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DAY 3: Assessment


Questioning Get hands on feedback as Student may forget after time Portfolios Students can be assessed No valid grading criteria
to if your students have has passed individually
understood what was
Pop Quiz To capture previous Some students may not grasp Termly exams Gives you feedback to reveal Some students may not be
knowledge concepts as quickly as others if teaching has taken place able to put down what was
would learnt on a written paper
Think-Peer- Allows students to relate Students may be shy to stand Oral Testing Less time-consuming Some students may not be
Share what was taught to their up and talk in front of their able to get their point stated
fellow students in their fellow-classmates as fluently as others
own words which will
help others understand
better from their peer’s
point of view
Discussions Students get hands-on Arguments can occur when Performance Useful for measuring specific Some test items have no
feedback there are disagreements Testing abilities connections with life
Journals Teachers get the chance Time-consuming to grade Written Report Easy presentation of Useless for an illiterate
to keep track of their complex matter person
students’ progress

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