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By Zia Razzaq, 1 M. ASCE and Antoun Y. Calash 2
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ABSTRACT: An inelastic theoretical study of the effect of biaxial partial end re-
straints on the response of hollow rectangular steel nonsway columns with or
without biaxial crookedness and residual stresses is presented. The partial end
restraints considered have linear, elastic-plastic, or trilinear moment-rotation
characteristics. The fundamental total equilibrium equations for the problem are
derived. An algorithm is presented based on a coupling between an iterative
tangent stiffness approach and a finite-difference scheme for evaluating the spatial
response of the materially nonlinear columns. The effect of partial end re-
straints, as well as the individual and combined influence of crookedness and
residual stresses is also explained by means of load-deflection, and bending
stiffness degradation curves. Several interesting conclusions are drawn regard-
ing the behavior of columns as affected by end restraints, imperfections and


Hollow rectangular metal columns are efficient members for use in

constructing building frames d u e to their significant structural stiffness
as compared to that of the open-section columns. Although some re-
search has been conducted in the past on beam-columns with hollow
rectangular sections (Refs. 1-3, 5), no work has been published in the
past on axially loaded columns having initial imperfections a n d biaxial
partial end restraints. In Ref. 5, the first writer a n d McVinnie have pre-
sented a study of perfect, pinned-end beam-columns. Results of a the-
oretical study of the inelastic behavior of imperfect mild steel n o n s w a y
hollow rectangular columns subjected only to a gradually increasing ax-
ial load, and with practical dimensions a n d various types of partial lin-
ear, elastic-plastic, and nonlinear end restraints are presented. The effect
on the column response of biaxial partial restraints in the presence or
absence of residual stresses and uniaxial or biaxial crookedness is stud-


An initially crooked column, BT, of length, L, with partial biaxial end

restraints is s h o w n schematically in Fig. 1. The column is subjected to
a gradually increasing axial thrust, P, until the column m a x i m u m load
is reached. The origin of the longitudinal ordinate, z, is at B. The total
displacements, Lf and V, including the initial crookedness, «,- and vt, in
'Presented at the October 17-21, 1983, ASCE Annual Convention held in
Houston, Tex.
'Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Va. 23508.
Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
Ind. 46556.
Note.—Discussion open until September 1, 1985. To extend the closing date
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication
on May 8, 1984. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
I l l , No. 4, April, 1985. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/85/0004-0758/$01.00. Paper No.


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

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n i t i a l l y crooked column

Deflected column

FIG. 1.—Imperfect Column With Biaxial Partial Restraints

the x and y directions, respectively, are given by

U=Uj + u (1)
V=vf +v (2)
in which u and v = displacements d u e to P, The initial crookedness in
the xz and yz planes is given, respectively, by
M; = umsin — (3)

Vi = voi sin — (4)

i.e., a half sine-wave is assumed in each plane with m i d s p a n ampli-

tudes, uoi a n d voi. The b e n d i n g restraints of the m e m b e r s a n d connec-
tions at the ends, B and T, are depicted by partial rotational springs with
stiffnesses, kBx, kBy, kTx, a n d kTy, as s h o w n in Fig. 1. Reactions, R^. a n d
Ry, also develop due to e n d spring m o m e n t s , mBx, mTx, mBy, a n d m Ty ,'
at B and T. The external m o m e n t s , M x and M y , for any section at a
distance, z, from the base of the column are given by

Mx = PV - mBx - - (mTx - mBx) (5)

M y = -PU + mBy + - (mTy - mBy) (6)

Fig. 2 shows the rectangular cross section of the column with width B,

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

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FIG. 2.—Column Cross Section and Residual Stress Distribution

depth, D, and thickness, t. The residual stress distribution is also shown

in this figure with the cross-sectional corners having a tensile stress of
ffr/, and the midpoints of all four walls having compressive stresses of
<rrc. The residual stresses are assumed to vary in a piecewise-linear man-
ner and are constant across the thickness of the plates. This pattern of
residual stress distribution is practical and has been used by Ballio and
Campanini (1) in a study of uniaxially loaded members. The material of
the column has an idealized elastic-plastic stress-strain (cr-e) relationship
as shown in Fig. 3 in both tension and compression, in which £ = Young's
modulus; a y = yield stress; and ey = yield strain. In the inelastic range,
unloading along the a-e relationship is assumed, since under monotonic
loading no significant unloading occurs till the maximum load is at-
tained. In this analysis, deflections are considered small; shear defor-
mations neglected; and the cross section considered to have appropriate
dimensions so as not to allow the development of local buckling. Also,
only axial and biaxial flexural deformations are considered since the col-
umn twisting deflections are negligibly small when the cross section is
hollow rectangular (5).

FIG. 3.—Material Stress-Strain Relationship


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.


The total normal strain at any point (x,y) on a cross section is ex-
pressed as follows:
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e = €0 - 4>„* + $xy + er (7)

in which e0 = average axial strain; <$>x, and 4>y = the curvatures about
the x and the y axes of the section, respectively, and er = residual strain.
Here, tensile strains are considered positive. Also, warping strains are
neglected consistent with ignoring the twisting deflections. Thus, a total
of three equilibrium equations are required for the column in Fig. 1 as

P= - <rtdA-
d,dA - vYdA (8)
J A,r

M,. = <reydA+ \ oYydA (9)


My = - ucxdA- (TYxdA (10)

JA, J A,,

in which P = applied axial load; Mv and Mv are given by Eqs. 5 and 6;

dA = elemental area on the cross section, and cr = stress on that area;
subscripts, e and p, = elastic and plastic parts, respectively, of a partially
plastified section; and JA = cross-sectional integration. Using Eqs. 1-7
and the elastic-plastic cr-e relationship, and noting that <t>T = — v" and <|>v
= u", Eqs. 8-10 take the following form:
-EAee0 + ESye u" + ESxe v" - Pr - PP = P (11)
-ESxee0 + EI^u" + EIxev" - Mm - Mxp + P(v, + v)
= mBx + r {mTx - mBx) (12)
-ESyee0 + Elyeu" + EI^v" - Myre - Mw + P{Ui + u)
= mBy + - (mTy - mBy) (13)

in which the primes = differentiation relative to z; the three variables

dependent upon z are e 0 , u, and v; and the other terms are defined as

Ae = dA (14)

Sxe= I ydA (15)


Sye= xdA ' (16)


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

Pr= \ <TrdA.... (17)

Pp = aY dA ...
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he = y2dA ...

lye = x1 dA ...
hye = xydA ..
J A,
Mm= <srydA (22)
J A,

Myre = I <jrxdA (23)


MXfl = CTY y dA (24)


Myp = I <JY xdA (25)

(T, = E 6 .
The coefficients in Eqs. 11-13 given by Eqs. 14-26 are all dependent
upon the extent of plastification across the various sections along the
column length. The extent of plastification, in turn, is dependent upon
e 0 , u, and v which vary with the axial load, P. These coefficients, there-
fore, vary with P and are unknown functions of e 0 , u, and v making the
simultaneous system of differential Eqs. 11-13 materially nonlinear.


Figs. 4(a-b) show the typical moment-rotation characteristics for the

partial rotational restraints at z = 0 and L about the x and y axes. In
these figures, \m\ = the absolute moment of a typical end spring; and 9
= corresponding end slope. For the restraining springs shown in Fig.
1, m = mBx, mTx, mBy, and mTy corresponding to 0 = v'(0), v'(L) u'(0),
and u '(L), respectively. In Fig. 4(a), k = spring stiffness and is equal to
kBx i kTx, kBy, and kTy corresponding to the appropriate |m|-0 relationship.
The spring moment, m at z = 0 corresponding to Fig. 4(A), is defined as
m = fc0; 0 > 0 (27)
In Fig. 4(b), an elastic-plastic moment-rotation curve is shown, in which
\mv\ = absolute value of the spring plastic moment; and 9p = value of

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.


Ay !
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0i I°I


a] ]
! ! to
le a l le b l Pe|

FIG. 4.—Moment-Rotation Characteristics of End Restraints

slope as soon as mp is developed. The m value in Fig. 4(b) at z = 0 is

defined as follows:
m = Jt8; 0 < 0 < 6p (28)
m = mp; 6 s Qp (29)
In Fig. 4(c), a trilinear approximation of a nonlinear moment-rotation
curve is shown, in which k„, h, and kc = successive slopes of the tri-
linear relationship; and \ma\ and \mb\ = corresponding first and second
absolute values of the spring yield moments, respectively. Here, the spring
moment m at z = 0 for the various 6 ranges is given as follows:
m = k„Q; 0 <.8 < 6„ (30)
m = Qa(K -kb) + 6kb; 9„ < 6 < 9„ (31)
m = UK ~ h) + 0b(h -K) + kcQ; 6 > 66 (32)
Similar spring moment equations can be written for z = L.
Eqs. 12 and 13 applied at z = 0 and z = L give the four natural bound-
ary conditions reflecting the influence of end restraint characteristics.
Also, since the lateral translation of the column ends is prevented, the
following boundary conditions are enforced:
H(0) = u(L) = v(0) = v{L) = 0 (33)

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

For columns with equal end restraints, the conditions at z = L in Eq. 33
are replaced by the following symmetry conditions:
; (34)
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The algorithm given by Razzaq (6) for planar analysis of partially re-
strained /-section columns is extended herein to solve Eqs. 11-13 for
spatial analysis of hollow rectangular columns. The procedure is based
on satisfying the compatibility of lateral deflections, u and v, by an it-
erative finite-difference scheme through the flexural Eqs. 12 and 13 while
satisfying the axial force and biaxial flexure equilibrium Eqs. 11-13 at
several cross sections along the column length by the tangent stiffness
approach given in Ref. 7. The second order finite central difference ver-
sion of Eqs. 12 and 13 applied at N equally spaced nodes over the in-
ternal [0,L] and the boundary conditions given by Eq. 33 leads to the
following system of simultaneous equations:
[KM] = {M} (35)
in which [Kt] = tangent stiffness coefficient matrix of the order 2N + 4;
{A} = a lateral deflection (u and v) vector; and {M} = a "load" vector. A
column with equal end restraints is analyzed with N nodes over the
interval [0,L/2] and using the symmetry conditions outlined previously.
In the elastic range, [Kt] and {M} are explicitly defined, and Eq. 35 can
be solved directly. In the inelastic range, the coefficients in [Kt] become
dependent upon the inelastic cross-sectional properties at various nodes
along the column length and are evaluated using the procedure in Ref.
7. The overall solution scheme is given as follows:

1. Specify a small axial load, P = P j , in the elastic range. Formulate

Eq. 35 using the elastic sectional properties, and solve for {A} = {A}i.
2. Compute external nodal moments {Mx}i, {Mv}1; bending curva-
tures {§x}i, {<t>i/}i; and axial strains {e0}i in the elastic range correspond-
ing tO Px .
3. Increase Px to P2 = Pi + 8P, in which 8P is a small load increment.
Solve Eq. 35 for {A}. Compute external nodal moments {Mx}2 and {My}2
corresponding to P 2 .
4. Using P,, {Mx}i, {My},, {ejj, {fch, {^h , P 2 , {Mx}2, {My}2, and
e r , compute {§x}2, {<i>y}2 and {e„}2 using the procedure in Ref. 7.
5. Using {<$>x}2, {<t>y}2/ fe,}2/ a n d € r , obtain the normal strain distri-
bution across the cross section at each node along z.
6. With the geometric characteristics of the unyielded core defined
in Step 5, obtain a new deformation vector {A} using Eq. 35.
7. With P2 and {A} from Step 6, compute external moments {Mx}3 and
8. If \{MX}3 - {Mx}2\ > {p}, and \{My}3 - {Mv}2\ > {p}, in which p =
tolerance taken as 0.01%, go to Step 9; otherwise set ?! = P 2 ; {MJi =
{Mx}2; {My}x = {My}2; {^ = {^2; {^ = {§y}2; {e0}i = {eD}2; and go to
Step 3.

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

9. Set [Mx}2 = {M.T}3; {M,}2 = {A^}3; and go to Step 4.
10. Repeat Steps 3-8 until the maximum load-carrying capacity of the
column is reached.

The axial load increment, SP, is held constant throughout the elastic
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range. In the inelastic range, it is reduced so as to eventually obtain the

column maximum load within 0.002 times the cross-sectional squash load,
PY, defined as follows:
PY = <ry A (36)
Also, based on a convergence study, a total of five nodes over the in-
terval [0,L/2] was found to be adequate for columns with equal end re-
straints. For columns with unequal end restraints, nine nodes were re-
quired over the interval, [0,L]. To evaluate the cross-sectional summations
according to the procedure in Ref. 7, each wall of the cross section was
divided into 11 equal elements. To assure convergence, the criteria pre-
sented in Ref. 6 was used.


Although no results were previously published for partially restrained

hollow rectangular columns with biaxial imperfections, some limited re-
sults are available for the planar behavior of columns with various
boundary conditions such as those in Refs. 1 and 4. Table 1 presents a
comparison of some results from these references to those obtained us-
ing the analysis given in the present paper. Various terms in this table
are defined as follows: CN = column number; L/r = slenderness ratio;
CI and C2 = hollow square cross sections with dimensions 7.0 x 7.0 x
0.7 in. (17.78 x 17.78 x 1.78 cm), and 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.1 in. (2.54 x 2.54
x 0.25 cm), respectively; k = rotational stiffness of the spring at each of
the column ends; o>, = dimensionless tensile residual stress defined as

TABLE 1 .-^-Comparison of Maximum Column Loads

k, in (Ty, in Refer-
Cross inches- kips per ence
sec- kips per square num-
CN L/r tion radian inch ovi ber Reference Analysis
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 37.06 • CI 0.00 34.08 0.5 1 0.930 0.940
2 55.60 CI 0.00 34.08 0.5 1 0.870 0.860
3 74.13 CI 0.00 34.08 0.5 1 0.770 0.760
4 49.21 C2 14.57 38.10 0.0 4 0.910 0.890
5 49.21 C2 41.90 38.10 0.0 4 0.960 0.960
6 49.21 C2 940.00 38.10 0.0 4 0.960 0.960
7 54.63 C2 0C 38.10 0.0 4 0.990 0.970
8 85.63 C2 940.00 38.10 0.0 4 0.960 0.960 .
9 91.05 C2 X 38.10 0.0 4 0.960 0.960
10 140.24 C2 940.00 38.10 0.0 4 0.810 0.780
11 145.66 C2 X 38.10 0.0 4 0.830 0.810
Note: 1 kip = 453 kg; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

*„ = - (37)

in which urt = maximum tensile residual stress shown in Fig. 2; and Pmax
= dimensionless column maximum load given by
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Pmax = ~ (38)

in which Pmax = column maximum load. For these columns, initial crook-
edness was taken as uoi = L/1,000 and vai = L/100,000, although no mea-
surements of initial crookedness are given for columns 4-11 in Ref. 4.
The maximum difference between the P max values is less than 4%.


The effect of biaxial partial end restraints on the behavior of nearly

straight, uniaxially crooked, or biaxially crooked columns in the pres-
ence or absence of residual stresses is investigated by means of com-
puter programs based on the solution procedure presented in this paper.
For the columns studied herein, E and crr are taken as 29,000 ksi (200.0
x 106 kN/m 2 ), and 46 ksi (317,285 kN/m 2 ), respectively, to define the
cr-e relationship of Fig. 3. Columns with a 7.0 x 7.0 x 0.375 in. (17.78
x 17.78 X 0.952 cm) hollow square section, and an 8 x 6 x 0.375 in.
(20.32 x 15.24 x 0.952 cm) hollow rectangular section, with lengths of
96, 144, and 192 in. (243.84, 365.76, and 487.68 cm) are analyzed. When
residual stresses are present following the pattern shown in Fig. 2, the
crrt and <jK values are taken as 0.5<Ty, and -0.2a Y , respectively. Also, the
words "nearly straight" and "crooked" are used for midspan amplitudes
equal to a and b, respectively, due to initial out-of-straightness, and are
defined as follows:


b= (40)
v ;
For the specific column studies presented, the following four different
initial spring stiffness values are used: k1 = 0.0 kip-in./rad (0.0 kN-cm/
rad); k2 = 5,397.22 kip-in. /rad (61,004.8 kN-cm/rad); k3 = 15,506.94 kip-
in./rad (175,274.9 kN-cm/rad); and k4 = 15 x 1015 kip-in./rad (169.54 x
1015 kN-cm/rad). The value of kx represents a pinned condition. The k2
value is provided by a 5 x 5 x 0.1875 in. (12.7 x 12.7 X 0.4762 cm)
hollow square restraining beam with a length, Lb = 12 ft (3.66 m), and
equals 2EIb/Lb, in which /,, = moment of inertia of the beam. The k3
value is obtained similarly by a 7.0 X 7.0 x 0.375 in. (17.78 x 17.78 X
0.952 cm) hollow square restraining beam. The stiffness, k4, simulates
a nearly fixed condition. The values of the plastic spring moments and
stiffnesses for piecewise-linear restraints to define the relationships in
Figs. 4(b-c) are given later.
Hollow Square Imperfect Columns with Equal Linear Rotational End
Restraints.—Table 2 summarizes the results for a total of 72 columns

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

TABLE 2.—Hollow Square Imperfect Columns with Equal Linear Rotational End
CTrt = 0.0 a„ = 0.5 <jrl = 0.0 o>, = 0.5 9,i = 0.0 <T„ = 0.5
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L/r k CN ' max CN Pmax CN Pmax CN Pmax CN Pmax CN "max

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
35.82 h 12 0.998 24 0.980 36 0.955 48 0.937 60 0.939 72 0.914
53.73 h 13 0.998 25 0.926 37 0.896 49 0.855 61 0.871 73 0.810
71.64 h 14 0.987 26 0.815 38 0.810 50 0.747 62 0.753 74 0.708
35.82 h 15 0.998 27 0.994 39 0.960 51 0.951 63 0.949 75 0.939
53.73 16 0.998 28 0.967 40 0.924 52 0.890 64 0.894 76 0.858
71.64 h 17 0.987 29 0.876 41 0.855 53 0.803 65 0.803 77 0.762
35.82 h 18 0.998 30 0.988 42 0.967 54 0.967 66 0.962 78 0.962
53.72 h 19 0.998 31 0.983 43 0.939 55 0.928 67 0.924 79 0.908
71.64 h 20 0.987 32 0.942 44 0.896 56 0.862 68 0.862 80 0.826
35.82 h 21 0.998 33 0.998 45 0.978 57 0.976 69 0.973 81 0.972
53.73 22 0.998 34 0.996 46 0.967 58 0.960 70 0.960 82 0.951
71.64 h 23 0.998 35 0.980 47 0.953 59 0.935 71 0.937 83 0.917

numbered (CN) 12-83. Referring to Figs. 1 and 4(a), the end spring stiff-
nesses for these columns are defined as follows:
fc ksx = KBy = kTx = kTy (41)
In this table, the P m a x values corresponding to three slenderness ratios
(L/r), and four k values are presented for nearly straight, uniaxially
crooked, and biaxially crooked columns with or without residual stresses.
Columns 12-35 are nearly straight («„,- = a; voi = a); columns 36-59 are
uniaxially crooked («„,- = a; voi = b) a n d columns 60-83 are biaxially crooked
(w oi = v_oi = b ) .
The P max for the nearly straight columns 12-23 without residual stresses
are all close to unity for various k a n d L/r values. With residual stresses,
however, the effects of k a n d L/r on P m a x become noticeable for columns
24-35. The effect of L/r on P m a x is most p r o n o u n c e d w h e n k = 0 a n d
diminishes with increasing k. The e n d spring m o m e n t s for columns 1 2 -
35 at P max were all negligibly small.
The uniaxially crooked columns 3 6 - 4 7 become inelastic only in the
vicinity of P m a x , at the midspan. The P m a x for these columns are affected
both by k a n d L/r. The effect of L/r on P m a x diminishes considerably with
increasing k. The effects of k and L/r on P m a x are more p r o n o u n c e d w h e n
residual stresses are included. The m a x i m u m e n d spring m o m e n t de-
velops for column 59 at P m a x a n d is 0.097 M y , in which
My = ay x sectional m o d u l u s about y (42)
The biaxially crooked columns 60-71 without residual stresses also ex-
hibit dependence u p o n k and L/r. With residual stresses, this depen-
dence is further magnified. The maximum e n d spring m o m e n t develops
for column 83 at P m a x and is also 0.097 My .
The relationships between the dimensionless load given by

and the total midspan deflection, Vc, in the y direction for the p i n n e d

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

columns 13, 25, 37, 49, 61 and 73 with L/r = 53.73, and for various
combinations of crookedness and residual stresses are shown in Fig. 5.
The corresponding bending stiffness degradation curves for these col-
umns are shown in Fig. 6. The dimensionless determinant, D, is defined
as follows:
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D (44)
in which \[Kt]\0 = determinant for zero axial load. The results in Fig. 5
show that residual stresses alone have a less detrimental effect on the
column strength than uniaxial crookedness alone. The biaxial crooked-
ness alone appears to be less detrimental than the combined effect of
uniaxial crookedness and residual stresses for columns 61 versus 49.
However, a comparison of P max for columns 48, 50-59, to those for col-
umns 60, 62-71 (see Table 2), respectively, shows that the biaxial crook-
edness alone has almost the same effect on the column strength as the
uniaxial crookedness and residual stresses combined. Also, the biaxially
crooked columns are weaker than the uniaxially crooked columns. Fig.
6 shows that the D-P relationship remains identical in the elastic range
for the six columns under consideration. Beyond the elastic range, the
D-P curves follow different descending paths, depending upon the type
of imperfections, and end at different locations along the P axis. A com-
parison of the inelastic portions of the D-P curve for column 25 (with
residual stresses) to that of column 37 (with uniaxial crookedness) re-
veals that although the former one experiences earlier stiffness degra-
dation due to early yielding, it is still stronger than the later one. The

- t
• CN 25 INS.WR)

CN37 l U C W R I ' ^
CN61 (BCNR)-"""

j \CN49(UC,WRI
/ CN 73 [BC.WRI


NS=Nearly Straight
UC=Uniaxiolly Crooked
BC=Biaxially Crooked
NR=No Residual Stresses
WR=With Residual Stresses

0.1 02 03 04 0.20 040 0.60


FIG. 5.—Load-Deflection Curves for FIG. 6.—Bending Stiffness Degrada-

Pinned Hollow Square Imperfect Col- tion Curves for Pinned Hollow Square
umns Imperfect Columns


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

distribution of yielding along the column length, therefore, appears to
be playing an important role in determining the column strength. Thus,
although the initiation of yielding in column 37 is delayed (in compar-
ison to column 25), the somewhat greater localization and intensity of
plastic action around its m i d s p a n d u e to the presence of crookedness,
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"kill it" faster than column 25. In general, however, t h e relative column
strengths m u s t be d e p e n d e n t u p o n the relative degrees of crookedness
and residual stresses, and the ensuing distributions of yielding along the
column length. Figs. 7 and 8 respectively, show the P-Vc a n d D-P curves
for columns 19, 31, 43, 55, 67 a n d 79, with L/r = 53.73; k = k3; and for
various combinations of crookedness a n d residual stresses. These curves
for the partially restrained columns are similar in nature to those in Figs.
5 and 6, respectively, for the p i n n e d columns, with two exceptions. The
restrained imperfect columns carry higher loads, and their bending stiff-
ness degradation occurs at a slower rate with increasing P than that of
the p i n n e d columns.
The effect of uniaxial crookedness on P m a x may be observed by com-
paring the results in Table 2 for columns 12-23 to 36-47, respectively.
Also, the effect of biaxial crookedness on P m a x m a y be observed by com-
paring the results of columns 12-23 to 6 0 - 7 1 , respectively. The detri-
mental effect of uniaxial or biaxial crookedness is intensified by both an
increase in L/r and a decrease in k. This conclusion applies also to the
crooked columns with residual stresses.
Of all the hollow square imperfect columns analyzed in the presence
of equal linear rotational end restraints (Table 2), those with both biaxial
crookedness and residual stresses are the weakest. Fig. 9 presents re-
lationships between P m a x a n d k for these columns. It is seen that each


\Q( \CN55(UC,WR)

It^ \ \ CN79IBC.WR)

\ CNi3(UC,NR!

NS = Nearly Straight
UC Uniaxially Crooked
BC= Biaxially Crooked
NR= No Residual Stresses
WR= With Residual Stresses

020 040 060 081


FIG. 7.—Load-Deflection Curves for FIG. 8.—Bending Stiffness Degrada-

Partially Restrained Hollow Square Im- tion Curves for Partially Restrained
perfect Columns Hollow Square Imperfect Columns


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

=—"~~=~^~^~\T\ \— ^_^_j^-=^-1 ~ —
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^ L/r=35.82
^ L/r=5373


k k, =kT = k
Bx= Tx By Ty

k (10J kip-in/rad)

FIG. 9.—Influence of End Restraint on Strength of Biaxially Crooked Hollow Square

Columns With Residual Stresses

of the three solid curves in this figure becomes relatively flat beyond
some moderate value of k.
Effect of Spring Stiffness Ratio on the Strength of Hollow Square
Imperfect Columns.—The results for columns 84-89 in Table 3, and for
columns 73, 76, 79, and 82 in Table 2 may be used to study the effect
of varying the end restraint stiffness ratio, kx/ky, on P max , such that
kx = kBx = kTx (45)
Kj = kBy = kTy (46)
These columns have an L/r = 53.73, and possess both biaxial crooked-
ness and residual stresses. Fig. 10 shows Pmax versus kx curves for var-
ious constant values of ky . As kx increases, the difference between Pmax
values increases as ky is varied from zero to infinity.
The results for columns 90-95 in Table 3, and for columns 73, 76, 79

TABLE 3.—Hollow Square Imperfect Columns with Various Spring Stiffness

CN 1 K K- Pmax CN h fcx p
•*• m a x
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
84 *i k2 0.833 90 h k2 0.833
85 h h 0.846 91 h k, 0.855
86 *i k< 0.853 92 *i h 0.901
87 h k3 0.878 93 k2 k3 0.871
88 k2 h 0.887 94 k2 k4 0.912
89 h K 0.924 95 L_ ^
k, 0.921


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

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k„MO kip~in/rod]

FIG. 10.—Effect of kjky Ratio on Strength of Biaxially Crooked Hollow Square

Columns With Residual Stresses

and 82 in Table 2 may be used to study the effect of the ratio, kB/kT,
between the top and bottom end restraint stiffnesses, on P m a x , such that
kB = kBx = kBy (47)
KT — KT ^Ty < (48)

kg (10 kip-in/rod]

FIG. 11.—Effect of kB/kT Ratio on Strength of Biaxially Crooked Hollow Square

Columns With Residual Stresses

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

The results are shown in Fig. 11 in which the curves relating Pmax to kB
are presented for constant values of kT. As kB increases, the difference
between Pmax values decreases as kT is varied from zero to infinity. This
result is opposite to that observed in the Pmax versus kx curves in Fig.
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Hollow Rectangular Imperfect Columns with Equal Linear Rotational

End Restraints.—Table 4 summarizes the results for a total of 32 hollow
rectangular section columns numbered (CN) 96-127, each having a length
of 144 in. (365.76 cm); L/rx = 48.65; and L/ry = 61.02, in which rx and
rv are, respectively, the radii of gyration about the x and y axes. Only
the case of equal end restraints is considered (see Eq. 41). The um•, voi
values are taken as a, a; a, b; b, a; and b, b respectively, for columns 96-
103 (nearly straight in both the xz and yz planes); 104-111 (nearly straight
in the xz plane, and crooked in the yz plane); 112-119 (crooked in the
xz plane, and nearly straight in the yz plane); and 120-127 (crooked in
both the xz and yz planes).
The Pmax for the nearly perfect columns 96, 98, 100 and 102 are almost
unity. With residual stresses, k affects Pmax for columns 99, 101, and 103,
compared to that for column 97. For columns 96-103, the end spring
moment at Pmax is quite small.
For columns 104, 106, 108, and 110, crooked mainly in the yz plane
and with no residual stresses, Pmax are within a small range of one an-
other. With residual stresses, the effect of k on Pmax for columns 105,
107, 109 and 111 is somewhat enlarged. The maximum end spring mo-
ment at Pmax is 0.052 MY and is obtained for column 111.
The initially stress-free columns 112, 114, 116 and 118 are crooked mainly
in the xz plane. The Pmax for the fixed-end column 118 is 9.6% higher
than that for the pinned column 112. With residual stresses, the fixed-
end column 119 carries 17.1% higher load than pinned column 113, in-
dicating a greater dependence on k than the initially stress-free columns.
The maximum end spring moment at Pmax is 0.071 MY and is obtained
for column 119.
The Pmax for the biaxially crooked fixed-end column 126 is 11.3% higher
than that for the pinned column 120, both without residual stresses. With
residual stresses, the fixed-end column 127 carries 17.9% higher load
than the pinned column 121, indicating a greater dependence on k than

TABLE 4.—Hollow Rectangular Imperfect Columns with Equal End Restraints

"m "of

a, a a, b b,a b, b
k v„ CN p
CN p CN P,„ax CN p
max * max max
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
fci 0.0 96 0.987 104 0.924 112 0.878 120 0.858
fci 0.5 97 0.878 105 0.869 113 0.808 121 0.799
k2 0.0 98 0.998 106 0.935 114 0.896 122 0.887
k2 0.5 99 0.933 107 0.910 115 0.855 123 0.844
k3 0.0 100 0.998 108 0.949 116 0.919 124 0.917
h 0.5 101 0.976 109 0.942 117 0.905 125 0.894
h 0.0 102 0.998 110 0.971 118 0.962 126 0.955
h 0.5 103 0.998 111 0.967 119 0.946 127 0.942


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

/- CN97(a,o)
/ - C N 97(a,al
-CN105( _ tyC.CNIWJb.a.
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"0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 07 "0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


FIG. 12.—Load-Deflection Curves for Biaxially Pinned Hollow Rectangular Imper-

fect Columns

the initially stress-free columns. The maximum end spring moment at

Pm„ is 0.076 My and is obtained for columns 125 and 127.
The results in Table 4 also show that the residual stresses reduce Pmax
for the pinned end condition by at most 11% (column 97 versus 96);
however, their effect diminishes very rapidly with an increase in k. Also,
biaxial crookedness alone reduces Pmax by at most 13.1% (column 120
versus 96) and is more detrimental to column strength than uniaxial
crookedness in the xz or yz plane.
Figs. \2(a-b) show plots of P versus the total midspan deflections, Uc,
and Vc, for pinned columns 97, 105, 113 and 121 with residual stresses

0.2 02

(a) (W
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


FIG. 13.—Load-Deflection Curves for Hollow Rectangular Imperfect Columns With

Biaxial Partial Restraints

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

1 00
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°0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0

k (103 kip-in/rad)

FIG. 14.—Influence of End Restraint on Strength of Hollow Rectangular Imperfect

Columns With Biaxial Partial Restraints

and various crookednesses. Also, Figs. 13(a-b) show the corresponding

curves for columns 101, 109, 117 and 125 with residual stresses and re-
straint k3. The nature of the load-deflection curves for columns 113 and
121 shown in Fig. 12 is as expected. However, the response of column
105 is intriguing in that it deflects about the major axis rather than the
minor axis of the column cross section. This is because the crookedness
in the yz plane governs the column behavior as opposed to the minor
axis strength of the column. Similar behavior is exhibited by the partially
restrained column 109, as indicated in Fig. 13. Also, in the presence of
residual stresses, the strength of the columns crooked mainly in the xz
plane is practically the same as that of the biaxially crooked ones. Thus,
the crookedness in the yz plane has almost no effect on the column
The effect of end restraint on Pmax for columns with residual stresses,
and which are crooked in the xz plane, the yz plane, or biaxially, is shown
graphically in Fig. 14. It is seen that each of the three solid curves in
this figure becomes relatively flat beyond some moderate value of k.
For both the square and rectangular hollow section columns studied,
Pmax is associated with a complete plastification at and around the mid-
Hollow Square Imperfect Columns with Linear, Elastic^Plastic, and
Trilinear Rotational End Restraints.—Table 5 summarizes the results of
six biaxially crooked (b,b) hollow square section columns numbered (CN)
128-133, each with an L/r of 53.73, possessing residual stresses and dif-
ferent boundary conditions. With reference to Fig. 4, the three types of
restraint conditions used in various combinations for these columns are
defined as follows:

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

TABLE 5.—-Hollow Square Imperfect Columns with Linear, Elastic-Plastic, and
Trillnear End Restraints
At 2 = 0 At 2 = I
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CN About x About y About x About y p

(D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
128 Linear Elastic-plastic Linear Elastic-plastic 0.878
129 Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic 0.874
130 Linear Trilinear Linear Trilinear 0.878
131 Trilinear Trilinear Trilinear Trilinear 0.874
132 Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic Linear 0.867
133 Trilinear Trilinear Trilinear Linear 0.865

1. Linear: k = k3.
2. Elastic-Plastic: k = k3; and \mv\ = m„.
3. Trilinear: ka = k3; kb = 0.5 k3; kc = k1; \m„\ = 0.5 m„; and \mb\ = m0.

In the elastic-plastic and trilinear conditions, m0 is taken as 30.0 kip-

in. (339.09 kN-cm). The bottom end restraints (at z = 0) for columns 128-
131 are identical to those at the top end (at z = L). The bottom and the
top end restraints for columns 132 and 133 are identical only about the
x axis, as indicated in Table 5. The nature of load-deflection and D-P
curves for these columns is similar to those with linear restraints. The
bilinear restraints result in somewhat larger deflections beyond a certain
P level, as compared with those with linear and elastic-plastic restraints
since the trilinear restraints are "softer."


Within the range of the parameters considered, the following conclu-

sions are drawn from this study:

1. The finite difference equilibrium formulation coupled with the tan-

gent stiffness approach provides a powerful means of analyzing hollow
rectangular steel columns with biaxial partial restraints.
2. Residual stresses are less detrimental to column strength than
3. The strength of nearly-perfect columns studied is not dependent
upon slenderness, nor the degree of end restraint.
4. For crooked columns with or without residual stresses, an increase
in the degree of end fixity increases the column strength.
5. The effect of varying the slenderness on column strength de-
creases with an increase in the degree of end fixity for crooked columns.
6. The specific hollow rectangular columns studied, with crooked-
ness mainly in the yz plane, develop deflections primarily in the same
plane, i.e., the minor axis strength does not govern.
7. With residual stresses, the strength of hollow rectangular columns
studied with crookedness mainly in the xz plane, is practically the same
as that of the biaxially crooked ones.
8. For columns with elastic-plastic restraints, a relatively small or no

J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

gain in the strength is observed beyond plastification of the e n d re-
9. The columns with elastic-plastic restraints have nearly the same
strength as those with trilinear ones, if they have the same m a x i m u m
restraint plastic moment.
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10. The attainment of the column maximum load is always associated

with a severe or complete plastification at a n d around the midspan.


The thoughtful comments of the reviewers are sincerely appreciated.


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2. Chen, W. F., and Atsuta, T., Theory of Beam Columns, Vol. 2, McGraw-Hill,
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3. Johnston, B. G., ed., Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, 3rd
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4. Jain, A. K., Goel, S. C , and Hanson, R. D., "Inelastic Response of Restrained
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5. Razzaq, Z., and McVinnie, W. W., "Rectangular Tubular Steel Columns Loaded
Biaxially," Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. 10(4), 1983, pp. 475-493.
6. Razzaq, Z., "End Restraint Effect on Steel Column Strength," Journal of Struc-
tural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 2, Feb., 1983, pp. 314-334.
7. Santathadaporn, S., and Chen, W. F., "Tangent Stiffness Method for Biaxial
Bending," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 98, No. ST1, Jan., 1972,
pp. 153-163.


J. Struct. Eng. 1985.111:758-776.

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