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ENGLISH B(common)


Al fiza educatinal garden
Rajoa sadat(chiniot)
English B Notes

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

An eminent philosopher poet………born in 1877at………

School and early collage education at murray collage……………….Syed Mir
Hassan…………………..inspiring teacher of persian and urdu- Master degree
from Government Collage Lahore---for high studies to England and Germany
…………….On return gave new direction to the Muslim thought ……………
wrote poems in praise of Muslim culture …………………Re-awakening of the
Muslim …………..idea of a separate Muslim state in the Sub-continent. Books
like Bang e Dra, Bal e Jabril, Asrar e Khudi, Pyame –Mastriq, ……. Inspired
the Muslims imagination…………. The nation pays glorious tribute to im every
year ……… lies buried beside the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.


My Best Teacher

It is but natural to have a strong liking for somebody…………. Respect and

reverence for all teachers ……… but ………… the teacher I like the best
……….charming personality ……….. elegantly dressed ……. M.A B.Ed
………..punctual and diligent …………teaches English ………… Confidence
and correct pronunciation ……. Well-read ………… patriotic ………public
spirited ………..maintains perfect discipline during lessons………….
Encourages student to ask questions ……….. does not lose temper ………never
abuses ……………..makes lessons interesting with anecdotes , ………. Broad
minded , ……..and dignified ……….a beloved teacher indeed.
My best friend
Devotions and sincerity are the true marks of lasting friendship …………. .
………………………… my bosom friend ………….soft spoken, energetic
studios ………… a good player of badminton & football… has a gentlemanly
disposition ………. His English vocabulary is astonishing …… reads fiction and
magazines ………. Polite and well mannered ……………. Fairly tall ……..his
hand- writing is superb ……… There is a dignity about him ……….. coming
event cast their shadows before …………. His teachers expect him to distinction
to his school ……… his ambition…….. to go abroad for higher studies.
The school peon

School is a an important place of students.

In such a an impotant place there is need for some body to ring the bell.
The school peon is such a person in school .
He rings the bell to inform the students about the begnning and closing of the
He liked when he rings the bell for recess or for school closing.
He wears simple clothes and sits before the office.
He convegs the principals order to the classes.
He is dutiful servent sometimes he brings eatables for students .
So he popular in students .
He belongs to a poor family and his pay is also low.
He informs us about the period.
We should give him due respect in society.

My school

My school is a place of great charm for me.

Although its building is pretty old, yet it seems to cast a spell on us.
Some of the walls are massive and ceilings are very high.
Even the cruel summer fails to make our classrooms hot and humid.
The location of my school is just by the side of the historic fort.
The high walls of the fort scarred with signs of wind and weather, look
They have a mystery of their own.
We understand our history lesson very well because of nearness to the famous
The teaching staff at my school is kind and devoted.
A large playground with a row of evergreen tall trees faces the school building.
What is more, it is away from all the hustle and bustle of the main road.
I am glad that my school that my school is far ahead of others in good results,
sports, debates, library and scouting.
An Accident
The other day I witnessed an accident on the Lahore ---- Rajoa Road.
It was a very sad spectacle.
The road at the spot was littered with broken glass, bits of wooden frames and
iron bars.
The luggage of the passenger of the bus was a muddy sideway nullah.
There were little pools of blood with bricks around them.
A horse lay dead right in the middle.
A tonga frame nearby with just like a heap of broken painted wood.
A head on collision between a bus and a truck had taken place.
The terrible collision had its impact on the nearby tonga.
Two person were killed on the spot and five other sustained serious injuries.
The bus on one side with its heavy wheels raised high in the air.
The police arrived and took measurement and recorded statements.
Morning walk
It is an old saying ''Early to bed Early to Rise makes a man healthy wealthy
and wise''
According to his saying, I get up early in the morning to became healthy,
wealthy rise.
I got to my Best friend.
Both of us go to the cannal.
It runs at a distance of a kilometer from the city.
We see there some people taking exercise.
We reaching the canal in fifteen mintues.
Some of them are taking bath.
After about half an hour the sun rises.
The dewdrops shine in the sun.
The chirping birds, the green plants and pleasant atmosphere look very
We walk there for an hour after it we return home.
A visit to Zoo
A visit to zoo visited the Lahore zoo………
Huge models of an elephant and three other animal mounted at the
main entry on Shahrah Qaid e Azm .
A beautiful water .. fall at the side of animals ………….Renovated
booking office with the rock walls.
Monkey cages with swings………..visitors feeding them grams…….. the
elephant ride……….. .
The monster like hippotamus in a dirty pond …………… it raised its
large head and muzzle ---- Children ran helter-slelter ………
The fearful rhinoceros with to upright horns on the mouth ……… the
lion and the lioness …………… the king of the zoo as well …… big and
strong cages ……….
The peacock …………. Graceful Zebra with brown stripes.
Parrots, Ducks and flamingo …………wonderful Giraffe with a long nick
My Hobby
My favourite hobby is playing football.
I play football when I am free.
I started to play football when I was seven.
I was interested in it at that time because it was exciting and it could make me
At the first time, my football coach taught me how to do play football.
I felt excited at that time.
I like my hobby because it is exciting.
It is also good for my health because it can exercise my body.
I practise playing football for two hours every Saturday and fifteen minutes on
I play football with my classmates at school and my dad and uncles at the
I hope I can be good at playing football and have a competition for my school in
the future.
A Hockey match
I was delighted to witness a hockey match between Pakistan And India at the
Pakistan stadium recently.
The players of both the teams showed qualities of strength, speed, stamina,
agility, and mobility until the final whistle.
The Indians dominated in the beginning but the Pakistani players fought back
and coordinated remarkably.
The Indians made strong attempt but our goalkeeper made spectacular saves.
The match was suspended briefly when the home crowed fired crackers which
caused a dense smoke all around.
Our left half took the ball from the Indians attackers an after running up a few
paces sent in a through pass to the inside left.
He dispatched the ball towards the goal with a flick.
Another Pakistani players who was closely following him, tapped the ball to
score the goal.
The crowed went wild with joy at the victory of Pakistan.

Moral Stories
A Foolish Stag
One hot summer day a stage went to a pool to drink water.
The pool water was clear.
It could see its reflection in the water .
It felt proud of its beautiful horns.
But when it saw the shadow of its thin leg it felt sad and hated them.
While it was still thinking of its ugly legs it heard the sound of the horse’s hoofs
of a huntsman and the barking of hounds.
It ran for its life as fast as its legs could carry it.
In no time it left the hounds far behind.
Now it happened to pass through a thick forest .
As it rushed through, its horns got caught in the branches of trees and bushes.
It struggled hard to free itself but all in vain.
Meanwhile the hunter and his hounds came chasing it.
The hounds fell upon it and killed it.
The legs it heard had carried it away from the hounds while the beautiful horns
brought about its death.
Moral: All that glitters is not gold.
A farmer and His sons

Once there was a farmer. He lived in a village. He had three sons they always
Quarreled with one an other . One day the farmer brought a bundle of sticks.
He asked them to break it. They tried their best but could not do so . Then the
farmer untied the bundle. He told them to break the sticks. The broke them
eaisly . The farmer said united we stand and divided we fall '' They began to
live in peace''
Moral: Union is strength
A Thirsty Crow

There was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew in search of water. He could not
drink it. He thought of a plan. He put some stones into the jug. The water rose
up. He drank it and flew away.
Moral:God helps those who help themselves
A greedy dog

There was a dog . He saw very hungry.

He stole a piece of meat.
He ran away.
He reached a stream in the water.
He took it for another dog with a piece of meat.
He opened his mouth to get it.
He lost his own piece of meat.
Moral: Do not be greedy
A Fox and the grapes
There was a fox. He was very hungry. He went to a garden. He saw ripe grapes
there. He wanted to eat them. He jumped again and again. He could not reach
them. He saw tired. So he went away saying ''The grapes are sour''
Moral: Grapes are sour
A woodcutter And his Axe

Once a woodcutter. He is very poor and honest. One day, his wooden axe falls in
the river. He is very sad. A fairs comes to the woodcutter. She tells him, ''Don't
be sad. I will find your axe''. The fairy brings a silver axe from the river. The
woodcutter says, ''This is not may axe''
she brings a gold axe. The woodcutter says, ''This is not my axe''. Then the
fairy brings the wooden axe. The woodcutter is very happy. He says '' THIS IS
AXE!'' The fairy is happy with the woodcutter for his honesty . She gives him
the three axes.
Moral:'''Honesty is the best policy''

Sketch of an application
The principal, (1), (1)
Rajoa sadat. (1)
Dear Sir/Madam. (1)
Most respectfully I beg to state that

(5) (Body of Letter)

You obediently, (1)

Date:mn day,20---

Application for Sick leave

The principal,
Rajoa sadat.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been suffering from fever since last evening. I could not
sleepthe whole night. I cannot come to school today. The doctor has advised me
to take rest for two days. Kindly grant me leave for two days with effect from
Your obediently,
Application for leave an a urgent piece of work

The principal,
Al-Fizza Educational System,
Rajoa sadat.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Most respectfully I beg to say that I have to do an urgent piece
of work at home. Therefore, I cannot come to school. Kindly grant me leave for
two days(
I shall be very thankful to you this favour.
Your obediently,
Application for remission fine
The principal,
Al-Fizza E.G.School,
Rajoa sadat.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Most respectfully I beg to say that I belong to a poor family. My father's
income is very low . He can not pay my fine. Please remit my fine.
I shall be very thankfull to you for this fevour.
Your obediently,

Application for leave to attend marraige
The principal,
Al-Fizza E.G.School,
Rajoa sadat.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Most respectfully I beg to say that my father is a watchman. He
gets salary of Rs.3000 per month. He has to support a large family of seven
members. We are living from hand to mouth. It is very difficult for him to pay
my fee. I am regular, punctual hardworking and brilliant student of your
school. I have passed all examination with credit.
In the light of the facts stated above, I request you kindly grant me full fee
conesseion and stipend of Rs.100 per month.
I shall be very thankfull to you for this favour.
Your obediently,
Application leaving certificate

The principal,
Al-Fizza E.G.School,
Rajoa sadat.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Respectfully it is submitted that I have been a
bonafide student of the Al fizza educational system session
I secured second position in the school in the examination
conducted by the board of Intermediate & secondary
Examination Faislabad.
I am at Salalah(Oman) these days & plan to study further at
the intermediate collage being run by our embassy here.
I am enclosing a reply-paid envelop, and it is requested that a
leaving certificate may kindly be issued to enable me to seek
admission for further studies.
Your obediently,

Sketch of a letters
1: Heading
Examination hall,
City A.B.C.
May ---,20---.
My dear …........,

Blood relation
Your Affectionately,
For relative Your loving.....,
For friends Your sincerely,
for stranger Your faithfully,

Write a letter to your mother who is worried about health.

Examination hall,
City A.B.C
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are fine. Was running
a temperature due to throat. But it was a temporary ailment. I have recovered
You need about my health. I am perfectly all right good care of my diet, and
exercise regularly. I hope that after these assurance you will stop worrying about
Pay my regards to all at home.
Your loving________,
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage of his
Examination hall,
City A.B.C
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
I am very pleased to learn about the marriage ceremony of your sister. Accept my
heartiest congratulation on this occasion.
I have received your invitation card but I do not think I will be able to attend
the ceremony as I will be busy in my exams. I really feel sorry for that.
Convey my congratulation and my best wishes to all the members of your
Your loving________,
Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her birthday.
Examination hall,
City A.B.C
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
I am specially writing this letter to congratulate you on your birthday. I owe you
a gift and you will get it when you come to Lahore. I was going to send it to you by
post but then I was informed that you plan to come to Lahore. So I decided to give
it to you personally. I am waiting for you.
Convey my respects to aunt and uncle.
Your loving________,
Write a letter to your friend requesting her to spend her
holidays/vacations with you.
Examination hall,
City A.B.C
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
You known that our spring holidays are approaching. I would like you
to spend these holidays with me. In your last letter you promised to come to me
during these holidays. Now it is time to fulfill your promise.
We shall visit our common friends and do some shopping. Inform me as early
as possible about the date of your arrival so that I make further arrangements
Your loving________,

Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend your book.

Examination hall,
City A.B.C.
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
My examination is over and I haven’t much to do these
days. I am thinking of improving my English. You talk once
about your fine collection of English novels and plays. I want to
borrow a few novels from you. I hope that you will not refuse. I
assure you that I shall take
care of your books. I shall try to return these books as early as
Pay my compliments to your parents.

Your loving________,
Write a letter to your friend thanking him for a gift.
Examination hall,
City A.B.C.
February 15, 2017.
Dear _______,
I hope this letter finds you in the best health and spirits. You have now
been promoted to class nine. It is time for you to decide whether you would like
to study humanities or science subjects. The world has progressed very much in
the field of science. Every one should know the basics of science so I would advise
you to study science at least up to matriculation level.
Convey my salam to your friends.
Your loving________,

Alphabet of a language consists of letters which are used in writing a
language. The English alphabet consists of twenty six(26) letters.
Letters are written or printed symbols which represent particular sounds in a

Types of letters:

1:Capital Letters
2:Small letters

Capital letters:
The uppercase letters of the alphabet are called letters. (e.g. capital letters at
the beginning of sentence and name)

Small letters:
The lower case letters of the alphabet are called small letters. (e.g in the word
of “Lahore” 1st letter is L is capital and five letters(a,h,o,r,e)are small.
These letters are pronounced without contact of the tongue,teeth or lips. Out of
Twenty six alphabet, the five letters(a.e.i.o,u)are called vowels.
Parts of Speech
Part of Speech:
The words used in a sentence are divided into different kinds or classes
according to the work they do in the sentences. These kinds or classes are
called pats of speech.
o Parts of speech:
A noun is the name of person, place or a thing.
Image Function Word
Person Man/boy
Allama iqbal

Place House

Book Thing

The word which is used to avoid the repetition of a Noun is called Pronoun e.g
I , we , You e.t.c.
An adjective is a word that adds something to the meaning of a Noun or a
pronoun. e.g: Good,Bad or rich e.t.c
Any word expressing “action”, “movement” or “existence” is called a verb.
e.g(write,come e.t.c)
An adverb qualifies a verb, an adjective or an other adverb. e.g(fast,slowly)
The Conjunction is a word which is used to connect words, phrases or
sentences together. e.g(and, because)
An interjection is a word used merely to express some sudden feeling of the
mind. e.g(Oh!ah!,alas!)
The Preposition is a word which shows the position of one word with regard to
another. e.g(on,in e.t.c.)

1) God helps those who helps themselves
2) A jack of all trades but master of noun.
3) All that glitters is not gold.
4) A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
5) Do good and forget.
6) Beauty needs no ornaments.
7) A bad workman always quarrels with his tools.
8) Easy come, easy go.
9) Greed is curse.
10)Rode is the logic of fools.
11)Time past cannot be recalled.
12)Pride has a fall.
13)Necessity is the mother of invention.
14)The innocent have nothing to fear.
15)Distant drums sound well.
16)Society moulds a man.
17)Business is the soul of life.
18)Something is better than nothing.
19)While there is life there is hope.
20)A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
21)Union is strength .
22)Cut your coat according to your cloth.
23)Many man, many mouth.
24)Might is right.
25)Barking dogs seldom bite.
26)There is no rose without a thorn.
27)As you sow, so shall you reap.
28)Beauty has wings and flies away soon.
29)A man is known by the company he keeps.
30)Grapes are sour.
31)Charity begins at home.
32)To kill two birds with one stone.
33)It takes two to make up a quarrel.
34)Better be alone than in bad company.
35)Health is wealth.
36)Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
37)Out of sight, out of mind.
38)A constant guest is never welcome.
39)Blood is thicker than water.
40)Self-praise is no recommendation.
41)All is well that ends well.
Thanks for all
by Al fizza educational
Rajoa sadat

The end

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