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Alpha-2-agonists in day case anaesthesia

Ian Smith
University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-on- Purpose of review
Trent, Staffordshire, UK
Alpha-2-agonists have long been known to have anaesthetic-sparing, sedative and
Correspondence to Dr Ian Smith, BSc, MD, FRCA, analgesic properties which are desirable in day case anaesthesia. Their routine use was
Directorate of Anaesthesia, University Hospital of
North Staffordshire, Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, hampered by a high incidence of undesirable effects, however. In recent years, there
Staffordshire ST4 6QG, UK have been many attempts to define a role for these unique agents in which their benefits
Tel: +44 1782 553054;
e-mail: would outweigh their apparent disadvantages.
Recent findings
Current Opinion in Anesthesiology 2011,
Many recent studies have confirmed the usefulness of alpha-2-agonists in providing
sedation and analgesia, although the results have been far from consistent. Some, but
by no means all studies have shown advantages over alternative agents, but concerns
also remain over acute and possible long-term adverse effects.
Alpha-2-agonists still have no clearly defined routine role in day surgery. Their most
promising application is in limiting recovery agitation in children, but even here, there
remain concerns about their routine use.

ambulatory anaesthesia, analgesia, clonidine, dexmedetomidine, sedation

Curr Opin Anesthesiol 24:644–648

ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

[2]; however, remifentanil was associated with faster

Introduction recovery, whereas dexmedetomidine reduced postopera-
Since the early 1990s, alpha-2-agonists, such as clonidine tive nausea, vomiting and analgesic requirements.
and the more selective dexmedetomidine, have been Another study found that premedication with oral
known to have anaesthetic-sparing, sedative and analge- clonidine increased the proportion of patients who were
sic properties, suggesting they would be useful in day completely free from nausea and vomiting after ear
case anaesthesia. However, many early studies found surgery from 33 to 67% [3]. This level of response is
these useful properties to be accompanied by equally typical of that achieved with single-agent prophylaxis and
undesirable effects, such as hypotension, bradycardia and it is unfortunate that no comparison was made with any of
prolonged recovery, which limited their routine use. the established antiemetics.
Subsequent research has tried to refine the appropriate
dose and find suitable applications in which benefits can The analgesic properties of alpha-2 agonists are alluring,
be achieved without adverse effects. How successful has but difficult to exploit without accompanying adverse
this work been? effects. Used after laparoscopic sterilization, 0.4 mg/kg
dexmedetomidine reduced postoperative pain to a com-
parable degree to oxycodone, 60 mg/kg [4]. However,
Adult applications
dexmedetomidine was slower acting, requiring three
The earliest applications of alpha-2-agonists were as an
bolus doses compared to one with oxycodone, produced
anaesthetic and analgesia adjuvant and for procedural
more sedation and resulted in bradycardia for which
sedation. More recently, they have also been evaluated as
a third of the patients required atropine.
adjuvants to regional anaesthesia.
Sedative applications
Supplementing general anaesthesia The sedative and analgesic properties of alpha-2-agonists
One early study found that giving dexmedetomidine have resulted in extensive evaluation of their use during
15 min before anaesthesia reduced the induction dose local anaesthetic procedures, either as premedication or
of thiopental by 37%, although this was associated with for intraprocedural sedation.
sedation and a modest delay in awakening [1]. A more
recent study showed dexmedetomidine to be comparable Given intramuscularly before cataract extraction, both
to remifentanil as an adjuvant to desflurane anaesthesia dexmedetomidine, 1 mg/kg, and midazolam, 20 mg/kg,
0952-7907 ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/ACO.0b013e328349d0da

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Alpha-2-agonists in day case anaesthesia Smith 645

produced comparable sedation, but only dexmedetomi- Key points

dine produced a useful reduction in intraocular pressure
[5]. Only minor haemodynamic effects were observed at  The potential beneficial effects of alpha-2-agonists
must be balanced against a high incidence of
this dose in these elderly patients. In a more recent study,
adverse effects, especially cardiovascular.
moderate sedation and reduction in intraocular pressure
 Alpha-2-agonists still have no routine role in day
were also observed after premedication with 100 mg/kg
surgery anaesthesia.
of clonidine, although an unacceptable degree of hypo-
 In children, alpha-2-agonists can improve analgesia
tension was observed with a higher dose of 200 mg/kg [6]. and emergence delirium, but with concerns over the
Oral premedication with morphine or midazolam before balance of risks and benefits.
facial surgery under local anaesthesia reduced pain  Alpha-2-agonists may have a useful role in specific
and anxiety, respectively, whereas 1.5 mg/kg of clonidine patients, such as those with sleep apnoea or specific
reduced both pain and anxiety with minimal haemody- sensitivities to common anaesthetic or sedative
namic disturbance and without the nausea associated supplements.
with morphine [7].

Used as an infusion during cataract surgery, dexmedeto- also improved the quality of IVRA, but this effect was no
midine produced comparable sedation to midazolam, better than that of either tramadol or sufentanil [15].
lower postoperative pain scores and minimal haemody-
namic disturbance [8]. During third molar extraction Spinal anaesthesia can extend the range of patients and
under local anaesthesia, 4 mg/kg/h of dexmedetomidine procedures suitable for day surgery, but the technique
produced comparable sedation and superior pain relief to needs to be modified such that the duration of block does
midazolam [9]. This dose of dexmedetomidine produced not compromise discharge. When added to a low-dose
no serious adverse effect and was preferred to midazolam (8 mg) ropivacaine subarachnoid block, 15 mg of clonidine
by 65% of the participants in this crossover study [9]. improved the quality of analgesia without prolongation of
In contrast, dexmedetomidine was ineffective as the sole the block or adverse systemic effects, although higher
sedative for colonoscopy when compared to midazolam– doses were associated with prolonged motor block, seda-
pethidine or fentanyl. A bolus of 1 mg/kg dexmedetomi- tion and hypotension [16]. In combination with 5 mg of
dine followed by an infusion of 0.2 mg/kg/h produced bupivacaine, 15 mg of clonidine also improved the quality
inadequate analgesia in 47% of cases, yet was associated of analgesia, but was associated with a modest increase in
with delayed recovery and an unacceptable incidence the duration of motor block and also delayed the time to
of severe hypotension and bradycardia, which led to early spontaneous voiding [17]. The same dose of clonidine
termination of the study [10]. A similar dexmedetomi- combined with 5 mg of bupivacaine achieved comparable
dine regimen was also less effective than midazolam– unilateral analgesia and similar discharge times to 6 mg of
fentanyl for sedation and analgesia during extracorporeal bupivacaine alone, but the addition of clonidine resulted
shockwave lithotripsy and again prolonged recovery in a greater degree of hypotension and requirement for
[11]. Similarly, prolonged recovery times were observed vasopressors, despite the reduced bupivacaine dose [18].
in a noncomparative evaluation of dexmedetomidine
in office-based oral and maxillofacial surgery [12]. The
authors concluded that dexmedetomidine was unsuitable Paediatric applications
for routine use in the busy office setting, but might be The two main applications of alpha-2-agonists in children
of value in patients at higher risk of respiratory compli- have been for premedication to facilitate the induction
cations, such as the obese and those with sleep apnoea. of anaesthesia and to reduce postoperative agitation while
supplementing postoperative analgesia.
Supplementing local and regional anaesthesia
Whereas the analgesic effects of systemic alpha-2-ago- Premedication
nists are associated with adverse effects [4], they may One recent meta-analysis [19] claims ‘superior effect
be more promising when used to supplement local on sedation at induction’ with clonidine compared to
anaesthesia. The addition of clonidine to preincisionally midazolam, the commonest sedative premedicant in chil-
infiltrated ropivacaine provided additional analgesia dren. However, it is difficult to understand this claim given
which outlasted the local anaesthetic effect and that this aspect of the meta-analysis included only two
decreased pain, opioid use and the time to return to studies, in one of which [20], clonidine resulted in good
normal activity after tonsillectomy [13]. For intravenous quality induction in only 50% (2 mg/kg) or 30% (4 mg/kg) of
regional anaesthesia (IVRA), dexmedetomidine, either children compared with 70% with midazolam (0.5 mg/kg).
administered as a premedicant bolus or added to the In addition, this meta-analysis failed to consider anxiety at
intravenous lidocaine, improved the quality of periopera- induction, which is at least as important as sedation. In at
tive anaesthesia and analgesia [14]. Similarly, clonidine least one study [21], clonidine premedication resulted in

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646 Ambulatory anesthesia

more intense anxiety at separation from the parents at lower doses of clonidine or bupivacaine analgesia alone
induction of anaesthesia compared with midazolam. [29]. Haemodynamic and respiratory adverse effects were
not observed at this low dose. This finding is in contrast to
The child’s perspective of clonidine premedication an earlier, but smaller, study which failed to show any
does not appear to have been sought, although in adults reduction of postoperative agitation from 1 mg/kg of caudal
only a third would be happy to receive clonidine pre- clonidine [26]. Interestingly, the addition of 1 mg/kg of
medication again in contrast to midazolam which was a clonidine to an ilioinguinal–iliohypogastric block with
more effective sedative and anxiolytic, with fewer bupivacaine also offered no apparent benefit after day
adverse events and was considered a welcome addition case herniorrhaphy or orchidopexy in children aged
in most cases [22]. 1–12 years [30]. In particular, clonidine did not reduce
the requirement for supplemental oral analgesia, either in
Postoperative agitation in children hospital or following discharge home.
Postoperative agitation is a common phenomenon in
children, especially those below school age and receiving A number of studies have shown a reduction in post-
short-acting anaesthetic agents. Although self-limiting, operative agitation in children with dexmedetomidine,
many strategies have been evaluated to try to minimize with relatively few of these reporting significant adverse
this distressing complication. Alpha-2-agonists are one events from intravenous doses ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mg/
of the several therapies which are effective in reducing kg [31,32–35] or 2.5 mg/kg orally [36]. One recent
or preventing postoperative agitation [23], an effect study found particular benefits in children with obstruc-
observed with both clonidine and dexmedetomidine, tive sleep apnoea undergoing tonsillectomy [37]. Sleep
although the former has been more widely studied. apnoea is now an important indication for tonsillectomy
and these children can be challenging to manage on a day
Clonidine resulted in significantly less emergence case basis. As well as reducing postoperative agitation,
agitation than midazolam [19] and has been shown to a perioperative infusion of dexmedetomidine improved
be effective in the prevention of emergence agitation postoperative pain scores, reduced the requirement
when administered by a wide variety of routes [24]. for postoperative opioid analgesia and resulted in signifi-
Because pain is an obvious cause of postoperative distress cantly fewer episodes of postoperative haemoglobin oxy-
in children, clonidine may be especially beneficial gen desaturation [37], all apparently without adverse
because it prolongs the effect of regional anaesthesia events. Although not the sole cause, postoperative
as well as reduces postoperative agitation. Caudal analge- agitation is obviously more likely in small children who
sia is commonly used in many paediatric day surgery are in pain and it is therefore not surprising that agents
procedures and the addition of caudal clonidine can such as alpha-2-agonists which enhance analgesia are
significantly prolong the duration of analgesia, typically also effective at reducing agitation. However, 1 mg/kg
by more than 2 h [25]. Doubts have been raised, however, of dexmedetomidine reduced agitation from 47.6 to 4.8%
about the wisdom of routinely using clonidine as a after sevoflurane anaesthesia for diagnostic MRI [38], an
supplement to day surgery anaesthesia [25]. This is based investigation which would not be expected to cause pain
on the lack of clear evidence of improved patient out- or discomfort after its completion. Dexmedetomidine
come, as well as concerns over sedative and cardiovas- did slightly prolong the time to awakening, but did not
cular side-effects and the theoretical risk of neurotoxicity. delay discharge from the recovery room or to home.

Some of these adverse effects are known to be dependent Caudal dexmedetomidine (1 mg/kg) added to bupivacaine
on the dose of clonidine used. At a dose of 3 mg/kg, has also been shown to prolong analgesia and reduce
caudal clonidine was completely effective in preventing postoperative agitation [39]. Although the benefits of
agitation after sevoflurane anaesthesia, but resulted in dexmedetomidine seem promising, one recent study
significantly lower mean arterial blood pressure [26]. concluded that there was insufficient evidence about
Caudal clonidine at a dose of 2 mg/kg failed to increase the safety of dexamethasone to recommend its routine
the time to first oral analgesia or the total requirement for use in preference to fentanyl [31].
supplemental analgesia in children undergoing lower body
day surgery procedures [27], although all these children
also received epinephrine in the analgesic mixture, which Conclusion
may have negated the advantage of clonidine. When given After more than 20 years, alpha-2-agonists have still not
before surgery, 2 mg/kg of clonidine reduced postoperative found a routine place in day case anaesthesia, despite
agitation by 57% and also significantly reduced pain and several favourable properties. Used as a sedative or to
discomfort scores [28]. In a recent study, 1 mg/kg of caudal supplement general anaesthesia, the results are highly
clonidine was reported to result in significantly less variable and often associated with adverse effects. As
agitation after sevoflurane anaesthesia compared to even supplements to local anaesthesia, they appear effective,

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Alpha-2-agonists in day case anaesthesia Smith 647

although not necessarily superior to other, better estab- 11 Zeyneloglu P, Pirat A, Candan S, et al. Dexmedetomidine causes prolonged
 recovery when compared with midazolam/fentanyl combination in outpatient
lished alternatives. shock wave lithotripsy. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008; 25:961–967.
Forty-nine patients undergoing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy received
either a bolus of 1 mg/kg dexmedetomidine followed by a continuous infusion
In paediatric day cases, they represent an alternative of 0.2 mg/kg/h or pretreatment with 0.05 mg/kg of midazolam and 1 mg/kg of
sedative premedication, but evidence of superior effect, fentanyl. Significantly, more patients receiving dexmedetomidine needed supple-
mental ‘rescue’ boluses of midazolam and fentanyl to achieve adequate conditions
especially with respect to reduction of anxiety, is limited. for the procedure and patient satisfaction was also lower compared to the
Their most effective role seems to be in the reduction standard midazolam–fentanyl technique. Recovery time, which was typically about
50 min following the standard sedation regimen, was more than doubled after
of postoperative agitation in children, where there is dexmedetomidine.
considerable evidence of their efficacy. However, even 12 Makary L, Vornik V, Finn R, et al. Prolonged recovery associated with
in this use, haemodynamic disturbances remain a valid dexmedetomidine when used as a sole sedative agent in office-based oral
and maxillofacial surgery procedures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010; 68:386–
concern and there is still doubt about their long-term 391.
safety, especially when administered perineurally. Alpha- 13 Giannoni C, White S, Enneking FK, Morey T. Ropivacaine with or without
2-agonists may have the most to offer in select groups of clonidine improves pediatric tonsillectomy pain. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg 2001; 127:1265–1270.
patients, such as those with sleep apnoea, in which the 14 Mizrak A, Gul R, Erkutlu I, et al. Premedication with dexmedetomidine alone or
sedative and respiratory depressant effects of conven- together with 0.5% lidocaine for IVRA. J Surg Res 2010; 164:242–247.
tional supplements would be especially undesirable. 15 Alayurt S, Memis D, Pamukcu Z. The addition of sufentanil, tramadol or
clonidine to lignocaine for intravenous regional anaesthesia. Anaesth Inten-
sive Care 2004; 32:22–27.
16 De Kock M, Gautier P, Fanard L, et al. Intrathecal ropivacaine and clonidine for
Acknowledgements ambulatory knee arthroscopy: a dose–response study. Anesthesiology 2001;
Conflicts of interest 94:574–578.
There are no conflicts of interest. 17 Van Tuijl I, Giezeman MJ, Braithwaite SA, et al. Intrathecal low-dose
hyperbaric bupivacaine-clonidine combination in outpatient knee arthroscopy:
a randomized controlled trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2008; 52:343–
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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
648 Ambulatory anesthesia

29 Ghosh SM, Agarwala RB, Pandey M, Vajifdar H. Efficacy of low-dose caudal 35 Sato M, Shirakami G, Tazuke-Nishimura M, et al. Effect of single-dose
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apnea syndrome undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were randomly
31 Erdil F, Demirbilek S, Begec Z, et al. The effects of dexmedetomidine and allocated to receive intravenous dexmedetomidine 2 mg/kg over 10 min followed
 fentanyl on emergence characteristics after adenoidectomy in children. by 0.7 mg/kg/h or a 1 mg/kg bolus of fentanyl. Anaesthesia was induced and
Anaesth Intensive Care 2009; 37:571–576. maintained with sevoflurane. Dexmedetomidine resulted in lower requirements for
Fentanyl 2.5 mg/kg and dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/kg were compared with saline as anaesthetic agents and supplemental fentanyl, but also lower heart rates and blood
adjuvants to sevoflurane anaesthesia in children undergoing adenoidectomy. Both pressure, although not to a detrimental degree. After surgery, dexmedetomidine
fentanyl and dexmedetomidine reduced postoperative pain and agitation to similar reduced the incidence of severe agitation from 46 to 18% and also shortened the
degrees, with similar haemodynamic effects. Despite slight prolongation of duration of agitation. Postoperative pain scores were also lower following dex-
awakening with fentanyl, the authors concluded that further studies of the safety amethasone, consequently the proportion of children requiring morphine was
and interaction of dexmedetomidine with other anaesthetic agents are required reduced from 47.5 to 16.3% and postoperative desaturation (to below 95%)
before recommending its routine use in children, in contrast to fentanyl which has was reduced from 41 to 18%.
been safely used for many years.
38 Isik B, Arslan M, Tunga AD, Kurtipek O. Dexmedetomidine decreases
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Analg 2004; 98:60–63. Compared to bupivacaine alone, the additional of 1 mg/kg of caudal dexmedeto-
34 Shukry M, Clyde MC, Kalarickal PL, Ramadhyani U. Does dexmedetomidine midine reduced intraoperative sevoflurane requirements, decreased postoperative
prevent emergence delirium in children after sevoflurane-based general agitation, prolonged the duration of analgesia and reduced the total consumption
anesthesia? Paediatr Anaesth 2005; 15:1098–1104. of rescue analgesia without apparent adverse haemodynamic effects.

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