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Name: Johanna Admiraal

School/Mentor Name: City Middle/High School; April Anderson
Grade/Subject: 8th grade/French
General Topic: Clothing/Fashion vocabulary

(How does this unit fit with students’ experiences, the school goals, and the larger societal issues?
How does this fit with the broader curriculum- what has come before and what will come after?)

1. How does this fit with broader curriculum?

a. Students are learning basic vocabulary and grammar for every day life
conversations and situations. Other topics before – Demonstrative
Adjectives; Other topics after – passé composé
2. How does this fit in with larger societal issues?
a. If presented superficially, fashion can easily become a meaningless
topic. I plan to take a particular angle on this unit and ask a central
question: How do the clothes people wear reflect their values and
b. This opens up larger issues such as clothing specifically related to
religion – hijab, Yarmulke, cross necklace, etc. In France, students in
public schools are forbidden from wearing clothing that relates to
religion. This is a controversial topic, but I hope to present it in a
thought-provoking way that allows for discussion among students.
3. How does this fit in with students’ experiences?
a. Students all make choices of what clothing to put on. They are all
individuals with a particular “style.” I hope to encourage students to
think about their own style and how that reflects their personality and
their values.

Cognitive Objectives
(What concepts do you want students to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, [create]?)

1. Students will learn and retain all of the clothing vocabulary on their list. (R,U)
2. Students will evaluate cultural/social/economic factors of dress. (i.e. why do
people dress the way they dress; how do values contribute to dress?) (Ev)
3. Students will determine how their own style reflects the things that they value.
4. Students will practice comprehension and production of French (i.e. conversation,
listening, reading, writing) (C,U,Ap)
5. Students will increase their skills of pronunciation and oral communication in
French. (C)
Psychomotor Objectives
(What physical skills and processes will students develop?)

Socio-Emotional Objectives
(What values and commitments and attitudes will students acquire or wrestle with?)

1. Students will value different styles of dress as an expression of diversity.

2. Students will be “known” by classmates on a deeper level through discussion of
personal values and opinions.
Content Standards (common core, GLCE, etc.):
(include at least 3)

1. Communication (Strand 1)
a. Interpersonal/Interpretive (1.1 and 1.2)
2. Culture (Strand 2)
a. Practices and Perspectives (2.1)
3. Connections (Strand 3)
a. Knowledge of other disciplines (3.1)
4. Comparison (4.2)
a. Cultures
5. Communities (5.1)
a. Use of Language
IB Criteria
A Comprehending spoken and visual text
B Comprehending written and visual text
C Communicating in response to spoken/written/visual text
D Using language in spoken and/or written form

(what evidence will you collect to demonstrate that students met your objectives?)

Formative Assessments –

1. Assessment(s) for learning:

a. Debrief with guiding questions at the end of culture/inquiry lesson.
b. Little checks – (En anglais? Répétez ?)
2. Assessment(s) as learning:
a. Debrief (respond) with guiding questions at the end of
culture/inquiry lesson.
b. Group paragraphs
c. Teaching words videos
d. Individual journal
e. Several think, pair, shares

Summative –
2 parts…
Oral: Description of a partner’s outfit as well as other clothing items.
Written: Response to a choice of reflection questions.

5 Lesson Plan Topics:

(bullet list)

 Introduction: Fashion Vocabulary [Introduce/Understand/Personalize]

 Clothing Stories
 Fashion as an Expression of Values: Allowed in school? (i.e. France’s policy on
hijabs, Yarmulke, crosses, etc.) – Block lesson [Culture and Inquiry]
 Assessment


Lesson Plan – 2nd ½ of lesson 1 and first ½ of lesson 2 probably will be dropped and combined [Only 4 lessons to
Also, how do I get French 2 students understanding Fashion as an expression of values?
How do I fold in vocabulary use into the last lesson.
Objectives: Do I need more?

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