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MOCK TEST – 01 (Aptitude)

<MODE - Easy>
Total Marks: 50 Time: 45mins

[ GROUP – A ~ Reasoning]

1. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters EMLI using each letter only once in each word?
(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (5) More Than four

2. D is brother of B. M is brother of B. K is father of M. T is wife of K. How B is related to T?

(1) Son (2) Daughter (3) Son or Daughter (4)Data inadequate (5) None of these

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?
(1) Radish (2) Ginger (3) Turmeric (4) Potato (5) Cabbage

4. How many such digits are there in the number 5846937 each of which is as far away from the beginning of the
number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three

5. ‘MP’ is related to ‘NQ’ in the same way ‘BE’ is related to

(1) CF (2) DG (3) CG (4) DF (5) None of these

6. In a certain code CORDIAL is written as ‘SPDCMBJ’. How is SOMEDAY written in that code?
(1) NPTDEBZ (2) NPTFZBE (3) TPNDZBE (4) NPTDZBE (5) None of these

7. In a certain code GONE is written as ‘5139’ and NODAL is written as ‘32168’. How is LODGE written in that
(1) 81259 (2) 84259 (3) 82459 (4) 85659 (5) None of these

8. In the Number 7524693, how many digits will be as far away from the beginning of the number if arranged in
ascending order as they are in the number?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three

9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
the group?
(1) Sand (2) Cement (3) Building (4) Wood (5) Bricks

10. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word FOREIGN each of which has as many letters between them in
the word as in the English alphabet?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three

Directions: (11-15)In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I,
II, III and IV . You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly

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known facts. Read all the Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusions logically follows from the
given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
11. Statements:
All pens are books. / All books are chairs. / Some chairs are desks. / Some desks are tables.
I. Some tables are chairs. II. Some desks are pens. III. Some chairs are pens. IV. All pens are chairs.

(1)Only I & II follow (2) Only I & III follow. (3) Only I & IV follow.
(4) Only III & IV follow (5) None of these

12. Statements:
Some trains are buses. / Some buses are trucks. / Some trucks are boats. / Some boats are cars.
I. Some trucks are trains. II. Some cars are trucks III. Some boats are buses. IV. Some boats are trains.

(1)None follows. (2) Only I & II follow. (3) Only III follows. (4) Only IV follows
(5) Only III & IV follow.

13. Statements :
Some chairs are bangles. / Some bangles are rings. / All rings are tyres. / All tyres are tables.
I. Some tables are bangles. II. Some tyres are bangles. III. Some tables are chains. IV. Some tyres are chains.

(1)Only I follow. (2) Only I & II follow. (3) Only I & III follow.
(4) Only I , II, & III follow. (5) None of these.

14. Statements:
All hills are roads. / All roads are stones. / All stones are jungles. / All jungles are rivers.
I. Some rivers are stones. II. Some jungles are hills. III. Some stones are hills. IV. All rivers are jungles.

(1) Only I & II follow. (2) Only II & III follow. (3) Only I, II, & III follow.
(4) Only II , III, & IV follow. (5) All follow.

15. Statements :
All needles are threads. / Some threads are clothes. / No cloth is room. / All rooms are houses.
I. Some houses are needles. II. Some rooms are threads. III. No house is needle. IV. Some clothes are needles.

(1) Only I follows. (2) Only III follows. (3) Only either I & III follow.
(4) Only IV follows. (5) None of these.

Directions (16 -- 18): Following questions are based on the five three digit numbers given below:
518 725 849 387 634

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16. If the positions of the first and third digits in each of the numbers are interchanged, which of the following will be
the lowest number after rearrangement?
(1) 518 (2) 725 (3) 849 (4) 387 (5) 634

17. If the positions of the first & second digits in each of the numbers are interchanged , which of the following will be
the third from the top when they are arranged in descending order after the rearrangement?
(1)518 (2) 725 (3) 849 (4) 387 (5) 634

18. If the positions of the second and the third digits in each number are interchanged , which of the following will be
the difference between the highest & the lowest number after the rearrangement?

(1) 506 (2) 526 (3) 416 (4) 516 (5) None of these.

19. If every alternate letter in the word SOLITARY starting from the first letter is replaced by the previous letter in the
English alphabet & each of the remaining letters is replaced by the next letter in the English alphabet, which of the
following will be the third letter from the right end after the substitution?

(1) B (2) S (3) Z (4) K (5) None of these

20. In a certain code BEAN is written as ABNE and SALE is written as LSEA. How is NEWS written in that code?

(1) WNES (2) WNSE (3) SNWE (4) SNEW (5) None of these

21. In a row of thirty boys , R is fourth from the right end and W is tenth from the left end. How many boys are there
between R & W?
(1)15 (2) 16 (3) 17 (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these

22. If ‘P’ denotes ‘multiplied by’ ; ‘R’ denotes ‘added to’ ; ‘T denotes ‘subtracted from’ and ‘W’ denotes ‘divided by’,
then –
64 W 4 P 8 T 6 R 4 =?

(1)96 (2) 2 2/3 (3) 130 (4) 126 (5) None of these

Directions (23 - 24): Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
(i) ‘P x Q’ means ‘P is brother of Q’ (ii) ‘P-Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’
(iii) ‘P+Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’ (iv) ‘P/Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’.

23. Which of the following means ‘M is daughter of R’ ?

(1) R / D x M (2) R + D x M (3) M – J x R + T (4) R + M –T (5) None of these

24. Which of the following means ‘K is material uncle of W’ ?

(1) K – J + W (2) K x J / W (3) K x J + W (4) W + J x K (5) None of these

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25. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to
that group?
(1) June (2) December (3) January (4) July (5) May

Directions (26 - 30): In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of
digits/symbols numbered (1) , (2) , (3) , and (4) . You have to find out which of the four combinations correctly
represents the groups of letters based on the following coding systems and the conditions and mark the number of that
combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters , mark (5) i.e. ‘None
of these’ as your answer:
Letter M I K T A B E J W F H U D P Y
Code 6 * 5 © 7 8 @ 1 2 3 4 % 9 # $

(i) If the first letter is a vowel & the last letter is a consonant, the codes are to be interchanged.
(ii)If the first letter is consonant & the last letter is a vowel , both are to be coded as the code for the vowel.
(iii) If both the first & the last letters are vowels , both are to be coded as ‘δ’ .

(1)$# ©24* (2) *#©24$ (3) $#© 24$ (4) *#©24* (5) None of these

(1) 4*36@9 (2) 93*6@4 (3) 43*6@4 (4) 93*6@9 (5) None of these

(1) @$8@17 (2) 7$8@1δ (3) δ$8@1δ (4) 7$8@1@ (5) None of these

(1) 8615#% (2) %615#% (3) %615#8 (4) 8615#8 (5) None of these

(1) 7813@7 (2) #813@7 (3) 7813@# (4) #183@7 (5) None of these

Directions(31 - 35): Study the following information carefully & answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V , and W are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. V is second to the left of P and second to the
right of W. T is third to the right of Q and is not an immediate neighbour of V . S is third to the right of R.

31. Who is to the immediate left of S?

(1) V (2)T (3)Q (4) W (5)None of these

32. Who is third to the left of V?

(1) T (2) S (3)W (4) R (5) None of these

33. In which of the following groups the first person is sitting between the second & third persons?
(1) RPQ (2) TWS (3) QPR (4) QVS (5) None of these

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34. Who is second to the right of Q?
(1) R (2) W (3) T (4) S (5) None of These

35. Who is to the immediate right of R?

(1)W (2) T (3)P (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these.

[GROUP – B ~ Quantitative Aptitude]

Directions(1-2): What should come in place of the question mark(?) in the following questions?
1. 35% of 411 - ? % of 272 = 84.01

(1)42 (2)36 (3)18 (4)22 (5)None of these

2. ? / 32 x 16 = 284
(1)572 (2)566 (3)554 (4)548 (5)None of these

3. An order was placed for supply of carpet of breadth 3 metres, the length of carpet was 1.44 times of breadth.
Subsequently the breadth & length were increased by 25 & 40 percent respectively. At the rate of Rs. 45 per square
metre , what would be the increase in the cost of the carpet?

(1) Rs. 1020.6 (2)Rs. 398.8 (3)Rs. 437.4 (4)Rs. 583.2 (5)None of these

4. Ratio of Rani’s & Komal’s age is 3:5 respectively. Ratio of Komal’s & Pooja’s age is 2:3 respectively. If Rani is
two-fifth of Pooja’s age, what is Rani’s age?

(1)10 years (2)15years (3)24 years (4) Can not be determined. (5)None of these.

5. In a mixture of milk & water the proportion of water by weight was 75%. If in the 60 gms mixtures 15 gms water
was added, what would be the percentage of water in the new mixture?

(1)75% (2)88% (3)90% (4)100% (5)None of these

6. The Compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 25,500 at the end of three years is Rs. 8,440.5 . What would be
the simple interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period?
(1)Rs. 4,650 (2)Rs. 5,650 (3)Rs. 6,650 (4)Rs. 7,650 (5)None of these

7. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 1,754 is the same as loss incurred after selling the article for Rs.
1,492 . What is the cost price of the article?

(1)Rs. 1623 (2)Rs. 1523 (3)Rs. 1689 (4)Rs. 1589 (5)None of these.

8. A sum of money is divided among A,B,C and D in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 9 : 10 respectively. If the share of C is Rs.
2580 more than the share of B , then what is the total amount of money of A and D together ?

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(1)Rs. 5676 (2)Rs. 6192 (3)Rs. 6708 (4)Rs. 7224 (5) None of these

9. Bovina spent Rs. 44,668 on her air tickets, Rs. 56,732 on buying gifts for the family members & the remaining 22%
of the total amount she had as cash with her. What was the total amount?

(1)Rs. 28600 (2)Rs. 130000 (3)Rs.101400 (4)Rs. 33800 (5)None of these

10. Rubina decided to donate 16% of her monthly salary to an NGO. On the day of donation she changed her mind &
donated Rs. 6567 which was 75% of what she had decided earlier. How much is Rubina’s monthly salary?

(1)Rs. 8756 (2)Rs. 54725 (3)Rs. 656700 (4)Rs. 45696 (5) None of these

[GROUP- D ~ English ]

1. The adjective form of the word ‘sick’ is

(1)sickly (2)sicky (3)sickness (4) sickless

2. The feminine form of the word ‘Czar’ is

(1)signora (2) vixen (3) czarina (4) czarish

3. The plural form of the word ‘Grief’

(1) Grieves (2) Griefs (3) Griefes (4) Grieve

Directions(4-5): In questions given below out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the
given .

4. The motive to earn money

(1)Indelible (2)Monogamy (3)Matinee (4)Mercenary

5. That which is not to the point

(1)Infallible (2)Incredible (3)Irrevocable (4)Irrelevant

**********Good Luck**********

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