the duty to

exercise any contractual, or other power, honestly and in good faith for the

purpose for which it was conferred at GPOC §64.16, the Defendant denies

these at GDef §106(2) on various bases including:

“Many of them would obviously have been rejected by Post Office had they
been proposed and/or are unreasonable and/or make no commercial

99.3. However, in the IDefs, the Defendant admits an implied term that it would

not exercise its power to change the contract and its operational instructions

(without the agreement of the NFSP) “dishonestly or in an arbitrary, capricious or

irrational manner”114 although the Defendant denies any such qualification to

its “power to change the contract and its operational instructions with the agreement

of the NFSP” – presumably because of the NFSP’s role, which is (as Mr Beal

explains in his witness statement)115 “an independent members’ organisation

supporting Subpostmasters”.

100. It remains to be seen how far the Defendant will go in its evidence to establish that it

would “obviously have rejected” an obligation that: (a) it generally act in good faith; or (b)

exercise its power to change the contract honestly – had either of those been proposed

when the contract was made. The Defendant’s case appears awkward.

112 Although the Defendant has reserved its position, at least on the case law, at GDef at §103(4).
113 Other aspects of the Defendant’s stance in this respect are dealt with in more detail under Issues
2 and 3: Implied Terms, below at p.56 onwards
114 e.g. Bates/IPOC at §65(2)
115 Beal, §44; and as contractually stipulated by the Defendant at Clause 1.3 of the NTC

– 40 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

Straw men

101. The Claimants are positively contending for the implication of terms which do no more

than reflect standards of conduct (e.g. the degree of cooperation) inherent in and

necessary to the parties’ respective obligations, and/or necessary to the commercial or

practical coherence of the contracts.

102. However, before addressing the implication of the duties for which the Claimants

contend, it may be helpful to spell out what the Claimants are not contending for in

relation to implication of the terms in issue here (to avoid straw men being set up by the


102.1. The Claimants do not contend for the implication of terms which seek to exact

a higher degree of cooperation than that which could be defined by reference

to the necessities of the contract.

102.2. These are not contracts in which the Court can infer that the parties have

considered making express provision for a duty of good faith and then chosen

deliberately to step back from an express agreement that they would owe each

other such a duty116 – there is no such inference to be drawn here and, in any

event, the Defendant’s standard contracts are very far from the commercially

negotiated contracts in issue in many other cases (individual Subpostmasters

having no say at all over their terms).

102.3. The Claimants do not contend that such duties are to be implied into every

contract or can never be excluded – that is not the law.

102.4. The Claimants do not contend that the implication of these duties follows

simply from the general nature of the agreement (save to the extent that some

terms are implied in certain classes of contractual relationship e.g.

116 See: Fujitsu Services Ltd v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2014] EWHC 752 (TCC) (21 March 2014);
153 Con LR 203 – express good faith term pleaded but rejected, at [162]; and Portsmouth City
Council v Ensign Highways Ltd [2015] EWHC 1969 (TCC) (14 July 2015) – implied term asserted
and defeated, not least because there were “specific and narrow” express duties of good faith at
numerous points throughout the agreement, at [82] and [93], and other differently framed but
express qualifying obligations, such as a requirement to use reasonable endeavours, at [83] and

– 41 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

employment – see Two categories of implied terms, at p.59 below). The

implication of such duties flows only from a thoughtful consideration of the

agreement, as well as the functions and obligations of the parties, including

the practical demands upon the parties inherent therein.

102.5. The Claimants do not contend that the Court should construe obligations such

as the duties to 'cooperate' or 'to act in good faith' as cutting across more specific

provisions and any limitations in them.117

The Claimants’ case

103. These contracts are paradigm examples of relational contracts, into which duties of good

faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation and/or trust and confidence are to be


104. Those duties govern the Defendant’s exercise of all powers and discretions under

Subpostmaster contracts and relating to the relationship arising therefrom; and they

extend to sharing information relevant to the performance of the contracts.118

105. As the judgment of Leggatt J in Yam Seng itself makes clear, the implication of such duties

in English law is not new. Indeed, well before the decision in Yam Seng, authoritative

commentators regarded the implication of a duty of good faith as uncontroversial – see,

for example, Conaglen on Fiduciary Loyalty119 (2010):

"Undoubtedly, fiduciaries must act in good faith [but] it is suggested that the duty of
faith is not peculiar to fiduciaries. In particular, a duty of good faith has frequently
been recognised in circumstances that are not traditionally considered to be fiduciary
relationships and when fiduciary analysis played no part in reaching the court's
conclusion. In numerous cases, for example, courts have held that discretionary powers
in contracts had to be exercised in good faith …”

106. Relational contracts are a developing area of the law. It is salient in the present case to

note that these contracts bear many of the hallmarks of employment contracts, yet the

117 Beatson LJ (in what?)

118 Yam Seng, [142]
119 p.43 – see also the lines of authority referred to therein and by Leggatt J in Yam Seng at [145]

– 42 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

liabilities centrally in issue in this case are not commonly found in the employment


107. These hybrid characteristics mark them out as unusual contracts, at the nexus of two

(usually distinct) classes of contractual relationship. It is interesting to note, however, that

the duty of trust and confidence contended for by the Claimants is one which is

automatically implied in employment relationships. To the extent that this context relied

upon by the Claimants120 bears upon whether the Subpostmaster contracts are to be

characterised as relational contracts, it tends to support such a characterisation – on one

view, strongly.

108. Re-focusing on the approach in pure commercial contracts, as per Yam Seng, the

Claimants’ submissions are set out below. However, in case it is of assistance to the Court,

a more detailed treatment as to the approach to ascertaining of the nature of the

contractual relationship for these purposes, and the implication of such duties, is set out

in Annex 2.

109. The approach in Yam Seng follows the established methodology in English law for the

implication of terms in fact, based on the presumed intention of the parties.121 There

appears to be little controversy as to the image of Post Office in the minds of those hoping

to become Subpostmasters or Subpostmistresses and their expectations.

110. The background reasonably available to the parties, in this context, includes not only

matters of fact known to the parties, but also the norms of behaviour specific to the

particular commercial activity in question and arising from the features of the contract.122

As the Defendant has made clear, it is essentially performing a public service and, even

today, remains wholly owned by the state. It controls almost all aspects of what it

contends is a business to business relationship. There is no way that it can work without

a high degree of cooperation and trust. Furthermore, in this context, it would seem

fanciful to suggest that honesty and fair dealing would not be regarded as shared values

or norms by both the Defendant and Subpostmasters and

120 GPOC at §45 (and §9)

121 Yam Seng at [131]
122 Yam Seng at [134]

– 43 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

indeed there is no such suggestion in the evidence. All this forms part of the

background against which the relationship with Subpostmasters falls to be considered.

111. A ‘relational contract’ in which the duties set out above may be implied is a longer term

relationship involving substantial commitment, in which:123

111.1. there is a high degree of commitment, cooperation and predictable performance;

111.2. based upon mutual trust and confidence and expectations of loyalty which are

not legislated for in the contract; but

111.3. are implicit in the parties’ understanding and necessary to give business

efficacy124 to the arrangements.

112. The Claimants will invite the Court to find, on the evidence to be heard at trial, that the

Subpostmaster contracts at issue in these proceedings are paradigm examples of

‘relational contracts’. On the relevant facts: -

112.1. They are of a long-term nature and involved a high degree of commitment,

cooperation and predictable performance of the nature described.

112.2. The mutual trust and confidence upon which those requirements are based are

plainly not legislated for in their express terms.

113. They are both implicit and necessary in this context, and the implied duties thereby

arising are essential features of the legal relationship. The Claimants deal with each of

these factors in turn.

Long-term commitment, cooperation and predictable performance

114. First, that the contractual relationship between Subpostmasters (of all types) and the

Defendant is a commitment that made commercial sense over the long-term and one

which involved a high degree of commitment by both parties in the relationship.

123 Yam Seng at [142]

124 Now understood to mean achieving practical and commercial coherence

– 44 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

115. That “Post Office incurred long-term and expensive commitments in respect of the Subpostmaster

relationship, including by providing valuable cash, stock and equipment to Subpostmasters on an

unsecured basis” is admitted, for example, by the Defendant.125

116. It is beyond serious dispute that the Claimants themselves made a significant

commitment to the relationship over the long-term. The Claimants will rely upon the

evidence set out in Section A: Factual Context above, under ‘Commitment to and

Investment in the Relationship’ and such further evidence as will be heard at trial on the

factors relevant to implication of the duties relied upon.

116.1. Each of the Lead Claimants, for example, made significant financial investments.

These were not only in their own retail business, or the premises from which the

branch operated, but were also investments whose value depended upon being in

a working relationship with the Defendant for the long-term.

116.2. Without limitation, the investments made by the Lead Claimants included:

a. purchasing the goodwill of the business, including the branch itself, from

the previous Subpostmaster;

b. entering into a contract to purchase or lease premises from which to operate

the branch, with associated borrowing from banks or other lenders;

c. taking up residential accommodation on those or linked premises;

d. entering into, or taking on, employment contracts with assistants;

e. investing in the training of those assistants; and

f. incurring refurbishment, fit out and/or decorating costs for the Branch –

including as a condition of appointment imposed by the Defendant.126

116.3. Many of the investments made by the Lead Claimants were directly aimed at

increasing Branch business – to the benefit of both parties to the relationship.

125 GDef at §79(2) [B3/2/38]

126 E.g. Sabir [D1.3/3/1] and Abdulla [D1.4/2/1]

– 45 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

116.4. As at least one Lead Claimant makes clear, such investments would not have been

made had it been known that the investment could be put at risk, still less

undermined entirely, by Post Office terminating the appointment without cause

or compensation.127

116.5. All of the Lead Claimants purchased retail business which they ran alongside their

Branch, but it is clear that such businesses were reliant upon the existence of the

branch and (as was the case with at least one Lead Claimant) likely not viable

without it in the same premises.128

116.6. In some cases, the contract provided for the withholding of 25% of the

Subpostmasters’ remuneration during the first 12 months of trading “in recognition

of the opportunity to operate a Post Office on behalf of Post Office…”129 The Claimants

will say, as one Lead Claimant (Bates) observes,130 that such requirements made a

longer term commitment to running a Post Office branch necessary, in order to

amortise and recoup the investment made by the Subpostmaster.

117. Second, the operation of the contractual relationship necessarily required a high degree

of cooperation and predictable performance.131

118. The Defendant admits that “the operation of the relationship between a Subpostmaster and Post

Office required communication and cooperation”.132 That this was required to a high degree

appears beyond any sensible dispute.

119. The Claimants will nevertheless rely upon the following:

119.1. The Defendant’s requirement that detailed business plans be provided that

included long-term financial projections for the branch in the future of which

127 Bates, §30 [C1/1/7]

128 Stockdale, §17 [C1/6/ 3-4]
129 Bates/IPOC at §8 [B5.1/2/2-3]
130 Bates, §90 [C1/1/20]
131 GPOC at §43 to 44 [B3/1/15]
132 GDef at §80 [B3/2/38]

– 46 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

both parties were invested, and the commitment to the application process

otherwise required by the Defendant.133

119.2. The shared expectations of cooperation and support as evidenced by

representations made by the Defendant during the appointment process, and the

impression given to some Lead Claimants that Subpostmasters were to operate the

branch (in colloquial/business terms) in partnership with the Defendant.

119.3. The significant level of trust reposed in the Defendant by Subpostmasters by

reason of its role in the Community, that fact of it being a national institution, 134

and by its established brand.

119.4. The Defendant’s own evidence as to that brand135 as to the Defendant and

Subpostmasters mutual interest in both “a strong and sustainable network and brand”

and in “the success of any particular branch”136 and as to the importance placed upon

Subpostmasters supporting the brand.137

119.5. The aspects of the business of the Branch that it is common ground the Defendant

provides to Subpostmasters, which include the Post Office brand (as above), the

ability to sell a wider range of products, working capital, provision of IT

equipment, back-end IT infrastructure, cash management planning, banking and

transaction services and the benefit of the Defendant’s expertise.138

119.6. The Defendant’s imposition of a contractual requirement to provide personal

service at the branch – half of the Lead Claimants were either told, or their

documents indicate, such a requirement was imposed upon them.139

133 As to which, see Section A above, under ‘Appointment Themes’ on p.23

134 As to which, see Section A, under ‘Experience Prior to Contracting on p.19
135 Van Den Bogerd, Section B, esp. §38 to §42
136 Van den Bogerd, §32
137 Van den Bogerd, §41
138 Van Den Bogerd, §65
139 Bates, §57, 83 and [AB1/98-99]; Sabir, §44; Abdulla, §45 and [NA1/103-107]

– 47 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

119.7. The Defendant’s purported imposition of onerous burdens upon Subpostmasters

and / or the reservation to itself of a high degree of power, discretion and control

over them.140

119.8. The necessary reliance by the Claimants upon the Defendant during the

relationship for the provision of training, assistance, support and information.

119.9. The inadequacy of the training and support provided by the Defendant during the

relationship, which the Claimants reasonably infer generally reflected the

Defendant’s practice in this respect – indeed across the six Lead Claimants

consistently so.

119.10. The inherent limitations of Horizon and consequential practical limitations on the

Claimant’s ability to investigate apparent shortfalls using Horizon.

Subpostmaster contracts and implication of duties

120. It is plain from the foregoing that the relationship between the Defendant and

Subpostmasters is underpinned by mutual expectations as to the duties contended for by

the Claimants.

121. Both the SPMC and the NTC contracts contain no general obligation of good faith, fair

dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence, nor any general obligation

to provide information necessary for the performance of the contracts. Nor do those

contracts contain express obligations that would be at odds with the implied duties

contended for.

122. These requirements are entirely necessary to give business efficacy to the contracts, and

are so obvious as to go without saying. Reasonable persons in the position of the

140 Examples of such provisions are provided in the GPOC at §51 (Defendant’s requirement of
compliance with extensive and poorly defined list of changeable rules, instructions and guidance),
§52 (Defendant’s discretion to unilaterally alter classes of business to be undertaken at the branch),
§54 (express terms imposing wide ranging responsibility for losses on the Subpostmaster), §56
(Subpostmaster liability for actions of assistants, but minimal corresponding duty on the
Defendant to train Subpostmaster assistants) and §60 to 62 (express terms as to suspension and
termination – in particular, the purported discretion to terminate a Subpostmaster’s appointment
on three or six months’ notice, with no right to compensation for loss of office) [B3/1/17-21]
[B3/1/22-24] [B3/1/25-29] [B3/1/30-34]

– 48 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

Defendant and Subpostmasters at the time of contracting would have expected such

duties to have been owed in the circumstances set out above and given the norms of

commercial behaviour in this context – and indeed expected by the Defendant.

The Defendant’s case

123. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Defendant denies that the Subpostmaster contracts

can be characterised as relational contracts. In this, the Defendant:141

123.1. seeks to rely upon terms permitting termination of the relevant contracts on

notice without cause;

123.2. suggests that the implied duties are not so obvious as to go without saying; and

123.3. suggests that the implication of general duties of this nature would contradict

(unspecified) express terms of the contracts.

124. The Claimants do not consider any of these points to militate against the findings sought

by them in respect of Issue 1: Relational Contract.

125. First, as to the power to terminate without cause:

125.1. that is entirely in conflict with the long-term relationship envisaged by both

parties and the long-term commitments made to that end;

125.2. it is clear that neither party anticipated that the power would normally be

exercised in the manner in which the Defendant now prays in aid; and

125.3. the true construction of that power is in issue, in any event, including as to the

“true agreement” (Issue 18: True Agreement) and the extent to which that

power was subject to implied terms contended for by the Claimants and/or

admitted by the Defendant.

126. The unreality of the Defendant’s position is now shown in sharp relief by the fact that it

has been a party to a “long-standing” agreement with the National Federation of

Subpostmasters that provides for 28 (or 26) months’ income as compensation for

141 GDef at §103 [B3/2/46-47]

– 49 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

outgoing Subpostmasters where their branch is closed.142 The idea that, for example, the

Defendant could (or would have been expected to) defeat the application of that

agreement by exercising the bare right to terminate on 3 months’ notice is fanciful. It may

well be the case (particularly in pure commercial contracts) that the Court will be slower

to infer that a contract involved expectations of a long-term relationship and concomitant

commitments by the parties where the parties were able to terminate at short notice.

However, the Defendant is wrong to submit the obverse, namely that, if a Court were to

find the same, the termination provisions are some sort of trump card that defeats the

legal consequences that would otherwise follow.

127. In the circumstances the Defendant cannot rely upon a purportedly unfettered right to

terminate Subpostmaster contracts at will as militating against, or defeating, the

characterisation of these contracts as giving rise to long-term relationships, which

involved significant valuable investment by both parties.

128. The Defendant’s position, in this respect, is also at odds with:

128.1. its case that its own investments were themselves “long-term and expensive

commitments”143, despite the fact that the termination provision could, on its own

case, also have been exercised by a Subpostmaster.

128.2. its own witness evidence, by which it seeks to confirm how the contracts with

Subpostmasters functioned in practice and, in particular, the need for a longer

notice period due to the practicalities of the operation of a sub-Post Office and its

capacity to recruit replacement Subpostmasters.144

129. The Claimants will further say that it is simply lacking in reality to describe the nature of

the Claimants’ investments (which included purchases or leases of premises, purchases

of goodwill, refurbishment costs, and the general investing of life savings) as anything

other than long-term commitments to the relationship.

142 See Bates/IPOC at §27; and Bates, §94-97 at [AB1/113-165] [C1/1/22] or [E1/34/1-4], [E1/38/1-10],
[G/83/1], [G/84/1-8], [G/85/1-30].
143 GDef at §79(2) [B3/2/38]
144 See, e.g., Breeden, esp. at §59 to 63 [C2/3/15-16]

– 50 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

130. Second, the Defendant seeks to suggest that such duties do not meet the requirements for

implication on the grounds because they are not obvious or necessary. The denial of the

need to imply additional terms into the contracts is impossible to reconcile with the

Defendant’s own concession in its case that the Subpostmaster contracts failed to legislate

for important aspects of the legal relationship and so were subject to broad implied terms

importing obligations of cooperation, specifically:

130.1. the Stirling v Maitland Term145 and

130.2. the Necessary Cooperation Term.146

131. The Defendant seeks to rely upon those terms to suggest that the implication of further

terms is unnecessary.147 But despite Court making an order (by agreement) pursuant Part

18 CPR requiring the Defendant not only to answer the RFI but to provide the

information requested, the Defendant has refused to be drawn as to the incidents of its

accepted implied terms and how they differ, in reality, from the matters and terms

advanced by the Claimants.

132. The Defendant’s contention that the duties (including those of good faith, transparency

and fair dealing) are neither necessary nor obvious is also very difficult to reconcile with

its own admissions regarding the parties roles and functions in the relationship, which

include the Defendant:148

132.1. requiring Subpostmasters to comply with contractual obligations in relation to

the keeping and producing of branch accounts;

132.2. recording transactions effected by Subpostmasters;

132.3. seeking to reconcile transaction data with other data;

145 Defined by the Defendant as: “Each party would refrain from taking steps that would inhibit or prevent
the other party from complying with its obligations under or by virtue of the contract” (GDef at §105(1)
146 Defined by the Defendant as: “Each party would provide the other with such reasonable cooperation as
was necessary to the performance of that other’s obligations under or by virtue of the contract” (GDef at
§105(2) [B3/2/47]).
147 See: (i) the Defendant’s Response to the RFI dated 31 July 2017, at Response 61A [B4/2/24]; and
(ii) the Defendant’s Response to the Second RFI [B4/3]
148 See GDef at §123 [B3/2/53], responding to GPOC at §81 [B3/1/44-45]

– 51 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

132.4. possessing and/or controlling underlying transaction data in relation to

transactions undertaken in branches;

132.5. having the power to seek recovery from Subpostmasters for losses relating to

branch accounts; and

132.6. in fact seeking to recover apparent shortfalls from Subpostmasters.

133. The Claimants will say the foregoing are entirely consonant with a relationship in which

there must be a high degree of cooperation, co-ordination and predictable performance,

such that such duties are to be implied.

134. Third, and finally, the Defendant seeks to characterise the SPMC and NTC as “detailed

and professionally drafted written agreement(s)” which “made detailed provision as to the core

obligations within that relationship”.149 In circumstances in which no Lead Claimant is

confident of the date upon which he or she contracted and the Defendant itself pleads to

the same in the alternative, this is quite a bold claim.

135. More particularly, it appears also to be an unjustified claim, given the difficulty which

even the Defendant has encountered in identifying the universe of express terms and

how they changed over time. This can be illustrated by reference to the following:150

135.1. the Defendant’s provision (or non-provision) of various documents of uncertain

contractual effect and the issuing of changing rules, instructions, ‘tips’ and

guidance over the course of the operation of the contract;

135.2. the Defendant’s inability to explain how its own policies fit together, and which

policy or policies applied at which time;

135.3. the unnecessary ambiguity (certainly, on the Defendant’s construction) in the

provisions as to the liability of Subpostmasters for alleged shortfalls, which

provisions the Defendant invites the Court to regard as of key importance to its


149 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §51(1)(c) [B5.1/3/28]

150 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §52 to 53 [B5.1/4/20-21]

– 52 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

135.4. the patchiness and apparent inconsistency of the Defendant’s version control of

contractual and policy documents and the use of earlier documents with later

Subpostmasters and/or earlier documents with later Subpostmasters;

135.5. the fact there was no single resource where a Subpostmaster could look up the up

to date provisions relevant to a particular issue or problem, collected together and

presented with clarity in an organised and intelligible way;

135.6. the acceptance by the Defendant of the need to imply essential basic terms, which

its professional drafting had failed to address.

136. As to the Defendant’s almost entirely unparticularised case that these duties (and other

implied terms) would conflict with some of the express terms, it appears to be without

foundation. The contracts are silent on those points – hence the belated concession of an

implied term not to alter the contract dishonestly (etc) where the NFSP has not agreed

the amendments.

137. The basis upon which the Defendant may say that duties of good faith, fair dealing,

transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence would generally traverse other

express terms of the contracts in issue remains entirely elusive and cannot be discerned

in advance of the Defendant’s submissions (or perhaps its Written Opening).

Findings on Issue (1): Relational Contract

138. The Subpostmaster contracts in issue are paradigm ‘relational contracts’ subject to

obligations of good faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation and trust and


139. The Claimants respectfully invite the Court so to find and to answer Issue (1) in the


140. The content of those duties is sensitive to context, but in the context of this relationship,

there is no reason to depart from the natural import of those duties. Terms such as “fair

dealing” are readily understandable and applicable.

– 53 –
Issue 1: Relational Contract

141. The obligation of good faith imports the objective standard of barring conduct regarded

as commercially unacceptable by reasonable and honest people.151 The Defendant ought

to have nothing to fear from being held to that standard.

142. For present purposes, the Claimants invite the Court to find that the content of the

implied obligation extends to: 152

142.1. acting honestly and with fidelity to the bargain;

142.2. not acting dishonestly and not acting to undermine the bargain entered or the

substance of the contractual benefit bargained for.

143. These duties of fair dealing, transparency, cooperation and trust and confidence had an

obvious bearing upon the Defendant’s dealings with Subpostmasters, with regard to

alleged shortfalls.

151 Yam Seng, [145]

152 Al Nehyan v Kent [2018] EWHC 333 (Comm) (“Al Nehyan”), [175]

– 54 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

Issue 2: Which, if any, of the terms in the paragraphs listed below were implied terms
(or incidents of such implied terms) of the contracts between Post Office and

Issue 3: If the terms alleged at GPOC, paras 64.16, 64.17, 64.18 and / or 64.19 are to be
implied, to what contractual powers, discretions and / or functions in the SPMC and
NTC do such terms apply?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 64 to 65 105 to 107 58
Bates 86 to 90 55 to 68 46, 48 to 49, 63 to 79
Stubbs 89 to 93 40 to 53 38, 40 to 42, 55 to 67
Sabir 65 to 69 54 to 67 43, 45 to 47, 60 to 72
Abdulla 63 to 67 42 to 55 37, 39 to 41, 53 to 65
Dar 78 to 82 42 to 55 36, 38 to 40, 53 to 65
Stockdale 77 to 81 37 to 50 31, 33 to 35, 47 to 59


144. It is the Claimants’ case on Common Issue 2 is that some or all of the terms enumerated

at paragraphs 64.1 to 64.19 of the Claimants’ Generic Particulars of Claim are implied

terms (or incidents of implied terms) of the SPMC and NTC contracts:

144.1. by reason of the contract being a ‘relational contract’ (as to which see Issue 1:

Relational Contract, above); and/or

144.2. by reason of business necessity and/or obviousness:

a. as appraised through the prism of commercial and practical coherence

(Type 1: Commercial or practical coherence, on p.60, below); and/or

b. given the class of contractual relationship created by the contracts (Type 2:

Class of relationship created, on p.62, below).

145. The Claimants will respectfully submit that all roads lead to Rome: these approaches are

not truly distinct (as is obvious from the orthodox and principled underpinning of the

reasoning in Yam Seng) and in the present case, they largely sing with one voice.

– 55 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

146. The proper starting point is found in the orthodox and now well-established principles

expressed by the Supreme Court in Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Security

Services Trust Co [2016] AC 742, [2015] UKSC 72 (‘Marks & Spencer’), briefly addressed

from p. 60 below and more fully explored in Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms.

147. Marks & Spencer establishes the correct approach with clarity and highlights one matter

as to which the Claimants and Defendant may take very different views, namely the

meaning of necessity in this context. Lord Neuberger PSC (with whom Lord Sumption

and Lord Hodge JJSC agreed) said this, at [21]:

“… necessity for business efficacy involves a value judgment. It is rightly common

ground on this appeal that the test is not one of ‘absolute necessity’, not least because
the necessity is judged by reference to business efficacy. It may well be that a more
helpful way of putting Lord Simon’s second requirement is, as suggested by Lord
Sumption JSC in argument, that a term can only be implied if, without the term, the
contract would lack commercial or practical coherence.”

148. If the Defendant seeks to oppose the implication of the terms in issue on the basis that

they are not ‘absolutely necessary’ (however that may be presented), such an approach

would be wrong in law.

149. Accordingly, the Claimants approach the test on the correct footing, above.

The terms to be implied

150. With that brief introduction, the implied terms contended for by the Claimants are set

out below (categorised by subject matter and numbered (1) to (19)):

Training and Support

150.1. An implied term that the Defendant was required: 153

(1) to provide adequate training and support (particularly if and when the Defendant

imposed new working practices or required the provision of new services)

153 GPOC at §64.1 [B3/1/35]

– 56 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

Horizon and recording transactions

150.2. Implied terms that the Defendant:

(1A) provide a system that was reasonably fit for purpose, including any adequate error


(2) properly and accurately to effect, record, maintain and keep records of all

transactions effected using Horizon;

Investigations and shortfalls

150.3. Implied terms requiring the Defendant155

(3) properly and accurately to produce all relevant records and/or explain all relevant

transactions and/or any alleged or apparent shortfalls attributed to Claimants;

(4) to co-operate in seeking to identify the possible or likely causes of any apparent or

alleged shortfalls and/or whether or not there was indeed any shortfall at all;

(5) to seek to identify such causes itself, in any event;

(6) to disclose possible causes of apparent or alleged shortfalls (and the cause thereof)

to claimants candidly, fully and frankly;

(7) to make reasonable enquiry, undertake reasonable analysis and even-handed

investigation, and give fair consideration to the facts and information available as

to the possible causes of the appearance of alleged or apparent shortfalls (and the

cause thereof);

(8) to communicate, alternatively, not to conceal known problems, bugs or errors in or

generated by Horizon that might have financial (and other resulting) implications

for Claimants;

(9) to communicate, alternatively, not to conceal the extent to which other

Subpostmasters were experiencing relating to Horizon and the generation of

discrepancies, or alleged shortfalls;

154 GPOC at §64.1A [B3/1/35]

155 GPOC at §64.2 to 64.12 [B3/1/35-37]

– 57 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

(10) not to conceal from Claimants the Defendant’s ability to alter remotely data or

transactions upon which the calculation of the branch accounts (and any

discrepancy, or alleged shortfalls) depended;

(11) properly, fully and fairly to investigate any alleged or apparent shortfalls;

(12) not to seek recovery from Claimants unless and until:

(a) the Defendant had complied with its duties above (or some of them)

(b) the Defendant has established that the alleged shortfall represented a

genuine loss to the Defendant; and

(c) the Defendant had carried out a reasonable and fair investigation as to the

cause and reason for the alleged shortfall and which it was properly

attributed to the Claimants under the terms of the Subpostmaster contract.

Exercising of powers and discretions

150.4. Implied terms limiting the manner in which the Defendant may exercise its powers

and discretions; specifically, the following implied terms, requiring the


(13) not to suspend Claimants:

(a) arbitrarily, irrationally or capriciously;

(b) without reasonable and proper cause; and/or

(c) in circumstances where the Defendant was itself in material breach of duty.

(14) not to terminate the Claimants’ contracts:

(a) arbitrarily, irrationally or capriciously;

(b) without reasonable and proper cause; and/or

(c) in circumstances where the Defendant was itself in material breach of duty.

(15) not to take steps which would undermine the relationship of trust and confidence

between the Claimants and the Defendant;

(16) to exercise any contractual, or other power, honestly and in good faith for the

purpose for which it was conferred;

156 GPOC at §64.13 to 64.18 [B3/1/37]

– 58 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

(17) to exercise any such discretion in accordance with the obligations of good faith, fair

dealing, transparency, cooperation and trust and confidence.

Reasonable care

150.5. An implied term requiring the Defendant

(18) “to take reasonable care in performing its functions under the contract,

particularly when those functions could affect the accounts, business, health and

reputation of the Claimants. 157

151. As to Issue 3, the Claimants’ case is that the terms alleged (a) at GPOC §64.16 to 64.18

(under Exercising of powers and discretions above), and (b) at GPOC §64.19, under

Reasonable care above, apply to all contractual and other powers and discretions.158

Relevant principles

152. As set out at the outset of this Written Opening (p.4), sequencing is important: it is only

after the process of construing the express provisions of the relevant Subpostmaster

contracts that consideration can be given to the implication of the terms pleaded by the

Claimants and, indeed, those implied terms admitted by the Defendant.

153. It is necessary to preface consideration of the relevant principles with brief observations

as to the approach in different contexts.

Two categories of implied terms

154. Although they are not, on analysis, actually distinct, there are two kinds of implied terms,

whose implication is based on obviousness and/or necessity:

154.1. those which, on a proper (objective) construction, the parties must have

intended in order to give the agreement the necessary commercial or practical

coherence (Type 1, p.60 below); and

154.2. those that necessarily arise out of a class of contractual relationship created by

the contract (Type 2, p.62 below).

157 GPOC at §64.19 [B3/1/38]

158 The Claimants contend

– 59 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

155. Unusually, the implied terms in issue in the present case are, at the nexus of those two

types of implied terms.

156. These two kinds of categories themselves were recognised in Société Générale, London

Branch v Geys [2013] 1 AC 523, [2012] UKSC 63, per Lady Hale (Soc Gen),159 as follows:

“In this connection, it is important to distinguish between two different kinds of

implied terms. First, there are those terms which are implied into a particular contract
because, on its proper construction, the parties must have intended to include them:
see Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] UKPC 10, [2009] 1 WLR
1988. Such terms are only implied where it is necessary to give business efficacy to the
particular contract in question. Second, there are those terms which are implied into a
class of contractual relationship, such as that between landlord and tenant or between
employer and employee, where the parties may have left a good deal unsaid, but the
courts have implied the term as a necessary incident of the relationship concerned,
unless the parties have expressly excluded it: see Lister v Romford Ice & Cold Storage
Co Ltd [1957] AC 555, Liverpool City Council v Irwin [1977] AC 239.”

157. The Claimants expressly rely upon the fact that “many aspects of the written contractual terms

reflect a contract of employment” (GPOC at §45).160 It is clear that the contracts which this

Court is asked to consider in this litigation have aspects of both commercial and

employment contracts – a material factor informing their construction and the terms to be

implied. However, it is helpful to consider the different emphasis in the two kinds of cases

to which Lady Hale refers.

Type 1: Commercial or practical coherence

158. For the purposes of first type of implied term referred to by Lady Hale, the approach is

clearly established in in Marks & Spencer and the Claimants case is that the implied terms

for which they contend satisfy the five requirements in that case, as properly understood.

159. The implied terms for which the Claimants contend are obviously both reasonable and

equitable (although that does not itself justify their implication).

159 Lady Hale’s classification having been subsequently adopted, for example, by Jackson LJ in Mid
Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust v Compass Group [2013] BLR 265 at [80]
160 See also GPOC at §9

– 60 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

160. They are to be implied because they are necessary to give business efficacy to those

contracts (as now understood to embrace commercial and practical coherence).

161. This would be so, even if this were to be treated as a “detailed commercial contract” or “a

very detailed document, which had been entered into between two substantial and experienced

parties, and had been negotiated and drafted by expert solicitors” as was being considered in

Marks & Spencer (which these agreements were clearly not, in the sense used in that case).

162. Alternatively, they are so obvious that they go without saying – or at least they would go

without saying certainly to notional reasonable person in the position of the parties at the

time they entered into those contracts.161

163. The Defendant’s position as to the implication of a duty of good faith (see: Example: the

Defendant’s case on good faith, on p.40, above) illustrates this point well. The test is not

whether the Defendant would “obviously have rejected” an obligation of good faith,162 but

whether a notional person in the position of the Defendant would have done.

164. The terms contended for are capable of clear expression do not contradict any express

term of the contract. The Defendant’s contentions to the contrary are strained.

165. The Claimants primary case is that it is clear that without the implied terms, the contract

would lack commercial or practical coherence. While the Defendant denies the

Claimant’s implied terms, it is significant to recall the Defendant’s admission that it is

necessary to imply terms into the agreements of which the Defendant was itself the

author – albeit, the Defendant’s own implied terms of wide application, namely implied

duties to co-operate and not to prevent performance of the contracts.

166. The Claimants will also rely upon the general proposition that in the absence of very clear

language to the contrary, any genuine contractual discretion must be exercised in good

faith and not arbitrarily or capriciously, nor contrary to the purpose of the

161 ‘As [Lord Neuberger PSC] says (para 21), one is concerned not with “the hypothetical answer of the actual
parties”, but with that of “notional reasonable people in the position of the parties at the time at which they
were contracting”, or in other words of Lord Hoffmann’s “reasonable addressee”: the Belize case, para 18’
per Lord Carnwath JSC at [72] in Marks & Spencer
162 GDef at §106(2)

– 61 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

contract, or in a manner that is irrational. The Defendant’s refusal to concede this is

telling; its position is unrealistic.

Type 2: Class of relationship created

167. In Soc Gen, Lady Hale continued from the passage quoted above, as follows:

“A great deal of the contractual relationship between employer and employee is

governed by implied terms of the latter kind. Some are of long-standing, such as the
employer's duty to provide a safe system of work. Some are of more recent discovery,
such as the mutual obligations of trust and confidence. This was referred to by Dyson
LJ in Crossley v Faithful and Gould Holdings Ltd [2004] IRLR 377 as an
"evolutionary process". He also described the "necessity" involved in implying such
terms as "somewhat protean", pointing out that some well-established terms could
scarcely be said to be essential to the functioning of the relationship. At para 36, he
said this:
‘It seems to me that, rather than focus upon the elusive concept of necessity, it is
better to recognise that, to some extent at least, the existence and scope of
standardised implied terms raise questions of reasonableness, fairness and the
balancing of competing policy considerations.’

There is much to be said for that approach, given the way in which those terms have
developed over the years.”

168. Dyson LJ’s judgment in Crossley v Faithful and Gould Holdings Ltd [2004] ICR 1615,

[2004] EWCA Civ 293 (‘Crossley’) helpfully discusses the meaning of necessity in the

context of the employment relationship – probably correctly foreshadowing the more

nuanced meaning above, in Marks & Spencer, in the parallel but different context of

detailed commercial contracts (see [34] to [40]) – in the course of rejecting an implied duty

to give employees financial advice.

169. One example given by Dyson LJ, as to the concept of necessity, in the context of an

employment relationship, is the implied term of trust and confidence (the so-called ‘t&c’

term) that an employer will not engage in conduct which is likely to undermine the trust

and confidence required if the employment relationship is to continue in the manner the

employment contract implicitly envisages: see per Lord Nicholls in Mahmud v Bank of

Credit and Commerce International SA [1997] ICR 606, at 610–611. Parenthetically, it is

striking that one of the duties implied in Yam Seng was that of mutual trust and

– 62 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

confidence. Indeed, it is also one of the free-standing implied terms pleaded by the

Claimants (see: GPOC at §64.15).

170. In fact, one can see from the principles applied in Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd [2015]

UKSC 17 (“Braganza”) that the approach to the implication of terms in the employment

context is not an exercise which is, in itself, categorically distinct from that applicable to

detailed commercial contracts negotiated and drafted by the parties’ expert solicitors.

Rather, there is a continuum on which the court makes the ‘value judgment’ to which Lord

Neuberger referred in Marks & Spencer at [21]. The context informs the making of that

value judgment.

171. In result, on that approach, these contracts and the nature of the legal relationship which

they created both invite and admit the implication of the terms for which the Claimants

contend, on the basis of the Claimants’ case.

172. However, for completeness, it is also necessary to consider the aspects of the Claimants’

case which are admitted (fully or in part) by the Defendant – including whether the

Defendant effectively agrees that such terms (or other terms with like incidents) are

necessary and do not conflict with the express terms of the Subpostmaster contracts.

The Defendant’s case on implied terms

173. By its Generic Defence, the Defendant admits and avers that the two broad terms noted

above governing the relationship between the parties were implied in Subpostmaster

contracts. These implied terms are that:163

173.1. each party would refrain from taking steps that would inhibit or prevent the other

party from complying with its obligations under or by virtue of the contract (the

“Stirling v Maitland Term”); and

173.2. each party would provide the other with such reasonable cooperation as was

necessary to the performance of that other’s obligations under or by virtue of the

contract (the “Necessary Cooperation Term”).

163 GDef at §105 [B3/2/47]

– 63 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

174. By its Individual Defences in the Lead Claims, the Defendant goes beyond this (as noted

above, in relation to good faith). It further accepts the following to be implied terms (the

“Dishonesty Terms”):-

174.1. SPMC: Pursuant to Section 1, Clause 18 of the SPMC, the Defendant had: (i) a

power to change the contract and its operational instructions with the agreement

of the National Federation of Subpostmasters (“NFSP”); and (ii) a power to change

the contract and its operational instructions without the agreement of the NFSP.

As to these powers:

a. The Defendant admits that with respect to the latter such power, it is an

implied term of the SPMC that the Defendant will not to exercise the same

“dishonestly or in an arbitrary, capricious or irrational manner”.

b. Somewhat surprisingly, it is not accepted by the Defendant that the implied

term would apply with respect to the former such power.164 The basis for the

distinction is unclear, and the Individual Replies have put the Defendant to

strict proof as to the basis upon which the Defendant is entitled to so act (e.g.

dishonestly) when making a change which was agreed by the NFSP.165

174.2. NTC: The Defendant identifies three clauses – Part 2, Clause 20.2; Part 3, Clause

3.1; and Part 5, Clause 1.3 – in respect of which

a. The Defendant admits that there is an implied term requiring the Defendant

to not exercise those entitlements dishonestly or in an arbitrary, capricious or

irrational manner.166

b. Similarly, the Individual Replies put the Defendant to strict proof on the basis

upon which the Defendant contend it is entitled to act dishonestly in relation

to any other powers under the contract.167

164 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §65(2) [B5.1/3/38]

165 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §73.2 [B5.1/4/32]
166 See, e.g. Dar/IDef at §52(2) to (4) [B5.5/3/26-27]

– 64 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

175. Yet save as above, the Defendant’s case is that the relevant Subpostmaster contracts were

not subject to any of the implied terms pleaded in GPOC §64 and set out above. In

particular, the Defendant’s case is that:-

175.1. The alleged terms are not so obvious as to go without saying and were not

necessary for the business efficacy of the contract. The contract is said to have not

lacked practical or commercial coherence.168

175.2. The SPMC and NTC are said to be detailed and professionally drafted written

agreements designed to be used for a business-to-business relationship.169

175.3. The alleged terms would have prevented the parties from acting commercially,

sensibly and flexibly in response to situations arising during the contractual


176. The Defendant also takes issue with the number and detail of the implied terms

contended for by the Claimants. Somewhat surprisingly, it is said by the Defendant that

this (alone) “demonstrates that none of those terms was a term that the parties would

necessarily have agreed had they sought to make express provision for the subject matter”.171 The

Defendant claims that only the express terms of the contract, and its admitted implied

terms, are what the parties in fact chose to contract upon.

Uncertainty as to implied terms (or incidents) admitted

177. Although the Defendant admits the Necessary Cooperation Term and the Stirling v

Maitland Term, it has proved impossible for the Claimants to discern the true import of

these admitted terms, so far as regards the Common Issues and particularly the implied

terms alleged by the Claimants which the Defendant contends are already ‘governed’ by

the admitted terms (GDef at §106(2)).

167 See, e.g. Dar/IReply at §63.3 [B5.5/4/28] – although the Claimants readily accept that the absence
of a term requiring good faith is not necessarily to be equated with permission to a party to act in
bad faith, the way in which the Defendant’s case is pleaded in the present case appears to claim,
or at least to come very close to claiming, a right to exercise powers dishonestly.
168 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §56(1) [B5.1/3/34]
169 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §56(2) [B5.1/3/34]
170 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §56(5) [B5.1/3/34-35]
171 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §56(4) [B5.1/3/34]

– 65 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

178. It follows from the Defendant’s admission and averment that of implied terms of the

breadth and general application as the Necessary Cooperation Term and the Stirling v

Maitland Term that it is uncontroversial that:

178.1. the Subpostmaster contracts did not legislate for the relationship (including e.g.

cooperation) required between the parties in order to give effect many of the

express terms agreed or to give the contracts the necessary commercial or practical


178.2. the express terms in question includes dealing with the subject matter at which the

Claimants’ pleaded implied terms are directed;

178.3. it is both necessary to give business efficacy to Subpostmaster contracts and so

obvious as to go without saying that terms requiring the parties to co-operate and

not to prevent performance are to be implied so as to address that subject matter.

179. Thus it follows from the foregoing that it is also uncontroversial that the Subpostmaster

contracts forming the subject of this trial were, despite their apparent complexity,

materially incomplete in a great many respects including as to the full spectrum of subject

matter at which the Claimants’ implied terms are directed.

180. It is in respect of this chasm that both parties seek to imply duties:

180.1. the Defendant admits and avers wide ill-defined duties of cooperation and

prohibition on prevention of performance; whereas

180.2. the Claimants plead formulated, narrower implied terms that are clearly

expressed (alternatively, in any event, meet the requirement of being capable

of clear expression) that are both obvious and go no further than is necessary

to give business efficacy to the terms of the Subpostmaster contracts.

181. The Claimants’ approach accords with, and satisfies the requirements of, the established

approach to the implication of such terms insofar as:

181.1. that there is no general requirement in law to imply either such terms; and

– 66 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

181.2. such terms are to be implied out of necessity and in order to give efficacy to

the express terms of the contract (see Ukraine v The Law Debenture Trust

Corporation Plc [2018] EWCA Civ 2026 and overview of the principles

restated and affirmed by the judgment of Gloster LJ in that case in Annex C:

Implied Terms, below).

182. Despite every effort made by the Claimants to narrow the extent of disagreement, the

Defendant has refused to be drawn on the precise extent to which the Defendant in fact

admits the substantive obligations imposed by the implied terms contended for by the

Claimants, or admits that those terms are incidents of other implied terms.

183. This remains at large, despite the clear wording of Issue (2):

“Which, if any, of the terms in the paragraphs listed below were implied terms (or
incidents of such implied terms) of the contracts between Post Office and
Subpostmasters?” [Emphasis added]

184. By its Generic Defence at §106(2), the Defendant pleaded that:

“The numerous additional terms alleged by the Claimants in paragraphs 64.1 to 64.19 are neither
necessary to the business efficacy of the Subpostmaster Contracts nor so obvious as to go without
saying. Many of them would obviously have been rejected by Post Office had they been proposed
and / or are unreasonable and / or make no commercial sense. Further, many of the matters that
are already governed by the terms of the said contracts (including the Stirling v Maitland Term
and the Necessary Cooperation Term) and / or positively contradict those terms.” [Emphasis

185. The Claimants sensibly enquired as to which of its proposed terms are already said to be

governed by the Defendant’s admitted implied terms. The first such enquiry was made

by a Part 18 CPR Request dated 31 July 2017 (Request 61).172 The Defendant’s response

dated 13 September 2017 did not clarify its position:

“61: These are matters for submissions. However:

61A: Post Office's case in this regard is that certain of the implied terms alleged by the Claimants
address matters that are already governed by the Stirling v Maitland Term and/or the Necessary
Cooperation Term; in other words, Post Office contends that the subject matter of the

172 [B4/2/23-24]

– 67 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

implied terms alleged by the Claimants is addressed sufficiently by the implied terms that Post
Office pleads, such that the test of necessity cannot be met in relation to the Claimants' alleged
terms. This is not "in substance" the acceptance of the Claimants' alleged terms. On the contrary,
it forms part of an argument that those terms are not to be implied. An example of such an alleged
term is that pleaded at paragraph 64.1 of the GPoC.

61B: Post Office's case in this regard is that certain of the implied terms alleged by the Claimants
would contradict the express terms of the agreements and/or the Stirling v Maitland Term and/or
the Necessary Cooperation Term by requiring Post Office to take steps that would not facilitate
the discharge of the Subpostmaster's obligations and/or would in some circumstances hinder the
discharge of those obligations. An example of such an alleged term is that pleaded at paragraph
64.3 of the GPoC.” [Emphasis added]

186. With justification, the Claimants regard the Defendant’s response as both unclear and

evasive. Seeking to narrow the scope of the issues to be determined at this trial, the

Claimants requested further information pursuant to Part 18 CPR on 29 December

2017.173 They asked of the Defendant’s Response 61A:

“(a) Save for the example given [which was an implied term to provide adequate training
and support], which implied terms alleged by the Claimants are said to be addressed sufficiently
by the implied terms that Post Office pleads?

(b) With respect to each such implied term alleged by the Claimants, please state the extent to
which it is admitted that those pleaded by Post Office could give rise to the same contractual
obligations as those by the Claimants in paragraph 64 of the Amended Generic Particulars of
Claim?” [Emphasis added]

187. The Defendant consented to the inclusion of a direction under Part 18 CPR in the Second

CMC Order that it not only respond to the Claimants RFI, but that it also provide the

information requested. Despite this, the Defendant’s response was as follows:174

“1. As indicated in Response 61A of the Response to the Claimants' Request for
Further Information dated 31 July 2017 ("the July 2017 RFI Response"), this is a
matter for submissions. Further, the Claimants seek particulars of Post Office's case
on implied terms in circumstances where they admit the implied terms that Post Office
asserts. The Claimants do not require the information that they seek now to

173 [B4/3/2]
174 [B4/3/2]

– 68 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

understand Post Office's case or to prepare to meet it. The matters set out below are
without prejudice to these points.

2. As to Request 67(a) specifically, the request is based on an apparent

misunderstanding of Post Office's case and is inappropriate;

a. The request proceeds on the assumption that Post Office contends that the
Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms address the further implied
terms alleged by the Claimants in paragraph 64 of the Amended Generic
Particulars of Claim ("AGPoC").

b. That is not Post Office's case. Post Office's case is that, if and insofar as it may
be necessary for a term to be implied addressing the subject matter of the further
implied terms alleged by the Claimants, that subject matter is addressed sufficiently
by the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms. In other words, if
and insofar as it may be necessary for a term to be implied which in any way
addresses any of the innumerable circumstances which might be affected by the
further terms alleged in relation to a particular subject matter, such necessity is
satisfied by the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms, terms which
are admitted by the Claimants.

c. If and to the extent that the Claimants wish to contend that the Stirling v
Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms would not be sufficient because of
specific facts and matters on which they rely in contending that any specific term
should be implied, Post Office will respond to any particularised case to that effect.

d. Post Office cannot identify all the various circumstances that would be
addressed by the further implied terms alleged by the Claimants and explain in each
case why the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms are sufficient
to meet any alleged necessity to imply a term. The Claimants' generic pleadings are
not sufficiently detailed to allow detailed argument on matters of this sort,
including because the Claimants have not separately pleaded specific facts and
matters in support of each of their alleged implied terms. It would not be reasonable
to require Post Office to speculate as to the Claimants' case on the supposed
necessity of each of the further alleged implied terms.

3. Notwithstanding the above, on Post Office's present understanding of the

Claimants' case and seeking as best it can to anticipate the Claimant's arguments on
implied terms:

a. Post Office contends that the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation
Terms are sufficient to meet any necessity to imply terms in relation to following
general areas: the provision of training (addressed by the implied term alleged at

– 69 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

AGPoC, paragraph 64.1), the steps taken in relation to shortfalls disclosed by the
accounts (addressed by the implied terms alleged at AGPoC, paragraphs 64.3-
64.12) and dealing with any problems with Horizon (addressed by the implied
terms alleged at AGPoC, paragraphs 64.1A, 64.8 and 64.9).

b. Post Office contends that the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation
Terms are sufficient to meet any necessity to imply terms in relation to the overall
contractual relationship between the parties. Accordingly, Post Office will rely on
those terms in resisting the implication of the further implied terms that the
Claimants allege in relation to that overall contractual relationship: see the implied
terms alleged at AGPoC, paragraphs 63, 64.15, 64.18 and 64.19.

4. As to Request 67(b) specifically, the request is based on an apparent misunderstanding

of Post Office's case and is inappropriate:

a. The request proceeds on the assumption that the Defendant admits that the Stirling v
Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms "give rise to the same obligations as [some
or all of] the further terms alleged by the Claimants".

b. That is not Post Office's case. Post Office's case is that, if and insofar as it may be
necessary for a term to be implied addressing the subject matter of the further implied
terms alleged by the Claimants, that subject matter is addressed sufficiently by the
Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms. In other words, if and insofar as
it may be necessary for a term to be implied which in any way addresses any of the
innumerable circumstances which may be affected by the further terms alleged in relation
to a particular subject matter, such necessity is satisfied by the Stirling v Maitland and
Necessary Cooperation Terms, terms which are admitted by the Claimants. This is
different from an admission that the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation
Terms include the same contractual obligations as any of the alleged further implied
terms, and no such admission is made. The implied terms and obligations are different.

c. For the avoidance of doubt, nor is it Post Office's case that the practical effects of the
Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms are the same as the practical
effects that would result from the alleged further implied terms. The extent of overlap in
the practical effects would depend on the particular factual circumstances at issue, and
the Claimants' generic pleadings are not sufficiently detailed to allow detailed argument
on matters of this sort.” [Emphasis added]

188. The Claimants asked a similar question in relation to which of the implied terms in

GPOC §64 are said to positively contradict the terms of the contract (both express and

– 70 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

the implied terms accepted by the Defendant), and received a similarly evasive

answer.175 For example, the Defendant states that:

“Whether the further implied terms alleged by the Claimants would hinder the
discharge of the obligations under the express and implied terms relied upon by Post
Office depends on the alleged practical consequences of the alleged implied terms in
particular circumstances. This is a matter for submissions in light of the matters put
forward in more detailed pleadings. It would not be reasonable to require Post Office
to seek to identify exhaustively the inconsistencies that may arise in all possible

189. The Defendant has refused therefore to identify which argument applies to which terms,

reserving the matter for submissions at trial rather than narrowing this issue. As the two

arguments (i.e. “already governed” and “positively contradict”) are polar opposites, the

consequences of that ambiguity are stark.

190. By a letter dated 27 June 2018,177 the solicitors for the Defendant, after being further

pressed by the Claimants, stated that, in the example of training:

“Post Office was required to provide training and support in accordance with (a) the
express terms of the contracts and/or (b) the implied term as to Necessary Cooperation
and/or (c) the Stirling v Maitland implied term.” [Emphasis added]

191. The implied term pleaded by the Claimants at GPOC §64.1 is that the Defendant is

required to “provide adequate training and support (particularly if and when the Defendant

imposed new working practices or systems or required the provision of new services)”.

Accordingly, the Claimants’ solicitors sought by letter dated 29 June 2018 to ascertain the

extent to which this apparent concession further narrowed the issues for determination

at the Common Issues Trial by asking further:

“If there is no material difference between this and an obligation to provide adequate
training and support, then please say so now. If Post Office will in fact contend that
there is some material difference, please also say so now and explain what that is. For
example, Post Office could deny any requirement that the training and support

175 See Responses 5 to 6 of the Defendant’s Response to the Claimants’ Second RFI [B4/3/5]
176 ibid at Response 5.
177 [H/10]

– 71 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

should be adequate. Is that in fact Post Office’s case? If so, please spell it out now,
by return.”178

192. No satisfactory answer has been received. The Defendant was finally persuaded to

provide further information by means of a table, said to describe “Post Office’s case on the

subject matters addressed” by the implied terms contended for by the Claimants and those

accepted by the Defendant (the “Implied Terms Table”).179

193. The Court is respectfully requested to read the Implied Terms Table. It is regrettably

unclear, but in the circumstances, is informative as an overview of the extent of difference

between the parties on Issues 2 and 3.

194. By the Implied Terms Table (which is qualified by a wide ranging disclaimer)180 the

Defendant sought to respond to each implied term alleged by the Claimants by conceding

whether a breach of the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation Terms could

amount to a breach of the Claimants’ pleaded implied terms.

195. Despite pleading that the “subject matter of the implied terms alleged by the Claimants is

addressed sufficiently by the implied terms that Post Office pleads, such that the test of necessity

cannot be met in relation to the Claimants' alleged terms.”181 the Defendant’s case appears to

amount to no more than an assertion that failure to comply with the Claimants pleaded

implied terms could, circumstances depending, also be capable of constituting a breach

of the Stirling v Maitland or Necessary Cooperation Terms.182

178 [H/11]
179 [H/19]
180 Being said, on its first page, to be “…without prejudice to any other argument that Post Office may
advance in relation to the implication of the Additional Terms and without prejudice to Post Office’s position
(as set out in earlier correspondence) that this document is not required by the Claimants nor are the
Claimants are entitled to it.”
181 Response to the Claimant’s RFI at 61A [B4/2/24]
182 See, for example, the Defendant’s response in the Implied Terms Table to the Claimants’ pleaded
implied term that Post Office provide adequate training: “The subject matter of the term alleged in
paragraph 64.1 is training. Post Office accepts that the Common Terms could address that subject matter,
in the sense that the provision of training may be capable of constituting a breach of those terms, if it
inhibited or prevented the other party from complying with his obligations under or by virtue of the contract,
or constituted a failure to provide reasonable training by Post Office (where such was necessary to the
performance of the other party’s obligations under or by virtue of the contract). Whether in

– 72 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

196. Notwithstanding the obvious lack of clarity with which the Defendant has approached

this matter, the Court is invited to proceed (from the foregoing) that the Defendant either

expressly or impliedly admits:

196.1. the Stirling v Maitland and Necessary Cooperation terms;

196.2. that those terms are necessary to give business efficacy to the contracts;

196.3. that they address the same “subject matter” as the Claimants’ implied terms;

196.4. that Post Office was required to provide training and support in accordance with

(a) the express terms of the contracts and/or (b) the implied term as to Necessary

Cooperation Term and/or (c) the Stirling v Maitland Term;

196.5. that provision of inadequate training could be a breach of that obligation; and

196.6. that the obligations imposed by the Claimants’ implied terms pleaded at GPOC

§64.16 to §64.18, being those numbered (16) and (17) above are either free- standing

obligations, contrary to its Generic Defence as pleaded, or incidents of its implied


The case for implication of the Claimants’ proposed terms

197. In the light of the foregoing, and in support of their case that the terms referred to as (1)

to (19) above, and pleaded at GPOC §64.1 to §64.19 are implied terms, the Claimants will

rely upon the following.

198. In general and with respect to all of the implied terms contended for:

198.1. To the extent those terms arise by reason of the contract being a ‘relational

contract’, the facts and matters set out in relation to Common Issue (1) above, upon

the principles set out in ‘Annex B: Relational Contracts’.

any particular case a failure to provide training, or the nature of the training provided, constitutes such a
breach would depend on the circumstances.” [Emphasis added] [H/19/1]

– 73 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

198.2. The Defendant’s admissions that it was necessary and / or obvious that the Stirling

v Maitland, Necessary Cooperation and Dishonesty Terms should be implied (as

admitted both in its Generic and Individual Defences).

198.3. That the implied terms do not contradict the express terms of the contact. This is

also apparently common ground insofar as it is the Defendants case that the subject

matter of the terms are already dealt with by its own pleaded implied terms. Given

this there can be no basis for its wholly unparticularised and contradictory

assertion that the Claimants’ pleaded implied terms do so conflict.

198.4. The contract was not a detailed and professionally drafted written agreement.

Rather, it was poorly and confusingly drafted. From 2000 onwards, the SPMC

became ever more outdated and ineffective in addressing the increasingly

digitised and complex Post Office operations. The SPMC quickly became outdated

and it wasn’t clear to Subpostmasters what the contract comprised. The contract

was sufficiently unclear on its express terms for the Defendant to concede the

necessity to imply wide terms requiring cooperation.

199. Further, with respect to the specific implied terms pleaded by the Claimants, the

following further considerations are relevant.

200. Under Training and Support (implied term (1)) above, the Claimants will rely on:

200.1. The Defendant’s (limited) admission that Post Office was required to provide

training and support183 and that provision of inadequate training may be a breach

of that requirement, as above. (Indeed, the contracts made provision for the

Defendant to provide training to assistants: see, Issues 22 and 23: Assistants,

under the sub-heading The express terms purporting to confer a benefit, on

p.161 below.)

183 An opaque concession, extracted from the Defendant – paragraph 190, on p.72 above

– 74 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

200.2. The expectations of the parties, no more clearly evidenced than in the Defendant’s

own “Welcome – Subpostmaster’s appointment pack”184 in which Defendant made

promises including the following:

“To help you make your new business a success, on-going training and support
are available. There is a lot to learn, but there will be plenty of expert support and
advice available, often just a phone call away. To support you with running your
branch, we offer a training package which is flexible and based upon your
individual needs.”


“On-site training
This takes place at your Post Office ® branch or neighbouring branch. It covers a
host of different aspects of your day to day work. The duration of training varies
from branch to branch, and is tailored to individual requirements.”

200.3. This was reflected in the Defendant’s own expectations in providing training for


“As Liz will not have had her training by then it would be up to you Karen to make
sure she is adequately trained and Karen you would be responsible for the Post Office
cash until Liz has officially taken over.”

200.4. Even on the Defendant’s admitted case, it is necessary (to comply with the

admitted requirement of cooperation and in order that such training be effective)

that the training be adequate in order that Subpostmasters are able to comply with

the contractual requirements upon them inter alia to use Horizon for the handling

of branch transactions and prepare and submit branch accounts using Horizon.

200.5. The Defendants own evidence that “[t]he aim of training is to equip the Subpostmaster

with the skills to perform the role that they have been asked to do” and that “effective

training… reduces the chance of an accounting or cash / stock handling

184 [F2/37/18]
185 [E6/45/1]

– 75 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

error in branch, thereby reducing shortfalls.”186 It follows that inadequate training

increases shortfalls.

200.6. That a term requiring adequate training be provided by the Defendant would, in

the circumstances, be so obvious as to go without saying (particularly given that

the Defendant intimated as much in the Welcome pack).

200.7. That such a term is plainly capable of clear expression, as pleaded.

200.8. That such a term does not conflict with express terms of the contract.

201. Under Horizon and recording transactions (implied terms (1A) and (2)) above, the

Claimants will rely on:

201.1. The Defendant’s own pleaded description of Horizon and the functions that it

performed, set out in the GDef at §§33, 38, 40 and 53 to 54.

201.2. The Defendant’s admitted role at §123 GDef, by which it largely admits GPOC

§81, which pleads that the Defendant:

a. effected, recorded and managed the reconciliation of transactions effected

by the Claimants;187

b. possessed and/or controlled the underlying transaction data in relation to

such transactions;

c. required Claimants to comply with contractual obligations in relation to the

keeping and production of branch accounts;

d. had the power to seek recovery from Claimants for losses relating to branch

accounts; and/or

e. in fact sought recovery from the Claimants for apparent shortfalls.

186 Van Den Bogerd, §99 and 99.1

187 The GDef pleads at §123(1) [B3/2/53] in respect of this averment that: “Post Office recorded the
transaction data entered on Horizon by Claimants and so far as possible sought to reconcile that transaction
data with other data is (sic) processed.” Otherwise, the remaining sub-paragraphs of GPOC §81 are

– 76 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

201.3. The Defendant’s own evidence is that it provides Horizon to Subpostmasters as a

‘key benefit’ to joining the Post Office network.188 The Defendant’s own evidence is

that Horizon removes the burden upon Subpostmasters of preparing, maintaining

and submitting accounts by use of Horizon and has clear benefits (as a record

keeping system) over what went before.189

201.4. The provision of a system that was not fit for purpose (including by lacking

sufficient error repellency) would prevent Subpostmasters from performing

services for which they were appointed under their contracts – such that a term

requiring fitness for purpose is necessary for the contract to be workable.

201.5. It would be impossible for Subpostmasters (or indeed the Defendant) to perform

the contract, once Horizon had been introduced, if the Defendant was not obliged

properly and accurately to effect, record, maintain and keep records of all

transactions effected using the system.

201.6. In particular, Subpostmasters would be unable to comply with terms of the SPMC

and NTC contracts requiring them to (a) use Horizon for branch transactions, (b)

prepare and submit branch accounts using Horizon.

201.7. The terms pleaded by the Claimants requiring that it be fit for purpose and that

relevant data be recorded and maintained by Defendant on it (as formulated

above) are, in the circumstances, so obvious as to go without saying.

201.8. Finally, such terms are capable of clear expression – as pleaded.

202. Under Investigations and shortfalls (terms (3) to (16)) above, the Claimants will rely


202.1. The Defendant’s admitted role at §123 GDef, as above.

202.2. That the contractual requirements upon Subpostmasters to produce and submit

branch accounts could not be performed at all, alternatively properly or accurately

performed, in circumstances where Subpostmasters were unable fully

188 Van Den Bogerd, §65.5

189 Van Den Bogerd , §91-98

– 77 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

and fairly to investigate the cause of alleged shortfalls either themselves or with

the assistance of the Defendant.

202.3. That it was therefore necessary for business efficacy that terms of the nature

pleaded by the Claimants be implied enabling the cause of any discrepancies in

branch accounts to be ascertained, whether by investigation by the Subpostmaster

(for which records in the Defendants possession were needed) or by the Defendant

(having access to information to which Subpostmasters do not).

202.4. The overwhelming evidential support for the foregoing by the like experience of

each of the Lead Claimants, as summarised in Section A above.

202.5. It was in any event necessary, to give effect to the express terms of the relevant

contracts imposing liability upon Subpostmasters for losses, for the cause of any

discrepancies to be ascertained and whether it represented a loss to Post Office for

such liability to arise – and without which, therefore, the contracts would be

unworkable and lack commercial coherence.

202.6. Such terms would be so obvious as to go without saying, accordingly.

202.7. Such terms are each capable of clear expression (being clearly expressed as they

are pleaded).

203. Under Exercising of powers and discretions (implied terms (13) to (17)) above, the

Claimants will rely on:

203.1. The absence of ‘very clear language’ (or indeed any language)190 in the relevant

contracts purporting to exclude of any implied obligations to exercise contractual

discretions in good faith, not arbitrarily or capriciously, and consistently with the

purpose of the contract.

203.2. The clear necessity for such implied obligations, in order to constrain exercise of

otherwise unfettered contractual discretions, whose effect would otherwise be

190 On the principles above, amplified in Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

– 78 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

contrary to the purpose of the contracts and contrary to the norms to be expected

both in the commercial context and in a relational contract of this nature.

203.3. The Defendant’s admitted role at §123 GDef, as above.

203.4. That it would be so obvious to notional reasonable persons in the position of the

parties as to go without saying that Post Office could not exercise such discretions

arbitrarily, capriciously, or inconsistently with the purpose of the contract.

203.5. Again, that such terms are so obvious as to go without saying, and capable of clear

expression – as accepted by analogy in the authorities referred to under the

heading Implied restriction on contractual discretion.

204. Under Reasonable care (implied term (19)) above, the Claimants will rely on:

204.1. The necessity, in order to give effect to the relationship created by the relevant

contracts, that the Defendant take reasonable care in performing its functions

under it: the powers and discretions to which the implied term relates could

adversely affect the accounts, business, health and reputation of the Claimant and

without such a limitation the bargain of the contract could be subverted.

204.2. That again, in a relational contract of this nature, the exercise of such care would

accord with the commercial norms to be expected.

Final matters arising on the Defendant’s case

205. Finally, it is the Defendant’s case that the following implied terms pleaded by the

Claimants “would have been onerous, unreasonable, uncommercial and/or unnecessary”:

205.1. the implied terms alleged in paragraphs §64.4 to 64.11 of the GPOC (implied terms

(4) to (11) above), being the requirements to investigate, or assist in the

investigation of, alleged shortfalls, which are also said to be “open-ended and

unlimited obligations”;191 and

191 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §60 [B5.1/3/36]

– 79 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

205.2. the implied term pleaded at GPOC §64.12 (implied term (12) above), being the

requirement not to seek recovery of disputed shortfalls from the Claimants unless

and until it can be satisfied that the same represents a genuine (i.e. financial) loss

to the Defendant, and the Defendant has carried out a “reasonable” and “fair”


206. In all the circumstances, and given the necessity and obviousness of those terms, the

Defendant’s case in this respect is lacking in reality – particularly so in circumstances

where the Defendant itself contends for wider, less narrowly defined, implied duties to

co-operate which it contends obviate the need to imply those terms.

207. The focus of the Defendant’s case in this respect appears to be the assertion made by its

primary witness that “[i]f Post Office had to positively prove every shortfall was the fault of a

Subpostmaster, the administrative burden would be massive. It would also potentially require a

disproportionate amount of effort to be put into proving very small losses in branches, which to a

single branch may immaterial, but across 11,000 branches could add up to significant losses.”193

208. The Defendant has set up a straw man: nobody is suggesting a requirement, in practice,

for the Defendant to prove every alleged shortfall or a Transaction Correction sent to a

Subpostmaster – merely a reasonable system by which Subpostmasters could ascertain

the basis of any particular shortfalls and challenge them on an informed basis. If, under

such a system, the Defendant could not show that the alleged shortfall was both real and

caused by fault on the part of the Subpostmaster, then the Subpostmasters would not be

liable for it. What is in issue is the imposition of liability (without proof).

209. The Defendant’s position involves two assumed, if not express, premises:

209.1. that deviating from its own practices would be unfairly disruptive to the

Defendant and impose impossible or undue administrative burdens; and

209.2. therefore, the Court’s contractual construction must conform to the

Defendant’s own internal practices – the very subject of this dispute.

192 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §61(5) [B5.1/3/37]

193 Van Den Bogerd, §144 [C2/1/39]

– 80 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

210. The Defendant seeks to rely upon in terrorem predictions of its witnesses as to the burden

to be imposed by, for example, checking daily cash declarations, and its alleged reliance

upon Subpostmasters as to what occurred in individual branches.194

211. But the terms it is necessary to imply do not impose burdens of the nature described:

211.1. Terms (3) and (4) impose requirements produce relevant records and to

cooperate in seeking to identify the causes of apparent losses – these are

functions for which Helpline was presumably intended.

211.2. Terms (5) to (7) (and (11)) require only that the Defendant, seek to identify

such causes itself, disclose (and not conceal) the same, and give fair and even

handed consideration to information available.

211.3. Terms (8) to (10) amount to requirements to disclose and/or not to conceal

certain matters including known bugs/errors with Horizon, the experience of

other Subpostmasters and its ability to alter relevant data remotely.

211.4. Term (12) requires, fairly and reasonably, that the Defendant not seek to

recover from Subpostmasters unless it had complied with the foregoing,

established that a shortfall amounted to a genuine loss and conducted a fair


212. On Issue (3), the Claimants will also rely upon the Defendant’s admission that certain

contractual discretions and powers were, in any event, subject to an implied term that

they would not be exercised dishonestly, arbitrarily, capriciously or irrationally.

213. The Defendant’s concessions on implied terms are highly selective and the fact that the

Defendant refuses to be drawn on the impact of those concessions suggests, at least on

one view, that such concessions are tactical rather than realistic.

214. It is noteworthy that the Defendant appears very ready to concede implied obligations

when it is to its advantage, as illustrated by the Defendant’s previous concession before

the Court of Appeal in Moeze Lalji v Post Office Limited [2003] EWCA Civ 1873, at the

194 Van Den Bogerd, §126-139 [C2/1/34-38]

– 81 –
Issues 2 and 3: Implied Terms

hearing of a renewed application for permission to appeal. The Defendant conceded that

its exercise of rights regarding suspension and termination, (including the power to

forfeit remuneration during suspension), was qualified by an implied term that “the power

must not be exercised capriciously”.195

215. There is no rational basis upon which such a term should not equally apply to all such

powers and discretions, or for confining the term to preclude only caprice rather than (for

example) bad faith. It will be for the Defendant to explain why it was contractually

entitled to act otherwise in its dealings with the Claimants or other Subpostmasters.

Findings sought by the Claimants on Issues 2 and 3

216. In the light of the foregoing, the Claimants will respectfully invite the Court find as


216.1. The context is important to the value judgment which the Court is required to

make. (The Claimants will address any particular factual findings to be made in

the light of the evidence at trial in closing.)

216.2. On Issue (2), all (or substantially all) of the implied terms pleaded by the Claimants

were implied terms (or incidents of implied terms) of the relevant Subpostmaster

contracts; and

216.3. On Issue (3), the implied terms referred to at GPOC, paras §§64.16, 64.17, 64.18

and/or 64.19 apply to all of the Defendant’s contractual powers, discretions and/or

functions under the terms of the SPMC and NTC contracts.

195 As recited by Sedley LJ at §27.

– 82 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

Issue 4: Did Post Office supply Horizon, the Helpline and / or training / materials to
Subpostmasters (i) as services under “relevant contracts for the supply of services” and
(ii) in the course of its business, such that there was an implied term requiring Post
Office to carry out any such services with reasonable care and skill, pursuant to section
13 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 63A 104 57
Bates 91 to 92 69 to 70 76 to 79
Stubbs 94 to 95 54 to 55 68 to 71
Sabir 70 to 71 68 to 69 73 to 76
Abdulla 68 to 69 56 to 57 66 to 69
Dar 83 to 84 56 to 57 66 to 69
Stockdale 82 to 83 51 to 52 60 to 63

217. Depending on the Court’s decision as to the implied terms (above) this issue may be

unnecessary. Indeed, aspects of this issue may be moot because of the Defendant’s own

admissions as to its obligations (below).

218. However, the Claimants’ case is that the Defendant agreed to supply the following

services to the Claimants in the course of its business (together the “Services”) pursuant

to ‘a relevant contract for the supply of services’ within the meaning in Section 12(1) of the

1982 Act:

218.1. Horizon;

218.2. the Helpline; and

218.3. training and / or materials provided in relation to the foregoing.

219. As a result, the term requiring exercise of reasonable skill and care is to be implied under

Section 13 of the 1982 Act with respect to the provision of those Services.

220. The following preliminary observations set the stage:-

220.1. The Defendant itself admits that it was contractually bound to provide training

and support; specifically, that “Post Office was required to provide training and

– 83 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

support in accordance with (a) the express terms of the contracts and/or (b) the implied

term as to Necessary Cooperation and/or (c) the Stirling v Maitland implied term”.196

220.2. Indeed, the Defendant’s practice (at least at some point and when that practice was

actually followed) to require some Subpostmasters to agree to avail themselves of

training provided by the Defendant, in Appendix 1 to their Appointment Letters.

For example, see Appendix 1 in Sabir’s case:197

“I, Mr Mohammad Sabir, fully understand and accept these terms and
conditions and agree to avail myself of the pre-appointment introductory

220.3. As noted also below, the Defendant stipulated in the NTC that it:

“provides customer and business services such as helplines to support

Subpostmasters / operators”.198

221. There seems no sensible argument that the training which the Defendant admits it was

obliged to provide should not embrace the provision of materials for such training.

222. Equally, there seems to be no sensible distinction to be drawn between the provision of

Helpline and the support which the Defendant admits that it was obliged to provide.

223. The relevant principles on this issue are set out more fully in Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply

of Goods and Services Act. They are encapsulated in the propositions set out below, by

which the Claimant contends that:

223.1. The Services were provided by the Defendant in the course of its business199 – a

proposition that is supported by the Defendant’s repeated characterisation of these

contracts as ‘business to business’ contracts (on its own case and, in any event, in

contradistinction to consumer contracts, which are now dealt with under a totally

separate statutory regime).

196 By letter dated 27 June 2018, [H/10]

197 [D1.3/1/1]
198 See, e.g., Stockdale/IPOC at §6.4 and 83.2 [B5.6/2/2] [B5.6/2/18]
199 “Business” is widely defined in 1982 Act at s.18(1) as: “includes a profession and the activities of any
government department or local or public authority”. This would capture a entity such as the
Defendant, wholly owned by the state.

– 84 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

223.2. The Services were plainly provided to the Claimants as ‘services’ within the

meaning of the 1982 Act. Provision of Horizon, the Helpline and training to

Subpostmasters was not a right that the Defendant simply elected to exercise in its

own interest and for its own protection;200 rather, they formed part of the package

of services provided by each party to the other under the terms of the

Subpostmaster agreements, and cannot be separated from other services to be

provided under those agreements – indeed they were integral to them. The

Defendant itself emphasises on the Subpostmaster contracts being contracts for

services. This was plainly a two way street.

223.3. The Services were essential to the operation by Subpostmasters of their branch and,

therefore, to the operation of the contract as a whole. Without them,

Subpostmasters could not possibly accepted the appointment, let alone performed

their core obligations under it.

224. Any attempt to parse the provision of Horizon as a service from the provision of the

Services as a whole is wholly artificial. These were provided as a central part of the wider

bargain struck between the Defendant and Subpostmasters, as explained below.


225. Provision by Defendant: First, the position with regard to Horizon is straightforward

insofar as the Defendant’s own evidence is that “Post Office provides the equipment,

including IT equipment, needed to conduct customer transactions and maintain the branch

accounts, including safes, mail scales, Horizon, printers, barcode scanners and chip and pin

machines. It also provides the back-end IT infrastructure that connects each branch with Post

Office's Clients. I do not believe that a small business owner could put this infrastructure in place

on their own.”201

200 Such as, for example, the right to close out a client Forex position considered in Marex Financial
Limited v. Creative Finance Limited & another [2013] EWHC 2155 (Comm), per Field J at §71
201 Van Den Bogerd, §65.5

– 85 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

226. These services and hardware are said to be provided by the Defendant to Subpostmasters

as a ‘key benefit’ in joining the Post Office Network.202

227. The Defendant’s claims that Horizon reduced the burdens of preparing, maintaining and

submitting accounts, by generating them ‘automatically’.203

228. Horizon Online was (on the Defendant’s case) provided to facilitate the very business

that forms the primary subject-matter of the contract, as described in the Generic Defence

at §33:

“… Until 2010, Horizon was a distributed system in which transactions were

undertaken within branches, whose terminals transmitted transaction data in
branches to a central Post Office data centre. Once Horizon Online was introduced in
2010, transactions were effected through real time exchanges of data from branches to
a central Post Office data centre…” [Emphasis added]

229. Focus of training: Second, the necessary training (on the Defendant’s account) related

particularly to how to use the Horizon system and the service provided by the Defendant

thereby. The Defendant’s evidence is that at all material times initial training was offered

to new Subpostmasters by the Defendant,204 said (controversially) to include as “core


229.1. how to conduct basic transactions;

229.2. how to deal with remittances of cash and stock in and out of branch;

229.3. how to submit the required daily, weekly and monthly accounts;

229.4. how to declare, investigate, make good and dispute shortfalls; and

229.5. how to get further advice and support.205

230. Service to Subpostmasters: Third, the Lead Claimants’ evidence entirely supports the

characterisation of the provision of Horizon as a service, intended to offer them a

202 Van Den Bogerd, §65

203 Van Den Bogerd, §93
204 See, e.g., Van Den Bogerd §102 [C2/1/30]
205 See Van Den Bogerd §104 [C2/1/31]

– 86 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

means of performing tasks otherwise performed by them through other systems

procured by them personally.206


231. In the GPOC, the Claimants pleaded at §29:

“The Defendant operated the Network Business Support Helpline (“the Helpline”) which it
provided and recommended to Claimants as a primary source of advice and assistance in relation
to Horizon, transactions, errors and issues relating to their trading statements and accounts.”
[Emphasis added]

232. GPOC §29 is admitted by the Defendant in the GDef.207 Whether (and if so, how) this falls

outside the admitted implied obligation to provide support remains wholly unclear. But

on any view, the Helpline was provided under ‘a relevant contract for the supply of services’.

233. It is evident from the Defendant’s admission above that: (i) the Defendant did provide

the service of the Helpline (indeed it recommended the same); and (ii) the functions to

which it relates go to the primary subject-matter of the Subpostmaster contract – namely:

(i) carrying out transactions via Horizon in branch; (ii) keeping accurate accounts; (iii)

and submitting trading statements to the Defendant.

234. The NTC contract makes express reference to the Defendant’s provision of the Helpline:-

234.1. The Defendant provided a ‘restrictions policy’ which expressly stated that the

Defendant “provides customer and business services such as helplines to support

Subpostmasters / operators”208 (replicated in Part 6, Paragraph 1.4);

234.2. Part 2, Paragraph 1.6.1 of the NTC states that “Post Office Ltd shall provide: a helpline

to enable to Operator to consult with Post Office Ltd about running the branch”.209

206 Such as, by using the ‘Capture’ IT system used by Bates and Stubbs, or other accounting systems
207 See the GDef at §61 [B3/2/27]
208 See, e.g. Stockdale /IPOC at §6.4 and 83.2 [B5.6/2/2] [B5.6/2/18]

– 87 –
Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982

234.3. replicates the ‘restrictions policy’ referenced above.


235. This starts (and arguably finishes) with the Defendant’s admission of an implied

obligation to provide training as addressed above. This was plainly a service provided

under ‘a relevant contract for the supply of services’.

236. Training and support obviously overlap to some extent, and the Claimants will refer to

the Defendant’s own evidence and the reasons why the Defendant provided them.210

237. Not only does the Defendant admit such an obligation, but (without admitting any

requirement as to the quality of such training) the Defendant nonetheless admits that that

provision of inadequate training could be a breach of that implied obligation.211

238. Thus the Defendant plainly contracted to provide training to Subpostmasters and it is

common ground that the Defendant was obliged to provide this service as necessary to

give business efficacy to the contracts. Again, this was part of the bargain reached

between the Defendant and its Subpostmasters. The provision of training and support

– in the form of the Defendant’s Helpline, are properly to be characterised as services.

The Defendant’s case

239. The Defendant contends that in this respect the SPMC and NTC are not ‘relevant contracts

for the supply of services’ under 1982 Act.212 Specifically, the Defendant argues that it did

not agree to provide Horizon, the Helpline or training as: (i) a service to the Claimant; or

(ii) in return for consideration.213

240. That is obviously wrong, for all the reasons set out above.

209 See, e.g., Stockdale/IPOC at §83.2 [B.6/2/18

210 Van Den Bogerd, §99
211 See the Implied Terms Table, Defendant’s response to the Claimant’s pleaded implied term that
adequate training be provided at §64.1 GPOC
212 See the GDef at §104 [B3/2/47]
213 See, e.g. Stockdale/IDef at §52 [B5.6/3/26]

– 88 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

Issue 5: Were any or all of the express terms in the GPOC paragraphs listed below
onerous and unusual, so as to be unenforceable unless Post Office brought them fairly
and reasonably to the Subpostmasters’ attention?

para 51.1 and 51.3 (rules, instructions and standards)

para 52.1 and 52.3 (classes of business)

para 54.1 and 54.3 (accounts and liability for loss)

para 56.1.a and 56.2.a (assistants)

para 60.1 and 60.3 (suspension)

para 61.1 and 61.3 (termination)

para 62.1 and 62.3 (no compensation for loss of office)

Issue 6: If so, what, if any, steps was Post Office required to take to draw such terms to
the attention of the Subpostmaster?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 66 108 52 to 53, 61
Bates 93 to 95 71 to 77 80 to 86
Stubbs 96 to 98 56 to 62 72 to 78
Sabir 72 to 74 70 to 76 77 to 83
Abdulla 70 to 72 58 to 64 70 to 76
Dar 85 to 87 58 to 64 70 to 76
Stockdale 84 to 86 53 to 59 64 to 70

241. The Claimants rely upon the terms identified in the relevant GPOC paragraphs (and Issue

5) in full and the points made as the unreasonableness of the terms in issue under Issue

7: Unfair Contract Terms, which equally inform the distinct analysis here.

242. GReply at §52214 spells out some important aspects of the construction of the contracts for

which the Defendant contends, which is obviously onerous and unusual.

243. In particular, the terms (whether on their face or, a fortiori, as construed by the Defendant)

purportedly allow the Defendant the following largely unqualified215 rights:

214 [B3/3/30]

– 89 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

243.1. Rules, instructions and standards: To impose contractual requirements by notice,

including in Counter News. The terms captured by this category require

Subpostmasters to comply with an ill-defined corpus of obligations, so extensive

that the Defendant is unable and / or unwilling to identify which obligations were

in place at which time.216

243.2. Classes of business: To change services and classes of business to be transacted,

upon which the Subpostmaster’s business was reliant and / or upon which

Subpostmasters had relied in contracting with the Defendant, and without


243.3. Accounts, liability and loss: Pursuant to the Defendant’s construction (which is

denied), the terms captured by this category allowed the Defendant:218

a. to hold Subpostmasters liable for losses which do not represent any economic

detriment to the defendant; and

b. to require Subpostmasters to prove the cause of alleged errors, including

where these are due to Horizon errors (which the Defendant contends no

Subpostmaster has ever been able to prove to its satisfaction), even where the

Defendant was itself well aware of such errors.

243.4. Assistants: to impose liability for losses and / or for the acts and omissions of

assistants, regardless of cause or fault.219

243.5. Suspension: to suspend the claimant and withhold or forfeit their remuneration,

even if they are reinstated.220

243.6. Termination: to determine the appointment for breach or (unspecified) non-

performance or on three months’ notice without cause.221

215 E.g. not changing contract terms which have not been agreed with the NFSP, dishonestly etc.
216 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.f. [B5.1/4/34]
217 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.a. [B5.1/4/34]
218 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.d. to e. [B5.1/4/34]
219 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.c. [B5.1/4/34]
220 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.g [B5.1/4/34]

– 90 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

243.7. Compensation for loss of office: to terminate the Subpostmaster’s appointment

without compensation.222

244. The Claimants’ case is that these terms are particularly onerous when viewed in the

context of the contract as a whole and the character and position of the parties to it.


244.1. On the Defendant’s own case, Subpostmasters contracted with it in the expectation

of profiting from the business relationship.223 The Defendant was therefore, at all

material times, aware of the basis upon which Subpostmasters were contracting

with it – on its own case.

244.2. The Defendant required Subpostmasters to commit to making significant

investments in time and cost. This included, for example, in the case of Sabir:224

a. providing lengthy business plans which included financial projections;

b. entering into commitments for the purchase of two branches;

c. entering into long-term loan agreements with Lloyds TSC (for 10 years and

eight years respectively);

d. carrying out improvement works required by the Defendant; and

e. carrying out other improvement works to the retail side of his businesses.225

244.3. The Defendant’s purported unfettered right (on its case) to terminate the

Subpostmaster’s engagement on notice the day after branch transfer (perhaps

when agreed works were still underway or had just been completed) is obviously

221 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.h. [B5.1/4/35]

222 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.i. [B5.1/4/35]
223 See, e.g. GDef at §76(2). [B3/2/36]
224 See Sabir/IPOC at §33 [B5.3/2/9-10]
225 The Claimants further rely upon the terms of the Discretionary Payments Agreement (the
“DPA”) dated 1 April 1989 (and all variations and supplemental agreements thereto) made by the
NFSP (on behalf of all Subpostmasters from time to time) and the Defendant, and the implicit (and
negotiated) recognition of the investments typically made by Subpostmasters and losses incurred
by them on termination of their appointment without the ability to sell on their business: see, e.g.
the Sabir/IReply at §82 [B5.3/4/33-34]

– 91 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

onerous and unfair in the context of the relationship as understood by the parties

when contracting.

244.4. The operation of the challenged terms by the Defendant also had the potential to

drastically reduce a Subpostmaster’s remuneration and / or diminish their


244.5. Further, it is relevant when assessing broad considerations of fairness and

reasonableness, and the nature and effect of the challenged clauses, to have regard

to the apparent general inadequacies of the training, assistance, support and

information available to Subpostmasters, including the inherent limitations in


245. The Claimants’ case is that the relevant terms are not of a kind that notional persons in

the position of the parties would have anticipated in such a contractual agreement. In the

circumstances, these terms need to be brought fairly and reasonably to the attention of

Subpostmasters by the Defendant taking the following steps:-227

245.1. Clearly identifying each of the terms to the Subpostmaster and explaining to the

Subpostmaster how the Defendant would operate those terms in practice

(including, specifically, in relation to ‘accounts and liability for loss’).

245.2. Clearly explain to the Subpostmaster the potential consequences of the Defendant

relying on those terms and / or advising the Subpostmaster to seek independent

legal advice as to such consequences.

245.3. As to ‘rules, instructions and standards’, in fact providing copies to the

Subpostmaster of all of the rules, instructions and standards,228 explaining to the

226 An inability properly to investigate the causes of alleged shortfalls is especially relevant to an
analysis of the terms under the category of ‘accounts, liability and loss’, but it is also of relevance
in the categories of ‘assistants’, ‘suspension’, ‘termination’ and ‘compensation for loss of office’.
See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §94.3.b. [B5.1/2/26]
227 See, e.g. Sabir/IPOC at §74 [B5.3/2/19]
228 There was no online resource where all the relevant provisions on a particular topic were to be
found together. The presentation of the Modified SPMC (with 48 pages of amendments, attached
to the front of an earlier version) is a totemic illustration of the Defendant’s approach to this.

– 92 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

Subpostmaster their intended relationship and contractual effect, and permitting

the Subpostmaster time to read and understand them.

The Defendant’s case

246. The Defendant denies that the approach in Interfoto applies here, where some of the

contractual documents were signed by some of the Lead Claimants. Putting the rather

patchy picture of provision of contractual documents (below, at paragraph 250) to one

side, the Defendant’s contention is contrary to the development of the law in this area

and contrary to an informed application of the principles to the particular relationship in

this case (see: Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms).

247. In short, the Court is concerned with a principled answer to the following question:

“whether it would in all the circumstances be fair (or reasonable) to hold a party bound
by any conditions or by a particular condition of an unusual and stringent nature.”
(per Bingham LJ, in Interfoto Picture Library v Stiletto [1989] 1 QB 433)

248. The Defendant’s case is that the relevant terms are not onerous and unusual. The

Defendant goes on to argue that, if the terms are onerous and unusual, sufficient notice

was in fact229 provided to the Claimants by virtue of: (i) providing a copy of the contract

to the Claimant; (ii) alternatively, even if no contract was provided and the Claimant was

not aware of its terms, “on the other facts pleaded above, adequate notice was still provided”; 230

and (iii) further, and in any event, the relevant terms were not so onerous and unusual

so as to require any notice beyond a document confirming that the Claimant was bound

by the terms of the contract, and the contract being available to the Claimant at the time

the acknowledgment of appointment document was signed.

249. The Defendant’s case proceeds on the assumed premise, reflected in its generic evidence,

as to its practices and procedures and the extent to which those were uniformly followed

with total clarity and rigour.

229 Not, in itself, a question for this Common Issues Trial

230 See, e.g. Sabir/IDef at §76(2) [B5.3/3/36]

– 93 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

250. However, the lack of reality in the Defendant’s case can be seen in the circumstances

surrounding the provision (or lack thereof) of contractual documents to the Lead

Claimants (which the Claimants will invite the Court to find represents the general

practice of the Defendant), as set out above.

251. In short, it was fairly chaotic:-

251.1. Bates: Bates did not see a copy of his contract until it was provided to him in

August 1999 (over a year after he opened the branch), in response to an enquiry

he had made about holiday substitution allowance.231

251.2. Stubbs: Stubbs’ husband was the Subpostmaster at the branch before he sadly

passed away. The next day, a representative from the Defendant visited Ms Stubbs

and confirmed Ms Stubbs’ appointment to be the new Subpostmaster at the

branch. No contract was provided to Ms Stubbs by the Defendant at this time or at

all. Indeed, the first time Ms Stubbs had sight of the SPMC was when she obtained

a copy of somebody else’s SPMC from the Citizens Advice Bureau after the

termination of her appointment. No other relevant contractual documents

provided to her have been disclosed by the Defendant in these proceedings.232

251.3. Abdulla: Prior to his appointment, Abdulla was provided with a “brief summary

of the conditions of the Subpostmaster Contract for your attention”; although the

document stated that it “may not be relied upon, for any purpose, by the

Subpostmaster”.233 Abdulla was later required to sign a ‘conditions of

appointment’ document which confirmed, inter alia, that he would be “bound by the

terms of the Standard Subpostmaster Contract for Services at Modified Payment Offices”

–Abdulla denies that he was provided with such a contract at any time, and the

same has not been disclosed by the Defendant to date.234 On the date of

branch opening, Abdulla was provided with number of disparate documents

containing references to all manner of terms, none of which were explained by

231 See Bates/IPOC at §23 [B5.1/2/7-8]

232 See Stubbs/IPOC at §5 to 8 [B5.2/2/2-3]
233 See Abdulla/IPOC at §8 [B5.4/2/3]
234 See Abdulla/IPOC at §12 to 13 [B5.4/2/4-5]

– 94 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

the representative of the Defendant; he was unable to read this documents prior

to signing them or otherwise before taking up his appointment.235

252. However, the issue for the purposes of this Common Issues Trial is not whether these

particular Lead Claimants were in fact given sufficient notice. Rather it is, as expressed

in Issues 5 and 6: whether any or all of the express terms in issue were onerous and

unusual; and if so, what, if any, steps were required for the Defendant to draw them to

attention of Subpostmasters.

253. The experiences of the individual Lead Claimants is not directed to any finding that

insufficient notice was given in their particular cases (whether that is in fact established

on the evidence or not). However, their individual experiences allow the Court the

opportunity to reach an informed view of the effectiveness of various means of bringing

the terms of the contract to the attention of Subpostmasters generally.

235 See Abdulla/IPOC at §15 to 16 [B5.4/2/5-6]

– 95 –
Issues 5 and 6: Onerous and Unusual Terms

– 96 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

Issue 7: Were any or all of the contract terms at [Issue 5] unenforceable pursuant to the
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 67 to 68 109 52 to 53, 61
Bates 96 to 97 78 to 92 87 to 93
Stubbs 99 to 100 63 to 77 79 to 85
Sabir 75 to 76 77 to 91 84 to 90
Abdulla 73 to 74 65 to 79 77 to 83
Dar 88 to 89 65 to 78 77 to 83
Stockdale 87 to 88 60 to 73 71 to 77

The Claimants’ case

255. The requirements and effect of Section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (“UCTA”)

are set out and considered in detail in Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms.

256. Section 3 of UCTA applies “to any contract term“236 in one party’s “written standard terms of

business”237 by confining the effect of terms excluding liability for that party’s breach or

entitling that party to defeat reasonable expectations as to performance (or no

performance) to what is reasonable.

257. The terms in issue fall to be considered in the context of the contract as a whole and with

regard to their combined effect and, in particular, whether construed individually or

cumulatively, the terms in question purport to entitle the Defendant to render a

contractual performance substantially different from that which was reasonably expected

of it and/or render no performance at all.238

236 Section 3(2); and see, for example as to termination provisions, Timeload Ltd v British
Telecommunications Plc [1995] E.M.L.R. 459, at 468 per Sir Thomas Bingham MR: “If a customer
reasonably expects a service to continue until BT has substantial reason to terminate it, it seems to me at
least arguable that a clause purporting to authorise BT to terminate without reason purports to permit partial
or different performance from that which the customer expected.”
237 Section 3(1)
238 See, for example Bates/IReply at §87 [B5.1/4/36]

– 97 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

258. The terms plainly did one or both of the above. They were unenforceable because they

failed to comply with the requirement of reasonableness under Section 3(2) UCTA.

259. For the purposes of Section 3(2)(b), the extent to which the terms purported to permit the

Defendant’s performance to fall short of reasonable expectations is identified, for

avoidance of repetition, under Reasonableness, on p.104.

The Defendant’s case

260. The Defendant’s case is that Section 3 UCTA does not apply to the SPMC and NTC

contracts at issue in these proceedings. This proposition is advanced on two limbs.

260.1. Written standard terms: First, in each Lead Case, it is pleaded that the contract

was not on the Defendant’s “written standard terms of business” within the

meaning of section 3(1) UCTA. As to this, the Defendant’s case rests upon the

somewhat ambitious submission that “Post Office’s business was not the

appointment of Subpostmasters.”239

260.2. Contractual performance: Second, it is pleaded (both generically and

individually) that none of the terms in question would entitle Post Office to

render a contractual performance substantially different from that which was

reasonably expected of it, or to render no performance.240 This is difficult to

reconcile with well-established authority.

261. In the alternative to the above, the Defendant’s contends that the terms (apparently

analysed individually) satisfy the statutory requirement of reasonableness,241 on the basis


261.1. the Lead Claimants were aware, or ought to have been aware, of the terms;

261.2. The contract was a business-to-business agreement entered into in the

expectation of profit;

239 See, for example, Bates/IDef at §78(1)

240 GDef at §109
241 GDef at §109
242 See, for example, Bates/IDef at §78(4) and §80 to 92 [B5.1/3/43-51]

– 98 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

261.3. In light of the “scale and complexity” of the Defendant’s business, it would not

have been reasonable for the Claimants to expect that matters such as which

products and services they could offer would remain fixed in time.

261.4. It was commercially necessary and reasonable to determine which products

and services were offered, and to be able to change its operational instructions

and conditions of service from time to time and to be entitled to terminate both

for repudiatory breach of contract and on notice.

261.5. It would be reasonably anticipated that an agent’s appointment would be

terminated without compensation for loss of office – the Claimants had no

reasonable expectation that their appointment would be any different.

The issues

262. Thus, the following fall to be determined at trial:

262.1. Written standard terms: Whether the relevant contracts, pursuant to which

Subpostmasters were appointed, were the Defendant’s “written standard terms

of business” such that Section 3 UCTA applies to those contracts 243 –

262.2. Combined effect: Whether the terms fall to be considered in the context of the

contract as a whole and with regard to their combined effect (and not as the

Defendant’s case appears to suggest, in isolation);

262.3. Contractual performance: Whether the terms identified above purport to

entitle the Defendant:

a. to render contractual performance substantially different from that which

was reasonably expected (as above); and/or

b. render no performance at all with respect of the whole or part of the


243 Section 3(1), UCTA

– 99 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

262.4. Reasonableness: Whether the terms each (or together) fail to satisfy the

requirement of reasonableness to which they were subject under Section 3(2)

and are unenforceable, accordingly.

263. The relevant principles are amplified in Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms.

Contractual context and combined effect

264. It would be contrary to principle to regard these terms in isolation as opposed to

considering them both in context and as to their combined effects. In so far as the

Defendant’s case depends upon looking at each term in isolation, it is wrong.

265. The terms in question purport to confer upon the Defendant largely unfettered rights to

vary almost every aspect of the relationship between the parties, including performance

by the Defendant. Their effects when viewed individually, are as described below.

266. But taken in combination and in the context of the terms of the contracts as a whole, their

effect is profound. They purport to allow the Defendant to act as follows (as in fact those

terms were applied in the case of each of the Lead Claimants):244

266.1. unilaterally to impose contractual requirements upon Subpostmasters of

which they may not be aware, which could (on the Defendant’s construction)

later form purported grounds for suspension or termination of the contract

and could vary the required performance by the Defendant, or (in the above

event) the need for it to perform it at all;

266.2. impose purported liability for alleged shortfalls upon Subpostmasters by

operation of an undisclosed network-wide internal policy of presumed fault

and, in the case of Assistants, purportedly regardless of cause or fault,245

including in circumstances in which:

a. it had carried out no, or no reasonable or fair, investigation of the cause;

244 As to the specific and permissible purposes for which the Claimants rely upon evidence of the
Lead Claimants, see the final paragraph of this Section.
245 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.c. [B5.1/4/34]

– 100 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

b. it was impossible, or unreasonably difficult, for the Subpostmaster to

investigate the cause and/or to dispute the same;

266.3. to suspend Subpostmasters on the basis of such presumed liability;

266.4. withhold remuneration during suspension, whether in accordance with an

apparently undisclosed internal policy of doing so where a temporary

Subpostmaster is appointed,246 or otherwise;

266.5. terminate the appointment, without cause or compensation, on the basis of

breach of a unilaterally imposed rule, instruction or other requirement, or on

the basis of such presumed liability, and/or, for example:

a. without an investigation of the nature above, or any investigation;

b. arbitrarily, irrationally or capriciously, without reasonable and proper cause

and/or where the Defendant was itself in material breach; and

c. in circumstances where the parties entered into the relationship on the

premise of their long-term commitments, or at least the making of long- term

commitments by the Claimants.247

The Defendant’s written standard terms of business

267. The basis upon which the Defendant joins issue with the Claimants on the straightforward

proposition that the terms of the SPMC and NTC were the Defendant’s “written standard

terms of business” that “Post Office’s business was not the appointment of Subpostmasters”248 is

difficult to understand. Not only is this proposition obviously wrong, but these contracts

are paradigm examples of written standard terms of business. To hold otherwise would

substantially defeat the purpose of the Act.

246 Evidence relating to appointment of temporary Subpostmasters of Mr Shields, [C2/7]

247 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §87.2 [B5.1/4/37]
248 See, e.g., Bates/IDef at §78(1) [B5.1/3/43]

– 101 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

268. Moreover, the Defendant admits that:249

268.1. “the Defendant contracts with Subpostmasters on standard form contracts”

268.2. the terms of its contracts are not open to negotiation by individual Claimants

(save for limited purposes, such as opening hours); and

268.3. the Defendant “…incurs expense and time-costs in recruiting (including

advertising for applicants and assessing and selecting applicants) and training new

Subpostmasters” (Fact 24).

269. The appointment of Subpostmasters is an integral part of the Defendant’s business, and

the statutory monopoly it operates:

269.1. the Defendant’s core services are provided through branches, the majority of

which are agency branches operated by Subpostmasters;

269.2. its own evidence is that it also operates through different agency models in

order to provide a commercially viable offering to Subpostmasters to serve a

range of constituencies.250

270. Finally, and for the avoidance of any doubt, Subpostmaster contracts are all drawn as a

matter of routine in all transactions of this type in question, namely the appointment of

Subpostmasters. That is why the Court in construing them at the Common Issues Trial.

Substantially different performance / no performance at all

271. The Claimants will invite the Court to find that the clauses in question purported to entitle

the Defendant to perform significantly differently than what was, in fact, “reasonably

expected” of it, or to render no performance at all.

272. This involves a different, subjective, enquiry; it contrasts with the expectations of “notional

reasonable people in the position of the parties” which are the touchstones for the

anterior exercise of construing contractual provisions.

249 Joint Matrix of Fact, Facts 9 and 24 [B6/1.1/3-5]; see also Agreed Statement of Facts [B6/2/1]
250 Van Den Bogerd §26-32

– 102 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

273. Such reasonable expectations are not limited to what may be expected of by virtue of the

express terms of the contract, and in appropriate circumstances may include what was

expected by way of pre-contractual representations or promises.251

274. The reasonable expectations as to performance are those that existed as at the time the

contract was made. They may include the reasonable expectations that a service provided

by one party to another will to continue until the other party had “substantial reason to

terminate it”, so as to subject clauses purporting to allow the party to terminate without

such reasons to the requirement of reasonableness.252

275. Without limitation, the Claimants draw the Court’s attention to following:-

275.1. Rules, instructions and standards: terms within this category purport to

permit the Defendant to vary the contract, including as to its own performance

of it as that was expected at the time of contracting, unilaterally.

275.2. Classes of business: terms within this category253 purport to entitle the

Defendant to withdraw Services, the provision of which was a key expectation

for Subpostmasters (indeed, regarded by the Defendant as a ‘key benefit’);

these may have been specifically required to be provided by a Subpostmaster

as a term of their appointment, were to be the basis of a Subpostmaster’s

estimated remuneration and indeed supported the business case for the

appointment itself.254 Such clauses would permit the Defendant to render

contractual performance substantially different from what was reasonably

expected – or not at all.

275.3. Accounts, liability and loss: terms within this category, including those

relating to liability in respect of Assistants, purport to permit the Defendant to

perform the contract differently from what was to be expected by imposing

liability in the circumstances described above, with the

251 See, e.g., AXA Sun Life Services Plc v Campbell Martin Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 133 at [50]
252 Timeload Ltd v British Telecommunications Plc [1995] E.M.L.R. 459.
253 GPOC at, §52.1 and 52.3 [B3/1/20-21]
254 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §87.3 [B5.1/4/37-38]

– 103 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

consequence that the Defendant could (apparently at its own election)

withhold remuneration, suspend or terminate the appointment.

275.4. Suspension and Termination: such terms purport to entitle the Defendant to

a. terminate a Subpostmaster’s appointment on three months’ notice without

cause, notwithstanding the reasonable expectations of the Subpostmasters to

the contrary, long-term commitments undertaken by both parties upon

entering into the contract255 and the Defendant’s own expectation as to the

compensation to be paid in like circumstances pursuant to long-standing

arrangements with the NFSP;256

b. Suspend Subpostmasters without compensation on a like basis;257 and

c. Terminate appointments with cause, but without adequate (or any)

investigation or justification, as above.

276. It is also important to note that the Defendant expressly relies upon the provision in its

standard written terms of a right to terminate on 3 months’ notice without cause as

amounting to a limitation of liability clause, capping any compensation that

Subpostmasters might recover. Such a clause falls within Section 1(2)(a) of UCTA, so as

to be subject to the requirement of reasonableness.


277. The Court will be familiar with the guidelines as to reasonableness which are to be read

across to section 3(2), more fully set out in Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms.

278. By way of preliminary observation, the Defendant’s case on reasonableness is difficult to

reconcile with its own claim that Subpostmasters entered into their contracts with the

Defendant “in the expectation of profit” or indeed any contract between an individual and

a state monopoly engaging the individual to make a significant personal investment, in

pursuit of the delivery of a public service, on a commercial basis.

255 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §87.4 [B5.1/4/38]

256 As to which, see Bates/IPOC at §27 [B5.1/2/9]
257 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §80.5.g. [B5.1/4/34-35]

– 104 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

279. The Court will be invited to have regard, inter alia, to the following factors militating

against any finding of reasonableness:258

279.1. Strength of bargaining power: the profound imbalance of bargaining power

between the Defendant and individual Claimant Subpostmasters. As to this,

the Court is asked to have particular regard to

a. The Defendant’s statutory monopoly;

b. The Defendant’s access to both internal and external legal advice;

c. The Defendant’s knowledge of its own business processes, including (in stark

contradistinction to the Lead Claimants) of its own application of those terms

and the consequences of the same to Subpostmasters;

d. the absence of any opportunity to enter into a similar contract with anyone

other than the Defendant for the products and brand type in question; and

e. the absence of any meaningful opportunity to negotiate the terms.

279.2. Whether Subpostmasters knew or ought to have known of the existence and

extent of the challenged terms: no meaningful attempt was made by the

Defendant to draw the Lead Claimants’ attention to the existence of the

challenged terms and/or the Defendant’s practices with respect to the same.

279.3. The draconian effect of those terms: when applied as construed by the

Defendant and apparently in accordance with its own policies and

procedures, as described above – and by the Lead Claimants.

280. The above considerations are further exacerbated by the impediments to transparency

and the provision of information to Subpostmasters inherent in Horizon, and the

inadequacies in the training and support provided to Subpostmasters.

281. For the avoidance of doubt, the Claimants do not rely upon evidence of the Lead

Claimants of events post-dating their entry into a contract of appointment for the

258 See, e.g. Bates/IReply at §88 to 92 [B5.1/4/39-41]

– 105 –
Issue 7: Unfair Contract Terms

purposes of establishing unreasonableness upon the statutory test in their particular

individual cases, as opposed to the Claimants’ case on the generic issues.

282. Rather, such evidence is relied upon to establish relevant factual background (as far as

individual Lead Claimants are able to) as what was reasonably to be expected of the

Defendant’s performance. This is necessary to the resolution of Issue 7 as a generic issue.

As the Court has recognised, it is important for the Court to have before it a realistic and

balanced picture (rather than one selectively tailored by one party alone) as to the likely

effects of the impugned terms and knowledge of the parties (including that of the

Defendant, through its dealings with Subpostmasters generally) as to these matters, at the

time of contracting.


283. The Claimants will respectfully invite the Court to find on the evidence heard at trial: 259

283.1. that the relevant contracts were contracts on the Defendant’s “written standard

terms of business” under Section 3(1);

283.2. that the impugned terms (when considered in the context of the contract as a

whole and/or individually or cumulatively) purported to entitle the


a. to restrict liability when in breach of contract; and/or

b. to render a contractual performance substantially different from that which

was reasonably expected of it; and/or render no performance at all;

283.3. that, in the premises, the terms failed to comply with the requirement of

reasonableness under Section 3(2) UCTA; and

283.4. the impugned were therefore unenforceable by the Defendant.

259 See, paragraphs of Claimants’ generic pleadings identified at the outset of this part of Section B,
and, for example, Bates/IReply at §87 [B5.1/4/36-37]

– 106 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

Issue 8: What is the proper construction of section 12, Clause 12 of the SPMC?

Issue 9: What is the proper construction of Part 2, paragraph 4.1 of the NTC?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 49, 55 93 to 94 9 to 13, 52
Bates 98 to 99 93 to 94 94 to 96
Stubbs 101 to 102 78 to 79 86 to 88
Sabir 77 to 78 92 to 93 91 to 93
Abdulla 75 to 76 80 to 81 84 to 86
Dar 90 to 91 79 to 80 84 to 85
Stockdale 89 to 90 74 to 75 78 to 79

Terms to be construed

284. The relevant terms which the Court is required to construe are as follows:

(1) SPMC – Section 12, Clause 12:

"The Subpostmaster is responsible for all losses caused through his own

negligence, carelessness or error, and also for losses of all kinds caused by his

Assistants. Deficiencies due to such losses must be made good without delay."

(2) NTC – Part 2, paragraph 4.1:

“The Operator shall be fully liable for any loss of or damage to, any Post Office

Cash and Stock (however this occurs and whether it occurs as a result of any

negligence by the Operator, its Personnel or otherwise, or as a result of any

breach of the Agreement by the Operator) except for losses arising from the

criminal act of a third party (other than Personnel) which the Operator could

not have prevented or mitigated by following [the Defendant’s] security

procedures or by taking reasonable care. Any deficiencies in stocks of Products

and/or any resulting shortfall in the money payable to [the Defendant] must be

made good by the Operator without delay so that, in the case of any shortfall,

[the Defendant] is paid the full amount when due in accordance with the


– 107 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

The Claimants’ construction

285. The Claimants’ case260 is that, on a proper construction of these terms in their contractual

context, the Subpostmasters are not strictly liable for all alleged losses; rather they are

only liable for:

285.1. actual losses (Cf. the Defendant’s case that no economic detriment is required

for there to be a loss);261

285.2. caused by the negligence, carelessness or error, of the Subpostmaster, or

their assistant;

285.3. the contractual burden of proof as to which was on the Defendant.

286. Thus, for example, on the Claimants’ construction of either of the above terms,

Subpostmasters would not be liable for an alleged shortfall in branch accounts:

286.1. which did not represent a real loss to the Defendant; or which was not

established by the Defendant, after due enquiry, to be a real loss;

286.2. in circumstances where the loss was caused or contributed to by the

Defendant’s own breach of duty;

286.3. where it was not established to be due to the Subpostmaster’s own

negligence, carelessness or error, or that of his/her assistants.

287. Prior to the introduction of Horizon, there was a fairly precise functional identity in the

role and responsibility of the Subpostmaster: the Subpostmaster kept his (Bates) or her

(Stubbs) own accounts and ledgers, often using software that they procured for

themselves; they genuinely submitted their accounts to the Defendant in the manner

contemplated in a traditional agency relationship. However, as both Bates and Stubbs

make clear, that completely changed for them after the introduction of Horizon.

260 See GPOC at §55 [B3/1/24] NB it should be noted that §55 is pleaded as to “a proper construction of
section 12, paragraph 12 of the SPMC (and similar clauses said to impose such liability)” [Emphasis
added]. This captures Part 2, clause 4.1 of the NTC, contrary to the position adopted by the
Defendant in the Individual Lead Claims (see, e.g., Stockdale/IDef at §74(1) [B5.6/3/37]
261 The Defendant contends at GDef §94(4) that “in Section 12, Clause 12, the concept of a ‘loss’ is not
tied to or dependent upon economic detriment to Post Office.” [B3/2/43]

– 108 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

288. No longer were Subpostmasters solely in control of the figures shown in the accounts.

289. Indeed, it is clear (both as a matter of common ground262 and on the Claimants’ case263)

that the Defendant was now in control of the data and its reconciliation with other data

sources,264 as well as the Subpostmasters’ access to the relevant data and the interface

through which such access (as was allowed by the Defendant) was made available.

290. Against that background, it is essential to remind oneself that the alleged shortfalls for

which the Defendant contends Subpostmasters were liable (unless they could prove

otherwise) were, in reality, derived from one of the following: (a) a discrepancy

automatically detected between two or more data sources; or (b) such a discrepancy which

one of the Defendant’s staff had considered.265

291. The Claimants therefore rely upon the following in support of their construction:

291.1. Statement of Facts: the agreed facts set out in the Statement of Facts;266

291.2. Factual Matrix: the agreed facts, and those which are not agreed, but upon

which the Claimants rely, in the Statement of Factual Matrix document.267

291.3. The facts and matters pleaded in Section B of each Lead Claimants’ IPOCs

under the heading Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses on p.107;

291.4. The evidence of the Lead Claimants, for the purposes explained to the Court

on the hearing of the Defendant’s application to strike-out their evidence – not

least so that the Court can test the implications of the of rival constructions

against commercial common sense, on an informed basis.

262 Paragraph 331.1, on p.122 below, as to the Admitted Functions of the Defendant, in these respects
(see also paragraph 367, on p.135, further as to those Admitted Functions)
263 Paragraph 357.2, on p.132 below, as to how the functions (previously in sole control of the
Subpostmasters) were in fact distributed and performed following the introduction of Horizon
264 GDef at §39(1) [B3/2/13] “Post Office checks Horizon transaction data (i.e. data as keyed into branch
terminals by branch staff) against data taken from separate sources”
265 GDef at §39(2) [B3/2/13] as to whether or not “the branch staff have probably made an error that
requires correction”
266 [B6/2/1]
267 [B6/1.1/1]

– 109 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

The Defendant’s construction

292. The Defendant’s case268 on construction is:

292.1. SPMC, Section 12, Clause 12: Subpostmasters are responsible for all losses

disclosed in their branch accounts, save for losses which were neither caused

by any negligence, any carelessness, or any error on their part, nor caused by

any act or omission on the part of their assistants. As to this:

a. Subpostmasters who allege that they are not liable for any losses disclosed in

their branch accounts bear the burden of proving that such losses were not

caused by the matters set out above; and

b. the concept of “loss” is not tied to or dependent on any economic detriment

to the Defendant.

292.2. NTC Part 2, paragraph 4.1: Subpostmasters are liable in respect of all losses

caused by themselves or their assistants, save for losses that: (i) arise from the

criminal act of a third party (other than an assistant); and (ii) could not have

been prevented or mitigated by the Subpostmaster following Defendant’s

security procedures or by taking reasonable care.269

293. Further, the Defendant’s case as to construction of these contracts and the relevant factual

matrix for that purpose, has been canvassed extensively before the Court, particularly on

the hearing of the Defendant’s strike-out application. It is only repeated here because the

Claimants deal with the points raised in turn below.

294. It is found at §§76, 85 and 93 to 94 of the GDef.270 The Defendant’s case is that:-

294.1. Generic Defence at §76: “important aspects of the factual matrix against which the

various Subpostmaster Contracts relied on by the Claimants should be construed” include

the extent to which the Defendant:

a. was able to monitor at first hand the transactions undertaken in branches;

268 See GDef at §94 [B3/2/43]

269 See, e.g. Stockdale/IDef at §74(2) [B5.6/3/37]
270 [B3/2/36-37] [B3/2/39-40] [B3/2/42-43]

– 110 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

b. was unable to monitor at first hand the custody and use of its property

(principally, cash and stock) in branches; and

c. relies on the accurate reporting by Subpostmasters of accounts, transactions

and the cash and stock held at a branch.

294.2. Generic Defence at §85: emphasises the Defendant’s reliance on the matrix of

fact pleaded in §76.

294.3. Generic Defence at §93 to §94: as to the construction of Section 12, Clause 12


a. “it is appropriate to infer and/or presume that the shortfall arose from losses for

which [the Subpostmaster] was responsible” because “losses do not arise in the

ordinary course of things without fault or error on the part of Subpostmasters or

their Assistants”; and

b. Subpostmasters bear the legal burden of proving that a shortfall did not

result from losses for which they were responsible, because “(1) the truth of

the matter lies peculiarly within the knowledge of Subpostmasters as the persons with

responsibility for branch operations and the conduct of transactions in branches, (2)

it would be unjust for Post Office to be required to prove allegations relating to

matters that fall peculiarly within the knowledge of Subpostmasters...”

294.4. By its IDefs, the Defendant expressly refers back to and relies upon §94 of the

GDef (which, in turn, imports §93 above).271

295. The Defendant’s factual case is largely based on what purports to be generic evidence of

what ‘would have’ happened, often on the basis that various practices and procedures (not

always defined well or at all, either in their content or temporally) were followed.

296. The Defendant also relies upon (a) the agreed facts in the agreed Statement of Facts,272 and

(b) agreed facts, or facts which are asserted by the Defendant but not agreed in the

Statement of Factual Matrix document.273

271 See, for example, Bates/IDef at §93(1) [B5.1/3/52]

– 111 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

Relevant principles

297. In short, the Claimant commend the following seven principles to the Court:

(1) The Court should look for the meaning of the provisions not just the meaning

of the words.

(2) The correct approach is to start (and finish) by looking for and adopting the

interpretation that most accords with commercial common sense.274

(3) Interpretation is the ascertainment of the objective meaning in the light of the

parties’ background knowledge at the time of the contract.

(4) This iterative process involves checking the rival meanings against other

provisions of the document and investigating the commercial


(5) It does not matter whether the more detailed analysis commences with the

factual background and the implications of rival constructions or a close

examination of the relevant language in the contract, so long as the Court

balances the indications given by each.276

(6) The Court must have regard to “the quality of drafting of the clause” striking that


(7) To the extent of any ambiguity in the meaning of the terms, those terms are to

be construed contra proferentem:

(a) so as to remove (and therefore not create) doubt or ambiguity, and

(b) as an aid to construction where the matter cannot otherwise be resolved

by the application of prior principles of construction.278

298. Briefly as to contra proferentem, the principle has obvious potential for application where

clauses are “by no means free from obscurity” or are of “remarkably wide scope”.279

272 [B6/2/1]
273 [B6/1]
274 Rainy Sky SA v Kookmin, per Lord Neuberger, at [21] to [30]
275 Rainy Sky at [28]
276 Lord Hodge, at [12]
277 Lord Hodge, at [11]
278 For the purposes of these opening submissions, the Claimants refer to the helpful summary of
the principle of construction contra proferentem in Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) at 13-086.

– 112 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

299. Further, it is material in the present context that the justification for the principle is that:

“a person who puts forward the wording of a proposed agreement may be assumed
to have looked after his own interests so that if the words leave room for doubt about
whether he is intended to have a particular benefit there is reason to suppose that
he is not.”280

300. There is no separate Annex specific to these Issues. However, should there be any dispute

as to the above (which it is hoped are uncontroversial), these propositions have been

explored more fully in Annex I: Contractual Construction.

The express terms in context

301. Neither Section 12, Clause 12 SPMC, nor the paragraphs of the NTC contract which deal

with such losses (including Part 2, paragraph 4.1 NTC, above; and, for example,

paragraph 13.1 under “Reimbursement”) contain any express provision imposing the

burden of proof upon Subpostmasters.

302. No such interpretation can be derived from the contractual context in which they appear:

while both contracts are prescriptive in their requirements as to how Subpostmasters

should deal with cash and stock, the express provision which the Defendant could easily,

clearly and prominently have made for this is nowhere found.

303. In this respect, for example, the SPMC requires Subpostmasters to keep accounts in the

Defendant’s prescribed form and to “make good any losses.281

304. The NTC elsewhere requires Operators to “account for and remit to [the Defendant] all

monies collected from Customers in connection with Transactions, in accordance with the

Manual…”, not to apply them for its own private use, to “reimburse [the Defendant] in full

on demand for all losses” resulting from negligence or breach282 and, more widely, to “make

good any losses”. 283

279 John Lee & Son (Grantham) Ltd v Railway Executive [1949] 2 All E.R. 581, 583.
280 Tam Wing Chuen v Bank of Credit and Commerce Hong Kong Ltd [1996] 2 B.C.L.C. 69, 77 (Lord
Mustill), applied in Lexi Holdings Plc v Stainforth [2006] EWCA Civ 988.
281 Section 12, Clause 4 [D2.1/1/39]
282 Part 2, paragraph 13.1 [D1.6/3/23]
283 Part 2, paragraph 4.3 [D1.6/3/13]

– 113 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

305. Neither is in the least consistent with the giving of what amounts to an unqualified

indemnity for which the Defendant contends, or the importing of a reverse burden of

proof as to reality and/or cause of alleged losses.

306. On the contrary:

306.1. Even the literal words of Section 12, Clause 12 SPMC only impose liability

upon a Subpostmaster for “losses caused through his own negligence, carelessness

or error, and also for losses of all kinds caused by his Assistants”. The construction

contended for by the Defendant cuts directly across its plain and ordinary

meaning so as to invent a presumption of negligence, carelessness and error

simply not found in the words of the clause – effectively to re-write the clause

the other way around.

306.2. The language used in NTC Part 2, paragraph 4.1 only imposes liability for “loss

of or damage to, any Post Office Cash and Stock”. The Court should be slow to

import into the words “or otherwise” causes going beyond those that are the

fault of the Subpostmaster (such as “carelessness or error” as used in the SPMC,

but not replicated in the NTC) not found in its wording and inconsistent with

the compensatory and fault based nature of the obligations elsewhere found

in that document.

307. The construction contended for by the Defendant is akin, in its effect, to the giving of a

contractual indemnity in respect of any losses that appear to be shown on its Horizon

system in respect of a branch. The Court should not construe a clause to impose such an

indemnity, in the context of this relationship, particularly in the absence of “clear and

unambiguous language”. 284 No such wording is found here.

284 See, e.g., Lewison on The Interpretation of Contracts (6th Ed.) at 12.15 (“in order to be effective,
particularly in relation to loss caused by the negligence of the party indemnified, clear and unambiguous
language must be used”) and the authorities referred to therein. In particular, in the case of Smith v
South Wales Switchgear Ltd [1978] 1 WLR 165: (i) “when considering the meaning of such a clause one
must, I think, regard it as even more inherently improbable that one party should agree to discharge the
liability of the other party for acts for which he is responsible” (per Viscount Dilhorne); and, (in referring
to the guidelines laid down in Canada Steamship Lines Ltd v R [1952] AC 192) (ii) “While they apply
to the construction both of a clause relied on as exempting from certain liabilities a party who has undertaken
to carry out contractual work and of a clause whereby such a party has agreed to

– 114 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

308. In any event, there is no foundation in the words used, or in the contractual context, for

the suggestion made that the term “loss” should extend to something that is not a loss,

namely, beyond any actual loss to include a sum (which the Claimants find hard to

describe) which does not amount to an economic detriment to the Defendant. In addition

to the obvious points that might be made as to that, it is irreconcilable with the words

“make good”.

309. The fact that the Defendant may have adopted a policy or practice to this effect is not

determinative of the proper construction of these provisions.

310. Taken in their contractual context, liability for actual shortfalls is essentially compensatory

in nature and based upon fault, caused by or attributable to Subpostmasters.

311. No notional reasonable person in the position of the parties at the time of contracting

would attribute the consequences contended for by the Defendant to the words used.

312. To the extent that either contract (in particular, the NTC) is ambiguous, those terms

should be interpreted contra proferentem – not least since in the latter case, the

interpretation contended for by the Defendant would be “remarkably wide in scope” (as

above) and could have been clearly provided for by the Defendant.

Relevant commercial context

313. Further and in any event, the likely focus of the dispute between the parties on Issues 8

and 9 is as to the guidance given by the relevant factual matrix, the implications of the

rival interpretations and, importantly, commercial common sense.

314. All factors bear heavily in favour of the construction contended for by the Claimants.

315. The origin of Section 12, Clause 12 SPMC – pre-dating the introduction of Horizon –

provides essential context to what was intended when the SPMC was first drafted and the

Court is respectfully referred to the observations above (at paragraphs 287 to 290, above

at p.108) as to the significance of the introduction of Horizon.

indemnify the other party against liabilities which would ordinarily fall on him, they apply a fortiori in the
latter case, since it represents a less usual and more extreme situation” (per Lord Keith).

– 115 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

316. The Defendant’s attempt to pray in aid its existing practice as to liability for shortfalls

(itself in issue, in this litigation), in support of the strained meaning contended for not

only assumes what the Defendant seeks to prove (apparently premised on the

Defendant’s infallibity) but would have profound implications out of kilter with

commercial common sense; so too, would the imposition (as the Defendant effectively

seeks with respect to the NTC terms) of an indemnity, by a side-wind.

317. This can simply be tested under either contract, as a matter of commercial common sense,

by looking at the Payments Mismatch documents and asking this question:

Were Subpostmasters contractually liable for those shortfalls

caused by Horizon (to the clear knowledge of the Defendant)?

318. Further support, if needed, is found in the application of orthodox principles: the meaning

given by notional persons in the position of the parties would not import the draconian

meaning or effects for which the Defendant contends. As to this, the likely focus of the

evidence at trial will include the following:

318.1. contrary to the Defendant’s case, the practical difficulties (in reality, impossibility,

on the Lead Claimants’ evidence) faced by Subpostmasters in identifying if, how,

when and why a shortfall had occurred;

318.2. whether, contrary to the Defendant’s case, shortfalls did in fact arise in the

ordinary course of things without fault or error on the part of Subpostmasters or

their Assistants – on the Lead Claimants’ evidence they plainly did, at least

sufficiently often to account for the claims in this litigation;

318.3. whether, contrary to the Defendant’s case, the Defendant was in fact able to

monitor the transactions undertaken in branches on its behalf, in relation to which

it was liable its clients, the custody and use of its property (principally, cash and

stock) in branches; and

318.4. whether (and to what extent) the Defendant relies upon the accurate reporting by

Subpostmasters of accounts, transactions and the cash and stock at a branch – as

opposed to Subpostmasters being reliant upon the Defendant for information

bearing upon the likely cause of apparent shortfalls in branch accounts.

– 116 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

Comparative knowledge on causes of shortfalls

319. It is a central premise of the Defendant’s case, said to justify imposition of a contractual

burden of proof as to the cause of shortfalls, that Subpostmasters were able to (or better

placed to) identify errors made in branch accounts.

320. First, as to this, the Defendant relies upon the evidence of Ms Van Den Bogerd as to a

range of matters, but in particular: 285

320.1. as to a step-by-step process that she herself would use to ascertain the cause

of alleged shortfalls; and

320.2. overall that it “would be unlikely that a Subpostmaster, having kept his accounts

diligently, still has no idea where a material problem was arising from”.286

321. Though the evidence falls to be tested at trial, what is said by Ms Van Den Bogerd on these

matters simply cannot be squared with the actual experiences any of the Lead Claimants

(three of whom were selected by the Defendant). On this, theirs is the only direct evidence,

as summarised in SECTION A: FACTS, above.

322. To take but one example, Lead Claimant Stubbs gives evidence that she took every step

possible287 to ascertain the cause of shortfalls which appeared in her branch accounts in

2009 but, “despite reviewing that information… I was still unable to find out for myself whether

the apparent shortfall of £9,033.79 was a real or just an apparent loss and why it had occurred. I

was simply unable to do that without having the full information from Horizon, to which Post

Office had access and not me.”288

285 Van Den Bogerd, §91 to 98 (as to Horizon and the ability of Subpostmasters to keep accounts and
investigate shortfalls); §102 to 103 and §114 to §116 (on training provided (or available) to
Subpostmasters and its content); §131 to 137 (and on the ability of a Subpostmaster to identify
errors in branch accounts)
286 See Van Den Bogerd’s witness statement at §131 to 137 [C2/1/36-37]. It is further suggested that
“the Subpostmaster is best placed to investigate shortfalls and Post Office generally cannot find the root
cause of a shortfall without the Subpostmaster’s cooperation.”
287 Having sought assistance from the Helpline, obtained and reviewed transaction information
including logs encompassing the previous 42 days, reviewed hand-written accounts that she had
produced herself in an attempt to keep track of the apparent shortfalls and sought further
assistance from the Defendant
288 See Stubbs, §88 to 93 [C1/2/21-22]

– 117 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

323. Second, the Defendant’s evidence sidesteps two key aspects of the allocation of functions

following the introduction of Horizon:

323.1. first, the fact that data input by Subpostmasters in relation to transactions in

the branch was only one of several sources of data289 affecting branch accounts

on Horizon (yet was the only such source with which Subpostmasters had any


323.2. the Defendant then performed its own reconciliation exercise, in accordance

with its own processes for reconciling these various sources of data, of which

Subpostmasters had scant if any knowledge and into which they had no

involvement; and

323.1. the raising of a Transaction Correction is said by the Defendant to involve the

making of a value judgment, by the Defendant’s staff, as to whether or not “the

branch staff have probably made an error that requires correction” – without any

requirement for an informed response from the Subpostmaster (i.e. with the

benefit of all relevant information) before the Defendant makes that judgment

(see: for example, Stubbs, §81 [C1/2/19]. Indeed, on the Defendant’s case,

whether or not and how (if at all) to do any of this was completely ungoverned

by any contractual provision whatsoever.

324. As to this (and in order to focus the factual issues at trial), it is important to note that the

following appear to be common ground (some even admitted or averred by the


324.1. from the introduction of Horizon Online in 2010, transactions were effected

through real time exchanges of data from branches to a central Post Office data


324.2. the Defendant and/or Fujitsu had access to291 the Known Error Log and/or

other similar logs or records of system bugs and errors;292

289 GDef at §39(1) [B3/2/13] “Post Office checks Horizon transaction data (i.e. data as keyed into branch
terminals by branch staff) against data taken from separate sources”
290 GDef at §33 [B3/2/11]

– 118 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

324.3. all such data and reports which were available to the Claimants on Horizon293

were, in any event, similarly also available to the Defendant;

324.4. the Defendant and/or Fujitsu could investigate apparent shortfalls;294

324.5. “more extensive transaction data was provided, and further data was provided outside

[the 42 or 60 day] periods, where this was necessary”;295

324.6. “Fujitsu provided a telephone advice service to Post Office in relation to technical

problems with the Horizon system or equipment”;296

324.7. the Defendant had a process for the escalation of disputes including a “team

responsible for investigating branch matters’ which ‘undertakes a further

investigation into the disputed amount, seeks to identify the reason for it arising and

communicates with the Subpostmaster concerned”;297

324.8. ‘for many transaction types’, the Defendant is able to compare its own

transaction records against the corresponding record held by its clients;298

324.9. Fujitsu has had the ability to inject transactions into branch accounts since at

least the introduction of Horizon Online in 2010 (though initially falsely

denied in a public statement, now admitted and described as “Balancing


291 Noting that it is the Claimants case, further to this admission, that the Defendant and/or Fujitsu
had access to all transaction data, including a detailed stream of transaction data (XML data) and
all transactions affecting the accounts of individual branches, including transactions linked to
individual users, system generated transactions, and those initiated by the Defendant and/or
Fujitsu: GReply at §9.1 [B3/3/4]
292 GDef at §50(4) [B3/2/22]
293 As pleaded in the GDef at §38(2) and (3) [B3/2/12-13]
294 GDef at §§46(4) and 54(5) [B3/2/19] [B3/2/22]
295 GDef at §136(2) [B3/2/56]
296 GDef at §48(4) [B3/2/20]
297 GDef at §46(4)(b) [B3/2/19]
298 GDef at §54(1) [B3/2/23-24]
299 GDef at §57(3) [B3/2/26]; noting that Claimants do not accept that Fujitsu alone had this
capability, nor that this capability did not exist before 2010; the extent of the Defendant’s ability to
carry out Balancing Transactions, without the consent or even knowledge of the Subpostmaster,
falls to be determined as part of the Horizon Issues Trial.

– 119 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

324.10. the Defendant had access to Helpline records300 (relating to particular

individuals, and collectively, identifying common issues/concerns);

324.11. the Defendant had access to historic information both for a particular branch

and across multiple or all branches; and

324.12. was able to carry out audits “to check the level of cash and stock in a branch” and

enquiries “For a wide variety of purposes … Post Office can make a wide variety of

enquiries into a branch’s operations without undertaking an audit”.301

325. Further, while the precise extent of the same falls to be determined at the Horizon Issues

trial, it is common ground that Horizon was in fact susceptible to bugs and errors. The

Defendant admits three in its Generic Defence.302 The experts’ first joint statement for the

Horizon Issues Trial records the following as agreed: 303

325.1. “Evidence exists that that bugs/errors/defects have caused actual discrepancies or

shortfalls relating to Subpostmasters’ branch accounts/transactions.” [Emphasis]

325.2. “Each time any IT system (including Horizon) is changed there is the potential to

introduce new bugs/errors/defects.”

325.3. “Once bugs/errors/defects are discovered, they take time to resolve and therefore

systems such as Horizon often continue to operate with bugs/errors/defects with or

without workarounds in place.”

325.4. “Theoretically, bugs/errors/defects that existed within Horizon have the potential to

cause apparent or alleged discrepancies or shortfalls in relating to Subpostmasters’

branch accounts/transactions.”

326. Despite the foregoing, the Defendant contends for an interpretation that would impose a

burden of proof upon Subpostmasters to establish the cause of apparent shortfalls in

300 The Claimants rely on the Defendant’s admission at Responses 19A and 19B to the Claimants’
RFI dated 31 July 2017 [B4/2/9]
301 GDef at §64(2)(a) to (b) [B3/2/29-30]
302 GDef at §56(1) [B3/2/24-25]
303 First Joint Statement of the parties IT experts, [G/61]; noting that this agreed position is subject
to differing views as to the extent to which they caused apparent discrepancies

– 120 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

circumstances where it admits that no Subpostmaster has ever been able to establish, to

its satisfaction, that an alleged shortfall was the result of Horizon.304

327. In the Claimants’ respectful submission, any such interpretation would be profoundly at

odds with what was feasible.

NTC provisions

328. While the terms differ, the Claimants’ case is broadly the same: for material purposes, Part

2, paragraph 4.1 NTC is not to be construed as imposing an obligation beyond that in the

SPMC (i.e. liability where negligence, fault or error – which, where disputed by

Subpostmasters, the Defendant was required to prove).

329. In particular, the Defendant’s construction:

329.1. purports to impose upon Subpostmasters liability for sums which do not even

represent any real loss (or “economic detriment”);

329.2. in view of the apparently open-ended scope of the provision, both as to the

amount and cause of liability, effectively imposing a complete indemnity (save

only as for losses caused by certain unpreventable criminal conduct by third

parties), inconsistently confines such liability (in its Individual Defences) to

cases of loss “caused by the Operator or her assistant(s)”;305

329.3. is apparently aimed at excusing the Defendant’s undisclosed policy (as

revealed in disclosure in this litigation to have been documented since at least

1998)306 of effectively imposing strict liability upon Subpostmasters for all

losses, subject to a scheme of discretionary reductions; and

329.4. in any event, is at odds with commercial common sense.

330. The Court is respectfully invited to prefer the Claimants’ construction.

304 GReply at §52.4 [B3/3/30]

305 See. e.g. Stockdale/IDef at §74(2) [B5.6/3/37]
306 See Losses & Gains Policy [F3/8]

– 121 –
Issues 8 and 9: Liability for Alleged Losses

– 122 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

Issue 10: Was Post Office the agent of Subpostmasters for the limited purposes at
GPOC paragraphs 82 and 83?

Issue 11: If so, was the Defendant thereby required to comply any or all of the
obligations at GPOC paragraph 84?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 81 to 84 123 to 126 59 to 64
Bates 100 to 103 95 to 98 97 to 98
Stubbs 103 to 106 80 to 83 89 to 90
Sabir 79 to 82 94 to 97 94 to 95
Abdulla 77 to 80 82 to 85 87 to 88
Dar 92 to 95 81 to 84 86 to 87
Stockdale 91 to 94 76 to 79 80 to 81

Common Ground and Position of the Parties

Common ground

331. The following aspects of the Claimants’ case are common ground:-307

331.1. The Defendant did the following (the “Admitted Functions”)

a. effected, recorded and managed the reconciliation of transactions effected

by the Claimants (save as set out immediately below); and

b. possessed and/or controlled and/or oversaw the underlying transaction

data in relation to such transactions;

331.2. Further, the Defendant

a. required Claimants to comply with contractual obligations in relation to the

keeping and production of branch accounts;

b. had the power to seek recovery (and in fact sought recovery) from

Claimants for apparent shortfalls said to relate to branch accounts.

307 GPOC at §81 [B3/1/44-45]

– 123 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

332. The Defendant admits the foregoing, save that in respect of the first Admitted Function,

it pleads: “Post Office recorded the transaction data entered on Horizon by Claimants and so far

as possible sought to reconcile that transaction data with other data is (sic) possessed.” 308 This

confinement of the admission does little to undermine the obvious practical realities of

the system and its operation.

The Claimants’ case

333. The Claimants’ case is that the Defendant acted as an agent for Subpostmasters:-309

333.1. for the purpose of rendering and making available accounts and/or was under

an equitable duty to render accounts.

333.2. further or alternatively, for the specific purpose of effecting, reconciling and

recording transactions initiated by the Claimants.

334. Effectively, the Defendant carried these functions on behalf of Subpostmasters.

335. The Claimants contend that the foregoing agency relationship was limited in scope and

gave rise to the obligations upon the Defendant described in GPOC, §84, namely:

335.1. properly and accurately to effect, execute, record, and/or maintain and keep

records of all transactions which the Subpostmasters initiated using Horizon

or for which the Subpostmasters were potentially responsible;

335.2. to render and make available to Subpostmasters accounts (as above); and

335.3. further or alternatively, where the Defendant alleged shortfalls to be

attributed to Subpostmasters, to comply with the implied duties averred in

GPOC, §64.3 to 64.11,310 namely to produce and explain relevant records, to

carry out fair investigations and to communicate, and not conceal, any

material problems (see, for example, the Payments Mismatch documents) or

matters which are of relevance to Subpostmasters and their accounts.

308 GDef at §123(1) [B3/2/53]

309 GPOC at §83 [B3/1/45]
310 [B3/1/36]

– 124 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

The Defendant’s case

336. The Defendant denies any such agency. It’s position is that:311

336.1. the SPMC and NTC are clear in that they provide for the Subpostmasters to

act as agents of the Defendant not the other way around;

336.2. the Defendant did not agree to act as an agent for any Subpostmaster; and

336.3. the Defendant did not hold or deal with cash or other assets on behalf of

Subpostmasters, and did not effect transactions on their behalf or commit

them to transactions with third parties;

336.4. rather the Defendant characterises the Admitted Functions as steps taken “in

the conduct of its own business and as principal”.312

Relevant principles

337. As Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) at 1-001 makes clear, an agency

relationship is:

“…the fiduciary relationship which exists between two persons, one of whom expressly or impliedly

manifests assent that the other should act on his behalf so as to affect his relations with third parties,

and the other of whom similarly manifests assent so to act or so acts pursuant to the manifestation.”

338. That definition is subject to the qualification that “[a] person may have the same fiduciary

relationship with a principal where he acts on behalf of that principal but has no authority to affect

the principal’s relations with third parties. Because of the fiduciary relationship such a person may

also be called an agent.”

339. Authoritative statements in the case law make clear that agency is a relationship which

may be implied from the conduct of the parties and in all the circumstances of the

relationship: Garnac Grain Company Inc v HMF Faure & Fairclough Ltd and Ors [1968]

311 GDef at §124 [B3/2/54]

312 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §97(2) [B5.1/3/53]

– 125 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

AC 1130 HL(E) at 1137C per Lord Pearson.313 Subjective assent is not required and, indeed,

the parties may create an agency relationship in law even where they both positively

disclaim it.

340. The relevant principles are amplified in Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as


The issues to be considered at trial

341. Thus, in light of the foregoing and applying those principles, the issues for

consideration will largely focus, therefore, on:

341.1. whether the Admitted Functions are performed by the Defendant on behalf of

its Subpostmasters, or exclusively on its own account;

341.2. whether authority is conferred by Subpostmasters upon the Defendant to do

so – in particular, whether such conferral is to be implied from conduct from

which it is reasonable to infer the necessary assent to such an agency


341.3. whether it is relevant that the SPMC and NTC also provided that

Subpostmasters act as agent for Post Office for other (wider) purposes;

341.4. whether it is relevant (as suggested by the Defendant) that the Defendant did

not hold or deal with cash or other assets on behalf of Subpostmasters, and

did not effect transactions on their behalf or commit them to transactions with

third parties – and if so, whether that is in fact the case; and

341.5. where such conferral of authority is to be implied, whether (or to what extent)

the Defendant’s duty to produce documents and information relating to

Subpostmasters’ affairs follows, as is contended for at §84 GPOC.

313 See also: Branwhite v Worcester Works Finance Ltd [1969] 1 AC 552, per Lord Wilberforce at
314 As to which, the relationship may exist even if the parties have professed to disclaim it.

– 126 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

Preliminary Observations

342. In order to clarify the issues, the Claimants make the following preliminary observations

in opening, in the light of the nature of the dispute between the parties on this issue.

Agency to be implied

343. It is common ground that there was no express written contractual agreement between

Subpostmasters and Defendant whereby the latter was stated to be acting as agent for the

former. Rather, the agency is to be implied315 from the conduct of the parties, the system

as it in fact operated and all the circumstances of the relationship.

344. The fact that the SPMC and NTC may also provide for the agency (of a quite different

scope) of Subpostmasters for different purposes, has no bearing on whether the agency in

issue, for the limited purposes contended for by the Claimants, is properly to be implied

in accordance with accepted principle and authority, on the facts of this case.

345. The Court has already had sight of the written evidence filed and served on behalf of the

Lead Claimants from which the Claimants will invite the Court to imply a relationship of

agency arose in answer to the question posed by Issue 10, as well as Mr Carpenter’s one

line dispute on that issue at §10 of his witness statement.

346. But – as a starting point – it is to be noted that the following is largely uncontroversial:

346.1. as above, the Defendant required Subpostmasters themselves to comply with

contractual obligations in relation to the keeping and production of branch

accounts, had the power to seek recovery from them for losses relating to

branch accounts and/or in fact sought recovery for apparent shortfalls (in the

course of a role which the Defendant itself sought to characterise as fiduciary

in nature);

346.2. the Defendant also imposed a requirement upon Subpostmasters to use its

Horizon system;

315 Garnac Grain Co Inc v HMF Faure & Fairclough Ltd [1968] AC 1130, per Lord Pearson at
p.1137C; Branwhite v Worcester Works Finance Ltd [1969] 1 AC 552, per Lord Wilberforce at

– 127 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

346.3. Subpostmasters were unable to comply with their contractual obligations in

respect of the keeping and production of branch accounts without Horizon;

346.4. As above, in this respect the Defendant performed the Admitted Functions

with respect to branch accounts and the Defendant in fact effected branch

transactions and recorded and maintained accounts thereof;

346.5. Indeed, Subpostmasters were unable to comply with their contractual

obligations in respect of branch accounts without the Admitted Functions, set

out above, performed by the Defendant;

346.6. The Defendant relies on the relationship as having been a business to business

relationship, whilst at the same time being in sole charge (as between itself

and Subpostmasters) of the system by which transactions initiated by

Subpostmasters was effected, processed, reconciled and recorded;

346.7. Further the Defendant not only did the above, but also reconciled transaction

data with its own data and/or data from third party clients (to which

Subpostmasters did not have access) – as to which the Defendant admits it

"...also undertook its own accounting reconciliations, where possible matching a

Subpostmaster's records against other records provided by third parties, and then

notifying Subpostmasters of discrepancies found and allowing them to choose whether

to accept or dispute those discrepancies".316

346.8. These functions included functions in respect of branch accounts in respect of

which Subpostmasters were to be legally bound – as to the latter, for example,

by ‘accepting’ a Transaction Correction giving effect to the same.

346.9. The Defendant undertook these functions on behalf of Subpostmasters.

347. Thus, the arrangements between the Defendant and Subpostmasters included the

Defendant performing functions, and taking actions, with respect to Subpostmasters’ own

branch accounts.

316 GDef at §12 [B3/2/4]

– 128 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

348. It is to be inferred from this and the conduct of the parties more generally that

Subpostmasters assented to the conferral of authority on the Defendant to carry out the

Admitted Functions which affected the Subpostmasters’ own businesses and branch

accounts as set out above.

349. The Defendant seeks to suggest, by its written evidence, that it could not have acted as

agent to Subpostmasters as “this was not how the relationship worked”.317 This position is at

odds with the admission made that the Defendant performed the Admitted Functions,

and with the clear picture of the parties’ conduct that emerges from the Lead Claimants’

evidence and, indeed, in some respects from the evidence of the Defendant.

350. That evidence includes, for example, evidence as to the following:

350.1. the issue of Transaction Corrections by the Defendant, the acceptance of which

affected branch accounts, based on its own information;318

350.2. reliance upon the Defendant (which was encouraged by the Defendant itself)

to resolve accounting issues by issue of such transaction corrections;319

350.3. the effecting or acceptance of transactions in branch accounts by employees of

the Defendant, such as auditors, in branch;320

350.4. Subpostmaster’s reliance upon the Defendant for the purposes of

investigating apparent shortfalls in branch accounts upon information to

which only the Defendant had access;321

350.5. the asymmetry of information referred to in relation to Common Issues (8) and

(9) in the previous section of this Written Opening, above; and

350.6. the control of branch accounts and branch data (in respect of which

Subpostmasters were held responsible), apparently exercised by the

317 See, for example, the witness statement of Carpenter, §10 [C2/10/4]
318 For example, see Abdulla, §128 [C1/4/25-26]
319 For example, see Stockdale, §109 [C1/6/23]
320 Of which there are many instances – see, for example, see Abdulla, at §136 [C1/4/27]
321 Of which examples in the evidence are legion, see, for example Stubbs, at §133 [C1/2/30]

– 129 –
Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent

Defendant following suspension or termination at a time when

Subpostmasters had no access to the same.322


351. It follows from the foregoing, and from the Admitted Functions performed by the

Defendant on behalf of Subpostmasters, that the Defendant owed the corresponding

duties to Subpostmasters:

351.1. to provide Subpostmasters with records in relation to those transactions; and

351.2. to disclose any information which would be likely to influence

Subpostmasters in the context of their relationship and, in particular, to

furnish Subpostmasters with information that is directly pertinent to the

rendering of accounts and potential causes of apparent shortfalls


352. The Claimants will therefore invite the Court to find, on the evidence:323

352.1. that it is to be implied from the relevant facts that the Defendant acted as an

agent for Subpostmasters:

a. for the purpose of rendering and making available accounts and/or was under

an equitable duty to render accounts; and further or alternatively, for the

specific purpose of effecting, reconciling and recording transactions initiated

by the Claimants;

352.2. that the limited agency contended for gave rise to the specific correlative

obligations upon the Defendant, described in GPOC, §84.

322 For example, see Stubbs, §135

323 GPOC at §83 [B3/1/45]

– 130 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

Issue 12: Was the extent and effect of the agency of Subpostmasters to Post Office such
that the principles of agency alleged at Defence 91 and 93(2) and (3) applied as Post
Office contends?

Issue 13: Did Subpostmasters bear the burden of proving that any Branch Trading
Statement account they signed and / or returned to Post Office was incorrect?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 34 to 35 69(3), 90 to 91 59 to 64
Bates 104 to 106 99 to 101 99 to 101
Stubbs 107 to 109 84 to 86 91 to 93
Sabir 83 to 85 98 to 100 96 to 98
Abdulla 81 to 83 86 to 88 89 to 91
Dar 96 to 98 85 to 87 88 to 91
Stockdale 95 to 97 80 to 82 82 to 84

The Parties respective positions

The Defendant’s Case

353. Issues 12 and 13 arise on the case pleaded by the Defendant in response to the
Claimant’s case (at §34 and §35 GPOC), that some Subpostmasters felt they had no

effective choice but to proceed either:

353.1. by ‘making good’ apparent or alleged shortfalls in branch accounts; or

353.2. by signing off incorrect Branch Trading Statements.

354. The Defendant’s case on Issues 12 and 13 can be summarised324 as follows:-

354.1. By virtue of the contractual relationship between the parties, Subpostmasters

owed fiduciary obligations to the Defendant, namely: 325

a. a duty to act in the Defendant’s best interests in relation to functions

Subpostmasters undertook on the Defendant’s behalf (including holding and

324 Taken here from the GDef, but also as put, largely without further elucidation, against the Lead
Claimants - see e.g., the Bates/IDef at §99 to 101 [B5.1/3/54-55]
325 GDef at §91 [B3/2/41]

– 131 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

dealing with the Defendant’s cash and stock, effecting and recording

transactions, generating liabilities for the Defendant, and maintaining proper

and accurate records and preparing and rendering accounts); and

b. a duty to account;

354.2. As Subpostmasters render accounts to the Defendant, which accounts are

subsequently settled, Subpostmasters are bound by those accounts and the

Court must make all presumptions of fact against them in respect of these

accounts unless they can plead and prove such accounts to be mistaken.326

355. This represents an attempt by the Defendant to use equitable principles of agency to

defeat the claims in this litigation (particularly that the Claimants were unable to ascertain

the cause of shortfalls) by seeking to hold Claimants to be bound by accounts submitted

whilst facing such difficulties, unless the Claimants can now prove the causes of shortfalls

which at the time they were unable to ascertain. This device is without merit, for the

reasons set out below.

356. It is first necessary to identify the terms of the SPMC and NTC which the Defendant prays

in aid:327

356.1. SPMC – Section 1, clause 1: “The contract is a contract for services and

consequently the Subpostmaster is an agent and not an employee of [the


356.2. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 1.2: “The Agreement is a contract for services and the

Operator is an agent and not an employee of [the Defendant]. The Operator

acknowledges that no relationship of employer and employee exists between [the

Defendant] and the Operator, or between [the Defendant] and any Assistant.”

The Claimants’ Case

357. The Claimants’ case is that:328

326 GDef at §69(3) [B3/2/33]

327 See GDef at §90 [B3/2/41]

– 132 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

357.1. Subpostmasters were agents of the Defendant for the purposes of effecting

transactions on its behalf with third parties, such as members of the public;329

357.2. However, the relationship was distinct from the factual premises upon

which the Defendant seeks to apply what it calls “usual agency principles”:

a. Subpostmasters would initiate transactions for the Defendant;

b. transactions would be effected (i.e. executed) by a system imposed, provided,

controlled and managed by the Defendant;

c. Subpostmasters had no control over the efficacy and accuracy of the same;

d. as the Defendant admits, it reconciled data with data in its own possession

(and, as above, it performed the Admitted Functions);

e. the Defendant did not regard itself as bound to disclose errors affecting the

system and/or potentially affecting branch accounts to Subpostmasters, in

timely manner or at all (see, for example, the Payments Mismatch


f. the Defendant (and/or its IT suppliers) had remote access to the branch

accounts of Subpostmasters and were able to inject transactions into those

branch accounts, without the knowledge of Subpostmasters;

g. further and/or alternatively the Defendant presented figures to

Subpostmasters through Horizon and made representations to

Subpostmasters (see GPOC §108) as to the existence of shortfalls which

Subpostmasters were unable to investigate but were required by the

Defendant to disprove; and

h. it follows that the factual relationship was strikingly different to that upon

which the Defendant appears to rely and the principles upon which the

328 GReply at §59-§64 [B3/3/33-36]

329 GPOC at §82

– 133 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

Defendant relies are not apt to bind the Claimants to account to the

Defendant in the manner alleged.

Relevant principles

358. The relevant principles to be applied in relation to Issues 12 and 13 are amplified in

Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents.330

The Issues

359. The following matters fall to be considered at trial in order to determine the questions

posed by Issues 12 and 13:

359.1. Functions performed by each party: what functions were each of the

Defendant and its Subpostmasters responsible for with respect to branch

transaction data, branch accounts and as to Branch Trading Statements?

359.2. Scope of alleged agency: which functions did Subpostmasters perform on

behalf of the Defendant act as agent – i.e. what was the scope of the agency?

359.3. Position of the parties, inter se: what was the nature of the relationship

between the parties and their relative positions within it?

359.4. Full information: did Subpostmasters submit the accounts in issue with the

benefit of full information as to the sums in dispute and, if they did not, did

the Defendant (a) have access to any of the missing information and (b) bear

any responsibility for providing it to the Claimants?

359.5. Settled accounts: can Subpostmasters therefore be held to the account

presented in Branch Trading Statements as a ‘settled account’ on agency

principles that would apply in a typical agency situation, where accounts are

settled with the benefit of access to the relevant information?

330 General principles are also set out in Annex VII (‘Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as

– 134 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

359.6. Burden of proof: if so, in these particular circumstances, did Subpostmasters

bear the burden of proving that any Branch Trading Statement account they

signed and/or returned to Post Office was incorrect?

360. On the principal issues, by way of opening, the Claimants submit as follows.

Scope of Subpostmasters’ agency (Issue 12)

Agency relationship and functions performed by each party

361. As noted above and in Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent, the terms of

a contract are far from definitive as to the existence and scope of an agency relationship.

362. But as a starting point, terms relied upon by the Defendant do no more than describe

Subpostmasters as agents and not employees. Indeed, this appears to be part and parcel

of wording designed to disavow employee status of Subpostmasters.

363. In particular, those terms:

363.1. do not specify the purposes for which Subpostmasters acted as agent; and

363.2. do not expressly purport to impose any fiduciary obligations of the effect now

relied upon by the Defendant.

364. The scope of any fiduciary duties owed by an agent is necessarily context-specific and an

agent may owe fiduciary obligations in respect of some of the functions that it carries out

for a principal and not in respect of others.331

365. The findings the Claimants will ask the Court to make on the evidence as to the scope of

the agency relationship are set out below.

366. In short, however, in this context, the agency can necessarily only be limited to what

Subpostmasters were required to perform on behalf of Defendant. Their fiduciary duties

must be limited to such of those services in respect of which single minded loyalty was

owed. It would be contrary to principle to impose either in respect of

331 See Annex VIII below and, by way of example, John Youngs Insurance Services Ltd v Aviva
Insurance Service UK Ltd [2011] EWHC 1515 (TCC)

– 135 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

matters over which Subpostmasters had no (or inadequate) knowledge or could have no

(or inadequate) control.

367. As to this, the Court is asked to have regard to the following:

367.1. The functions the Defendant admits it performs, which include:

a. The Admitted Functions (see: Common ground, on p.123) which include

effecting, recording and managing the reconciliation of transactions effected

by the Claimants 332 and possessing and/or controlling the underlying

transaction data in relation to such transactions; and

b. undertaking "...its own accounting reconciliations, where possible matching a

Subpostmaster's records against other records provided by third parties, and then

notifying Subpostmasters of discrepancies found and allowing them to choose

whether to accept or dispute those discrepancies".333

367.2. The Defendant’s agency in respect of Subpostmasters: as a result of the


367.3. What was in fact undertaken by Subpostmasters as agent: which included

effecting transactions for the Defendant with third parties, such as members

of the public, and the initiation of transactions in branch via Horizon.

Subpostmasters were contractually obliged to submit or produce accounts –

but that obligation can be no greater than what was possible from transaction

data managed, controlled, transmitted to clients and reconciled by the


367.4. As to this, the Claimants rely upon (i) the Admitted Functions above, and (ii)

the evidence of the Lead Claimants – including as to:

332 Noting that with respect to the latter function, the Defendant admits “Post Office recorded the
transaction data entered on Horizon by Claimants and so far as possible sought to reconcile that transaction
data with other data is (sic) possessed”: GDef §123(1) [B3/2/53]
333 GDef at §12 [B3/2/4]

– 136 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

a. The inadequate training and support provided, including Helpline; 334 and

b. the inherent limitations of Horizon, difficulties experienced of investigating

the cause of apparent shortfalls and imbalance of knowledge as between The

Defendant and Subpostmasters.335

367.5. The obvious distinction to be drawn with a traditional agency/accounting

relationship: in light of the foregoing and the actual relationship and its


Settled accounts (Issue 13)

368. The Defendant’s aim on Issues (12) to (13) is to seek to persuade the Court, despite the

complexities of the arrangements described above, that Subpostmasters are to be held to

Branch Trading Statements that they have signed and/or returned to the Defendant as

traditional settled accounts.

369. The Defendant’s argument that Subpostmasters are unable to reopen those accounts

without specific proof of error rests upon this ambitious case.

370. This suggestion cannot be sustained in the face of the Defendant’s admissions above, and

the only direct evidence, from the Lead Claimants, as to the difficulty (if not near

impossibility) of proving the causes of alleged shortfalls without assistance from the

Defendant and/or information to which the Defendant had access and as a matter of

practice refused Subpostmasters access.

Whether to be bound by accounts

371. The relevant factual context therefore overlaps with that applicable to resolution of Issues

(8) and (9) and, again, the Court is respectfully invited to have regard to the facts and

matters relied upon by the Claimants for the purposes of those issues.

334 For a summary of the evidence to be heard: see Section A above: under ‘Training Subpostmasters’
and ‘Support and Helpline’
335 For a summary of the evidence to be heard: see Section A above: under ‘Apparent Shortfalls and
Horizon’; as to the imbalance of knowledge see also Section B – Issues

– 137 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

372. The relevant circumstances, which militate strongly against the application of the

principles relied upon by the Defendant, include:336

372.1. the Defendant’s requirement that Claimants sign off on branch accounts in

order to be permitted to enter a new trading period, the next day;

372.2. the contractual requirement upon the Claimants to offer the Defendant’s

services using the Horizon system, which required them to enter a new

trading period on that system;

372.3. that Claimants faced alleged shortfalls which they could not effectively

dispute, investigate, or trace the cause of;

372.4. the Defendant’s approach of requiring repayment of alleged debts as a

condition of Subpostmasters’ continuing appointment;

372.5. the Lead Claimants’ aspirations that discrepancies may subsequently be

resolved, by pending transactions, transaction corrections or otherwise;

372.6. The fact that some of the Lead Claimants could not afford to pay (or keep

paying) the Defendant the amounts of the apparent shortfalls; and

372.7. the acute relational imbalance and asymmetry of information between the

parties overall.337

373. As to the relevant circumstances, the Claimants further rely upon:

373.1. The following, as pleaded by the Lead Claimants: 338

a. they “were required to submit accounts to the Defendant in circumstances in

which they were unable to ascertain the cause (or reality) of apparent shortfalls”;339

336 GPOC at §35

337 As to which, the Claimants will rely inter alia upon the express terms of the contracts, which were
replete with power and discretion in the hands of the Defendant
338 See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §105.2 [B5.1/2/30] - again, on the Lead Claimant’s evidence, such
knowledge would be a matter it all but impossible for a Subpostmaster to prove
339 See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §105.1 [B5.1/2/29]

– 138 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents

b. “Subpostmasters were sometimes told to sign off accounts which did not reflect

their contemporaneous understanding”.

373.2. the Defendant’s narrow admission of the latter averment that Subpostmasters

should not be bound by in those circumstances, albeit only where the

Defendant itself knew the account to be false;340

373.3. the issue of Transaction Corrections by the Defendant, based on its own

information, the acceptance of which affected branch accounts;341

373.4. reliance upon the Defendant (which was encouraged by the Defendant itself)

to resolve accounting issues by issue of such transaction corrections;342 and

373.5. the effecting or acceptance of transactions in branch accounts by employees of

the Defendant, such as auditors, in branch.343

Re-opening accounts

374. The Claimants will further rely, if necessary, upon the circumstances in which it is

permissible to re-open a settled account set out in Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 –

Subpostmasters as Agents. These include where the specific circumstances demonstrate

that the party settling the accounts had insufficient information at the time of doing so.

375. As to this, the Claimants rely upon the matters set out above, and:

375.1. the relative situation of the parties is such that the balance of power is clearly

in the favour of the Defendant (as above); and

375.2. that Subpostmasters did not have the fullest information available to them

when it came to submitting Branch Trading Statements.

340 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §100(1) [B5.1/3/54]

341 For example, see Abdulla, §128 [C1/4/25-26]
342 For example, see Stockdale, §109 [C1/6/23]
343 Of which there are many instances – see, for example, see Abdulla, §136 [C1/4/27]

– 139 –
Issues 12 and 13: Subpostmasters as Agents


376. In light of the foregoing, the Claimants will invite the Court to find:-

376.1. As to the functions each party performed with respect to branch accounts and

the data forming the basis of Branch Trading Statements, that:

a. Subpostmasters would initiate transactions for the Defendant;

b. transactions would be effected (i.e. executed), by a system imposed, provided

and managed by the Defendant;

c. Subpostmasters had no control over the efficacy and accuracy of the same;

d. as the Defendant admits, it reconciled data with data in its own possession

(and, as above, it performed the Admitted Functions);

e. the Defendant presented figures to Subpostmasters through Horizon and

made representations to them as to the existence of shortfalls which they

were unable to investigate but required by the Defendant to disprove.

376.2. As to the agency relationship, that Subpostmaster was agent only for the

purposes of effecting transactions on its behalf with third parties, such as

members of the public, and initiating those transactions on Horizon.

376.3. Application of agency principles: Subpostmasters may be held to the account

presented in Branch Trading Statements only to the limited extent they

initiated the aforesaid transactions;

376.4. Settled accounts: in the particular circumstances of this relationship,

Subpostmasters did not bear the burden of proving that any Branch Trading

Statement account they signed and/or returned to Post Office was incorrect.

377. On the basis of the foregoing, and the evidence to be heard at trial on these matters, the

Claimants invite the court to answer both Issues 12 and 13 in the negative.

– 140 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

378. Issues (14) to (21) concern related topics, namely issues arising relating to the parties’

relationship as regards suspension and termination of a Subpostmaster’s engagement

with the Defendant and certain consequential matters.

379. It is subdivided into four sections:-

379.1. Issues 14 to 16: the proper construction of the SPMC and NTC’s terms relating

to suspension and termination rights (the “Suspension and Termination”


379.2. Issues 17 and 18: whether the express terms of the SPMC and NTC represent

the ‘true agreement’ between the parties as to termination (the “True

Agreement” issues).345

379.3. Issues 19 and 20: the circumstances, if any, in which Subpostmasters are

entitled to compensation for loss of office (the “Compensation for loss of

office” issues).346

379.4. Issue 21: what restrictions, if any, there were on the Defendant’s discretion as

to whether or not to appoint as a Subpostmaster the prospective purchaser of

an incumbent Subpostmaster’s business (the “Subsequent Appointments”


344 Issues (14) to (16)

345 Issues (17) to (18)
346 Issues (19) to (20)
347 Issue (21)

– 141 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc


Issue 14: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, in what circumstances and /
or on what basis was Post Office entitled to suspend pursuant to SPMC Section 19,
clause 4 and Part 2, paragraph 15.1 NTC?

Issue 15: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, in what circumstances and /
or on what basis was Post Office entitled summarily to terminate?

Issue 16: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, in what circumstances and /
or on what basis was Post Office entitled to terminate on notice, without cause?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 32 to 33, 49, 60 to 61, 64, 99 66 to 72, 99 to 100, 75 to 80
104 to 106, 142
Bates 107 to 111 102 to 106 102 to 105
Stubbs 110 to 114 87 to 91 94 to 97
Sabir 86 to 90 101 to 105 99 to 102
Abdulla 84 to 88 89 to 93 92 to 95
Dar 99 to 103 88 to 92 91 to 94
Stockdale 98 to 102 83 to 87 85 to 88

380. As these Common Issues call for construction of express terms, the Claimants’ rely upon

the principles of construction set out in Annex I: Contractual Construction.

Relevant terms

381. The terms forming the subject matter of Issues 14 to 16 are as follows:-

381.1. Suspension:

a. SPMC – Section 19, Clause 4:

"A Subpostmaster may be suspended from office at any time if that course is
considered desirable in the interests of [the Defendant] in consequence of his:
(a) being arrested, (b) having civil or criminal proceedings brought against him,
(c) where irregularities or misconduct at the office(s) where he holds
appointment(s) have been established to the satisfaction of [the Defendant], or
are admitted, or are suspected and are being investigated."

– 142 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

b. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 15.1:

“[The Defendant] may suspend the Operator from operating the Branch
(and/or, acting reasonably, require the Operator to suspend all or any of its
Assistants engaged in the Branch from working in the Branch), where [the
Defendant] considers this to be necessary in the interests of [the Defendant]
as a result of: (15.1.1) the Operator and/or any Assistant being arrested, charged
or investigated by the police or [the Defendant] in connection with any offence
or alleged offence; (15.1.2) civil proceedings being brought against the Operator
and/or any Assistant; or (15.1.3) there being grounds to suspect that the
Operator is insolvent, to suspect that the Operator has committed any material
or persistent breach of the Agreement, or to suspect any irregularities or
misconduct in the operation of the Branch, the Basic Business or any Post
Office® branches with which the Operator and/or any Assistant is connected
(including any financial irregularities or misconduct).”

381.2. Summary termination:

a. SPMC – Section 1, clause 10:

“… The Agreement may be determined by [the Defendant] at any time in case

of Breach of Condition by [the Subpostmaster], or non-performance of his
obligation or non-provision of Post Office Services, but otherwise may be
determined by [the Defendant] on not less than three months’ notice.”

b. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 16.2:

“In addition to any other rights of termination contained in other Parts, [the

Defendant] may terminate the Agreement immediately on giving written notice

to the Operator if the Operator:

16.2.1 commits any material breach of the provisions of the Agreement

or any other contract or arrangement between the Parties and fails to
remedy the breach (if capable of remedy) within 14 days of a written
notice from [the Defendant] specifying the breach and requiring the
same to be remedied. Any references in these Standard Conditions to a
breach of a particular obligation by the Operator being deemed to be
material and/or irremediable are not intended to be exhaustive and
shall not prevent [the Defendant] from exercising its rights under
this clause in respect of any other breach of the Agreement which is
material and/or irremediable;

– 143 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

16.2.2 fails to provide the Products or Services to the standards

required by [the Defendant] as set out in the Manual and fails to
remedy the failure (if capable of remedy) within 14 days of a written
notice from [the Defendant] specifying the failure and requiring the
same to be remedied; …

16.2.16 fails to pay any sum due to [the Defendant] under the
Agreement by the due date”.

381.3. Termination on notice:

a. SPMC – Section 1, clause 10 (as above).

b. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 16.1:

“Following the Commencement Date the Agreement will continue until:

(16.1.1) either Party gives to the other not less than 6 months’ written notice
(unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing), which cannot be given
so as to expire before the first anniversary of the Start Date; or (16.1.2) it is
terminated at any time in accordance with its terms.”


The Claimants’ case

382. The Claimants’ case is that construed in accordance with commercial common sense, so

as to give expression to the common expectations of the parties when the contract was

made (by reference to the relevant factual matrix) and contra proferentem: the terms on

suspension should therefore be construed so as to render the implied terms at GPOC

§64.13348 unnecessary (which the Claimants contend ought to be uncontroversial),


382.1. such that the phrases “considered desirable”, “established to the satisfaction of the

Defendant” and “suspected” (under the SPMC), and “considers this to be

necessary”, “suspect” and “irregularities” (under the NTC) would import the

effect of the said implied term; and

348 i.e. not to suspend Claimants: (i) arbitrarily, irrationally or capriciously; (ii) without reasonable
and proper cause; and / or; (iii) in circumstances where the Defendant was itself in material breach
of duty.

– 144 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

382.2. so as to require the Defendant to give fair consideration to all the relevant

circumstances and as to whether or not to suspend the Subpostmaster even if

the threshold for doing so was established.349

383. The Claimants contend this is the proper construction of the terms, so as to obviate not

only the implication of the terms governing their exercise (Issues 2 and 3), but to mitigate

the extent to which they were onerous and unusual (Issues 5 and 6) and/or unreasonable

so as to be unenforceable under UCTA (Issue 7).

384. The Claimants would draw particular attention to the submissions in Annex III: Issues 2

and 3 – Implied Terms, under Implied restriction on contractual discretion and Implied

terms in relation to powers of suspension.

385. The relevant factual matrix includes the long-term commitments and expectations of the

parties set out, in particular, above in: (i) Section A, under the heading Commitment to

and Investment in the Relationship (p.27); and (ii) Section B under Issue 1: Relational

Contract (p.39).

386. Furthermore, these provisions fall to be construed in their contractual context, including

the contractual consequences in relation to remuneration during (and after) a period of


The Defendant’s case

387. The Defendant accepts that the contractual right to suspend a Subpostmaster is not an

“unfettered” right.350 It confines its right to suspend Subpostmasters by reference to:

387.1. the existence of the factual grounds expressly set out in the relevant

contractual provision on termination;

387.2. where the Defendant “genuinely believed suspension to be in its interests”;351 and

387.3. where the Defendant’s “belief that suspension was in its interests was genuinely in

consequence of the factual grounds that were present”.352

349 See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §109 [B5.1/2/30]

350 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102 [B5.1/3/55]
351 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102(1)(b) [B5.1/3/55]

– 145 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

388. The Claimants will rely upon:

388.1. the Defendant’s admission that its rights were not unfettered, as above;

388.2. the lack of clarity in the wording of the terms (contrary to what the Defendant

suggests)353 by reason of the words and phrases identified above (“desirable”,

“established to the satisfaction…” etc.) which are ambiguous; and

388.3. the Defendant’s additional gloss, not found in the express words, that its

beliefs in exercise of the terms must be ‘genuine’354 – which appears to be an

attempt by the Defendant to confess and avoid by making such a fine and

tailored concession (see Lalji, at paragraph 214, on p.81, above).


The Claimants’ case

389. As with the contractual terms on suspension the Claimants’ case is that, by reference to

commercial common sense, the relevant factual matrix, and the principle of contra

proferentem, the contractual terms on suspension should be construed as per GPOC

§64.14355, so as to prohibit ‘knee jerk’ termination, and or:

389.1. such that the phrase “may be determined” (under the SPMC) and “may

terminate” (under the NTC) imported the foregoing, so as to require the

Defendant conscientiously to consider whether or not to do so; and

352 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102(1)(c) [B5.1/3/55] NB – the wording of other Individual Defences differs,
but not apparently to any material effect: see, for example, the Stockdale/IDef (an NTC Lead
Claimant) at §83(1)(b) (which requires the Defendant to have “genuinely believed suspension to be
necessary in its interests”) and §83(1)(c) (which states that the Defendant’s “belief was genuinely as a
result of the factual grounds that were present”) [B5.6/3/40]
353 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §103(1) [B5.1/3/56]
354 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102(1)(b) and (c) [B5.1/3/55]
355 i.e. not to terminate Claimants: (i) arbitrarily, irrationally or capriciously; (ii) without reasonable
and proper cause; and / or; (iii) in circumstances where the Defendant was itself in material breach
of duty.

– 146 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

389.2. the phrase “not less than three months’ notice” (under the SPMC) and “not less

than 6 months’ notice” (under the NTC) required to the Defendant

conscientiously to consider what period of notice to give.356

The Defendant’s case

390. The Defendant’s case as to termination can be set out simply in the following terms:-

390.1. Summary termination: The Defendant had a right to terminate without notice

when it had cause to do so under the terms of the SPMC (said to be limited to

repudiatory breach)357 and NTC (if one of more of the factual grounds under

Part 2, paragraph 16.2 was established).358

390.2. Termination on notice: The Defendant had a right to terminate for any reason

whatsoever on either three months’ notice (per the SPMC) 359 or six months’

notice (per the NTC).360

391. The Claimants will rely upon the same matters in support of its construction as set out

above, in relation to suspension, and will invite the Court to prefer the Claimants’


356 See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §110 to 111 [B5.1/2/30-31]

357 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102(2) [B5.1/3/55]
358 See, e.g. Stockdale/IDef at §83(2) [B5.6/3/40]
359 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §102(3) [B5.1/3/55]
360 See, e.g. Stockdale/IDef at §83(3) [B5.6/3/40]

– 147 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc


Issue 17: Do the express written terms of the SPMC and NTC between Post Office and
Subpostmasters represent the true agreement between the parties, as to termination (in
this regard, the Claimants rely on Autoclenz v Belcher [2011] UKSC 41?

Issue 18: If not, was the “true agreement” between the parties as alleged at GPOC, para

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 55, 69 to 71 86, 110 to 112 N/A
Bates 112 to 113 107 106 to 108
Stubbs 115 to 116 92 98 to 100
Sabir 91 to 92 106 103 to 105
Abdulla 89 to 90 94 96 to 98
Dar 104 to 105 93 95 to 97
Stockdale 103 to 104 88 89 to 91

Position of the Parties

The Claimants’ case

392. On analysis, in accordance with the principles in Autoclenz v Belcher [2011] UKSC 41

(“Autoclenz”), the written agreement as to termination did not reflect the true agreement

between the parties.

393. The Claimant advances this case further or alternatively to the Claimants’ case on Issues

15 to 16.361

394. Neither party intended that the Claimants’ contracts were terminable on 3 months’ (per

the SPMC) or 6 months’ (per the NTC) notice such as to forfeit the Claimants’ substantial

long-term investments:

394.1. without substantial cause or reason, established after a fair investigation and


394.2. if the Defendant was itself in material breach of contract;

361 That, on a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC terms, the Defendant did not have an
unfettered right to terminate on will or on the short notice periods provided for in those contracts

– 148 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

394.3. vindictively, capriciously or arbitrarily; or

394.4. in response to reasonable correspondence about (i) any apparent breach by the

Defendant, or (ii) alleged shortfalls and the difficulties faced by

Subpostmasters in investigating alleged shortfalls.362


395. The written agreement regarding termination can be tested by asking:

Was the true agreement between the parties that the Defendant could
terminate the Subpostmaster’s engagement on notice expiring 3 months
and one day after branch transfer, in the context of the commitments being
made by the parties?

The Defendant’s case

396. The Defendant:

396.1. denies the application of Autoclenz principles on the grounds these are not

employment contracts (nor are they said to be)363 – and cannot be used to

circumvent normal principles of construction;

396.2. denies that the terms in question were inserted for reasons of form;

396.3. denies that long-term investments would be forfeited; and

396.4. relies on the absence of a pleaded true agreement that Subpostmasters may

terminate on 12 months’ notice.

Relevant principles

397. The principle that the Court should always seek to find the “true agreement” between the

parties is uncontroversial. The manner in which that principle found expression in the

employment context in Autoclenz is addressed in Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True

Agreement. The Claimants also address the application of those principles in this case.

362 See Bates/IPOC at §§62, 67, 69 and 72 [B5.1/2/17] [B5.1/2/18] [B5.1/2/ 19]
363 The Court should be aware that there is presently a group Employment Tribunal claim, on behalf
of 123 Subpostmasters, seeking to establish worker status, pending before London Central ET

– 149 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

Did the terms represent the ‘true agreement’?

398. The inconsistency between the contractual terms as to termination and the true agreement

are to be gleaned from all the circumstances, of which the written agreement was only

one part (see commentary on Autoclenz set out in Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True


399. These circumstances will form the subject of evidence to be heard at trial. However, in

opening the Claimants make the following observations.

400. As to whether Autoclenz may be applied:

400.1. Autoclenz addressed the anterior question of whether terms in a contract

purporting to provide for self-employment were not reflected by the true

agreement consistent with employment.

400.2. The distinction between contracts of employment (or those potentially

construed as such) and commercial contracts was based upon the relative

bargaining positions of the parties364 – it is far from the bright line distinction

that the Defendant seeks to rely upon in this case. The application of Autoclenz

principles depends on a considered analysis of the overall character of the

relationship, not upon whether it is, or is not, an employment contract. If that

were not so, cases such as Autoclenz would be impossible to decide.

400.3. Further and in any event:

a. while not expressed to be contracts of employment, the SPMC and NTC have

many of the indicia of such contracts365 (see Annex IX) including detailed

personnel provisions and reserving to the Defendant a high degree of

discretion and control;366 and

b. the dicta of Lord Clarks JSC in Autoclenz are to be applied accordingly.

364 Specifically, “…the relative bargaining power of the parties must be taken into account in deciding
whether the terms of any written agreement in truth represent what was agreed”
365 GPOC at §9, §45, §50 and §69 [B3/1/2] [B3/1/15] [B3/1/17] [B3/1/39]
366 GPOC at §45 [B3/1/15-16]

– 150 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

401. As to the relevant circumstances from which the true agreement is to be gleaned, the

Claimants will rely upon:

401.1. the evidence of the Lead Claimants to be heard at trial as to their long-term

investments and commitments to the relationship and the high degree of

discretion and control exercised by the Defendant;

401.2. the express terms of The Discretionary Payments Agreement (the “DPA”)

dated 1 April 1989367 made by the NFSP (on behalf of all Subpostmasters) and

the Defendant, being a long-standing agreement on the compensation to be

paid to Subpostmasters upon the termination in certain circumstances, which

applies a multiplier of 28 (or 26) months of the gross remuneration as of their

last day of appointment368 - upon which the Claimants will rely as to the

mutual expectations of the parties of the value of the Subpostmasters’

goodwill and period over which that should be amortised; and

401.3. aspects of the Defendant’s own evidence from senior management, in

particular to the effect that: 369

a. the contractual notice period was extended from three months under the

SPMC as this was not a realistic timeframe for replacing a Subpostmaster –

even for the Defendant;

b. 12 months “would be necessary” in the case of a ‘Mains Contract’ and “[i]n

short, longer notice periods for both parties seemed to make more sense in light of

the timescales involved in replacing a Subpostmaster.” [Emphasis added]

What was the ‘true agreement’? (Issue 18)

402. In all the circumstances, the Claimants will invite the Court to find on the evidence to be

heard at trial, that the ‘true agreement’ as to termination was, as pleaded, namely that:

367 [G/84/1]; and all variations and supplemental agreements thereto

368 such as in the case of Bates and his letters dated 19 December 2000, 18 July 2001, 7 January 2002,
and 13 February 2002 [E1/23/1], [E1/50/62] , [E1/30/1] and [E1/32/1]
369 Breeden, §62 [C2/3/16]

– 151 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

402.1. Subpostmasters’ contracts would not be terminated in the manner contended

for by the Defendant;

402.2. the Defendant would not terminate such contracts without giving such

notice as the court may hold to be reasonable; and

402.3. such notice was, on any view (and as consistent with the Defendant’s

evidence – as above), never to be less than 12 months.370

370 GPOC at §71 [B3/1/40]

– 152 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc


Issue 19: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, where Post Office lawfully
and validly terminated a Subpostmaster’s engagement, on notice or without notice for
cause, was the Subpostmaster entitled to any compensation for loss of office or
wrongful termination?

Issue 20: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, in what, if any, circumstances
are Subpostmaster’s breach of contract claims for loss business, loss of profit and
consequential losses (including reduced profit from linked retail premises) limited to
such losses as would not have been suffered in Post Office had given the notice of
termination provided for in those contracts?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 62, 131 101, 171 81 to 82
Bates 114 108 109
Stubbs 117 93 101
Sabir 93 107 106
Abdulla 91 95 99
Dar 106 94 98
Stockdale 105 89 92

403. The Claimant’s case on these provisions is confined to their enforceability as Onerous and

Unusual Terms and/or under UCTA.

404. The principles relevant to these Issues are set out in Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous

and Unusual Terms and Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms.

The relevant terms

405. The written terms of the Defendant’s contracts with Claimants purported (on the

Defendant’s construction) to provide that Subpostmasters had no right to any

compensation for loss of office, irrespective of whether loss of office and damage suffered

thereby was due to breach or other unlawful act by the Defendant, as follows:

405.1. SPMC – Section 1, clause 8: “The terms of the appointment of Subpostmaster do

not entitle the holder to be paid … compensation for loss of office."

– 153 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

405.2. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 17.11: “The Operator acknowledges that he shall not be

entitled to receive any compensation or other sums in the event of the termination or

suspension of the Agreement.”

406. These terms, in their contractual context, are very one-sided in making acutely

asymmetric provision for the parties’ respective liabilities: the Defendant reserves to itself

the right to pursue Subpostmasters for unlimited sums in relation to alleged losses in their

branches, after termination of their appointment, but excludes its own liability to pay any

“compensation for loss of office” (SPMC) or, strikingly, “any compensation or other sums in the

event of termination or suspension” (NTC – emphasis added).

407. The Claimants’ case on the above terms is therefore that:

407.1. the terms are onerous and unusual, such that they are not enforceable unless

the Defendant has provided sufficient notice of them to Subpostmasters;


407.2. the terms were unenforceable as failing to comply with the requirement of

reasonableness under Section 3(2) UCTA.371

408. Thus, the issues to be determined with respect to these terms, and the case relied upon

by the Claimants (and points made in opening with respect to the same) are as set out

above under Issues (5) to (7).

371 See, e.g. Bates/IPOC at §114 [B5.1/2/31]

– 154 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc


Issue 21: On a proper construction of the SPMC and NTC, what if any restrictions were
there on Post Office’s discretion as to whether or not to appoint as a Subpostmaster the
prospective purchaser of a Subpostmasters’ business?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 62 102 N/A
Bates 115 to 116 109 110 to 113
Stubbs 118 to 119 94 102 to 104
Sabir 94 to 95 108 107 to 109
Abdulla 92 to 93 96 100 to 102
Dar 107 to 108 95 99 to 101
Stockdale 106 to 107 90 93 to 95

The relevant terms

409. The relevant terms are the following:

409.1. SPMC – Section 1, Clause 9: “If on resignation of his appointment the

Subpostmaster disposes of his private business and/or premises in which the sub- office

is situated, the person acquiring the private business and/or the premises or

exchanging contracts in connection with the purchase of the private business and/or

premises will not be entitled to preferential consideration for appointment as


409.2. NTC – Part 2, paragraph 19: “…On termination of the Agreement, the appointment

of any New Operator shall be entirely at the discretion of [the Defendant]. [The

Defendant] may, but shall not be obliged to, consider any application for the operation

of a Post Office branch at the Branch Premises made by a genuine prospective

purchaser of the Basic Business and the property interest at the Branch Premises, but

any such prospective purchaser shall not be given preferential treatment in the

application or appointment process.”

– 155 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

Discretion or a veto

410. The Claimants’ case on the above terms is straightforward:372

410.1. The terms, properly construed, afforded the Defendant a ‘discretion’ as to

subsequent appointments, as opposed to simply a right of ‘veto’ (i.e.

unfettered commercial freedom to do as they pleased). The Defendant’s

decision involved a value judgment.

410.2. The exercise of a discretion of this nature is subject to the implied duties in

Yam Seng and/or the terms set out in GPOC §64.15 to 64.19 (in essence, an

obligation not to exercise such discretion arbitrarily, capriciously or

unreasonably, but rather in accordance with the obligations of good faith, fair

dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence).

411. Whether the Defendant had a discretion or a veto (paragraph 410.1, above) is essential to

resolution of this Issue, i.e. Issue 21 (and, generally, see: principles of contractual

construction set out in Annex I: Contractual Construction).

412. As to the exercise of the discretion (paragraph 410.2), the Claimants’ case for the

implication of terms is set out under Issue 1 and under Issues 2 and 3, above.

413. The Defendant, conversely, argues that nothing in the Subpostmaster Contracts creates

any such discretion, and it had “complete commercial freedom”.373 The Defendant then

repeats its case in relation to implied terms, asserting that the discretion contended for

would be “onerous, unreasonable and uncommercial”, as the same would qualify the

Defendant’s commercial freedom to operate its business in its own interests after

termination of the contract.374

414. The Claimants further rely upon the case of Watson v Ltd [2017]

EWHC 1275 (Comm) (“Watchfinder”). That case concerned a share option agreement

which was said to be subject to the consent of a majority of the board of directors. The

term under construction was clause 3.1, which provided: “The Option may only be

372 See. e.g. Bates/IPOC at §115 to 116 [B5.1/2/31] and the Bates/IReply at §110 [B5.1/4/48]
373 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §109(3) [B5.1/3/60]
374 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §109(4) [B5.1/3/60]

– 156 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

exercised with the consent of a majority of the board of directors of the Company.” Clause 3.2 then

provides: “If the consent specified in clause 3.1 has not been obtained by the Investors before the

Options Expiry Date the Option shall lapse and neither party to this agreement shall have any

claim against the other under this agreement except in relation to any breach occurring before that


415. Waksman J found that this clause did not provide the company with an unconditional

right of veto. Rather, it conferred a discretion. After setting out relevant principles of

construction derived from Arnold v Britton [2015] AC 1619,375 the Judge held:

“Does Watchfinder have an unconditional right of veto?

98. This cannot be the correct construction of clause 3.1. If it was, then the option is
meaningless because the grant of shares is entirely within the gift of Watchfinder. But in that
event the position would be no different from when any person sought to buy shares in
Watchfinder. Ms Hitchens for Watchfinder sought to maintain this construction, however, by
saying that in truth and despite its appearance and the clear and numerous references to an
“option” within it, the Option Agreement was nothing of the kind. The court should therefore
not be troubled if clause 3.1 undermined the purpose of the option-because there was no option to
speak of in the first place. I regard that as a “bootstraps” argument which cannot be correct. It
defies common sense and the detailed provisions of the Option Agreement as well as its title and
terms and indeed the references to it as such by the parties (albeit subjectively). Moreover, the
Option Agreement was always intended to be, and became, part of an overall contractual package
for Adoreum and the claimants in relation to their relationship with Watchfinder. That is why
they required both agreements to be signed before proceeding with the initial meeting with
Richemont. In that context, it is a commercial absurdity to conclude that objectively, one part of
that package was in fact worthless. Moreover, it is not as if the option was contained in a mass
of other contractual terms where it might have been easier to downplay its importance or read it
down. It was a separate agreement whose only purpose was the option albeit part of a package
with the Services Agreement. This is not one of those cases where (as noted by Lord Neuberger
PSC) the importance of commercial common sense is being overstated or over-used

375 Distilled at [96] as: (1) commercial common sense should not be invoked to undervalue the
importance of the language used; (2) the less clear the centrally relevant words are, the more
readily the court can properly depart from their meaning; (3) commercial common sense should
not be invoked retrospectively. The mere fact that a contractual arrangement has worked out badly,
or even disastrously for one of the parties is not a reason to depart from the natural language; (4)
a court should be slow to reject the natural meaning as correct simply because it appears be have
been very imprudent for one party to have agreed it; (5) facts known only to one of the parties
cannot be taken into account; (6) if an event occurs which had plainly not been intended by the
parties, the court will give effect to what the parties would have intended if clear

– 157 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

99. Accordingly, I reject this construction of clause 3.1.”

416. The two clauses under consideration in the present case go no further than stating that a

prospective purchaser of a Subpostmaster’s branch will not be given preferential

treatment, but this does not indicate an unfettered veto. Indeed, the relevant provision in

the NTC refers to the “discretion” of the Defendant in the appointment of a subsequent

Subpostmaster: that description is plainly correct. A discretion is plainly conferred under

both agreements.

417. The Claimants’ construction does not seek to deny the Defendant commercial freedom to

appoint a replacement Subpostmaster, merely to exercise that commercial freedom in

accordance with well-established principles by which other commercial freedoms are

regularly governed. That is the consequence of the Defendant having a discretion rather

than a veto.

418. The Claimant’s construction is to be preferred, in any event, and particularly in light of

the following:-

418.1. It recognises the long-term commitment and financial investment made by

Subpostmasters upon entering into the relationship, by affording them a

prospect of the protection of that investment in the goodwill of the business.

418.2. An unfettered discretion (effectively amounting to a veto) would allow the

Defendant in practice to defeat the expectations as to the value of the business

inherent in the bargain between the parties and the very premise upon which

the above investments were to be made.

418.3. A (high) degree of reciprocity and cooperation must always have been

intended to be part of the overall package in the relationship agreed between

Subpostmasters and the Defendant.

418.4. The characterisation of these terms as conferring a ‘discretion’ as opposed to

unfettered veto does not deprive the Defendant of its “commercial freedom”.

– 158 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

418.5. In the circumstances, it accords with commercial common sense. It would

otherwise be a commercial absurdity as it renders these specific terms

regarding subsequent appointments meaningless.

419. The extent to which that discretion is framed by any implied terms is a separate issue,

although, for present purposes, it is sufficient to question how the Defendant could object

to an implied term that the discretion is not exercised arbitrarily, capriciously or

unreasonably – if there are genuine commercial considerations which warrant a rejection

of a prospective Subpostmaster (whether those considerations are specific to that

individual or to the branch in question), then such exercise of the discretion would

unlikely be characterised as arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable.

420. The Claimants invite the Court to find that the Defendant had a discretion, not a veto, in

relation to the appointment of replacement Subpostmasters, which was therefore subject

to the limitations above, and the duties in Braganza.

– 159 –
Issues 14 to 21: Suspension, Termination, etc

– 160 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

Issue 22: Did SPMC Section 15, clause 7.1; NTC, Part 2, clauses 2.3 and 2.5 and / or any
of the implied terms contended for by the parties and found by the Court purport to
confer a benefit on Assistants for the purposes of section 1 of the Contracts (Rights of
Third Parties) Act, and if so which of these terms did so?

Issue 23: What was the responsibility of Subpostmasters under the SPMC and the NTC
for the training of their Assistants?

Statements of Case Particulars Defence Reply

Generic 56, 74 95(4), 116 92
Bates 117 to 119 110 to 112 114 to 116
Stubbs 120 to 122 95 to 97 105 to 107
Sabir 96 to 98 109 to 111 110 to 112
Abdulla 94 to 96 97 to 99 103 to 105
Dar 109 to 111 96 to 98 102 to 104
Stockdale 108 to 110 91 to 93 96 to 98

Rights of Third Parties

The express terms purporting to confer a benefit

421. The relevant terms are the following:-

421.1. SPMC – Section 15, clause 7.1:

“[The Defendant] will: (7.1.1) provide the Subpostmaster with relevant training

materials and processes to carry out the required training of his Assistants on the Post

Office ® Products and Services; (7.1.2) inform the Subpostmaster as soon as possible

where new or revised training will be necessary as a result of changes in either the law

or Post Office ® Products and Services; and (7.1.3) where appropriate

… update the training materials (or processes) or provide new training materials (or

processes) to the Subpostmaster. However, it is the Subpostmaster’s responsibility to

ensure the proper deployment within his Post Office ® branch of any materials and

processed provided by [the Defendant] and to ensure that his Assistants receive all

the training which is necessary in order to be able to properly provide the Post Office

– 161 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

® Products and Services and to perform any other tasks required in connection with

the operation of the Post Office ® branch.”

421.2. NTC – Part 2, paragraphs 2.3: “Where [the Defendant] considers it necessary, it

shall initially train the first Manager and such number of Assistants as [the

Defendant] shall determine, in the operation of the System at the Branch.”

421.3. NTC – Part 2, paragraphs 2.5: “[the Defendant] may require the Manager and/or

the Assistants to undertake further training at any reasonable location and time

during the Term if [the Defendant] (2.5.1) reasonably considers such training to be

essential; or (2.5.2) wishes to train them in new and improved techniques which have

been devised and which the Operator will be required to use in operating the System.”

The Claimants’ case

422. The Claimants’ case is that Assistants employed by a Subpostmaster to work in a branch

are conferred benefits pursuant to those terms for the purposes of section 1(1)(b) 1999

Act, such that they may in their own right enforce them.

The Defendant’s case

423. The Defendant denies that the terms purported to confer a benefit upon Assistants.

The issues

424. On the issues, the Claimants submit in opening

424.1. The terms purports to confer a benefit on Assistants (s.1(1)(b)):

a. The SPMC term requires training materials and processes to be provided to

Subpostmasters in order to train assistants and the NTC addresses initial and

further training which the Defendant would provide to Assistants.

– 162 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

b. These benefits are not received collaterally or incidentally;376 rather, the very

purpose of those terms is to ensure Assistants have the training needed to

do their job. Without such a term, an Assistant could not.377

424.2. Burden of proof (section 1(2)): it is for the Defendant to rebut the presumption

that it was intended that this term would be enforceable by Assistants.378 It

cannot do so on the ground that it (alone) did not intend this.

424.3. Assistants sufficiently described in the terms (section 1(3)): it does not

appear to be suggested that the requirements of section 1(3) have not been

made out. These are clearly satisfied: the terms refer to ‘Assistants’, a term

defined by reference to a class of persons in both the SPMC379 and NTC.380

425. The relevant implied term, on this Issue, is confined to the implied obligation that training

(above) provided to Assistants would be adequate (to which other implied terms, in

context, would add nothing).

Responsibility of SPMs to train Assistants

The Claimants’ case

426. The Claimants’ case is that any obligation upon Subpostmasters to train their Assistants

cannot be construed so to require Subpostmasters to have been better able to train

Assistants than the training provided by the Defendant would allow or enable.

427. Any other interpretation would defy both logic and commercial common sense and could

not possibly have been the intention of the parties. The practical (if not

376 And the conferral of a benefit need not be a predominant purpose or intent: see Annex X: Issues
22 and 23 – Assistants
377 Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Ayres [2007] EWHC 775 (Ch), [2007] 3 All E.R. 946 at [28],
reversed ([2008] EWCA Civ 52, [2008] 1 All E.R. 1266) on the different ground that the contract, on
its true construction, purported, not to benefit the third party, but to restrict the third party’s rights
378 See, e.g., The Laemthong Glory [2005] EWCA Civ 519
379 “A Subpostmaster must provide, at his own expense, any assistance which he may need to carry out the
work in his sub-office” and “Assistants are employees of the Subpostmaster” (Section 15, clauses 1, 2)
380 “a person employed by the Operator who is approved by Post Office Ltd in accordance with the Manual to
work in the Branch” (Part 1, paragraph 1.1)

– 163 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

insuperable) difficulties of a Subpostmaster providing training in matters upon which

he has not himself received any or any adequate training speak for themselves.

428. The SPMC specifically requires (under Section 15, clause 7.1) that materials be provided

by the Defendant for the purposes of training Assistants and that Subpostmasters are

required “to ensure the proper deployment within his Post Office ® branch of any materials and

processes provided by [the Defendant] and to ensure that his Assistants receive all the training

which is necessary…”

429. The Claimants’ further rely upon the implied terms that it alleges and/or the Defendant’s

own admitted implied terms as further qualifying the responsibility of Subpostmasters

to train Assistants. Indeed, the Defendant admits that the implied terms which it pleads

in the GDef at §105 “may, in appropriate circumstances, have required Post Office to cooperate

with Subpostmasters in relation to training assistants.”381

381 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §111(1) [B5.1/3/61-62]

– 164 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants


430. The purpose of the Common Issues Trial is to determine important aspects of the legal

relationship between Post Office and Subpostmasters. There are two very different

constructions advanced by the parties as to their legal relationships, which give rise to

interesting legal questions, some of them in developing areas of the law.

431. The Claimants have made clear that the real target of their case on these Common Issues

is the extreme construction advanced by the Defendant in almost every aspect of the

relationship with Subpostmasters.

432. The Defendant seeks to support its case by reference to its generic evidence, largely as to

what would have happened, both in asserting its positive case and in answer to the direct

evidence of the Lead Claimants. Much of that evidence purports to inform the

interpretation of the contract. As will be explored at trial, much of it is controversial.

433. Subpostmasters sought and accepted appointments on the basis of positive expectations

of the relationship, promoted or encouraged by the Defendant as a “trusted and high quality

brand” and entirely consonant with the public understanding of the role of a


434. Subpostmasters invested and made long-term commitments on the strength of those

shared expectations.

435. The Defendant was solely responsible for drafting its written standard terms of business,

although the communication of contractual obligations to Subpostmasters was

unsatisfactory and it remains difficult to identify the universe of express obligations to

which, under those contracts, Subpostmasters were subject.

436. The experience of the Lead Claimants (including the three Lead Claimants chosen by the

Defendant) fell very far short of their pre-contract expectations. However, on the

construction of the relationship for which the Defendant contends, none of its actions can

be impugned. At least on one view, the Defendant appears to advance a construction

based on its conduct, rather than on a proper interpretation of the contracts in issue. How

the Defendant conducted itself is not the lodestar for construing its duties.

– 165 –
Issues 22 and 23: Assistants

437. The Defendant seeks to resist the implication of duties of good faith, fair dealing,

transparency, cooperation and/or trust and confidence (and the specific implied terms

contended for) by the device of admitting other implied terms but refusing to explain

what they mean. That approach is apt to put the clarification of the legal relationship (and

its incidents) in this case beyond the reach of this Court – so as to undermine the utility of

this Common Issues Trial.

438. As to accounts and shortfalls, the Defendant’s admitted role and responsibilities after the

introduction of the Horizon are impossible to reconcile with its case on liability for

shortfalls or as to agency and Subpostmasters’ sole responsibility for accounts (which are

no longer within their control) – whether as a matter of commercial common sense or at


439. By contrast, the Claimants contend for a legal relationship which conforms entirely with

commercial common sense and, even if not what the Defendant subjectively had in mind,

with the reasonable expectations of notional reasonable persons in the positions of the


440. The Claimants submit that all roads lead to Rome – in the sense that such a legal

relationship may be identified through a number of different combinations on the

Common Issues.


26 October 2018

Henderson Chambers
2 Harcourt Buildings
London EC4Y 9DB

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Annex I: Contractual Construction

Annex I: Contractual Construction

1. The general principles of construction are well established and uncontroversial.

However, their application to this case is important. Put shortly:-

(1) The Court should look for the meaning of the provisions not just the
meaning of the words.

In Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society

(“ICS”),382 Lord Hoffmann made clear that the process of contractual

interpretation is such that the meaning of a phrase, clause or provision may

not be the same thing as the meaning of its words. The Court should therefore

be open to the possibility that the drafted words may not reflect the

objectively ascertained intention of the parties and that the parties (or in the

present case, the Defendant) may therefore have used the wrong words or

syntax. The Court should be alive to the fact that parties do not normally make

linguistic mistakes, particularly in formal documents such as a contract, but

that it is nevertheless possible for something to have gone wrong with the

language. At the same time, the Court should not attribute to the parties

intentions that they plainly did not have.

(2) The correct approach is to start (and finish) by looking for and adopting
the interpretation that most accords with commercial common sense.

That said, circumstances may arise where a particular term is credibly open

to more than one interpretation. The Supreme Court confirmed in Rainy Sky

SA v Kookmin,383 at [21] to [30] that the correct approach is to start (and finish)

by looking for and adopting the interpretation that most accords with

commercial common sense. The exercise of identifying the parties' commercial

intention should be carried out from the outset, and is not simply a tool to be

deployed once it has first been concluded that the natural

382 [1998] 1 W.L.R. 896, 912

383 [2011] 1 W.L.R. 2900, following a review of the relevant case law and noting Lord Mance’s
summary of the position in In re Golden Key Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 636 (at [12])

– A1 –

Annex I: Contractual Construction

meaning of the words produces a result that appears to have been unintended

(see [20]). The Court must therefore conclude what interpretation accords

with 'business common sense'.

(3) Interpretation is the ascertainment of the objective meaning in the light of

the parties’ background knowledge at the time of the contract.

The task of construing a written agreement has been said to be that of

ascertaining the “common intention of the parties” to the agreement.384 But this

may be misleading since it is clear that the agreement must be interpreted

objectively:385 the question is not what one or other of the parties meant or

understood by the words used rather what a reasonable person in the position

of the parties would have understood the words to mean. In ICS, Lord

Hoffmann stated:

“Interpretation is the ascertainment of the meaning which the document

would convey to a reasonable person having all the background knowledge
which would reasonably have been available to the parties in the situation
in which they were at the time of the contract.”

2. So, in the light of the above, whilst the words of the agreement must be construed as they

stand,386 that is not to say that the meaning of the words in a written document must be

ascertained by reference to the words of the document alone – far from it. The Courts will

look at all the circumstances surrounding the making of the contract and factual

background reasonably available to the parties (usually referred to as the ‘factual matrix’

or ‘available background’) which would assist in determining how the bargain made by

the parties and the language used to express it would have been understood by a

reasonable person in their position.

3. The range of materials on which the modern Courts now draw is considerably wider as

the ambit of the ‘factual matrix’ has increased, permitting the Court to draw upon a

384 e.g. Marquis of Cholmondeley v Clinton (1820) 2 Jac. & W.I. 91

385 Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Life Assurance Co Ltd [1997] A.C. 749, 767, 775, 782;
Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 W.L.R. 896, 912–
386 IRC v Raphael [1935] A.C. 96, 142; British Movietonews v London and District Cinemas [1952]
A.C. 166

– A2 –

Annex I: Contractual Construction

greater range of materials when seeking to put the words of the contract in their context

and interpret them accordingly. In ICS, Lord Hoffmann, referring to the matrix of fact,


“Subject to the requirement that it should have been reasonably available to the parties
… it includes absolutely anything which would have affected the way in which the
language of the document would have been understood by a reasonable man”.387

4. Further, it has long been accepted that the Courts will not approach the task of

construction with too much concentration upon individual words to the neglect of the

contract as a whole:

“The common and universal principle ought to be applied: namely, that [an agreement]
ought to receive that construction which its language will admit, and which will best
effectuate the intention of the parties, to be collected from the whole of the agreement, and
that greater regard is to be had to the clear intention of the parties than to any particular
words which they may have used in the expression of their intent.”388

5. As noted by Lord Clarke in Rainy Sky, this process is sometimes referred to as an “iterative

process, involving checking each of the rival meanings against other provisions of the document

and investigating its commercial consequences”. It was in Rainy Sky that Lord Clarke held at


“The language used by the parties will often have more than one potential meaning. I
would accept the submission made on behalf of the appellants that the exercise of
construction is essentially one unitary exercise in which the court must consider the
language used and ascertain what a reasonable person, that is a person who has all the
background knowledge which would reasonably have been available to the parties in the
situation in which they were at the time of the contract, would have understood the
parties to have meant. In doing so, the court must have regard to all the relevant
surrounding circumstances. If there are two possible constructions, the court is entitled
to prefer the construction which is consistent with business common sense and to reject
the other.” [Emphasis added]

387 [1988] 1 W.L.R. 896, 912–913

388 Ford v Beech (1848) 11 Q.B. 852, 866

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Annex I: Contractual Construction

6. This point was underscored by the Supreme Court again in Wood v Capita Insurance

Services Ltd,389 in which Lord Hodge declined “to reformulate the guidance given in the

Rainy Sky and Arnold cases”:390

“10. The court's task is to ascertain the objective meaning of the language which the
parties have chosen to express their agreement. It has long been accepted that this is not
a literalist exercise focused solely on a parsing of the wording of the particular clause but
that the court must consider the contract as a whole and, depending on the nature,
formality and quality of drafting of the contract, give more or less weight to elements of
the wider context in reaching its view as to that objective meaning. In Prenn v
Simmonds [1971] 1 WLR 1381 , 1383H–1385D and in Reardon Smith Line Ltd v
Yngvar Hansen-Tangen (trading as HE Hansen-Tangen) [1976] 1 WLR 989 , 997,
Lord Wilberforce affirmed the potential relevance to the task of interpreting the parties'
contract of the factual background known to the parties at or before the date of the
contract, excluding evidence of the prior negotiations. When in his celebrated judgment
in Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society
[1998] 1 WLR 896, 912–913 Lord Hoffmann reformulated the principles of contractual
interpretation, some saw his second principle, which allowed consideration of the whole
relevant factual background available to the parties at the time of the contract, as
signalling a break with the past. But Lord Bingham of Cornhill in an extrajudicial
writing, “A New Thing Under the Sun? The Interpretation of Contracts and the ICS
decision” (2008) 12 Edin LR 374, persuasively demonstrated that the idea of the court
putting itself in the shoes of the contracting parties had a long pedigree.”

11. Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony JSC elegantly summarised the approach to

construction in the Rainy Sky case [2011] 1 WLR 2900, para 21f. In the Arnold case
[2015] AC 1619 all of the judgments confirmed the approach in the Rainy Sky case:
Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury PSC, paras 13–14; Lord Hodge JSC, para 76 and Lord
Carnwath JSC, para 108. Interpretation is, as Lord Clarke JSC stated in the Rainy Sky
case (para 21), a unitary exercise; where there are rival meanings, the court can give
weight to the implications of rival constructions by reaching a view as to which
construction is more consistent with business common sense. But, in striking a balance
between the indications given by the language and the implications of the competing
constructions the court must consider the quality of drafting of the clause (the Rainy Sky
case, para 26, citing Mance LJ in Gan Insurance Co Ltd v Tai Ping Insurance Co
Ltd (No 2) [2001] 2 All ER (Comm) 299, paras 13, 16); and it must also be alive to the
possibility that one side may have agreed to something which with hindsight did not
serve his interest: the Arnold case, paras 20, 77. Similarly, the court must not lose sight
of the possibility that a provision may be a negotiated compromise or that the negotiators
were not able to agree more precise terms.

389 [2017] UKSC 24

390 §8

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Annex I: Contractual Construction

12. This unitary exercise involves an iterative process by which each suggested
interpretation is checked against the provisions of the contract and its commercial
consequences are investigated: the Arnold case, para 77 citing In re Sigma Finance
Corpn [2010] 1 All ER 571 , para 12, per Lord Mance JSC. To my mind once one has
read the language in dispute and the relevant parts of the contract that provide its
context, it does not matter whether the more detailed analysis commences with the factual
background and the implications of rival constructions or a close examination of the
relevant language in the contract, so long as the court balances the indications given by

13. Textualism and contextualism are not conflicting paradigms in a battle for exclusive
occupation of the field of contractual interpretation. Rather, the lawyer and the judge,
when interpreting any contract, can use them as tools to ascertain the objective meaning
of the language which the parties have chosen to express their agreement. The extent to
which each tool will assist the court in its task will vary according to the circumstances
of the particular agreement or agreements. Some agreements may be successfully
interpreted principally by textual analysis, for example because of their sophistication
and complexity and because they have been negotiated and prepared with the assistance
of skilled professionals. The correct interpretation of other contracts may be achieved by
a greater emphasis on the factual matrix, for example because of their informality, brevity
or the absence of skilled professional assistance. But negotiators of complex formal
contracts may often not achieve a logical and coherent text because of, for example, the
conflicting aims of the parties, failures of communication, differing drafting practices, or
deadlines which require the parties to compromise in order to reach agreement. There
may often therefore be provisions in a detailed professionally drawn contract which lack
clarity and the lawyer or judge in interpreting such provisions may be particularly helped
by considering the factual matrix and the purpose of similar provisions in contracts of
the same type. The iterative process, of which Lord Mance JSC spoke in Sigma Finance
Corpn [2010] 1 All ER 571 , para 12, assists the lawyer or judge to ascertain the objective
meaning of disputed provisions.

14 On the approach to contractual interpretation, the Rainy Sky and Arnold cases
were saying the same thing.” [Emphasis added]

7. It followed that, when it came time to construe the relevant clause in Wood, Lord Hodge

held (at §26) that “it is necessary to place the clause in the context of the contract as a whole, to

examine the clause in more detail and to consider whether the wider relevant factual matrix gives

guidance as to its meaning in order to consider the implications of the rival interpretations” –

effectively endorsing the iterative process of discerning commercial common sense,


– A5 –

Annex I: Contractual Construction

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Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract


1. The concept of relational contracts and the duties that may be implied into such contracts

are developing areas of the law. Those duties include the duty of good faith, to which

English law has been said to be opposed; but that is not so. English law has only been

opposed to the imposition of a general duty of good faith. Implied duties of good faith

are well-established, as is the common law’s tradition of its own development.

Traditional view of implied term of good faith

2. The traditional view of the concept of a duty of good faith between contracting parties

was summarised by Bingham LJ (as he then was) in Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v

Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [1988] 1 All E.R. 348 at 352:

“In many civil law systems, and perhaps in most legal systems outside of the common law world,
the law of obligations recognises and enforces an overriding principle that in making and
carrying out contracts parties should act in good faith. This does not simply mean that they
should not deceive each other, a principle which any legal system must recognise; its effect is
perhaps most aptly conveyed by such metaphorical colloquialisms as ‘playing fair’, ‘coming clean’
or ‘putting one’s cards face down on the table’. It is in essence a principle of fair and open
dealing… English law has, characteristically, committed itself to no such overriding principle
but has developed piecemeal solutions in response to demonstrated problems of unfairness.”

Yam Seng

3. In the case of Yam Seng Pte v International Trade Corp [2013] EWHC 111 (QB); [2013] 1

CLC 662 (“Yam Seng”), Leggatt J (as he then was) held that there was a category of

contract which was long-term in nature, pursuant to which the parties made a substantial

commitment, and the operation of which required a high degree of communication,

cooperation and predictable performance. Such contracts were ‘relational’ contracts, and

they tended to give rise to an implied duty of good faith.

– A7 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

4. Yam Seng itself was a case involving an exclusive distribution agreement between two

entities for the marketing of Manchester United branded products in duty free outlets

overseas. The relationship was unsuccessful. The defendant was alleged to have misled

the claimant about the relevant legal, commercial and logistical position, and to have

repeatedly missed deadlines for supplying products to the claimant.

5. The claimant’s pleaded case was that it was an implied term of the agreement that the

parties would deal with each other in good faith. It was argued that English law could

and should recognise such an implied duty in commercial contracts, and the content of

that duty was dependent on context.

6. On the implication of a term of “good faith” in commercial contracts, Leggatt J commented:

“131. Under English law a duty of good faith is implied by law as an incident of certain categories
of contract, for example contracts of employment and contracts between partners or others whose
relationship is characterised as a fiduciary one. I doubt that English law has reached the stage,
however, where it is ready to recognise a requirement of good faith as a duty implied by law, even
as a default rule, into all commercial contracts. Nevertheless, there seems to me to be no difficulty,
following the established methodology of English law for the implication of terms in fact, in
implying such a duty in any ordinary commercial contract based on the presumed intention of
the parties.” [Emphasis added]

7. Leggatt J agreed with the claimant’s argument that what good faith requires “is sensitive

to context”.391 Against this backdrop, Leggatt J held:

“143. In some contractual contexts the relevant background expectations may extend further to
an expectation that the parties will share information relevant to the performance of the contract
such that a deliberate omission to disclose such information may amount to bad faith. English
law has traditionally drawn a sharp distinction between certain relationships – such as
partnership, trusteeship and other fiduciary relationships – on the one hand, in which the parties
owe onerous obligations of disclosure to each other, and other contractual relationships in which
no duty of disclosure is supposed to operate. Arguably at least, that dichotomy is too simplistic.
While it seems unlikely that any duty to disclose information in performance of the
contract would be implied where the contract involves a simple exchange, many
contracts do not fit this model and involve a longer term relationship

391 Yam Seng, §142

– A8 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

between the parties which they make a substantial commitment. Such ‘relational’
contracts, as they are sometimes called, may require a high degree of communication,
cooperation and predictable performance based on mutual trust and confidence and
involve expectations of loyalty which are not legislated for in the express terms of the
contract but are implicit in the parties' understanding and necessary to give business
efficacy to the arrangements. Examples of such relational contracts might include some joint
venture agreements, franchise agreements and long-term distributorship agreements.


145. Although its requirements are sensitive to context, the test of good faith is objective in the
sense that it depends not on either party's perception of whether particular conduct is improper
but on whether in the particular context the conduct would be regarded as commercially
unacceptable by reasonable and honest people. The standard is thus similar to that described by
Lord Nicholls in a different context in his seminal speech in Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan [1995]
2 AC 378 at pp. 389–390. This follows from the fact that the content of the duty of good faith is
established by a process of construction which in English law is based on an objective principle.
The court is concerned not with the subjective intentions of the parties but with their presumed
intention, which is ascertained by attributing to them the purposes and values which reasonable
people in their situation would have had.

146. Understood in the way I have described, there is in my view nothing novel or foreign to
English law in recognising an implied duty of good faith in the performance of contracts. It is
consonant with the theme identified by Lord Steyn as running through our law of contract that
reasonable expectations must be protected: see First Energy (UK) Ltd v Hungarian International
Bank Ltd [1993] 2 Ll Rep 194, 196; and (1997) 113 LQR 433. Moreover such a concept is, I
believe, already reflected in several lines of authority that are well established. One example is the
body of cases already mentioned in which duties of cooperation in the performance of the contract
have been implied…” [Emphasis added]

8. Leggatt J found the contract in Yam Seng to be a relational contract – it was a

distributorship agreement “which required the parties to communicate effectively and cooperate

with each other in its performance”392 and satisfied the requirements outline in the above

paragraphs. Accordingly, the agreement contained an enforceable implied obligation on

the parties to act in good faith and concluded that the defendant’s breach

392 Yam Seng, §144 – such terms will normally govern the performance, rather than termination of
the contract, esp. in commercial contracts (although this will depend upon the ambit and scope of
the terms implied in the context of the bargain as a whole): Ilkerler Otomotiv Sanayai VE v Perkins
Engines Company Ltd [2017] EWCA Civ 183; [2017] 4 WLR 144

– A9 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

of that term was of a repudiatory nature which justified termination and gave rise to an

entitlement to damages.

Subsequent cases

9. The topic of relational contracts still represents fairly untilled ground, but it has been the

subject of discussion in a handful of cases following Yam Seng.

10. One such case is Bristol Groundschool Ltd v Intelligent Data Capture Ltd [2014] EWHC

2145 (Ch) (“Bristol Groundschool”). In Bristol Groundschool, the parties agreed to

collaborate to produce training materials for pilots. The claimant provided the content

for the manuals and the defendant converted the content into an electronic application,

which the parties jointly published and marketed.

11. The parties fell out. Anticipating the end of the joint venture, the claimant secretly

accessed the defendant’s database and downloaded material. After the contract was

terminated, the claimant used the downloaded material to continue selling the electronic

training manuals.

12. One of the issues before Mr Richard Spearman QC (sitting as a Deputy Judge of the

Chancery Division) was whether the secret download was a breach of contract, despite

there being no express term of the contract which prohibited this conduct. The Judge held

that the contract did constitute a ‘relational’ contract of the kind referred to by Leggatt J

in Yam Seng and that it contained an implied duty of good faith. He further held that

good faith extends beyond, but at the very least includes, the requirement of honesty,

and that the relevant test for breach is that of conduct that would be regarded as

“commercially unacceptable” by reasonable and honest people in the particular context


13. In Carewatch Care Services Ltd v Focus Caring Services Ltd [2014] EWHC 2313 (Ch)

(“Carewatch”), it was held that the contract in question, a franchise agreement for the

393 Bristol Groundschool, §196

– A10 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

provision of care services, was not a relational contract. In particular, Henderson J

found that the contract:

“contains very detailed express terms, dealing with all aspects of the franchised
business from its inception to its termination. The agreement is for a commercial
relationship, from which both parties hoped to profit, and where both sides had
interests of their own to protect. I can find no “clear lacuna” in the detailed provisions
of the agreement which has to be filled if the agreement is to work commercially, let
alone by terms framed in such wide and imprecise language as those which are

14. It was also of importance to Henderson J’s analysis that many of the proposed implied

terms would be inconsistent with the express provisions of the agreement.395

15. In D&G Cars Ltd v Essex Police Authority [2015] EWHC 226 (QB) (“D&G Cars”), a

private contractor had agreed to dispose of cars for a police authority. The police

authority gave instructions for one particular vehicle to be completely crushed. It was

later discovered that, contrary to those instructions, the contractor had re-built the car,

transferred the number plates from a different vehicle, and used it in the contractor’s own


16. The parties in that case had accepted an implied term to act with honesty and integrity.

Dove J, however, deemed it appropriate to nevertheless set out for the avoidance of doubt

the legal basis for the implication of such a term into the contract. After referring to

Leggatt J’s Judgment in Yam Seng, Dove J held at §175:

“It will be clear from what has been set out above that both the existence and the
content of an implied condition in relation to honesty and integrity is highly sensitive
to the context of the contract itself. By the use of the term ‘integrity’, rather as Leggatt
J uses the term ‘good faith’, the intention is to capture the requirements of fair dealing
and transparency which are no doubt required (and would, to the parties, go without
saying) in a contract which creates a long-standing relationship between the parties
lasting some years and which has the qualities and features to which I shall turn

394 Carewatch, §109

395 Carewatch, §110

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Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

17. In analysing the contract in D&G Cars, Dove J went on to find:

“176. As noted above, there are particular features of this contract which warrant the
inclusion of this implied term. Firstly, as already noted, the contract created a
relatively lengthy period of contractual relationship between the parties, during which
there were going to be a very large number of individual transactions undertaken
under the auspices of the contract. It was, in my view, a ‘relational’ contract par

18. Having found that the contract was a relational contract, the Judge held that it was an

implied term that the contractor would perform the contract in good faith.396 Dove J

further found that, even if the contractor had not been deliberately fraudulent, there had

been a breach of the implied term which amounted to a repudiatory breach of the


19. In Globe Motors v TRW Lucas Varity Electric Steering [2016] EWCA Civ 393 (“Globe

Motors”), the Beatson LJ addressed relational contracts at §67:

“… in certain categories of long-term contract, the court may be more willing to imply
a duty to co-operate or, in the language used by Leggatt J in Yam Seng PTE v
International Trade Corp Ltd [2013] EWHC 111 (QB); [2013] 1 CLC 662 at [131],
[142] and [145], a duty of good faith. Leggatt J had in mind contracts between those
whose relationship is characterised as a fiduciary one and those involving a longer-
term relationship between parties who make a substantial commitment. The contracts
in question involved a high degree of communication, cooperation and predictable
performance based on mutual trust and confidence and expectations of loyalty ‘which
are not legislated for in the express terms of the contract but are implicit in the parties’
understanding and necessary to give business efficacy to the arrangements'. He gave
as examples franchise agreements and long-term distribution agreements. Even in the
case of such agreements, however, the position will depend on the terms of the
particular contract. Two examples of long-term contracts which did not qualify are the
long-term franchising contracts considered by Henderson J in Carewatch Care
Services Ltd v Focus Caring Services Ltd [2014] EWHC 2313 (Ch) and the agreement
between distributors of financial products and independent financial advisers
considered by Elisabeth Laing J in Acer Investment Management Ltd v Mansion
Group Ltd [2014] EWHC 3011 (QB) at [109].”

396 Or, as it had been described in the proceedings in D&G, a duty of “honesty and integrity”: see, e.g.
D&G at §171.

– A12 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

20. Although it was “not the occasion to consider the potential for implied duties of good faith in

English law because the question in this case is one of interpretation or construction, not of

implication”, Beatson LJ did make two observations at §68:

“The first is to reiterate Lord Neuberger's statement in Marks and Spencer plc v BNP
Paribas Security Services Trust Co (Jersey) Ltd… that, whatever the broad similarities
between them, the two are ‘different processes governed by different rules'. This is, see
the statement of Lord Bingham in Philips Electronique Grand Public SA v British Sky
Broadcasting Ltd [1995] EMLR 472 at 481 cited by Lord Neuberger, because ‘the
implication of contract terms involves a different and altogether more ambitious
undertaking: the interpolation of terms to deal with matters for which, ex hypothesi,
the parties themselves have made no provision’. The second is that, as seen from the
Carewatch Care Services case, an implication of a duty of good faith will only be
possible where the language of the contract, viewed against its context, permits it. It
is thus not a reflection of a special rule of interpretation for this category of contract.”

21. Most recently, relational contracts were considered again by Leggatt LJ in Al Nehyan v

Kent [2018] EWHC 333 (Comm) (“Al Nehyan”). In Al Nehyan, the parties entered into a

joint venture in 2008, pursuant to which the claimant agreed to invest in the defendant’s

hotel business. The venture was later expanded in 2010 to include an online travel

business. Over the next few years, the businesses experienced significant financial

difficulties and the claimant contributed further financial support in the form of loans

and share capital.

22. In 2012, the claimant decided to separate his interest from that of the defendant, and a

scheme was devised to restructure the travel businesses and return part of the claimant’s

capital contribution. Following a series of meetings, the parties entered into two

agreements to implement this scheme: a promissory note, which dealt with the

repayment of the capital contribution, and a framework agreement dealing with the

demerger of the businesses. The claimant issued proceedings for breach of contract, as

the defendant had allegedly failed to make the requisite payments under those

agreements. However, in the same proceedings, the defendant advanced various

counterclaims, including that he and the claimant owed each other fiduciary duties,

including a duty to act in good faith, which the claimant is said to have breached.

– A13 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

23. Leggatt LJ reviewed the relevant case law at §167 to 176, starting with his own decision

in Yam Seng. Leggatt LJ reiterated that there was a category of contract in which:

“the parties are committed to collaborating with each other, typically on a long-term
basis, in ways which respect the spirit and objectives of their venture but which they
have not tried to specify, and which it may be impossible to specify, exhaustively in a
written contract. Such 'relational' contracts involve trust and confidence but of a
different kind from that involved in fiduciary relationships. The trust is not in the loyal
subordination by one party of its own interests to those of another. It is trust that the
other party will act with integrity and in a spirit of cooperation. The legitimate
expectations which the law should protect in relationships of this kind are embodied in
the normative standard of good faith.”397

24. He noted the divergent reactions prompted by his Judgment in Yam Seng, but remarked

that “there appears to be growing recognition that such a duty may readily be implied in a

relational contract”.398 With regards the specific joint venture before him, Leggatt J found:

“173. I have held that Sheikh Tahnoon did not agree to provide funding on an open-
ended basis and did not owe any fiduciary duties to Mr Kent. But I think it clear
that the nature of their relationship was one in which they naturally and
legitimately expected of each other greater candour and cooperation and
greater regard for each other's interests than ordinary commercial parties
dealing with each other at arm's length. When Sheikh Tahnoon agreed to become
an equal owner of the Aquis business with Mr Kent, the two men entered into a joint
venture agreement which was intended to be a long-term collaboration, in which their
interests were inter-linked and which they saw, commercially albeit not in law, as a
partnership. Their collaboration was formed and conducted on the basis of a personal
friendship and involved much greater mutual trust than is inherent in an ordinary
contractual bargain between shareholders in a company. Although day to day
management of the businesses was left to Mr Kent, strategic decisions which would
involve further capital investment, such as whether to purchase a hotel or the decision
to acquire the majority stake in YouTravel, were (of necessity) taken jointly and could
only be reached by consensus between them. The pursuit of the venture therefore
required a high degree of cooperation between the two participants. They did not
attempt to formalise the basis of their cooperation in

397 Al Nehyan, §167

Al Nehyan, §168

– A14 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

any written contract but were content to deal with each other entirely informally on
the basis of their mutual trust and confidence that they would each pursue their
common project in good faith.

174. In the circumstances the contract made between these parties seems to me to be a
classic instance of a relational contract. In my view, the implication of a duty of good
faith in the contract is essential to give effect to the parties' reasonable expectations
and satisfies the business necessity test which Lord Neuberger in Marks & Spencer
Plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Co (Jersey) Ltd [2016] AC 742, [2015]
UKSC 72 at paras 16 to 31 reiterated as the relevant standard for the implication of a
term into a contract. I would also reach the same conclusion by applying the test
adumbrated by Lord Wilberforce in Liverpool City Council v Irwin [1976] AC 239 at
254 for the implication of a term in law, on the basis that the nature of the contract as
a relational contract implicitly requires (in the absence of a contrary indication)
treating it as involving an obligation of good faith.” [Emphasis added]

25. As to what such an obligation involves, Leggatt J held that it was “unnecessary and perhaps

impossible to attempt to spell out an exhaustive description”.399 He noted, however, an

Australian case in which Allsop CJ:400

“summarised the usual content of the obligation of good faith as an obligation to act
honestly and with fidelity to the bargain; an obligation not to act dishonestly and not
to act to undermine the bargain entered or the substance of the contractual benefit
bargained for; and an obligation to act reasonably and with fair dealing having regard
to the interests of the parties (which will, inevitably, at times conflict) and to the
provisions, aims and purposes of the contract, objectively ascertained. In my view,
this summary is also consistent with the English case law as it has so far developed,
with the caveat that the obligation of fair dealing is not a demanding one and does no
more than require a party to refrain from conduct which in the relevant context would
be regarded as commercially unacceptable by reasonable and honest people…”
[Emphasis added]

26. Allsop CJ’s summary drew on a number of Australian authorities which consider good

faith and its place in contractual relationships. These are discussed below.

Implied term of good faith in other jurisdictions

399 Al Nehyan, §175

Al Nehyan, §175

– A15 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

27. In order to provide this court with a broader picture of the concept of contractual good

faith and further commentary, certain illustrative examples of the position in

commonwealth, civil law and American jurisdictions follow. The latter examples are

illustrative of the practical way in which the duty of good faith has been implied into

contracts in various jurisdictions.

28. Leggatt J provided critical extra-judicial commentary on the subject in a lecture401 which

considered the point from a broad and cross-jurisdictional perspective. His speech was

given after the decision in Yam Seng, but before his later judgment in Al Nehyan. It was

also, notably, given after the Canadian Supreme Court’s decision in Bhasin v Hrynew

[2014] 3 SCR 495 (“Bhasin”) referred to below.

29. Taking as an example the French Civil Code, at Article 1104 (as amended and in force as

at 1 October 2016), which provides “Les contrats doivent être negociés, formés et exécutés de

bonne foi. Cette disposition est d’order public” Leggatt J noted three points about the law in

civilian jurisdictions:-402

29.1. The French doctrine of good faith applies to the negotiation, formation and

performance of contracts. The freedom of the parties to contract is therefore


29.2. This limitation is imposed for reasons of public policy.

29.3. Public policy is the overriding policy out of which the parties cannot contract.

30. Leggatt J went on to draw a contrast with the position in the United States.403 Restatements

of American law, published by the American Law Institute, aim to give clear formulations

of common law, and its statutory elements or variations, as it presently stands.404 The

most recent contractual restatement is the US Restatement

401 “Contractual duties of good faith” Mr Justice Leggatt, Lecture to the Commercial Bar Association on
18 October 2016
402 Ibid at §7
403 Ibid at §8
404 As the Court may be aware, their primary audience is the bench and they act as an aid to
navigation of the common law in the United States jurisdictions

– A16 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

(Second) of Contracts which was updated with an appendix in 2013, which provides at

§205: “Every contract imposes upon each party a duty of good faith and fair dealing in its

performance and its enforcement.” This is said to reflect the position in the Uniform

Commercial Code which states at §1-304: “Every contract…imposes an obligation of good faith

in its performance or enforcement” and which defines good faith as “honest in fact and

reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing”.405

31. As Leggatt J observed extra-judicially, parties contracting under American law are

therefore said to be afforded greater freedom than those contracting under French law,

since good faith is not a matter of public policy and it is the contract that imposes the duty

of good faith, leaving its negotiation and formation outside the scope of that duty. Indeed,

this American understanding of the meaning of good faith is said to have had some

indirect influence on English law insofar as a judgment given in Berkeley Community

Villages Ltd v Pullen [2007] EWHC 1330 (Ch) (per Morgan J) construed a good faith clause

in a contract as “imposing on the defendants a contractual obligation to observe reasonable

commercial standards of fail dealing”.406 Morgan J cited an Australian case in which the court

had itself been referred to the American position.407

32. The above cited Australian case in which Allsop CJ summarised the usual content of the

duty of good faith was that of Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group

Limited [2015] FCAFC 50. In arriving at his helpful summary, Allsop CJ referred to a

number of Australian cases including Renard Constructions (ME) Pty v Minister for

Public Works (1992) 33 Con LR 72. A body of cases is now said to follow from this New

South Wales Court of Appeal decision which found that “anything less” than good faith

was “contrary to prevailing community expectations.”408

33. The Canadian Supreme Court has gone further. The case of Bhasin marked a turning

point in implication of good faith in Canadian contracts. The judgment was unanimous

and involved a comprehensive review of earlier Canadian cases and broader common

405 At §1-201(20) and §2-103(1)(b)

406 At §97
407 “Contractual duties of good faith” Mr Justice Leggatt (supra) at §19 and §20.
408 At §113

– A17 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

law literature. Per Cromwell J, the court held that the duty of honest performance was a

“general doctrine of contract law” rather than as an implied term, thereby operating

“irrespective of the intentions of the parties” at § 74.

34. The editors of Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) comment that the duty is therefore

“mandatory and… not affected by an express entire agreement clause in the contract, though there

may be circumstances in which it could be influenced by the agreement of the contracting

parties”.409 That said, Cromwell J suggested that contracting parties may through clear

language “relax the requirements of the doctrine so long as they respect its minimum core.”410

35. By contrast, there is no established doctrine of contractual good faith in New Zealand, but

the theory has proponents. Thomas J, dissenting in the Court of Appeal in Bobux

Marketing Ltd v Raynor Marketing Ltd [2002] NZLR 506 at §48, referred to the “void in

the law owing to the absence of a developed doctrine of good faith” and commented that

“commerce would undoubtedly be better served by a law which recognised the underlying

imperative arising from the mutual trust and confidence which the parties repose in one another in

a relational or long-term contract.”

36. The position in other jurisdictions can do no more than provide useful comparison for the

now developing position in English Law. In his extra-judicial speech, Leggatt J identified

the “suspicion which some English commercial lawyers continue to feel towards the concept of

good faith”. He went on to suggest that this “may derive from thinking of good faith in civil

law terms, as a doctrine capable of overriding the parties’ bargain. I have sought…to describe a

different conception of good faith, which is a development of the common law, and to explain how

it is rooted in the parties’ agreement and seeks to uphold the justified expectations arising from that


37. That concept would be recognisable to English lawyers in the American restatement,

which does not venerate good faith to the exclusion of contractual freedom unlike the

position which exists and/or is developing in French and Australian law.

409 Chapter 1 ‘Introductory’ Section 3 ‘Fundamental Principles of Contract Law’ footnote 321
reviewing §75-78 of Bhasin
410 At §77

– A18 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

Summary of relevant principles

38. This is clearly a developing area of the law, in which the present case falls squarely

within the established case law and the principles established thereby.

39. Those principles can be distilled from the case law in this jurisdiction which it is

respectfully submitted, this Court should follow.

Overall approach

40. As set out under Issue 1: Relational Contract, in ascertaining whether Subpostmaster

contracts are ‘relational contracts’ subject to implied duties of good faith and fair dealing,411

the Court should follow the established methodology of English law for the implication

of terms in fact, based on the presumed intention of the parties.412

41. The relevant background to be taken into consideration includes not only matters of fact

known to the parties, but also the norms of behaviour specific to the particular

commercial activity in question and arising from the features of the contract.413

42. A ‘relational contract’ in which such a duty may be implied is a longer term relationship

involving substantial commitment, in which:414

42.1. there is a high degree of commitment, cooperation and predictable performance;

42.2. based upon mutual trust and confidence and expectations of loyalty;

42.3. which are not legislated for in the contract; 415

42.4. but are implicit in the parties’ understanding and necessary to give business

efficacy to the arrangements.416

411 Being duties of good faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation, and trust and confidence,
extending to a requirement to share information relevant to performance of the contract: Yam Seng
Pte v International Trade Corp [2013] EWHC 111
412 Yam Seng, §131
413 Yam Seng at §134
414 Yam Seng at §142
415 See also Carewatch, §109 – in which there was no ‘clear lacuna’

– A19 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

Relevant considerations

43. The following factors are relevant in determining whether a contract is a for these

purposes a ‘relational contract’:-

43.1. Whether the contracts involve a longer-term relationship.417

43.2. Whether the parties make a substantial commitment to the relationship.418

43.3. Whether the relationship involves a very large number of individual transactions

being undertaken under the auspices of the contract.419

43.4. Whether the operation of the contract requires a high degree of communication,

cooperation and predictable performance (based on mutual trust and confidence,

as above).420

43.5. Whether it is clear from the nature of the relationship that the parties naturally and

legitimately expected of each other greater candour and cooperation and greater

regard for each other's interests than ordinary commercial parties dealing at arm's


43.6. Whether the intention for the relationship is to be collaborative, in which the

parties’ interests are interlinked and which they saw commercially, albeit not in

law, as a partnership.422

The duties arising

44. The requirements of any such implied obligation of good faith are sensitive to context.

But the test is an objective one: whether in the particular context the conduct would be

regarded as commercially unacceptable by reasonable and honest people.423

416 It may arguably also satisfy the test to be implied in law, as well as in fact.
417 Yam Seng, §143
418 Yam Seng, §143
419 D&G at §176, in which such a contract was viewed as a relational contract “par excellence”
420 Yam Seng, §143
421 Al Nehyan, §173
422 Al Nehyan, §173

– A20 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

45. The usual content of the obligation is: 424

45.1. to act honestly and with fidelity to the bargain;

45.2. not to act dishonestly and not to act to undermine the bargain entered or the

substance of the contractual benefit bargained for; and

45.3. to act reasonably and with fair dealing, having regard to the interests of the parties

(which will, inevitably, at times conflict) and to the provisions, aims and purposes

of the contract, objectively ascertained.

46. The natural import of the requirements of fair dealing, transparency, cooperation and

trust and confidence is clear and there is no reason in the present case to stretch or confine

them otherwise.

47. Those requirements have a vital bearing upon the central issue as to the Defendant’s

dealings with Subpostmasters in relation to alleged shortfalls and may well, in

themselves, overlap with or address the issues to which many of the distinct implied

terms are directed.

48. In short, a finding that duties of good faith, fair dealing, transparency, cooperation and

trust and confidence were implied may well resolve much of what in issue at this trial.

423 Yam Seng, §145

424 Al Nehyan, §175

– A21 –

Annex II: Issue 1 – Relational Contract

– A22 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms


1. The issue of implied terms is one of central importance in the Common Issues Trial and,

accordingly, the relevant legal principles have already been set out above in the Written

Opening, in Section B under the heading Relevant principles (p.59). Of course, the Court

will be very familiar with these principles, however, as considerations of commercial or

practical coherence are of particular importance in the present context, this Annex

addresses briefly:

1.1. the decision of the Supreme Court in Marks & Spencer Plc v BNP Paribas

Securities Services [2016] A.C. 742 (“Marks & Spencer”), (the importance of

which has been dealt with in the Written Opening);

1.2. subsequent consideration of Marks & Spencer at appellate level, in the recent

decision of the Court of Appeal in Ukraine v The Law Debenture Trust

Corporation Plc [2018] EWCA Civ 2026 (“LDTC”); and

1.3. implied restrictions on the exercise of contractual discretion (including as to

powers of suspension).

Marks & Spencer v BNP Paribas

2. Overall approach: In Att-Gen of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] 1 WLR 1988, a broader

approach to the implication of terms was adopted by the Privy Council. Lord Hoffmann

held that:

“… in every case in which it is said that some provision ought to be implied in an instrument,
the question for the court is whether such provision would spell out in express words what the
instrument read against the relevant background, would reasonably be understood to mean”.425

3. With reference to the approach taken in prior cases, Lord Hoffmann observed that this:

“… is best regarded not as a series of independent tests which must each be surmounted, but
rather as a collection of different ways in which judges have tried to express the central idea

425 Att-Gen of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] 1 WLR 1988, at §21.

– A23 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

that the proposed implied term must spell out what the contract actually meant, or in which
they have explained why they did not think that it did so.” 426

4. No dilution of previous requirements: By its judgment in Marks & Spencer, quoted

above in the Written Opening, the Supreme Court clarified that Lord Hoffmann’s

judgment in Att-Gen of Belize should not be taken to have diluted the requirements to

be satisfied before a term will be implied into a contract.427

5. Relevant starting point: In Marks & Spencer the Supreme Court: 428

5.1. clarified that as a starting point “it is only after the process of construing the express

words is complete that the issue of an implied term falls to be considered”;

5.2. observed that although there may be cases in which it could be appropriate to

reconsider the interpretation of the express terms of a contract once it has

decided whether to imply a term, this would not alter the fact that the express

terms of a contract must be interpreted before one can consider any question

of implication; and

5.3. reaffirmed that the interpolation of terms which the parties ex hypothesi have

made no provision themselves is an extraordinary power upon which the law

places some strict constraints. 429

6. Conditions to be satisfied for implication: As noted above, the Supreme Court accepted

that for a term to be implied, the following relevant conditions (which may overlap, and

in the case of (2) and (3) are alternatives):

(1) it must be reasonable and equitable (though as further clarified by the Supreme

Court, this rarely, if ever, adds anything over and above the other requirements);

426 Supra, at §28

427 Marks & Spencer, cited above, §24, §66 and §77
428 §28, per Lord Neuberger
429 Citing with approval Phillips Electronique Grand Public SA v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd
[1995] EMLR 472, per Bingham MR at 481

– A24 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

(2) it must be necessary to give business efficacy to the contract, so that no term will be

implied if the contract is effective without it (though, as again clarified by the Supreme

Court, this requirement need not be satisfied in addition to obviousness (3));

(3) it must be so obvious that it goes without saying (see (2) above);

(4) it must be capable of clear expression; and

(5) it must not contradict any express term of the contract.

7. ‘Necessity’ involves a value judgment on commercial and practical coherence: The

foregoing approach was subject to the six observations made by Lord Neuberger in the

Judgment, at §21, as set out in the Written Opening. Of particular importance is Lord

Neuberger’s formulation of the business efficacy test:

“Sixthly, necessity for business efficacy involves a value judgment. It is rightly common ground
on this appeal that the test is not one of absolute necessity, not least because the necessity is
judged by reference to business efficacy. It may well be that a more helpful way of putting Lord
Simon's second requirement is, as suggested by Lord Sumption JSC in argument, that a term
can only be implied if, without the term, the contract would lack commercial or
practical coherence." [Emphasis added]

8. The Supreme Court accepted that support for the general principle that a term will only

be implied if it satisfies the test of business necessity is found in a number of observations

made in judgments of the House of Lords.430

Subsequent consideration at appellate level

9. The approach taken by the Supreme Court in Marks & Spencer, was recently considered

and applied by Gloster LJ in LDTC. LDTC is of particular relevance in light of the findings

made by the Court of Appeal with respect to the implication of general terms requiring

cooperation and prohibiting a party preventing performance by another (i.e. the

substance of the implied terms averred by the Defendant: the ‘Necessary Cooperation’

and ‘Stirling v Maitland’ terms).

430 Marks & Spencer, §17

– A25 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

10. Implied terms of cooperation or prevention from performance depend on context of

contract and necessity: In the judgment of Gloster LJ, the Court of Appeal has accepted

that although in various different contexts courts are willing to imply into a contract a

term prohibiting one party from preventing the performance of another, there is in fact

no general rule that either such a term will be implied. Rather:431

10.1. the implication of such a term, and, perhaps more importantly, its scope, will

depend on the contract under consideration, and in particular its express


10.2. where there is some agreed precondition for performance that a party to a

contract needs the other party's assistance to satisfy, an implied duty not to

prevent performance of the condition by failing to provide assistance might

follow; and432

10.3. any implied term of cooperation or prevention from performance can only be

given shape in the light of the express terms which set out the obligations of

the parties and only has content by virtue of the express terms – specifically

the court cannot, by implication of such a duty, exact a higher degree of

cooperation than could be defined by reference to the necessities of the

contract, so “…the duty of cooperation or prevention/inhibition of performance is

required to be determined, not by what might appear reasonable, but by the obligations

imposed upon each party by the agreement itself”.433

431 LDTC, per Gloster LJ at §207, applying CEL Group Ltd v Nedloyd Lines UK Ltd [2003] EWCA
Civ 1716; [2004] 1 Lloyds Rep 381, per Hale LJ at §15 and per Waller LJ at §28
432 Citing, by way of example, Swallowfalls Ltd v Monaco Yachting and Technologies SAM [2014]
EWCA Civ 186; [2014] 2 Lloyd's Rep 50, per Longmore LJ at §30 - §35
433 Citing with approval the judgment of Cook J in James E McCabe Ltd v Scottish Courage Ltd
[2006] EWHC 538 (Comm), at §18 which went on to make clear “…the law can only enforce a duty of
cooperation to the extent that it is necessary to make the contract workable. The court cannot, by implication
of such a duty, exact a higher degree of cooperation than that which could be defined by reference to the
necessities of the contract. The duty of cooperation or prevention/inhibition of performance is required to be
determined, not by what might appear reasonable, but by the obligations imposed upon each party by the
agreement itself”

– A26 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

Implied restriction on contractual discretion

11. The general approach: As it relates to discretions conferred by contract, by its judgment

in British Telecommunications Plc v Telefonica O2 UK Ltd [2014] UKSC 42 the Supreme

Court has recently reaffirmed that:

“…the scope of a contractual discretion will depend on the nature of the discretion and the
construction of the language conferring it. But it is well established that in the absence of very
clear language to the contrary, a contractual discretion must be exercised in good faith and
not arbitrarily or capriciously: Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co v Product Star Shipping Ltd (No
2) [1993] 1 Lloyd's Rep 397, 404, per Leggatt LJ; Gan Insurance Co Ltd v Tai Ping Insurance
Co Ltd (No 2) [2001] 2 All ER (Comm) 299, para 67, per Mance LJ and Paragon Finance plc v
Nash [2002] 1 WLR 685 , paras 39–41, per Dyson LJ. This will normally mean that it must
be exercised consistently with its contractual purpose: Ludgate Insurance Co Ltd v
Citibank NA [1998] Lloyd's Rep IR 221 , para 35, per Brooke LJ and Equitable Life Assurance
Society v Hyman [2002] 1 AC 408 , 459, per Lord Steyn, and p 461, per Lord Cooke of
Thorndon.”434 [Emphasis added]

12. The cases in which a term of this nature has been implied commonly concern contractual

discretions on the part of one party to make an assessment or choose from a range of

options, taking into account the interests of both parties.435

13. In Socimer International Bank Ltd v Standard Bank London Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 116,

the Court of Appeal (per Rix LJ, at §66) on a review of the relevant authorities, held:

“It is plain from these authorities that a decision-maker's discretion will be limited, as a matter
of necessary implication, by concepts of honesty, good faith, and genuineness, and the need for
the absence of arbitrariness, capriciousness, perversity and irrationality. The concern is that the
discretion should not be abused. Reasonableness and unreasonableness are also concepts deployed
in this context, but only in a sense analogous to Wednesbury unreasonableness, not in the sense
in which that expression is used when speaking of the duty to take reasonable care, or when
otherwise deploying entirely objective criteria: as for instance when there might be an

434 §37, per Lord Sumption

435 See, e.g., Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust v Compass Group UK and Ireland Ltd [2013]
EWCA Civ 200, at §83. The Claimants will rely upon a recent example of the implication of a term,
upheld by the court of Appeal, in Paragon Finance Plc v Nash [2001] EWCA Civ 1466, in which an
implied term was pleaded to the effect that a mortgagee was bound to exercise discretion under a
variable interest clause so as to varying interest rates fairly, honestly, in good faith, and not
arbitrarily, capriciously or unreasonably, having regard to all relevant matters and ignoring the
irrelevant. See, in particular, the Judgment of Dyson LJ at §§31 to 32, and 41 to 42

– A27 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

implication of a term requiring the fixing of a reasonable price, or a reasonable time. In the latter
class of case, the concept of reasonableness is intended to be entirely mutual and thus guided by
objective criteria. Gloster J was therefore, in my judgment, right to put to Mr Millett in the
passage cited at para 57 above the question whether a distinction should be made between the
duty to take reasonable care and the duty not to be unreasonable in a Wednesbury sense; and Mr
Millett was in my judgment wrong to submit that it made no difference which test was deployed.
Laws LJ in the course of argument put the matter accurately, if I may respectfully agree, when
he said that pursuant to the Wednesbury rationality test, the decision remains that of the decision-
maker, whereas on entirely objective criteria of reasonableness the decision- maker becomes the
court itself. A similar distinction was highlighted by Potter LJ in Horkulak [2005] ICR 402, para
51. For the sake of convenience and clarity I will therefore use the expression “rationality” instead
of Wednesbury-type reasonableness, and confine “reasonableness” to the situation where the
arbiter on entirely objective criteria is the court itself.” [Emphasis added]

14. The ‘Braganza duty’: The foregoing authorities were considered in Braganza v BP

Shipping Ltd [2015] UKSC 17 (“Braganza”). The facts of this case, which are instructive,

are as follows:

14.1. Mr Braganza, a Chief Engineer on one of BP’s oil tankers, then in the mid-

North Atlantic, disappeared. It is unclear what happened to him, but his

employer formed the view that the most likely explanation was that he had

committed suicide by throwing himself overboard.

14.2. Under his contract of employment, a finding of suicide would mean that his

widow was not entitled to certain death benefits. The relevant clause in issue


“For the avoidance of doubt compensation for death, accidental injury or illness
shall not be payable if, in the opinion of the Company or its insurers, the death,
accidental injury or illness resulted from amongst other things, the Officer’s
wilful act, default or misconduct whether at sea or ashore …” [Emphasis

14.3. Mr Braganza’s widow brought a claim against BP, inter alia, for death benefits

amounting to over US $230,000.

– A28 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

15. The Court, therefore, had to decide whether BP was entitled to form the opinion that it

had. The general issue was what it meant to say that the decision of a contractual fact-

finder had to be a reasonable one. By a majority of 3 to 2 in the Supreme Court, it was

determined that BP should have sought more cogent evidence of suicide before making

such a finding.

16. Lady Hale held at §18:

“Contractual terms in which one party to the contract is given the power to exercise a discretion,
or to form an opinion as to relevant facts, are extremely common. It is not for the courts to rewrite
the parties' bargain for them, still less to substitute themselves for the contractually agreed
decision-maker. Nevertheless, the party who is charged with making decisions which affect the
rights of both parties to the contract has a clear conflict of interest. That conflict is heightened
where there is a significant imbalance of power between the contracting parties as there often will
be in an employment contract. The courts have therefore sought to ensure that such contractual
powers are not abused. They have done so by implying a term as to the manner in which such
powers may be exercised, a term which may vary according to the terms of the contract and the
context in which the decision-making power is given.” [Emphasis added]

17. Lady Hale referred to the test applied to the review of a decision of an administrative

body in Associated Provincial Pictures Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp [1948] 1 K.B. 223

(“Wednesbury”)436, which she pointed out at §24 had two limbs:

“The first limb focusses on the decision-making process—whether the right matters have been
taken into account in reaching the decision. The second focusses upon its outcome—whether even
though the right things have been taken into account, the result is so outrageous that no
reasonable decision-maker could have reached it.”

18. The danger of only referencing ‘irrationality’ is that it focuses only on the second limb,

whereas Lady Hale’s view (with which she understood Lord Neuberger – dissenting – to

agree) was that both limbs should apply in relation to the term to be implied into the

436 i.e.: “The court is entitled to investigate the action of the local authority with a view to seeing whether they
have taken into account matters which they ought not to take into account, or conversely, have refused to
take into account or neglected to take into account matters which they ought to take into account. Once that
question is answered in favour of the local authority, it may still be possible to say that, although the local
authority have kept within the four corners of the matters which they ought to consider, they have
nevertheless come to a conclusion so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could ever have come to it.”

– A29 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

contract.437 It follows that in assessing whether a discretion has been exercised rationally,

in some cases an assessment will involve reviewing the decision-making process itself –

i.e. did the decision maker properly take into account relevant factors and exclude

irrelevant factors.

19. The precise term to be implied will depend on the terms and context of the particular

contract involved.438 Due to the particular context of an employment contract,439 and the

“inherent probability” of suicide, it was held that cogent evidence was required in order to

satisfy the requirements of the contractual term.440 Lady Hale held that it followed that,

while no one would suggest that the decision reached by BP was “arbitrary, capricious or

perverse”, it was unreasonable in the Wednesbury sense, having been formed without

taking relevant matters into account.441

20. Whether or not a ‘Braganza duty’ arises in contexts other than employment remains an

open issue. 442

Implied terms in relation to powers of suspension

21. In the context of employment relationships, there is a significant body of case law

establishing the following propositions in relation to an employer’s right to suspend their


21.1. An employer’s right to suspend an employee must not be exercised on

unreasonable grounds – McClory v Post Office [1993] 1 All ER 457 (per

437 Braganza, §30

438 Braganza, §31
439 Braganza, §32 – with Lady Hale noting that such contracts include an implied obligation of trust
and confidence
440 Braganza, §35
441 Braganza, §42
442 See, e.g. Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in administration) v Exxonmobil Financial
Services BV [2016] EWHC 2699, in which Blair J held that the ‘Braganza duty’ did not apply in the
context of a case in which commercial parties had contracted with each other on the wholesale
financial markets and one party had a contractual discretion involving the valuation of securities
in case of default. However, a ‘Braganza duty’ was held to be applicable in a commercial context
in two recent decisions of Waksman J: Watson v Ltd [2017] EWHC 1275
(Comm) (see §102) and BHL v Leumi ABL Limited [2017] EWHC 1871 (QB) (§§34 to 36 and 89)

– A30 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

David Neuberger QC, as he then was) and Watson v Durham University

[2008] EWHC Civ 1266 (per Lawrence Collins LJ).

21.2. Suspension without reasonable grounds may amount either to a breach of

contract – Watson v Durham University443 – or a breach of an implied term of

trust and confidence – Gogay v Hertfordshire County Council [2000] IRLR 703


22. Suspension not a ‘neutral act’: Gogay has been endorsed in several subsequent cases,

including the recent decision of Agoreyo v Lambeth LBC [2017] EWHC 2019 (QB), in

which Foskett J held that the view of the Courts is that suspension is not a “neutral act”.445

Further, he held:

22.1. “It is well-established that suspension is not be considered a routine response to the

need for an investigation”;446 and

22.2. “the need to avoid a "knee jerk" reaction, with suspension as the default position

without consideration of the alternatives, was emphasised” in Gogay.447

23. Each case requires consideration of the particular relationship, context and contractual


443 Watson v Durham University, §21

444 See also Watson v Durham University at §22.
445 Agoreyo, §24
446 Agoreyo, §27
447 Agoreyo, §29

– A31 –

Annex III: Issues 2 and 3 – Implied Terms

– A32 –

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act

Statutory implication of a term

1. As the Court will be aware, Section 13 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (the

“1982 Act”) provides as follows:

“In a relevant contract for the supply of a service where the supplier is acting in the course of a
business, there is an implied term that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care
and skill.”

2. Thus, the first requirement for statutory implication of the term referred to in Section 13

is that the contract is a ‘relevant contract for the supply of a service’. Such contracts are defined

in Section 12(1) of the 1982 Act in the following terms:

“In this Act a “relevant contract for the supply of a service” means, subject to subsection (2)
below, a contract under which a person (“the supplier”) agrees to carry out a service, other than
a contract to which Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies.” [Emphasis

3. Section 12(2) of the 1982 Act provides that contracts of service or apprenticeship are not

contracts within the definition and the excepted contracts to which Chapter 4 of Part 1 of

the Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies are contracts for a trader to provide services to a


4. These exceptions do not apply with respect to the relevant Subpostmaster contracts. No

further clarification is expressly provided in the 1982 Act as to what is meant by a ‘contract

for the supply of a service’ and for the reasons given below, the Subpostmaster contracts

forming the subject of this trial are contracts to which Sections 12(1) and 13 of the 1982

Act apply.

5. The second requirement for statutory implication of the term in Section 13 of the 1982 Act

is that “the supplier is acting in the course of its business”. For these purposes, ‘business’ is

defined in Section 18(1) of the 1982 Act as including “a profession and the activities of any

government department or local or public authority”. It is common ground and entirely

448 Sections 1(1) and 1(3)(c), Consumer Rights Act 2015

– A33 –

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act

uncontroversial that for all purposes in this litigation the Defendant acts in the course of

its business.

6. It is clear that the Courts are not prepared to interpret the scope of Section 12(1) to include

a wider category of rights and obligations arising under a contract for the provision of a

service. Mrs Justice Gloster (as she then was), for example, considered the meaning of

Section 12(1) of the 1982 Act in Euroption Strategic Fund Ltd v Skandinaviska Enskilda

Banken AB [2012] EWHC 584 Comm (“Euroption”) and concluded (with respect to what

were said to be services provided by a bank, SEB, relating to the liquidation of a portfolio

of assets) at §111 of her judgment:

“In my judgment, SEB's rights under the Mandate to impose limits on Euroption's activities
under clause 6, to close out Euroption's positions under clause 11, or to refuse instructions under
clause 12 (c) cannot be characterised as “services” within the definition contained in section 12
(1) of the Act (meaning the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982). The definition in section
12(1) of “contract for the supply of a service” is (subject to exclusions) “a contract under which a
person (‘the supplier’) agrees to carry out a service”. Thus the “implied term about care and skill”
imposed by section 13 of the Act only applies to services agreed to be provided under a contract for
services and not to all rights and obligations under such a contract.” [Emphasis added]

7. The meaning of that section accepted by Gloster J was further applied in Marex Financial

v Creative Finance [2013] EWHC 2155 (Comm) (“Marex”) (with respect to a claim

between a foreign exchange broker and a client concerning the close out of cross- currency

positions, said to have been undertaken in an irrational or negligent manner and whether

a term was implied under Section 13 1982 Act fell to be considered), 449 in which Field J

distinguished, at §69 to §71, between the provision of a service to which Section 13 of the

1982 Act applies and exercise of a right by one party to a contract to act in its own interests.

449 On the facts, the claim followed the steep drop in the US Dollar and Japanese Yen exchange rate
after the Japanese earthquake in March 2011, when accumulated cross-currency positions were
closed, obliging the client to buy NZD 450 million and EUR 360 million in exchange for Japanese
Yen. This was achieved by new back-to-back trades at the best price available. One of the issues
was whether, pursuant to the contract between them, the exchange broker owed a duty of care
beyond the duty to act rationally, inter alia by way of an implied term under section 13 of the 1982

– A34 –

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act

8. Further, in Finch v Lloyds TSB Bank [2016] EWHC 1236 (QB), the Court accepted (in a

claim against for inter alia breach of contract by reason of a bank’s alleged failure to advise

a company as to the effect of a potentially onerous term), Section 13 did not apply in

respect of an alleged failure to advise (as opposed to where the advice was said to be

wrong) on the grounds that “If reliance is to be placed on s.13 in the context of this case, it

follows that it is necessary for the claimants to plead and prove a contract under which the

Defendant has agreed to provide a service that included the provision of advice” but the
Claimants had not done so.

9. It follows from the above that the Courts have explored the limits of what can properly

be characterised as a relevant contract for services under Section 12(1) 1982 Act and

accepted that:

9.1. The implied term as to reasonable care and skill imposed by Section 13 of the

1982 Act only applies to services agreed to be provided under a contract, and

not to all rights and obligations under such a contract.

9.2. A term as to reasonable skill and care is not implied under Section 13 in respect

of the simple election by one party to exercise a right under the contract in its

own interests and for its own protection.

9.3. The service must have been supplied by one party in the course of its business.

10. Nevertheless, the contract may properly be characterised as a relevant contract for the

supply of services, such that the term in Section 13 is to be implied in respect of the

provision of those services, where: -

10.1. The services in question are not in fact the primary subject matter of the

contract – provided the contract is one pursuant to which a supplier agrees to

carry out a service: Section 12(1) 1982 Act. Indeed, any contrary interpretation

would cut across the scheme of the 1982 Act, which applies to contracts for the

supply of services (a) whether or not they are also for the transfer, bailment or

bailment for hire of goods (i.e. they have other subject

– A35 –

Annex IV: Issue 4 – Supply of Goods and Services Act

matter, which may be the primary subject matter), and (b) whatever the nature

of the consideration for which the service is to be carried out: Section 12(3)

1982 Act.

10.2. There is no statutory requirement that the service is to be provided pursuant

to an express, as opposed to an implied, term of the contract in question.

Indeed, in the latter case, a term requiring provision of a service may only be

implied in the event it is found to be necessary to give business efficacy to the

contract and/or is so obvious as to go without saying.450

11. For the reasons set out in Section B, under ‘Issue 4: Supply of Goods and Services Act’, the

Subpostmaster contracts forming the subject of this trial were relevant contracts for the

supply of services within the meaning in Section 12(1) of the 1982 Act, such that the term

in Section 13 is to be implied in respect of the provision of those services by the Defendant.

Submissions as to the services provided and to which the statutory implied term applies

are set out in Section B.

450 As to which, see Annex III: Implied Terms

– A36 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

Onerous and unusual

1. Although the party receiving a contractual document knows it contains conditions, if the

particular condition relied on is one which is regarded as sufficiently onerous or unusual,

or is one which involves the abrogation of a right given by statute, the party tendering the

document must show that it has been brought fairly and reasonably to the other party’s

attention. As famously stated by Denning LJ (as he then was) in J Spurling v Bradshaw

[1956] 1 WLR 461:

“Some clauses which I have seen would need to be printed in red ink on the face of the document
with a red hand pointing to it before the notice could be held to be sufficient.”451

2. J Spurling v Bradshaw concerned an exemption clause in a warehousing contract. This

was followed by Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking [1971] 2 QB 163, a case in which a

customer received from an automatic machine a ticket which stated that it was issued

subject to conditions. Both Lord Denning MR and Megaw LJ held as one of the grounds

of their decision in that case that where a condition is particularly onerous or unusual the

party seeking to enforce it must show that that condition, or an unusual condition of that

particular nature, was fairly brought to the notice of the other party. Lord Denning MR

re-stated and applied what he had said earlier in J Spurling v Bradshaw, and held that the

Court should not hold any man bound by such a condition unless it was drawn to his

attention in the most explicit way.452 Megaw LJ deals with the point at p.172, where he


“I agree with Lord Denning M.R. that the question here is of the particular condition on which
the defendants seek to rely, and not of the conditions in general. When the conditions sought to
be attached all constitute, in Lord Dunedin's words [in Hood v. Anchor Line (Henderson
Brothers) Ltd.] [1918] A.C. 846, 847, 'the sort of restriction ... that is usual,' it may not be
necessary for a defendant to prove more than that the intention to attach some conditions has
been fairly brought to the notice of the other party. But at least where the particular condition
relied on involves a sort of restriction that is not shown to be usual in that class of contract, a
defendant must show that his intention to attach an unusual condition of that particular nature

451 At p.466
452 See p.169H to 170D

– A37 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

was fairly brought to the notice of the other party. How much is required as being, in the words
of Mellish L.J. [in Parker v. South Eastern Railway Co.], 2 C.P.D. 416 , 424, 'reasonably
sufficient to give the plaintiff notice of the condition,' depends upon the nature of the restrictive
condition.” [Emphasis added]


3. Interfoto Picture Library v Stiletto [1989] 1 QB 433 (“Interfoto”) is a decision of a two-

man Court of Appeal, which consisted of Dillon LJ and Bingham LJ (as he then was).

4. In Interfoto, the claimants ran a photographic transparency lending library. Following a

telephone inquiry by the defendants, the claimants delivered to them 47 transparencies

together with a delivery note containing nine printed conditions. Condition 2 stipulated

that all the transparencies had to be returned within 14 days of delivery, otherwise a

holding fee of £5 per day plus VAT would be charged for each transparency retained

thereafter. The defendants, who had not used the claimants’ services before, did not read

the conditions and returned the transparencies four weeks later, whereupon the claimants

invoiced the defendants for £3,783.50. The defendants refused to pay and the claimants

brought an action to recover that sum.

5. The claimants succeeded at first instance, but the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and

held that condition 2 was particularly onerous and usual, with the corollary effect that the

claimants was required to have brought it fairly and reasonably to the attention of the

defendants. It was held that they had taken no steps to draw the defendants’ attention to

the condition and, accordingly, the claimants could not claim pursuant to that condition.

Dillon LJ and Bingham LJ gave different reasons, however, for reaching the same


6. As for Dillon LJ:

6.1. He held that the question is whether condition 2 was sufficiently brought to

the defendants’ attention to make it a term of the contract. This was in

circumstances when the contract was only concluded after the defendants

– A38 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

had received, and must have known that they received, the transparencies

and the delivery note.453

6.2. Dillon LJ referenced the cases of J Spurling v Bradshaw and Thornton v Shoe

Lane Parking. He noted the claimants’ argument that Thornton was a case of

an exemption clause, and should be read as limited to exception clauses.454 This

argument was rejected, with Dillon LJ stating:

“… what their Lordships said was said by way of interpretation and application
of the general statement of the law by Mellish LJ in Parker v South Eastern
Railway Co… and the logic of it is applicable to any particularly onerous clause
in a printed set of conditions of the one contracting party which would not be
generally known to the other party…

It is, in my judgment, a logical development of the common law into modern

conditions that it should be held, as it was in Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking…
that, if one condition in a set of printed conditions is particularly onerous or
unusual, the party seeking to enforce it must show that that particular condition
was fairly brought to the attention of the other party.”455

7. Bingham LJ took a slightly different approach:

7.1. He framed case law on notice in the following terms:

“The well known cases on sufficiency of notice are in my view properly to be read
in this context. At one level they are concerned with a question of pure
contractual analysis, whether one party has done enough to give the other notice
of the incorporation of a term in the contract. At another level they are concerned
with a somewhat different question, whether it would in all the circumstances be
fair (or reasonable) to hold a party bound by any conditions or by a particular
condition of an unusual and stringent nature.” [Emphasis added]

453 p.436G
454 And, in particular, exemption clauses which would deprive the party on whom they are imposed
of statutory rights: see p.438D
455 pp.438D to 439B

– A39 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

7.2. Bingham LJ carried out an analysis of the relevant cases and found several

references to the concept of fair dealing which had very little to do with a

conventional analysis of offer and acceptance.456 His conclusion was that:

“The tendency of the English authorities has, I think, been to look at the nature
of the transaction in question and the character of the parties to it; to consider
what notice the party alleged to be bound was given of the particular condition
said to bind him; and to resolve whether in all the circumstances it is fair to hold
him bound by the condition in question. This may yield a result not very different
from the civil law principle of good faith, at any rate so far as the formation of
the contract is concerned.”457

Subsequent cases

8. Interfoto, therefore, contains important observations to the effect that unusual or onerous

terms must be brought to the attention of the other party in order to be relied upon. It

was not, however, a case involving a signed contractual document.

9. The general rule as to signed contractual documents derives from L’Estrange v F Graucob

Ltd [1934] 2 KB (“L’Estrange”), where Scrutton LJ held:

“When a document containing contractual terms is signed, then, in the absence of fraud, or, I
will add, misrepresentation, the party signing it is bound, and it is wholly immaterial whether
he has read the document or not.”458

10. The question then becomes whether the principle derived from Interfoto acts as an

exception to the rule in L’Estrange. To date, it remains an undecided question whether

the Interfoto principle can apply to a signed contract. It has, however, been the subject of

discussion in several cases:-

10.1. In Ocean Chemical Transport v Exnor Crags Ltd [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 446,

Evans LJ, with whom Henry and Waller LLJ agreed, held at §48 that he would

be prepared to apply the Interfoto principle in the appropriate circumstances:

456 See, e.g. p.443G

457 p.445B
458 p.403

– A40 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

“Mr Charkham submits that the Interfoto test, as he called it, has to be applied, even in
a case where the other party has signed an acknowledgement of the terms and conditions
and their incorporation. It seems to me that Mr Charkham could be right in what might
be regarded as an extreme case, where a signature was obtained under pressure of time
or other circumstances, and where it was possible to satisfy the Interfoto test; that is to
say, that the clause was one which was particularly onerous or unusual for incorporation
in the contract in question. I would prefer to put the matter more broadly and to say that
the question is whether the defendants have discharged the duty which lies upon them of
bringing the existence of the clause upon which they rely (and, if Mr Charkham is right,
of the effect of that particular clause) to the notice of the other party in the circumstances
of the particular case.”

10.2. In HIH v New Hampshire [2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 161, Rix LJ doubted obiter

whether the principle was properly applicable outside the context of

incorporation by notice.459

10.3. In Amiri Flight Authority v BAE Systems Plc [2004] 1 All ER 385, Mance LJ,

with whom Rix and Potter LLJ agreed, noted the doubts of Rix LJ in HIH v

New Hampshire and stated that it was unnecessary to decide whether the

principle could apply to signed contracts. By reference to Bingham LJ’s

Judgement in Interfoto, Mance LJ did, however, envisage that the Interfoto

principle might apply in such a case:

“15. As I read both the judgments in Interfoto the decision there was that the ‘holding
fee’ clause was not incorporated. The formal reason was that no sufficient notice had been
given of so stringent a clause. But Bingham LJ, in deciding accordingly, stressed that
whether or not sufficient notice had been given was a question which also involved broad
considerations of fairness and reasonableness, having regard to the nature and effect of
the clause and the circumstances relied upon as constituting notice that the contract was
to contain a clause of such a nature and effect. It is unnecessary in this case to consider
whether there may be contracts in writing to which such reasoning would also apply: cf
Rix LJ's doubt in HIH Casualty and General Insurance Ltd v New Hampshire Insurance
Co [2001] CLC 1480. One could take the case of a car-owner entering a car-park and
being asked to sign a ticket handed to him by a car-parking attendant, or that of the
holiday-maker required to sign a long small-print document in order to hire a family car
at an airport, if, in either case, the relevant document proved on close reading to contain
a provision of an extraneous or wholly unusual nature. It is

459 §209

– A41 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

possible that other arguments could then also exist, e.g. that the nature or effect of the
document had been impliedly misrepresented.”

10.4. In Do-Buy 925 Ltd v National Westminster [2010] EWHC 2862, Andrew

Popplewell QC (as he then was), after setting out the above case law, decided

not to depart from the general rule set down in L’Estrange as his was “not an

extreme case, nor one in which there is any reason to depart from the principle that a

party should be bound by a contract he has signed”. This was not, however, because

he decided that the Interfoto principle could not apply in relation to signed

contracts; it was a fact-specific finding on the facts of the case:

“The signature on the Application Form was immediately below an acknowledgement

that the signatory had read the General Terms and Conditions which came at the end of
a section headed “Important-you should read this carefully”. Ms Searle accepted that she
was provided with the General Terms and Conditions and had had an opportunity to
read them; and that the Bank were entitled to assume that she had done so. I see no room
for the application of the Interfoto principle in this case, even were it capable of applying
to some signed contracts.”460

10.5. In One World (GB) Limited v Elite Mobile Limited, [2012] EWHC 3706 (QB),

His Honour Judge Behrens, after setting out the relevant case law, held at


“In the light of the authorities I am content to assume (without deciding) that there is a
possible exception to the rule in L'Estrange v F Graucob Ltd in relation to provisions
that are onerous or unusual. However I agree with Mr Stacey that on the facts of this
case the requirement of a 40% threshold before a connection bonus is paid is neither
unusual nor onerous. To my mind the reasons given by Mr Stacey are compelling. Mr
Jory is correct that there is no detailed evidence as to how common such clauses are.
However the matters referred to by Mr Stacey together with paragraph 29 of Mr
Mughal's witness statement satisfy me that the clause is not sufficiently unusual so as
to enable Mr Mughal to avoid the rule. Equally this is a case where Mr Mughal was fully
aware of the need for a high connection rate. He had himself spoken of the 80% he had
achieved for Vodafone. In those circumstances I do not regard the clause as onerous even
if, as Mr Jory pointed out, it applied to networks other than Vodafone.” [Emphasis

460 §92

– A42 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

10.6. Kaye v Nu Skin Ltd [2012] CTLC 69 applied the Interfoto principle to a signed

contract. This case involved an agreement between English parties, one of

which was part of an enterprise based in Utah, which contained an arbitration

clause. After setting out Bingham LJ’s Judgment in Interfoto (including,

specifically, the passages cited above at §7), he held at §42:

“In my view, following both the Parker case and what Bingham LJ said, the arbitration
clause in this case was clearly incorporated into the agreement and therefore the only
question is whether, in the words of Bingham LJ, it is such an unreasonable clause as to
require very specifically being brought to the attention of the claimant.”461

11. It follows from the above cases that:-

11.1. While there is no authority conclusively establishing that the Interfoto

principle does apply to signed contracts (such that it displaces the general rule

in L’Estrange), the trend in the case law is to accept that such application may

be possible.

11.2. Interfoto was itself, per Dillon LJ, regarded as a logical development of the

common law in that it rejected an argument that would confine the ratio of

Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking to the type of clause under review (i.e.

exemption clauses).

11.3. The Court is required to: (i) look at the nature of the transaction in question

and the character of the parties to it; (ii) consider what notice the party alleged

to be bound was given of the particular condition said to bind him; and (iii)

resolve whether in all the circumstances it is fair to hold him bound by the

condition in question. While it may arguably be more difficult to rely upon

Interfoto when there is a signed contract, there is no principled reason why

such contracts should be ruled out of this analysis by type.

461 The Judge’s conclusion was that it was difficult to characterise an arbitration clause as
unreasonable and / or extortionate – it is an extremely common clause in many commercial
contracts and the evidence before the Judge exalted the benefits of such a clause to the parties: see,
e.g. §43 to 52.

– A43 –

Annex V: Issues 5 and 6 – Onerous and Unusual Terms

12. Further, as to reasonable sufficiency of notice, the editors of Chitty on Contracts (32nd

Ed.) state at 13-014:

“… The question whether the party tendering the document has done all that was reasonably
sufficient to give the other notice of the conditions is a question of fact in each case, in answering
which the tribunal must look at all the circumstances and the situation of the parties. But it is
for the court, as a matter of law, to decide whether there is evidence for holding that the notice is
reasonably sufficient. Cases in which the notice has been held to be insufficient have been those
where the conditions were printed on the back of the document, without any reference, or any
adequate reference, on its face, such as, “[f]or conditions, see back”, where, on documents sent by
fax, reference was made to conditions stated on the back, but those conditions were not in fact
stated on the back or otherwise communicated, or where the conditions were obliterated by a
printed stamp. In many situations, however, the tender of printed conditions will in itself be
sufficient. It is not necessary that the conditions themselves should be set out in the document
tendered: they may be incorporated by reference, provided that reasonable notice of them has been
given. Reference to standard terms to be found on a website may be sufficient to incorporate the
terms on the website into the contract.” [Emphasis added]

– A44 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

UCTA, section 3

1. Section 3 UCTA provides as follows:

(1) This section applies as between contracting parties where one of them deals . . . on the

other's written standard terms of business.

(2) As against that party, the other cannot by reference to any contract term—

(a) when himself in breach of contract, exclude or restrict any liability of his in respect
of the breach; or

(b) claim to be entitled—

(i) to render a contractual performance substantially different from that which

was reasonably expected of him, or

(ii) in respect of the whole or any part of his contractual obligation, to render
no performance at all,

except in so far as (in any of the cases mentioned above in this subsection) the contract
term satisfies the requirement of reasonableness.

Written standard terms of business

2. As foreshadowed above, the Defendant denies that the parties entered into the SPMC and

NTC contracts upon the Defendant’s written standard terms of business on the basis “Post

Office’s business was not the appointment of Subpostmasters.”462

3. UCTA contains no definition or further elucidation as to the meaning of the words “the

other’s written standard terms of business”.

4. However, what are to be regarded as standard form contracts was considered by the Law

Commission and Scottish Law Commission in their reports that ultimately gave rise to

its enactment.

5. The Law Commission’s identified at §152 of its report, as follows:463

“Broadly speaking, standard form contracts are of two different types. One type is
exemplified by forms which may be adopted in commercial transactions of a

462 See, e.g. Bates/IDef at §78(1) [B5.1/3/43]

463 Law Com. No. 69; Scot. Law Com. No. 39.

– A45 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

particular type or for dealings in a particular commodity such as the different forms of
sale contracts used by the Grain and Feed Trade Association or the forms for building
and engineering contracts sponsored by the Royal Institute of British Architects, the
Institution of Civil Engineers and the Federation of Associations of Specialists and
Sub-contractors. Such forms may be drawn up by representative bodies with the
intention of taking into account the conflicting interests of the different parties and
producing a document acceptable to all. The other type is the form produced by, or on
behalf of, one of the parties to an intended transaction for incorporation into a number
of contracts of that type without negotiation. Examples include a multitude of printed
documents setting out conditions of various kinds, terms found in catalogues and price
lists, and terms set out or referred to in quotations, notices and tickets. Although it is
the second type of standard form contract that has attracted most criticism, both types
have in common the fact that they were not drafted with any particular transaction
between particular parties in mind and are often entered into without much, if any,
thought being given to the wisdom of the standard terms in the individual
circumstances.” [Emphasis added]

6. The Law Commission had difficulty formulating a precise definition and discounted lack

of negotiation alone as the defining characteristic of written standard terms;464 it

recommended that the matter be left to the Courts, as follows:465

“We think that the courts are well able to recognise standard terms used by persons in
the course of their business, and that any attempt to lay down a precise definition of
‘standard form contract’ would leave open the possibility that terms that were clearly
contained in a standard form might fall outside the definition. In our view this would
be unfortunate. We have not, therefore, attempted to formulate a statutory description
of a standard form contract.”

464 Law Com. No. 69, at §156, in which it was observed that “[t[he essential element that has led us to the
decision that there must be some measure of control over terms in standard form contracts between persons
in business is the lack of negotiation that exists in most situations where they are used. Nevertheless it does
not seem to us that the lack of negotiation, or of any opportunity for negotiation, can itself be regarded as the
distinguishing feature of standard form contracts. In many contracts there may be negotiation as to some
terms, such as the quantity or price, with no opportunity to negotiate the exempting terms with which we
are concerned. Moreover, an expressed willingness to discuss terms may not in practice mean that the terms
are any the less proffered on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis. Accordingly, our conclusion is that the lack of
opportunity to vary or negotiate terms should not be made a feature of a statutory description of standard
465 Law Com. No. 69, §157

– A46 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

7. Further, the meaning and application of Section 3(1) has been variously considered and

applied and the following authorities and/or sources are instructive as to its application

to the SPMC and NTC contracts.

8. In British Fermentation Products Ltd v Compair Reavell Ltd [1999] 2 All E.R. (Comm)

389 (“British Fermentation”) at issue was whether the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Model Form of General Conditions of Contract were the defendants’ standard terms and

conditions so as to be terms to which section 3(1) applied.

9. The Court had regard to the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission reports cited

above, and to the following observations made by Lord Dunpark in the Scottish case

McCrone v Boots Farm Sales Limited [1981] SLT 103:

“The Act does not define ‘standard form contract’, but its meaning is not difficult to
comprehend. In some cases there may be difficulty deciding whether the phrase
properly applies to particular contract. I have no difficulty deciding that, upon the
assumption that the defenders prove that their general conditions of sale were set out
in all their invoices and they were incorporated by implication in their contract with
the pursuer, the contract was a standard form contract within the meaning of the said
section 17.

Since Parliament saw fit to leave the phrase to speak for itself, far be it from me to
attempt to formulate a comprehensive definition of it. However, the terms of section
17 in the context of this Act make it plain to me that the section is designed to prevent
one party to a contract from having his contractual rights, against a party who is in
breach of contract, excluded or restricted by a term or condition, which is one of a
number of fixed terms or conditions invariably incorporated in contracts of the kind in
question by the party in breach, and which have been incorporated in the particular
contract in circumstances in which it would be unfair and unreasonable for the other
party to have his rights so excluded or restricted. If the section is to achieve its purpose,
the phrase ‘standard form contract’ cannot be confined to written contracts in which
both parties use standard forms. It is, in my opinion, wide enough to include any
contract, whether wholly written or partly oral, which includes a set of fixed
terms or conditions which the proponer applies, without material variation,
to contracts of the kind in question.” [Emphasis added]

10. In British Fermentation, the Court further observed that section 12(3) UCTA imposed a

burden upon those claiming that a party does not deal as a consumer to show that it

– A47 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

does not, and held that the burden of proof must be upon the party alleging that UCTA

applies to demonstrate its application.466

11. In Hadley Design Associates Ltd v Westminster City Council [2004] TCLR 1 – it was

found as to the meaning of written standard terms as follows:467

“The concept underlying the provisions of Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 section 3,
in my judgment, is that there should exist a stock of written, no doubt usually, at any
rate, printed, contract conditions which was simply drawn from as a matter of routine
and intended to be adopted or imposed without consideration or negotiation specific to
the individual case in which they were to be used. That seems to me to be the force of
the words ‘written’ and ‘standard’ in the expression ‘written standard terms of
business’. In other words, it is not enough to bring a case within Unfair Contract
Terms Act 1977, section 3, that a party has established terms of business which it
prefers to adopt, as, for example, a form of draft contract maintained on a computer, or
established requirements as to what contracts into which it entered should contain, as,
for example, provision for arbitration in the event of disputes. Something more is
needed, and on principle that something more, in my judgment, is that the relevant
terms should exist in written form prior to the possibility of the making of the relevant
agreement arising, thus being ‘written’, and they should be intended to be adopted
more or less automatically in all transactions of a particular type without any
significant opportunity for negotiation, thus being ‘standard’.” [Emphasis added]

12. In Yuanda (UK) Co Ltd v WW Gear Construction Ltd [2011] Bus LR 360 – Edwards- Stuart

J adopted the same approach, at §21:

“The conditions have to be standard in that they are terms which the company in
question uses for all, or nearly all, of its contracts of a particular type without
alteration (apart from blanks which have to be completed showing the price, name of
the other contracting party and so on). One encounters such terms on a regular basis-
whether when buying goods over the internet or by mail order or when buying a ticket
for travel by air or rail.” [Emphasis added]

13. In African Export-Import Bank v Shebah Exploration and Production Co Ltd [2017]

EWCA Civ 845: The Court of Appeal considered and approved the foregoing first instance

decisions, and held at §25 (Longmore LJ) as follows:

466 British Fermentation Products Ltd v Compair Reavell Ltd, §49

467 Judge Seymour QC, at §78

– A48 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

“I would also approve these first instance decisions and hold that it is relevant to
inquire whether there have been more than insubstantial variations to the terms which
may otherwise have been habitually used by the other party to the transaction. If there
have been substantial variations, it is unlikely to be the case that the party relying on
the Act will have discharged the burden on him to show that the contract has been
made “on the other's written standard terms of business”.”

14. It follows from the foregoing, that the following factors are relevant to the question

whether a contract represents a party’s “written standard terms of business”, as to which,

the burden of proof is upon those contending that section 3(1) UCTA applies:

14.1. whether the contract is simply drawn as a matter of routine in all

transactions of a particular type;

14.2. whether there is any significant opportunity for negotiation; and

14.3. whether there were any substantial alterations to the individual contract

compared to the ordinary ‘standard form’.

Contractual performance substantially different / no performance at all

15. As a starting point, it has been observed that section 3(1)(b) of UCTA applies where there

is no breach of contract at all, but where the obligation as to performance has been limited

or qualified.468 As the editors of Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) observe:

“… it is submitted that a sensible meaning can in most cases only be given to

paragraph (b) if one assumes that the contractual performance and contractual
obligation referred to is the performance required and the obligation imposed by the
contract apart from the contract term relied on. For this purpose, the contractual
performance reasonably expected of a party may, in appropriate cases be determined
by the content of representations made by that party in precontract negotiations. On
the other hand, where on its true construction a contract term provides for performance
to a certain level by the proferens, the other party cannot claim that that very term
entitles the proferens to render a contractual performance substantially different from
that which he reasonably expected.”469

16. It is important to consider the term that is said to be subject to the requirements of Section

3 UCTA not in isolation, but in combination and in the context of the contract as

468 Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) at 15-085

469 Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) at 15-085

– A49 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

a whole. The relevant questions are (a) what is the performance required by the contracts

and (b) are the challenged terms such that they allow the proferens to render a substantially

different performance?

17. The foregoing observations of the editors of Chitty were cited by the Court of Appeal in

AXA Sun Life Services Plc v Campbell Martin Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 133. Stanley Burnton

LJ held that section 3(2)(a) of UCTA did not apply to an entire agreement clause, which

purported to prevent reliance upon any collateral contract or warranty, as there was no

collateral contract of which the claimant company could be in breach. 470 He went on, to

observe, at §50, that:

“However, different considerations apply to section 3(2)(b)(i). Quite how that

“paragraph” should operate is not entirely clear, as is demonstrated by the somewhat
tentative discussion in Chitty on Contracts , 30th ed (2008), vol 1, para 14–073. I have
no doubt that it is principally aimed at the small print that entitles a party to a contract
to provide something other than that defined by the principal terms of the contract, as
where a holiday company reserves the right to substitute a hotel or resort for that
specified in the main part of the contract. In most cases, as Chitty suggests, the
performance reasonably expected of a party is that which is defined by the written
contract between the parties. But this “paragraph” of section 3 refers not to the
performance specified in the contract but to the performance “which was reasonably
expected” of that party. It seems to me that in appropriate circumstances a pre-
contractual representation or promise may affect the performance that is reasonably
expected of a party… It follows that clause 24 may be subject to the reasonableness test
in UCTA in relation to both collateral warranties and representations. However,
section 3(2)(b)(i) will only come into play in the present cases if it is possible to identify
both the performance by AXA that was reasonably expected and that defined by the
contract. The effect of clause 24, if any, on a representation such as “We are the largest
insurance company in England” will not be within the scope of section 3(2)(b)(i).”
[Emphasis added]

18. The reasonable expectations as to performance are those that existed as at the time the

contract was made.471

470 AXA Sun Life Services Plc v Campbell Martin Ltd, §49
471 Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc v Maclaine Watson & Co [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 570, 612; Timeload
Ltd v British Telecommunications Plc [1995] E.M.L.R. 459

– A50 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

19. Further, section 3 UCTA may also apply to a term permitting termination of a contract

without cause.

20. In Timeload Ltd v British Telecommunications Plc [1995] E.M.L.R. 459, the claimant

applied for an injunction restraining BT from terminating a contract. The facts are

instructive: the claimant ran a free telephone inquiry service and obtained a number that

was said by BT to have been allocated either by mistake or due to a breach of duty by a

BT employee; the claimant had begun to market its services when BT gave it one month’s

notice of termination of the contract, relying on a termination clause in their standard

terms. The Court found that the term was subject to the requirement of reasonableness in

section 3(2) of UCTA, as BT was attempting to deliver a performance which was different

from that reasonably expected.

21. The injunction was granted, and upheld on appeal; with regard to section 3(2) of UCTA,

Sir Thomas Bingham MR (as he then was) held at p.468:

“The argument accordingly turns on section 3(2)(b) and that I find more difficult. Mr
Hobbs submits that the subsection cannot apply where, as here, the clause under
consideration defines the service to be provided and does not purport to permit
substandard or partial performance. He says that the customer cannot reasonably
expect that which the contract does not purport to offer, namely enjoyment of telephone
service under a given number for an indefinite period. That may indeed be so, but I
find the construction and ambit of this subsection by no means clear. If a customer
reasonably expects a service to continue until BT has substantial reason to terminate
it, it seems to me at least arguable that a clause purporting to authorise BT to terminate
without reason purports to permit partial or different performance from that which the
customer expected.” [Emphasis added]


22. A requirement of reasonableness is imposed upon all terms to which Section 3(2) applies.

The Schedule 2 greylist guidelines of considerations relevant to the test of reasonableness

under Section 11(2) UCTA (applicable for the purposes of terms referred to in sections 6

and 7) are regarded as being of general application.472

472 See, e.g. Stewart Gill Ltd v Horatio Myer & Co Ltd [1992] Q.B. 600, 608. See also Singer Co (UK)
Ltd v Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 164, 169

– A51 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

23. The guidelines are:

23.1. the strength of the bargaining positions of the parties relative to each other,

taking account (among other things) alternative means by which the

customer’s requirements could have been met;

23.2. whether the customer received an inducement to agree to the term, or in

accepting it had an opportunity of entering into a similar contract with other

persons, but without having to accept a similar term;

23.3. whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the

existence and extent of the term (having regard, among other things, to any

custom of the trade and any course of dealing between the parties);

23.4. where the term excludes or restricts any relevant liability if some condition is

not complied with, whether it was reasonable at the time of the contract to

expect that compliance with that condition would be practicable;

23.5. whether the goods were manufactured, processed or adapted to the special

order of the customer.

24. The Schedule 2 guidelines are not, however, exhaustive. The following further factors

were identified in Overseas Medical Supplies Ltd v Orient Transport Services Ltd [1999]

2 Lloyd’s Rep 273:473

24.1. the way in which the relevant conditions came into being and are used


24.2. in relation to the question of equality of bargaining position, the court will

have regard not only to the question of whether the customer was obliged to

use the services of the supplier but also to the question of how far it would

have been practicable and convenient to go elsewhere;

24.3. the question of reasonableness must be assessed having regard to the relevant

clause viewed as a whole: it is not right to take any particular part of

473 Per Potter LJ at §10

– A52 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

the clause in isolation, although it must also be viewed against a breach of


24.4. the reality of the consent of the customer to the supplier's clause; and

24.5. the availability of insurance.

25. It is clear that the list of relevant factors is not a closed one.

26. As the Court is aware, there is a large body of reported cases illustrating in general terms

the way in which the Courts apply the statutory requirement of reasonableness. However,

many are of limited authoritative value since the position of the parties, relevant

circumstances of the transaction, and the precise wording of the clause in question

necessarily differ in each particular situation.474

27. However, the following cases illustrate the importance of equality of bargaining power in

assessing reasonableness:

27.1. A number of the authorities have upheld terms as reasonable where they

have been freely agreed by parties of broadly equal size and status.475

27.2. In Granville Oil & Chemicals Limited v Davis Turner & Co Limited [2003] 2

Lloyd's Rep 356 at 362, Tuckey LJ commented:

“The 1977 Act obviously plays a very important role in protecting vulnerable
consumers from the effects of draconian contract terms. But I am less
enthusiastic about its intrusion into contracts between commercial parties of
equal bargaining strength, who should generally be considered capable of being
able to make contracts of their choosing and expect to be bound by their terms."
[Emphasis added]

27.3. In Watford Electronics Limited v Sanderson CFL Limited [2001] EWCA Civ

317 (“Watford Electronics”), Chadwick LJ observed at §55:

“Where experienced businessmen representing substantial companies of equal

bargaining power negotiate an agreement, they may be taken to have had regard
to the matters known to them. They should, in my view be taken to be the best
judge of the commercial fairness of the agreement which they have

474 An observations made by the editors of Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed.) at 15-101
475 As to which, see observations of Lord Diplock in Photo Production Limited v Securicor
Transport Limited [1980] AC 827 at p.848F to G, a decision that pre-dated UCTA

– A53 –

Annex VI: Issue 7 – Unfair Contract Terms

made; including the fairness of each of the terms in that agreement. They should
be taken to be the best judge on the question whether the terms of the agreement
are reasonable. The court should not assume that either is likely to commit his
company to an agreement which he thinks is unfair, or which he thinks includes
unreasonable terms. Unless satisfied that one party has, in effect, taken unfair
advantage of the other – or that a term is so unreasonable that it cannot properly
have been understood or considered - the court should not interfere." [Emphasis

27.4. In Allen Fabrications Ltd v ASD Ltd [2012] EWHC 2213 (TCC), His Honour

Judge Waksman QC (as he then was) assessed the parties’ respective positions

at 73:

“Allen has a turnover of around £4-5m each year. ASD is very much larger being
part of the Klockner international group of companies and the largest
independent metal stockholder in the UK. But this is not simply a “numbers”
game. The fact is that both parties were and are substantial commercial
entities.” [Emphasis added]

27.5. The availability of insurance, being a further consideration regarded as

particularly important, is of primary concern to the application of the

requirement of reasonableness imposed with respect to certain exclusion and

limitation of liability clauses which are not in issue here.

– A54 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

Creation of Agency

1. On the Claimants’ case, the Defendant was required as their agent to comply with a series

of obligations which included, for example, to effect, execute, record and/or maintain and

keep records of all transactions that they initiated on Horizon or for which they were

potentially responsible.

2. Thus addressing the questions posed by Issues 10 and 11 requires the application of

principles of agency to the facts as they are before the Court. Admitted facts are set out in

Section B (under ‘Issues 10 and 11 - Post Office as Agent’) above.

General Definition

3. For the purposes of these Issues (and Issues 12 and 13), the Claimants commend the

following general description of that relationship as: 476

“…the fiduciary relationship which exists between two persons, one of whom expressly or impliedly

manifests assent that the other should act on his behalf so as to affect his relations with third parties,

and the other of whom similarly manifests assent so to act or so acts pursuant to the manifestation.”

but where “[a] person may have the same fiduciary relationship with a principal where he acts on

behalf of that principal but has no authority to affect the principal’s relations with third parties.

Because of the fiduciary relationship such a person may also be called an agent.”

Assent to be implied from conduct

4. The Claimants rely upon the following principles as to the basis upon which the agency

is to be inferred.

5. Assent implied by conduct: in the absence of contractual agreement to an agency, as here,

agreement between principal and agent for the conferral of authority may be

476 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) at 1-001 – as to which, the Court is invited to have
regard to all limbs of the definition given therein and the limits to that definition, at 1-003

– A55 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

implied on the basis one party (the Defendant) has conducted itself towards another

(Subpostmasters) in such a way that it is reasonable for that other to infer from that

conduct assent to an agency relationship.477

6. Implication from words, conduct or a course of dealing: assent to a relationship of

agency may be implied from the parties words and conduct, or from evidence of a course

of dealing:

6.1. As established by the House of Lords in Garnac Grain Co Inc v HMF Faure

& Fairclough Ltd [1968] AC 1130:

“The relationship of principal and agent can only be established by the consent of the

principal and the agent. They will be held to have consented if they have agreed to

what amounts in law to such a relationship, even if they do not recognise it

themselves and even if they have professed to disclaim it, as in Ex parte Delhasse.

But the consent must have been given by each of them, either expressly or by

implication from their words and conduct. Primarily one looks to what they said and

did at the time of the alleged creation of the agency. Earlier words and conduct may

afford evidence of a course of dealing in existence at that time and may be taken into

account more generally as historical background. Later words and conduct may have

some bearing, though likely to be less important. As to the content of the relationship,

the question to be asked is: "What is it that the supposed agent is alleged to have done

on behalf of the supposed principal?"478 [Emphasis added]

6.2. As clarified by the House of Lords by its judgment in Branwhite v Worcester

Works Finance Ltd [1969] 1 AC 552, with Lord Wilberforce stating at p.587E

– citing the foregoing passage with approval:

“The significant words, for the present purpose, are "if they have agreed to what

amounts in law to such a relationship." These I understand as pointing to the fact

that, while agency must ultimately derive from consent, the consent need not

477 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.), Article 8

478 At 1137C, per Lord Pearson

– A56 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

necessarily be to the relationship of principal and agent itself (indeed the existence of

it may be denied) but may be to a state of fact upon which the law imposes the

consequences which result from agency. It is con-sensual, not contractual.”

7. Voluntary conferral of authority and manifestation of assent: the law recognises that the

agent has power to affect the principal’s legal position by voluntary conferral of authority

which may be by the manifestation of such willingness by the principal. As the editors

of Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) observe:

7.1. as to such request or authorisation “[t]he basic notion behind the common law of

agency can be explained along the following lines. The mature law recognises that a

person need not always do things that change his legal relations himself: he may utilise

the services of another to change them, or to do something during the course of which

they may be changed. Thus, where one person, the principal, requests or authorises

another, the agent, to act on his behalf, and the other agrees or does so, the law

recognises that the agent has power to affect the principal’s legal position by acts

which, though performed by the agent, are to be treated in certain respects as if they
were acts of the principal. The conferral of authority is voluntary”;479 and

7.2. as to manifestation of willingness “[t]he basic justification for the agent’s power

as so far explained seems to be the idea of a unilateral manifestation by the principal

of willingness to have his legal position changed by the agent. To this any contract
between principal and agent is secondary, though there will usually be one, which

often provides the reason for the conferral and indeed may contain it. The phrase

“consensual agency” used in the previous paragraph and below, and “agency by

agreement” used later in this book, are to be understood in this sense and not as

relating to any supporting contract. There is certainly no conceptual reason which

requires a contract between principal and agent to achieve this creation of power,
and it is indeed clear that no contract is necessary, for a person without juristic

capacity may be an agent. Nor need the agent undertake to act as such. It is

sufficient if the principal manifests to the agent that he is willing for the agent to act,

479 At 1-005

– A57 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

and the agent does so in circumstances indicating that his acts arise from the

principal’s manifestation. This is not dissimilar from the formation of a contract, but

is notionally separate, as the example of a power of attorney shows. In common with

other situations where in the civil law it is important to derive a party’s intention, the

principal’s manifestation of will is generally determined on an objective basis,

whether or not the conferral of power meets the requirements of the law of contract.”

[Emphasis added]”480

8. Relevant conduct, in this respect: as to the conduct the Court is to look for where there is

a pre-existing contractual relationship, such implied authority may to be inferred from

the surrounding circumstances but need not be “necessarily incidental to the commercial

venture”, the correct test being whether one party had conducted itself towards another in

such a way that it was reasonable for that other to infer from that conduct assent to the

agency relationship (as clarified by Court of Appeal authoritatively stated in Marine

Blast Ltd v Targe Towing Ltd & Anor [2004] EWCA Civ 346.481

Duties with respect to transaction records and information

9. As to an agency for the purposes contended for by the Claimants, the following principles

apply and are instructive to the approach to be taken in addressing the question posed by

Issue 12 in particular.

10. Duty to provide records: where an agent is entrusted to make transactions that are

binding on his principal, there is a corresponding duty on the agent to provide records in

relation to those transactions. In particular:

480 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) at 1-006. See also 1-007 which notes:
“The phrase “manifestation of assent” is selected by Restatement, Third instead of “manifestation of
consent” in Restatement, Second, seemingly to stress the objective nature of the inquiry.”
The Restatement, Third, explains at § 1.031 (Comment b.):
“A manifestation is conduct by a person, observable by others, that expresses meaning. It is a broader
concept than communication. The relevant state of mind is that of the person who observes or otherwise
learns of the manifestation.”
481 Marine Blast Ltd v Targe Towing Ltd & Anor [2004] EWCA Civ 346, §§14, 19, 21 to 22, citing
with approval, for example, Article 8 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency

– A58 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

10.1. A duty to produce records is a legal incident of the relationship of agency:

as authoritatively staged by Mummery LJ as a “general rule” in Fairstar Heavy

Transport v Adkins [2013] 2 CLC 272, at §53 thus: “It is a legal incident of that

relationship [between principal and agent] that a principal is entitled to require

production by the agent of documents relating to the affairs of the principal”

10.2. The duty arises in a gratuitous agency: as to which the judgment in Yasuda

Fire & Marine Insurance Co of Europe Ltd v Orion Marine Insurance

Underwriting Agency Ltd [1995] QB 174 (“Yasuda”) is instructive in that, on

an application for declaratory relief and orders requiring access to

documentary and computer records, Colman J held at p.185 that:

“…it can in logic make no difference to whether such a duty exists that the agency is

or is not founded on contract. Indeed, so far as my researches have gone, there is no

suggestion in any authority - decided case or textbook - that, if there is merely a

gratuitous agency, there is no duty to provide records or accounts.”

“…in the absence of express agreement to the contrary, the agent's duty to provide to

his principal the records of transactions effected pursuant to the agency must subsist

notwithstanding termination of the agent's authority. That, as I have held, is

a duty that is imposed by law in consequence of the existence of the agency

relationship and is not founded on the existence of a contract of agency.”

[Emphasis added]

11. Duty to provide information: An agent is, in general, under a duty to keep his principal

informed about matters which are of his concern. As to the precise content of that duty,

as follows from the foregoing, cases vary on their facts depending upon the authority that

is given. Nevertheless:

11.1. An agent is under a duty to deliver up, upon request, all documents and

electronic records and correspondence (together “records”) concerning the

– A59 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

affairs of the principal which have been prepared by the agent in the course

of the agency.482

11.2. The information to be provided depends on the nature of the agent’s mandate.

The basis of the entitlement derives from the fact that such records have been

created for preserving information as to the very transactions which the agent

was authorised by him to enter into.483

11.3. It matters not if the agent keeps those records in such a manner that are

inextricable from records relating to other principals – it is for the agent to

provide find some means of extracting what is relevant from the mass of their

material; if such means cannot be devised with sufficient expedition, the

principal will have to see the irrelevant material in so far as it is inseparable

from the relevant.484

11.4. As noted in the Canadian case of Ocean City Realty Ltd v A & M Holdings

Ltd (1987) 36 D.L.R. (4th) 94) (cited with approval by the editors of


a. The duty extends to everything known to an agent respecting the subject-

matter of the contract which would be likely to influence the conduct of his

principal would be likely to operate upon the principal’s judgment.

b. The test is an objective one to be determined by what reasonable persons in

the position of the agent would consider, in the circumstances, would be

likely to influence the conduct of the principal.

12. Conflict of interest: finally, an agent in a position of conflict of interest cannot normally

use the conflict as an excuse for not passing on information relevant to a principal.486

482 Fairstar Heavy Transport NV v Adkins [2013] EWCA Civ 886

483 Yasuda Ltd v Orion Underwriting Ltd [1995] QB 174, at 185C to E per Colman J; Equitas Ltd v
Horace Holman & Co Ltd [2007] EWHC 903 (Comm)
484 Yasuda Ltd v Orion Underwriting Ltd [1995] QB 174, at 191F per Colman J; Equitas Ltd v Horace
Holman & Co Ltd [2007] EWHC 903 (Comm)
485 See Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) at 6-021

– A60 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

Summary of relevant principles

13. It follows from the above that:-

13.1. Conferral of authority may be implied where one party has conducted itself

towards another in such a way that it is reasonable for that other to infer from

that conduct assent to an agency relationship.

13.2. That relationship may arise where an agent acts on behalf of that principal but

has no authority to affect the principal’s relations with third parties.

13.3. The relationship may exist even if the parties have professed to disclaim it.

13.4. It is sufficient that the principal manifests to the agent that he is willing for the

agent to act, and the agent does so in circumstances indicating that his acts

arise from the principal’s manifestation.

13.5. In the context of an existing contractual relationship, the surrounding

circumstances from which agency is to be inferred need not be necessarily

incidental to the commercial venture.

13.6. It is a legal incident of that relationship between principal and agent that a

principal is entitled to require production by the agent of documents relating

to the affairs of the principal. The duty thus arises in a gratuitous agency.

13.7. The duty extends to everything known to an agent respecting the subject-

matter of the contract which would be likely to influence the conduct of his

principal would be likely to operate upon the principal’s judgment. The test is

an objective one.

486 See Hilton v Barker Booth & Eastwood [2005] UKHL 8; [2005] 1 W.L.R. 567 (in the context of a
solicitor / client relationship)

– A61 –

Annex VII: Issues 10 and 11 – Post Office as Agent

– A62 –

Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents

Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents

Fiduciary duties of an agent

1. General principles as to the establishment of a relationship of agency are set out in Annex

VII (‘Annex VII - Issue 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent’) above.

2. Set out here, are principles that fall to be applied when addressing the questions posed by

Issues 12 and 13. Most are uncontroversial, established principles, which are set out here

for completeness and as a reference for the approach to be taken.

Scope of duty

3. The Defendant’s case is pleaded with no more specificity that a general assertion that

Subpostmasters owed fiduciary duties to the Defendant, including a duty to act in the

Defendant’s interests in relation to functions undertaken on the Defendant’s behalf.487

4. As to the nature and scope of fiduciary duties that may be owed by an agent, the

Claimants will rely upon the following.

5. Nature of fiduciary obligations: as a matter of general principle:488

5.1. a fiduciary “…is someone who has undertaken to act for or on behalf of another in a

particular matter or circumstances which give rise to a relationship of trust and

confidence.”; and

5.2. “[t]he distinguishing obligation… is the obligation of loyalty. The principal is entitled

to the single-minded loyalty of his fiduciary. This core liability has several facets. A

fiduciary must act in good faith; he must not make a profit out of his trust; he may not

act for his own benefit or the benefit of a third person without the informed consent of

his principal”.

6. The scope of any such duty is context specific: an agent may owe fiduciary obligations

in some respect of some services that it provides, but not others. The touchstone is

487 GDef at §91(1) [B3/2/41]

488 Bristol and West Building Society v Mothew [1998] Ch. 1, per Millett LJ at p.18

– A63 –

Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents

whether, in the commercial circumstances, single minded loyalty was owed in respect of

those services. As to this:

6.1. Nature of the relationship: the agreement of the parties or background of the

case may establish either that the relationship is not one of agency or that the

fiduciary duties have been modified from the normal standards.489

6.2. By way of illustration, a construction company providing claims-handling

and building-repair services to an insurer, may be found to owe to fiduciary

duties in respect of the latter, which are services provided to the policy holder

in respect of which no single minded loyalty is owed to the insurer nor was

the company precluded from making a profit (John Youngs Insurance Services

Ltd v Aviva Insurance Service UK Ltd [2011] EWHC 1515 (TCC), per Ramsey,

at §97 to 98).

6.3. In this case:

a. it is clear that this is far from a traditional accounting relationship in which

Subpostmasters, as agents, were to keep and render accounts.

b. Rather, the relationship involved a complex division of roles with respect to

branch accounts and significant input from the Defendant – in respect of

which the Claimants’ case is that the Defendant acted as agent (see Section B

– Issues 10 and 11: Post Office as Agent).

c. It is common ground that Subpostmasters initiate transactions on the

Defendant’s (as opposed to their own system), perform cash and stock

declarations and submit Branch Trading Statements, but the Defendant

performs (at least) the Admitted Functions and undertakes admitted

reconciliation processes to compare data with data that it itself holds or

receives from third parties. Transaction Corrections are issued when those

data did not reconcile. Subpostmasters do not perform, not do they have any

capacity to perform, those functions.

489 As to which, see in summary, Bowstead & Reynolds (21st Ed) at 6-035

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Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents

Settled accounts

7. Likewise, with respect to settled accounts, the Claimants will rely upon the following.

8. As a general rule: an agent is under an obligation to keep an accurate account of all

transactions entered into on his principal’s behalf and where it contains a statement

money was received for the principal, the agent will be held to be bound by it, unless he

can show that the statement was made unintentionally or by mistake.490

9. Settled accounts: Traditionally, an account is ‘settled’ between the parties when the

principal approves the accounts, or enters them in its books or approves them in some

other way; once settled, they cannot be re-opened unless there is “a direct, distinct and

specific averment of errors to entitle the party to open the account”.491

10. It should be noted from the outset that the Claimants deny that that there is any proper

basis to hold Subpostmasters to Branch Trading Statement as ‘settled accounts’ on the

basis of traditional accounting principles for the reasons given in Section B – Issues 12 and

13: Subpostmasters as Agent, above.

11. Settled accounts may be re-opened: in certain circumstances settled accounts may in any

event be re-opened, such that the agent is not held to them as settled. These include

(a) where the accounts have been settled under undue influence, in which case, they may

be reopened from the commencement of the agency; or more generally, (b) where the

specific circumstances demonstrate that the party settling the accounts had insufficient

information at the time of doing so.492 Relevant considerations include:

490 As stated established by Shaw v Picton (1825) 4 B.&C. 715, in which Bayley J held at 729 “It is
quite clear, that if an agent (employed to receive money, and bound by his duty to his principal from time to
time to communicate to him whether the money is received or not,) renders an account from time to time
which contains a statement that the money is received, he is bound by that account unless he can shew that
that statement was made unintentionally and by mistake. If he cannot shew that, he is not at liberty
afterwards to say that the money had not been received, and never will be received, and to claim
reimbursement in respect of those sums for which he had previously given credit.”
491 Parkinson v Hanbury (1867) L.R. 2 H.L.
492 Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed.) at 6-098

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Annex VIII: Issues 12 and 13 – Subpostmasters as Agents

11.1. The relative situation of the parties, and whether the balance is in favour of

one party under the peculiar circumstances affecting the case.493

11.2. The manner in which settlement took place, and if those circumstances

gave one party a commanding power or influence over the other.494

11.3. Whether the party settling the accounts had the fullest information

available to it, taking into account all of the circumstances.495

12. Approach of the Courts: it has long been established that accounts may be re-opened at

a very considerable distance in time after such settlement.496

13. As to whether, in this case, a right to reopen any account in the form of a Branch Trading

Statement is exercisable by the Defendant or Subpostmasters, the Claimants will refer to

and rely upon the complexities of the accounting process using Horizon (including the

Defendant’s admitted roles in this respect) and division of functional responsibility as

between the Defendant and Subpostmasters described above.

493 Lewes v Morgan (1817) 5 Price 42

494 Coleman v Mellersh (1850) 2 Mac. & G. 309
495 Watson v Rodwell (1879) 11 Ch.D. 150
496 Lewes v Morgan (1817) 5 Price 42 - case involving more complex agency arrangements

– A66 –

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement

‘True Agreement’ – general principles

1. The Claimants rely upon the principles established in Autoclenz v Belcher [2011] UKSC

41 (“Autoclenz”) as to the requirement for the Court to find the “true agreement”.

2. Autoclenz principles apply with respect to the terms of the SPMC and NTC, on the

grounds that “the written terms do not accurately reflect the true agreement of the parties”497 and

not on the historically established basis of mistake as justifying rectification where there

was an outwardly manifested continuing common intention to agree another term

– a distinct principle upon which Autoclenz did not intrude.498

3. The question to be addressed: in cases of contracts concerning work or services, where it

is alleged that the written contract terms do not accurately reflect the true agreement of

the parties, there may be various reasons why, but the question to be addressed is: what

contractual terms did the parties actually agree?499

4. Evidence relevant: Both in Autoclenz itself and in subsequent cases, the Court has had

regard to events subsequent to the date when the contract was made, in determining the

true agreement. The EAT (Langstaff J) took this approach in Dynasystems for Trade and

General Consulting Ltd & Ors v Moseley [2018] UKEAT 0091/17/2501 (25 January 2018).

At [36] he held as follows:

“The reality is that it must always be the case that actions after an agreement has been
made may help as evidence, not as being conclusive but as evidence, of the nature of
that agreement. After all, if the parties to an agreement have indeed agreed X but they
behave as if they have agreed Y, that would be surprising. If, however, they have agreed
Y it is entirely to be expected. To behave as if they have agreed Y is therefore some
evidence that they have indeed done so. It is not conclusive, and of course in many
cases there may be contractual terms which are simply never acted upon because the
occasion for doing so never arises. In such cases it would be futile, as many authorities
show, to suggest that they are not still terms of the contract

497 Aikens LJ [2010] IRLR 70, as approved by Lord Clarke in Autoclenz at §20
498 Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd [2009] AC 1101, per Lord Hoffman at §48–66
499 Autoclenz, per Lord Clarke, at §21, citing with approval the judgment of Aikens LJ in the Court
of Appeal below, at §88-89

– A67 –

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement

merely because they have not been put into operation. However, though the weight of
it must be examined with care, it can be evidence as to what was in fact agreed to look
to see if the parties had behaved as if that were the case, particularly immediately after
the date of initial agreement, but following on from that as well, and equally so where
there is an unbroken series of events telling overall the same tale.”

5. Approach: for the purposes of determining the true agreement, Lord Clarke JSC (with

whom Lord Hope, Lord Walker, Lord Wilson and Lord Collins JJSC agreed) held at §35

that the Court is to have regard to the relationship in question, particularly:

5.1. Relative bargaining power: the relative bargaining power of the parties must

be taken into account;

5.2. True agreement to be gleaned the circumstances: “[w]hether the written terms

of any written agreement in truth represent what was agreed and the true agreement

will often have to be gleaned from all the circumstances of the case, of which the

written agreement is only a part”;

5.3. Purposive approach: this was described as a purposive approach.

6. Relevant considerations: the Supreme Court in Autoclenz relied upon findings made in

the Courts below in support of its conclusion that the claimants were employees rather

than sub-contractors.500 These are instructive as to the relevant considerations: 501

6.1. the presence of “elaborate protestations” in the contractual documents that the

claimants were self-employed, found to be unusual in themselves and, when

examined, bore no practical relation to the reality of the relationship;

6.2. that (in contradistinction) the contracts began by spelling out that each worker

was required to ‘perform the services which he agrees to carry out…

500 On the facts, the Claimants were 20 individuals who had been engaged by Autoclenz as car
valeters, but alleged worker status under the National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 reg.2(1)
and the Working Time Regulations 1998 reg.2(1); the terms of their contracts, however, described
them as sub-contractors responsible for paying their own tax and NI, entitled them to provide a
substitute to carry out work, and stated they were not obliged to work and that Autoclenz did not
undertake to provide work
501 Autoclenz, §36 to §37

– A68 –

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement

within a reasonable time and in a good and workmanlike manner’, an obligation

found to be entirely consistent with employment;

6.3. the claimants had no control over the way in which they worked: “[t]hey have

no real control over the hours that they work, save and except that they can leave when

their share of the work on site has been completed. They do not have any real economic

interest in the way in which the work is organised, other than the fact that the more

work they do the more they earn. They cannot source materials for themselves” and

were subject to Autoclenz’s direction and control;

6.4. the claimants had no say in the terms upon which they perform work, the

contracts which are placed before them are devised entirely by Autoclenz and

the services they provided were subject to a detailed specification; and

6.5. the claimants were required to provide personal service under their

agreements, notwithstanding substitution clause later introduced.

The employment relationship

7. In Autoclenz, the question for determination was the anterior question of whether the

contracts gave rise to self-employment, as the terms purported to suggest, or the true

agreement was something else (in that case an agreement consistent with employment).

8. In the present case, the Claimants rely upon the relational imbalance between the parties,

which loomed large in the decision in Autoclenz. Indeed, the relationships in issue are

similar in a number of respects:

8.1. while, like the contracts in Autoclenz, the SPMC and NTC expressly

disclaimed an employment relationship, they nonetheless reflected similar

relational imbalances, and similarly high degrees of discretion and control;502

502 GPOC at §9, §45, §50 and §69 [B3/1/2] [B3/1/15-16] [B3/1/17] [B3/1/39]

– A69 –

Annex IX: Issues 17 to 18 – True Agreement

8.2. in practice, Subpostmasters were generally required to agree how many hours

of personal service they would provide; and the Defendant required, for

example, notification in relation to the provision of any substitute, evidence of

incapacity for work;

8.3. provision was made in the SPMC for holiday substitution allowance;

8.4. the contractual provisions and the nature of the legal relationship

substantially reflected many of the features of an employment relationship.503

9. In all the circumstances, the principles set out by Lord Clarks JSC in Autoclenz are general

principles of particular application to relationships with these indicia. The plainly allow

this Court to ask and answer the question: what was the true agreement as to termination?

10. The Claimants submit that the true agreement was as set out above.

503 GPOC at §45

– A70 –

Annex X: Issues 22 and 23 – Assistants

Annex X: Issues 22 and 23 – Assistants

Rights of Third Parties Act

Section 1

1. Section 1 of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the “1999 Act”) provides:

1. Right of third party to enforce contractual term

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a person who is not a party to a contract (a “third party”)
may in his own right enforce a term of the contract if—

(a) the contract expressly provides that he may, or

(b) subject to subsection (2), the term purports to confer a benefit on him.

(2) Subsection (1)(b) does not apply if on a proper construction of the contract it appears that
the parties did not intend the term to be enforceable by the third party.

(3) The third party must be expressly identified in the contract by name, as a member of a class
or as answering a particular description but need not be in existence when the contract is entered

(4) This section does not confer a right on a third party to enforce a term of a contract otherwise
than subject to and in accordance with any other relevant terms of the contract.

(5) For the purpose of exercising his right to enforce a term of the contract, there shall be
available to the third party any remedy that would have been available to him in an action for
breach of contract if he had been a party to the contract (and the rules relating to damages,
injunctions, specific performance and other relief shall apply accordingly).

(6) Where a term of a contract excludes or limits liability in relation to any matter references in
this Act to the third party enforcing the term shall be construed as references to his availing
himself of the exclusion or limitation.

(7) …

2. The following principles and observations pertain to its application to Issues 22 and 23

and may be of assistance to the Court.

Term purporting to confer a benefit

3. Section 1(1)(b) allows a third party to enforce a term of the contract:

3.1. if “the term purports to confer a benefit on him”, but

– A71 –

Annex X: Issues 22 and 23 – Assistants

3.2. his right to do so in such a case is subject to section 1(2): he has no such right

“if on a proper construction of the contract it appears that [the contracting parties]

did not intend the term to be enforceable by” the third party.

4. Meaning of benefit: it is generally accepted that “benefit” can include any performance

due under the contract; thus it can include a payment of money, a transfer of property, or

the rendering of a service.504

5. Purport to confer: the requirement that the term must “purport” to confer a benefit “…is

satisfied if on a true construction of the term in question its sense has the effect of conferring a

benefit on the third party in question. There is within s.1(1)(b) no requirement that the benefit on

the third party shall be the predominant purpose or intent behind the term”.505

6. Purpose of the term: there is no requirement for the benefit to be a predominant purpose

or intent behind the term, but it must be a purpose, i.e. it is not enough simply to show

that a third party would happen to benefit from it or their position improved by its


Burden of proof as to parties’ intention

7. Question of construction: if a term purports to confer such a benefit, it is then necessary

to construe the contract as a whole to determine the nature and extent of the third party’s

right to enforce the term. This follows from section 1(4). The question of whether the

parties intended to confer a benefit is one of construction.507

504 Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed) point out at 18-093

505 Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Ayres [2007] EWHC 775 (Ch), [2007] 3 All E.R. 946 at §28,
reversed ([2008] EWCA Civ 52, [2008] 1 All E.R. 1266) on the different ground that the contract, on
its true construction, purported, not to benefit the third party, but to restrict the third party’s rights
506 Dolphin Maritime and Aviation Services Ltd v Sveriges Angfartygs Forening [2009] EWHC 716
(Comm) at §74: “[a] contract does not purport to confer a benefit on a third party simply because the position
of the third party will be improved if the contract is performed”
507 Nisshin Shipping Co Ltd v Cleaves & Co Ltd [2003] EWHC 2602

– A72 –

Annex X: Issues 22 and 23 – Assistants

8. What has to be shown is that “the parties” did not intend the term to be enforceable by the

third party, so it is insufficient for one party to show he did not intend that.508

9. Burden on contracting party: the burden of proof (under s.1(2)) is on the contracting

party, not the third party: if the third party can demonstrate that a term did purport to

confer a benefit on him under section 1(1)(b), then there is a rebuttable presumption that

the term was intended by the contracting parties to be enforceable by the third party.509

Identified by name, as a member of a class or as answering to a particular description

10. Section 1(4) of the 1999 Act further requires that the third party be “expressly identified in

the contract by name, as a member of a class or as answering a particular description but need not

be in existence when the contract is entered into”.

11. In this, by use of the word “express”, the 1999 Act does not allow a process of construction

or implication to identify a party not referred to at all (Avraamides v Colwill [2006]

EWCA Civ 1533, Waller LJ).510 However, the Assistants are repeatedly referred to and

defined in the relevant agreements.

508 As observed by the editors of Chitty on Contracts (32nd Ed) at 18-094

509 See, e.g., The Laemthong Glory [2005] EWCA Civ 519
510 Avraamides v Colwill, §19. The difficulty in that case was that the relevant term did not identify
any third party or class of third parties

– A73 –


Claim No. HQ16X01238, HQ17X02637 & HQ17X04248



Before The Hon. Mr Justice Fraser
B E T W E E N:-


– and –





Henderson Chambers
2 Harcourt Buildings
London EC4Y 9DB

Freeths LLP
Floor 3, 100 Wellington Street
Leeds LS1 4LT
DX: 310016, Leeds Park Square
Telephone: 0845 077 9570

Solicitors for the Claimants


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