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SHS Computer Society

Article 1
General Provisions

SECTION 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution and By-Laws of the SHS
Computer Society.

Article II
Name and Domicile

SECTION 1. The organization shall be known as the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 2. The office of the SHS Computer Society shall be located inside the premises of the school.

Article III
Declaration of Principles and Objectives

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society aims to promote cyber awareness and literacy through different
activities that will enhance, strengthen and develop the ICT-related skills of Senior High
School students.

SECTION 2. The SHS Computer Society shall have the following objectives:
a. Establish specific and doable programs, projects and activities for broadening the
knowledge of students in the field of ICT;
b. Network with other government and non-government organizations; and
c. Develop among the members the proper values and attitudes especially during school-wide
contests and activities.

Article IV
Composition, Election and Term of Office

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society shall be composed of the duly elected President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer, and two (2)
Representatives from each senior high school grade level.

SECTION 2. Election shall be conducted school-wide annually every first week of July in a classroom
designated for the purpose.

SECTION 3. Notice of the conduct of election of officers shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous places
inside the school campus one month before the scheduled elections.
SECTION 4. Filing the certificate of candidacy shall be within the first two (2) weeks after the notice of
elections shall have been posted.

SECTION 5. The list of candidates for every position shall be certified by the Teacher Moderator and posted
two (2) weeks before the scheduled election in three (3) conspicuous places inside the school
campus particularly outside the classroom designated as the polling place, including therein the
submitted qualifications of the respective candidates and the time, date and venue of the

SECTION 6. Candidates for President must be:

a. A Grade 12 student of the current academic year;
b. Of good academic standing with a general average of at least 85%;
c. Of good moral character and have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanctions;

SECTION 7. Candidates for Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer,
Peace Officer and two (2) Representatives of each year level must be:
a. Officially enrolled in any year level in the current academic year;
b. Of good academic standing with a general average of at least 85%; and
c. Of good moral character and have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanctions.

SECTION 8. The officers of the SHS Computer Society shall hold office for one (1) academic year.

Article V
Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

SECTION 1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the SHS Computer Society. He/ She shall
have the following duties:
a. Preside over all meetings or may designate another officer to preside a specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution and By-Laws and other rules and regulations that may be
c. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences and other official papers of the SHS
Computer Society;
d. Represent the SHS Computer Society or designate his/her representative to any external or
internal affairs or functions; and
e. Perform such other functions inherent or incidental to his/her office.

SECTION 2. The Vice President shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the office of the President should the position became vacant;
c. Supervise the members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities; and
d. Perform such duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 3. The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and proceedings of every meeting;
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the SHS Computer Society and make
them accessible to all members;
c. Call and prepare all notices of the SHS Computer Society meetings; and
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Keep all financial records of the SHS Computer Society;
b. Serve as the disbursing officer of the entire SHS Computer Society fund;
c. Prepare the annual budget of the SHS Computer Society;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of the term;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization; and
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 5. The Auditor shall have the following duties:

a. Certify the legitimacy and the correctness of the disbursements of funds;
b. Audit all the expenditures of the SHS Computer Society fund;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update the inventory of all the properties of the SHS Computer Society; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 6. The Public Information Officer shall have the followings duties:
a. Popularize the thrust and objectives of the SHS Computer Society;
b. Be responsible for building and maintaining a credible image of the SHS Computer
c. Take charge in the promotion of SHS Computer Society projects and activities; and
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 7. The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:

a. Help the presiding officer in maintaining peace and order during meetings;
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if needed; and
c. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 8. The two (2) Representatives in each year level shall have the following duties:
a. Voice out the opinions and views of the senior high school student body; and
b. Perform such other duties assigned by the President of the SHS Computer Society.

Article VI

SECTION 1. All bona fide senior high school students of Cagayan National High School, with specific
interest to develop his/her abilities and broaden his/her capabilities in the field of Information
technology are eligible to be members of the SHS Computer Society.

Article VII
Rights of Members

SECTION 1. Every member has the right to enjoy freedom of speech and expression.
SECTION 2. Every member has the right to avail the services offered by the SHS Computer Society.
SECTION 3. Every member has the right to conduct and participate in all of the organization’s activities.
SECTION 4. Every member has the right to information on all the issues and matters concerning them.
SECTION 5. Every member has the right to vote and be elected into office.

Article VIII
Duties and Obligations of Members

SECTION 1. Every member must strictly follow the rules and regulations of the school and the organization.

SECTION 2. Every member must pay all the SHS Computer Society fees on time as authorized by the DepEd
issuances and/or by the Parents – Teachers Association.

SECTION 3. Every member must support and promote the thrust and objectives of the SHS Computer
SECTION 4. Every member must abide by the SHS Computer Society constitution and by – laws.

SECTION 5. Every member must participate actively in all school and organizational activities.

SECTION 6. Every member must exercise his/her right and perform his/her duties as a SHS Computer
Society member responsibly.

Article IX
SHS Computer Society Moderators

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society Moderators shall be the current adviser of the SHS Computer
Society and Co-Adviser.
SECTION 2. The Moderators shall lead and operationalize the SHS Computer Society and its activities in
the school level with the guidance of the school head/ Principal.
SECTION 3. The SHS Computer Society Moderators shall, at all times, monitor the conduct of activities
and meetings of the SHS Computer Society.

Article X
Meetings and Quorum

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society shall conduct regular meetings every first week of the month, on
a day agreed upon by the officers of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 2. Special meetings of the SHS Computer Society may be called upon by the President or by
majority of the SHS Computer Society officers.

SECTION 3. Majority of the officers of the SHS Computer Society (50%+1) shall constitute quorum. In the
event that 50% is not a whole number, 50% shall be understood to be the next higher whole
SECTION 4. Each officer of the SHS Computer Society is entitled to only one vote.

SECTION 5. No proxy shall be allowed.

Article XI

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society funds are funds that come from donations, sponsorship, fund-
raising projects or any amount derived from other legitimate sources.

SECTION 2. The SHS Computer Society may under take fund-raising activities to subsidize its properties
or activities.

SECTION 3. The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any public or private person
or institution, for as long as it will not affect the integrity of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 4. The SHS Computer Society President and the Treasurer shall be the signatories of all fund
disbursements of the SHS Computer Society. All fund disbursements must be accompanied
with a SHS Computer Society resolution duly noted by the SHS Computer Society Moderator.
SECTION 5. The SHS Computer Society, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall promulgate financial
guidelines for proper financial management.

SECTION 6. Funds of the SHS Computer Society shall be audited at the end of every activity and after every

Article XII
Impeachment, Resignation and Vacancies

SECTION 1. The SHS Computer Society officers shall be removed through impeachment under the
following grounds:
a. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws;
b. Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority negligence, and disloyalty to the cause
of the SHS Computer Society and the school;
c. Non-attendance in meetings or three consecutive unexcused absences or six (6)
accumulated unexcused absences; and
d. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

SECTION 2. Two-thirds (2/3) vote of all SHS Computer Society officers and the approval of the SHS
Computer Society Moderator shall be necessary to decide a case of impeachment.

SECTION 3. The decision shall be final. However, the officer charged shall be informed fifteen (15) days
prior to his/her impeachment proceedings of the charge/charges against him/her, to afford
him/her the opportunity to be head of the defense.

SECTION 4. Resignation shall be in writing and subject to the approval of the SHS Computer Society.
SECTION 5. Any vacancy in any of position by the reason of death, resignation, impeachment or transfer
shall be filled subject to the recommendation of the SHS Computer Society.

SECTION 6. Any vacancy in any of the SHS Computer Society positions shall be filled within thirty (30)
days from the day the position is vacated through the same electoral procedures.

Article XIII

SECTION 1. The Constitution and By-Laws of the SHS Computer Society may be amended or modified in
whole or in part once every three years from its approval.

SECTION 2. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon its approval
by the advisers and the elected officers of the SHS Computer Society.

Prepared by:


SHS Computer Society President SHS Computer Society Peace Officer
SHS Computer Society Vice President SHS Computer Society Grade 11 Representative
SHS Computer Society Secretary SHS Computer Society Grade 11 Representative
SHS Computer Society Treasurer SHS Computer Society Grade 12 Representative
SHS Computer Society Auditor SHS Computer Society Grade 12 Representative
SHS Computer Society Public Information Signed by:
Recommending Approval: SHS Computer Society Adviser


P1/TVL-in-Charge SHS Computer Society Co- Adviser


Secondary School Principal IV

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