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Name: Samantha Brewington Date: August 14th, 2018

Area: Introduction to Course

Job: Welcome to Class
First day of the semester and first Day of Exploring Ag for the Freshman. It is a semester long class and this is the
introduction to the class.

Standards: AGCL.01.01 Understand and analyze the role of agriculture in determining the need for and supply of the
world’s food.
Students will define Agriculture
Students will discover new information about their peers and their connections
Students will understand the general information about the class structure.
Materials Needed:
 Student Notebooks (Should be provided by the student)
 Syllabi
 Cover Page
 Markers
 Notecards
 Posters

Plan of Action (Time included):

1. Students Arrive for Class at 10:12 am and find a seat. We will start with introductions and attendance
(allowing for a few minutes for tardies)
2. 10:15 we will begin the connections welcome game. Students receive the following instructions:
1) Prefaced with don’t move until I Say go, you will need notecard and a writing utensil, you may use a
marker from here if you wish.
2) Once you have those you’re going to write one of each of the 10 things that are up on the board,
Favorite food, color, Hobby, Fun, Like, # of Siblings, Pets, Career, Sport, Music. For those subjects
either write your favorite, one you like, or how many you have (explain as you list). Also explain that
those will be on the board the whole time. Give about 2 minutes for them to write.
3) Once you have your card completely filled out put your writing utensil down and stay where you are
until everyone is done.
4) If wanted you can ask for students to review their instructions with you.
3. 10:20 am begin playing the game. Students receive these instructions for the game.
1) You all have at least ten pieces of information about yourself on the card in front of you. What we’re
going to do is look for connections with each other.
2) When somebody goes you’ll listen to what they say and if you have the same thing (ex. Fav color
green, you run to connect with them first. Only one person can connect at a time.
3) When you get up there/ Once you’ve made a connection, you’ll start out by saying My name is… and
a new fact that you choose about yourself. Things can’t be repeated back to back.
4) I’ll go first. (Do example first).
5) Continue playing game until everybody has made a connection and your close the circle.
4. 10:35 Move on to discuss syllabus and Notebooks. We will spend about 20 minutes on this. Important
Pieces of information to cover is:
1) Cover Page, Syllabus,
2) Can Keep in class or locker but I’ll know you’re ready to learn every day when you’re in your seat
with something to write with and your notebook.
3) Review general policies of classroom
4) Parent Signature on the syllabus
5. 10:55 Move students along to the definition of Agriculture.
1) “So I have been told that you all might know the definition of Agriculture” Ask for anyone who
remembers from their middle school class to remind everyone. Have about 4-5 students say it out
2) Ask students if they know what Hieroglyphics are, Give the general idea that they are symbols to
represent our words. Give the following instructions: “The definition of agriculture is the processing
of Food, Feed, and Fiber through the cultivation of plants, Domestication of animals and Utilization
of Natural Resources”
i. When I say go you’ll move into four groups.
ii. One person from your group should come grab 5 markers and one poster.
iii. In your group you will Write the definition of agriculture on the top of your poster and then
draw a hieroglyphic for your definition.
iv. Should include 10 symbols (underlined Do on board too)
3) Students receive about 5-7 minutes to work in their groups on this and then will share their
hieroglyphics with the rest of the class.
6. Students will return to their seats and then write the definition of Agriculture on the back of their Cover
page for their notebook.
7. Showing that to the teacher is their exit out the door at 10:15
Knowledge/Skills/Dispositions targeted on this lesson:
Knowledge: Definition of Agriculture, expectations of the class, and their fellow classmates
Skills: connections with each other, Work with others
Dispositions: Collaborations, Respect,
Assessment Plan – What did students learn? How do you know?
The Assessment plan for this lesson is that students take the course syllabus home for their parents to sign which
shows their understanding of the classroom expectations, and then they will take their quiz on Thursday for the
Definition of Agriculture as well as having it written in their binder before they leave.

 Directions of the Hieroglyphic E-moment
 Syllabus
 Cover Page

Ruth Shepardson

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