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Course Outline:

Red Hat OpenStack Administration (CL210)

Course Description:
Red Hat OpenStack Administration (CL210) is part of the new Emerging Technology series of
courses from Red Hat Training. This course is designed for system administrators who are intending
to implement a cloud computing environment using OpenStack. Students will learn how to install,
configure, use, and maintain Red Hat OpenStack. The course will discuss fault-tolerant and
redundant configurations of Glance, Cinder and Nova Compute, and will also look at the future
plans of the OpenStack development community.

Table of Contents
1. Introducing Red Hat OpenStack Architecture
1. Red Hat OpenStack Architecture Overview
2. Installing Red Hat OpenStack
1. Installing Red Hat OpenStack with Packstack
2. Using the Horizon Web Interface
3. Deploying with Foreman
3. Implementing the Qpid Message Broker
1. Installing and Securing the Qpid Message Broker
4. Implementing the Keystone Identity Service
1. Deploying the Keystone Identity Service
2. Managing Users with the keystone Command
5. Implementing the Swift Object Storage Service
1. Installing the Swift Object Storage Service
2. Deploying a Swift Storage Node
3. Configuring Swift Object Storage Service Rings
4. Deploying the Swift Object Storage Proxy Service
5. Validating Swift Object Storage
6. Implementing the Glance Image Service
1. Deploying the Glance Image Service
2. Using the glance Command to Upload a System Image
7. Implementing the Cinder Block Storage Service
1. Installing the Cinder Block Storage Service and Managing Volumes
2. Adding a Red Hat Storage Volume to the Cinder Block Storage Service
8. Implementing the OpenStack Networking Service
1. Installing OpenStack Networking
2. Configuring OpenStack Networking
9. Implementing the Nova Compute and Nova Controller Services
1. Installing Nova Compute and Nova Controller
2. Deploying Instances using the Command Line
10.Implementing an Additional Compute Node
1. Preparing the Nova Compute Node
2. Managing Nova Compute Nodes
3. Configuring Networking on the Nova Compute Node and Launching an Instance
11.Implementing the Heat Orchestration Service
1. Implementing the Heat Orchestration Service
12.Implementing the Ceilometer Metering Service
1. Deploying the Ceilometer Metering Service
2. Metering with the Ceilometer Metering Service
13.The Future Direction of Red Hat OpenStack
1. The Future of OpenStack
14.Comprehensive Review
1. Comprehensive Review

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