Biografi Singkat Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

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Biografi Singkat Ki Hajar Dewantara

Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

Oleh Ning SetiawatiDiposting pada Agustus 20, 2018
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Biografi Singkat Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam

Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

Halo sobat IBI ..

Biografi adalah kisah atau keterangan tentang kehidupan seseorang.

Sebuah biografi lebih kompleks daripada sekadar daftar tanggal lahir
atau mati dan data-data pekerjaan seseorang, biografijuga bercerita
tentang perasaan yang terlibat dalam mengalami kejadian-kejadian

Pada kesempatan ini IBI akan membahas biografi tentang Ki Hajar

Dewantara, langsung saja kita simak biografinya berikut ini.

Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara

Biografi Singkat Ki Hajar Dewantara
Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya
On May 2, 1889 Ki Hajar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta. The original
name of Ki Hajar Dewantara i.e. Raden
Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He comes from a family of Yogyakarta
Kingdom. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, he was renamed Ki
Hajar Dewantara when even 40 year old Caka year
count did. Since that time, he was no longer using knighted before his
name. It is intended that he be free to close to the people, both
physically and in his heart. He is a figure of a polite, simple and noble-
hearted.Although the gentility but Ki Hajar Dewantara still hang out
with the peopledownstairs and diligently provide succor to the needy.
The journey of life Ki Hajar Dewantara really characterized the
struggle and devotion in the interest of his
people. He completed elementary school in
ELS (Netherlandselementary school) then extends to the
STOVIA (schoolDoctor Bumiputra), but not until the end due to
illness. He then worked as a journalist on several newspapers, among
others, Sedyotomo, Java, MiddenDe Express, Indian Oetoesan, Kaoe
m, Moeda Tjahaja Timoer andPoesara. In his time, he belongs to the
author reliable. His writings are verycommunicative, sharp
and so capable of uplifting patriotic antikolonialforreaders.
Ki Hajar Dewantara in addition to young journalists as a tenacious,
he was also active in social and political organization. In 1908, he was
active inBoedi Oetomo propaganda section to socialize and
evocative awareness ofIndonesia at that time aboutthe importance
of unity and unity in the nationand State.
Ki Hajar Dewantara very active and concerned with the world of
education.One of the proofs of it i.e. He established the
School Grounds Students in 1922.
He gave the example of and motivation to young people to
keep passion inlearning about science. One of the motivational words
of Ki Hajar Dewantara which until now still inherent in the minds of all
of us, namely: “Tut wuri handayani” ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing
madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.


Pada Tanggal 2 Mei 1889 Ki Hajar Dewantara lahir di Yogyakarta.

Nama asli Ki Hajar Dewantara yaitu Raden Mas Soewardi
Soeryaningrat. Beliau berasal dari lingkungan keluarga kraton
Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, beliau berganti
nama menjadi Ki Hadjar Dewantara saat genap berusia 40 tahun
menurut hitungan Tahun Caka. Semenjak saat itu, ia tidak lagi
menggunakan gelar kebangsawanan di depan namanya. Hal ini
dimaksudkan supaya ia dapat bebas dekat dengan rakyat, baik
secara fisik maupun hatinya. Beliau adalah sosok yang santun,
sederhana dan berhati mulia. Walau keturunan ningrat namun Ki
Hajar Dewantara tetap bergaul dengan rakyat bawah dan rajin
memberikan pertolongan kepada yang membutuhkan.
Perjalanan hidup Ki Hajar Dewantara benar-benar diwarnai
perjuangan dan pengabdian demi kepentingan bangsanya. Ia
menamatkan Sekolah Dasar di ELS (Sekolah Dasar Belanda)
Kemudian sempat melanjut ke STOVIA (Sekolah Dokter Bumiputera),
tapi tidak sampai tamat karena sakit. Kemudian ia bekerja sebagai
wartawan di beberapa surat kabar antara lain Sedyotomo, Midden
Java, De Express, Oetoesan Hindia, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer
dan Poesara. Pada masanya, ia tergolong penulis handal. Tulisan-
tulisannya sangat komunikatif, tajam dan patriotik sehingga mampu
membangkitkan semangat antikolonial bagi pembacanya.Ki Hajar
Dewantara Selain ulet sebagai seorang wartawan muda, ia juga aktif
dalam organisasi sosial dan politik. Pada tahun 1908, ia aktif di seksi
propaganda Boedi Oetomo untuk mensosialisasikan dan menggugah
kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia pada waktu itu mengenai
pentingnya persatuan dan kesatuan dalam berbangsa dan bernegara.
Ki Hajar Dewantara sangat aktif dan peduli dengan dunia pendidikan.
Salah satu bukti kepeduliannya yaitu beliau mendirikan Sekolah
Taman Siswa pada Tahun 1922.Beliau banyak memberikan teladan
dan motivasi kepada kaum muda untuk terus semangat dalam belajar
tentang ilmu pengetahuan. Salah satu kata kata motivasi dari Ki Hajar
Dewantara yang sampai sekarang masih melekat di benak kita semua
yaitu :

Baca Juga : Ungkapan Sederhana Dan Mudah Untuk

Memperkenalkan Diri Atau Seseorang Dengan Seseorang Yang
Lainnya Lengkap Beserta Contoh Percakapan

“Tut wuri handayani”, atau aslinya: ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya
mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. Arti dari semboyan ini adalah: tut
wuri handayani (dari belakang seorang guru harus bisa memberikan
dorongan dan arahan), ing madya mangun karsa (di tengah atau di
antara murid, guru harus menciptakan prakarsa dan ide), dan ing
ngarsa sung tulada (di depan, seorang pendidik harus memberi
teladan atau contoh tindakan yang baik)
Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Bahasa
Inggris Beserta Artinya

Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta on May 2nd 1889. He came
from Pakualaman family, the son of GPH Soerjaningrat, grandson of Pakualam III and
grew up in a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom.
Then, in 1922 when he was 40 years old (according to the count of Caka Year), Raden
Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat changed his name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
Since that time, he was no longer using a knighthood in front of his name. Based on the
Indonesian spelling in since 1972, its name is misspelled as Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Ki Hajar Dewantara ever studied at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) at the Dutch
colonial era it is an elementary school in Indonesia.
After graduating from ELS, then he went to STOVIA (Bumiputera Medical School) is a
school for the education of indigenous doctors in Batavia in the Dutch colonial era. This
time it became the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Although he did not
could not complete his education because of illness.
Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer and journalist in various newspapers, such as:
Tjahaja Timoer, Midden Java, De Expres, Sediotomo, Kaoem Moeda, Poesara, and
Oetoesan Indies. His writing is very communicative and brave with anti-colonial spirit.
Besides work as a writer, he is also active in social and political organizations. Since
1908, the beginning of the Boedi Utomo (BO), he was active in the propaganda section
to socialize and Indonesian public awareness about the importance of a sense of unity in
the nation.
Not only that, it turns Ki Hajar Dewantara also known as a prominent pioneer of
education for the natives of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial era.
In fact, he managed to establish a school of the National University Student Park
(National Institute of Taman Siswa Onderwijs) on July 3rd 1922.
At first the Dutch colonial government attempted to deter his plan. Dutch government
issued a Wild School Ordinance on October 1st 1932. However, because of his
persistence and struggle, the ordinance was finally lifted.
The college emphasizes a sense of nationality to indigenous education so that they love
the nation and homeland and fight for independence.
Ki Hajar Dewantara’s been appointed as Minister of Teaching Indonesia referred to as
the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture in the cabinet of the first Republic of
For his service pioneered education in Indonesia, in 1957 he received an honorary
doctorate (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Finally, he was declared as Father of National Education of Indonesia, as well as his
birth day serves as National Education Day.
Ki Hajar Dewantara died on 26th April 1959 in Yogyakarta. He was buried at the Taman
Wijaya Brata, tombs for Taman Siswa’s family. His face was also immortalized on the
Indonesian currency denomination of old 20,000 rupiahs.
Brief Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara
Full Name: Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat
Other Names: Ki Hajar Dewantara, Father of Education, and Ki Hadjar Dewantara
Profession: Education Leaders
Religion: Islam
Place of Birth: Yogyakarta
Date of Birth: Thursday, May 2nd 1889
Zodiac: Taurus
Nationality: Indonesia
Wife: Nyi Sutartinah
Date of Death: April 26th 1959
Died Age: 69 years
Grave: Taman Wijaya Brata
Motto of Ki Hadjar Dewantara

 Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo

 Ing Madyo Mangun Karso
 Tut Wuri Handayani
The most famous Posts of Ki Hajar Dewantara

If I A Dutch (Als ik een Nederlander was)

“If I were a Dutchman, I will not hold parties independence in a country that had we took
his own independence. Parallel to the path of such thoughts, not only unfair, but also
inappropriate to send the inlander made donation to fund the celebration. The idea to
implement the celebration of that should be insulting them, and now we also dredging
their gun. Let’s go ahead insult outwardly and inwardly it! If I were a Dutchman, it is
particularly offended me and fellow countrymen is the fact that inlander required to
participate sponsor an activity without the slightest interest for him”.
Source: De Expres, July 13th 1913
Arti dari Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Bahasa

Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat dilahirkan di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 2 Mei tahun
1889. Beliau berasal dari lingkungan keluarga Pakualaman, putra dari GPH
Soerjaningrat, cucu dari Pakualam III dan dibesarkan di lingkungan keluarga kraton

Barulah pada tahun 1922 saat beliau berusia 40 tahun (menurut hitungan Tahun Caka),
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat mengubah namanya menjadi Ki Hadjar Dewantara.

Semenjak saat itu pula,beliau tidak lagi menggunakan gelar kebangsawanan di depan
namanya. Berdasarkan ejaan bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku sejak tahun 1972
namanya dieja menjadi Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Ki Hajar Dewantara pernah bersekolah di Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) yang

mana pada saat zaman penjajahan Belanda itu adalah sekolah dasar di Indonesia.

Setelah lulus dari ELS, kemudian beliau bersekolah di STOVIA (Sekolah Dokter
Bumiputera) yaitu sebuah sekolah untuk pendidikan dokter pribumi di Batavia pada
zaman kolonial Hindia Belanda. Saat ini sekolah beliau menjadi menjadi Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Meskipun beliau tidak tidak dapat menyelesaikan
pendidikannya karena sakit.

Ki Hajar Dewantara bekerja sebagai penulis dan wartawan diberbagai surat kabar,
seperti: Tjahaja Timoer, Midden Java, De Expres, Sediotomo, Kaoem Moeda, Poesara,
dan Oetoesan Hindia. Tulisan beliau sangat komunikatif dan tajam dengan semangat

Selain bekerja sebagai penulis, beliau juga aktif dalam organisasi sosial dan politik.
Sejak tahun 1908, awal berdirinya Boedi Oetomo (BO), beliau aktif di seksi propaganda
untuk menyosialisasikan dan menggugah kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia mengenai
pentingnya rasa persatuan dan kesatuan dalam berbangsa dan bernegara.

Tidak hanya itu, ternyata Ki Hajar Dewantara juga dikenal sebagai seorang tokoh
pelopor pendidikan bagi kaum pribumi Indonesia dari zaman penjajahan Belanda.

Bahkan, beliau berhasil mendirikan sebuah sekolah Perguruan Nasional Taman Siswa
(National Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa) pada tanggal 3 Juli tahun 1922.

Pada awalnya pemerintah kolonial Belanda berupaya untuk menghalangi niat beliau.
Pemerintahan Belanda mengeluarkan Ordonansi Sekolah Liar pada tanggal 1 Oktober
tahun 1932. Namun berkat kegigihan dan perjuangannya, ordonansi tersebut akhirnya

Perguruan ini sangat menekankan pendidikan rasa kebangsaan kepada pribumi agar
mereka mencintai bangsa dan tanah air dan berjuang untuk memperoleh kemerdekaan.

Ki Hajar Dewantara pernah diangkat menjadi Menteri Pengajaran Indonesia disebut

sebagai Menteri Pendidikan, pada kabinet Pengajaran dan Kebudayaan yang pertama
Republik Indonesia.

Atas jasanya merintis pendidikan di Indonesia, pada tahun 1957 beliau mendapat gelar
doktor kehormatan (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) dari Universitas Gadjah Mada

Beliau akhirnya dinyatakan sebagai Bapak Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia, sekaligus

juga hari kelahiran beliau dijadikan sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional.

Ki Hajar Dewantara meninggal dunia pada tanggal 26 April tahun 1959 di Yogyakarta.
Beliau dimakamkan di Taman Wijaya Brata, makam untuk keluarga Taman Siswa.
Wajah beliau juga diabadikan pada lembaran mata uang Indonesia pecahan 20.000
rupiah lama.
Biografi Muhammad Hatta
Mohammad Hatta or often called Bung Hatta was the first Vice
President of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit tinggi,
West Sumatera on August 12th, 1902. His father is Haji Mohammad
Djamil and his mother is Siti Saleha. His father died when he was
eight months old. Hatta married to Rahmi Hatta on November 18th,
1945. The couple had three children named Meutia Farida Hatta,
Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.

Hatta started his education at a private school named Sekolah

Melayu. Then he went to ELS (European Language School). He
continued his school to MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs).
Hatta began to show his interested in politics and national movement
since he was sixteen years old. He joined Jong Sumatranen Bond and
he was chosen as the treasurer.

In 1919, Hatta went to Hogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Batavia

(Jakarta). He finished his study with distinction in 1921 and he was
allowed to continue his study to Rotterdam School of Commerce in
Netherlands. He took economics as his major and got a doctorandus
degree. He then continued to pursue his doctorate degree, but he
didn’t finish his thesis because politics had taken over his life.

Baca Juga : 35 Istilah Bahasa Inggris Dalam Dunia Penerbangan

In Netherlands Hatta joined the Indische Vereeniging. In 1922,

Indische Vereeniging changed its named to Indonesische Vereeniging
(Perhimpoenan Indonesia). Hatta was the treasurer from 1922-1925
and then he became the chairman from 1926-1930. Perhimpoenan
Indonesia then changed from a student organization to political
organization that demand for Indonesia’s Independence. It expressed
its voice through a magazine called Indonesia Merdeka of which Hatta
was the editor.

Hatta attended congresses all over Europe to gain more support from
other nations, he always as the chairman of Indonesia delegation. By
the middle of 1927, Perhimpoenan Indonesia’s activites had alarmed
the Dutch authorities. On June 1927, Dutch authorities put Hatta and
four other Indonesian activists in jail. In 1929, Hatta and other
Perhimpoenan Indonesia activists were released.

Mohammad Hatta atau sering disebut Bung Hatta adalah Wakil Presid
enpertama Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta lahir di Bukittinggi, Sumatera
Baratpada tanggal 12 Agustus 1902. Ayahnya adalah Haji Mohamma
d Djamildan ibunya adalah Siti Saleha. Ayahnya meninggal ketika ia b
erusiadelapan bulan. Hatta menikah dengan Rahmi Hatta pada 18 No
vember1945. Pasangan itu beranak tiga bernama Meutia Farida Hatta
, GemalaRabi’ah Hatta, dan Halida Nuriah Hatta.
Hatta mulai pendidikan di sekolah swasta bernama Sekolah Melayu.K
emudian ia pergi ke ELS (sekolah bahasa Eropa). Dia melanjutkansek
olah ke MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs). Hatta mulaimenunj
ukkan ia tertarik dalam politik dan gerakannasional sejak ia berusiaen
belas tahun. Beliau bergabung Jong Sumatranen Bond dan ia dipilihs
ebagai bendahara.
Pada tahun 1919, Hatta pergi ke Hogere burger
School (Minangkabau) diBatavia (Jakarta). Ia menyelesaikan studinya
dengan pada tahun
1921 dandia diperbolehkanuntuk melanjutkan studinya ke Rotterdam
School ofCommerce di Belanda. Dia mengambil ekonomi sebagai beli
au danmendapatkan gelar Doktorandus. Dia kemudian melanjutkan u
ntukmengejar gelar doktor, tapi dia tidak menyelesaikan tesis–
nyakarena politiktelah mengambil alih hidupnya.
Di Belanda Hatta bergabung Indische Vereeniging. Pada tahun
1922,Indische Vereeniging berubah bernama Indonesische Vereenigi
ng(Perhimpoenan Indonesia). Selama dari 1922-
1925 dan kemudianmenjabat sebagai Ketua dari 1926-
1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesiakemudian berubah dari organisasi ke
mahasiswaan organisasi politik yangpermintaan untuk kemerdekaan I
ndonesia. Itu dinyatakan suaranyamelaluimajalah Indonesia Merdeka
yang Hatta adalah editor.
Hatta menghadiri Kongres seluruh Eropa untuk mendapatkan lebih
banyakdukungan dari bangsa-
bangsa lain, ia selalu sebagai Ketua delegasiIndonesia. Pada perteng
ahan tahun
1927, kegiatan PerhimpoenanIndonesia telah khawatir pemerintah Be
landa. Pada Juni 1927, pemerintahBelanda menempatkan Hatta dan
empat aktivis Indonesia lainnya dipenjara. Pada tahun
1929, Hatta dan aktivis Perhimpoenan Indonesialainnya yang dirilis.
Demikian yang dapat IBI sampaikan, semoga apa yang sudah
disampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini dapat bermanfaaat dan dapat
dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa inggris sobat IBi semua.
Biografi Mohammad Hatta Dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Mohammad Hatta or often called Bung Hatta was the first Vice President of
Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit tinggi, West Sumatera on
August 12th, 1902. His father is Haji Mohammad Djamil and his mother is
Siti Saleha. His father died when he was eight months old. Hatta married to
Rahmi Hatta on November 18th, 1945. The couple had three children
named Meutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah

Hatta started his education at a private school named Sekolah Melayu.

Then he went to ELS (European Language School). He continued his school
to MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs). Hatta began to show his
interested in politics and national movement since he was sixteen years old.
He joined Jong Sumatranen Bond and he was chosen as the treasurer.

In 1919, Hatta went to Hogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Batavia (Jakarta). He

finished his study with distinction in 1921 and he was allowed to continue
his study to Rotterdam School of Commerce in Netherlands. He took
economics as his major and got a doctorandus degree. He then continued to
pursue his doctorate degree, but he didn’t finish his thesis because politics
had taken over his life.

In Netherlands Hatta joined the Indische Vereeniging. In 1922, Indische

Vereeniging changed its named to Indonesische Vereeniging
(Perhimpoenan Indonesia). Hatta was the treasurer from 1922-1925 and
then he became the chairman from 1926-1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesia
then changed from a student organization to political organization that
demand for Indonesia’s Independence. It expressed its voice through a
magazine called Indonesia Merdeka of which Hatta was the editor.

Hatta attended congresses all over Europe to gain more support from other
nations, he always as the chairman of Indonesia delegation. By the middle
of 1927, Perhimpoenan Indonesia’s activites had alarmed the Dutch
authorities. On June 1927, Dutch authorities put Hatta and four other
Indonesian activists in jail. In 1929, Hatta and other Perhimpoenan
Indonesia activists were released.

MATERI LAINNYA Biografi Chairil Anwar Dalam Bahasa Inggris

On August 1932, after returning to Indonesia, Hatta became the chairman

of the new PNI. On February 1934, the Dutch Colonial government arrested
PNI leaders from its Jakarta branch (including Hatta) and Bandung
branch. They were prisoned for a year. In 1935, it was decided that Hatta
and the other PNI leaders would be exiled to Boven Digoel Papua. In 1936,
Hatta and Sutan Syahrir were transfered to Bandaneira in Maluku. There,
they joined other nationalists such as Iwa Kusumasumantri and Dr. Cipto

In 1942, Hatta and Syahrir were transferred to Sukabumi, West Java. In the
same year, the Dutch Colonial Government surrendered. However, because
of World War II was under way, the Empire of Japan came to Indonesia to
fulfil their imperial ambitions in East Asia and South East Asia. On March
1942, Hatta and Syahrir were transferred to Jakarta.

In July 1942, Hatta was reunited with Sukarno. In a secret meeting at

Hatta’s Jakarta home, Sukarno, Hatta and Syahrir agreed to organise the
revolutionary resistance to achieve independence from Japan. In a speech
on December 1942, Hatta said that Indonesia already free from the Dutch
Colonial Government, but Indonesia was free only to be colonized by
another power, he would rather to see Indonesia drown to the bottom of the

As the tide of the war began to turn against the Japanese, the Japanese
Occupational government in Indonesia began to lose its control of
Indonesia. On August 1945, Japanese finally approved Indonesian
Independence. August 16th, 1945, the Indonesian youths kidnapped
Sukarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok to force both of them to declare
Independence of Indonesia.

Finally, August 17th, 1945, at Sukarno’s residence, Indonesia’s

Independence was proclaimed in a short statement on a paper signed by
Sukarno and Hatta. On August 18th, 1945 Hatta was selected as Indonesia’s
first Vice President to accompany Sukarno as the President of Indonesia.
Hatta died on March 14th, 1980 and he was buried in Tanah Kusir public
cemetary, Jakarta.

MATERI LAINNYA Biografi Dewi Sartika Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Mohammad Hatta atau yang lebih sering dipanggil Bung Hatta adalah
Wakil President pertama Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta lahir di Bukit tinggi,
Sumatera Barat pada tanggal 12 Agustus 1902. Ayahnya adalah Haji
Mohammad Djamil dan ibunya adalah Siti Saleha. Ayahnya meninggal saat
Hatta berusia delapan bulan. Hatta menikah dengan Rahmi Hatta pada
tanggal 18 November 1945. Pasangan ini dikaruniai tiga orang anak
bernama Meutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, dan Halida Nuriah

Hatta memulai pendidikannya di ssebuah sekolah swasta bernama Sekolah

Melayu. Setelah itu beliau melanjutkan ke ELS (European Language
School). Beliau melanjutkan sekolahnya ke MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager
Onderwijs). Hatta mulai menunjukkan ketertarikannya pada dunia politik
dan pergerakan national sejak beliau berusia 16 tahun. Beliau bergabung
dengan Jong Sumatranen Bond dan beliau terpilih sebagai bendahara.

Pada tahun 1919, Hatta bersekolah di Hogere Burgerschool(HBS) di

Batavia (Jakarta). Beliau menamatkan sekolahnya dengan tanda
kehormatan sehingga beliau diperbolehkan untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya
ke Rotterdam School of Commerce di Belanda. Beliau mengambil jurusan
ekonomi dan mendapatkan gelar doktorandus di sana. Kemudian beliau
melanjutkan untuk mengejar gelar doktornya, namun beliau tidak
menyelesaikan tesisnya karena politik telah mengambil alih kehidupannya.

Di Belanda Hatta bergabung dengan Indische Vereeniging(Organisasi

Indonesia). Pada tahun 1922, Indische Vereeniging bergaanti nama
menjadi Indonesische Vereeniging(Perhimpoenan Indonesia). Hatta
menjabat sebagai bendahara dari tahun 1922-1925 kemudian beliau
menjadi ketua dari tahun 1926-1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesia kemudian
berubah dari sebuah organisasi pelajar menjadi organisasi politik yang
berjuang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ini ditunjukkan
melalui suaranya di sebuah majalah bernama Indonesia Merdeka dimana
Hatta adalah editornya.

Hatta menghadiri semua kongres diseluruh Eropa untuk mendapatkan

dukungan dari negara lain, beliau selalu menjadi delegasi dari Indonesia.
Pada pertengahan tahun 1927, aktifitas dari Perhimpoenan Indonesia
diberi peringatan oleh pemerintah Belanda. Pada Juni 1927, pemerintah
belanda menjebloskan Hatta dan empat aktivis Indonesia ke penjara. Pada
tahun 1929, Hatta dan aktivis lainnya dari Perhimpoenan Indonesia

MATERI LAINNYA Biografi R.A Kartini Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Pada Agustus 1932, setelah kembali ke Indonesia, Hatta menjadi ketua dari
PNI yang baru. Pada Februari 1934, pemerintah kolonial Belanda
menangkap para ketua PNI dari cabang Jakarta (termasuk Hatta) dan dari
cabang di Bandung. Mereka di penjara selama satu tahun. Pada tahun 1935,
diputuskan bahwa Hatta dan ketua PNI yang lainnya akan diasingkan ke
Boven Digoel Papua. Pada tahun 1936, Hatta dan Sutan Syahrir
dipindahkan ke Bandaneira di Maluku. Di sana, mereka bergabung dengan
nationalis lainnya seperti Iwa Kusumasumantri and Dr. Cipto

Pada tahun 1942, Hatta dan Syahrir dipindahkan ke Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
Ditahun yang sama, pemerintah kolonial Belanda menyerah. Akan tetapi,
karena adanya Perang Dunia II yang sedang berlangsung, Penguasa Jepang
datang ke Indonesia untuk memenuhi ambisi untuk menguasai Asia Timur
dan Asia Tenggara. Pada Maret 1942, Hatta dan Syahrir dipindahkan ke

Pada Juli 1942, Hatta bergabung kembali dengan Sukarno. Pada sebuah
rapat rahasia di kediaman Hatta di Jakarta, Sukarno, Hatta dan Syahrir
setuju untuk membentuk sebuah pergerakan revolusi untuk meraih
kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Jepang. Dalam pidatonya pada bulan
Desember 1942, Hatta berkata bahwa Indonesia telah bebas dari
pemerintah kolonial Belanda, tapi Indonesia bebas hanya untuk dijajah lagi
oleh kekuasaan lainna, beliau lebih memilih untuk melihat Indonesia
tenggelam ke dasar laut.

Sebagai imbas dari perang yang mulai berbalik arah melawan Jepang,
pemerintah Jepang di Indonesia mulai kehilangan kendalinya di Indonesia.
Pada Agustus 1945, Jepang akhirnya menyetujui Kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1945, golongan muda Indonesia menculik Sukarno
dan Hatta ke Rengasdengklok untuk memaksa mereka berdua untuk
mendeklarasikan Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Akhirnya pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, di kediaman Sukarni,

Kemerdekaan Indonesia diprklamasikan dengan sebuah pernyataan
singkat di atas kertas yang ditandatangani oleh Sukarno dan Hatta. Pada
tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 Hatta dipilih menjadi Wakil Presiden pertama
untuk mendampingi Sukarno sebagai Presiden Indonesia. Hatta meninggal
pada tanggal 14 Maret 1980 dan beliau dimakamkan di pemakaman umum
Tanah Kusir, Jakarta
One of very famous female figures in Indonesia is Raden Ajeng Kartini. She is also
commonly known as R.A Kartini.
She is known as one of the national hero determined to fight for the emancipation of
R.A Kartini was born on April 21st 1879 in Jepara. Since the number of services and
struggle for people of Indonesia, the day of her birth was celebrated as Kartini Day.
Kartini was born in a noble family so she earned R.A (Raden Ajeng) in front of her name.
According to Javanese tradition the title used before she got married, while after
marriage then knighted used is R.A (Raden Ayu).
Her father named R.M. Sosroningrat is a son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV. At that
time, Kartini’s father was a regent in Jepara and an honorable man.
Kartini’s mother named M.A. Ngasirah was the son of ‘Kyai’ / religion teacher in
Telukawur, Jepara. She was not highborn, but just ordinary people.
That’s what makes R.A Kartini must have a stepmother. This is because the Dutch
colonial rule requires a regent married to noblesse.
Finally Kartini’s father then married a descendant of Madura’s King noblewoman named
Raden Adjeng Woerjan.
R.A Kartini was the fifth of 11 siblings, consisting of siblings and half-brother.
Nevertheless, she was the oldest of her sisters.
As derived from the offspring of nobility, Kartini is entitled to receive a decent education.
Then, her father sent her to ELS (Europese Lagere School).
According to Javanese tradition, after the 12 years old, the child should be ‘dipingit‘
(living at home), is no exception for R.A Kartini. However, although she was at home,
she still continues to learn.
Her lofty ideals are eager to see the indigenous women can study and learn as today.
New ideas about emancipation or equality of indigenous women by her, considered a
novelty that can change society’s views.
In addition, her writings also contain about the significance of belief, wisdom and beauty,
humanity and nationalism.
Not only that, she also touched on religion, for example, she questioned why a man may
practice polygamy, why the holy book should be read and memorized without obligation
to understand, and more.
After becoming adult moman, then in 1903 R.A Kartini married a regent of Rembang City
named K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat. Although many historians say that
the wedding is the insistence of her parents.
Most people estimate at the time of marriage, Kartini R.A still wants to live freely. But in
order to make the hearts of parents happy and proud, she prefers to follow the wishes of
her parents.
While it is like other destiny. Exactly a year after getting married, she must be in the call
by the God (25 years old). Note before she died, she had a son named R.M Soesalit
RA Kartini’s Books

 Aku Mau … Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. Surat-surat Kartini kepada Stella

Zeehandelaar 1899-1903.
 Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang
 Kartini Surat-surat kepada Ny RM Abendanon-Mandri dan suaminya
 Letters from Kartini, An Indonesian Feminist 1900-1904
 Panggil Aku Kartini Saja (Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
 Surat-surat Kartini, Renungan Tentang dan Untuk Bangsanya

The Brief Biography of RA Kartini in English

Full Name: Raden Ajeng Kartini
Other Names: Raden Ayu Kartini, RA Kartini
Date of Birth: April 21th 1879
Zodiac: Taurus
Place of Birth: Dutch Flag Jepara, Central Java, the Indies
Date of Death: September 17th 1904
Points Died: Rembang, Central Java, the Indies
Died Age: 25 Years
Known for: The Emancipation of Women
Nationality: Indonesia
Religion: Islam
Husband: K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat
Children: R.M Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat
Grandchildren: RM. Boedi Setiyo Soesalit
Great-grandchildren: RA. Kartini Setiawati Soesalit, RM. Kartono Boediman Soesalit,
Soesalit Roekmini RA, RM. Samingoen Bawadiman Soesalit, and RM. Rahmat Harjanto
Arti Dari Biografi RA Kartini Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Salah satu tokoh wanita yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia ialah Raden Ajeng Kartini.
Beliau juga biasa dikenal sebagai R.A Kartini.
Beliau dikenal sebagai salah satu pahlawan nasional yang gigih untuk memperjuangkan
emansipasi wanita.
R.A Kartini lahir pada tanggal 21 April tahun 1879 di Kota Jepara. Karena banyaknya
jasa dan perjuangannya pada bangsa Indonesia maka hari kelahirannya itu kemudian
diperingati sebagai Hari Kartini.
Kartini lahir di keluarga bangsawan oleh karenanyalah ia memperoleh gelar R.A (Raden
Ajeng) di depan namanya. Menurut tradisi jawa gelar itu digunakan sebelum beliau
menikah, sedangkan setelah menikah maka gelar kebangsawanan yang dipergunakan
adalah R.A (Raden Ayu).
Ayah beliau bernama R.M. Sosroningrat adalah seorang putra dari Pangeran Ario
Tjondronegoro IV. Pada saat dilahirkan, ayah R.A Kartini adalah seorang bupati di
Jepara dan merupakan orang yang terpandang.
Ibu kartini bernama M.A. Ngasirah adalah anak seorang kiai / guru agama di Telukawur,
Jepara. Beliau bukanlah keturunan bangsawan, melainkan hanya rakyat biasa.
Hal itulah yang membuat R.A Kartini harus mempunyai seorang ibu tiri. Hal ini karena itu
peraturan kolonial Belanda mengharuskan seorang Bupati menikah dengan bangsawan
Hingga pada akhirnya ayah Kartini kemudian menikah dengan seorang wanita
bangsawan keturunan Raja Madura bernama Raden Adjeng Woerjan.
R.A Kartini adalah anak kelima dari 11 orang saudara, yang terdiri dari saudara kandung
dan saudara tiri. Meskipun anak kelima, namun beliau adalah anak perempuan paling
tua dari saudara-saudaranya.
Karena berasal dari keturunan bangsawan, kartini berhak mendapatkan pendidikan
yang layak. Lalu, Ayahnya menyekolahkan beliau di ELS (Europese Lagere School).
Menurut tradisi jawa, setelah anak perempuan berusia 12 tahun maka anak tersebut
harus ‘dipingit’ (tinggal dirumah), tidak terkecuali R.A Kartini. Akan tetapi, meskipun
beliau berada di rumah, beliau tetap terus belajar.
Cita-cita luhur beliau adalah ingin melihat perempuan asli pribumi dapat menuntut ilmu
dan belajar seperti saat ini.
Gagasan-gagasan baru mengenai emansipasi atau persamaan hak wanita pribumi oleh
beliau, dianggap sebagai hal baru yang dapat merubah pandangan masyarakat.
Selain itu, tulisan beliau juga berisi tentang yaitu makna Ketuhanan, Kebijaksanaan dan
Keindahan, peri kemanusiaan dan juga Nasionalisme.
Tidak hanya itu, beliau juga menyinggung tentang agama, misalnya ia mempertanyakan
mengapa laki-laki dapat berpoligami, mengapa kitab suci itu harus dibaca dan dihafal
tanpa perlu kewajiban untuk memahaminya, dan lainnya.
Setelah dewasa, barulah pada tahun 1903 R.A Kartini menikah dengan seorang Bupati
Kota Rembang bernama K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat. Meskipun
banyak sejarawan yang mengatakan bahwa pernikahan tersebut adalah desakan dari
orang tua.
Sebagian besar orang memperkirakan pada saat menikah, R.A Kartini masih ingin hidup
dengan bebas. Tetapi karena ingin membuat hati orang tua senang dan bangga, beliau
lebih memilih untuk mengikuti keinginan orang tuanya.
Meskipun memang takdir berkehendak lain. Tepat setahun setelah menikah beliau
harus di panggil oleh Yang Maha Kuasa (25 tahun). Diketahui sebelum wafat beliau
mempunyai seorang anak bernama R.M Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat.
Buku-Buku RA Kartini

 Aku Mau … Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. Surat-surat Kartini kepada Stella

Zeehandelaar 1899-1903.
 Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang
 Kartini Surat-surat kepada Ny RM Abendanon-Mandri dan suaminya
 Letters from Kartini, An Indonesian Feminist 1900-1904
 Panggil Aku Kartini Saja (Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
 Surat-surat Kartini, Renungan Tentang dan Untuk Bangsanya
Biografi Singkat RA Kartini dalam Bahasa Inggris
Nama Lengkap : Raden Ajeng Kartini
Nama Lain : Raden Ayu Kartini, RA Kartini
Tanggal Lahir : 21 April 1879
Zodiac : Taurus
Tempat Lahir : Bendera Belanda Jepara, Jawa Tengah, Hindia Belanda
Tanggal Meninggal : 17 September 1904
Tempat Meninggal : Rembang, Jawa Tengah, Hindia Belanda
Usia Meninggal : 25 Tahun
Dikenal karena : Emansipasi wanita
Warga Negara : Indonesia
Agama : Islam
Suami : K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat
Anak : R.M Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat
Cucu : RM. Boedi Setiyo Soesalit
Cicit : RA. Kartini Setiawati Soesalit, RM. Kartono Boediman Soesalit, RA Roekmini
Soesalit, RM. Samingoen Bawadiman Soesalit, dan RM. Rahmat Harjanto Soesalit.
mohammad hatta Thanks hopefully Biography biography Biography and Profile Bung Hatta, he is the
hero of the nation whose services eligible for recalls and we pray for his services during his service as
an Indonesian national hero, And Then how the story of his life he Samasa you please be more
familiar with man Hatta Hatta biographies.
Mohammad Hatta was born on August 12, 1902 in Dublin. In a lovely little town Bung Hatta raised in
his mother's family. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when she was eight months Hatta. From
his mother, Hatta has six sisters. He was the son only. Since sitting on MULO in Padang, he has been
interested in the movement. Since 1916, youth associations arise as Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen
Bond, Jong Minahasa. and Jong Ambon. Hatta get into clubs Jong Sumatranen Bond.
As treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, he realized the importance of financial sense for his
association. However, the financial resources of both membership dues and donations from outside is
possible only if the current members have a sense of responsibility and discipline. Sense of
responsibility and discipline further characterize the properties of Mohammad Hatta.
The period of study in the NetherlandsIn 1921 Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to study at Handels
Hoge School in Rotterdam. He signed up as a member of Vereniging Indies. In 1922, the association
changed its name to Indonesische Vereniging. Society who refused to cooperate with the Dutch was
then renamed again to the Association of Indonesia (PI).
Hatta also see to it that the magazine assembly, Poetra Indies, appear regularly as a basic bond
between members. In 1924 the magazine changed its name to Indonesia Merdeka.
Hatta pass the exam handels Economie (economic trade) in 1923. Originally he intended doctoral
exams in economic science at the end of 1925. Therefore in 1924 he was active in the non-PI. But
when it opened a new department, which state law and administrative law. Hatta also entered the
department was encouraged by the great interest in politics.
The extension study plan that allows Hatta was elected Chairman of the PI on January 17, 1926. On
that occasion, he spoke inauguration speech, entitled "Economische Wereldbouw en
Machtstegenstellingen" - World Economic Structure and the Conflicts of power. He tried to analyze
the structure of the world economy, and based on that, pointing to a non-cooperative foundation of
From 1926 to 1930, respectively Hatta elected as Chairman of the PI. Under his leadership, the PI
developed from sororities used to be the political organization of the people who influence the course
of politics in Indonesia. So finally recognized by the National Political Association Pemufakatan
Indonesia (GN) PI as outposts of the national movements in Europe.
PI active propaganda outside the Netherlands. Almost every international congress in Europe
entered, and received the association. During that time, almost always Hatta himself who led the
In 1926, with the aim of introducing the name "Indonesia", Hatta led a delegation to the International
Congress for Peace Democracy Bierville, France. Without much opposition, "Indonesia" was officially
recognized by Congress. The name "Indonesia" to mention the Dutch East Indies when it was a really
well known among international organizations.
Hatta and Indonesian nationalist movement got important experience in the League Against
Imperialism and Colonial Oppression, an international congress held in Brussels on 10-15 February
1927. At this congress Hatta acquainted with the leaders of the labor movement as G. Ledebour and
Edo Fimmen, as well as figures who later became statesmen in Asia and Africa such as Jawaharlal
Nehru (India), Hafiz Ramadan Bey (Egypt), and Senghor (Africa). His personal friendship with Nehru
started since then.
In 1927 also, Hatta and Nehru invited to give lectures for the "International Women's League for
Peace and Freedom" in Gland, Switzerland. Title lecture Hatta L 'Indonesie et son Probleme de I'
Independence (Indonesia and the issue of Independence).
Along with Nazir St. Pamontjak, Sastroamidjojo Ali and Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat, Hatta was jailed
for five and a half months. On March 22, 1928, the court in The Hague freed four of all charges. In a
historic session, Hatta argued that awesome defense speech, later published as a pamphlet by the
name "Indonesia Vrij", and then translated into Indonesian as a book with the title of independent
Between the years 1930-1931, Hatta concentrate on his studies and writing essays for magazines
Daulat Ra'jat and sometimes De Socialist. He planned to end his studies in mid-1932.
Back to the MotherlandIn July 1932, Hatta successfully completed his studies in the Netherlands and
a month later he arrived in Jakarta. Between late 1932 and 1933, the main bustle Hatta was written
various articles on political and economic to Daulat Ra'jat and perform a variety of political activities,
especially the education of political cadres in the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The
principle of non-cooperation is stressed to its cadres.
Hatta harsh reaction against Sukarno attitude with respect to the holder by the Dutch colonial
government, which ended with the removal of Sukarno to Ende, Flores, seen in his writings in Daulat
Ra'jat, entitled "Soekarno Detained" (August 10, 1933), "Tragedy Sukarno "(30 November 1933), and"
Attitudes Leaders "(December 10, 1933).
In February 1934, after Sukarno exiled to Ende, the Dutch colonial government turned its attention to
the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The leadership of the Party of National Education
Indonesia arrested and then exiled to Digoel. A total of seven people. From the Jakarta office was
Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Bondan. From London office: Maskun Sumadiredja,
Burhanuddin, Soeka, and Murwoto. Prior to Digoel, they were imprisoned for nearly a year in prison
and Cipinang Glodok, Jakarta. In Glodok prison, Hatta wrote a book titled "The Economic Crisis and
The ExileIn January 1935, Hatta and his friends arrived in Tanah Merah, Digoel (Papua). The head of
government there, Captain van Langen, offers two options: to work for the colonial government to pay
40 cents a day in the hope will be sent back to their home, or being outcast by receiving food in kind,
with no hope of repatriated to their hometown . Hatta said, when he worked for the colonial
government when he was still in Jakarta, must have been a great man with a great salary as well. So
it is not necessary for him to become porters Tanah Merah paying 40 cents a day.
In captivity, Hatta regularly write articles for the newspaper view. Honorarium enough to live in Tanah
Merah and he can also help his friends. His home in Digoel filled his books specially brought from
Jakarta as many as 16 crates. Thus, Hatta has enough material to give lessons to his comrades in
exile on economics, history, and philosophy. Collection of learning materials were later recorded with
titles such as, "Introduction to Road Science and Knowledge" and "Natural Greek Thought." (Four
In December 1935, Captain Wiarda, a replacement van Langen, announced that the disposal Hatta
and Sjahrir moved to Bandaneira. In January 1936 they went to Bandaneira. They met Dr. Tjipto
Mangunkusumo and Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri. In Bandaneira, Hatta and Sjahrir able to mix freely
with the locals and to teach the local children in the fields of history, bookkeeping, politics, and so on
Return to Java: The Japanese OccupationOn 3 February 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir brought to
Sukabumi. On March 9, 1942, the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese, and on March 22, 1942 Hatta
and Sjahrir brought to Jakarta.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta was asked to work as an advisor. Hatta said about the ideals
of the Indonesian people for independence, and he asked if Japan would colonize Indonesia? Daily
while the head of government, Major General Harada. replied that Japan would not invade. But Hatta
know, that Indonesia's Independence in Japan is different from understanding its own
terms. Recognition of Independence of Indonesia by Japan's need for Hatta as a weapon against the
Allies in the future. When the Japanese fascists want to admit, is a democratic ally would not? That's
why the Japanese always didesaknya to give such recognition, newly acquired in September 1944.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta did not talk much. But the speech made at the Field Ikada
(now Freedom Square) on December 8, 1942 tanggaI electrify many circles. He said,
"Indonesiaregardless of colonization of Dutch imperialism. And therefore he did not want to be a
colony again. Young and old to feel this sharp-sharp. For the youth of Indonesia, he Iebih like to see
Indonesia sinking into the sea rather than have it as a colony of the back. "
ProclamationIn early August 1945, the Committee of Inquiry Efforts Preparation of Indonesian
Independence was replaced by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence, with
Sukarno as chairman and Mohammad Hatta as Vice-Chairman. Its members consist of
representatives of regions throughout Indonesia, Java and nine of twelve people from outside Java.
On the night of 16 August 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence
proclamation at a meeting to prepare at home Admiral Maeda (JI Imam Bonjol, now), which ended at
03.00 am the next day. Small committee consisting of five persons, namely Soekarno, Hatta,
Soebardjo, Soekarni, and Sayuti Malik split off into a room to compose the text of the proclamation of
independence. Soekarno Hatta requested compose a quick proclamation. Soekarno Hatta suggested
that wrote the words dictated. After the job was finished. they took him to the living room, where the
other members are waiting.
Soekarni proposed that the text of the proclamation is signed by two people, Sukarno and
Mohammad Hatta. All present welcomed the boisterous clapping.The date August 17, 1945,
Indonesia's independence was proclaimed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on behalf of the
Indonesian nation, right at 10:00 am at East 56th Street Pengangsaan Jakarta.
Dated August 18, 1945, Ir Soekarno was appointed as the President of the Republic of Indonesia and
Drs. Mohammad Hatta was appointed Deputy President of the Republic of Indonesia. Soekardjo
Wijopranoto argued that the President and Vice President should be a duumvirate.
Maintaining Independence Period IndonesiaIndonesia should maintain its independence from the
Dutch Government's effort to re-colonize. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia moved from
Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Twice negotiations with the Dutch led to the Treaty Linggarjati and Reville, but
it always ended in failure due to cheating the Dutch.
To seek support abroad, in July I947, Bung Hatta went to India to see Jawaharlal Nehru and
Mahatma Gandhi. by masquerading as a co-pilot named Abdullah (The pilot is Biju Patnaik who later
became Minister of Steel India in the government of Prime Minister Morarji Desai). Nehru promised,
India can help Indonesia to protest to the UN resolution that condemned the Netherlands.
And threats facing hardship after another. September 1948 PKI rebellion. December 19, 1948, the
Dutch returned a second aggression. President and Vice President captured and exiled to
Bangka. But the people of Indonesia struggle to maintain independence continues raging
everywhere. Commander Soediman continue to lead the armed struggle.
On December 27, 1949 in Den Haag, Bung Hatta, who chaired the Indonesian delegation to the
Round Table Conference to receive the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of Queen Juliana.
Bung Hatta also the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia States while standing. Furthermore,
after the RIS to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Hatta returned to the Vice
Period 1950-1956During her time as Vice President, Bung Hatta remained active giving lectures at
various institutions of higher education. He also continued to write various essays and scholarly books
in economics and cooperatives. He also actively guiding the cooperative movement to implement the
ideals in the conception of the economy. Dated July 12, 1951, Bung Hatta radio speech to welcome
the Day of Cooperatives in Indonesia. Because besamya Bung Hatta activity in the cooperative
movement, then on July 17, 1953 he was appointed as the father of the Indonesian Cooperatives
Cooperatives Congress Indonesia in Bandung. Bung Hatta thoughts about cooperatives, among
others, outlined in his book, Building Cooperatives and Cooperative Building (1971).
In 1955, Bung Hatta announced that if the parliament and the Constituent choice of the people has
been formed, he will resign as Vice President. It was his intention to resign diberitahukannya through
a letter to the chairman of Parliament, Mr. Sartono. Copies of the letter sent to President
Soekarno. After the Constituent Assembly officially opened by the President, Vice-President Hatta
told the Speaker that on l December 1956 he would put his position as Vice President. President
Sukarno tried to stop, but the Bung Hatta remained at its founding.
On date 27 November 1956, he received an honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa academic in
jurisprudence from the University of Gajah Mada in Yoyakarta. On that occasion, Bung Hatta
inaugural speech entitled "Past and Coming".
After Bung Hatta resigned as Vice President, also earned several academic degrees from various
universities. Padjadjaran University in Bandung confirmed Bung Hatta as a professor in political
science economy. Hasanuddin University in Ujungpandang give Doctor Honoris Causa degree in
Economics. University of Indonesia to give the title Doctor Honoris Causa in the field of law. Bung
Hatta inaugural speech titled "Towards the Rule of Law".
In 1960 Bung Hatta wrote "Our Democracy" in the banner of People magazine. A paper known for
highlight the views and thoughts of Bung Hatta on the development of democracy in Indonesia at that
In the New Order government, Bung Hatta over an elder statesman for his people than a politician.
Hatta Rahmi married to Rachim on November l8, 1945 in the village of Megamendung, Bogor, West
Java. They have three daughters, Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi'a, and Halide Fatma. The two oldest
daughters are married. The first with Dr. Sri-Edi Swasono and the second with Drs. Mohammad Chalil
Baridjambek. Hatta had witnessed the birth of two grandchildren, namely Sri Juwita Hanum Swasono
and Mohammad Athar Baridjambek.
On August 15, 1972, President Soeharto convey to the Bung Hatta gift form the highest mark of
Honor "Star of the Republic of Indonesia Class I" in a state ceremony at the State Palace.Bung Hatta,
Proclaimers of Independence and First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, died on March
14, 1980 at the Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, at the age of 77 years and was interred in
the cemetery Land coachman on March 15, 1980.
Here's Biography of Mohammad Hatta
Name: Dr. Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta)
Born: Dublin, August 12, 1902
Died: Jakarta, March 14, 1980
Wife: (the late) Rahmi Rachim
* Meutia Farida* Gemala* Halides Nuriah
Degree Heroes: Heroes Proclaimers RI in 1986
* Europese Largere School (ELS) in Dublin (1916)* Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) in
Padang (1919)* Handel Middlebare School (Trade School), Jakarta (1921)* Degree of Drs
Handelshogeschool Nederland, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1932)
* Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, Padang (1916-1919)* Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond,
Jakarta (1920-1921)* Chairman of the Indonesian Association in the Netherlands (1925-1930)*
Representative of the Indonesian delegation to the League Against Imperialism movement and
colonization, Berlin (1927-1931)* Chairman of the Committee (New PNI) National Education of
Indonesia (1934-1935)* Office of the Chief Counsel at Bala The Japanese government (April 1942)*
Member Investigation Agency Independence Preparation Efforts (May 1945)* Vice Chairman of the
Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (August 7, 1945)* Proclaimer of Independence
of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17, 1945)* First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
(August 18, 1945)* Vice President cum Prime Minister and Minister of Defense (January 1948 -
December 1949)* Chairman of the Indonesian delegation to the Round Table Conference in The
Hague and received a transfer of sovereignty of Queen Juliana (1949)* Vice President cum Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia (December 1949 - August 1950)*
Lecturer in Sesko Army, London (1951-1961)* Lecturer at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(1954-1959)* Advisor to the President and the Advisory Committee on the issue of corruption IV
(1969)* Chairman of the Committee of Five in charge of providing interpretation of the formulation of
Pancasila (1975)

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