4320 STRXR Maps 01 Normal Faults

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Railsback's Petroleum Geoscience and Subsurface Geology

-3159 -3748
-4390 -4618
Structural maps, Part II: normal faults -3368 -3574

-3250 -4999

Geologists commonly make structure contour maps, folded very sharply. A brittle stratum subjected to the -3448

which are maps interpreting the elevation/depth of strati- stresses required to produce this configuration would be -3635
graphic horizons (or of other surfaces of interest). For more more like to break to give a fault, presumably a
petroleum geologists, these maps represent the surfaces normal fault.
-3150 -4431
of sedimentary rock bodies, commonly sandstones and The middle map below is contoured and marked with -3781
limestones, that bend broadly to give gentle folds but that a dip-slip fault in its central zone of offset. Taken literally, -4950
break rather than fold sharply. it implies that the contoured horizon exists everywhere in -3428
Mapping in areas of normal faults commonly requires the map area, which would require a vertical fault. The
attention to these concerns. The uncontoured map at map at lower right more nearly meets most geologists' ex- -4491
right provides an example that students can contour as pectations by showing a normal fault. To do so accurately, -3248
desired. Someone envisioning a continuous surface will the map must include an area above the fault in which the -3684
-4737 -4974
likely contour the data as shown on the map at lower left. horizon no longer exists (the horizon would be “missing
However, the continuous surface is improbable, because section” in a well drilled in this narrow area). -3445

it requires that the stratum of relatively brittle rock be twice

-3159 -3748 -3159 -3748 -3159 -3748

-4855 -4855 -4855
-4390 -4618 -4390 -4618 -4390 -4618
-3368 -3574 -3368 -3574 -3368 -3574
-4200 -4000

-3250 -4999 -3250 -4999 -3250 -4999

-3708 -3708 -3708

-4508 -4508 -4508





-3448 -3448 -3448

-3635 -3635 -3635


-4778 -4778 -4778



-4431 -4431 -4431


-3150 -3150 -3150
-3781 -3781 -3781

-4950 -4950 -4950


-3428 -3428 -3428

-4668 -4668 -4668

-4491 -4491 -4491

-3248 -3248 -3248

-3684 -3684 -3684
-4737 -4974 -4737 -4974 -4737 -4974

-3445 -4394 -3445 -4394 -3445 -4394


Monocline with improbably Vertical dip-slip fault Normal fault LBR 9/2011
sharp curvature of folding 4320StrxrMaps01NormalFaults01.odg

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