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Choose the best option.

1. Every set is ….. of itself.

a). proper subset b). subset c). improper subset d). empty set
2. There is no proper subset of
a). singleton set b). empty set c). universal set d). none
3. If B = { a, b, c, d} then which is the improper set of B
a). {a, b, c, d} b). {a, b, c} c). {c, d, e} d). all of these
4. A set consisting of all the possible subsets of a given set is.
a). universal set b). superset c). power set d). subset
5. The formula to find the number of subsets of a given set is:
a). m2 b). 2n c). 2n d). 22n
6. A set “A”has 4 elements, the number of subsets of A will be
a). 4 b). 8 c). 6 d). 16
7. AU(BUC) = (AUB)UC shows
a). Distributive of union over intersection b). associative law of union
c). Demorgan’s law d). commutative law of union
8. According to Demorgan’s law (AΠ B) = ……
c c
a). A Π B b). A U Bc
c). Ac U B d). Ac Π B
9. If P(A) ={,{a},{b},{a,b,c},{c},{b,c},{a,b},{a,c} then “A”is
a). A={a,b} b). A={a,c} c). A={a,b,c} d). A={ }
10. The number of subsets of will be.
a). 1 b). zero c). two d). none
11. Which has only one proper subset?
a). empty set b). singleton set c). power set d).all
12. P( ) equals
a). { } b). { } c). {{ }} d). none
13. If A = {1,2,3} B = {2,3,4} then
a). 2 b. 4 c). 6 d). 8
14. A set which is the superset of all the given sets is called:
a). set of real numbers b). universal set c). power set d). superset
15. If U = {1,2,3,4,5,6} and A = {2,3,5,7} then A is
a). {1,4,6} b). {2,4,6} c). {1,5,6} d). {7}
16. In Venn diagrams the rectangular box represents.
a). universal set b). power set c). empty set d). subset
c c
17. (∅ ) = …..
a). X b). ∅ c). O d). {∅}
18. Empty set is proper set of every.
a). empty set b). non empty set c). set d). all
19. Power set of A is denoted by
a). P(A) b). P[A] c). P{A} d). A(P)
20. {1,2,3,4,5} {1,2,3,4,5}
a). ⊂ b). ⊆ c). ≤ d). ⊃
21. Q ={ |p,q ∈ Z ٨ q ≠ 0} represents
a). set of real numbers b). set of rational numbers
c). set of irrational numbers d). none
22. QUQ c = QUQ’=
a). R b). N c). W d). Z
23. Irrational numbers are
a). non-terminating and repeating b). Non-terminating
c). Repeating d). Non-terminating and non-repeating
24. is a decimal
a). terminating b). non-terminating c). repeating d). none
25. is a decimal
a). terminating b). non-terminating c). repeating d). none
26. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 =
a). 42 b). 52 c). 92 d). 32
27. … is not a rational number.

a). b). √16 c). d).

28. The number of digits in the square root of 5596 are
a). 1 b). 2 c). 3 d). 4
29. Shows the number of digits in the square root , where “n” represents.
a). even no. of digits b). off no. of digits c). Prime no. of digits d). none
30. is irrational if “x”is
a). perfect square b). not perfect square c). rational number d). irrational number
31. Cube root of 216 is
a). 8 b). 6 c). 4 d). 3
32. Cube of a negative number is
a). positive b). negative c). even d). odd
33. Cube of an odd number is
a). odd b). even c). positive d). negative
34. ….. is a perfect square.
a). 1.69 b). 16.9 c). 0.169 d). 1690
35. √ ÷ × = ……
a). 2 b). 1 c). 0 d). 4
36. The area of square field is 144m2. Its components are
a). 48m b). 16 m c). 36 m d). 12 m
37. The symbol shows.
a). square root b). cube c). cube root d). root
38. 17 into an equivalent base 5 equals.
a). (23)5 b). (32)5 c). (13)5 d). none
39. (23)5 into an equivalent base 2 is.
a). (1110)2 b). (1101)2 c). (1011)2 d). (1111)2
40. (3421)5 – (2143)5 equals.
a). (1223)5 b). (1232)5 c). (1123)5 d). (2223)5
41. (36)8 x (43)8 equals
a). (2032)8 b). (3220)8 c). (1832)8 d). (1032)8
42. The relationship between two or more proportions is called.
a). direct proportion b). inverse proportion
c). compound proportion d). none
43. The formulae × 100 shows.
a). percentage loss b). percent profit c). profit d). % percentage
44. The formulae cost price – sale price represents.
a). loss b). profit c). tax d). loss & profit
45. Market price – sale price =
a). profit b). discount c). loss d). tax
46. The widow’s share under Islamic rule is
a). b). c). d).
47. The rate of income tax @ 5% whose annual income
a). 178000 Rs b). 8900 Rs c). 28900 Rs d). 5780 Rs
48. The degree of the polynomial 3x3 + 2x2yz + 16
a). 3 b). 4 c). 2 d). 6
49. ….. is not a polynomial
a). 3x2+y b). 7 c). d). 5x2 + 2y +z
50. …… is a cubic polynomial
a). X2y + z b). X3y + z c). X + y + z d). 3x + 3y + 3
51. The alphabet which can resume different value is
a). Constant b). Variable c). Term d). Polynomial
52. If a polynomial is exactly divisible by an other polynomial then remainder is
a). X b). O c). 1 d). none
6 6
53. If 5x is subtracted from -3x we get
a). 2x6 b). 8x6 c).-8x6 d). 2xo
54. If x - =3 then x2 + equals.
a). 9 b). 7 c). 11 d). 18
55. If x - then x + equals
a). 27 b). 36 c). 25 d). 24
2 2 2 2
56. X – 4xy + 4y – 9x y has the factorization/factors
a). (x-2y-3xy)(x-2y + 3xy) b). (x+2y+3xy)(x-2y+3xy)
c). (x-2y+3xy) d). none
57. Cube of 13 or 133 equals
a). 2179 b). 169 c). 69 d). none
58. The solution of 2x + 5y = 15 & x-y = 3 is
a). (3,1) b). (0,3) c). (1,1) d). (3,0)
59. The factors of x – 7x + 10 are
a). (x – 5)(x – 2) b). (x + 2)(x – 5) c). (x – 2)(x + 5) d). (x – 5) 2x
60. After eliminating x from ax2 = b & cx2 = d we get
a). bc = ad b). ac = bd c). abc = d d). none
61. After eliminating x from
a). a2 = b2 +2 b). a2 + b2 = - 2 c). a2 + b2 = 2 d). a2 = 2b2
62. Which pair of angle is not equal/congruent?
a). vertically opposite angles b). alternate interior angles
c). corresponding angles d). interior angles
63. Find x if
11x - 2
a). 5 b). 7 c). 75 d). 77o
64. The sum of all interior angles of a regular octagon is
a). 720o b). 1080o c). 540o d). 135o

65. X equals x+15

a). 127’’ b). 112o c). 143o d). 142o

66. A region bounded by two radii and an arc lying between the radii is
a). segment b). secant c). sector d). chord
67. A close plane figure with three or more straight sides is called
a). circle b). polygon c). quadrilateral d). cone
68. A special type of quadrilateral whose pairs of opposite sides are parallel is called
a). triangle b). regular polygon c). parallelogram d). trapezium
69. In a parallelogram the diagonals…………. each other
a). b). c). d).
70. The sum of interior angles of a quadrilateral is
a). 180o b). 360o c). 270o d). 240o
71. The diagonals of a square are
a). equal in length b). perpendicular to each other
c). parallel to each other d). both a & b
72. In a rhombus the diagonals ----- each other.
a). b). c). d).
73. (Hypotenuse) = (attitude) + (Base)2
2 2

a). pytagorus theorm b). Alkhalid theorm c). prime theorm d). none

74. In the triangle x=

12 x

a). 17 5 b). 13 c). 12 d). none

75. Pythagorus theorm is valid for
a). acute triangle b). right triangle c). isosceles triangle d). all
76. Hero’s formulae is used to calculate area of
a). circle b). rectangle c). triangle d). none
77. s = is used in ------ formulae
a). b). c). d).
78. Hero’s formulae is
a). = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) b). = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)
c). (s − a)(s − b)(s − c) d).
79. Surface area of sphere is
a). 4 r2 b). r2 ` c). r3 d). r2
80. Volume of sphere is
a). r2 b). r3 c). r2 d).
81. 1m3 equals
a). 100 l b). 1000 l c). 1 l d). 100000 l
82. Surface are of sphere with radius 21 cm is
a). 554cm2 b). 5544 cm2 c). 5544cm d). 5544m2
83. Surface are of cone is
a). r (l+r) b). (l + r) c). r2 d).
84. Represents
a). height b). slant hight c). radius d). length
85. Volume of cone is
a). r2h b). r2 h c). r3 d).
86. The are of right angle triangle whose base = 3cm & height is 6cm is
a). 9cm2 b). 16cm2 c). 18cm2 d). 64cm2
87. has an approximate value of
a). 3.14 b). 3.41 c). 4.13 d). 1.43
88. In 3,5,7,10,7,9,7,3 the frequency of 7 is
a). 2 b). 3 c). 7 d). 4
89. =
a). size of the class interval b). frequency
c). both d). none
90. The median of the data 29,32,45,27,30,47,35,37,23
a). 33 b). 35 c). 34 d). 37
91. The median of the data 5,4,1,4,0,3,4,119
a). 3 b). 4 c). 5 d). 4.5
92. The mode of the data 1,2,3,4,5,4,2,3,9,7,2
a). 2 b). 2 c). 7 d). 5
93. The mean of the data 5,4,1,4,0,3,4,119
a). 15.7 b). 17.5 c). 8 d). none
94. shows
a).median b). mean c). mode d). none
95. Measure of each angle of an equilateral triangle
a). 45o b). 60o c). 90o d). 30o
96. The real class boundaries of the class interval 20------30 are
a). 20.5 – 30.5 b). 19.5 – 30.5 c). 29.5 – 30.5 d). all
97. The factorization of x + 5x – 6 is
a). (x+6)(x-1) b). (x-6)(x-1) c). (x+6)(x+1) d). X(x+5-6)
98. If A = {1,2,3} & B = {2,3,4,5} the answer is
a). {2,3,4} b). {2,3} c). {1,2,3,4} d). none
99. {4,2,3} {1,2,3,4}
a). ⊂ b). ⊂ c). ⊆ d). ∈
100. { 1,2,3} {1,2,3}

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