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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi

Keseimbangan Lintasan

Laboratorium Sistem Produksi

Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Hasil Pembelajaran
• Umum
ƒ Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan model matematik,
heuristik dan teknik statistik untuk menganalisis dan
merancang suatu sistem perencanaan dan pengendalian

• Khusus
ƒ Memahami konsep keseimbangan lintasan

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Various Objects
• Part: is composed of a single material and is an individual
part of the product
• Component: ranges from a part to a combination of parts
which are included in the product
• Building block: a composite part of the product which
because of assembly requirements represents a sub-
• Base component: a (larger) component onto which others
are assembled
• Formless material: e.g. viscose components such as glue,
paint, liquids
• Sub-assembly: one component is assembled with another
component, a base component or building block
• Final assembly: describes the construction of a building
block or the finished product

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Assembly Example

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Exploded Assembly

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The assembly of a joint

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

The concept of sub and final assembly

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Step by step assembly

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An integrated approach

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Fabrication/Assembly Line

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Fabrication/Assembly Line
• A production/fabrication line builds components on a series
of machines
• An assembly line puts the fabricated parts together at a
series of workstations
• Both are repetitive processes and in both cases, the line
must be balanced
• Fabrication lines tend to be machine-paced and require
mechanical and engineering changes to facilitate balancing
• Assembly lines tend to be paced by work tasks assigned to
individuals or workstations
• Assembly lines therefore can be balanced by moving task
form one individual or workstation to another. In this
manner, the amount of time required by each individual or
workstation is equalized

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Assembly Line Balancing

• Assembly line is a production line in which material moves
continuously at a uniform average rate through a sequence
of workstations where assembly work is performed
• Assembly accounts for between 40-60% of the total
production time
• Down time of an assembly line costs a major car
manufacturer $98,000 per minute
• Line balancing is usually done to minimize imbalance
between individual/machine/workstation while meeting a
required output from the line
• Problems in assembly lines: balancing the workstations and
keeping the assembly line in continuous production

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Types of assembly line balancing problems

• Simple assembly line balancing type I (SALB-I):
is to determine the minimal number of
workstations necessary to maintain the
production rate (1/CT) while observing the
precedence constraints

• Simple assembly line balancing type II (SALB-II):

is to assign task to a fixed number of
workstations to maximize the production rate
while observing the precedence constraints

• SALB-I is a more common problem than SALB-II

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

• Assembled product: the product that passes through a
sequence of workstations where tasks are performed on the
product until it is completed at the final workstation. The
throughput of the assembly line is measured by the number
of assembled products per unit time
• Work element: a part of the total work content in an
assembly process.
• N: The total number of work elements required to complete
the assembly
• i: the work element number in the process (1≤i≤ N)
• Workstation (WS): a location on the assembly line where a
work element or elements are performed on the product.
• K denotes the minimum number of workstations, K≥1

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

• Cycle time (CT): the time between the
completion of 2 successive assemblies, assumed
constant for all assemblies for a given conveyor
speed. Conveyors are the key material movers in
most assembly lines: belt, chain, overhead,
pneumatic, and screw conveyors
T T= production time available per day
CT =
d d= demand per day or production per day
• Station time (ST): the sum of the times of work
elements that are performed at the same
workstation. ST≤CT
• Delay/idle time of a workstation: the difference
between the cycle time (CT) and the station time
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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

• The number of work statations

∑t i m= the number of elements

K = i =1
CT ti= the time for element i

• Precedence diagram: a diagram that describes

the ordering in which work elements should be
performed. It shows that some jobs cannot be
performed unless their predecessors are
completed. The layout of workstations along the
assembly line depends on the precedence

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

• Perfect balance means to combine the elements of work to
be done in such a manner that at each station the sum of
the elemental times just equals the cycle time (D=CT-

• Line efficiency (LE): the ratio of total station time to the

cycle time
multiplied by the number of workstations
∑ ST i
LE = i =1
( K )(CT ) STi =the time for station i

• Smoothness index (SI): an index to indicate the relative

smoothness of a given assembly line balance. A
smoothness index of zero indicates a perfect balance

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

• SI is expressed as K
SI = ∑(ST
max−STi )2

• Restrictions in designing an assembly line:

ƒ Precedence relationship
ƒ The number of workstations cannot be greater than the
number of work elements (operations). The minimum
number of workstations is 1. (1≤i ≤ N)
ƒ The cycle time is greater than or equal to the maximum
time of any station time and of the time of any work
element ti. The station time should not be exceed the
cycle time. ti≤STi≤CT

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Contoh 1
• Diketahui precedence diagram berikut:

3 4 2 6
2 3 7 8

5 5 1 7
1 6 9 12

3 6 4 4
4 5 10 11

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(1)
1. Gambarkan precedence diagram. Bagi elemen-
elemen kerja dalam diagram tersebut ke dalam
kolom-kolom. Kolom I adalah elemen-elemen
kerja yang tidak memiliki elemen kerja
pendahulu (predecessor). Kolom II adalah
elemen-elemen kerja dengan elemen kerja
pendahulu di Kolom I. Kolom III adalah elemen-
elemen kerja dengan elemen kerja pendahulu di
Kolom II, dan seterusnya.

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(2)

3 4 2 6
2 3 7 8

5 5 1 7
1 6 9 12

3 6 4 4
4 5 10 11


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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(3)
2. Tentukan waktu siklus (CT) dari bilangan prima waktu
total elemen kerja ∑ t , dan tentukan jumlah stasiun kerja

i =1

∑t m

∑t = 50
K = i =1 i
CT i =1

Bilangan prima untuk 50 adalah 2 x 5 x 5, sehingga

alternatif waktu siklus adalah: 2, 5, 10, 25 dan 50.
Alternatif waktu siklus mana yang tidak mungkin?

CT=2 dan CT=5 Kenapa?

Karena syarat: 7≤CT ≤ 50
Bila dipilih CT=10, maka jumlah stasiun
kerja minimum adalah 50/10 = 5

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(4)
3. Tempatkan elemen-elemen kerja ke stasiun
kerja sedemikian sehingga total waktu elemen
kerja tidak melebihi waktu siklus. Hapus elemen
kerja yang sudah ditempatkan dari daftar
elemen kerja
4. Bila penempatan suatu elemen kerja
mengakibatkan total waktu elemen kerja
melebihi waktu siklus maka elemen kerja
tersebut ditempatkan di stasiun kerja berikutnya
5. Ulangi Langkah 3 dan 4 sampai seluruh elemen
kerja ditempatkan

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(5)

Salah satu solusi feasible untuk Contoh 1 adalah:

Work Station Elemen Waktu stasiun (ST)
I 1 5
II 2 dan 4 6
III 3 dan 5 10
IV 6 5
V 7, 9, dan 10 7
VI 8 dan 11 10
VII 12 7

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(6)

Untuk menjalankan Langkah 3 pada Metoda Kilbridge-Weston,

hitung jumlah elemen kerja pendahulu untuk setiap elemen.
Elemen dengan jumlah pendahulu terkecil ditempatkan
terlebih dahulu.

Elemen Jumlah Elemen Jumlah Tempatkan Elemen 1 di

1 0 7 6 Stasiun 1, kemudian Elemen
2 1 8 7 2 atau 4. Bila dipilih Elemen
3 2 9 6 2 maka jumlah total waktu
4 1 10 6 elemen adalah 8. Elemen 4
5 2 11 7 tidak bisa ditempatkan ke
6 5 12 11 Statsiun 1 karena akan
menyebabkan total waktu
elemen 11, yang melebihi CT

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(7)

Elemen 4 kemudian ditempatkan di Stasiun 2. Lanjutkan

langkah ini untuk elemen dengan jumlah pendahulu terkecil
berikutnya sampai seluruh elemen ditempatkan.

Stasiun Elemen ST CT-ST

I 1 dan 2 8 2
II 4 dan 5 9 1
III 3 dan 6 9 1
IV 7, 9 dan 10 7 3
V 8 dan 11 10 0
VI 12 7 3 = 83,3%

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Kilbridge-Weston Heuristic(8)

Dengan coba-coba dapat diperoleh alternatif berikut:

Stasiun Elemen ST CT-ST

I 1 dan 2 8 1
II 4 dan 5 9 0
III 3 dan 6 9 0
IV 7 dan 8 8 1
V 10 dan 11 8 1
VI 9 dan 12 8 1

LE= 50/(6x9) = 92,6%

SI = 4 =2

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Metoda Helgeson-Birnie(1)
• Metoda ini disebut juga Teknik Bobot Posisi.
• Gambarkan precedence diagram.
1. Hitung bobot posisi setiap elemen kerja. Bobot posisi
suatu elemen adalah jumlah waktu elemen-elemen
pada rantai terpanjang mulai elemen tersebut sampai
elemen terakhir
2. Urut elemen-elemen menurut bobot posisi dari besar ke
3. Tempatkan elemen kerja dengan bobot terbesar pada
stasiun kerja sepanjang tidak melanggar hubungan
precedence dan waktu stasiun tidak melebihi waktu
4. Ulangi Langkah 3 sampai seluruh elemen ditempatkan

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Metoda Helgeson-Birnie(2)
• Contoh: perhitungan bobot Elemen 6 adalah:

Max{(5+2+6+7), (5+1+7), (5+4+4+7)}= 20

Elemen Jumlah Elemen Jumlah

1 34 7 15
2 27 8 13
3 24 9 8
4 29 10 15
5 25 11 11
6 20 12 7
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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Metoda Helgeson-Birnie(3)
• Hasil pengurutan menurut bobot posisi dari besar
ke kecil

Elemen Jumlah Elemen Jumlah

1 34 7 15
4 29 10 15
2 27 8 13
5 25 11 11
3 24 9 8
6 20 12 7

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Metoda Helgeson-Birnie(4)

Solusi dari metoda ini

Stasiun Elemen ST CT-ST
I 1 dan 4 8 2
II 2 dan 5 9 1
III 3 dan 6 9 1
IV 7 dan 10 6 4
V 8 dan 11 10 0
VI 9 dan 12 8 2

LE= 50/(6x10) = 83,3%

SI = 26 =5,09

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Mathematical model(1)

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Departemen Teknik Industri FTI-ITB

Mathematical model(2)

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Mathematical model(3)

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Mathematical model(4)

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Mathematical model(5)

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Mathematical model(6)

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Mathematical model(7)

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Mathematical model(8)

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Mathematical model(9)

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Mathematical model(10)

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Mathematical model(11)

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