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2014 Kaiserslautern American German Business

Club Scholarship Program

- Essay -

For decades, Germany and the United States of America have been bound together by
historical ties of commence, trade, politics and of deep friendship.

Ever since the Marshall Plan was drafted and implemented to rebuild the German and
European economies, the US has been continually active in its growth. Prosperity included
modernizing industry and removing trade barriers. The latter will be the focus of my essay.

With the upcoming TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership), which will greatly
foster and secure economic success and trade, a new stage of bilateral partnerships could
be achieved and as a result strengthen business relations and partnerships between
Germany and the USA. Bilateral implications between these existing partners will continue to
be of overriding importance for German-American security, freedom and economic success.

The TTIP is a proposed free and open trade agreement aiming at removing many current
trade barriers throughout a wide range of economic sectors to make it easier to buy and sell
goods and services between the United States and the European Union, including Germany
as the flagship of the EU (in an economic and political sense). In addition to cutting tariffs
across all sectors, the EU and the US want to address and tackle non-tariff trade barriers of
the customs borders, such as differences in technical regulations, standards and approval
procedures. These often cost unnecessary time and money for companies who want to sell
their products on both markets. This affects mostly small and medium-sized businesses
which restrict the majority of them from expanding on the international market and
consequentially limits their business opportunities. Simplifying customs clearances would
undoubtedly be a favorable situation for both businesses and the tax authorities.
Consequentially, this initiative builds on a solid foundation of mutual trust, cultural
acceptance and aspiring business partnerships.

After the topic has been studied and reviewed by all parties involved, negotiations are
thought to conclude no sooner than 2016. I heavily favor the TTIP program. This could be an
innovative milestone in German-American business relations bringing both economies to
their full potentials in this uncertain time of geopolitical landscapes.

My concept on furthering German-American business relations is becoming clearer as my

studies proceed. I can foresee maturing these strong cultural and business relations by
joining German-American business groups and attend international conferences, completing
an internship within the USA, which is associated with furthering my aspirations of returning
to Germany to work within the EU political structure. Lastly I hope to be a liaison between
German and American entrepreneurs. I am looking forward to finishing up my studies and
continuing to research the direction and the outcome of the Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership.

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