Ali-Music Movement Turkey Hokey Pokey Lesson Done

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Music/Movement Lesson Plan

Activity: Turkey Hokey Pokey

Age Group: 3&4

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Addressed (write out standard in its
entirety, including developmental domain, standard and applicable substandard):

A.EL. 1 Derives Meaning Through Listening To Communications Of Others And Sounds

In The Environment

How will you check to see if the standard(s) is/are met? (What will you look for, observe or ask
about children to know they learned what you wanted them to learn?)

The children will mimic what I do as I walk the children through the steps of the
turkey hokey pokey.

Materials and Set Up Needed (Include all items needed for the activity including
materials/supplies, books, etc. Include the name and author of books; attach words/actions to
songs and finger-plays; identify any specific set up that may be required):


Introduction (Include a visual or other creative attention getting technique; relate the introduction
to the activity):

I am going to ask the children what’s their favorite song to dance to?

Procedure (order of the activity):

I will play the song the turkey hokey pokey and walk the children through the steps of what
to what to do and how we are going to move our bodies. Then we will practice it with the
children and then do it again.

Closure/Transition (What will you say/do to let the children know the activity is over, to review
lessons learned, and to transition the children to the next activity; relate the closure to the activity
just completed?)

After I walk the children through the steps of the turkey hokey pokey, we will do it all
together. Then I will ask each child what was their favorite part of the turkey hokey pokey.
Modifications made for individuals:

I will draw the objects on a white board for the child to see.


Did the activity support the developmental skill that you planned to support? How do you

Yes, the children used repetition while I walked them through the steps of what to do for the
turkey hokey pokey. The children repeated what I did when I moved my body for example,
when I said put your right wing in the children put their right wing in.

What changes would you make in the presentation of this activity?

I would of wanted to have a board with all the movements written on it so the children could
practice it more with me. I also should have had each body part labeled on my picture of the
turkey to teach the children more about turkeys.

Would you do this activity again? Why or why not?

No because I don’t think it was at the children’s level of what to do and I don’t think they
learned much while doing it other than it might have been fun for them.

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