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British Poultry Science

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Energy balance of laying hens selected on

residual food consumption
Published online: 28 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: J.F. GABARROU , P.A. GERAERT , N. FRANCOIS , S. GUILLAUMIN , M. PICARD & A.
BORDAS (1998) Energy balance of laying hens selected on residual food consumption, British Poultry
Science, 39:1, 79-89, DOI: 10.1080/00071669889439

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British Poultry Science (1998) 39: 79–89

Energy balance of laying hens selected on residual food

Station de Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly and Laboratoire de Génétique Factorielle, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France

Abstract 1. Energy balance of adult hens divergently selected for high (R 1 ) or low (R 2 ) residual food
consumption was investigated using indirect calorimetry. Three experiments were conducted: feeding
behaviour of individual hens, hens having free access to food or fasting and hens tube-fed at 70, 100 or
130% of the control intake of both lines.
2. R 1 hens ate signiŽ cantly more than R 2 ( 1 48%). This difference was maximum at the onset of the
light ( 1 120%) and not signiŽ cant during the rest of the light period. Although both lines spent the same
total time eating, R 1 hens exhibited more frequent but shorter meals than R 2 ones, suggesting a higher
feeding activity in R 1 hens.
3. True metabolisable energy (TME) intake was 28% greater in R 1 than in R 2 birds. Basal heat
production did not differ signiŽ cantly between genotypes. Heat increment of feeding (HI) or diet-induced
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thermogenesis was signiŽ cantly enhanced in R 1 birds: 1 23·9 vs 13·7 kJ/100 kJ TME intake in R 2 .
4. When tube-fed and placed in darkness, restricted-fed R 1 hens had the same HI as R 2 birds. When
fed at 100% and 130% of control intake, R 1 hens demonstrated a regulatory thermogenesis, which
allowed them to dissipate the excess of energy ingested compared to R 2 hens.
5. No signiŽ cant modiŽ cation was observed in plasma triglyceride, phospholipid, uric acid, glucose or
insulin concentrations between lines, suggestive of the use of similar thermogenic pathways. While plasma
triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations did not differ between genotypes, plasma thyroxine (T4) appeared
higher in unfed R 1 birds and equal in fed conditions in both lines.
6. A regulatory part of HI allowed R 1 hens to get rid of their excessive energy intake. An increased
turnover of lipids could be involved.

INTRODUCTION partly through increased zero activity heat pro-

duction: 1 35% to 50% (Luiting and Urff, 1991). A
In laying hens, food accounts for 60% to 70% of
higher heat increment of feeding in high RFC hens
egg production costs. Therefore, the Ž rst aim of the
was suggested. RFC heritability was high: between
breeder is to improve food efŽ ciency, that is egg
mass to food consumption ratio. Egg mass, body 0·42 and 0·62 in White Leghorn hens (Luiting and
weight and body weight changes are the most Urff, 1991; Sabri et al., 1991; Katle and Kolstad,
important traits involved in variation of food con- 1991; Schulman et al., 1994). However in the same
sumption (Fairfull and Chambers, 1984). These genotype, Wing and Nordskog (1982) found a
traits can be used to predict food intake from lower heritability in White Leghorn hens than
multiple linear regression (Byerly et al., 1980). Re- observed in Rhode Island Red hens: between 0·21
sidual food consumption (RFC), deŽ ned as the and 0·28 (Bentsen, 1983; Bordas et al., 1992).
difference between observed and predicted food Selection of efŽ cient hens with low RFC is thus
consumption, is introduced in order to study the valuable.
sources of variations of food consumption not Since 1976, from a Rhode Island Red popu-
taken into account by the regression (Bordas and lation, 2 divergent lines have been selected for high
Mérat, 1981; Bordas and Mérat, 1984; Katle et al., (R 1 ) or low (R 2 ) RFC (Bordas and Mérat, 1984;
1984; Luiting, 1990). Bordas et al., 1992). In 1989, RFC differed by 3
Using indirect calorimetry, Luiting (1991) phenotypic standard deviations between lines (Bor-
compared 6 high RFC and 6 low RFC White das et al., 1992). Geraert et al. (1991) observed a
Leghorn hens. She demonstrated that high RFC difference in fed heat production in cockerels, with-
hens produced more heat, partly through increased out a signiŽ cant difference in basal metabolic rate.
physical activity expenditure: 1 30% to 50% and Moreover, a signiŽ cant difference was measured in

Correspondence to: J. F. Gabarrou,Station de Recherches Avicoles, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,37380 Nouzilly,France.
Accepted for publication 23rd May 1997
0007-1668 /98/010079-1 1 $7.00 Ó 1998, British Poultry Science Ltd

heat increment of food (84%) (Geraert et al., 1992). creta and eggs were collected daily, weighed and
Unlike males, hens have the ability to store an freeze-dried before analysis. Endogenous energy
excess of energy through egg lipid or body fat. and protein losses, and fasted heat production were
Large differences in energy intake between R 1 determined during the second day of fasting (d 6).
and R 2 hens might then be balanced by changes True metabolisable energy intake (TMEi) was cal-
either in egg energy, fat deposition or heat pro- culated, taking endogenous energy losses into ac-
duction. count.
The present study was, therefore, performed At the end of each period, 4 ml blood were
to investigate the food intake pattern and energy collected from the wing vein using a heparinised
balance of R 1 and R 2 laying hens. To deter- syringe. Plasma was then separated and stored at
mine the existence of a regulatory thermogenesis, 2 20°C until analysis. To determine the main fuel
hens were tube-fed at different energy intakes. for themogenesis in the 2 lines, both plasma glu-
Biological and endocrine variables were measured cose and triglyceride concentration were deter-
in order to understand further the changes in mined. Phospholipid concentration was measured
energy metabolism between lines. to evaluate lipid transport, and uric acid to esti-
mate amino acid catabolism. Plasma insulin con-
centration was determined to give further
MATERIALS AND METHODS information relevant to the glucose-insulin balance
of the 2 lines. Plasma triiodothyronine and thyrox-
Animals and diets ine concentrations were measured to investigate
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A total of 36 laying hens, 18 from each line, were their relationship with thermogenesis.
chosen from the 17th generation of the R 1 and
R 2 experimental lines (Bordas et al., 1992). When
18 weeks old, hens were individually housed and Experiment 3
fed on a complete diet containing 11·73 MJ ME/
kg and 178 g crude protein per kg. RFC was Five hens of each line (RFC 5 1 9·1 and
estimated between 32 and 36 weeks of age. Hens of 2 10·1 g/d in the R 1 and the R 2 line respect-
37 to 45 weeks of age were used for the present ively) were reared in the same conditions as above.
study. The same diet (experiment 2) was ground (diam-
eter , 0·5 m m) and mixed with water (50:50, w:w).
Hens were fed by crop intubation. After an adap-
Experiment 1 tation to tube-feeding for 3 d, all 5 hens received
Food intake patterns of 8 R 1 and 8 R 2 laying successively 70%, 100% and 130% of their individ-
hens (RFC 5 1 10·2 and 2 10·0 g/d respectively) ual ad libitum food intake. Hens were tube-fed twice
were measured as described by Picard et al. (1992). a day, at 10·00 and at 17·00 h. They had free
Feeders were weighed (to 6 0·01 g) 6 times per s. access to water. Heat production and respiratory
Hens were adapted for 2 weeks to the experimental quotient were continuously recorded except for
device and food intake patterns were recorded 15 min feeding time.
during a 24 h period. Eating was deŽ ned as a
period of time ( 6 0·1 s) during which the feeder
weight  uctuated. The amount of food consumed Heat production measurement
during an access to the feeder was measured by Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide pro-
difference between the weight of the feeders before duction were measured using an automated indi-
and after a  uctuation period. A meal was deŽ ned rect multi-calorimetry system (Geraert, 1990). Heat
as a period of continuous eating not interrupted by production (HP) was calculated as:
more than 120 s (Savory, 1979). HP(kJ) 5 16·18 O2 (litre) 1 5·02 CO2 (litre) (Romijn
and Lokhorst, 1961). HP was measured continu-
Experiment 2 ously (every 12 min) during 23 h per treatment (1 h
was necessary for maintenance and calibration).
Five hens with extreme RFC ( 1 18·4 and Heat increment of feeding (HI) was estimated from
2 11·9 g/day for the R 1 and the R 2 line re- the difference between fasted and fed heat pro-
spectively) of both lines were transferred into indi- duction.
vidual respiratory chambers (Geraert, 1990) to
measure energy balance. They were maintained at
20°C, on a 14L:10D lighting programme, starting
at 03·00 h. They had free access to food and water
for 4 d and were then fasted for 2 d. The Ž rst day Dry matter contents of food, droppings and eggs
of each period (d 1 and 5) was considered as an were determined by oven-drying for 4 h at 103°C,
adaptation period and was not included in the protein contents by the macro-Kjeldahl method
calculations. Heat production, respiratory quotient, (N 3 6·25), gross energy by an isoperibole bomb
food and water intakes were measured daily. Ex- calorimeter (IKA-Calorimeter C700T) and egg
Table 1. Food intake pattern in R 1 and R 2 laying hens (mean 6 SEM for 8 hens, experiment 1)

Line R1 R2 T1

03·00 to 09·00 h
Food intake (g/h) 8·5 6 0·9 3·9 6 0·4 ***
Time spent eating (%) 26·4 6 5·1 20·7 6 3·8 NS
Number of food access periods2 56 6 13 20 6 3 **
09·00 to 15·00 h
Food intake (g/h) 8·2 6 0·5 6·6 6 0·6 P5 0·06
Time spent eating (%) 28·0 6 4·6 28·0 6 4·1 NS
Number of food access periods2 32 6 4 20 6 3 *
15·00 to 17·00 h
Food intake (g/h) 14·9 6 1·6 12·0 6 1·6 NS
Time spent eating (%) 40·4 6 7·6 38·7 6 4·7 NS
Number of food access periods2 15 6 3 76 1 *
NS not signiŽ cant; * P , 0·05, ** P , 0·01, *** P , 0·001 according to two-tailed t
test. 2Food access is deŽ ned as eating period not interrupted by more than 2 min.

Table 2. Performance of the R 1 and R 2 hens (mean 6 SEM for 5 hens, experiment 2)

Line R1 R2 T1

Body weight (g) 2030 6 143 1906 6 60 NS

Food intake (g/d) 126 6 12 85 6 9 **
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Water intake when fed (g/d) 281 6 27 146 6 9 **

Water intake when fasted (g/d) 97 6 16 96 6 11 NS
Water/food 2·27 6 0·23 2·00 6 0·18 NS
Fed—fasted water/food 1·47 6 0·14 0·76 6 0·19 *
Residual Food Consumption (g/day) 18·4 6 2·4 2 11·9 6 1·3 ***
Egg production
Total egg mass (g/d) 39·6 6 1·2 39·2 6 2·4 NS
NS not signiŽ cant; * P , 0·05, ** P , 0·01, *** P , 0·001 according to two-tailed t test.

lipid contents according to Folch & Loane-Stacey RESULTS

(1957). Plasma glucose was determined with a
glucose analyser (Beckman Instruments Model 2,
Experiment 1
Palo Alto, CA). Plasma triglycerides, phospholipids At the onset of light (03·00 h), the rate of food
and non-esteriŽ ed fatty acids were measured by intake (g/h) was signiŽ cantly higher in R 1 than in
enzymatic methods (Fossati and Prencipe, 1982; R2 hens: 1 118% between 03·00 and 09·00 h
Takayama et al., 1977, Okabe et al., 1980) using kits (Table 1). This divergence decreased during the
provided by BioMerieux SA (Charbonnières-les- day to become not signiŽ cant between 15·00 and
Bains, France). Plasma uric acid was measured 17·00 h ( 1 24%). The rate of food consumption
according to Fossati et al. (1980) using kits provided increased during the day in both lines, particularly
by Sigma Diagnostics (St Louis, USA). Plasma in the R 2 one. Time spent eating was not
triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) were de- signiŽ cantly different between lines at any moment
termined by radioimmunoassay using a commer- of the day. The number of meals (deŽ ned as food
cial kit (CIS-ORIS Industries, Gif-sur-Yvette, accesses not interrupted for more than 2 min) re-
France). Plasma insulin was measured by radio-im- mained constant during the day in the R 2 line at
munoassay using a guinea pig antiporcine insulin about 5 meals per h while it decreased from 14 to
serum (Ab 27–6, a gift of G. Rosselin, Hôpital 8 meals per hour in the R 1 line.
Saint-Antoine, Paris) with chicken insulin as stan-
dard (Simon et al., 1974).
Experiment 2
R1 hens ate signiŽ cantly more than the R 2
Statistical analysis ones: 1 48% for similar body weight and egg pro-
Data are given as means 6 SEM. When comparing duction (Table 2). Water intake was also greater in
the 2 lines, statistical signiŽ cance between the the R 1 line ( 1 92%) but the water/food intake
means was examined by a two-tailed t test P , 0·05 ratio did not differ between lines. When expressed
was considered signiŽ cant. To compare 3 means of as the difference between fed and fasted conditions,
the same line for different tube-feeding inputs (ex- water intake as a proportion of food consumed
periment 3) 3 paired-sample t tests were per- averaged 1·47 and 0·76 g/g in the R 1 and R 2
formed. To take into account the fact that that a lines respectively. Chemical composition of the egg
value was compared twice, only t . 3·56 was con- (not given in the Table) of R 1 and R 2 hens was
sidered signiŽ cant (Wilkinson, 1975). similar: 27·8 g dry matter, 13·4 g lipid, 10·8 g pro-

Table 3. Energy balance of R 1 and R 2 laying hens (mean 6 SEM for 5 hens ;
kJ/kg 0.75.d, experiment 2)

Line R1 R2 T1

TME / GE2 0·743 6 0·031 0·772 6 0·026 NS

TME intake 823 6 73 641 6 64 **
Fed heat production 440 6 22 334 6 18 **
Fasted heat production 244 6 25 245 6 7 NS
Heat increment2 (HI) 197 6 32 89 6 19 **
Total retained energy 383 6 59 306 6 55 NS
as protein 144 6 34 127 6 14 NS
as fat 239 6 37 180 6 43 NS
HI (% TME) 23·9 6 2·9 13·7 6 2·2 **
RQ2Fed 0·94 6 0·04 0·93 6 0·04 NS
RQ2Fasted 0·72 6 0·01 0·72 6 0·01 NS
NS not signiŽ cant; ** : P , 0·01 according to two-tailed t test. 2TME/GE : true
metabolisable energy/gross energy ratio ; HI measured as the difference between
fed and fasted HP ; RQ : respiratory quotient.

Table4. Biological and endocrinological plasma concentrations in R 1 and R 2 fed and fasted
laying hens (mean 6 SEM for 5 hens, experiment 1)

Line R1 R2 T1
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Triglycerides (g/l) Fed 13·1 6 1·7 12·9 6 3·0 NS

Fasted 2·3 6 0·6 3·9 6 1·8 NS
Phospholipids (g/l) Fed 6·2 6 0·6 6·1 6 0·9 NS
Fasted 1·9 6 0·2 2·5 6 0·7 NS
Glucose (g/l) Fed 2·0 6 0·1 2·0 6 0·1 NS
Fasted 1·9 6 0·0 1·9 6 0·0 NS
Uric acid (mg/l) Fed 35·5 6 3·9 39·3 6 4·4 NS
Fasted 15·4 6 3·8 15·9 6 2·4 NS
T3 (nmol/l) Fed 1·94 6 0·11 1·73 6 0·20 NS
Fasted 0·79 6 0·14 0·94 6 0·17 NS
T4 (nmol/l) Fed 20·2 6 1·3 21·4 6 1·4 NS
Fasted 20·5 6 1·6 16·5 6 1·0 **
Insulin (m U/ml) Fed 26·7 6 6·0 27·7 6 5·1 NS
Fasted 22·5 6 3·4 21·4 6 4·0 NS
NS not signiŽ cant; ** P , 0·01 according to 2-tailed t test.

tein, 3·6 g ash and 696 kJ gross energy per 100 g of glucose, triglyceride, phospholipid, uric acid, T3
egg. and insulin concentrations were similar in both
Energy metabolisability was not signiŽ cantly lines, whether fed or fasted. Plasma T4 concen-
different between lines; the ratio true metabolisable tration was greater in R 1 than in R 2 fasted hens
energy / gross energy (TME/GE, Table 3) was and similar when fed (Table 4).
0·74 and 0·77 in R 1 and R 2 birds respectively.
TME intake was thus 28% greater in R 1 birds.
Fasted HP did not differ signiŽ cantly between
genotypes. Conversely, fed HP was 32% greater in
Experiment 3
the R 1 birds. Heat increment of feeding (HI), HP was measured after tube-feeding at 70%, 100%
calculated as the difference between fed and fasted and 130% of ad libitum food intake (Table 5).
HP, was signiŽ cantly greater in the R 1 line, by Genotypes were thus compared at different (low
1 108 kJ/kg0.75.d. HI expressed per 100 kJ TME 70%, normal 100%, high 130%) and similar (low,
(%) averaged 23·9 and 13·7% for the R 1 and R1 70% vs R 2 100% or high, R 1 100% vs
R 2 genotypes respectively. No signiŽ cant differ- R 2 130%) energy intakes. HP, HI and total re-
ence in retained energy either as protein or fat was tained energy (RE) were signiŽ cantly greater in the
observed between lines. Moreover, respiratory R 1 hens than in the R 2 ones, irrespective of the
quotient either fed (0·94) or fasted (0·72) did not energy intake. Moreover, HP and HI increased
differ between genotypes (Table 3). with energy intake in R 1 birds while there was no
Food and water intake patterns are presented change in R 2 birds. RE increased with TME
in Figures 1a and 1b. R 1 hens consumed more intake in both genotypes. When compared at the
food at the onset of light while R 2 birds ate more same energy intake, whether low (600 kJ) or high
just before the dark period. Water intake was (800 kJ), R 1 hens exhibited higher heat pro-
higher in R 1 than in R 2 hens, particularly from duction and heat increment than R 2 ones. At the
10·00 to 17·00 h. During the dark period, food and low energy intake, retained energy was lower in the
water consumptions remained very low. Plasma R 1 hens than in the R 2 hens. However, there

Light period Dark period Light period

20 *
Food intake (g/h)

15 R+ *


10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00
* Light period Dark period Light period
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Water intake (g/h)

* * * *
30 R+
R± *

20 *


10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00

Figure 1. Hourly food (Figure 1a) and water (Figure 1b) intakes of R 1 and R 2 laying hens (g/h; n 5 5, experiment 2), * P , 0·05 according to two-tailed
t test.

was no difference in retained energy between lines There was no difference in respiratory quo-
at the high energy intake. tient (RQ) between lines, irrespective of the tube-
Tube-feeding was done in 2 meals. Irrespective feeding input (Figure 3). When compared at the
of the period of time considered, R 1 birds same energy intake, RQ did not differ between
demonstrated greater heat production and heat lines except during the dark period. Indeed, during
increment than R 2 ones (Table 6 and Figure 2). that period, RQ appeared signiŽ cantly lower in
When comparing lines at the same energy intake R 1 when restricted to the same energy intake as
(either low or high) during the light period (10·00 the R 2 hens: 0·98 vs 1·02. Variation of RQ with
to 17·00 h and 03·00 to 09·00 h), R 1 hens exhib- time might represent rates of lipogenesis (positive
ited greater HP and HI than R 2 ones. During the slope) or lipolysis (negative slope). Regressions were
dark period, for the same low energy intake, R 1 linear during 2 lipogenic (10·00 to 13·00 h and
and R 2 hens exhibited no differences in HP or 17·00 to 22·00 h) and 2 lipolytic (14·00 to 17·00 h
HI. For the same high energy intake, R 1 hens and 03·00 to 07·00 h) periods after tube-feeding
exhibited a greater HI and HP than R 2 hens. (Table 7). Regression slopes appeared greater in
During the light period following the Ž rst meal R 1 than in R 2 hens whatever the period and
(10·00 to 17·00 h) no signiŽ cant effect of energy tube-feeding dose. For the same low energy intake,
intake upon HI was observed. After the second R 1 and R 2 birds exhibited similar slopes, while
meal (17·00 to 03·00 h and 03·00 to 09·00 h), HI for the same high energy intake, slopes were higher
increased with TME intake in the R 1 . Although in R 1 than in R 2 .
HI decreased with food restriction in the R 2 line, Regression equations between HP and TME
high intake did not enhance HI in this line. intake were calculated in R 1 and R 2 ad libitum

Table 5. Energy balance of R 1 and R 2 laying hens tube-fed with 70%, 100% or 130%
of their ad libitum food intake1 (kJ/kg0.75.d; mean 6 SEM for 5 hens; experiment 3)
Tube-feeding input (%) R1 R2 D1 D2
TME intake
70 575 a 6 35 417a 6 13 ** NS
100 829b 6 56 606 b 6 14 ** NS
130 1072 c 6 73 790 c 6 20 **
Heat Production (HP)
70 362 a 6 22 284a 6 36 * *
100 397b 6 24 309a 6 6 ** *
130 430c 6 32 316a 6 15 **
Heat increment (HI)
70 163 a 6 20 69a 6 30 * *
100 198b 6 21 95a 6 17 ** *
130 232c 6 31 101a 6 10 **
Total retained energy
70 214 a 6 15 133a 6 34 P5 0·06 *
100 417b 6 34 296 b 6 12 ** NS
130 641c 6 47 474 c 6 17 *
HI (% TME)
70 28·1a 6 2·1 16·6a 6 2·9 * ***
100 24·2a 6 1·0 15·8a 6 2·9 * ***
130 21·5b 6 1·7 12·8a 6 1·4 **
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 05:35 14 November 2014

Values in the same column not sharing the same superscript are signiŽ cantly
different (P , 0·05) according to a paired sample t test between hens of the same
D1 5 difference between lines at the same tube-feeding input; D2 5 differences
between lines for the same energy intake. R 1 hens tube-fed with 70% compared
with R 2 hens tube-fed with 100% of ad libitum feed intake and R 1 hens tube-fed
with 100% compared with R 2 hens tube-fed with 130% of ad libitum feed intake
according to a two-tailed t test. NS not signiŽ cant ; * P , 0·05 , ** P , 0·01 , ***
P , 0·001.

(experiment 2) or tube-fed (experiment 3) hens nique. Moreover, this coefŽ cient was slightly lower
(Table 8). There was no difference between lines in under tube-feeding conditions than with ad libitum
the heat production extrapolated to zero food in- feeding in the R 1 line: 0·264 vs 0·216.
take (constant B) irrespective of the feeding tech-
nique. The slope of the equations (A) representing
heat increment of food in kJ per kJ TME was DISCUSSION
higher in the R 1 line whatever the feeding tech-
Feeding rate was modiŽ ed by selection on
Table6. Heat increment of feeding1 of R 1 and R 2 laying hens tube-fed with Divergent selection on RFC resulted in a large
70%, 100% or 130% of their ad libitum food intake (kJ/kg0.75.d; mean 6 SEM difference in food intake: 41 g/d between R 1 and
for 5 hens; experiment 3) R 2 hens without a difference in body weight and
Tube-feeding input (%) R1 R2 egg production. The difference in food intake was
greater than that reported by Bordas et al. (1992) in
10·00 to 17·00 h (light period, after tube-feeding) males and females after 17 generations of selection:
70 215a 6 39 67a 6 29 * **
100 207a 6 10 89a 6 16 *** 20% to 40%. Such a divergence could result from
130 232a 6 31 86a 6 17 ** the extreme RFC hens used for the energy balance
17·00 to 03·00 h (dark period, after tube-feeding) measurements. The similar rates of food intake
70 120a 6 18 37a 6 21 * NS observed in the 2 lines might be explained by
100 180 6 25
92 b 6 17 *
130 211 c 6 22 99 b 6 12 **
* speciŽ c nutrient requirements for egg synthesis
(Savory, 1980). On the other hand, the divergence
03·00 to 09·00 h (light period)
70 161a 6 20 36a 6 23 ** in food intake, maximum at the onset of light,
100 223 b 6 25 93ab 6 16 ** ** could also suggest a more negative balance in the
130 277 c 6 32 113 b 6 11 ** R 1 birds after their overnight fast because of their
Values in the same column and the same period not sharing the same similar food intakes before the dark period and to
superscript are signiŽ cantly different (P , 0·05) according to a paired an increased energy expenditure. To explain the
sample Student’s t-test between hens of the same line. difference in food and water intake patterns it
D1 5 difference between lines at the same tube-feeding input;
D2 5 differences between lines for the same energy intake : R 1 hens could also be hypothesised that birds need water a
tube-fed with 70% compared with R 2 hens tube-fed with 100% of few hours after eating to eliminate HI. Indeed,
ad libitum feed intake and R 1 hens tube-fed with 100% compared taking into account the fasting water intake, the
with R 2 hens tube-fed with 130% of ad libitum feed intake according
to a two-tailed t test. water:food intake ratio doubled (94%) in the R 1
NS not signiŽ cant , * P , 0·05 , ** P , 0·01 , *** P , 0·001. line. Bordas et al. (1992) observed that shank and

450 Dark period

Heat increment (kJ/kg0 75.min)


300 70%
ad libitum

250 Light period Light period

10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00

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450 70%
Heat increment (kJ/kg0 75.min)

ad libitum Dark period Light period




250 Light period

10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00

Figure 2. Effect of tube-feeding input (70%, 100% or 130% of ad libitum intake) on heat increment in R 1 hens (Figure 2a) and R 2 hens (Figure 2b)
(kJ/kg0.75.min, n 5 5, experiment 3).

wattle lengths were increased in the R 1 in both enhanced in R 1 hens, by 32%, while Luiting
sexes, reinforcing the idea of greater needs for heat (1991) found increases of 30% in one experiment
elimination. Because of the absence of signiŽ cant and 12% in another experiment, and Katle (1991)
difference in heat production or water intake be- 23% after only 3 generations of selection. Such
tween genotypes when fasted, these needs for heat results were similar to the 1 29% obtained with
loss must be related to the increased food intake or R 1 and R 2 males (Geraert et al., 1991). More-
activity. over, for 100 kJ TME ingested, R 1 hens dissipate
24 kJ vs 14 kJ in R 2 ones, that is twice as much in
the R 1 as in the R 2 line. The difference be-
R 1 shows greater heat increment of feed- tween lines in HP thus resulted from an increased
ing than R 2 hens HI allowing R 1 hens to get rid of their excessive
As previously reported in males from the same energy intake.
experimental lines (Geraert et al., 1991) or in fe-
males from a White Leghorn selection (Katle et al.,
1984; Luiting and Urff, 1991), both lines had
Evidence of regulatory thermogenesis in
similar digestive abilities. The divergence in food
R 1 hens
intake was thus also a divergence in TME intake. Tube-feeding equalises energy intake and drasti-
As in cockerels, the basal metabolic rate, estimated cally reduces activity-related HP in fowls
from fasted HP, did not differ between lines (Ger- (MacLeod, 1991). By using the dark period mea-
aert et al., 1991). Heat production was signiŽ cantly surements, where physical activity was at a mini-

Light period Light period



0.85 70%
ad libitum Dark period

10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00

Light period Light period
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 05:35 14 November 2014




0.85 70%
ad libitum Dark period

10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 08.00

Figure 3. Effect of tube-feeding input (70%, 100% or 130% of ad libitum intake) on respiratory quotient in R 1 (Figure 3a) hens and R 2 (Figure 3b) hens
(n 5 5, experiment 3).

mum, no differences in HP or HI were observed using a Doppler-radar system Luiting (1991) found
between lines fed at the same low energy intake that 30% to 50% of the divergence in HP between
when restricted-fed, R 1 hens exhibited the same lines could be accounted for by changes in physical
HI as R 2 hens. When given energy in excess activity. In experiment 3, hens were fed by crop
compared to R 2 (100% and 130%), the R 1 intubation which reduces feeding activity
demonstrated a regulatory thermogenesis which (MacLeod, 1991). The decrease observed in the
led to dissipation of the excess energy intake. Such slope (kJ HP/kJ TME) of regressions (Table 8)
regulatory thermogenesis was previously observed obtained with hens fed ad libitum or by crop intuba-
in cafeteria-fed rats (Rothwell and Stock, 1979). In tion could be accounted for by reduced activity
this hyperphagic model, the increase in energy from tube-feeding. This decrease in the slope sug-
intake resulting from highly palatable diets was gests that 18% of the heat increment of feeding
partially eliminated by enhanced thermogenesis could be related to feeding activity in the R 1 line
through b -adrenergic stimulation of the brown and only 4% in the R 2 line. Whereas both lines
adipose tissue (Rothwell and Stock, 1979). spent the same amount of time eating, R 1 hens
exhibited more frequent but shorter meals than
R 2 ones. R 1 hens went more frequently to the
Activity-related HP and heat increment of feeder and this might have increased activity-
feeding related HP. Moreover, in the R 1 and R 2 lines,
HI represents both activity-related HP and diet- the absence of difference in basal metabolic rate
induced thermogenesis. Katle et al. (1984) indicated suggests that the physical activity of both genotypes
that high RFC hens were more active and exhib- was similar when fasted. By using the increment of
ited greater stress than low RFC hens. Moreover, heat production at the onset of light to estimate
Table7. Slope of regression between respiratory quotient and time of R 1and R 2 laying
hens tube-fed with 70%, 100% or 130% of their ad libitum food intake (kJ/kg0.75.d; n 5 5
hens, experiment 3)

Line R1 R2 D1 D2

10·00 to 13·00 h
70% 1097 a 6 55 761 c 6 85 ** NS
Tube-fed 100% 1333 a 6 100 917 a 6 83 * *
130% 1332 a 6 76 890 b 6 91 **
14·00 to 17·00 h
70% 2 1015 a 6 48 2 716 a 6 98 * **
Tube-fed 100% 2 840a 6 46 2 470 b 6 94 ** ***
130% 8b 6 64 51 c 6 32 NS
17·00 to 22·00 h
70% 400a 6 25 215 a 6 43 ** NS
Tube-fed 100% 629a 6 78 413 b 6 44 * *
130% 526a 6 29 355 b 6 10 **
03·00 to 07·00 h
70% 2 811a 6 95 2 456 b 6 34 ** NS
Tube-fed 100% 2 1010 a 6 104 2 707 a 6 37 * *
130% 2 694 b 6 140 2 172c 6 61 **
Values in the same column and the same period not sharing the same
superscript are different (P , 0·05) according to a paired sample Student’s t test
between hens of the same line.
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 05:35 14 November 2014

D1 5 difference between lines at the same tube-feeding input; D2 5 differences

between lines for the same energy intake, R 1 hens tube-fed with 70%
compared with R 2 hens tube-fed with 100% of ad libitum food intake and R 1
hens tube-fed with 100% compared with R 2 hens tube-fed with 130% of ad
libitum food intake according to a two-tailed t test. NS not signiŽ cant, * P , 0·05,
** P , 0·01, *** P , 0·001.

Table 8. Equations between heat production (HP) and true metabolisable energy intake (TMEi)
in R 1 and R 2 laying hens having free access to food or tube-fed at 70%, 100% or 130% of their
individual ad libitum intake (experiments 2 and 3) HP 5 A 3 TMEi 1 B with HP and TMEi in
kJ/kg 0.75.d

Feeding technique Line A B r1 SigniŽ cance1

Free access to food R1 0·264a 208a 0·742 **

n 5 15 R2 0·195c 221a 0·537 **
Tube-feeding R1 0·216 b 210a 0·783 **
n 5 20 R2 0·188c 197a 0·587 **
r 5 coefŽ cient of correlation; signiŽ cance of the regression, ** P , 0·01 2Values within
a column not sharing the same superscript are signiŽ cantly different (P , 0·05).

activity-related HP, fed R 1 hens exhibited higher partly by an immediate increase in thermogenesis
activity-related HP than R 2 ones (61 vs 18 kJ/ and partly by a transient storage of energy as lipids
kg0·75 .d). This activity-related HP, which remained which are rapidly catabolised. Fatty acids might
independent of the energy intake in both lines, thus be the main fuel used for this thermogenesis,
accounted for only 30% of the difference in HI. as observed in cold-exposed ducklings which exhib-
ited an uncoupling effect of fatty acid in mitochon-
dria isolated from gastrocnemius and liver (Barré et
Lipid turnover al., 1985). Such a result may explain that measur-
Regressions between RQ and time could be related ing the energy balance of laying hens during a
to the rate of lipid synthesis (positive slope) and shorter period overestimated the retained energy as
lipid catabolism (negative slope). After tube-feeding fat in R 1 hens compared to R 2 line. The trend
(10·00 to 13·00 h and 17·00 to 22·00 h periods), for an increased retained energy as fat in the R 1
higher slopes might indicate enhanced rate of lipo- line could not be explained by a difference in egg
genesis in the R 1 line. Conversely, during later production or egg composition. Moreover R 1
periods after crop intubation (14·00 to 17·00 h and fowls were leaner than R 2 ones: R 2 fowls had
03·00 to 07·00 h), greater negative slopes suggested more carcase lipid and more abdominal fat. Diver-
an increased lipid degradation rate in R 1 hens gence in fatness appears before difference in food
compared to R 2 . Such results might be related to consumption and RFC (Tixier et al., 1988). This
greater lipid turnover in R 1 hens. R 1 hens thus difference remains important at one year old (Zein
appeared to be able to dissipate an excess of energy el Dein et al., 1985; El-Kazzi et al., 1995).

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