Controlled Remote Viewing: by Geoffrey Gluckman

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Controlled remote viewing

By Geoffrey Gluckman A. “It is your assumption that it police?

was not used. In fact, it was, and on a
ver since the notion of some- daily basis. But you must understand A: “Actually, there are many differ-
one wanting information that our information was not the only ences. The basic one is that CRV is an
about someone or something information at the intel[ligence] com- organized and scientific method
began, the essence of surveillance has munity’s disposal. As a result, our developed in the laboratory. It was, in
stayed fairly constant throughout the information went into a large pot and fact, designed so the government
ages. Even in the last century that was melded into information from would not have to deal with psychics,
base premise remained intact, other other sources.” and could train the average soldier to
than technological advancements. do the work instead. There are differ-
That may be about to change. Q: Are you still under contract ences in practice, as well.A psychic
Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) with the U.S. government or U.S. will generally try to ‘solve’ the case
is probably a name unfamiliar to most military? — that is, provide the final answer —
individuals using surveillance as part (and often, try to take credit for the
of their work. This technique has A: “If I were not under contract, I police department’s success). A CRV
altered the science of gleaning infor- would be honest and say, ‘No.’ If I tries only to provide the investigator
mation about a target. Despite being were under contract, I would be duty- with intelligence that cannot be
in use by the U.S. government for bound to lie and say, ‘No.’ gained in any other way. The CRVer
over a quarter-century, CRV is rela- “So, to answer your question: No. [is] simply an adjunct information-
tively unknown to many in both intel- “Seriously, though, when President gathering tool for the investigator.”
ligence and law enforcement arenas. Bush ordered the intelligence commu-
Lyn Buchanan, who came to the nity to ‘think outside the box,” it gave Q: Are all viewers fully compe-
attention of the military in the early agents the freedom to use remote tent in all areas?
eighties for his ability to crash com- viewers, as well as many other intelli-
puters with an innate psychic talent gence-gathering methods not normally A: “Each viewer has his/her
and was later employed by the CIA as available to them. I was in Lower strengths and weaknesses. Since CRV
a remote viewer, hopes to shed some Manhattan the morning of 9/11, and is a science, the work of each viewer
light on this technique. In his book, was mad as hell at what I witnessed, is databased to provide a track record
“The Seventh Sense,” he defines CRV standing there looking up at the build- of each viewer’s work. That has sever-
as “the ability to control the psychic ings. I offered my services to agents al implications. When an investigator
sense through trained methods.” His within the proper agencies, and those requests a viewer to do some work,
company, Problems, Solutions, services were used [by] individual the database can be consulted in order
Innovations (PSI), also aids law agents within intelligence [circles]. to choose the person who is most suit-
enforcement agencies in CRV infor- That does not mean that I officially ed for the specific type of information
mation gathering. “Law Enforcement worked for the government, any more needed. Whether psychic or controlled
Technology” recently spoke with this than saying that an auto mechanic remote viewer, human error is always
top CRV to get his thoughts on how who works on a congressman’s car a factor. CRV provides a way to evalu-
the technique might be used in law works for Congress. If any psychic or ate each viewer’s work before some-
enforcement applications. remote viewer tells you that they one acts on it. Because of that, we
worked for the government during always ask for feedback, [which is
Q: During the Gulf War (1991- those times, they are either not using added to] the viewer’s dependability
1992), you were given Saddam the correct terminology or they are rating or track record of accuracy for
Hussein as a target. Yet, why was lying.” each type of information provided.
the information gathered not used When feedback indicates that a viewer
for his disposal? Q: What is the difference is lacking in some specific area, we
between CRV and a psychic used by can provide that viewer with further
Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is a specific form of applied parapsychology.
Spurred by similar techniques in use by the USSR in 1970, the U.S. government embarked on a
two-pronged investigation into developing CRV, as a weapon against enemies of U.S. intelligence.
An “operations unit” and a “research unit” were established, though kept distinctly separate from
each other, like a double blind research study. Under the auspices of the CIA, the basic purpose
of the operations unit was to spy on designated targets, while the research unit trained potentially
talented candidates for psychic warfare.
In 1983, the government implemented a revised program, led by Ingo Swann and Harold
Puthoff, to train anyone to reach minimum accuracy competence on targets tasked. By 1991, the
program transferred to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under the name STARGATE. It oper-
ated, more or less, secretly, performing hundreds of intelligence collection tasks. Then, in 1994,
for unclear reasons, the CIA declassified the CRV programs within the U.S. government, and evi-
dently STARGATE was terminated shortly thereafter.
According to U.S. military sources, when recruits employed these techniques, they presented it
as “the structured, scientific use of natural human potential for the acquisition of no-nonsense,
real-world information without being dependent on: the normal five senses, prior or existing
knowledge about the target, help or information from other people, logical deductions, and equip-
ment, such as photos, electronics or other devices.”
However, CRV is a physical activity, not a purely mental one. It uses the body’s autonomic nerv-
ous system to act as a “translator” between the subconscious and conscious minds — which nor-
mally do not talk to each other. This requires a discipline of physical as well as mental training.
While the practitioner needn’t possess a great degree of natural ability, the person does need to
be disciplined and employ repetition of the methods taught.
After the CIA declassified CRV, Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan established his company,
Problems, Solutions, Innovations (PSI), to serve as an independent contractor in the information
gathering field. According to Buchanan, the method of remote viewing that he teaches is best
suited for “real-world applications, such as medical (physical) diagnostics, business information
collection, [and] police work,” as well as other physical targets that surround us.
CRV is performed in a waking state, not in a trance, state of “rapture” or “possession” by some
“entity,” or some other altered consciousness. The source of the information is not important to
the method, rather the process of retrieval onto paper.
A key component of the training is the practitioner’s mastery over self, which along with a strict
set of “protocols,” keeps his/her mind from “polluting” the information he gathers. In essence, the
remote viewer is the equipment for intelligence collection, the conduit through which the data
passes, like one computer connected to another by a serial cable.

things as: ‘Has more people coming up through the

a G in the name’ or personal names ranks, though, and that number will
training in that and addresses. [Rather], a CRVer can be burgeoning very quickly in the
specific area, to make him/her better provide descriptions of the perpetra- future.”
for future use.” tor’s home, family, vehicle, workplace,
type of work, hobbies, interests, type Q: Are you still considered one of
Q: Can you give an example of of dress and other factors that allow the best CRVer’s in the world?
how CRV performed by you, or one investigators to organize and improve
of your people, helped a police the work they do, pursue new leads, A: “I don’t think that there is such
investigation? locate new evidence, etc.” a thing as the ‘world’s top CRVer.’ I
have my strengths, but have to face
A: “We have been privileged to be Q: How many competent CRV that database daily, and it keeps
of help in cases of serial killers, miss- practitioners are there in the world? reminding me of my weaknesses, too.
ing children, unidentified victims, Besides, the newer generation of
white and blue collar crimes, location A: “That depends on how you viewers seems to be building on the
of missing evidence, and providing interpret the word, ‘competent.’ The science and experience of us old
information about perpetrators. [That] way I interpret the word, I would say fogies. I have found lately that many
information [does not consist of] such that there are less than 30. We have of my students seem to be doing bet-
ter work than we did in the military. A not know what hands that information work” fit into the realm of con-
few of them are averaging in the 90+ will fall into, and we are as careful to trolled remote viewing?
percent accuracy range, whereas we protect our viewer’s identity as we are
generally averaged in the low to mid to protect our customers.” A: “Active mental work was the
80 percent range. Besides, when you euphemism for remote influencing,
talk about someone being ‘the best’ Q: What is the reliability of the hypnosis at a distance, psychokinesis
viewer, you have to ask, ‘At viewing information gathered during a CRV (moving objects with your mind), etc.
what?’ Doctors make the best medical session? The government had been so badly
viewers. Cops make the best police burned in the ’60s when people
viewers, etc. The people in a field are A: “That is a simple question to learned about their covert mind con-
the ones who best know the field’s which I can only provide a complex trol experiments that they didn’t want
language, who know what to look for answer. A viewer who has an overall to chance even [the] slightest hint of
as they view, and who understand the accuracy score of, say, 70 percent that, again. We were strictly forbidden
impact of what they are getting. I was may, in fact, be able to describe the to do such work, even on an experi-
an intelligence agent. Put me into that size or shape 99 percent of the time, mental basis.”
field and I can hold my own in any and only provide the color 10 percent
group. Put me doing medical diagnos- of the time. We might, therefore, use Q: In your training how do you
tics and any doctor trained in CRV this viewer to describe the size and deal with the possibility of remote
can view circles around me. One of shape of a getaway car in such detail influencing, the ability of someone
the problems with using natural psy- that it is identifiable to the investiga- else interfering with a CRVer’s per-
chics in police cases is that they are tor. But we would select another view- ceptions?
rarely ever trained as cops. Get a psy- er to give us a description of its color.
chic cop, and you really have some- Through the correct use of a team of A: “We don’t. This is another rea-
thing. It is the same with CRV — if viewers, each of whom have an accu- son we keep our work secret. The con-
you want REALLY good remote- racy rate of say, 70 percent, we can cept of remote influencing is largely
viewing work for police purposes, get get a much higher rate of accuracy for misunderstood. It is influencing, not
a CRV-trained cop.” a project.” control. It has about the same power
over another person as making the
Q: What are some examples of Q: What is the Assigned Witness wrapper of a soapbox red in order to
things that could compromise a Program (AWP)? [encourage] people to buy it. The
CRV session? effect is extremely small, and there
A: “The AWP is a public-service are only a very tiny number of people
A: “Interruptions, bad tasking, branch of my company, Problems in the world who can do it effectively
[poor] feedback and other factors [are Solutions, Innovations. It provides — probably less than 10 or so.
all forms of pollution]. I always said viewers to be of service to the com-
that about half of our major problems munity, the police and other public- Q: If by definition Spontaneous
came from bad tasking, another half service governmental agencies. Remote Viewing is pre-cognition,
from the viewer’s logic and imagina- “The name came about one day then is CRV just bringing that
tion, and about 20 other halves from when I was talking to an investigator. aspect of human consciousness/sub-
improper project management. There I kept trying to find out what core bit consciousness under a repeatable
are many other problems as well. For of information he needed in order to and predictable framework?
example, let’s say that everyone in a get his investigation back on track. He
CRV project does their job and gets wanted us to solve the case for him. A: “Actually that term covers more
tremendous results, but that informa- Finally, he said, ‘What I really need is than just precognition. But the letters
tion is given to a customer who won’t a witness.’ I answered, ‘I can provide ‘CRV’ stand for ‘CONTROLLED’
even read it because he/she thinks that one. If you had a witness, what would remote viewing. Therefore, it would
it is ‘garbage from artsy-fartsy New you ask him?’ He thought for a probably be more accurate to say that
Agers’ (an actual quote). Not only a moment and said, ‘You can assign spontaneous remote viewing is work-
session, but a whole project has been someone to witness things that have ing without controls. This is how a
compromised and wasted. already happened?’ I answered, natural psychic normally works. CRV
“We also worry about compromis- ‘That’s what we do.’ is a set of controls, which allow for a
ing a viewer. In actual operations, “From that conversation came the highly regulated application of a per-
such as drug interdiction, criminal name, ‘The Assigned Witness son’s natural intuitiveness in a strictly
cases, etc., we only provide the cus- Program.’ ” controlled manner. The major com-
tomer with a viewer’s identification plaint of most natural psychics is that
number, not the viewer’s name. We do Q: How does “active mental they don’t have control over their abil-
ities. CRV has total control.”

Q. What is the cost of hiring you

for work on an investigation for

A: “It is a free service. Our compa-

ny never asks for any publicity. We
generally ask the police department
for whom we work to give either a
department baseball hat or coffee mug
to each of the viewers as a reward for
their work.” ■

Geoffrey Gluckman is a novelist and

freelance writer based in Vancouver,
British Columbia. His upcoming espi-
onage novel, “Deadly Exchange,” will
be available in June 2004. Lyn
Buchanan can be reached at (this address is
reserved for police and other public
service agency use).

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